The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770 - Second Edition R
Cambridge University Press 0521602416 - The World of Catholic Renewal, 1540-1770 - Second Edition R. Po-chia Hsia Index More information Index Acarie, Madame, 146 Apostolic Missions, 59 Achille de Harlay, Bishop, 118 Aquinas, Thomas, St., 183, 184 Acosta, Antonio de, 53 architecture see church buildings Acosta, Jos´ede, 192 Argenson, Ren´edeVoyerd’,218 Acquaviva, Claudio, 133, 193 aristocracy Acta sanctorum (Acts of the Saints), 137–38 and artistic patronage, 165 African colonies (Portuguese), 196–98 in the Company of the Holy Sacrement, Akbar, Mughal emperor, 202 218 Alba, Duke of, 175 Aristotle, 184 Albert, Archduke (governor of the Low Arnauld, Antoine, 223, 230 Countries), 65, 67, 156 art and artists, 9, 159–71 see also church Albert, Cardinal (Portuguese viceroy), 44 buildings Albornoz, Bartolom´ede, 197 Counter-Reformation iconography, Albrecht V, duke of Bavaria, 77 169–71 Alcantarians, 127 devotional prints, 166–67 Aleni, Giuglio, 183 high and popular art, 165–66 Alexander VI, Pope, 98, 102, 132, 173 patronage, 162–64 Alexander VII, Pope (Fabio Chigi), 97, Augsburg, Peace of (1555), 1–2, 17, 77 108, 109, 137, 162, 169, 214, Augustine, St., 230 230 Augustinians, 28 Alexander VIII, Pope, 97 Augustinus (Jansen), 230 Alfonso I, king of Congo, 196, 198 Austria, 78, 165 see also Holy Roman Alfonso III, duke of Modena, 30 Empire Algardi, Alessandro, 171 Avila, Alonso de, 53 Allen, William, 83 Alsace, 76 Backer, Aloys de, 180 altar pieces, 165–66 Baglione, Giovanni, 169 Altoriti, Antonio, archbishop of Florence, Baldinucci, Filippo, 169
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