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Web Site Reviews AARP Home Did You Bring Bottles

Computers and By Sandy Berger Technology News Did You Bring Bottles? is a Web site about the history and architecture of from the 1920's to the 1970's. If you How To Guides remember returnable soda bottles you will understand the title of Learn the Internet the site and are sure to enjoy its contents. Depending on where you lived during this era, you probably remember A&P (Great Life Online Features Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company) stores in the East or the ever Hardware Reviews popular Safeway stores in the West. Software Reviews Email This Page This is David Gwynn's personal Web site, so it is not connected Gadget Reviews with or owned by any chain. It has information on Print-Friendly Version Web Site Reviews many of the grocery stores that you will remember including , , Colonial Stores, IGA, , , MEMBER DISCOUNTS Book Reviews and Save-Mart, The site is filled with photos of these old stores as Gateway: Save on PCs, well as timelines and history. Proceed with caution. This site might POPULAR LINKS training and digital make you nostalgic for these old stores, the wooden floors, the accessories. AOL's New Mail personal service, and even the returnable bottles. System AOL: Save 10% per URL: month. Sandy's Favorite Tips AARP does not recommend or endorse any of these products or EarthLink: Special offers web sites. Please be advised that there are other similar products How to Clean the on dial-up and high- and web sites available which were not reviewed and are not listed Hard Disk speed service. here. See all Member Services Review Policy LEARN THE INTERNET and Discounts >> Build your Web browsing skills with GAMES AND PUZZLES our Basic Browsing Top of Page Relax with the latest tutorial! crosswords, jigsaws, jumbles, and more. Try a See all in Learn the new one every day. Internet >> Play all Games and Puzzles >> EMAIL NEWSLETTER

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