DONCASTER QUIZ July 30, 2012

1 - Within 100 years either way, when were the ancient Olympic Games first held? 776BC (Accept 700BC or 800BC).

2 – In English or Latin, what is the Olympic motto? ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’ or ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’.

3 – Where and when were the first Olympic Games of the modern era held? 1896 (1pt each)

4 – What number Olympiad is the current one in ? 30 th .

5 – Who was the first Australian to win an Olympic track & field gold medal? , Athens 1896 (800 & 1500)

6 – Who was the sprinter disqualified on a positive drug test after winning the 100 and in Sydney in 2000? Marion Jones

7 – How many gold medals in total did win at the Bejing Olympics in 2008? 14

8 – How many of these were in events involving or jumping? Two (, pole vault; Emma Snowsill, women’s triathlon).

9 – How many Olympic gold medals did win? Nine.

10 – Who is the Doncaster athlete and past winner of The Manningham Mile competing in London? Dave McNeill (in the 5000m)

11 – Two Olympians later went on to be Governors of their respective states. was one. Who was the other? Marjorie Jackson (Governor of SA 2001—2007)

12 – Among the Doncaster Masters’ who failed to qualify for the London Olympics, who had a major birthday at the weekend? David McConnell

13 – Australia has won four gold medals in the hurdles. Name the winners. Shirley Strickland (80m, 1952 and 1956), Maureen Caird (80m, 1968), Debbie Flintoff (400m, 1988). (1pt each)

14 – Who was the last white man to win the Olympic ? (GBR) 1980.

15 – Who were the winners of the Men’s 100m and 400m at the Paris Olympics in 1924? (Clue: Both were from GBR and their wins were the subject of a movie). (100) & (400). (Made famous in ‘’). (1pt for one; 3pts for two)

16 – Australia has three representatives in the Men’s 5000m in London. Who are they? , David McNeill, (1pt for one; 2pts for three)

17 – Who was awarded the 100m gold medal in after the disqualification of Ben Johnson in Seoul in 1988? Carl Lewis.

18 – Who was the only woman in the history in the modern Olympics not to have been gender tested? Princess Anne (equestrian, Montreal 1976).

19 – Who lit the at the two Games held in Australia? ( 1956), Cathy Freeman (Sydney 2000). (1pt each)

20 – Who carried the Australian flag at the opening ceremony in London this year? Lauren Jackson

21 – Who am I? I ran in the race in which became the first man to break 4:00 for a mile. I was a reserve in the mountaineering team headed by Edmund Hillary which conquered Mt Everest. I won the 3000m steeplechase at the Melbourne Olympics in 1956. (2 pts)

22 – What is the current world record for 100 metres held by ? 9.58.

Possible: 30 pts