Public Disclosure Authorized

Restructuring of the Urban Component Under World Bank Loaned Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project

Public Disclosure Authorized

Environment Impact Assessment Report

Public Disclosure Authorized

April 2020 Public Disclosure Authorized Contents


1.1 ORIGIN OF PROJECT AND NECESSITY OF CONSTRUCTION ...... 1 1.1.1 Origin of project ...... 1 1.1.2 Necessity of construction ...... 2


1.2.1 Laws on environmental protection ...... 2 1.2.2 Regulations on environmental protection ...... 3 1.2.3 World Bank policies ...... 3

1.2.4 Main technical guidelines...... 7 1.2.5 Related technical documents ...... 7

1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ...... 8 1.3.1 Category of project EIA ...... 8 1.3.2 Overview of preparation of subproject EIA reports ...... 8 1.3.3 Main scope of assessment ...... 10 1.3.4 Assessment standards and objectives of environmental protection ...... 11 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT OVERVIEW ...... 17

2.1 PROJECT LOCATION ...... 17



3.1 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT ...... 23 3.1.1 Overview of natural environment ...... 23 3.1.2 Overview on the ecological environment...... 26 3.2.1 Overview of social environment ...... 29 3.2.2 Traffic conditions ...... 30


I 3.3.2 Investigation and assessment of current water environment quality ...... 31 3.3.3 Investigation and assessment of current atmospheric environment quality . 33 CHAPTER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES36

4.1 ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS ON SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT ...... 36 4.1.1 Analysis on positive social benefit ...... 36 4.1.2 Negative impact on social environment and mitigation measures ...... 39


4.2.1 Impacts on ecological environment and mitigation measures ...... 44 4.2.2 Impact on water environment and mitigation measures...... 49 4.2.3 Impact on atmospheric environment and mitigation measures ...... 52

4.2.4 Impact on acoustic environment and mitigation measures ...... 57





5.4 NOTICE POSTING ...... 72




6.1.1 Environmental management system and procedures ...... 78 6.1.3 Supervision organization ...... 79



6.4 EXECUTION PLAN FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MEASURES ...... 89 6.4.1 Environmental protection measures and cost estimates ...... 89

II 6.4.2 Execution plan for environmental protection measures ...... 95 6.5.1 Purpose of environmental monitoring ...... 100 6.5.2 Environmental monitoring plan ...... 100 6.5.3 Supervisory control and monitoring report procedures...... 103 6.5.4 Implementation suggestions on public participation during construction period ...... 103 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS ...... 105



III Chapter 1 General

1.1 Origin of project and necessity of construction

1.1.1 Origin of project At 8:02, April 20, 2013, a Magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Lushan, , causing severe damages to people’s life and properties in the disaster area. Lushan earthquake affected around 2,184,000 people in 32 counties (cities or districts) including Ya’an, , , , Ganzi, Liangshan and in Sichuan. For Ya’an City, 4.20 Lushan Earthquake damaged the urban infrastructures in “2 districts and 6 counties” in Ya’an City to a certain degree, seriously affecting local residents’ production and life and causing heavy losses to local economy. In order to improve the city’s ability to avoid disasters, restore the daily life and work of local residents, ensure the safety of people's lives and property and implement the urban sustainable development strategy, World Bank loans will be used according to the State Council’s Comments on Supporting Policies and Measures for Post-Lushan Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction, to improve the resilience of disaster-resistant infrastructures in disaster-stricken areas, strengthen risk prevention and improve disaster response capability. In accordance with the requirements and work arrangements of the National Development and Reform Commission and taking into account the needs of post-disaster reconstruction, urbanization and industrialization of the disaster area in Sichuan, the WB loans of 270 million US dollars are intended for the development of urban infrastructures in 7 counties (districts) in Ya’an City, i.e. Lushan, Yucheng, Tianquan, Mingshan, Yingjing, Baoxing and Shimian determined in the Mater Plan for Post-Lushan Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction, so as to improve the local disaster-relief and risk-avoidance

1 capabilities. At present, seven districts and counties in Ya'an City have actively invested the World Bank loan funds into the construction of the city's disaster-resistant infrastructure. After the procurement of civil works contracts, there are still some funds left. Four districts and counties in Ya'an City, namely Yucheng, Tianquan, Yingjing and Lushan, will use the remaining funds to enhance the urban drainage function, perfect the urban flood control and emergency rescue system and improve their respective comprehensive disaster prevention capability. 1.1.2 Necessity of construction The Restructuring Project includes embankment construction, flood discharge channel construction, emergency shelter construction, and road construction. Its implementation will help to improve the resilience of disaster-resistant infrastructure in the project area, improve the disaster-avoidance capability of the project area, and promote the recovery and reconstruction of disaster areas.

1.2 Preparation basis

1.2.1 Laws on environmental protection (1) Protection Law of the People's Republic of (effective on January 1, 2015); (2) Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment (revised on December 29, 2018); (3) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution (effective on January 1, 2018); (4) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution (revised on October 26, 2018); (5) Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control

2 of Pollution from Noise (revised on December 29, 2018); (6) Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes (amended on June 5, 2019); (7) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation (effective on March 1, 2011); (8) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics (revised on November 4, 2017); (9) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife (effective on October 16, 2018). 1.2.2 Regulations on environmental protection (1) Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection (revised on July 16, 2017); (2) Catalogue of Classified Management for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (revised on April 28, 2018); (3) Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (effective on January 1, 2019); (4) Sichuan Environmental Protection Regulations (revised on September 22, 2017 and effective on January 1, 2018; 1.2.3 World Bank policies WB requirements include ten basic safeguard policies in which the EIA Policy (OP4.01) is basic requirements as well as one of the main bases on which the EIA report is prepared. The other policies will be reflected in the assessment on the basis of survey, analysis and screening.

3 Table 1-1 Analysis of compliance of the Project with World Bank safeguard policies

Applicable S/N Safeguard policy Compliance or not Category B project; in terms of environmental classification, OP/BP4.01 this project is a Category B project under World Bank loan and 1 Environmental Impact Yes this environmental classification has been acknowledged by Assessment the World Bank. Lushan Subproject involves embankment works; Yingjing and Tianquan subprojects involve improvement of flood discharge OP/BP4.04 2 Yes channel; the above subprojects may have disturbing effect on Natural Habitat the species in the local surface water. Therefore, this policy applies. This policy is not triggered. The Project will not involve major OP/BP4.36 3 No transformation or degradation activities involving important Forest areas or relevant key natural habitats defined in this policy. This policy is not triggered. The Project will not purchase any OP/BP4.09 4 No insecticide or cause increased consumption of insecticides. No Pest Management action will be required according to this policy. This policy is not triggered. The Project does not involve any cultural heritage site. The Construction Contractor shall stop OP/BP4.11 construction, protect the site and promptly report to relevant 5 Physical Cultural No departments according to relevant requirements of Law of the Resources People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics and of this policy when underground cultural relics or historical remains are encountered in the construction process. OP/BP4.37 6 No This policy is not triggered. There is no dam in the project area. Dam Safety OP/BP4.10 This policy is not triggered. No indigenous people live in the 7 No Indigenous People project area nor are they affected. OP/BP4.12 It is applicable to resettlement and Resettlement Action Plan 8 Involuntary Yes shall be prepared; Resettlement OP/BP7.50 This policy is not triggered. The project does not involve any 9 International No international waterway. Waterway Project OP/BP7.60 This policy is not triggered. The Project does not involve any 10 No Disputed Area Project disputed site.

World Bank EHS Guideline (general guideline), sewage treatment part of Water, Hygienic Condition, Health and Safety Guideline and waste collection and transportation part of EHS Guideline for Waste Management

4 Facilities also apply to the Project. According to the current development of covid-19, World Bank`s COVID-19 CONSIDERATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION/CIVIL WORKS PROJECTS, WHO`s Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19, Rational use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management for the COVID-19 virus also apply to the Project. Mitigation measures included in the Environmental Management Plan of the Project are in full compliance with the above guidelines, especially the provisions related to construction management. It should be noted that provisions in the Guidelines are basically consistent with China’s laws, regulations, guidelines and construction management codes.

Table 1-2 List of project compliance with World Bank EHS Guidelines Compliance with Environmental Impact World Bank EHS Guidelines Assessment/Environmental Management Plan If facilities or projects are close to identified ecologically sensitive regions (such as national None of the subprojects involves nature reserves, park), reduce increase of pollution level as much as scenic spots, historical sites, forest parks or drinking possible. In addition, appropriate mitigation water intake points. Therefore, the ambient of the measures include application of clean fuels and project will have no ecologically sensitive region. technologies and implementation of comprehensive pollution control measures. Dust or particulate matters (PM) are the most During the construction period, apply dust control common pollutants of unorganized emissions. methods (including covering, water spraying or Particles may be generated by certain operations increasing water content of material stack in the open (transportation and open storage of solid materials) air) and use water spraying method to control delivered and exposed soil surfaces (including unpaved materials on paved or unpaved roads. roads).

5 Table 1-3 List of project compliance with World Bank Water, Hygienic Condition, Health and Safety

Guideline Water, Hygienic Condition, Health and Safety Compliance with Environmental Impact Guideline Assessment/Environmental Management Plan During the construction period, no industrial Industrial wastewater, domestic wastewater, wastewater is discharged and domestic wastewater is wastewater generated by operation of utilities and treated by existing sewage treatment facilities of rented rainwater, which is to be discharged to public or houses. private wastewater treatment systems, shall meet During project operation period, domestic sewage is pretreatment and monitoring requirements of the transported by the existing sewage pipeline network to wastewater treatment systems. the sewage treatment plant. Rainwater shall be separated from industrial and domestic wastewater so as to reduce the Rainwater is separated from sewage in project area. wastewater that is allowed to be discharged only after treatment; Select equipment with a low sound power level, install If it is expected that noise generated by project vibration isolation devices for mechanical equipment, facilities or operations exceeds relevant noise and limit operation time of special equipment or indexes at the most sensitive receiving point, noise operations, especially mobile noise sources passing prevention and control measures shall be taken. through communities.

Table 1-4 List of project compliance with World Bank EHS Guideline for Waste Management

Facilities Compliance with Environmental Impact EHS Guideline for Waste Management Facilities Assessment/Environmental Management Plan The spoils are transported to designated spoil ground Collection and transportation of wastes for unified disposal. Encourage the use of dustbin or garbage bags at the refuse collecting stations around each house and building; collect refuse at a frequency high enough to avoid garbage accumulation; cover the refuse collecting and transport vehicle to prevent refuse being blown away by wind on the road; Collect garbage regularly; Prepare cleaning plans for garbage collection Garbage is placed at designated points and sent vehicles and all garbage collection vessels of the uniformly by Sanitation Service to the refuse enterprises; processing plant. Promote use of garbage bags to avoid polluting garbage collection equipment. Optimize garbage collection route to reduce travel distance, fuel consumption and emissions; Set up transfer stations for small garbage collection vehicles to transfer the collected

6 garbage to a large vehicle to send the garbage to the refuse processing plant. 1.2.4 Main technical guidelines 1. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - General Programme (HJ 2.1-2016); 2. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Atmospheric Environment (HJ 2.2-2018); 3. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment – Surface Water Environment (HJ/T 2.3-2018); 4. Technical Guidelines for Noise Impact Assessment (HJ 2.4-2009); 5. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment – Groundwater Environment (HJ 610-2016); 6. Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment – Ecological Environment (HJ 19-2011); 7. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment on Projects (HJ 169-2018); 8. Technical Criterion for Eco-Environmental Status Evaluation (HJ 192-2015); 9. Regulation of Techniques for Comprehensive Control of Soil Erosion (GB/T 16543.1~16453.6-2008); 10. Technical Code on Soil and Water Conservation of Development and Construction Projects (GB 50433-2008). 1.2.5 Related technical documents Feasibility Study Report on Subprojects; Resettlement Action Plan Report on Subprojects; Social Impact Assessment Report on Subprojects; World Bank Loaned Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project: Pre-appraisal Comments;

7 World Bank Loaned Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project: Mid-term Review Mission AM; Interim inspection memorandum for Restructuring of the Urban Infrastructures for Component Under World Bank Loaned Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project

1.3 Environmental assessment

1.3.1 Category of project EIA The main objective of the proposed project is to improve the resilience of disaster-resistant infrastructure in the project area and improve the disaster-avoidance capability of the project area. The areas in which the proposed project is located are not concentrated in one place. In addition, according to the site survey and visit by WB’s EIA experts, the Project Team from Sichuan Project Office of World Bank and Subproject EIA Consultant, no subproject involves ecological sensitive and fragile areas, areas requiring special protection or attracting social concerns and other environmentally sensitive areas. Therefore, the Project is classified as Category B World Bank Loaned Project. 1.3.2 Overview of preparation of subproject EIA reports EIA documents for each subproject shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements for approval of EIA in China as well as those of the WB safeguard policies. According to the suggestions of WB’s EIA experts, Sichuan Project Office of World Bank has organized training for the EIA Consultant, Design Institute and consulting experts involved in the World Bank Loaned Project so that they can familiarize themselves with WB policies and requirements, comprehensively consider possible WB safeguard policies applicable to the project and reflect them in the EIA documents.

8 EIA Consultant and participants in the Restructuring Project have the capability to prepare an environmental impact report (statement) on construction projects and have researchers and engineers in various disciplines such as environmental engineering, environmental science, sociology, human geography, ecology, and traffic engineering. The EIA Consultant has undertaken EIA work for World Bank loaned municipal projects, railway projects, post-disaster urban infrastructure reconstruction projects, etc in recent years. There are totally 4 copies of EIA documents for the Restructuring Project. The documents are all EIA Statements approved by Environmental Protection Bureau having jurisdiction over the respective district or county in which each subproject is located according to the state requirements for EIA classification management. The 4 subprojects in this project will pass the review of local Environmental Protection Bureau in April 2020 and it is anticipated that the approval will be obtained in May 2020. The subprojects of the Restructuring Project are summarized in Table 1-5.

Table 1-5 Summary of Subprojects of the Restructuring Project Project Project S/N Project content and size investment location (10,000 yuan) River Two new sections of embankment works, totaling embankment 5.86km, including 0.54km for Lushan River and 5.32km works for Xichuan River will be executed. Lushan 1 Flood discharge A new flood drainage channel with a total length of 24898.82 County channel works 2.38km will be built. Emergency shelter A new Level III emergency shelter with an area of about works 20,000 m² will be built. Flood discharge A flood discharge channel in the south of the county with channel works a total length of 3381.00m will be reconstructed. Yingjing Three new Level III shelters, namely the Xincheng 2 Emergency Shelter , covering an area of 18,275m², Binhe 18306.04 County Emergency shelter Emergency Shelter covering an area of 20,480m² and the works Chengnan Emergency Shelter, covering 8812 m2 will be built.

9 Project Project S/N Project content and size investment location (10,000 yuan) Reconstruction of 3 flood drainage channels, namely, 3 existing drainage channels including 1# drainage Flood discharge channel, 2# drainage channel and 3# drainage channel, channel works with a total length of 3447 m; A new flood discharge pipe, with a total length of 1131m, will be built. A new Level III emergency shelter, Shiyang Emergency Tianquan Emergency shelter Shelter, covering an area of 11,440m², will be built. 3 27729.31 County works A Level III emergency shelter, Chama Emergency Shelter, covering an area of 25,359m², will be upgraded. Reconstruction of 4 roads: 1117.466m road for 1# drainage pipe, 1060.126m road for 1# drainage channel, 756.703m for 2# drainage channel and 806.523 m for 3# Road works drainage channel; Construction of a new road: 725.734m road for the emergency shelter. Construction of 3 new intercepting and discharge channels, 6037.45m long, of which 1244.50m are open channels along Zhougongshan (Daxing 1# channel); two drainage channels in the area (Daxing 2# and 3# channels). Daxing 2# channel is 4080.58m long and Flood discharge Daxing 3# channel is 712.37m long. channel works Construction of a new flood discharge channel (Yaoqiao Yucheng 1# channel) from Yaoqiao to , which is 4 34394.26 District 395m long and closed conduit; reconstruction of 1415m intercepting channel along the North Outer Ring Road (Yaoqiao 2# channel), which is open channel. Emergency shelter A new Level II standard shelter with an area of 29,500m² works will be built. Reconstruction of a road: Longzhou Road in Yucheng Road works District for emergency access, with a total length of 4,624.921 meters and 21m wide right-of-way. 1.3.3 Main scope of assessment The scope of EIA for each subproject is presented in Table 1-6. Table 1-6 Scope of assessment Assessment content Scope of assessment Immediately affected areas and the surrounding areas; the immediately affected Social environment area is generally within 200m of both sides of the road and embankment; the whole city/town where the project is located. Areas within 300m of both sides of the route and within 300m of both sides of the Ecological embankment centerline; immediately affected area and the area within 500m of Environment the immediately affected area for the emergency shelter; river sections involved in the project. Acoustic The area within 200m of both sides of the road centerline; the area within 200m of environment perimeter of the emergency shelter The area within 200m of both sides of the road centerline; the scope of assessment Ambient air is the area within 200m of both sides of the embankment; the area within 500m of the construction area of the emergency shelter Rivers within 200m of both sides of the road centerline and within 20mm of the Surface water construction area of the emergency shelter; 500m upstream and 1,000m environment downstream of the river embankment works

10 1.3.4 Assessment standards and objectives of environmental protection 1 Assessment standards EIA standards for each subproject are determined based on the EIA standards and requirements of the Environmental Protection Bureau having authority over the project site. 2 Objectives of pollution control and environment protection (1) Objectives of pollution control According to site visit and survey on status quo of social and ecological environment along or around the line in each subproject of the Project conducted by Subproject EIA Consultants, there is no nature reserve, wildlife, places of interest under state protection or officially protected monuments and sites in the scope of assessment for the subprojects. According to the nature of each subproject and characteristics of surrounding environment, the objectives of environmental protection are identified as follows: 1) Minimize the impact of noise, waste gas and dust during construction on environmentally sensitive areas including densely populated area, schools, hospitals and water source zones; taken engineering and environmental protection measures to reduce the impact on ecological environment during construction such as soil erosion and vegetation damages and the impact on surface water and groundwater; 2) After project implementation, the qualities of surface water and atmospheric environment will improve; the quality of acoustic environment is not apparently poorer than the status quo; 3) Avoid and reduce adverse impact on the natural and social resources in the project area; 4) Rehabilitate vegetations affected by construction, improve water and soil conservation level and maintain the integrity of regional ecological

11 system. (2) Objectives of protection of environmentally sensitive areas According to the site survey of the EIA Consultant, the local yearbook and data and the investigation of the natural environment, ecological environment, cultural relics and residences, no subproject will affect any national conservation area, landscape resort or forest park; none of these subprojects will affect any rare or precious plant, endangered animal/plant or national protected animal/plant. Therefore, the environmentally sensitive points and environmental protection targets in this project are mainly the residents, hospitals, schools, administrative buildings and local surface water bodies to be affected by this project, as shown in Table 1-7.

12 Table 1-7 Objectives of protection of environmentally sensitive areas County Environmentally /district sensitive spot and Impact factor Overview of sensitive spots Location subproj No. Description ect name Lushan Junior 4-6 storey teaching building; about 60m south of Xichuan River 1 Middle Air and noise 3,000 students and 78 teachers embankment School Villagers in The distribution is relatively 40m south of Xichuan River 2 Shabatou Air and noise concentrated, with 3-5 storey embankment Village brick-concrete buildings. Lushan 4-storey teaching building which 70m east of Xichuan River 3 County Air and noise accommodates about 800 teachers embankment Kindergarten and students Residents of The distribution is relatively 70m on both sides of Xichuan 4 Xijiang Air and noise concentrated, with 3-6 storey River embankment Village brick-concrete buildings. No. 2 Primary 4-6 storey teaching buildings 5 School of Air and noise which accommodate about 2,000 65m east of Lushan River Luyang Town teachers and students Lushan People's County Government 5-storey building with about 40 6 Air and noise 50m east of Emergency shelter Subpro of Lushan people ject County Villagers of Water The distribution is relatively 100m west of the Emergency 7 Fengjia environment concentrated, with 3-5 storey shelter Village and ecology brick-concrete buildings. Villagers of Water The distribution is relatively 100m north of the Emergency 8 Qingjiang environment concentrated, with 3-5 storey shelter Village and ecology brick-concrete buildings. Water Xichuan Water body associated with 9 environment Water body Class III River Xichuan River embankment and ecology Water Water body associated with 10 Lushan River environment Water body Class III Lushan River embankment and ecology Water Qingjiang Water body associated with 11 environment Water body Class III Channel Qingjiang Channel and ecology Xincheng The distribution is relatively Residents around the Xincheng Xinju 1 Air and noise concentrated, with 6-15 storey Residential brick-concrete buildings. Area Emergency Shelter Yandao No. 2 Middle 4-6 storey teaching buildings 170m southeast of Xincheng 2 School in Air and noise which accommodate about 2,000 Yingjin Yingjing teachers and students Emergency Shelter g County County Yingjing 90m northwest of the Binhe Subpro 5-storey building with about 30 3 County Air and noise ject people Government Emergency Shelter The distribution is relatively Jinhaian 70m northeast of the Binhe 4 Air and noise concentrated, with 6-15 storey Compound Emergency Shelter brick-concrete buildings. The distribution is relatively Kangju 20m southeast of the Chengnan 5 Air and noise concentrated, with 10 - 15 storey Compound Emergency Shelter brick-concrete buildings.

13 County Environmentally /district sensitive spot and Impact factor Overview of sensitive spots Location subproj No. Description ect name Xinnancun The distribution is relatively 35m east and west of the 6 Residential Air and noise concentrated, with 3 - 5 storey Chengnan Emergency Shelter Area brick-concrete buildings. Scattered The distribution is relatively houses along 5-10m on both sides along the 7 Air and noise disperse, with 3-5 storey the Chengnan Chengnan Waterway brick-concrete buildings. Waterway Yandao No. 1 4-6 storey teaching buildings 60m south of the Chengnan 8 Middle Air and noise which accommodate about 2,000 Waterway School teachers and students 5m south of the Binhe Water Yjingjing Emergency Shelter and 5m 9 environment Water body Class III River north of the Chengnan and ecology Emergency Shelter Water Chengnan Water body associated with the 10 environment Water body Class III Waterway works and ecology Residential The distribution is relatively 3m east of the starting point of Area in Group 1 Air and noise concentrated, with 3-6 storey the road for 1# drainage 9, Xincun brick-concrete buildings. channel Village Shiyang Middle 5-storey teaching building which 5m east of the starting point of 2 School in Air and noise accommodates about 1500 the road for 1# drainage Tianquan teachers and students channel County No. 1 Central Primary 4-5 storey teaching buildings 8m east of the starting point of 3 School of Air and noise which accommodate about 800 the road for 1# drainage pipe Shiyang teachers and students Town Xincun Village 10m east of the starting point 4-storey building with about 20 4 Committee, Air and noise of the road for 2# drainage people Shiyang channel Tianqu Town an People's County Government 5-storey building with about 50 45m north of the Shiyang Subpro 5 Air and noise of Shiyang people Emergency shelter ject Town Fenghuang The distribution is relatively Road 3m on both sides of the road 6 Air and noise concentrated, with 3-4 storey Residential for 3# drainage channel brick-concrete buildings. Area Central Health Center 3m west of the road for 3# 7 Air and noise 50 beds and 27 doctors of Shiyang drainage channel Town The distribution is relatively Beicheng 100m north of the Chama 8 Air and noise concentrated, with 6 - 12 storey Image Emergency Shelter brick-concrete buildings. No.1 middle 4-5 storey teaching buildings school of 165m southeast of the Chama 9 Air and noise which accommodate about 800 Tianquan Emergency Shelter teachers and students County The distribution is relatively 5m northwest of the Chama 10 Wufu Garden Air and noise concentrated, with 6 - 12 storey Emergency Shelter

14 County Environmentally /district sensitive spot and Impact factor Overview of sensitive spots Location subproj No. Description ect name brick-concrete buildings. Water Drainage Water body associated with the 11 environment Water body Class III channel works and ecology Water Southwest of the proposed Tianquan 12 environment Water body Class III flood control and emergency River and ecology rescue channel About 560m northeast of Jinfeng 1 Air and noise / Yaoqiao Flood Dishcarge Temple Channel Yucheng No. 3-4 storey teaching buildings 4 Primary 50m south of Yaoqiao Flood 2 Air and noise which accommodate about 1,000 School in Dishcarge Channel teachers and students Ya'an City Ya'an Children's About 40m south of Yaoqiao 3 Air and noise About 100 people Welfare Flood Dishcarge Channel Home Yucheng No. 5-6 storey teaching buildings 2 Middle About 70m east of Yaoqiao 4 Air and noise which accommodate about 1500 School in Flood Dishcarge Channel teachers and students Ya'an City Ya'an No. 4 About 60m north of Daxing 5 People's Air and noise 740 beds and 400 employees Flood Discharge Channel Hospital Second Hospital District of Y About 50m north of Daxing 6 Air and noise 650 beds and 350 employees 'an Municipal Flood Discharge Channel People's Yuchen Hospital g Ya'an Centers District Five-storey building with 100 About 315m north of Daxing 7 for Disease Air and noise Subpro employees Flood Discharge Channel Control ject Lingdi The distribution is relatively About 50m east of Daxing 8 Lantaifu Air and noise concentrated, with 16-20 storey Flood Discharge Channel Compound brick-concrete buildings. The distribution is relatively Residents of About 10m west of Daxing 9 Air and noise concentrated, with 3-6 storey Daxing Town Flood Discharge Channel brick-concrete buildings. Riverside The distribution is relatively About 40m west of Longzhou Oscar 10 Air and noise concentrated, with 16-20 storey Road Emergency Relief Retail/Reside brick-concrete buildings. Passage ntial Building About 8m south of Longzhou Ya'an Heping 11 Air and noise 100 beds and 80 employees Road Emergency Relief Hospital Passage Central 3-5 storey teaching buildings About 140m north of Primary 12 Air and noise which accommodate about 800 Longzhou Road Emergency School of teachers and students Relief Passage Caoba Town Central About 390m north of Health Center 13 Air and noise 50 beds and 30 employees Longzhou Road Emergency of Caoba Relief Passage Town People's 4-storey building with about 20 About 60m north of Longzhou 14 Air and noise Government people Road Emergency Relief

15 County Environmentally /district sensitive spot and Impact factor Overview of sensitive spots Location subproj No. Description ect name of Caoba Passage Town 3-5 storey teaching buildings About 140m north of Caoba Middle 15 Air and noise which accommodate about 1,000 Longzhou Road Emergency School teachers and students Relief Passage Ya'an Campus of Chengdu 3-5 storey teaching buildings About 90m south of Longzhou Experimental 16 Air and noise which accommodate about 1,000 Road Emergency Relief Foreign teachers and students Passage Languages School The distribution is relatively Within 20mm of Longzhou Residents of 17 Air and noise disperse, with 3-4 storey Road Emergency Relief Caoba Town brick-concrete buildings. Passage No. 6 Primary 3-5 storey teaching buildings School of About 60m southwest of Hebei 18 Air and noise which accommodate about 1,000 Yucheng Emergency Shelter teachers and students District Yucheng 3-5 storey teaching buildings Experimental About 480m west of Hebei 19 Air and noise which accommodate about 1,000 Primary Emergency Shelter teachers and students School People's Hospital of About 430m southwest of 20 Air and noise 870 beds and 500 employees Yucheng Hebei Emergency Shelter District Heng Bo About 160m southwest of 21 Ya’an Air and noise 150 beds and 50 employees Hebei Emergency Shelter Hospital Xishu The distribution is relatively About 40m west of Hebei 22 Mingyuan Air and noise concentrated, with 16-storey Emergency Shelter Compound brick-concrete buildings. Water As close as about 180m to the 23 Qingyi River environment Water body Class III east and ecology Water 24 Longxi River environment Water body Class III About 30m to the east and ecology The environmental impact on residential areas, government office areas, hospitals, schools, etc comes from poorer air quality and noise bothering the residents nearby caused by construction in construction period. It is a short-term controllable local impact. Road works may cause traffic noise which will affect residents on either side of the road in operation period.

16 Chapter 2 Project Overview

2.1 Project location

Subprojects of the Restructuring Project are mostly undertaken in 4 counties (districts) of Ya’an City in Sichuan and it is geographically arranged as shown in the table below and the Figures 2-1 and 2-2.

Table 2-1 Geographical locations of subprojects of the Restructuring Project Project-related S/N Geographical location Layout plan of the project county/district Luyang Town and Siyan 1 Lushan County Township, Lushan County, Ya’an See Figure 1 City Yandao Town, , 2 Yingjing County See Figure 2 Ya’an City Shiyang Town and Chengxiang 3 Town, Tianquan County, Ya’an See Figure 3 City 4 Yucheng District, Ya’an City See Figure 4

Sichuan Province Ya’an City

Fig. 2-1 Location of Sichuan Province

17 Lushan County

Tianquan County

Yucheng District

Yingjing County

Fig. 2-2 Distribution of Subprojects of the Restructuring Project

2.2 Construction content, scale and investment

The civil works of the Restructuring Project are mostly river embankment construction, flood discharge channel construction, emergency shelter construction, and road construction. The construction content, scale, investment and construction period of the subprojects are presented in Table 2-2.

18 Table 2-2 Summary of construction content, scale and investment of each subproject Total investment S/N Project name Construction content Main works and scale (10,000 yuan) River Two new sections of embankment works, totaling 5.86km, including 0.54km for embankment Lushan River and 5.32km for Xichuan River will be executed. works Main Flood A new flood drainage channel with a total length of 2.38km will be built. The works discharge preceding section is 1.62km long; the following section is 0.76km long. Add channel works guardrails on both sides of the flood discharge channel. River embankment Emergency Construction of a new Level III shelter with a total area of about 20,000 m² and an works, flood shelter underground area of about 17,000 m² as well as 570 underground parking spaces. Lushan County discharge channel 1 River embankment works: reconstruction of d800 sewage pipe along the inner side 24898.82 Subproject works and of the Xichuan River embankment, with D400 sewage branch pipes reserved every Emergency shelter 120m. works Emergency shelter: provide disaster relief tents, simple movable houses, medical Auxiliary works aid and sanitation and epidemic prevention facilities, emergency water supply facilities, emergency power supply facilities, emergency sewage disposal facilities, emergency toilets, emergency garbage storage and transportation facilities, emergency passageways, emergency standards, emergency material reserves, and emergency special group areas.

Flood A flood control channel in the south of the county with a total length of 3381.00m discharge will be reconstructed. The depth of the channel is 2.0~4.0m, and the width of the Main channel is 4 ~ 5 m. The channel is designed for 20-year floods. Flood discharge works channel works Yingjing channel works and Three new Level III shelters, namely the Xincheng Emergency Shelter , covering 2 County Emergency 18306.04 Emergency shelter an area of 18,275m², Binhe Emergency Shelter covering an area of 20,480m² and Subproject 2 works shelter the Chengnan Emergency Shelter, covering 8812 m will be built. Flood discharge channel works: provide railings and 19 channel structures on the left side of the flood discharge channel. Auxiliary works Emergency shelters: emergency management building, emergency toilets, emergency garbage storage and transportation areas, emergency water supply and 19

Total investment S/N Project name Construction content Main works and scale (10,000 yuan) power supply facilities, emergency medical facilities, associated power, water and lighting facilities, underground garages, landscaping works, etc. Reconstruction of 3 flood drainage channels, namely, 3 existing drainage channels Flood including 1# drainage channel, 2# drainage channel and 3# drainage channel, with a discharge total length of 3447 m; channel works A new flood drainage channel, namely 1# drainage pipe, with a total length of 1131m, will be built. Road works, flood Main A new Level III emergency shelter, Shiyang Emergency Shelter, covering an area of Tianquan discharge channel works Emergency 11,440m², will be built. 3 County works and shelter A Level III emergency shelter, Chama Emergency Shelter, covering an area of 27729.31 Subproject Emergency shelter 25,359m², will be upgraded. works Reconstruction of 4 roads: 1117.466m road for 1# drainage pipe, 1060.126m road for 1# drainage channel, 756.703m for 2# drainage channel and 806.523 m for 3# Road works drainage channel; Construction of a new road: 725.734m road for the Shiyang Emergency Shelter . Execute associated drainage works, lighting works, power and communication Auxiliary project pipeline works, landscaping works, etc. Daxing District: Construction of 3 new intercepting and discharge channels, 6037.45m long, of which 1244.50m are open channels along Zhougongshan (Daxing 1# channel); two drainage channels in the area (Daxing 2# and 3# Flood channels). Daxing 2# channel is 4080.58m long and Daxing 3# channel is 712.37m Yucheng Road works and discharge long. Main 4 District Emergency shelter channel works Daxing District: Construction of a new flood discharge channel (Yaoqiao 1# 34394.26 works Subproject works channel) from Yaoqiao to Qingyi River, which is 395m long and closed conduit; reconstruction of 1415m intercepting channel along the North Outer Ring Road (Yaoqiao 2# channel), which is open channel. Emergency A new Level II emergency shelter with an area of 29,500m² and capacity of 6900 shelter works people will be built.


Total investment S/N Project name Construction content Main works and scale (10,000 yuan) Reconstruction of a road: Longzhou Road in Yucheng District for emergency access from the grade separation with Ya'an- Motorway (where the Road works Ya'an-Kangding Motorway crosses over Longzhou Road) to the exit of Ya'an-Leshan Motorway at Caoba, with a total length of 4,624.921 meters, 21m wide right-of-way and a design speed of 40km/h. It is an urban arterial road. Road works: Execute associated lighting works, power and communication pipeline works, landscaping works, etc. Auxiliary works Emergency shelter works: provide emergency shelter, outdoor rescue site, living service point, temporary material distribution point, temporary shelter area, underground parking lot, emergency toilet, pretreatment pool, etc.


2.3 Plan compatibility

According to Guiding Catalogue of Industrial Restructuring (Edition 2019) (Decree No. 29 of National Development and Reform Committee), the 4 subprojects under the World Bank Loaned Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project fit the categories in subclause 1 “river embankment construction and riverway and reservoir treatment works” in Item 2 “Conservancy”, subclause 3 “Construction of urban public transportation system”, and subclause 4 “Construction of Urban Road and Smart Traffic System” in Item 22 “Urban infrastructure”; and subclause 37 “Construction of infrastructure for emergency rescue base and public emergency experience” in Item 44 “Public safety and emergency products” in the encouraged category I. Based on the overall urban planning of the counties/districts, the 4 subprojects under the World Bank Loaned Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project all conform to the requirements of the local urban planning. Therefore, this project is encouraged by the state and complies with the current industrial policies, the local overall urban planning and the strategy for sustainable development of the country.

22 Chapter 3 Overview of Regional Environment

3.1 Natural environment

3.1.1 Overview of natural environment 1. Geographical location Ya’an is located at the western fringe of Sichuan Basin, upstream of the Changjiang River, and its coordinates are 28°51′10″-30°56′40″N and 101°56′26″-103°23′28″E. It neighbors Chengdu to the northeast, Meishan City to the east, Leshan City to the southeast, Ganzi Tibetan to the east, Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan to the south and Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture to the north. It is the transition zone between Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Chengdu Plain, the transition zone between culture and other ethnic cultures and also the transition zone between modern metropolitan centers and the natural eco-regions. The land area of Ya’an is 15,300km². This project covers 4 counties/districts of Ya’an, i.e. Lushan, Yingjing, Yucheng and Tianquan. The geographic location of this project is shown in Figures 2-1 and 2-2. 2. Topography and landforms The Qionglai Mountain to the north of Ya’an extension to the Erlang Mountain in the west and converges with Jiajin Mountain in the north. In its southwest is the northwest-southeast Daxue Mountain that extends to the urban area. In its south and southeast are the Daxiangling Mountain and Xiaoxiangling Mountain. The north, west and south parts of this city are higher than its east part. The ultrahigh mountains (higher than 5,000m) at its southwest and northwest edges are covered in snow all year long. The 5,793m high unmanned peak located at the border between Shimian, Kangding and Jiulong is the highest peak of Ya’an. The high mountains (3500~5000m high) are located in Baoxing, northwest Tianquan and

23 southwest Shimian and the elevation difference between them is 1000~2000m. These landforms account for 21% of the total area of the city. The medium-high mountains (1000~3500m high) located in the counties account for 69% of the total area of the city and they cover large areas. The low mountains (500~1000m high), only 4% of the total area, are mostly located in Yucheng District and Mingshan Mountains. Hills and flat grounds, 6% of the total area, are mostly located beside river valleys, particularly Qingyi River. The point where that river leaves Ya’an is at 627m elevation and is the lowest point of the city. The morphological features as well as “5.12” Wenchuan Earthquake and “4.20” Lushan Earthquake result in sharp degradation of the geological environmental conditions of Ya’an and lead to the addition of a lot of large-scale and seriously dangerous geological hazards characterized by concealment and long-term properties, so prevention of geological hazard risks is further increasingly onerous and arduous. In addition, geological hazards such as landslide, debris flow and collapse happen from time to time and cause a serious threat to the safety of people’s lives and properties due to the construction of a series of projects like Ya’an-Lugu Motorway, National Highway 108, Yongke Lakeside Ring Road and Provincial Highway 211. 3. Climatic conditions The climate there is subtropical humid monsoon climate, with annual average temperature of 14.1℃~17.9℃ and ample rainfall. Rainfall in most counties is 1000~1800mm, thus Ya’an is nicknamed as “rain city” or “sky funnel”. It has high humidity and scarce sunshine. With the annual average rainfall of 1800mm and the nicknames “sky funnel” or “rain city”, Ya’an is the region with the most rainfall in Sichuan. Except for those high mountains, this place usually has no too cold winter nor too hot summer; it gets warm quite early in spring; rainfall mostly happens in summer and night rain is very common; there is significant climatic difference between the north and

24 south of Daxiangling Mountain. Take Yucheng District and Hanyuan District for example, the annual average temperature of the former is 16.2℃ and that of the latter is 18.0°C; In January, the average temperature of the former is 6.1℃ and the latter 8.3℃; In July, the average temperature of the former is 25.4℃ and the latter is 26.0℃; The sunshine time of the former is 1,005 hours and the latter 1,451 hours. The frost-free period of the river valley areas of the city is 280~310 days and the annual rainfall differs greatly between the south part and north part. The rainfall is 1250~1750mm and only 740~760mm in the south. The Yucheng District and Tianquan County could have 2000mm rainfall in some years and they are the rain centers of Sichuan, thus there comes the name “rain city”. 4. Hydrological condition The water area in Ya’an is 430,300 mu which is 1.88% of its total area. The major rivers in Ya’an are the and Qingyi River which belong in the Minjiang River water system in the river basin. These rivers have nearly one hundred branch rivers. Daxiangling Mountain, the natural watershed, separates the Qingyi River water system to the north and the Dadu River water system to the south. Dadu River originates from Qinghai Province and flows through Aba Prefecture, Luding County, , and Leshan City. Its annual average flow rate is 1,340m³/s. The water level rises and recedes quickly and the flow rate in flood period is over 60 times the flow rate in dry period. Qingyi River originates from Jiajin Mountain, Erlang Mountain and Daxiangling Mountain and flows through , Lushan County, Tianquan District and Yucheng District. It flows into Jiajiang River at Zhuqingguan. Its annual average flow rate is 390m³/s. The downstream section of Qingyi River flows in wide valley along flat terraces that have numerous alluvial areas which are beneficial for agriculture. Ya’an is rich in rivers, where the total runoff volume of these two rivers is 57,800,000,000m³ and the annual

25 average runoff volume is 18,290,000,000m³. According to site surveys and verification with Ya'an Ecological Environment Bureau, Lushan Ecological Environment Bureau, Yingjing Ecological Environment Bureau, Tianquan Ecological Environment Bureau, Yucheng Ecological Environment Bureau and other relevant departments, none of the subprojects of the Restructuring Project involves drinking water source protection areas and drinking water source intake points. 3.1.2 Overview on the ecological environment 1. Land utilization The total land area of Ya’an is 23,117,000 mu, including 1,975,000 mu of cultivated land (1,163,000mu of dry field (58.9%) and 812,000mu of paddy field (41.1%)) with red-yellow soil. The vertical difference of the soil types is significant: the river valleys and terraces are mostly with fertile alluvial soil, the hills and low mountains with alluvial soil and red soil, medium mountains with yellow soil, yellow-brown soil and brown soil, the mountains higher than 3,000m with podzolic soil and alpine meadow, the mountains of 3,500~4,000m height with alpine meadow soil and the mountains higher than 4,500m with alpine frozen soil. 2. Vegetation, animal and plant resources The relative height difference in Ya’an is more than 5,000m, with vertically varying climate and vertical distribution of plants. Ya’an is the home of numerous ancient, rare and precious animal and plant species and is a uniquely precious gene pool. The forest area of Ya’an is 9,881,100 mu and usable grassland area 4,969,000 mu. The Cyathea trees and dove trees there are Class I protected plants. There are also 6 Class II protected plant species and 18 Class III protected plant species. Pepper from Hanyuan County, navel orange from Shimian County, Xianggu mushroom from Tianquan County and tribute tea from Mingshan District are all famous. Ya’an is the home of

26 over 1,200 species of medicinal plants, 110 species of medicinal animals (66.3% of medicinal animals in Sichuan). The national Class I protected wild animals include 8 are beast species and 6 bird species. The Class II protected animals include 21 beast species, 30 bird species and 3 aquatic animals. A French biologist named Davy collected the first specimen of giant panda in 1868. The pandas living in Ya’an account for more than half of the total number of pandas in China, thus Ya’an is reputed as “Panda's home”. The Laba River in Tianquan County is the only natural conservation area in China that protects takins. Ya’an is the home of 87 river fish species including the famous Schizothorax prenati and Schizothorax davidi from Zhougong River. These fish species are known as “Ya’an fish”. According to the site survey and the confirmation of the relevant authorities including Ya’an Forestry Bureau, Lushan Forestry Bureau, Yingjing Forestry Bureau, Tianquan Forestry Bureau and Yucheng Forestry Bureau, none of the subprojects of the Restructuring Project involves rare and endangered animals and plants or key animals and plants under state protection. 3. Mineral resources Ya’an has 62 minerals including abundantly deposited phosphorus, glauberite, marble, granite, asbestos and sylvine-containing rock. The minerals being exploited are primarily building materials and chemical materials and secondarily non-ferrous metals. The building materials are mostly marble and granite with total reserves of over 4,000,000,000m³ and the most famous products among them are “Sichuan white jade” and “China Red”. Ya’an has 6 asbestos mines and their reserves rank as the second place in China. The Kang asbestos from Shimian County has 2.19m long fiber and is reputed as “king of asbestos”. 4. Tourism resources Ya’an, formerly the Shiyang County established in the Western Wei

27 Dynasty, has a history of over 1,400 years. Ya’an is rich in both natural landscapes and cultural landscapes; the Fengtongzhai Natural Conservation Area has the precious animal and plant species such as giant panda, golden monkey, Cyathea trees and dove trees; the Tianwanhe Scenic Zone at the south slope of Gongga Mountain has the integration of glacier, hot spring, plateau and river valley; the Erlangshan Forest Park has the scenic mixture of snow mountain, sunrise, sea of clouds and primitive forest; the Mengshan Scenic Zone is rich in tea culture and elegant and tranquil taste; the Provincial Geopark at Jinkou Grand Canyon of Dadu River is even comparative to Yangtze River Three Gorges and Grand Canyon of Colorado; the Bifengxia Animal Park possesses steep, marvelous, elegant and pleasant land features; the famous tourist attractions such as the Yandao Ancient City at Yingjing County in the southern silk road, Shangli Ancient Town, Gao Yi's Tomb from Han Dynasty, the stone inscription at Lushan County from the Eastern Han Dynasty, the river crossing site of the Red Army at Dadu River used during the Long March, the hot spring newly discovered at Zhougong Mountain, the huge at the Weita Village in Lushan County and the karst caverns are also in Ya’an. Ya’an has 2 national protected cultural relic sites, 11 province-level protected cultural relic sites and 90 city-level/county-level protected cultural relic sites. Ya’an has 4 province-level historically and culturally famous towns: Ya’an City, Lushan County, Shangli Town and Anshun Town. Ya’an was entitled as a province-level historically and culturally famous city in Sichuan in 1995. The Tourism Development Plan of Sichuan completed in early 1999 already included the aforementioned tourist attractions into the West Sichuan Tourism Circle. According to the site survey and the confirmation of the Ya’an Forestry Bureau, Ya’an Cultural Relics Bureau, local forestry bureaus and local cultural relics bureaus, none of the subprojects of the

28 Restructuring Project involves any natural conservation area, scenic area, historic site or forest park. 3.2 Social environment 3.2.1 Overview of social environment 1. Administrative division and population Ya’an has a long history. It was included in to the governance under the central government. It inherited the cultural heritage from the two Han dynasties. In the modern age, it’s the place where General Shi Dakai fought in his final stand and the Red Army won their glorious victories. It used to be the provincial capital of Province. In 1953, Xikang Province was revoked and was included into Sichuan Province, while Ya’an was established as a district. In December 2000, Ya’an was approved by the State Council to be city. Ya’an governs 2 municipal districts (Yucheng and Mingshan districts) and 6 counties (Yingjing, Hanyuan, Shimian, Tianquan, Lushan and Baoxing counties). In 2014, the population was 1,540,000. Ya’an has been traditionally called “ethnic corridor”. Its 16 ethnic townships are mostly governed by Shimian County, Hanyuan County and Baoxing County and the ethnic minorities living areas account for 30% of the total area of Ya’an. The 29 ethnic minorities include Yi, Tibetan, Qiang, Miao, Hui, Mongolian, Tujia, Lisu, Manchu, Dong, Yao, Naxi, Buyei, Bai, Zhuang and Dai and their population is 60,000 which accounts for 4% of the total population of Ya’an. None of the subprojects of the Restructuring Project will affect any area inhabited by ethnic minorities. 2. Socio-economic development According to the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, the gross regional domestic product (GDP) of Ya’an in 2014 was 46.241 billion yuan which was 11.0% growth compared with the prior year if calculated with the

29 comparable price. The added value of the primary industry was 6.749 billion yuan, with 4.6% growth; the added value of the secondary industry was 26.603 billion yuan, with 12.7% growth; the added value of the tertiary industry was 12.889 billion yuan, with 10.6% growth. The contribution rates of the three industries to economic growth were respectively 5.9%, 68.6% and 25.5%. The regional domestic product per capita was 30,052 yuan, increased by 10.4%. The industrial structure ratio changed from 15.1:57.5:27.4 to 14.6:57.5:27.9. The added value of the private economy in that year was 27.599 billion yuan which was 12.1% growth compared to the prior year and accounted for 59.7% of the GDP. The added value of the primary industry was 1.671 billion yuan, with 2.8% growth; the added value of the secondary industry was 18.6 billion yuan, with 13.4% growth; the added value of the tertiary industry was 7.328 billion yuan, with 12.3% growth. 3.2.2 Traffic conditions Ya’an has always been reputed as “key junction in West Sichuan”, “doorway to Tibet” and “ethnic corridor”. It is the point where Sichuan-Tibet Highway and Sichuan-Yunnan Highway intersect. It is 140km distant from Chengdu. The national roads 108 and 318 pass through Ya’an; Ya’an-Lugu Motorway and Chengdu-Ya’an Motorway are linked to Ya’an; the G5 Beijing-Kunming Motorway also passes through Ya’an. Ya’an city has very comfortable traffic conditions: the Chengdu-Ya’an Expressway linking Ya’an to the megacity Chengdu is 128km long and is a one-hour travel; the national roads 318 and 108 pass through Ya’an; the Leshan-Ya’an Motorway is now in service. Ya’an is located at the intersection point of the link roads between Shangri-La, Panxi sunshine scenery and Hailuogou Glacier and many other lucrative tourist routes; Ya’an is the starting point of Sichuan-Tibet Highway—which is praised as the “scenic route of China” by the National Geographic Magazine; Ya’an is

30 the east access point to Shangri-La and is a major transfer station on the West Sichuan Tourism Circle; the area covering 15-30km radius centered around Ya’an City has the scenic attractions such as Mengding Mountain, Bifeng Gorge, Panda Base, Zhougongshan Hot Spring and Shangli Ancient Town. These scenic areas and Ya’an City closely benefit each other. 3.3 Current environmental quality 3.3.2 Investigation and assessment of current water environment quality All subprojects of the Restructuring Project are located in Ya'an, Sichuan. To investigate the quality of surface water environment, the Ya'an Environmental Quality Status (June, August and September of 2019) issued by Ya'an Ecological Environment Bureau was referenced. According to the report, Ya'an City has 3 surface water monitoring sections under state control, 4 sections under provincial control, 13 sections under municipal control and 16 sections for river chief performance evaluation. The monitoring results were assessed in accordance with the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) and Assessment Method for Surface Water Environment Quality (Trial), as shown in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Water quality monitoring results from river cross-sections relating to subprojects of the Restructuring Project Major Cross-sect Measurem Water pollutants/mu Compli Monitorin Cross-sect River ion ent quality ltiple ance g time ion name name property category condition exceeding the rate standard City-contr Baoxing Lingjiuta Class II Very good None 100% olled River Liangheko River chief Tianquan Class II Very good None 100% u system River City-contr olled; Yingjing Huaiziba Class II Very good None 100% River chief River 2019.6 system State-contr Qingyi Guidufu Class II Very good None 100% olled River Province-c Shuizhong ontrolled; Qingyi Class II Very good None 100% ba River chief River system

31 Cross-secti on of Xiakou Village, River chief Longxi Class III Very good None 100% Beijiao system River Town, Yucheng District City-contr Baoxing Lingjiuta Class I Very good None 100% olled River Liangheko River chief Tianquan Class III Very good None 100% u system River City-contr olled; Yingjing Huaiziba Class II Very good None 100% River chief River system State-contr Qingyi Guidufu Class I Very good None 100% olled River 2019.8 Province-c Shuizhong ontrolled; Qingyi Class II Very good None 100% ba River chief River system Cross-secti on of Xiakou Village, River chief Longxi Class III Very good None 100% Beijiao system River Town, Yucheng District City-contr Baoxing Lingjiuta Class II Very good None 100% olled River Liangheko River chief Tianquan Class II Very good None 100% u system River City-contr olled; Yingjing Huaiziba Class II Very good None 100% River chief River system State-contr Qingyi Guidufu Class II Very good None 100% olled River 2019.9 Province-c Shuizhong ontrolled; Qingyi Class II Very good None 100% ba River chief River system Cross-secti on of Xiakou Village, River chief Longxi Class II Very good None 100% Beijiao system River Town, Yucheng District From the above results, it can be seen that the surface water quality at all monitoring cross-sections of the rivers relating to each subproject of the

32 Restructuring Project meets Class II and III standard in the Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-2002). This demonstrates generally good surface water quality. 3.3.3 Investigation and assessment of current atmospheric environment quality All subprojects of the Restructuring Project are located in Ya'an, Sichuan. To investigate the quality of ambient air, the Ya'an Environmental Quality Status (June, August and September of 2019) issued by Ya'an Ecological Environment Bureau was referenced. The specific results of Acoustic Environment Monitoring for various projects under this program are shown in Table 3-3. Table 3-3 Statistics of Acoustic Environment Monitoring for various projects under this program Day Nigh N Description Position time ttime Comment Remarks o. (Leq) (Leq) Starting point of Proposed 55 46 1 Xichuan River embankment 52 43 Lushan County Junior High 54 47 2 School 54 44 The nearest settlement along 59 47 3 the river bank in Xijiang Monitoring 57 46 It can be seen from the village Results by monitoring report that all No.2 Primary School of 59 48 Sichuan Kaile 4 monitoring points meet the Lushan Luyang Town 58 45 Testing Class 2 standards, indicating projects The end of the proposed 54 46 Technology Co., 5 that the sound environment in Lushan River embankment 54 43 Ltd. from the project area is in good Lushan County People's 58 48 February 29 to 6 condition. Government 56 45 March 1, 2020 The nearest residential area in 57 45 7 Fengjia village 56 47 The nearest residential area 55 46 8 near the end of Qingjiang 54 45 canal Starting point of flood 58 47 Monitoring 1 It can be seen from the discharge canal 57 45 Results by monitoring report that all Nearest residents along the 51 44 Sichuan Kaile Yingjing 2 monitoring points meet the route 52 43 Testing County Class 2 standards, indicating 47 42 Technology Co., projects 3 No.1 Yandao Middle School that the sound environment in 49 41 Ltd. from March the project area is in good 58 48 1 to March 2, 4 End of flood discharge canal condition. 57 47 2020

33 Day Nigh N Description Position time ttime Comment Remarks o. (Leq) (Leq) Xincheng Emergency Shelter 52 45 5 Center 50 45 Residents in Dongcheng 58 47 6 Xinju 57 48 Xingjing County People's 59 48 7 Government 58 49 The nearest residential area 56 46 8 on the west side of the Binhe 57 45 emergency shelter Residents nearest to the 48 40 9 Jinhaian Compound 49 39 South of the Chengnan 55 42 10 emergency shelter center 54 40 The nearest resident of 54 45 1 Xinmin village 56 44 Shiyang Middle School of 51 41 2 Tianquan county 52 42 No.1 Central Primary School 57 45 3 in Shiyang Town 55 46 At the intersection of the 55 45 demolished road and the 4 supporting road to the 2# 52 45 Monitoring flood discharge canal It can be seen from the Results by monitoring report that all The village Committee of 52 44 Sichuan Kaile Tianquan 5 monitoring points meet the Shiyang town 54 45 Testing County Class 2 standards, indicating 53 43 Technology Co., People's Government of that the sound environment in projects 6 Ltd. from March Shiyang Town 55 44 the project area is in good 1 to March 2, he nearest residential area on 58 46 condition. 7 2020 Fenghuang Road 58 44 East Side of Chama 47 42 8 Emergency Shelter 47 43 South Side of Chama 51 45 9 Emergency Shelter 53 46 West Side of Chama 54 45 10 Emergency Shelter 56 46 North Side of Chama 49 43 11 Emergency Shelter 49 42 North boundary of 1 63 57 The main noise sources of the Emergency Shelter proposed project are existing East boundary of Emergency road traffic noise and social 2 49 47 Shelter life noise. According to the South boundary of monitoring results of the 3 50 46 Emergency Shelter current situation, the noise 四川省工业环境 Yucheng West boundary of monitoring values of all 监测研究院于 District 4 62 57 Emergency Shelter monitoring points in this 2020 年 1 月 3 日 projects The starting point of project meet the limits 进行的现状监测 5 64 57 Longzhou Road indicated in the requirements 6 Heping Hospital 62 54 of Class 2 and Class 4a 7 Caoba Middle School 54 49 standard in the Environmental 8 At the end of Longzhou Road 63 55 Quality Standard for Noise d 9 Residential Buildings on the 57 50 (GB3096-2008), except that

34 Day Nigh N Description Position time ttime Comment Remarks o. (Leq) (Leq) West Side of No.1 Canal the starting point of Longzhou Starting Point in Yaoqiao Road at the north and west District boundary of the Emergency Welfare Home on the South shelter slightly exceeds the 10 Side of No.2 Canal in 54 48 standard at night. Yaoqiao District Farmers at Sensitive Points on the West Side of No.1 Canal 11 52 47 Starting Point in Daxing District Zhongyang Xuefu Phase II Commercial Building on the 12 54 47 South Side of No.2 Canal in Daxing District No.2 Aarea of Ya 'an Municipal People's Hospital 13 52 48 on the North Side of No.3 Canal in Daxing District In general, except for some points in Yucheng District where the noise exceeds the standard at night, the sound environment quality in the evaluated areas in the other projects is good, and all below the limit level provided in relevant standards in the Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008), with no noise exceeding the level provided by the standard.

35 Chapter 4 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

4.1 Analysis of impacts on social environment 4.1.1 Analysis on positive social benefit All subprojects of the Restructuring Project fall into the category of municipal works of cities/towns, including river embankment construction, flood discharge channel construction, emergency shelter construction, and road construction. The Project construction will necessarily improve urban infrastructures for disaster prevention effectively so as to perfect local emergency shelter system, promote local economic development and environmental improvement and improve people’s life quality, thus creating more job opportunities, improving local residents’ economic incomes, and making an overall plan for coordinated development of city and town to achieve benefit sharing. Therefore, positive social benefits of the Project are significant and positive environmental benefits are outstanding, as shown specifically below: 1. Improving flood control facilities of urban area and enhancing flood control capability All proposed subprojects involve river embankment works for flood control. Since existing flood control facilities in each subproject area are relatively backward, and no flood control facilities are available for most of riverways, without a whole flood control system formed for the whole river reach, losses may be caused in case of flood. The construction of flood control and drainage works could resist floods to the greatest extent and protect the property and life safety of local residents. Execution of the embankment works by dredging the river channel, ensuring the smooth flow of the flood and eliminating the flood disaster could create a safe and good living environment for the urban area, and avoid

36 the damage to production, life, social property, traffic and environment caused by the flood disaster. This ensures the sustainable and steady economic development, thus having remarkable social benefits. In the proposed subproject in Lushan County, Lushan River embankment and Xichuan River embankment works, as part of Lushan County embankment works, will be implemented so that they are integrated with the existing embankments, greatly improving the city's flood control capacity. This contributes to the improvement of the whole city's flood control system, provides a strong guarantee for people's work and life, effectively reduces soil erosion and protects the ecological environment. The construction of flood discharge works in Yingjing County, Tianquan County and Yucheng District can not only further improve the city's ability for disaster prevention and mitigation, but also improve the water environment and ecological environment. At the same time, the construction of the works can effectively improve the water sanitation around the flood discharge channel and promote the healthy development of urban and rural ecosystems. 2. Promoting risk-avoiding capacity of urban area The construction of emergency shelter can improve local emergency evacuation system and risk-avoiding functions of urban area, and enhance disaster prevention and mitigation capability of disaster area. The overall social emergency handling capacity of the city is substantially supported by a series of urban infrastructures. Besides corresponding evacuation passageways (roads, etc.), corresponding emergency shelters are required. The emergency shelter is used to avoid direct or indirect damages brought about by disaster within a period of time after the disaster occurs and is a site divided in advance to have a certain functional facilities to ensure basic life. The emergency shelter for disaster resistance and alleviation to be built in the Project is the main content of fully

37 performing governmental functions and strengthening social management and public services, as well as a necessity for actively coping with emergent public events and minimizing people’s life and property losses. 3. Promoting improvement of traffic facilities and bringing convenience to people’s travel Due to restrictions from economic development of the whole Ya’an areas and lack of construction fund, including relatively backward road traffic construction of cities and county towns, inadequate road width, poor road conditions which can hardly meet the needs for disaster avoidance and emergency rescue in the event of a disaster. With a lack of proper maintenance and repair for existing roads plus impact of this earthquake, most of existing pavements have cracked, thus causing inflow and mud squeezing, so that traffic and the whole city environment are affected seriously. The implementation of the road works in Tianquan County and Yucheng District will greatly improve the traffic conditions along the roads. It will not only effectively enhance the local disaster avoidance and emergency rescue capabilities, but also improve the ecological environment, alleviate the current traffic congestion, facilitate the travel of surrounding residents, and promote the social and economic development of the project affected areas. 4. Improving economic development and living quality of residents in Ya’an area During the construction period of this project, it can provide local residents with the opportunity to get jobs or operate a business. It can also create certain jobs during the operation period. During the construction period of the Project, a large number of labor force and construction materials are needed, which provides a good opportunity to solve the problem of surplus labor force along the line and stimulate the local

38 construction material mining and processing market. In addition, the project construction can also drive the growth of the surrounding service sector. For example, local residents can provide raw materials and catering services for the construction team during the project construction period. All these can bring opportunities for local residents to increase their economic income. After the completion of the Project, the traffic conditions along the route will be greatly improved. On the one hand, it can speed up the trade flow between districts and counties and between urban and rural areas, to promote the rapid and timely entry of agricultural and sideline products into the market, so as to increase the income of surrounding residents and improve their living standards. On the other hand, it can promote the rise of the tertiary industry along the line and the further development and utilization of resources, provide a large number of employment opportunities for the society, and promote the sustained development of the local economy. In addition, the improvement of transportation infrastructure will contribute to more frequent exchanges between urban and rural areas in the fields of science and technology, culture, education, sports, health, communications, entertainment and other undertakings, make it easier for farmers to seek medical treatment, and lead to better development of cultural and educational undertakings. 4.1.2 Negative impact on social environment and mitigation measures 1. Land acquisition According to the project construction property line provided in the feasibility study report and the on-site investigation for each subproject of the Restructuring Project, the Project will permanently occupy 389.54 mu of land including Yucheng District, Yingjing County, Tianquan County and Lushan County of Ya’an City, including 309.68 mu of state-owned land, 79.86 mu of newly acquired collective land. 598 people in 160 households will be affected by acquisition of additional land. An additional 4,836 square

39 meters of residents' houses will be demolished, affecting 94 people in 22 household. The resettlement involves 17 villages (communities) in 8 townships (subdistricts) in 4 districts or counties. The Project will occupy some land for engineering construction, including for permanent occupancy and temporary occupancy. The former will cause effect on some local people’s living and income and the latter will lead to certain damage to crops and plants near the Project due to inevitable mechanical grinding, personnel treading, etc. at the site with the results of crop output drop and forest land resources shrinkage. Mitigation measures: The EIA requires that the Project shall comply with the national and local documents and regulations in providing the relocated people with reasonable compensation and relocation and resettlement service. When the Project is designed, the detailed investigation results shall be referred to for improvement in order to minimize the volume of land acquisition amount and relocation households, and when the household relocation is necessary, to implement strictly the relocation plan and ensure the relocated people’s interests and rights. Meanwhile, following measures shall be adopted: • Strict compliance with the policies and uniform in standard-setting. The standards shall be complied with to compensate the relocated units and people with the payable amount in time. • Thorough investigation and strengthened publicity. Thorough investigations shall be carried out to know the project details and relevant consequences and impacts, and publicity shall be strengthened among the people to be relocated in order to win their understanding, coordination and support for the relocation work. • Close cooperation and united in mind and action. Various units (departments) shall take united actions, and information submission shall be strengthened, information smoothness guaranteed, ten-day report on job

40 progress implemented, and active investigation carried out for early discovery and timely handling of any problems. 2. Project-related demolition The Project needs to demolish houses in rural areas, involving Group 8, Xincun Village and Group 2, Xingzhong Village in Shiyang Town. A total area of 4,836 square meters needs to be demolished, affecting 94 people in 22 households. The demolition will affect 1 town, 2 villages and 2 villagers' groups. The project affects 5 commercial shops and the demolition area is 971.91m². The demolition and resettlement will bring certain impacts to the residents. Such impacts can be disturbance to their life in the transition period. Mitigation measures: • The Project should be such that after reasonable resettlement and fair compensation on the basis of the national and local compensation regulations and local living standards, the need of resettlement and construction of new houses for those relocated people shall largely be satisfied. • The resettlement area, under the pretext of the willingness of the people to be relocated, shall be next to their original place as possible and should be provided with a fairly good living environment and convenient production and living conditions. • When the proposed road shall involve demolition and resettlement, any construction garbage produced during the process shall be treated in a regulated manner and the site of demolition shall be watered. Ensure that no new environmental problems will be caused. • For the effective implementation of resettlement policy and various measures, the original living environment of the relocated people shall be restored as possible with improved living conditions for them.

41 3. Impact on urban traffic During the Project construction, there will be direct or indirect impacts on existing traffic system in the Project construction area. During construction, increasing transportation vehicles will cause traffic congestion and damages to highway facilities, inducing traffic accident and causing travel inconvenience. Meanwhile the earthwork piling and road excavation will impede traffic flow and cause inconvenience. And sharp increase in the transportation vehicle flow will adversely affect the road conditions. During the implementation period of the roads in the Project, the vehicle flow will be increased, and the daily travel and internal road conditions in the area will be affected. Mitigation measures: • The road construction contractor shall prepare one scientific and reasonable construction & transportation management plan (e.g. staggering countryside trading days or bypassing farm market roads to transport bulk materials and equipment, setting conspicuous route detouring signs at entrance and exit of reconstructed road, prohibiting transportation vehicles from over-speeding and overloading, selecting transportation route reasonably, avoiding sound-sensitive places such as schools, hospitals and concentrated residential areas, setting transportation vehicle washing facilities at the exit of construction site, and transporting bulk materials by covering) in combination with transportation capacities of relevant roads. • When constructing near any a sensitive point, and normal construction will not be affected, all personnel shall use the appointed access road, and the road surface shall be smooth and no normal passage will be affected, and the access direction change shall be accompanied with indication signs for personal safety. For road sections requiring large construction amount, protective facilities, such as stop crossings, stop lights and stake marks shall

42 be used. Constructors shall put up a public notice for the work and require people for following the appointed route. The cross-gutter access bridge shall be reliable and installed with banisters on the two sides. • Signboards are required at the construction site, and shall indicate the main work of the Project, the construction time, the inconvenience that would be caused to the public and the forgiveness sought from them, and the contact person, complaint hotline, etc. 4. Impacts during the construction period During the construction period, due to vehicle flow increase, construction land enclosure, the road traffic near the construction area will be affected, and noise and flying dust may be caused. Meanwhile, during the construction, floating people from the outside due to the Project will cause a kind of pressure on the local public security. The possibility of infectious disease will increase and health threats are possible for the Project staff and local community. For example, the constructors will dine and live together, which increase the possibility of disease contraction. What should be noted is the prevention and treatment of AIDS, and the awareness of HIV-AIDS-related symptoms shall be heightened among the constructors and workers. Mitigation measures: • The environment management of the Contractor during the construction period shall be improved, with reasonable construction time order and slag and soil transportation route arrangement. For windy weather, watering times shall be increased to reduce the noise and dust pollution during the period. • Safety and cultural education shall be strengthened for the constructors, the Constructors and Workers’ Rules of Behavior shall be prepared and all of them shall abide by the national laws and regulations. No pornography circulation and gambling shall be allowed at the construction

43 site, let alone fighting and bawling, disturbance for nearby area and local residents, but rather all of the Project-related persons shall respect the local culture, customs and traditions.

4.2 Main impact analysis and mitigation measures

4.2.1 Impacts on ecological environment and mitigation measures 1. Impact on ecological environment According to the project construction property line provided in the feasibility study report and the on-site investigation for each subproject of the Restructuring Project, the Project will permanently occupy 389.54 mu of land including Yucheng District, Yingjing County, Tianquan County and Lushan County of Ya’an City, including 309.68 mu of state-owned land, 79.86 mu of newly acquired collective land. In the Project, main temporarily acquired land includes construction sites and temporary storage yard. With progress of the Project, some species of plants within the scope of land acquisition will be affected. All plants expected to be damaged in each subproject are common species in the assessed areas. There are no national-level precious and endangered plants or wild plants found in the area. Therefore, the construction of the site will only have minor impacts on plant systems and types of the area, and definitely will not cause extinction of any species or types of plants in the area. After construction is completed, landscaping will be carried out and vegetation will be gradually restored to make up the loss of diversity of plant species. Some wading works of the Project, such as embankment works in Lushan County, will disturb bed sediment of the river, and certain impact may be caused to algae and benthos of the area. However, after completion of the Project, the original algae will be gradually restored and stabilized.

44 Wading construction will result in turbid water. The growing environment of some plankton may be destroyed, resulting in reduced biomass in the construction area. However, as the construction area in wading construction is relatively small comparing with the entire water basin and due to general nature of plankton and self-cleaning capability of water as well as the scope of impact on plankton may be reduced in cofferdam construction, such environment can be basically restored after completion. Meanwhile, in excavation of foundation trenches in embankment works, subgrade filling of road works, leveling of shelter sites, etc., vegetation will be damaged. With vegetation and soil replaced, the surface is exposed, and thus local ecological structure of the areas along the road may be changed to some extent. The exposed earth surface resulting from excavation will be subject to water/soil loss under the effect of rainwater and surface runoff. On-site investigation shows there are areas in Yingjing County for black-necked cranes to rest and feed during migration. These areas nearest to this prject are located in the agricultural land of Wuxian Township outside the project area and the Phoenix Wetland Park in Fenghuang Village, Yanzhu Township, where the black-necked cranes will stop for a short time during migration. The local forestry bureau said that no black-necked cranes have been found in the urban areas including the subproject areas in the past ten years. Terrestrial and aquatic wildlife in the areas where the other subprojects are located are common species, and there are no rare and endangered wildlife under state protection. Common terrestrial wildlife in the region includes snakes, rats, birds and other reptiles. The original living environment of terrestrial wildlife will be damaged during the construction of the Project, which will have a certain impact on the life of terrestrial wildlife. Wild animals in the project area have strong mobility and can temporarily escape to areas with better forest vegetation and less human interference. Although the living environment of

45 terrestrial wildlife will be damaged and some individuals may die during the construction of this project, it will not have obvious adverse impact on species, and the impact of the project construction on terrestrial wildlife is acceptable. 2. Mitigation measures (1) Vegetation protection measures • Try to save mellow soil on surface of permanently occupied land and temporarily occupied farmland during construction. Cover mellow soil for vegetation restoration promptly after construction. Recover afforestation of temporarily occupied farmland and Plant trees for places of temporary work sheds especially after completion of the Project. • Strengthen the management and training of construction personnel. Construction activities shall be limited to the delimited construction area and vegetation outside the construction area shall not be damaged. At the same time, relevant departments shall strengthen supervision and patrol. • Special personnel shall be assigned to direct the operation during mechanical operation, and the operation radius shall be strictly controlled to avoid direct impact on vegetation. (2) Protective measures for wildlife • During the construction period, more environmental protection training shall be provided to construction personnel to raise their environmental protection awareness. The publicity and education on the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife shall be strengthened. The Yingjing County Subproject shall strengthen the publicity work on the protection of black-necked cranes. During the migration period of black-necked cranes (October and March), the Forestry Department of Yingjing County shall monitor the black-necked cranes and inform the Contractors of relevant information in time for them to strengthen the protection of black-necked cranes.

46 • Erect warning boards at the construction site to warn or remind the construction personnel to protect the wild animals (such as black-necked cranes) spotted in the construction process. It is forbidden to kill or hunt wild animals.

(3) Protective measures for aquatic life The surface water bodies involved in this project are mainly Lushan River and Xichuan River. Through site visits and data analyses, it can be seen that aquatic organisms in the project area are common species; the Project does not involve drinking water source protection areas; and there are no important spawning grounds, wintering grounds and feeding grounds for fish. • Practically strengthen the protection of water environment to avoid eutrophication in local waters along the project line and to minimize the impacts on living environment of aquatic life. • During the construction period, environmental protection training for construction personnel shall be strengthened to enhance personnel management, raise awareness about the protection of wild aquatic animals and to make sure relevant laws and regulations on wildlife protection are observed. • Erect warning boards at the construction site to warn or remind the construction personnel to protect the wild animals (such as Ya’an fish and giant salamander) spotted in the construction process. It is forbidden to poison, electrocute or bomb fish. • During the project construction, it is forbidden to discharge construction wastewater, domestic wastewater and wastewater from washing construction machinery and equipment into the water body. It is forbidden to dump construction spoil, domestic garbage and other wastes into the surface water body.

47 • Construction materials shall be stored at the places far away from water sources and other water bodies, where such materials are well sheltered against scouring of storm flows. • Open drains shall be excavated around the material stacking yard or retaining walls shall be provided there, so that such materials can be prevented from entering the waters along with the storm runoff to affect the water quality. Various materials shall be equipped with rain-proof and shelter facilities. • Rationally arrange construction procedures and machinery. Construction personnel shall be well educated about ecological conservation. Ecological restoration shall be carried out after completion of the Project to minimize damages to vegetation and adverse impacts of water and soil loss on aquatic life. (4) Water and soil conservation measures • Protection, drainage and vegetation measures shall be taken during the construction of the main works of each subproject of this project. The site of the proposed emergency shelter in Yucheng District is close to rivers and schools, and the volume of earthwork excavation is relatively large. Foundation excavation should not take place during rainy season if possible. Protective measures for top of the side slope shall be taken before excavation of the side slope in main works. Woven bags of soil shall be used to retain soil on the side facing the river. Temporary drainage ditch must be provided around the excavated area and sand basin must be provided along the drainage ditch. The temporary drainage ditch shall be backfilled after use and be afforested. Temporary drainage ditch shall be provided around the temporary storage yard used for temporary stacking of excavated earth. Sand basins shall be provided along the drainage ditch. Temporary spoil shall be transported to the designated spoil yard for disposal in time to minimize the stacking area and quantity of waste soil and rock.

48 • For embankment filling, temporary chutes shall be provided along the side slopes on both sides of the subgrade to make rainwater discharged along the chute to the outside of subgrade, so as to avoid scouring the side slopes. For masonry works in respect of excavation and backfilling of side slopes, the side slopes shall be protected with blocks immediately after the design stability is obtained, meanwhile, drainage systems shall be provided for the slope surfaces and toes, so that each section can be reinforced upon completion of construction. Measures such as slope protection by grids, building facing walls, and planting grass between the grids or cambers shall be taken for the side slopes of subgrade on the excavated and filled road sections. Grass and tree shall be planted on the side slopes. • According to the soil conditions, the combined planting patterns of arbores and shrubs shall be adopted for the protected land areas on both sides of the embankment, with a row of shrubs inserted after a row of tall and straight evergreen arbores are planted. Moreover, some fast-growing grasses shall be densely planted to avoid soil and water loss on the loose exposed surface within the protected land area in the early days of planting arbores and shrubs, so as to make them form an integrated ecological community system. 4.2.2 Impact on water environment and mitigation measures Wastewater during the construction period of the Project mainly stems from construction wastewater and sanitary sewage. Construction wastewater includes water for cooling and washing of construction machinery, for cleaning construction site, for cleaning building materials, for concrete placement & curing and for rinsing and contains a certain amount of sand. Sanitary sewage of construction personnel mainly contains organic contaminants, ammoniacal nitrogen and SS. Besides, surface runoff of working site in rainy season contains a certain amount of sand and high concentrations of suspended substances.

49 1. Impact on water environment during the construction period (1) Construction wastewater Waste water produced during the construction period mainly consists of slurry water and a small amount of oil-bearing production wastewater. Construction slurry water (produced during excavating working faces, rainwater scouring, site and construction machinery washing) will be collected for each construction section. After sedimentation, the upper layer of clean water will be recycled whenever possible, and excessive wastewater can be sprinkled on the ground. (2) Domestic sewage During the construction period, domestic sewage mainly consists of water used for dining, washing and septic sewage of construction personnel. Local houses will be rented as the construction camp during execution of the Project. Domestic sewage will be discharged into the urban sewage pipe network after treated with existing treatment facilities, and then drained by local sewage treatment plant following relevant standard. Therefore, the sanitary sewage during construction would not have distinct impacts on the local environment. 2. Mitigation measures for impact on water environment during the construction period • Aquatic environment protection training shall be carried out at the construction site and the camps. Meanwhile, construction management and engineering monitoring shall be strengthened by having close inspection on the construction machinery to prevent any oil leakage that will pollute the canal water. • Asphalt, oils, chemicals and other construction materials shall not be stored near any surface water bodies, which shall be temporarily covered up by canvas. • Excavated soil and rock shall not be piled up near any water bodies or

50 on a slope adjacent to a river, otherwise they may be flushed into the surface water bodies. In construction at a temporary river section, a construction fence shall be provided to prevent temporarily stored excavated soil and rocks from falling into water. • In road construction, upon sedimentation and filtration, rinsing wastewater generated by the aggregate processing systems, concrete mixing systems and machines is mostly recycled to clean the field areas and rinse gravel aggregate, and only a small part is discharged after meeting relevant standards. • The cofferdam technology is adopted for river embankment works. Except that the river bed may be disturbed during construction of the cofferdam, all other construction procedures are carried out inside the cofferdam to basically ensure separation of construction activities and water bodies. In sum, there will be certain impact of the Project on water environment around the construction area, which will be gradually eliminated after construction is completed. With proper environmental protection measures taken, the EIA believes that the impacts of construction wastewater and domestic sewage on water environment of the affected areas during the construction period are minor. 3. Impact on water environment during the operation period (1) Precipitation runoffs Wastewater in the operation period of the proposed project is mainly from rainfall and road runoff generated from pavement flushing. After subprojects including the road and emergency shelter are put into operation, the impact of pavement rainfall runoff (the main pollutant) on the water environment is mainly manifested in the water body pollution resulting from such emissions of vehicle exhaust, tire friction particles, road flying dust and dripping oil as flow into the adjacent river system and cross over the river

51 system with the pavement rainfall. According to domestic researches and evaluation materials, the pollution caused by surface runoff on water bodies mostly happens at the beginning of precipitation. Such pollution can be absorbed by the environment attributed to self-cleaning capability of water body. (2) Domestic sewage from the emergency shelter Permanent toilets will be provided for some emergency shelters of the Project. Domestic sewage from these shelters will be properly treated with the existing urban sewage pipe network (tank cars provided for toilets where there is no urban sewage pipe network) and sewage treatment plants. 4.2.3 Impact on atmospheric environment and mitigation measures Construction of the proposed project includes local breaking and excavation of existing pavement, transport of sand and gravel materials and asphalt paving. Therefore, the main source of air pollution during project construction is construction dust, followed by asphalt fume from asphalt paving, exhaust pollutants emitted by power machines, etc. Construction dust has an obvious impact on surrounding environment. 1. Impact on atmospheric environment during construction period (1) Construction dust The breaking of existing cement pavement, especially breaking with drills and removing cement concrete fragments will produce dense dusts and cause air pollution under the effect of strong wind. During demolition, dry building materials cause apparent dust pollution at the moment of collapse due to aerial work and large work faces. Some sand and gravel materials piled in open air and broken concrete temporarily stockpiled for the purpose of construction will cause dust in dry and windy weather. (2) Waste gas of construction machinery A small amount of construction waste gas will be generated during the

52 operation of project construction vehicles and construction machines. During the construction, motor vehicles for transportation of raw material, operation of equipment and construction machinery will all discharge certain amount of CO, NO2 and imperfectly combusted hydrocarbons. Its characteristic is that the discharge amount is small, and it is discontinuous and unorganized discharge. (3) Asphalt fume Tianquan County Subproject and Yucheng District Subproject under the Restructuring Project involve road works in which asphalt pavement is adopted. Asphalt fume from asphalt placing contains toxic substances such as THC, PM10 and benzo[a]pyrene. No asphalt mixing plant is provided for this project. The asphalt required in the construction process will be purchased and transported to the construction site. Asphalt fume only comes from the evaporation of hot oil during asphalt placing. After asphalt is made into finished products in a specialized mixing station, it will be transported to the site by a special transport vehicle and laid immediately. It will be solidified and opened to traffic after about 2 ~ 3 hours. The liquid asphalt will only stay on the construction site for a short time, and its impact will be temporary. (4) Stench from desilting All subprojects of the Restructuring Project involve flood discharge channel works. During the construction of the Project, the river channel will be desilted. The stench generated in the process of desilting and sediment transportation will have a certain impact on the surrounding environment. However, due to the open land at the construction site, good atmospheric diffusion conditions, low construction intensity and short construction period, the stench will have little impact on the surrounding residents after free diffusion at the construction site. Moreover, the stench effect will disappear with the completion of the construction. After the desilting is

53 completed, the improvement of the surrounding surface water environment has a greater positive effect on residents' lives than the negative effect produced by the desilting operation. 2. Mitigation measures for atmospheric environmental impact during the construction period • During the project worksite management, the principle of “Six Must” and “Six Prohibitions” of site management shall be put into effect. The “Six Must” and “Six Prohibitions” are: wet process operation must be carried out; enclosing operation must be carried out for the construction site; roads must be hardened; washing facilities must be set up; cleaning personnel must be allocated completely; the construction site must be cleaned regularly; it’s prohibited for vehicles to leave with mud; it’s prohibited for slag transportation vehicles to be loaded over the height of the trailer; it is prohibited to throw construction slag from high altitude; it is prohibited to mix concrete on site; it is prohibited for ponding to occur on site; it is prohibited to burn waste on site. These measures are to effectively control dust pollution on construction site. • Water sprinkling shall be performed in due time (except for rainy days) to the construction sites including road sections under construction and major transport roads, etc; The frequency of water sprinkling is determined according to the actual site conditions by the supervisor on site; • Powdered materials such as cement, lime, etc. shall be packaged in a canned or bagged manner, and are forbidden to be transported in bulk. During transportation, they are forbidden to be stained by fugitive dust and spilled during transportation. During storage, they shall be stored in a warehouse or covered by plastic tarpaulins; • There should be dust mat at the exit of construction site. It is required to wash the body and tires of transport vehicles going out the construction site. Soil, grit and stone are forbidden to be overloaded with the height not

54 more than that of transport vehicle board, and shall be covered by tarpaulins. No spilling along the way during transportation; • When the wind speed is above level IV and can produce fugitive dust easily, the Construction Contractor is recommended to suspend the earth excavation and take such measures as covering the stacked materials and moistening so as to effectively reduce fugitive dust pollution; • Construction waste needs to be promptly removed and transported. For the construction waste that cannot be removed and transported for the moment, measures such as covering shall be taken. The vehicles for transporting sand, stones, cement, earth and other substances which are liable to produce dust must be well covered and no spilling or leakage is allowed. • Water sprinkling shall be performed regularly to temporary stack yard inside the property line to reduce the impact of fugitive dust on surrounding environment. It is recommended to set up closed block higher than stacked materials around such stack yard, separate material areas from roads, and timely clean away scattered materials and wash roads to keep roads clean. • If road construction soil is piled for more than 8 hours, it shall be fully covered to prevent dust. • Construction site and batching plant shall be properly located on open ground enclosed with barriers and as far away from environmentally sensitive points such as residential area as possible. • Temporary spoils shall be used for backfill in time, subject to compaction treatment and covered with dustproof net to prevent secondary dust pollution. • Places used for temporary storage and drying of sludge shall be as far away from residential areas as possible. The stored sludge shall be protected with rainproof and windproof measures to prevent the sludge from re-entering the river channel after being drenched and to prevent the sludge

55 from generating malodor after being blown by the wind, and thus affecting the surrounding residents. • Provide enclosures around the desilting area and spray deodorant as appropriate to reduce the impact of malodor on the surrounding residents. • Control the area and capacity of the temporary sludge storage yard. Sludge shall be transported by airtight tanker along a transport route that avoids urban roads as far as possible, so as to reduce the impact of dust and stench on residents along the route. 3. Impact on atmospheric environment during operation period In operation period of the Project, the major source of air pollution comes from vehicle exhaust emission and dust caused by running vehicles.

Main air pollutants are CO, NOx, THC and TSP. With increasing traffic volume in the region, the quantities of pollutants also increase, tending to pollute more local air along the road. After implementation of road works under the Project, the pavement will be asphalt pavement to improve traffic environment and enable vehicles to run in good conditions with less emissions of pollutants. Project implementation will not cause air pollution, but rather can reduce pollution load of vehicle exhaust on regional atmospheric environment. 4. Mitigation measures for atmospheric environmental impact during the operation period • Improving greening measures, optimizing greening tree varieties, greening structure and layer, improving the greening effect and reducing impact of gaseous pollutants on surrounding environment. • Enhance traffic management and limit running speed of vehicles to reduce accidents; arrange vehicle transport route properly; prohibit vehicles carrying hazardous goods from passing. • For fuel vehicles, quality of fuel shall be subject to high standard. High-quality fuel shall be used to reduce pollutant emission. The

56 inspection system for car exhaust emission shall be implemented strictly. Vehicles having excessive emission of exhaust or transport excessive residues are not allowed to get on the road. • Establish teams specialized in road maintenance, repair and cleaning to keep the roads clean and running in a good condition. In rainless days, the sprinkler is operated to spray water and decrease the dust so as to enhance the adhesion strength and water stability of loose soil and reduce the dust. 4.2.4 Impact on acoustic environment and mitigation measures 1. Impact on acoustic environment during construction period Noise during the construction period refers to noise generated in the process of operation of various construction machinery, equipment and engineering transportation vehicles. Construction noise is the most obvious, since diverse machines are needed for different types of construction based on the characteristics of the works, there are many subprojects in the Project and the road works require the largest number of mechanical equipment. At present, the commonly used machinery mainly includes excavator, loader, pneumatic tyre roller, paver and mixer. The source of construction noise can be classified as fixed source and mobile source. The former is mainly the construction machinery and the latter is mainly the vehicles transporting materials. The intensity of construction machinery noise source is mostly between 80-100dB (A). Noise generated by construction machinery during construction period of the Project is generally at a distance of 60m, which basically meets the requirements of daytime standard in Noise Standard for Construction Site (GB12523-90) and meets the requirements of nighttime standard within a distance of 300m. The subprojects of the Project are mostly located in the constructed town areas and the surrounding regions. There are a certain number of noise-sensitive buildings such as residential houses

57 within the distance of 300m, thus they will be affected to some extent during construction period. 2. Mitigation measures for impact on acoustic environment during the construction period • Arrange construction site in a proper and scientific way and concentrate fixed noise sources on construction site to minimize the impact of noises. • The Construction Contractor must select and use such construction machines and tools as conform to relevant national standards and the low-noise construction machinery or technology whenever possible, so as to reduce the noise source and decrease the intensity of noise source fundamentally. • Properly arrange construction time in accordance with Emission Standard for Noise within the Boundaries of Construction Sites (GB12523-2011) and prohibit operation of high-noise machines at nighttime (22:00-6:00). • As for a construction site where continuous construction is necessary, the Construction Contractor shall contact with the environmental protection administration in time and apply for the permit for nighttime work. In addition, announcement of such construction activities shall be made to the public to obtain their support as much as possible. • During construction close to residential areas, construction time shall be adjusted accordingly or temporary noise reducing measures be taken and temporary sound barriers be provided such as using temporary sound insulating board. • The route and schedule of transportation for construction and transportation, especially large transport vehicles, shall be determined reasonably according to regulations of relevant authorities. The side of road far from residential areas shall be selected during transportation. When

58 transporting, loading and unloading the building materials, vehicles should be slowed down to 20km/h and not allowed to whistle around environmentally sensitive sites. • Low-noise construction equipment is preferred and shall be subject to regular maintenance and preservation; construction methods and site boundary shall be properly selected; during construction, sound insulating boards shall be placed on the side of high-noise machines which is near the sensitive point to minimize its impact on environmentally sensitive points. • In order to exercise effect control over the impact of the construction noise on the urban environment, in addition to the implementation of the related control measures, the environmental management shall be strengthened at the same time. • The Construction Contractor shall initiatively accept the supervision and inspection carried out by the environmental protection departments, according to the national and local laws, orders, regulations, etc. • When the following-up project is for public tendering, the noise reduction requirements shall be included in the tender documents. • When undergoing project contracting, the PIU shall incorporate the construction noise control into the contract and should appoint persons specifically in charge of the implementation of the noise reduction measures in the process of construction and engineering supervision. • Construction operators and site constructors control the working time as per labor hygiene standard and perform self protection well such as wearing earplugs and helmets. 3. Impact on acoustic environment during operation period Noises in the operation period of the Project come mainly from road traffic. According to the traffic volume and relevant background data provided in the feasibility study report on Tianquan County Subproject and Yucheng District Subproject, noise prediction is conducted with the road

59 noise prediction mode recommended by Technical Guidelines for Noise Impact Assessment (HJ 2.4-2009). According to the noise prediction attenuation results of noise at different distances from the road centerline, the noise level of near-, medium-, and long-term operation of each proposed projects in Tianquan County all meet the Class 2 and 4a standards of the Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008) within the red line during daytime & nighttime. In short term, medium term and long term periods, the proposed road operation of the projects in Yucheng District can reach Class 2 standards at 10.5m from the road centerline during daytime, and Class 2 standards at 16.5m from the road centerline during nighttime. Class 4a standards can be reached at 10.5m from the road centerline in daytime and at night. According to the on-site investigation results, the external environment of each project is relatively simple, and there are no major pollution sources around. The main sensitive points around are residents of the town, schools, hospitals and scattered villages along the route. In this evaluation, sensitive points at different distances from the centerline of the road on both sides are selected for representative prediction. From the noise prediction results of sensitive points, it can be seen that the traffic noise of Tianquan County projects can reach the standard in the near term, medium term and long term periods. The road traffic noise of the subjects in Yucheng District meets the requirements of Class 2 in the Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008) in the near and middle terms during daytime, while the predicted noise in the near, middle and long-term periods during daytime and in operation cannot meet the requirements of Class 2 in the Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008). The current road surface of the subjects in Yucheng District is seriously damaged and the road grade is relatively low. The current noise in some sections cannot meet the requirements of Class 2 in the Environmental Quality Standard for Noise

60 (GB3096-2008). However, the impact of noise on sensitive points can be appropriately mitigated by improving the road condition after the project is implemented. 4. Mitigation measures and suggestions for impact on acoustic environment in operation period • Reasonable urban planning, architectural layout and control of land on both sides of road. From the perspective of environmental protection, guide, coordinate and improve the detailed regional planning of municipal land to be developed along the route, and adjust the reasonable layout of municipal land to be developed along the route from the perspective of planning. It is suggested that a row of houses along the route should be planned and constructed as buildings with more than 3 floors for non-educational and residential functions, which can not only better meet the demand of urban land that is in shortage, but also have certain shielding effect on traffic noise of buildings behind. • Vehicles entering the city should be controlled at the night, and sensitive road sections shall have restrictions on speed at night. • Strengthen the traffic management at road sections, set up traffic sign at the road sections and road entrances, strictly control the speed of passing vehicles, set up “slow down” and “no noise” signs in the residential areas, near schools, hospitals and other sensitive road sections; • Strengthen the road surface maintenance, repair the damaged road surface in time, guarantee the construction quality and management, and guarantee the smoothness of road surface, in order to reduce the vibration and noise which the automobile produces in the traveling process, so as to ensure the populace's quality of life; • Border trees with a certain density are to be planted along both sides of the road to ensure that the indoor sound environment of the surrounding buildings meets relative requirements. Appropriate species should be selected as border trees and planted along the road with the density of

61 branches and leaves that do not affect traffic. The planting of trees can block traffic noise to a certain extent. 4.2.5 Environmental impact of solid wastes and mitigation measures 1. Impact of solid wastes in construction period Solid wastes produced in construction period consist mainly of wastes from building demolition, spoils from excavation works and domestic garbage produced by construction personnel. Inappropriate stacking and disposal of solid waste will bring direct damage to the crops and vegetation, thus hinder the agricultural production; the solid waste will be covered with dust after being stacked for too long and flying dust caused in windy conditions will affect the nearby residents; stacking garbage along the road will lead to mass propagation of bacteria and flies which may cause increased incidence and transmissibility of infectious diseases in the local, the foul smell brought by garbage will affect the life of residents and the landscape environment. Hence such impacts shall be reduced and avoided by strengthening construction management during construction period of the project and by cleaning, transporting and disposing of solid waste immediately after completion of construction. 2. Mitigation measures for impact of solid wastes on environment in construction period • For solid wastes on site during construction period, the principle of “centralized collection, classified disposal and recycling” shall be followed. • To strengthen the construction traffic organization plan, the Construction Contractor shall determine a reasonable transport route of spoil and muck and make a proper detour plan so that transport vehicles avoid urban area and passing through environmental sensitive spots such as centralized residential areas; the transport of spoil shall be carried out in the nighttime whenever possible. • Vehicles carrying construction and building waste must be capped

62 with dust screens and be washed when they leave the muck loading yard, so as to prevent spilling and flying dust along the road; the vehicles shall be washed; the vehicles must be emptied after they arrived at the muck unloading yard. • During construction, spoils shall be reused where possible. For spoils which cannot be reused, the PIU has designated spoil ground (spoil ground in Liuliang Village, Fengming Township for Yucheng District Subproject; Leying spoil ground for Tianquan County Subproject; Miaoxi spoil ground for Lushan County Subproject; Qinghua Village spoil ground for Yingjing County Subproject as verified). Therefore, during construction, spoils shall be transported and stockpiled strictly in compliance with the requirements. The specific disposal location of the spoil from each subproject shall be regularly tracked and verified by the External Environmental Monitoring Consultant. • During construction, small temporary refuse stockpile yards shall be provided on construction site; domestic refuses shall be sorted on worksite and handed over to the nearby urban sanitation department which sends them regularly to the urban refuse disposal yard. The maintenance and management of the refuse stockpile yards shall be strengthened, so as to avoid the disorder of randomly stacked garbage. • In addition, desilting of flood discharge channels in each subproject will produce some sludge. After drying, the excavated sludge will be transported to the landfill designated by the respective local departments for disposal. 3. Impact of solid wastes in operation period Solid wastes during the operation period mainly come from domestic refuse from management personnel and maintenance staff. They present a point-like pattern along the project and have less impact on the environment compared with the construction period; as solid wastes during the operation

63 period are produced in areas nearer to the road, they are closely linked with people’s life. They will influence the scenery, contaminate air, transmit disease and jeopardize people’s health if not properly handled. During the project operation period, collection, stacking and clearing of domestic garbage shall be well done to prevent voluntary stacking or throwing that affects the environmental hygiene. Solid waste generated during the operation period of the road and bridge works of the Project will be cleared in a unified way by the sanitation sector and transported to the local garbage disposal plant for disposal. The majority of solid wastes in the operation period of emergency shelters comes from the garbage left by the residents nearby and domestic garbage from the staff at the shelter emergency command center; the domestic garbage shall be collected and handed over to local sanitation department for uniform disposal.

4.3 Health and safety mitigation measures (Especially for COVID-19)

The PIUs shall: • To provide health and safety training for Contractor’s Personnel (which include project workers and all personnel that the Contractor uses on site, including staff and other employees of the Contractor and Subcontractors and any other personnel assisting the Contractor in carrying out project activities) • To put in place workplace processes for Contractor’s Personnel to report work situations that are not safe or healthy • Gives Contractor’s Personnel the right to report work situations which they believe are not safe or healthy, and to remove themselves from a work situation which they have a reasonable justification to believe presents an imminent and serious danger to their life or health (with no reprisal for reporting or removing themselves)

64 • Requires measures to be in place to avoid or minimize the spread of diseases including measures to avoid or minimize the transmission of communicable diseases that may be associated with the influx of temporary or permanent contract-related labor • To provide an easily accessible grievance mechanism to raise workplace concerns • The construction contract should include health and safety requirements The project contractor shall: (a) ASSESSING WORKFORCE CHARACTERISTICS • The Contractor should prepare a detailed profile of the project work force, key work activities, schedule for carrying out such activities, different durations of contract and rotations (e.g. 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off). • This should include a breakdown of workers who reside at home (i.e. workers from the community), workers who lodge within the local community and workers in on-site accommodation. Where possible, it should also identify workers that may be more at risk from COVID-19, those with underlying health issues or who may be otherwise at risk. • Consideration should be given to ways in which to minimize movement in and out of site. This could include lengthening the term of existing contracts, to avoid workers returning home to affected areas, or returning to site from affected areas. • Workers accommodated on site should be required to minimize contact with people near the site, and in certain cases be prohibited from leaving the site for the duration of their contract, so that contact with local communities is avoided. • Consideration should be given to requiring workers lodging in the local community to move to site accommodation (subject to availability) where they would be subject to the same restrictions.

65 • Workers from local communities, who return home daily, weekly or monthly, will be more difficult to manage. They should be subject to health checks at entry to the site (as set out above) and at some point, circumstances may make it necessary to require them to either use accommodation on site or not to come to work. (b) ENTRY/EXIT TO THE WORK SITE AND CHECKS ON COMMENCEMENT OF WORK • Establishing a system for controlling entry/exit to the site, securing the boundaries of the site, and establishing designating entry/exit points (if they do not already exist). Entry/exit to the site should be documented. • Training security staff on the (enhanced) system that has been put in place for securing the site and controlling entry and exit, the behaviors required of them in enforcing such system and any COVID -19 specific considerations. • Training staff who will be monitoring entry to the site, providing them with the resources they need to document entry of workers, conducting temperature checks and recording details of any worker that is denied entry. • Confirming that workers are fit for work before they enter the site or start work. While procedures should already be in place for this, special attention should be paid to workers with underlying health issues or who may be otherwise at risk. Consideration should be given to demobilization of staff with underlying health issues. • Checking and recording temperatures of workers and other people entering the site or requiring self-reporting prior to or on entering the site. • Providing daily briefings to workers prior to commencing work, focusing on COVID-19 specific considerations including cough etiquette, hand hygiene and distancing measures, using demonstrations and participatory methods. • During the daily briefings, reminding workers to self-monitor for

66 possible symptoms (fever, cough) and to report to their supervisor or the COVID-19 focal point if they have symptoms or are feeling unwell. • Preventing a worker from an affected area or who has been in contact with an infected person from returning to the site for 14 days or (if that is not possible) isolating such worker for 14 days. • Preventing a sick worker from entering the site, referring them to local health facilities if necessary or requiring them to isolate at home for 14 days. (c) GENERAL HYGIENE • Workers should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes protective outerwear, gloves, boots, goggles or a face shield, and a mask; they should perform hand hygiene frequently; and they should avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Train field workers and staff • Placing posters and signs around the site, with images and text in local languages. • Ensuring handwashing facilities supplied with soap, disposable paper towels and closed waste bins exist at key places throughout site, including at entrances/exits to work areas; where there is a toilet, canteen or food distribution, or provision of drinking water; in worker accommodation; at waste stations; at stores; and in common spaces. Where handwashing facilities do not exist or are not adequate, arrangements should be made to set them up. Alcohol based sanitizer (if available, 60-95% alcohol) can also be used. • Setting aside part of worker accommodation for precautionary self-quarantine as well as more formal isolation of staff who may be infected. (d) CLEANING AND WASTE DISPOSAL • Conduct regular and thorough cleaning of all site facilities, including offices, accommodation, canteens, common spaces.

67 • Providing cleaning staff with adequate cleaning equipment, materials and disinfectant. • Review general cleaning systems, training cleaning staff on appropriate cleaning procedures and appropriate frequency in high use or high-risk areas. • Where it is anticipated that cleaners will be required to clean areas that have been or are suspected to have been contaminated with COVID-19, providing them with appropriate PPE: gowns or aprons, gloves, eye protection (masks, goggles or face screens) and boots or closed work shoes. If appropriate PPE is not available, cleaners should be provided with best available alternatives. • Training cleaners in proper hygiene (including handwashing) prior to, during and after conducting cleaning activities; how to safely use PPE (where required); in waste control (including for used PPE and cleaning materials). (e) INSTANCES OR SPREAD OF THE VIRUS • If a worker has symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, dry cough, fatigue) the worker should be removed immediately from work activities and isolated on site. • If testing is available on site, the worker should be tested on site. If a test is not available at site, the worker should be transported to the local health facilities to be tested (if testing is available). • If the test is positive for COVID-19 or no testing is available, the worker should continue to be isolated. This will either be at the work site or at home. If at home, the worker should be transported to their home in transportation provided by the project. • Extensive cleaning procedures with high-alcohol content disinfectant should be undertaken in the area where the worker was present, prior to any further work being undertaken in that area. Tools used by the worker should

68 be cleaned using disinfectant and PPE disposed of. • Co-workers (i.e. workers with whom the sick worker was in close contact) should be required to stop work, and be required to quarantine themselves for 14 days, even if they have no symptoms. • Family and other close contacts of the worker should be required to quarantine themselves for 14 days, even if they have no symptoms. • If a case of COVID-19 is confirmed in a worker on the site, visitors should be restricted from entering the site and worker groups should be isolated from each other as much as possible. • If workers live at home and has a family member who has a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19, the worker should quarantine themselves and not be allowed on the project site for 14 days, even if they have no symptoms. • Workers should continue to be paid throughout periods of illness, isolation or quarantine, or if they are required to stop work, in accordance with national law. • Medical care (whether on site or in a local hospital or clinic) required by a worker should be paid for by the employer. (f) TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION WITH WORKERS • Training of workers should be conducted regularly, providing workers with a clear understanding of how they are expected to behave and carry out their work duties. • Training should address issues of discrimination or prejudice if a worker becomes ill and provide an understanding of the trajectory of the virus, where workers return to work. • Training should cover all issues that would normally be required on the work site, including use of safety procedures, use of construction PPE, occupational health and safety issues, and code of conduct, taking into account that work practices may have been adjusted.

69 • Communications should be clear, based on fact and designed to be easily understood by workers, for example by displaying posters on handwashing and social distancing, and what to do if a worker displays symptoms.

70 Chapter 5 Public Participation

5.1 Purpose of public participation

Public participation is an important part of the environmental impact assessment of the construction project and a two-way communication between the PIU or the EIA Consultant and the people. Through public participation, the environmental problems that the public concern themselves with can be understood, so as to develop practicable environmental protection measures to ensure realization of good social and economic benefits in the Project. The purpose of public consultation is to obtain opinions from the general public directly affected by the Project to make decision-making department timely find potential problems and modify & complete design scheme and ensure problems reflected by people are solved fundamentally, making process design, environmental protection measures and environmental supervisory control & management become more complete and reasonable and striving optimal unity of environmental benefit, social benefit and social benefit in terms of the Project construction.

5.2 Public participation methods

Personnel of the PIU or the EIA Consultant shall firstly introduce basic information of the proposed project and main conclusions of environmental impact assessment (including project scale and long-term & short-term impacts of proposed project on general public and environment during construction period and operation period) in details to the general public in affected area, and know attitudes, requirements and recommendations of general public for proposed project. The main public consultation methods are as follows: Publicizing information on the web;

71 Visiting the areas affected by the Project construction to post notices; Communicating with the general public and distributing public participation questionnaires; Individual interview, household interview and group interview (conversazione); Visiting important sensitive areas and negotiating.

5.3 Public notification

After receiving the EIA task, all EIA Consultants of the Project made the first round of information publicity on the local government affairs website before January 15, 2020 (see Schedule 1-1 for the specific time of the first round of information publicity for all subprojects). The main publicity contents include the basic information of project construction and working procedures concerning EIA.

5.4 Notice posting

At the EIA stage of the Project, notices were posted in places with high population density selected from residential areas, villages, etc. in the affected areas of the Project. The contents of the notices include project overview, the contact information of the PIU and the public opinion feedback channel. The posting of notices can help the public know about the Site notices in Lushan County Project in time; meanwhile, the people who disagree with construction of the Project can seek advice and make complaints. During the periods of posting notices of all subprojects, the people concerned themselves more with the concrete implementation and

72 completion dates of the Project and no related complaints and disagreement have been received.

5.5 Public conversazione

The conversazione of public participation with regard to the Project was held by the PIU and the EIA Consultant of each subproject in the EIA process. Personnel attending the conversazione mainly include the Public conversazione in Tianquan County affected residents in the project area, the representatives of the enterprise units related to the Project, and the representatives of students and local civil servants. In the conversazione, the EIA Consultant and the PIU introduced the overview of this Project first, and explained the necessity of the project construction, the positive impacts of the Project on the local including disaster relief, risk aversion, economic development and convenient transportation, the adverse impacts such as water and soil loss, ecological damage, noise, sewage and waste gas caused by the Project during the construction period and operation period as well as the environmental protection measures to be taken, and then the public asked questions of their concern, and the EIA Consultant and the PIU answered such questions.

Through the conversazione, the EIA Consultant and the public representatives have made enough and effective communication. The public representatives said that all regions were badly stricken by the 4.20 Lushan Earthquake and raised their concerns such as imperfect infrastructure and insufficient sheltering places. They also expressed their strong support for the Project and their expectations of project implementation. Although the

73 potential environmental impacts during project construction were acceptable to them, they expected that the Construction Contractor would practice housekeeping as good as possible and do not cause adverse impacts on the existing environment; also, they hoped that the competent organizations would strengthen management to ensure successful implementation of the Project. Refer to Schedule 1-2 for the time and manner of detailed public consultation about the Project.

5.6 Questionnaire survey

During the EIA period of each subproject in this Restructuring Project, each PIU gave out public questionnaires to the affected people and organizations around the Project. The main respondents included government at all levels in the project areas, enterprises and institutions, schools, hospitals and communities. Such local residents, workers, teachers and students, individual business operators, etc. as would be directly affected by the project construction were also included. With regard to selection of public representatives, considerations were given to the gender, age, occupation and degree of educations of the public, and the selection was random and the people chosen were widely representative. When issuing the questionnaires for public opinion, the survey team introduced basic information about the proposed project to the respondents, including construction scale, route and positive and negative effects possibly brought to local areas. The respondents voluntarily filled in the questionnaires for public opinion, or their oral opinions were truthfully recorded by the surveyors. Meanwhile, the PIU, home address, gender, age, education background and other information of the respondents were indicated. Finally, the PIU arranged, analyzed and summarized the questionnaires collected. Refer to Schedule 1-3 for details.

74 From analysis on survey results, the public response to the Project is good. The Project construction gets the endorsement and support of the vast majority of local people. Besides, people’s awareness of environmental protection is increasing. Most of people believe that the Project, upon completion, will play a positive role in increasing the local risk aversion and disaster relief capacity, promoting local economic development and improving the urban infrastructure and living environment. However, in their opinion, there are also some environmental problems. They hope that corresponding environmental protection measures will be taken for effective control. Based on statistics on the above survey opinions: (1) The majority of residents or affected population in this survey are unsatisfied with the local existing infrastructure and hope that the local infrastructure can be improved and that their living standards can be raised. (2) The residents or affected population within the scope of influence in the construction areas of subprojects in this Restructuring Project support the construction of the Project. They believe that the construction of the embankment works, flood discharge channel works and emergency shelters in the Project will be conducive to improvement of the regional flood control and risk aversion capacity. The residents or affected population within the scope of influence of Yucheng District Subproject also point out that the construction of road works will help solve the existing problems such as poor traffic and chaotic roads. (3) The 4.20 Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project has been successfully implemented in Lushan, Tianquan, Yingjing and Yucheng. A lot of local people think highly of the World Bank and the local government and expect fast and successful implementation of the Project after they are informed of the Project. (4) The majority of residents or affected population within the scope of this survey believe that air pollution, noise pollution and ecological damage

75 are the main environmental problems in the local. They hope that the air pollution control measures, noise pollution control measures and local ecological environment protection can be strengthened during the construction period of this Restructuring Project, so as to reduce the impact of construction on local environment and protect the local environment. (5) In the opinion of the affected population in the survey, construction of the Project will have certain impacts on the local atmospheric, water, noise and ecological environments, but such impacts are acceptable and construction management and environmental protection measures need to be strengthened to effectively reduce the impact of construction on environment. (6) With regard to the impact of project construction on individuals, the affected population in the survey considers that the construction of the Project will bring inconvenience to and disturb their lives, such as traffic congestion and travel inconvenience. They hope that the Construction Contractor will take the capacity of relevant roads into consideration to make reasonable transport management plans, strengthen construction traffic organization and set up eye-catching detour signs at the entrances/exits of construction areas. (7) From the aspect of social influence, the affected population in the survey believes that construction of the Project not only plays an important role in promoting local social and economic development, providing the local residents with more job opportunities and improving infrastructure but also makes the common people have a sense of well-being and belonging. In spite of this, in the Tianquan County Subproject, some of the respondents from Shiyang Town are more concerned with such issues as compensation for acquisition of land and demolition & resettlement. (8) With regard to environmental impact mitigation measures taken throughout the project construction, some people also expect that the

76 competent departments would consider the contractor having rich experience in the World Bank Loaned Project whenever possible at the time of calling for bids for the Project and that housekeeping would be practiced as good as possible to cause no adverse impacts on the existing environment, besides requesting the Construction Contractor to strictly comply with the requirements stated in the EIA report. Furthermore, they hope that the competent departments would strengthen their management to ensure successful implementation of the Project. In general, public opinions in the questionnaire have a high reference value for the Project construction, operation and management. In the process of consultation with the public during EIA, the EIA workers made detailed explanations to the public having doubts about the Project and promptly reported the environmental protection problems that the public concern themselves with to the PIU and the Feasibility Study Unit, so that great importance would be attached to such problems and improvement would be made in the design at the next stage; meanwhile, corresponding environmental protection requirements and measures are presented in the EIA report and the environmental management plan after considering the opinions and suggestions of the public.

77 Chapter 6 Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan

6.1 Environmental management organization

6.1.1 Environmental management system and procedures The environmental management system and procedures for the Project are shown in Table 6-1 and the environmental management and organization framework is shown in Fig. 6-1. Table 6-1 Table of environmental management system and procedure Implementation Environmental Environment organization of Project Content of environmental protection and protection and environmental stage protection management supervision protection department department measures The Supervisor, Ecology and Implement environmental provincial and environment Constructio protection measures and The Construction municipal bureau of each n period handle environmental Contractor ecology and district/ county emergencies environment and the PIU bureaus Provincial and Implement environmental The PIU or Environmental municipal Operation protection measures and Operation protection ecology and period environmental Management bureau of each environment management Organization district/county bureaus 6.1.2 Environmental management organization and responsibilities 1. Environmental protection and management organization Environmental protection and management organizations and their responsibilities are listed in Table 6-2. Table 6-2 Environmental management organizations and their main responsibilities Name Responsibilities Coordinate and manage the work of Restructuring for World Bank Sichuan Urban Environment Loaned Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project Office Project and ensure that environmental protection meets the requirements of WB security policies. Be responsible for all environmental management work, including effective execution of mitigation measures, supervision & monitoring, and making budget security and reporting to the World Bank and the local environmental protection bureau; Ensure that measures in the environmental management plan can be Ya’an Project Office included in the bids and construction contract; Supervise and manage the Construction Contractor to implement pollution prevention and control measures, and promptly notify the Construction Contractor of any violations; Ensure that the contents of supervision and management executed

78 by the environmental protection bureau can be incorporated into the bids and the contract signed with the supervision engineer and supervise and participate in the monitoring of the works; Organize the training concerning environment for the Contractor and the environmental supervision engineer. Each Subproject Office will implement the infrastructure construction works financed by the World Bank, including Each Subproject Office procurement, construction management, implementation of security guarantee policies and compliance, monitoring and reporting.

Ecology and Environment Instruct the PIU to implement national environmental protection Bureau of Ya’an City; laws and regulations and be responsible for approval; supervise the Environmental Protection implementation of various environmental protection measures for Bureau of each district/county the proposed project; take overall charge of the inspection and acceptance of environmental protection for the proposed project. Take charge of detailed work in supervision and management of District/County Transport environmental protection measures and facilities for the road Bureau subprojects under its jurisdiction in operation period. Take charge of detailed work in supervision and management of District/County Water environmental protection measures and facilities for the river Resources Bureau training subprojects under its jurisdiction in operation period. Take charge of detailed work in supervision and management of District/County Ecology and environmental protection for the World Bank Loaned Project under Environment Bureau its jurisdiction in operation and construction periods. 6.1.3 Supervision organization Environmental protection supervision organizations and their responsibilities are shown in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Environmental protection supervision organizations and their responsibilities Name Responsibilities Remarks Be responsible for supervising the implementation of various environmental protection and management measures for the proposed project; Carry out supervision and management of environmental protection Administrati work for the construction project; organize and coordinate relevant Municipal ve agencies to provide service for environmental protection work; ecology and department supervise the implementation of Environmental Management Plan; environment in charge of confirm the environmental laws, regulations and standards which the bureau environment Project shall comply with; instruct District/County Environmental al protection Protection Bureau on environmental supervision and management in construction and operation periods; accept, investigate and coordinate the handling of public complaints about environment and supervise improvement of environmental protection facilities and measures. District Be responsible for EIA review & approval and environmental ecology and Ecology and protection acceptance for the Project; accept work instructions from environment environment environmental protection department at a higher level, supervise the : Yucheng bureaus of 4 PIU’s implementation of EMP and relevant environmental District; districts/countie management regulations and standards; coordinate various Lushan, s departments to carry out environmental protection work; take charge Yingjing of inspection, supervision and management of construction, and

79 Name Responsibilities Remarks completion and operation of environmental protection facilities Tianquan under its jurisdiction; accept, investigate and coordinate the handling counties; of public complaints about environment and supervise the improvement of environmental protection facilities and measures. Environmental supervision in project preparation period includes: review provisions on environmental protection in the Project Construction Organization Plan prepared by the Construction Contractor; check whether the environmental protection system established by the Construction Contractor is reasonable; supervise the construction of pollutant treatment works. Environmental supervision in construction period includes: prepare Key Points of Environmental Protection Work based on construction At the next organization design for each lot; publicize environmental protection stage, to the Construction Contractor; point out sensitive spots vulnerable External determine to environmental pollution for the Construction Contractor; propose Environmental the External detailed environmental protection measures based on major Monitoring Monitoring pollutants in the construction process; review the Scheme for Consultant Consultant Environmental Protection during Project Construction submitted by through the Construction Contractor; inspect whether the Construction bidding. Contractor’s environmental protection system operates normally; check the implementation of environmental protection measures. Environmental supervision in operation period includes: review the Final Report on Environmental Protection during Project Construction prepared by the Construction Contractor; compile completion documents on environmental protection; carry out acceptance of environmental protection work for the Project; prepare the external environmental monitoring report, etc.


81 6.2 Content of environmental management 1. Environmental management by the PIU The PIU shall positively carry out the bidding design of environmental protection measures at the bidding design stage. During construction, the PIU shall be responsible for the environmental protection and management from the commencement of construction up to the completion acceptance, which primarily includes: (1) Establishing the environmental protection implementation planning and management measures for construction period. (2) Taking the responsibility for incorporating the bidding design achievements of environmental protection measures into the Bidding Documents and Contract. (3) Establishing the annual work plan for environmental protection. (4) Taking charge of review and arrangement of annual environmental protection expenses. (5) Supervising the execution of environmental protection measures by the Contractor. (6) Organizing the implementation of the PIU’s environmental protection measures and monitoring. (7) Coordinating with the environmental protection and other relevant departments. (8) Preparing annual environmental protection work report as well as monthly, quarterly and annual statements. (9) Organizing and carrying out environmental protection publicity, education and training. (10) Develop a plan to deal with the spread and spread of covid-19. 2. Environmental management by the Contractor The Contractor shall be responsible for the environmental protection in relation to its own construction activities, which includes:

82 (1) Making the work plan for environmental protection. (2) Checking the construction progress, quality, operation and test of environmental protection facilities and dealing with relevant issues in the implementation process. (3) Verifying the use of annual environmental protection expenses. (4) Reporting the execution of environmental protection provisions set out in the Contract. (5) Conduct health, safety and environmental protection training. 3. Environmental management by the environmental protection and supervision departments The local ecology and environment bureaus at district and county levels as well as the Supervisor shall be responsible for daily supervision and inspection and for urging and ensuring the execution of environmental protection measures. Additionally, relevant functional departments involved such as transport bureau and water resources bureau will also take part in the supervision. 6.3 Environmental protection technology and skills training 1. Environmental protection technology and skills training To ensure the successful and efficient implementation of environmental protection, training on environmental protection knowledge and skills must be provided for all employees (including construction personnel). In addition to explaining the importance of the proposed project and the significance of implementation to all employees, different kinds of training shall pertinently be provided for employees for different posts. (1) On-the-job training of environmental management personnel The purpose of on-the-job training of environmental management personnel is to strengthen environmental management during construction period and operation period and ensure environmental monitoring quality and practical and effective environmental management, thus improving the

83 quality of the whole works. On-the-job training enables environmental management personnel to distinguish main environmental problems at construction stage and know more problems and deficiencies in environmental management so as to immediately report the situation to the engineering environmental protection department to adopt necessary control measures as quickly as possible. During construction, the Project management organization shall invite environmental protection experts or environmental management personnel with similar management experience to the site to explain possible environmental problems and solutions. (2) Training for responsible party and construction personnel of works Prior to commencement of works, the responsible party that has won the bidding for construction of works and its construction personnel shall receive systematic training on environmental expertise to avoid environmental disruption caused by misoperation during construction. The purpose of training the responsible party under the contract is to define the environmental protection responsibilities to be fulfilled by the Construction Contractor, while the purpose of training construction personnel is to strengthen the correct mode of operation during construction period to reduce unnecessary environmental disruption. The training can make the responsible party of works know its environmental protection obligations to be fulfilled and the possible consequences of environmental disruption, and make construction personnel intuitively understand the degree and methods of environmentally-sensitive point protection. According to actual conditions of the Project, construction personnel training lasts for one week. (3) During the project operation period, the project management organization shall periodically provide environmental protection knowledge training so that the employees could identify the environmental issues which may occur on their respective posts and take necessary measures. Each employee must bear the idea of environmental protection.

84 2. Health and safety training (1) Continuing with the usual safety trainings, adding COVID-19 specific considerations (2) Provide health and safety training for Contractor’s Personnel (which include project workers and all personnel that the Contractor uses on site, including staff and other employees of the Contractor and Subcontractors and any other personnel assisting the Contractor in carrying out project activities). (3) Training cleaners in proper hygiene (including handwashing) prior to, during and after conducting cleaning activities; how to safely use PPE (where required); in waste control (including for used PPE and cleaning materials). 3. Training program Table 6-4 Environmental protection training program for Yucheng District Subproject Number Budget Training Training S/N Training content Organizer of Place (10,000 object time trainees yuan) Learn environmental Sichuan protection and Urban management Environm knowledge ent Project The PIU comprehensively, Office and and its and know the External 1-2 days 1 3 Chengdu relevant content of Environm (Trainin staff environmental ental g may Continuing impact assessment Monitorin be with the report and g provide usual safety environmental Consultan d when trainings, management plan t the adding 1.0 for the Project. contract COVID-19 The Knowledge about Sichuan is signed specific Superviso environmental Urban upon consideratio r’s supervision, Environm completi ns principal content of ent Project on of the and environmental Office, the project engineerin impact assessment PIU and bidding) 2 2 Chengdu g report and the environme environmental External ntal management plan Environm supervisio for the Project as ental n well as content of Monitorin personnel corresponding g

85 on site environmental Consultan protection design t documents for the Project.

The The PIU Contracto and the r’s main External technical Knowledge about Environm principal environmental ental 3 Chengdu and person protection and Monitorin responsibl management g e for Consultan constructi t on The PIU Continu Knowledge and and the ous specific External training Constructi requirements Environm at the 3 on concerning ental 20 Yucheng 1.0 Project personnel environmental Monitorin impleme protection in the g ntation Project Consultan stage t Total / / / / 2.0

Table 6-5 Environmental protection training program for Lushan County Subproject Number Budget Training Training S/N Training content Organizer of Place (10,000 object time trainees yuan) Learn environmental Sichuan protection and Urban management Environm knowledge ent Project The PIU comprehensively, Office and 1-2 days and its and know the External 1 3 (Trainin Chengdu relevant content of Environm g may staff environmental Continuing ental be impact assessment with the Monitorin provide report and usual safety g d when environmental trainings, Consultan the management plan adding t 1.0 contract for the Project. COVID-19 is signed The Knowledge about specific Sichuan upon Superviso environmental consideratio Urban completi r’s supervision, ns Environm on of the principal content of ent Project project and environmental Office, the bidding) 2 engineerin impact assessment PIU and 2 Chengdu g report and the environme environmental External ntal management plan Environm supervisio for the Project as ental n well as content of Monitorin

86 personnel corresponding g on site environmental Consultan protection design t documents for the Project. The The PIU Contracto and the r’s main External technical Knowledge about Environm principal environmental ental 3 Chengdu and person protection and Monitorin responsibl management g e for Consultan constructi t on The PIU Continu Knowledge and and the ous specific External training Constructi requirements Environm at the 3 on concerning ental 20 Lushan 1.0 Project personnel environmental Monitorin impleme protection in the g ntation Project Consultan stage t Total / / / / 2.0

Table 6-6 Environmental protection training program for Yingjing County Subproject Number Budget Training Training S/N Training content Organizer of Place (10,000 object time trainees yuan) Learn environmental Sichuan protection and Urban management Environm knowledge ent Project The PIU comprehensively, Office and 1-2 days and its and know the External 1 3 (Trainin Chengdu relevant content of Environm g may staff environmental Continuing ental be impact assessment with the Monitorin provide report and usual safety g d when environmental trainings, Consultan the management plan adding t 1.0 contract for the Project. COVID-19 is signed The Knowledge about specific Sichuan upon Superviso environmental consideratio Urban completi r’s supervision, ns Environm on of the principal content of ent Project project and environmental Office, the bidding) 2 engineerin impact assessment PIU and 2 Chengdu g report and the environme environmental External ntal management plan Environm supervisio for the Project as ental n well as content of Monitorin

87 personnel corresponding g on site environmental Consultan protection design t documents for the Project. The The PIU Contracto and the r’s main External technical Knowledge about Environm principal environmental ental 3 Chengdu and person protection and Monitorin responsibl management g e for Consultan constructi t on The PIU Continu Knowledge and and the ous specific External training Constructi requirements Environm at the 3 on concerning ental 20 Yingjing 1.0 Project personnel environmental Monitorin impleme protection in the g ntation Project Consultan stage t Total / / / / 2.0

Table 6-7 Environmental protection training program for Tianquan County Subproject Number Budget Training Training S/N Training content Organizer of Place (10,000 object time trainees yuan) Learn environmental Sichuan protection and Urban management Environm knowledge ent Project The PIU comprehensively, Office and 1-2 days and its and know the External (Trainin 1 3 Chengdu relevant content of Environm g may Continuing staff environmental ental be with the impact assessment Monitorin provide usual safety report and g d when trainings, environmental Consultan the adding 1.0 management plan t contract COVID-19 for the Project. is signed specific The Knowledge about Sichuan upon consideratio Superviso environmental Urban completi ns r’s supervision, Environm on of the principal content of ent Project project and environmental Office, the bidding) 2 2 Chengdu engineerin impact assessment PIU and g report and the environme environmental External ntal management plan Environm supervisio for the Project as ental

88 n well as content of Monitorin personnel corresponding g on site environmental Consultan protection design t documents for the Project. The The PIU Contracto and the r’s main External technical Knowledge about Environm principal environmental ental 3 Chengdu and person protection and Monitorin responsibl management g e for Consultan constructi t on The PIU Continu Knowledge and and the ous specific External training Constructi requirements Environm at the 3 on concerning ental 20 Tianquan 1.0 Project personnel environmental Monitorin impleme protection in the g ntation Project Consultan stage t Total / / / / 2.0

It is estimated that the training in knowledge about environmental protection and management provided to the workers of the PIUs, the Construction Contractors and the Supervisors of all subprojects will cost 80,000 yuan in total. 6.4 Execution plan for environmental protection measures

6.4.1 Environmental protection measures and cost estimates The environmental protection investment of each subproject of the Project mainly consists of the following aspects: water pollution prevention and control (adoption of facilities for sedimentation and recycling of construction waste water and facilities for treatment of domestic sewage caused by construction personnel); ambient air pollution prevention and control (watering for suppressing dust and isolation belt greening); noise prevention and control measures (equipment shock-absorbing and sound-insulation facilities, erection of “no horn” signs and other signs, etc.);

89 solid waste treatment (prompt garbage removal and transport, dry sludge transport); water and soil conservation and ecological restoration (vegetation restoration, road greening and landscaping and temporary water and soil conservation measures); environmental management and monitoring (strengthening the supervision of control measures such as construction dust, noise, water and soil loss control by specially-assigned person); environmental monitoring (monitoring of ambient air, surface water, noise, groundwater, etc. in the areas with respect to the Project). See Table 6-8 for the environmental protection measures and estimate summary of each subproject: Table 6-8 Summary of environmental protection measures and estimates for subprojects Investment Subproje Item and construction S/N Category Treatment measures (10,000 ct name content yuan) Water and soil loss Cover temporary muck stacking yard 8 control with dustproof cloth Excavation, permanent land occupation and Compensation, restoration 38 Ecology temporary land occupation River embankment works, emergency Greening 12 shelter Construction Arrange construction time reasonably Noise 6.5 machinery noise and strengthen management Water for cooling and Lushan washing of County 1 construction Subproje machinery, for Up-to-standard discharging upon ct cleaning construction sedimentation and filtering and partial 8 Water site, for cleaning comprehensive utilization pollutant building materials, for concrete placement & curing and for rinsing To be treated with existing treatment Domestic sewage and facilities provided in the local housing 2 fecal sewage rented Using tarpaulin as construction Fuel machinery enclosure, dust reducing by watering, Atmospheric transportation vehicle arranging construction time and 20 pollutant and construction dust sequence reasonably, greenbelt and sludge & odor prevention

90 Investment Subproje Item and construction S/N Category Treatment measures (10,000 ct name content yuan) Transport waste earth and rock to Waste earth and rock designated waste disposal site in Lushan 6 in construction period County To be transported to the designated Silt from dredging landfill in Lushan County for disposal 5 after drying in the air Solid waste To be collected to designated place and Domestic garbage transported in time to the environmental during construction 1 sanitation department for uniform period treatment Set categorized garbage collecting bins; Garbage during garbage to be treated uniformly by the 7 operation period environmental sanitation department. Implement construction environment supervision system, adopt contract constraint mechanism, incorporate relevant environmental protection Environment measures into production quality al management systems and acceptance management Construction period index systems at various stages, 20 and strengthen specially-assigned supervisory personnel's supervision of construction control dust, noise, water and soil loss control measures, etc. and promote laws and regulations on environmental protection. Environment Construction & Regional ambient noise and air quality 65 al monitoring operation periods Subtotal 198.5 Water and soil loss Cover temporary muck stacking yard 8 control with dustproof cloth Ecology Reclamation or complementary planting Vegetation recovery 5 of trees and flowers Construction Arrange construction time reasonably Noise 6.5 machinery noise and strengthen management Water for cooling and washing of construction machinery, for Up-to-standard discharging upon Yingjing cleaning construction sedimentation and filtering and partial 6 County site, for cleaning comprehensive utilization 2 Water Subproje building materials, for pollutant ct concrete placement & curing and for rinsing Domestic sewage To be treated with existing treatment generated by facilities provided in the local housing 2 construction rented personnel Using tarpaulin as construction Fuel machinery enclosure, dust reducing by watering, Atmospheric transportation vehicle arranging construction time and 21.5 pollutant and construction dust sequence reasonably, greenbelt and sludge & odor prevention

91 Investment Subproje Item and construction S/N Category Treatment measures (10,000 ct name content yuan) Transport waste earth and rock to Waste earth and rock designated waste disposal site in 6 in construction period Yingjing County To be transported to the designated Silt from dredging landfill in Yingjing County for disposal 5 after drying in the air Solid waste To be collected to designated place and Domestic garbage transported in time to the environmental during construction 1 sanitation department for uniform period treatment Set categorized garbage collecting bins; Garbage during garbage to be treated uniformly by the 4.5 operation period environmental sanitation department. Implement construction environment supervision system, adopt contract constraint mechanism, incorporate relevant environmental protection Environment measures into production quality al management systems and acceptance management Construction period index systems at various stages, 20 and strengthen specially-assigned supervisory personnel's supervision of construction control dust, noise, water and soil loss control measures, etc. and promote laws and regulations on environmental protection. Environment Construction & Regional ambient noise, air quality and 65 al monitoring operation periods surface water emergency monitoring Subtotal 150.5 Water and soil loss Cover temporary muck stacking yard 8 control with dustproof cloth Ecology Reclamation or complementary planting Vegetation recovery 5 of trees and flowers Construction Comprehensive utilization upon Water wastewater, rinsing sedimentation and filtering and treating pollution wastewater, curing 1.5 domestic sewage by surrounding control wastewater and existing facilities domestic sewage Transportation Dust reducing by watering, covering Tianquan vehicle and transportation vehicles and arranging County construction dust 6.0 3 construction time and sequence Subproje Ambient air during construction reasonably ct pollution period control Strengthen management and greening Vehicle exhaust on both sides, and prohibiting vehicles during operation 3.0 with excessive emission of tail gas from period driving on the road Machinery Arrange construction time reasonably transportation vehicle Noise and inspect construction equipment 5.0 during construction prevention regularly period measures Traffic noise during Strengthening management and regular 3.0 operation period monitoring

92 Investment Subproje Item and construction S/N Category Treatment measures (10,000 ct name content yuan) Transport waste earth and rock to Waste earth and rock designated waste disposal site in 5 in construction period Tianquan County To be transported to the designated Silt from dredging landfill in Tianquan County for disposal 4 after drying in the air To be collected to designated place and Domestic garbage Solid waste transported in time to the environmental during construction 1 sanitation department for uniform period treatment Domestic garbage Domestic garbage shall be treated by the generated during local environmental sanitation operation period and department and garbage along the road 4.5 garbage along the shall be cleared overtime by the curing road team. Environment al Construction & Conduct environmental management management 65.0 operation periods and monitoring work and monitoring Subtotal 111 Cover temporary muck stacking yard Water and soil loss with dustproof cloth, provide 35 control intercepting drain and other protection measures Excavation, Ecology permanent land occupation and Compensation, restoration 15 temporary land occupation Road works, Greening 5 emergency shelter Construction Comprehensive utilization upon Water wastewater, rinsing sedimentation and filtering and treating pollution wastewater, curing 2.5 domestic sewage by surrounding control wastewater and Yucheng existing facilities domestic sewage District 4 Transportation Subproje Dust reducing by watering, covering vehicle and ct transportation vehicles and arranging construction dust 5.0 construction time and sequence Ambient air during construction reasonably pollution period control Strengthen management and greening Vehicle exhaust on both sides, and prohibiting vehicles during operation 1.5 with excessive emission of tail gas from period driving on the road Machinery Arrange construction time reasonably transportation vehicle Noise and inspect construction equipment 2.5 during construction prevention regularly period measures Traffic noise during Strengthening management and regular 2.5 operation period monitoring Waste earth and rock Transport waste earth and rock to Solid waste 10 in construction period designated waste disposal site in Ya'an

93 Investment Subproje Item and construction S/N Category Treatment measures (10,000 ct name content yuan) City To be transported to the designated Silt from dredging landfill in Yucheng District for disposal 9 after drying in the air To be collected to designated place and Domestic garbage transported in time to the environmental during construction 1 sanitation department for uniform period treatment Domestic garbage Domestic garbage shall be treated by the generated during local environmental sanitation operation period and department and garbage along the road 4.5 garbage along the shall be cleared overtime by the curing road team. Environment al Construction & Conduct environmental management management 65.0 operation periods and monitoring work and monitoring Subtotal 158.5

94 6.4.2 Execution plan for environmental protection measures Environmental protection measures shall be incorporated into the Bidding Documents and the Contract, and construction organization and environmental management during operation period shall be strengthened to better implement environmental protection measures at various stages. 1. Environmental protection measure execution plan for project design stage Table 6-9 Environmental protection measure execution plan for design stage Supervisi on & Item and Environment Implementa managem construction Treatment measures Execution description Executor al elements tion stage ent content organizati ons Protection of temporary Optimize scheme at design Water and muck stacking yard, stage and incorporate it into soil loss Designer Design slope protection and engineering control control drainage design measures Reclamation of temporary land or Ecology complementary Optimize scheme at design Vegetation planting of trees and stage and incorporate it into Designer Design recovery flowers, and engineering control comprehensive measures ecological management of river embankment Construction Arrange construction Propose reasonable machinery time reasonably and measures, suggestions and Designer Design Sichuan noise strengthen management requirements at design stage Urban Strengthen traffic Optimize scheme at design Environm Noise Traffic noise control, set “no horn” stage and incorporate it into ent during and speed limit signs, engineering control Project Designer Design operation and reserve sound measures, and propose Office and period insulation measures and reasonable suggestions and Subprojec protection distance requirements t PIUs Upon simple sedimentation, Optimize scheme at design Construction supernatant clean water stage and incorporate it into Designer Design muddy water shall be discharged into engineering control the agricultural measures irrigation ditch. Water Optimize scheme at design pollutant Oil separation, Machinery stage and incorporate it into sedimentation and Designer Design rinsing water engineering control recycling measures Domestic Relying on existing Propose reasonable sewage and facilities.Wastewater measures, suggestions and Designer Design fecal sewage carried in sewerage requirements at design stage

95 systems should be treated in well-designed and well-managed centralized wastewater treatment works. Optimize scheme at design Dust Provide closed net such stage and incorporate it into generated by as dust-proof cloth engineering control Designer Design building around the building measures, and propose demolition complex reasonable suggestions and requirements Protect temporary Propose reasonable stacking yard with Dust measures, suggestions and Designer Design dust-proof cloth and requirements at design stage clean the site Atmospheric Reduce dust by pollutant watering and set Propose reasonable Vehicle dust washing places for measures, suggestions and Designer Design vehicles passing in and requirements at design stage out Optimize scheme at design stage and incorporate it into Vehicle engineering control Plant roadside trees, etc. Designer Design exhaust measures, and propose reasonable suggestions and requirements Construction Optimize allocation and Optimize scheme at design Designer Design spoil set disposal yard stage and incorporate it into engineering control Transport to designated measures, and propose River sludge Designer Design landfill, etc. reasonable suggestions and requirements Solid waste Uniform treatment by Propose reasonable Domestic the environmental measures, suggestions and Designer Design garbage sanitation department requirements at design stage Sporadic Propose reasonable Local recycling or roadbuilding measures, suggestions and Designer Design timely collection waste requirements at design stage Implement construction environment supervision system, adopt contract constraint mechanism, incorporate relevant environmental protection Environment measures into production quality al management systems and acceptance Propose reasonable management index systems at various stages, suggestions and Designer Design and strengthen specially-assigned requirements at design stage supervisory personnel's supervision of control construction dust, noise, water and soil loss control measures, etc. and promote laws and regulations on environmental protection. Environment Construction Propose reasonable Regional ambient noise al & operation suggestions and Designer Design and air quality monitoring periods requirements at design stage

96 2. Environmental protection measure execution plan for project construction period Table 6-10 Environmental protection measure execution plan for construction period Supervis ion & Item and Environment Implementat manage constructio Treatment measures Execution description Executor al elements ion stage ment n content organiza tions Protection of temporary Strictly comply with the Water and Construction muck stacking yard, requirements of approved Construction soil loss Contractor slope protection and EIA documents(statements) period control (Contractor) drainage design and design documents Reclamation of Ecology temporary land or Strictly comply with the complementary planting Construction Vegetation requirements of approved Construction of trees and flowers, and Contractor recovery EIA documents(statements) period comprehensive (Contractor) and design documents ecological management of river embankment Constructi Strictly comply with the Arrange construction Construction on requirements of approved Construction Noise time reasonably and Contractor machinery EIA documents(statements) period Sichuan strengthen management (Contractor) noise and design documents Urban Upon simple Environ sedimentation, Strictly comply with the ment Constructi Construction supernatant clean water requirements of approved Construction Project on muddy Contractor shall be discharged into EIA documents(statements) period Office, water (Contractor) the agricultural and design documents Subproj irrigation ditch. ect Water Strictly comply with the PIUs, Machinery Oil separation, Construction pollutant requirements of approved Construction Ecology rinsing sedimentation and Contractor EIA documents(statements) period and water recycling (Contractor) and design documents Environ Domestic Strictly comply with the ment Construction sewage and Treat with existing requirements of approved Construction Bureau Contractor fecal facilities EIA documents(statements) period and (Contractor) sewage and design documents Constru Dust Provide closed net such Strictly comply with the ction Construction generated as dust-proof cloth requirements of approved Construction Supervis Contractor by building around the building EIA documents(statements) period or (Contractor) demolition complex and design documents Protect temporary Strictly comply with the Construction stacking yard with requirements of approved Construction Dust Contractor dust-proof cloth and EIA documents(statements) period (Contractor) Atmospheric clean the site and design documents pollutant Reduce dust by watering Strictly comply with the Construction Vehicle and set washing places requirements of approved Construction Contractor dust for vehicles passing in EIA documents(statements) period (Contractor) and out and design documents Strictly comply with the Construction Vehicle requirements of approved Construction Plant roadside trees, etc. Contractor exhaust EIA documents(statements) period (Contractor) and design documents

97 Construction Constructi Optimize allocation and Construction Strictly comply with the Contractor on spoil set disposal yard period requirements of approved (Contractor) EIA documents(statements) Construction River Transport to designated Construction and design documents Contractor sludge landfill, etc. period (Contractor) Strictly comply with the Solid waste Uniform treatment by Construction Domestic requirements of approved Construction the environmental Contractor garbage EIA documents(statements) period sanitation department (Contractor) and design documents Strictly comply with the Sporadic Construction Local recycling or requirements of approved Construction roadbuildi Contractor timely collection EIA documents(statements) period ng waste (Contractor) and design documents This Project involves no cultural relics. If underground cultural relics or historical remains are found in the Strictly comply with the Preservation Construction construction process, construction requirements of approved Construction of cultural Contractor shall be suspended immediately to EIA documents(statements) period relics (Contractor) protect the site and the discovering and design documents shall be reported to relevant departments. Implement construction environment supervision system, adopt contract constraint mechanism, incorporate relevant Environment environmental protection measures Supervise and manage the al into production quality management Construction Contractor's PIU and management systems and acceptance index Construction implementation of various construction and systems at various stages, strengthen period environmental protection supervisor supervisory specially-assigned personnel's measures. control supervision of construction dust, noise, water and soil loss control measures, etc. and promote laws and regulations on environmental protection. Construction Contractor Constructi Implement noise, air and (Contractor) Environment Regional ambient noise, on & water and soil loss and Construction al air quality and water & operation monitoring during environment period monitoring soil loss periods construction period al monitoring department

98 2. Environmental protection measure execution plan for project operation period Table 6-11 Environmental protection measure execution plan for operation period

Supervision & Item and Environmen Implementa managemen construction Treatment measures Execution description Executor tal elements tion stage t content organizatio ns Protection of Water and temporary muck PIU (operation Operation soil loss stacking yard, slope management period control protection and organization) drainage design Reclamation of Maintain vegetation temporary land or during operation period Ecology complementary and observe slope planting of trees and drainage, etc. PIU (operation Vegetation Operation flowers, and management recovery period comprehensive organization) ecological management of river embankment Strengthen traffic control, set “no Comply with the Traffic horn” and speed requirements of approved PIU (operation noise during limit signs, and Operation Noise EIA management operation reserve sound period Ecology documents(statements) organization) period insulation measures and and design documents and protection Environme distance nt Bureau of Maintain vegetation each PIU (operation Vehicle Plant roadside trees, during operation period Operation District/Co Exhaust gas management exhaust etc. and limit the access of period unty organization) overrun vehicle Garbage on To be removed, Comply with the road and transported and requirements of approved PIU (operation domestic disposed of by the Operation Solid waste EIA management garbage on environmental period documents(statements) organization) emergency sanitation and design documents shelter department PIU (operation management organization), Environmental Environmen Implement noise and air Protection Operation Regional ambient Operation tal monitoring during Bureau of each period noise and air quality period monitoring operation period District/County and Environmental Monitoring Department

99 6.5 Monitoring plan 6.5.1 Purpose of environmental monitoring The purpose of environmental monitoring is to protect the environment in project area, timely master the generation and discharge of wastewater, exhaust gas, noise and spoil and the environmental quality of assessed area during construction & operation periods, prevent environmental hazards of emergency pollution accident and provide a scientific basis for environmental protection and pollution control as well as environmental supervision and management during construction & operation periods. 6.5.2 Environmental monitoring plan (1) Water environmental monitoring plan

100 Table 6-12 Summary of water environmental monitoring plan

Construction period Operation period Subproject Monitorin S/N Monitoring Monitoring Monitori Monitoring name Monitoring item g point frequency ng point item frequency 2 monitoring sections upstream and downstream of pH, ammonia Once in low and Lushan Xichuan River nitrogen, COD , high flow 1 County cr / / / and Lushan petroleum and periods Subproject River SS respectively embankment areas of the Project 2 monitoring sections of pH, ammonia Once in low and Yingjing Yingjing River nitrogen, COD , high flow 2 County cr / / / upstream and petroleum and periods Subproject downstream of SS respectively the Project area 2 monitoring pH, ammonia sections of Once in low and Tianquan nitrogen, Tianquan River high flow 3 County COD , / / / upstream and cr periods Subproject petroleum and downstream of respectively SS the Project area 4 sections of Qingyi River pH, ammonia Once in low and Yucheng and Longxi nitrogen, high flow 4 District River upstream COD , / / / cr periods Subproject and downstream petroleum and respectively of the Project SS area Note: In Lushan County Subproject, the downstream of the Xichuan River embankment is connected to the upstream of the Lushan River embankment, so two sections which are located 500m upstream of the Xichuan River and 1500m downstream of the Lushan River respectively are selected as the monitoring sections in the water environmental monitoring plan for the Lushan County Subproject. (2) Atmospheric environmental monitoring plan Table 6-13 Summary of atmospheric environmental monitoring plan

Construction period Operation period Subproje S/N ct name Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring point item frequency point item frequency Air monitoring points for 3-day monitoring Lushan construction twice a year, County Emergency PM , NO , Once every 1 site, major PM sampling within 10 x Subproje 10 shelter CO year schools near construction ct the project and hours densely

101 populated area Air monitoring points for 3-day monitoring Yingjing construction twice a year, County site, major Emergency PM , NO , Once every 2 PM sampling within 10 x Subproje schools near 10 shelter CO year construction ct the project and hours densely populated area Air monitoring points for 3-day monitoring Major Tianquan construction twice a year, schools, County site, major PM , NO , Once every 3 PM sampling within densely 10 2 Subproje schools near 10 SO year construction populated 2 ct the project and hours areas, etc. densely populated area Air monitoring points for 3-day monitoring Major Yucheng construction twice a year, schools, District site, major PM , NO , Once every 4 PM sampling within densely 10 2 Subproje schools near 10 SO year construction populated 2 ct the project and hours areas, etc. densely populated area (3) Acoustic environmental monitoring plan Table 6-14 Summary of acoustic environmental monitoring plan Construction period Operation period S/ Subproje Monitori Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring N ct name Monitoring point ng item frequency point item frequency Twice each Noise monitoring year in points for construction Lushan construction site, Equivale peak period, County 1 major schools near nt sound each time for / / / Subproje the project and level A 2 days in ct densely populated both daytime area and nighttime Twice each Noise monitoring year in points for construction Yingjing construction site, Equivale peak period, County 2 major schools near nt sound each time for / / / Subproje the project and level A 2 days in ct densely populated both daytime area and nighttime Noise monitoring Twice each Once half a Tianquan points for year in Major schools, Equivale year, each time County construction site, construction densely Equivalent 3 nt sound for 2 Subproje major schools near peak period, populated sound level A level A consecutive ct the project and each time for areas, etc. days densely populated 2 days in

102 area both daytime and nighttime Twice each Noise monitoring year in points for construction Yucheng Major schools, Once half a construction site, Equivale peak period, year, each time District densely Equivalent 4 major schools near nt sound each time for for 2 Subproje populated sound level A the project and level A 2 days in consecutive ct areas, etc. densely populated both daytime days area and nighttime Note: In this Restructuring Project, the Lushan County Subproject and the Yingjing County Subproject only involve river embankment works, flood discharge channel works and emergency shelter works and excludes road works, so no noise pollutant will be generated during their operation periods. As a result, only the Tianquan County Subproject and the Yucheng District Subproject will be monitored during their operation periods according to the noise environment monitoring plan. 6.5.3 Supervisory control and monitoring report procedures Monitoring results are submitted to the PIU’s environmental protection office (submitted to the Operator’s environmental protection office during operation period) in the form of formal written materials twice per year and sorted out & kept by the PIU. These reports are the basis for the administrative department in charge of environmental protection and the World Bank to assess the environmental protection work and environmental impacts of various road sections and increase environmental protection measures when such work and impacts are beyond expectation. 6.5.4 Implementation suggestions on public participation during construction period 1. Information publicity Prior to commencement of the Project, the general public shall be informed of basic information on the Project, the PIU's, the Construction Contractor's and the Supervisor’s basic information and the telephone numbers for public consultation and complaints via public platform, newspaper and notice posting. 2. Public consultation and environmental protection compliant handling Set telephone numbers and organizations for public consultation and

103 complaints during construction period to make the general public know the implementation of environmental protection measure and feed back concerns from the general public easily. For public interests and concerns, negotiation with the general public shall be conducted to reach a consensus.

104 Chapter 7 Conclusions

The subprojects in this Restructuring Project are aimed at building resilient infrastructures, strengthening the development of disaster prevention, mitigation and emergency response capabilities and ensuring safe and sustainable development of cities. The Project is in compliance with the World Bank security policies, the industrial policies of China and the local urban master plans. Besides, it is of great construction significance and supported by most of people. The subproject construction is free from obvious environmental constraints. For environmental impacts caused by the Project construction, corresponding environmental protection measures and environmental management methods are proposed in EIA Report. The strict implementation of environmental protection measures in EIA Report and the enhancement of environmental management during construction period can avoid and mitigate impacts of the Project implementation on environment. Based on analysis from the perspective of environmental protection, the Restructuring for World Bank Loaned Lushan Earthquake Reconstruction and Risk Reduction Project is feasible.

105 Attached Figures

Fig. 1 General layout of project in Lushan County


Fig. 2 General layout of project in Yingjing County


Fig. 3-1 General layout of project in Shiyang Town, Tianquan County


Fig. 3-2 General layout of Chama Emergency Shelter in Tianquan County


Fig. 4 General layout of project in Yucheng District


Schedules Schedule 1: Summary of public participation and information publicity in the Project Schedule 1-1 Summary of information publicity time & method of each subproject EIA Information release Subproject Informatio S/N progressing and content Date Website Webpage screenshot name n releaser stage introduction

Housing and Notifying the basic Urban-Rura Lushan information on the Website of Lushan County l County After receipt of Project, the PIU's December People's Government 1 Developme Subproject EIA task information and the 16-27, 2019 (Website: nt Bureau public feedback of Lushan channel via Internet. County

111 EIA Information release Subproject Informatio S/N progressing and content Date Website Webpage screenshot name n releaser stage introduction

Housing Notifying the basic and Yingjing information on the Urban-Rura Website of Yingjing County County After receipt of Project, the PIU's l December People's Government 2 Subproject EIA task information and the Developme 13-26, 2019 (Website: public feedback nt Bureau channel via Internet. of Yingjing County

112 EIA Information release Subproject Informatio S/N progressing and content Date Website Webpage screenshot name n releaser stage introduction

Housing Notifying the basic and information on the Urban-Rura Website of Tianquan Tianquan After receipt of Project, the PIU's l December County People's 3 County EIA task information and the Developme 13-26, 2019 Government Subproject public feedback nt Bureau (Website: channel via Internet. of Tianquan County

113 EIA Information release Subproject Informatio S/N progressing and content Date Website Webpage screenshot name n releaser stage introduction

Housing Notifying the basic and information on the Urban-Rura Yucheng Website of Ya'an City After receipt of Project, the PIU's l January 4 District People's Government EIA task information and the Developme 10-22, 2020 Subproject (http:/ public feedback nt Bureau channel via Internet. of Ya'an City


Schedule 1-2 Summary of public consultation time & method of each subproject Information release Project EIA progressing & public S/N Date Object Areas involved Conversazione photos name stage participation content introduction

Distributing public participation questionnaires, 2019.12.16 conducting random Local government household authorities, investigation and Project-related Lushan enterprises and areas in urban After receipt of posting notices; 1 County public institutions, area of Lushan EIA task Subproject schools, hospitals, County project-affected residents, etc. Convening 2019.12.17 conversazione

Distributing public Local government participation authorities, Project-related Yingjing questionnaires, After receipt of enterprises and areas in urban 2 County 2019.12.16 conducting random EIA task Subproject household public institutions, area of Yingjing investigation and schools, hospitals, County posting notices; project-affected

115 Information release Project EIA progressing & public S/N Date Object Areas involved Conversazione photos name stage participation content introduction residents, etc.

Convening 2019.12.17 conversazione

Distributing public participation questionnaires, 2019.12.18 conducting random household Local government investigation and authorities, Sensitive objects Tianquan posting notices; enterprises and After receipt of on both sides of 3 County public institutions, EIA task project- related Subproject schools, hospitals, streets project-affected residents, etc. Convening 2019.12.20 conversazione

116 Information release Project EIA progressing & public S/N Date Object Areas involved Conversazione photos name stage participation content introduction

Distributing public participation questionnaires, 2019.12.25 Local government and conducting random household authorities, Yucheng enterprises and Project-related After receipt of investigation 4 District public institutions, areas in Yucheng EIA task Subproject schools, hospitals, District, Ya’an project-affected Convening 2019.12.27 residents, etc. conversazione

117 Schedule 1-3 Summary of statistics of public opinions Statistics on relevant advisory opinions Numbe Subp (%) r of S/ roject Advisory opinions questio N name ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ nnaires (Nr.) Are you satisfied with the status quo of local infrastructures? ① Satisfied; ② Neutral; 96 2 2 / / ③ Dissatisfied; Do you support the Project construction? 100 0 / / / ①Support; ② Not support; Impacts of the Project on local economic development are: ① Advantageous; ② 88 12 0 / / None; ③ Disadvantageous; At present, main environmental problems in this area are: ① Noise pollution; ② 16 0 14 0 62 Atmospheric pollution; ③ Water pollution; ④ Ecological damage; ⑤ None; What do you think are the main impacts of the Project on local environment: ① Noise pollution; ② Atmospheric pollution; ③ 24 2 4 8 24 Water pollution; ④ Ecological damage; ⑤ Traffic capacity; What extent do you think the Project may Lush affect local environment: ① Large impacts; an 6 20 72 / / ② Certain acceptable impacts; ③ No Coun 1 impacts; ④ No idea; 50 ty Construction may bring inconvenience and Subp interference to your life, so what do you roject think will be the main impacts: ① Noise 28 12 4 4 8 pollution; ② Dust; ③ Cement slurry on walking path; ④ Walking inconvenience; ⑤ Traffic congestion; What measures do you suggest to the Project to reduce the environmental impacts: ① Reasonable layout; ② 36 40 28 / / Strengthening construction management; ③ Strengthening environmental protection measures; What beneficial impacts do you think the Project construction will have on environment: ① Promoting local economic development; ② Increasing job 58 40 30 24 70 opportunities; ③ Improving transportation capacity; ④ Bringing travel convenience; ⑤ Improving urban infrastructure construction; Are you satisfied with the status quo of local Yingj infrastructures? ① Satisfied; ② Neutral; 52 36 12 / / ing ③ Dissatisfied; Coun Do you support the Project construction? 2 100 0 / / / 50 ty ①Support; ② Not support; Subp Impacts of the Project on local economic roject development are: ① Advantageous; ② 88 8 0 / / None; ③ Disadvantageous;

118 Statistics on relevant advisory opinions Numbe Subp (%) r of S/ roject Advisory opinions questio N name ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ nnaires (Nr.) At present, main environmental problems in this area are: ① Noise pollution; ② 66 24 36 2 0 Atmospheric pollution; ③ Water pollution; ④ Ecological damage; ⑤ None; What do you think are the main impacts of the Project on local environment: ① Noise pollution; ② Atmospheric pollution; ③ 58 10 22 12 22 Water pollution; ④ Ecological damage; ⑤ Traffic capacity; What extent do you think the Project may affect local environment: ① Large impacts; 8 60 32 0 / ② Certain acceptable impacts; ③ No impacts; ④ No idea; Construction may bring inconvenience and interference to your life, so what do you think will be the main impacts: ① Noise 58 28 25 48 20 pollution; ② Dust; ③ Cement slurry on walking path; ④ Walking inconvenience; ⑤ Traffic congestion; What measures do you suggest to the Project to reduce the environmental impacts: ① Reasonable layout; ② 38 42 60 / / Strengthening construction management; ③ Strengthening environmental protection measures; What beneficial impacts do you think the Project construction will have on environment: ① Promoting local economic development; ② Increasing job 32 8 28 42 40 opportunities; ③ Improving transportation capacity; ④ Bringing travel convenience; ⑤ Improving urban infrastructure construction; Are you satisfied with the status quo of local infrastructures? ① Satisfied; ② Neutral; 12 58 30 / / ③ Dissatisfied; Do you support the Project construction? 96 4 / / / ① Support; ② Not support; Impacts of the Project on local economic Tianq development are: ① Advantageous; ② 96 4 0 / / uan None; ③ Disadvantageous; Coun 3 At present, main environmental problems in 50 ty this area are: ① Noise pollution; ② Subp 38 74 2 0 2 Atmospheric pollution; ③ Water pollution; roject ④ Ecological damage; ⑤ None; What do you think are the main impacts of the Project on local environment: ① Noise pollution; ② Atmospheric pollution; ③ 10 58 0 0 40 Water pollution; ④ Ecological damage; ⑤ Traffic capacity;

119 Statistics on relevant advisory opinions Numbe Subp (%) r of S/ roject Advisory opinions questio N name ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ nnaires (Nr.) What extent do you think the Project may affect local environment: ① Large impacts; 0 72 26 2 / ② Certain acceptable impacts; ③ No impacts; ④ No idea; Construction may bring inconvenience and interference to your life, so what do you think will be the main impacts: ① Noise 2 68 16 14 30 pollution; ② Dust; ③ Cement slurry on walking path; ④ Walking inconvenience; ⑤ Traffic congestion; What measures do you suggest to the Project to reduce the environmental impacts: ① Reasonable layout; ② 10 86 32 / / Strengthening construction management; ③ Strengthening environmental protection measures; What beneficial impacts do you think the Project construction will have on environment: ① Promoting local economic development; ② Increasing job 66 28 8 22 68 opportunities; ③ Improving transportation capacity; ④ Bringing travel convenience; ⑤ Improving urban infrastructure construction; Are you satisfied with the status quo of local infrastructures? ① Satisfied; ② Neutral; 54 28 18 / / ③ Dissatisfied; Do you support the Project construction? 100 0 / / / ①Support; ② Not support; Impacts of the Project on local economic development are: ① Advantageous; ② 80 20 0 / / None; ③ Disadvantageous; At present, main environmental problems in this area are: ① Noise pollution; ② Yuch 22 54 36 12 0 eng Atmospheric pollution; ③ Water pollution; Distri ④ Ecological damage; ⑤ None; 4 50 ct What do you think are the main impacts of Subp the Project on local environment: ① Noise roject pollution; ② Atmospheric pollution; ③ 44 36 12 30 12 Water pollution; ④ Ecological damage; ⑤ Traffic capacity; What extent do you think the Project may affect local environment: ① Large impacts; 10 44 46 0 / ② Certain acceptable impacts; ③ No impacts; ④ No idea; Construction may bring inconvenience and interference to your life, so what do you 10 54 4 24 36 think will be the main impacts: ① Noise pollution; ② Dust; ③ Cement slurry on

120 Statistics on relevant advisory opinions Numbe Subp (%) r of S/ roject Advisory opinions questio N name ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ nnaires (Nr.) walking path; ④ Walking inconvenience; ⑤ Traffic congestion; What measures do you suggest to the Project to reduce the environmental impacts: ① Reasonable layout; ② 36 48 66 / / Strengthening construction management; ③ Strengthening environmental protection measures; What beneficial impacts do you think the Project construction will have on environment: ① Promoting local economic development; ② Increasing job 30 24 12 28 46 opportunities; ③ Improving transportation capacity; ④ Bringing travel convenience; ⑤ Improving urban infrastructure construction;