13893 Hon. Howard Coble Hon. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega Hon
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July 22, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 10 13893 spokesman for the everyday working man and has asked Governor Beverly Perdue to pro- plication of the provisions of the Declaration woman, the friends and neighbors of their claim the event as a North Carolina State as soon as possible. formative years. Their ability to capture a Barbeque Championship. I urge all my colleagues to join me and Rep- unique part of the American spirit has given On behalf of the citizens of the Sixth Dis- resentatives ELLISON, BARBARA LEE, their music emotional meaning to many fans trict, we congratulate Uptown Lexington, Inc., CHRISTENSEN, GRIJALVA, HASTINGS, DELAHUNT, and built a legacy that continues to grow year for sponsoring the Inaugural BBQ Capital HONDA, JOHN LEWIS and GEORGE MILLER in after year. Cook-off. We extend best wishes for a rousing supporting this resolution and moving it toward Amid triumph and loss, these sons of the success in the Barbecue Capital of the World. speedy adoption. south have evolved from band to close-knit f f family. A tragic airplane crash in 1977 claimed original members Steve Gaines, Cassie INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION CHRISTOPHER BREWER Gaines, and lead singer Ronnie Van Zant, but EXPRESSING THE SENSE OF THE Ronnie’s brother Johnny carried on the tradi- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ED PERLMUTTER THAT THE UNITED STATES PRO- tion as the new vocalist. Devoted fans cherish OF COLORADO MOTE RESPECT FOR AND FULL the contributions of Bob Burns, Ed King, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES APPLICATION OF THE PROVI- Artimus Pyle and remember the legacy of Thursday, July 22, 2010 Allen Collins, Leon Wilkeson, Billy Powell, and SIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS Ean Evans. Today, led by core members DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Johnny Van Zant, Gary Rossington, Rickey OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, CON- today to recognize and applaud Christopher Medlock, and Michael Cartellone, Lynyrd SISTENT WITH U.S. LAW Brewer who has received the Arvada Wheat Skynyrd continues to share an unbreakable Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. bond with the fans they count as family as HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA Christopher Brewer is a 10th grader at Ralston well. OF AMERICAN SAMOA Valley High School and received this award Lynyrd Skynyrd has been a generous sup- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES because his determination and hard work have allowed him to overcome adversities. porter of our men and women in the armed Thursday, July 22, 2010 forces for many years. The band has long un- The dedication demonstrated by Christopher derstood that our military personnel bravely Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I Brewer is exemplary of the type of achieve- and unselfishly stand guard over our everyday rise today to introduce a resolution for the ment that can be attained with hard work and security and freedom. They have enthusiasti- United States to promote respect for and full perseverance. It is essential students at all cally raised money for military families and application of the provisions of the United Na- levels strive to make the most of their edu- played countless shows for our service mem- tions Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous cation and develop a work ethic which will bers in uniform. Their song ‘‘Red, White, and Peoples, consistent with U.S. law. guide them for the rest of their lives. Blue’’ was written as a tribute to the men and That Declaration is a landmark instrument I extend my deepest congratulations once women who serve in the defense of freedom. outlining the rights of the world’s 370 million again to Christopher Brewer for winning the As representatives of timeless American val- indigenous peoples in 70 countries. A non- Arvada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for ues and champions of working class heroes, binding text comparable to the Universal Dec- Youth award. I have no doubt he will exhibit Lynyrd Skynyrd continues to entertain and in- laration of Human Rights, the Declaration on the same dedication and character to all his spire millions of fans across the world. Along the Rights of Indigenous Peoples sets out the future accomplishments. with Congressman MACK, I find it highly appro- individual and collective rights of indigenous f priate that the people’s House takes time to peoples, as well as their rights to culture, iden- A TRIBUTE TO CAPTAIN DERON recognize this classic band for lasting con- tity, language, employment, health and edu- BERTHOLD tributions not just to the world of music, but to cation. American popular culture as a whole. The United States was one of only four f member states of the United Nations to vote HON. BRETT GUTHRIE against the declaration in 2007, while 143 OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA— voted in favor. Three of the four states who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE BARBEQUE CAPITAL OF THE initially voted against it have already reversed WORLD their opposition to the Declaration or are in the Thursday, July 22, 2010 process of doing so. Meanwhile, the U.S. Gov- Mr. GUTHRIE. Madam Speaker, I rise today HON. HOWARD COBLE ernment has launched a formal review of the to honor Captain Deron Berthold, who has OF NORTH CAROLINA Declaration to determine whether the United virtuously served the United States and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States will change its stance. Commonwealth of Kentucky. Today, indigenous peoples face dispropor- After 20 years of dedicated service, Captain Thursday, July 22, 2010 tionate discrimination, inadequate health care, Berthold will retire from the Kentucky State Mr. COBLE. Madam Speaker, we call Lex- violent crime, poverty, unemployment and en- Police. However, he leaves behind a great ington, North Carolina, the Barbeque Capital vironmental degradation even as they struggle legacy and is an example for all current and of the World. On April 29–30, 2011, the eyes to maintain their own institutions, cultures and future officers. of the barbeque world will be focused on Lex- traditions. Captain Berthold earned his degree from ington as it hosts the Inaugural BBQ Capital The United States has taken great steps to the University of Louisville and went on to Cook-off. improve the condition of indigenous peoples, graduate from Police Academy on November The Cook-off, which hopes to become an including hosting a historic meeting of nearly 23, 1981, receiving the Commissioner’s Com- annual competition, will not only feature the 500 tribal leaders last year and President mendation Award. tastiest food in the world, but will aid in the Obama’s issuance of an Executive Order on Throughout his career, Captain Berthold restoration of downtown Lexington. With peo- Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Gov- demonstrated exemplary dedication and out- ple coming from all over the east coast and ernments. Yet, as U.S. Ambassador to the standing leadership, working his way up midwest, hotels will be utilized, food will be United Nations Susan Rice has said, ‘‘far through the ranks from a sergeant in Madison- eaten, gas will be pumped, and most impor- more must be done—at home and abroad—to ville to the Drug Enforcement Captain at DESI tantly, people from all over the United States tackle’’ the challenges facing indigenous peo- WEST. will come to celebrate the heritage and history ples. He represents his State proudly as a man of of world-famous, Lexington-style barbeque. The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous honor and is an officer of tremendous depth, Uptown Lexington, Inc., has spearheaded Peoples provides an important framework for intellect and vision. the restoration of Lexington and is continuing addressing indigenous issues globally. To fur- I honor him today because of his dignified that goal by hosting the cook-off. The organi- ther U.S. leadership in improving the condi- and steadfast commitment to the Common- zation has also applied to the Kansas City tions faced by indigenous people, the United wealth of Kentucky, his fellow officers and the Barbeque Society for event sanctioning and States should promote respect for and full ap- citizens of our community. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Aug 14, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E22JY0.000 E22JY0 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.