CHITTERNE PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Nikki Spreadbury-Clews Camberley House, Clay Street, Crockerton, BA12 8AG Telephone: 07986 880164 Email: [email protected]

The Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 7th October 2019 at 7.00pm

All Parish Council Meetings are open to the Public and Press

30th September 2019

To All Members of Chitterne Parish Council Dear Councillor

You are summoned to the Meeting of Chitterne Parish Council at Chitterne Village Hall, on Monday 9th September 2019 to transact the business set out below.

Nikki Spreadbury-Clews Parish Clerk


7.00pm Public Participation To enable members of the public to address the Council regarding matters relating to the village.


1. Election of Chairman

2. Acceptance of apologies for absence.

3. To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 8th July 2019, copies of these minutes have been circulated.

4. Dispensations and declarations of interest Council is asked to discuss any written requests for dispensation the Clerk may have received from councillors. Members to declare any interest they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the relevant authorities.

5. Update on Items from previous meetings. (1) Allotments. Cllr Wilkinson (2) Cricket Club, Trees/grass cutting. Cllr Horsfall (3) Flood Warden. Cllr Kent (4) Parish Steward. Cllr Emmerson (5) Playground. Cllr Booth (6) Other updates

2019.10.07 CPC Agenda

6. Traffic volumes through Chitterne. Cllr Neal would like to create and volunteer for a new role to liaise with other agencies to challenge them on volume of traffic through village, particularly coaches and lorries using the B390.

7. Valley Farm. Possibility of meeting with Earthline and Council for update on progress of the landfill.

8. Closure of Kings Head Pub.

9. Planning applications for Decision and decision: (Please note: in planning matters the Parish Council acts as consultee of the Principal Authority, the Principal Authority being the deciding Body)

19/08002/PNTEL The installation of a 20m mast with 3 antenna, 2 dishes, satellite dish with 4 cabinets within a fenced compound and ancillary development. Land at Chitterne Old Dairy, Shrewton Road, Chitterne, Warminster, BA120LN

The following applications were responded ‘No comment- no meeting held’

19/07780/LBC Proposed replacement porch and new window opening. The Grange, Chitterne, Chitterne, BA12 0LG

19/07805/FUL The temporary use of land on for the purposes of filmmaking. The construction of a temporary 'set build'' area, comprising the associated preparation, construction and deconstruction, of a temporary set for a 'two storey farmhouse' and 'small scenic Developments Land north of Quebec Barn, Salisbury Plain, West Chisenbury, Wiltshire.

10. Planning Decisions from for noting:

19/03576/FUL Resubmission of 18/03167/FUL – Erection of Solar panel. Clay Pit Hill, Down, East Farm, Codford, Wilts, BA12 0PJ. Wiltshire Council decision - Approved with conditions.

19/06334/TCA Fell the following trees: 2 x Leylandii; 1 x Elder; 1 x Unspecified Prune/trim the following trees: 1 x Smokebush; 1 x Leylandii; 1 x Dogwood Deadwood: 1 x Scots Pine tree. 1 The Stables, Townsend, Chitterne, Wiltshire, BA12 0LU. Wiltshire Council Decision – No objections

19/06991/FUL Proposed side link extension. 3 St Marys Close, Chitterne, BA12 0LR. Wiltshire Council Decision – Approved with conditions.

11. Accounts for Payment LGA 1972 s150 (5) Members are asked to ratify the following ten payments. Ratification of payments made Brian Lee 100648 £137.50 Cllr M Kent (reimbursement of expenses) 100649 £240.59 Clerks salary (July) 100650 £248.01 HMRC (July) 100651 £7.00 Clerks salary (Aug) 100652 £248.21 HMRC (Aug) 100653 £6.80 Clerks reimbursement expenses 100652 £26.17 Dupliquick 100654 £84.00 Clerks salary (Sept) 100655 £248.21 HMRC (Sept) 100656 £6.80

2019.10.07 CPC Agenda

12. Approval and signing-off of parish accounts. The Clerk will present the parish accounts, along with year to date spend against budget, for the quarter ending 30th September 2019 for approval.

13. Proposed Merger of Chitterne All Saints Ward and Chitterne St Mary Ward. Chitterne is made up of two wards, Chitterne All Saints Ward – 5 seats (174 electors) and Chitterne St Mary Ward – 2 seats (66 electors). Members to discuss and make decision on proposing the merger of the two wards to make one ward ‘Chitterne’ and forwarding the proposal to the Electoral Review Committee.

14. Internal Audit Report 2018-19. Update on actions.

15. Future Partnership meetings: • Warminster Area Board – 14 November 7.00pm – Civic Centre, Warminster • CATG – 5 December 10.00am – Fire Station, Warminster

16. Date of next meeting Members are asked to note that the next meeting of the Full Council will be held on Monday 11 November 2019 at 7.00pm. Please note this meeting will include budget and precept setting for 2020/21.

The minutes of this meeting will be available to all members of the public from the village website or by contacting the Parish Clerk.

2019.10.07 CPC Agenda