January 2019 NEWSLETTER

Published by the City of Inzai 2364-2 Ohmori Inzai City 270-1396 INZAI ℡ 0476- 42- 5111 Secretarial Public Information Division, Hisho-Koho-ka (TEL: 42-5117) Planning and Policy Division, Kikaku-Seisaku-ka (TEL: 33-4414)

This newsletter is published for residents who are not familiar with Japanese language to introduce events designed for residents of Inzai City. Although most programs are basically conducted in Japanese, you are always welcome. Please join our events and enjoy your life in Inzai! Note: The following programs are limited in principle to residents of Inzai City to participate.

National Health Insurance & National Pension Enrollment in “National Pension System” When You Turned 20 Years Old “National Pension System” is a public pension system, which all persons aged 20 years or older - less than 60 years (except those who enroll in Welfare Pension System) living in must enroll in. If you fail to submit the notification of enrollment or pay the premiums, you will not be able to receive the national pensions. ◎ Application: Japan Pension Service (Nihon-Nenkin-Kiko) will send a notice of enrollment to you in the previous month of the birth month for 20 years old. Therefore, submit the “Notification of Acquisition of Qualification of Insured Person for National Pension (Kokumin-Nenkin-Hoken-Hihokensha-Shikaku- Shutoku-todokedesho)” to National Health Insurance and National Pension Division (Kokuho-Nenkin-ka) or each branch office. *The enrollment in the “National Pension System” must be started on the previous day of your birthday for 20 years old. Therefore, in the case of being born in April 1, you must enroll in this system on March 31 and pay the premiums for March and thereafter.

【Postponement System (Yuyo-seido) for Payment of Premiums】 In case of difficulty in payment due to non-income, etc., the following “Postponement System (Yuyo-seido) for Payment of Premiums” may be used. ◎ Special Payment System for Students (Gakusei-Nofu-Tokurei-seido): If the amount of your income is less than the designated amount, the payment of the premiums can be postponed. Eligibility: Persons being in any university (including any graduate school), junior college, high school, technical college, vocational school, each school (whose term of study is one year or more) or branch school in Japan of any designated foreign university. ◎ Postponement Payment System (Nofu-Yuyo-seido): If the amount of your/your spouse’s income is less than the designated amount, the payment of the premiums can be postponed. Eligibility: Persons aged less than 50 years. 【Common Contents】 The approved period can be included in the period required for receiving the Old-Age Basic Pension (Rorei- Kiso-Nenkin). However, it will not be reflected in the amount of the pensions. You are permitted to increase the amount of the national pension received in the future by paying the premiums within 10 years after now according to “Additional Payment System (Tsuino-seido).” Application: As of the previous day of your birthday for 20 years old, bring an application form to the following Division (in the case of the foregoing “Special Payment System for Students (Gakusei-Nofu-Tokurei- seido),” attach a double-sided copy of your student identification card). Inquiry: Elderly Person Medical Care Pension Group, National Health Insurance and National Pension Division, Koreisha-Iryo-Nenkin-gakari, Kokuho-Nenkin-ka (TEL: 33-4470)

Notification Required for Change of Payment Method (Special Collection of National Pensions into Bank Transfer) In case of persons whose National Health Insurance Taxes (Kokumin-Kenko-Hokenzei) and Latter-Stage Elderly Health Care Insurance Premiums (Koki-Koreisha-Iryo-Hokenzei) are deducted from National Pensions (by Special Collection, Tokubetsu-Chosyu), the payment method will be changed through the required notification. Application: Follow the following procedures by January 31 (Thu.): 1. Apply for the bank transfer regarding payment of National Health Insurance Taxes or Latter-Stage Elderly Health Care Insurance Premiums at any desired financial institution; 2. Bring a copy of the application form for bank transfer, your private seal and Health Insurance Card (Hoken-sho) to National Health Insurance and National Pension Division (Kokuho-Nenkin-ka), Inzai City Office, or Citizens’ Service Division, (Shimin-Service-ka), each Branch Office. *If you have already applied for bank transfer, the procedure as above “1” is not required.

◎ Attention: ● According to the amount of the receipt of national pensions and the amount of income, and requirement for households in the case of National Health Insurance System, etc., it may not be subject to special collection. ● According to payment situation of National Health Insurance Taxes and Latter-Stage Elderly Health Care Insurance Premiums, you may not be permitted to change payment method. ● In case of continuous failure to pay the taxes, etc. through bank transfer due to lack of your money deposited in your bank account, it may be returned to payment by special collection. ● Special collection of Nursing Care Insurance Premiums and Municipal Taxes is not subject to this change of payment method. Inquiry: Insurance Tax Group, National Health Insurance and National Pension Division, Hokenzei- gakari, Kokuho-Nenkin-ka (TEL: 33-4462) Elderly Person Medical Care Pension Group, National Health Insurance and National Pension Division, Koreisha-Iryo-Nenkin-gakari, Kokuho-Nenkin-ka (TEL: 33-4470)

Use Consultation Reserved in Advance about National Pensions In the case of consultation about national pensions or following the required procedures at any Pension Office (Nenkin-Jimusho) or National Pensions Consultation Center, you are permitted to make a reservation in advance by phone. Therefore, use this service by checking the available days and making a reservation by calling any of the following exclusive numbers. ◎ Date/Time Available for Reservation: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m. Contents: Consultation about national pensions in general. Others: If any proxy consults or follow the procedures, it is required to show the power of proxy and any identification of the proxy such as the driver license, etc. for the purpose of confirmation of identity. Application: Apply for it to the following Office, etc. by phone at least one month – the previous day prior to the desired date of consultation. Exclusive Dial for Reservation:TEL: 0570-05-4890 Inquiry: Pension Office, Funabashi-Nenkin-Jimusho (TEL: 047-424-8811)

Consultation about Pensions by Labor and Social Security Attorney Date/Time: January 31 (Thu.), 10:00 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Venue: Room No. 25 Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor at Inzai City Office Annex Building Contents: Consultation about the National Pension / Welfare Pension, Procedures for any pension claim, confirmation of any record regarding pension enrollment and any other pension system, etc. (for 30 minutes per person) Capacity: 8 persons Others: In the time of application, prepare any document described about your Basic Pension Number. Application: Apply for it by phone to the following Division by January 16 (Wed.) (on a first-come-first-served basis). Inquiry: Elderly Person Medical Care Pension Group, National Health Insurance and National Pension Division, Koreisha-Iryo-Nenkin-gakari, Kokuho-Nenkin-ka (TEL: 33-4470)

Welfare Emergency Medical Information Kit Distributed “Emergency Medical Information Kit (Kyukyu-Iryo-Jyoho-Kit) (medical information such as a family doctor’s hospital or medication contents put in a cylindrical container),” stocked in a refrigerator at each house of disabled persons / the elderly, aims to be utilized for activities of an ambulance service rushing through dialing 119. Eligibility: 1. Any household composed only of the elderly (aged 65 years or older). 2. Any person living alone aged 65 years or older. 3. Any person having a Disabled Person’s Handbook (Shogaisha-techo). Others: After you apply for it, the Kit will be distributed at each Branch Office or the following Counter. Application: Apply for it at each Branch Office or the following Counter (any proxy application acceptable). Inquiry:【For “1” or “2” as above “Eligibility”】Life Support Group, Elderly Person Welfare Division, Ikigai- Shien-gakari, Koreisha-Fukushi-ka (TEL: 33-4592) 【For “3” as above “Eligibility”】Support Group, Obstacle Welfare Division, Shien-gakari, Shogai- Fukushi-ka (TEL: 33-4639)

Child Care When Your Child Received Medical Treatment at Any Medical Institution outside Prefecture -Child Medical Expenses Subsidies Redeemed- If you could not use “Certificate for Medical Expenses Subsidies for Children (Kodomo-Iryohi-Josei-Jukyu- ken),” in case of receiving medical treatment, purchasing any supportive device, etc. at any medical institution outside , you are permitted to receive the subsidies thereafter. ◎ Not Eligibility: Medical expenses not covered by any health insurance, or in case that two years or more have already passed from the deadline of payment. ◎ Application to: Nurturing Support Division, Kosodate-Shien-ka (also available by mail), Chuo-Ekimae- Sub-Office or each Branch Office. *The application form can be downloaded on the website of Inzai City Office. ◎ Required Documents: “Application Form for Issue of Child Medical Expenses Subsidies (Kodomo- Iryohi-Joseikin-Kofu-Shinsei-sho)” (for redeeming), the original receipt, your personal seal (inkan) and any document describing the bank account information (in the name of each guardian). *When you paid the total amount of medical expenses or purchased any supportive device, etc. at any medical institution, you are required to receive the payment of insurance coverage from the health insurance society which you enroll in. In the case of application, attach any document describing the amount of the payment. Inquiry: Benefits Group, Nurturing Support Division, Kyufu-gakari, Kosodate-Shien-ka (TEL: 33-4645)

Don’t you forget the Application for Child Allowance? Inzai City provides Child Allowance (Jido-Teate) for any families raising children of 3rd grade junior high school or younger. ◎ In the case of childbirth or moving in Inzai City: Apply for it within 15 days after occurrence of any of the events. If you fail to apply for it within 15 days, the Child Allowance for any delayed month(es) will not be paid. ◎ If you have already received the Child Allowance: You are required to submit the “Notification of Current Situation (Genkyo-todoke)” in June every year. If you fail to submit the notification, the Child Allowance will not be paid as of June. *Public employees must apply for/receive it at their own workplace. Therefore, for more details, contact your workplace. Inquiry: Benefits Group, Nurturing Support Division, Kyufu-gakari, Kosodate-Shien-ka (TEL: 33- 4645) Tax Are You Preparing Income/Municipal Tax Returns? 【Application forms will be distributed in/after late January】 ◎ Place of Distribution: Civil Tax Division, Shiminzei-ka, each Branch Office / Sub-Office. Contents: Application form for Resident/Municipal Tax Return for FY2019, Application Form for Income Tax Return for FY2018, etc. Others: Please note that there are limited numbers of the application forms at each Branch Office and Sub- Office. If you want to file the income tax return immediately, request Narita Tax Office (Narita-Zeimusho) to send the application form by mail, or access the website of National Tax Agency (Kokuzeicho) and click “shomen-teishutsu (filing the form)” on the web page of “kakutei-shinkokusho-tou-sakusei-corner (a making corner for tax returns, etc.)” to fill out and print out the application form. Inquiry: Civil Tax Group, Civil Tax Division, Shiminzei-gakari, Shiminzei-ka (TEL: 33-4443) Narita Tax Office, Narita-Zeimusho (TEL: 28-5151, press “2” for the automated phone system)

Depreciable Assets Tax Return Required by January 31 (Thu.) Depreciable assets (properties for business use other than land and houses such as machines and equipment) are subject to fixed property taxation, as well as lands and houses. Any individual person / corporation having any depreciable asset are required to file the tax return every year, whether you have or not so many / expensive assets. Never forget to file the tax return. The application form has already been sent to any individual person / corporation being likely to have any depreciable asset. If you have not received the application form yet in spite of having any depreciable asset in Inzai City, contact the following Division. Inquiry: House Group, Fixed Property Tax Division, Kaoku-gakari, Shiminzei-ka (TEL: 33-4446)

Deadline of Payment on January 31 (Thu.) of Municipal Tax (4th Deadline), National Health Insurance Tax (7th Deadline), Latter-Stage Elderly Medical Insurance Premium (7th Deadline) and Nursing Care Insurance Premium (6th Deadline) Inquiry:【For Municipal Tax】Storing Management Group, Tax Payment Division, Syuno-Kanri-gakari, Nozei-ka (TEL: 33-4447) 【For National Health Insurance Tax】Insurance Tax Group, National Health Insurance and National Pension Division, Hokenzei-gakari, Kokuho-Nenkin-ka (TEL: 33-4462) 【For Latter-Stage Elderly Health Care Insurance Premium】Elderly Person Medical Care Pension Group, National Health Insurance and National Pension Division, Koreisha-Iryo-Nenkin-gakari, Kokuho-Nenkin-ka (TEL: 33-4470) 【For Nursing Care Insurance Premium】Insurance Group, Nursing Care Insurance Division, Hoken- gakari, Kaigo-Hoken-ka (TEL: 33-4623)

Do not forget to pay the taxes/premiums by the due date. In the case of payment through bank transfer, confirm your bank balance for avoidance of lack of your money deposited in your bank account.

Others In case of Encountering Wild Boars In recent years, the population of wild boars is increasing in Inzai City, and the habitat is expanding. Wild boars hardly go near human beings because of cowardly. However, in case of being excited, wild boars will attack us. Therefore, be careful of wild boars.

Take action calmly ・Leave there calmly without turning your back on wild boars. Any action such as shouting and running will stimulate wild boars. In addition, in case of difficulty of leaving there, secure safety by hiding yourself, etc. and wait for wild boars to leave there. Do not stimulate wild boars ・Do not attack or threaten wild boars. Wild boars in a frenzy will attack you. ・Do not get closer to wild boars carelessly. Do not absolutely give any food to wild boar piglets as well as adult ones, because they become fearless of human beings. In addition, there will be wild bear piglets’ mothers near the piglets. Therefore, do not get closer to or run after the piglets. Avoid occurrence of sudden accidents Wild boars often hide themselves, etc. If you go out particularly at night in any area where wild boars are often seen, you should let them know by making a sound or emitting light. Be careful in the case of taking a walk with a dog In the case of taking a walk with your dog, it is possible that wild boars will attack your dog due to mistaking your dog for a hunting dog. If wild boars come running, be careful of them by letting your dog run loose, etc.

This Month’s Counter Services at Citizens Division (Shimin-ka) Schedule for Governmental Office Opened on Saturdays/Sundays ▶ Inzai City Office Main Building: January 12 (Sat.) and 26 (Sat.) (8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.) ▶ Chuo-Ekimae-Sub-Office: January 5 (Sat.) and 19 (Sat.) (8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.) ▶ Inba Branch Office: Every Saturday in January (8:30 a.m. – noon) ▶ Takino Sub-Office: Every Saturday and Sunday (8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.)

Going-out Information Inzai Table Tennis Lesson Held on January 26 (Sat.), 10:00 a.m. – We will invite Sayaka HIRANO, one of the London Olympics silver medalists in women’s table tennis team to hold a table tennis lesson for approximately 100 junior high school students belonging to any table tennis club in Inzai City Venue: Matsuyamashita Park General Gymnasium Contents: Ms. HIRANO will guide table tennis club members (junior high school students) in Inzai City. Visit there to watch very close up the guidance by her who was active in the world (visit free). Inquiry: Promotion Group, Sport Promotion Division, Shinko-gakari, Sport-Shinko-ka (TEL: 42-8417) Profile of Sayaka HIRANO: ・Born in Tochigi-ken, Japan in 1985. ・Graduated from Sendai Ikuei Gakuen Shukoh Middle School in 2000. ・Entered a company, MIKI HOUSE Co., Ltd., after graduating from Sendai Ikuei Gakuen High School in 2003. ・Participated in the Beijing Olympics in 2008. ・Achieved 3 successive wins at the All Japan Table Tennis Championships in 2009 (total 5 times wins). ・Participated in the London Olympics, and acquired the silver medal in women’s table tennis team in 2012 (firstly for Japanese in history). ・Acquired the silver medal in women’s table tennis team at the World Table Tennis Championships 2014 in in 2014. After retiring as an active player in 2016, she is now working on promotion of table tennis through giving a lecture/an explanation, etc. as well as coaching/training younger players as an advisor of MIKI HOUSE Sports Club.

Chiba Prefecture’s Traditional Cultural Performance by Meeting Together “Traditional Culture in Boso Area” Held on January 26 (Sat.), 0:30 p.m. – In Inzai City, there is much traditional folk culture developed in rich nature/history and handed down from generation to generation. In this time, intangible folk-cultural properties at Inba/Higashi-Katsushika area will meet together to be performed. In this event, the Shishimai (Japanese lion dance) at Hiraoka-Tomi-jinja Shrine in Inzai City (intangible folk-cultural property in Chiba Prefecture) will be performed. Venue: Sakura Citizen Music Hall (1-16 Ojidai, Sakura City) Contents: Nenbutsu-Odori (Buddhist incantation using chanting, drumbeating and dancing) in Sakado, Osharaku-Odori in City, Kuriyama-Bayashi (musical accompaniment) in Yotsukaido City, Shishimai (Japanese lion dance) at Tomi-jinja Shrine in Inzai City, Bakazura-Odori at Minato-cho in Funabashi City, Shishimai (Japanese lion dance) at Kami-Iwahashi in -machi, Sakura-Bayashi (musical accompaniment) in Sakura City. *Described as above in order of appearance. Inquiry: Culture Group, Lifelong Learning Division, Bunka-gakari, Shogai-Gakusyu-ka (TEL: 33-4714)