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Index locorum

[Dion.] 9, 228 On mistakes in declamation Rh. 27, 17 1385b13–14, 249 (Pseudo-)Longinus Arr. Subl. Anab. 15.9, 17 3.18.12, 107 26.2, 99, 202 6.21.4–26, 120 [Sall.] Asc. Cic. Tog. cand. 5–6, 297 82, 277 Ath. Aesch. 13.576d, 107 Eum. August. 658–61, 219 Conf., 23, 310, 313, 315, 324, 335, 342, 345, 347, Aeschin. 348, 350, 351 2.173–6, 8 1, 346 3, 190, 222 1.6.8, 319 Alc. 2, 344, 346, 347 fr. 140 V, 94 3, 346 Andoc. 3.3.6, 347 29–31, 8 3.6.10–7.11, 333 3.3–9, 8 3.7.12–13, 333 Anonymus Seguerianus 4–6, 347 The art of political speech 4, 330, 346 96, 18 4.1.1, 329 App. 4.10.15, 339 BCiv. 5, 347 2.1.6, 281 5.6.10, 331 2.7, 281 5.8.14, 332 Pun. 5.8.15, 332 132, 261 5.10.9, 331 44–5, 256 5.13.23, 332, 333 46, 256 5.13.23–14.24, 333 65, 292 5.14.24, 334 Apul. 5.66–9, 331 Met., 21 6.3.3, 322, 331 Arist. 6.4.6, 334 Poet., 225, 228, 229, 232, 252, 264, 6.8.19, 325 349 6.10.17, 330 1447a8, 251 6.11.18, 331 1453a4–6, 249 7.1.1–2.3, 334


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August (cont.) Serm. 7.9.13, 321, 334 69.3–4, 345 7.9.13–15, 334 7.9.13ff., 335 Bible 7.12.18, 334 NT 7.17.23, 340 Acts: 22.6–7, 323; 26.13–14, 323 8, 25, 344, 345, 347, 351 John: 1.47–8, 345 8.6.14, 316, 322, 325 Matt.: 5.3, 317; 19.21, 325, 327; 19.27, 325; 8.6.14–12.30, 315 21.19, 345 8.6.15, 316, 317, 322, 325, Phil.: 3.13–14, 337 326 Rom. 325: 13.13–14, 316 8.7.17, 317, 331 OT 8.7.18, 318 Gen., 313, 330, 341, 345, 346 8.8.19, 318, 320, 322, 323, 325 1.6, 343 8.8.20, 318 3.7, 345 8.9.21, 322 Ps.: 26.6, 329 8.10.22–4, 323 8.11.25, 319, 325 Caes. 8.11.26, 319, 320, 322 BCiv. 8.11.27, 319, 320 1.22.5, 284 8.12.28, 320, 321, 322, 325, Cass. Dio 331 37.42.1, 281 8.12.29, 316, 321, 326 46.20, 297 8.12.30, 322, 325 Cato 9, 330 orat. 9.10.23, 338 frg. 163, 292 9.20.25, 321 frg. 164, 292 10, 313, 329 Cic. 10.8.15, 327 Cat. 11, 313, 329, 336, 349 1.3–4, 279 11.3.5, 338 1.13, 280 11.6.8, 339 1.15, 277 11.11.13, 340 1.30, 279 11.18.23, 328, 338 2.11, 280 11.25.32, 338 2.20, 279 11.27.35, 338, 339 2.29, 280 11.28.38, 338, 350 3.21–2, 280 11.29.39, 337, 343 3.24, 279 11.30.40, 339 4.4, 279 11.31.41, 341 4.15, 279 13, 346 Hort., 330, 331 13.13.14, 342 Mur. 13.15.16, 343 50, 276 13.15.18, 343 81, 277 13.20.28, 347 Off. 13.21.30, 347 1.43, 296 13.29.44, 344 2.27, 296 13.30.45, 347 Phil. De civ. D. 2.11–20, 297 2.22, 273 Sull. In Evang. Iohan. 81, 277 7.21–2, 345 Curt. mus. 3.6, 101 6.2.2, 339 4.15–20, 120 9.23, 339 5.7.2–11, 107

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Index locorum 399

Cypr. 1.5.3, 191, 209 Ad Donatum, 324 1.5.3–4, 222 1.5.4, 261 Demetr. 1.32.9, 1, 185, 195 Eloc. 1.34.2, 210 209 246 , 1.34.3, 204 216 19 , 1.45.2, 210 Diod. Sic. 1.46.2–49, 214 14 31 82 . , 1.47.3, 214 17 72 107 . , 1.48.2, 214 20 43 18 . , 1.53, 203 32 24 261 . , 1.53.3, 116 Dion. Hal. 1.54.1, 213 Comp. 1.55.2, 213 4 224 , 1.56.1–2, 200 De imit. 1.59–64, 200 425 3 5 202 . – , 1.65–8, 200 426 7 54 . , 1.66.2, 203, 213 De imit. epitome 1.71.1, 212 3 2 426 83 . . Usener 1.75.1, 209 Lys. 1.75.2, 212 7 17 18 , , 1.78.2, 211 Pomp. 1.86.3, 186 771 7 , 1.87.1, 211 775 202 , 1.87.2, 212 Duris. 1.91.1–5, 211 FGrH 1.174.3–5, 213 76 1 251 F , 2.53.2, 210 76 14 266 F , 2.77.1, 198 76 24 265 F , 2.110, 189 2.110.2, 189 Eur. 2.111.2, 197 Hec., 265 2.113.2, 194 Ion 3.18, 202 517–65, 30 3.36.1, 187 Tro. 3.38.4, 202 134–6, 219 3.40.3, 186 3 50 3 219 Fannius . – , 1 3 3.64.5, 204 fr. Peters, 3 107 202 Flor. . , 4.81.5–6, 189 Epit. 4 84 2 201 2.1.3, 282 . . , 2 12 288 4.87.1, 188 . , 4 87 2 188 2.12.1, 282 . . , 4.88, 189 Gorg. 4.91.2, 188 DK 4.92, 189 11.8, 17 4.166.1, 187 11.9, 17 4.179.3, 211 Gr. Naz. 5.32, 201 De suae animae calamitatibus, 324 5.63, 201 5.77.4, 199 Hdt. 5.78, 200 1.1, 192 5.87.2–3, 265 1.1.1, 188 5.91.1, 216, 217

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Hdt. (cont.) 8.51.1, 213 5.91.2, 216, 217 8.85.3, 192 5.92, 216 8.86, 58, 191, 197 5.92β.3, 217 8.87.2–4, 192 5.92ζ.2, 218 8.88.1, 192 5.92η.1, 219 8.88.2, 58, 197 5.92η.2, 220 8.89.2, 192 5.92η.3, 220 8.90.4, 192 5.93.1, 216 8.93.1, 202 5.97.3, 201 8.96.2, 194, 204, 213 6.14.3, 199 8.114.2, 204 6.27, 204 9.25.1, 198 6.27.1, 211 9.27, 218 6.120, 198 9.49.1, 202 6.123.2, 210 9.64.1, 205 6.131.5, 217 9.73.2, 208 7.19, 202 9.73.3, 208 7.21, 190 9.85.3, 199 7.24, 190, 191 9.105, 207 7.31, 197 9.108–13, 205 7.35, 197 9.109.3, 202 7.37.2–3, 202 9.114–21, 206 7.37.3, 201 9.121, 207 7.43, 58 9.122, 206 7.43.1, 103, 187 9.122.3, 206 7.43.1–2, 194 57.1–2, 202 7.44, 58, 193 88.2, 197 7.45–6, 262 Heraclit. 7.46.2, 195 DK 7.47.1, 196 22 B 93, 210 7.51.3, 186, 195 Hermog. 7.56.2, 195 Id. 7.57.1–2, 202 2.12.124–5, 202 7.59.3, 190 Hom. 7.61–99, 202 Il., 77, 117 7.100.1–2, 191 2.92, 194 7.100.1, 190 2.804, 256 7.101–4, 186 3.330–8, 94 7.128–30, 186 4.437–8, 256 7.129, 186 6.448–9, 261 7.139.2, 196 7.462, 194 7.139.5, 196 9.186–91, 104 7.141, 213 11.15–64, 94 7.142–3, 213 11.604, 201 7.169.2, 213 12.31, 194 7.197, 187 14.36, 194 7.212.1, 197 16.131–44, 94 7.213.3, 210 17.265, 194 7.233.2, 197 19.269–91, 94 7.234.1, 186 23, 79 8.3, 207 23.61, 194 8.3.2, 207 24.13, 194 8.22.1, 199 Od., 71, 77, 117, 246 8.25, 197 5.156, 194 8.25.2, 197 5.418, 194 8.26, 187 5.440, 194

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Index locorum 401

6.138, 194 Mil. 9.116–51, 73 714, 320 Mostell. I.G. 834, 320 14.1615, 219 Plin. Isoc. HN 4.13, 299 17, 278 Plut. Joseph. Aem. 1 129 AJ 24 , 1 1 130 Juv. . , 1.131, 175 Alex. 1.2, 92 1.2–3, 93, 126 Liv., 24 2.3–4, 113 6.20.8, 299 6 33 5 89 2.6, 111 . . , 2 6 9 111 8 7 290 . – , . , 3 9 114 9 17 19 69 . , . – , 4 11 102 22 51 5 6 133 . , . . – , 5 8 103 39.6.7, 278 . , 6, 122 Per., 289 6.1, 124 102, 281 6.1–4, 122 Luc. 6 5 122 123 5 11 325 . , , . , 6 5 7 122 123 7 26 139 . – , , . , 6 6 122 123 7 210 13 22 . , , . – , 6 7 122 123 124 8.278, 161 . , , , 6.8, 122, 123 Lucian. 7.1, 124 Eikones 7 4 109 10 54 . , , 7 6 7 112 Hist. conscr. . – , 8.2, 102 38–42, 168 8.3, 102 51, 18 8.25, 105 9.3, 109 Nic. Dam. 9.10, 98 FGrH 10 4 112 90 77 278 . , . , 10.7, 102 13.2, 111 Oros. 13.3–4, 112 6.6.6, 280 14.2–5, 98 14.5, 110 Pl. 14.7, 114 Menex., 8 14.9, 114 242e–243b, 8 15.2, 111 Phd., 160 15.8, 103 Phdr. 15.9, 103 253c–254e, 124 16.16–17, 104 275d, 251 17.4, 114 Resp., 124 17.6, 98, 111, 115 Plaut. 18.1, 117 Cas. 18.2–4, 114 665, 320 18.3–4, 111 Merc. 18.6–8, 114 408, 320 19.2, 111

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Plut. (cont.) 35.1–4, 109 19.6–7, 101 35.5–9, 109 21.11, 107 35.10–15, 109 22.1–6, 118 35.15, 109 22.7–10, 118 35.16, 109 23, 118 36.4, 99 23.1, 118 37.5–6, 104 23.2–10, 118 37.5, 107 24.1, 117 37.7, 113 24.4–25, 117 38.2, 112 24.4–9, 115 38.3, 113 24.9, 109 38.8, 107, 111 24.10–14, 110 39, 118 25.5, 119 39.5, 105, 106 26.1–5, 102 40–41.3, 119 26.1, 117 41.4–42.4, 119 26.4, 118 42.5–10, 120 26.6, 109 42.6–10, 98 27.1, 114 42.9, 98 27.9–11, 111 44.2, 112 28, 102 45.1–2, 102 29.1–4, 106 45.1, 117 29.1, 102 45.2, 111 29.3–6, 102 45.3, 102 29.6, 106 48–9, 117 31.1, 117 49.2, 111 31.2–5, 114 49.3, 117 31.6–8, 93 51.2, 113 31.8–9, 93 51.7, 112 31.10–11, 96 51.10, 98 31.11, 96 53.2, 102 31.12–14, 97 53.4, 102 31.12, 93 55, 112 32.1–4, 93 55.9, 111 32.1, 94 56.1, 113 32.3, 94 57.4, 115 32.4, 94 58, 119 32.5–7, 93, 95, 96 58.6–7, 119 32.8, 95 60.6–12, 111 32.8–12, 94 60.11, 104 32.8–33.3, 93 61.1, 111 32.9, 94 62.6–7, 105, 197 33.1–3, 95 62.8, 105, 109 33.1, 117 66.4–6, 120 33.2–3, 114 67.4, 99 33.3, 96 67.8, 102 33.4, 93, 94 69.1–4, 104 33.5–11, 93 69.8, 109 33.5, 96 69.9, 115 33.6, 96 71.7–8, 102 33.8, 96, 110 71.7, 102 33.9, 97, 99 72, 115 33.10, 111 72.1, 102 34.3, 100 72.3–8, 103

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Index locorum 403

73.1–5, 115 Pyrrh.-Mar., 108 73.7–9, 115 Rom. 74.6, 112 19.1, 128 75.5, 98, 111 26, 116 77.3, 110 Them.-Cam., 108 Alex.-Caes., 108, 125, 126 Thes. Ant., 101, 315, 325, 326 1.1, 129 77.3, 100, 129 32.1, 115 79, 100 Polyaenus. 83.1, 100 Strat. 84.4–7, 100 8.62, 162 85.6–7, 100 Polyb. Artax. 1.1.5, 231 8.1, 54, 89, 92 1.1.5–6, 226, 244 Caes., 125, 126 1.2.7, 226 Cat. Min. 1.3.1, 235 37.10, 129 1.3.1–4, 235 Cic. 1.3.4, 230, 231 10, 281 1.3.6, 233 12, 281 1.3.9, 232 24, 280 1.4.1, 226, 227, 240 Cim. 1.4.2, 232 2.2, 127 1.4.5, 229 2.3–4, 127 1.5.1, 235 Cor. 1.6.3, 231 4.5–7, 100 1.12.5–6, 235 De Alex. fort. 1.12.5, 235 331.7, 104 1.56.11–57.4, 247 De glor. Ath., 54 2.35.5, 229 346f, 128 2.37.2, 235 347a, 2, 92, 128 2.37.4, 227 347b, 30 2.56.10–12, 228 347c–d, 127 2.56.11–12, 249 De prof. virt. 2.56.13, 249 85a–b, 130 2.56.14–15, 249 De virtute morali, 129 2.56.7–8, 246 Dem. 2.70.3, 244 11.7, 129 3.1.4–5, 228 Demetr., 101 3.1.4, 226 Nic., 125 3.1.5, 237 1, 129 3.1.7, 237 1.1, 2, 93, 125 3.1.9, 226 1.4, 93 3.2.6, 226 1.5, 2, 125 3.3.9, 226 12, 121 3.4, 237, 239 12.1, 121 3.4.1–3, 235 12.3, 121 3.4.2, 226 12.4, 121 3.4.4–5, 235 12.6, 121 3.4.6, 235 Per., 118, 127 3.4.7, 232 1–2, 129 3.4.7–8, 235 28.2, 207 3.4.12–13, 236 Phoc.-Cat. Min., 108 3.4.12, 232, 238 Pomp. 8.6–7, 129 3.5, 238

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Polyb. (cont.) 15.9.1–5, 253 3.5.9, 235 15.9.3–4, 244 3.8.9–10, 244 15.9.3–5, 258 3.20, 244 15.9.4, 258 3.32.5, 248 15.9.6–10.7, 253 3.33.17–18, 240 15.10.2, 255 3.37.1, 240 15.10.5, 258 3.48.9, 225 15.12–14, 253 3.57.1, 241 15.12.8–9, 257 3.70.11, 242 15.13.10–14.2, 257 3.118.8–9, 234 15.15–16, 253, 258 3.118.9, 226 15.16.3, 256 4.1.4, 242 15.20.5, 242 4.11.7–8, 243 15.24a, 241 4.16.4, 245 15.25–33, 262 4.27.2, 241 15.27.6–28.4, 263 4.31, 241 15.34–6, 263 5.9–10, 244 15.35.1, 250 5.11.7, 244 16.10, 244 5.32, 226 18.46.1–3, 259 5.33.2, 227 18.46.6–9, 259 5.48.9, 250 18.46.9, 260 6, 232 18.46.12, 259 6.2.3, 226 18.46.13–15, 260 6.53.10, 244 23.10.12, 229 6.57.5–9, 278 23.10.16, 229 6.58.1, 230 28.16.10–11, 241 7.7.6, 247 28.17.4, 242 8.2.3, 226 28.17.5–9, 243 8.2.11, 230 29.8.7, 226 8.20.3, 261 29.12.1–4, 248 8.24, 241 29.19.2, 229 9.2.5, 231 34, 241 9.12.20, 241 36–9, 239 10.18.13, 261 36.9.5–8, 236 10.21.2, 242 38.20.1, 260 11.5.8–9, 229 38.20.3, 260 12.25a3, 230 38.20.7, 261 12.25a5-b1, 248 38.21.1–3, 261 12.25g2, 252 38.21.3, 262 12.25h2–4, 251, 266 39.5.4–6, 240 12.25h4, 249 39.8.3, 237 12.25h5, 251 39.8.4, 235 12.32.7, 247 14.12.5, 231 Quint. 15.5.3–16, 253 Inst. 15.5.3–5, 254 4.2.45, 299 15.5.8, 254 6.2.31–2, 19 15.5.9, 254 8.3.69, 8 15.6.1, 254 9.2.41, 19 15.6.2, 254 10.1.32, 299 15.6.3–8.14, 255 15.6.3, 254 Sall. 15.6.4–7.9, 253 Cat. 15.8, 253 1.1, 288

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1.4, 275 17.7, 305 1.30, 280 18–19, 277 2.3, 280 18.1, 300 2.5, 271, 274, 275 19.1, 305 3.2, 298, 299 19.4–6, 305 4.4, 269 20, 283 4.14–18, 280 20.7, 276 5.1–8, 270, 272 20.11, 276 5.2, 271, 273 20.12, 276 5.3, 273, 299 20.13, 276 5.4, 271, 272, 273 20.15, 276 5.5, 273, 274, 275 20.16, 288 5.6, 273, 275 21.2, 276 5.7, 284, 302 21.4, 273 5.8, 286 22.3, 304 5.9–13, 269 25.3, 272 6.2, 269 26–27.1, 307 6.7, 269 28.4, 273 7.3, 299 29.1, 304, 307 7.4, 273 31.1–3, 304 7.4–5, 270 31.5, 287 7.5, 270 31.7, 287 7.6, 271, 272 32.2, 285 7.7, 291 34.2, 284 9.1, 271 34.3, 285 9.2, 271 35.1, 283 9.3, 270 35.2, 283, 284 9.4, 290 35.3, 283, 284, 286, 287 10–13, 271 35.4, 286, 288 10.2, 272 35.6, 283 10.4, 272 36.4–39.5, 269 10.5, 272 36.5, 275 10.6, 274, 275 37.1, 280 11.1, 270 37.6, 273 11.2, 272 37.9, 273 11.3, 274 38.3, 286, 287 11.4, 273 39.4, 300 11.5, 273 40–1, 300 11.6, 270, 276 48.4–9, 306 12.1, 272, 274 49, 306 12.2, 272, 274 50.4–53.1, 289 13.1, 276, 299 51.1–4, 293 13.3, 272 51.2–4, 292 14–16, 270 51.4, 290 14.1, 270 51.5, 292, 294 14.3, 272 51.5–7, 291 14.5, 272 51.7, 294 14.6, 271, 273 51.9–10, 291 14.7, 303 51.12, 291 15.1, 272, 304 51.12–14, 294 15.2, 304 51.27, 295 15.4, 273 51.27–36, 291 16.1, 300 51.32–4, 291 16.4, 273, 276 51.34–5, 293 17.1, 276 51.35–6, 296

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Sall. (cont.) 1.59.3, 147 51.37–42, 290 1.60.3, 135, 137 52.4, 295 1.61–2, 133 52.5, 292 1.61.1, 134, 136 52.11, 272 1.61.2–3, 136 52.21, 290 1.61.2, 134, 135, 136, 137 52.22, 290 1.61.3, 134 52.30–1, 290 1.61.4, 135, 136, 137 54.4, 273 1.62.1, 134, 137, 138 58, 288 1.62.2, 138 58.12, 288 1.63.1, 134 58.21, 288 1.64.2, 134 60.3, 288 1.65.1, 139 60.5, 299 1.65.2, 139 60.7, 288 1.66.2, 138 61.1–7, 301 1.67.3, 138 61.1, 301, 302 1.68.1, 138 61.4, 288, 301, 302 1.68.5, 139 61.8–9, 301 1.71.1, 138 61.9, 302 1.73.1, 170 Hist., 273 1.80, 154 1.11, 279 2, 148 3.48, 175 2.5.1, 142 Iug., 268, 273, 278, 307 2.15.1, 138 60.4, 302 2.25.1, 138 88.5–6, 307 2.33.1, 169 103.2, 307 2.41.1, 138 113.1, 307 2.41.3, 142 Soph. 2.42.1, 142 Ant. 2.42.3, 143 569, 219 2.43.4, 143, 154 OT 2.45.3, 138 1255–7, 219 2.50.1, 169 Strabo. 2.54.1, 135 15.2.4–7, 120 2.55.6, 143, 154 15.3.6, 107 2.59.1, 135 Suet. 2.69.2, 152 Iul. 2.69.3, 144, 153 9.2, 277 2.70.1, 144 14, 295 2.71.1–4, 144 2.71.1, 144 Tac. 2.71.2, 150 Ann. 2.71.4, 144 1.1.2, 168 2.72.1, 144 1.1.3, 168 2.73.2, 147 1.3.6, 138 2.73.4, 145 1.6.1, 169 2.74.2, 145 1.7.6, 142 2.76.2, 146 1.7.7, 178 2.77.2, 146 1.9–10, 178 2.82, 146 1.10.7, 178 2.82.4, 146 1.11.2, 154 2.88.1, 147 1.33.1–2, 142 2.88.2, 147 1.52.1–2, 142 2.88.3, 168 1.54.2, 169 3, 148

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3.2.3, 169 6.50.1, 155 3.2.3–3.3.3, 148 6.51.3, 170, 178 3.7.1, 152 11.38.1, 178 3.7.2, 145 13.3.2, 155 3.8.1, 149 14.8, 132 3.8.2, 149 14.8.1, 132 3.11.2, 150 14.8.2, 132 3.12.1, 150 14.8.5, 132 3.12.3–4, 155 14.59.3, 142 3.12.6, 150 14.65.2, 164, 165, 169 3.12.7, 150 15, 156 3.14.1–2, 151 15.47.2, 165, 169 3.14.3, 151 15.49.1, 163, 165 3.15.2, 151, 155 15.50.1, 161 3.16.1, 151, 152 15.50.4, 157, 162 3.16.3, 151 15.51.1–3, 157 3.17.1, 152 15.51.1, 162 3.17.2, 152 15.51.2, 162 3.18.3–4, 169 15.51.4, 157, 166 3.18.4, 153, 171 15.52.1, 157 3.19.2, 152, 154 15.52.2–3, 157 3.25.2–28.2, 171 15.52.2, 166 3.51.1, 155 15.52.3, 162 3.55.5, 171 15.53, 157 3.60.3, 178 15.53.2, 159, 162 3.65.1, 172, 175 15.53.4, 163 3.66.1, 170 15.54.3, 163 3.76.2, 174 15.55.2–3, 158 4.1.1, 153, 170 15.55.4, 158 4.6.1, 170 15.56.2, 164 4.8.1, 154 15.56.3, 163 4.32–3, 173 15.57.2, 157 4.32–8, 173 15.58.3, 166 4.32.2, 174, 177 15.59.1–2, 159 4.33.4, 168, 174, 175 15.59.5, 159 4.34–5, 173 15.60.2, 164 4.34.3, 173 15.60.3, 164 4.34.5, 176 15.61.1, 164 4.35, 173 15.62.1, 161 4.35.2, 173, 174 15.63.3, 160 4.35.3, 174 15.64.2, 163 4.35.4, 176 15.64.3, 160 4.35.4–5, 176 15.65, 164, 165 4.37–8, 173, 176 15.69.2, 163 4.38.2, 175, 176, 177 15.70.1, 161 4.38.3, 175 15.70.2, 161 4.38.4, 176 15.72.1, 160 4.38.5, 176 15.73.1, 178 4.57, 154 15.73.2, 163 5.4.1, 178 16.19.3, 162 6.21.2, 178 Hist., 168 6.24.1, 178 1.1.1–2, 168 6.24.2, 153 2.70, 133 6.26.3, 153 3, 134 6.46.2, 176 3.28, 161

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408 Index locorum

Ter. 3.31.2, 47 Ad. 3.32.2, 47 207, 320 3.33.2–34, 41 Thuc. 3.32.3, 45, 46 1.1.1, 30 3.33, 41 1.10.2, 261 3.33.1, 41, 47 1.21.2, 29 3.33.2, 41, 45, 46 1.22.3, 29 3.33.3, 46 1.22.4, 49, 91 3.34.3, 43 1.67–88, 216 3.35, 41 1.132.3, 199 3.36.3, 44 2.35.2, 299 3.49.4, 44 2.54.2, 29, 205 5.26, 7, 50 2.54.3, 29, 205 6.6, 121 2.65, 7 6.8, 121 2.65.10–13, 50 6.9–26, 121 2.83–92, 31 6.24.2, 121 2.83–4, 31 6.24.3, 121 2.83.2–3, 35 6.25.1, 121 2.84.1–2, 31 6.33–41, 121 2.84.3–4, 31 6.90.2–3, 121 2.84.3, 33, 39 7, 47 2.85–6, 31 7.2, 44 2.86.5, 51 2.87, 37 Val. Max. 2.87.4, 38 9.13, 278 2.87–9, 31 Vell. Pat. 2.88.2, 36 2.34.3–35.5, 281 2.89, 37 Verg. 2.89.4, 35 Aen. 2.89.6, 35 2.369, 161 2.89.9, 39 5.48, 134 2.89.10, 38 8.196–7, 134 2.90.1–2, 32, 38 10.850, 135 2.90.2, 35 11.335, 161 2.90.3–91.2, 32 12.36, 135 2.90.4, 39 2.91.3–92, 32 Xen. 2.91.3, 39 An. 2.91.4, 40 1.1.4, 84 3.25–34, 31 1.1.11, 84 3.25, 40, 42 1.2.9, 56, 58 3.25.1, 42 1.2.10, 56 3.25.2, 51 1.2.12, 87 3.26–8, 40 1.2.16, 56 3.26.1, 42 1.2.18, 57 3.26.3, 42 1.2.22, 57 3.26.4, 43 1.2.25, 86 3.27.1, 42 1.3, 84 3.29, 40 1.3.20, 84 3.29.1, 43, 47 1.4.11, 84 3.30, 40 1.4.12, 84 3.30.4, 47 1.4.13–15, 57 3.31–33.1, 41 1.4.13, 76 3.31.1, 45, 46 1.4.16, 57

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Index locorum 409

1.4.18, 57, 85 2.6.12, 68 1.5.8, 57 2.6.19–20, 68 1.5.12, 70 3.1.3, 77 1.5.14, 70 3.1.4–10, 59 1.6, 87 3.1.10, 84 1.6.5, 88 3.1.12–13, 85 1.6.6, 87 3.1.12, 78, 82 1.6.9, 87 3.1.13, 83 1.6.10, 87 3.1.13–14, 60 1.6.11, 87 3.1.26, 77 1.7.10, 56 3.2.3, 78 1.7.18, 72 3.2.7, 78 1.8.1–2, 55 3.2.8–32, 70 1.8.8, 55, 56 3.2.25, 71, 77 1.8.8–9, 55 3.2.26, 71 1.8.11, 56 3.2.29, 78 1.8.12, 86 3.3.4, 77 1.8.14, 57 3.3.6–7, 66 1.8.17, 86 3.4.25–6, 66 1.8.18, 88 3.4.46, 78 1.8.21, 57 3.4.48, 85 1.8.25, 88 3.5.3, 66 1.8.26, 58, 88 4.1.11, 69 1.8.27, 58, 88 4.1.16–17, 63 1.8.28–29, 89 4.1.17, 62 1.9, 68 4.1.17–18, 62 1.9.10–11, 82 4.1.17–22, 62 1.18.15, 59 4.1.19, 62 2, 71 4.1.20–1, 62 2.1.4, 76 4.5.2, 86 2.1.12, 59 4.6.3, 84 2.1.19, 77 4.6.6–20, 63 2.2.1, 76 4.6.21–7, 63 2.2.3, 76 4.7.21, 61 2.3.18, 76 4.7.21–5, 61 2.3.23, 76 4.7.26, 79 2.4.5–7, 64 4.8.9–14, 64 2.4.14–24, 70 4.8.14, 79 2.5, 64 4.8.15–19, 64 2.5.3–5, 64 4.8.25–28, 79 2.5.7, 64 4.8.28, 79 2.5.8–10, 64 5, 64, 75 2.5.11–12, 65 5.1.2, 77 2.5.13–14, 65 5.1.15, 85 2.5.15, 65 5.3.3, 79 2.5.16, 65 5.3.4–13, 80, 84 2.5.17–21, 65 5.3.7, 83 2.5.22, 65 5.4.5, 80 2.5.23, 65 5.4.34, 87 2.5.24, 66 5.5.8, 80 2.5.27, 66 5.6.12–13, 81 2.5.29, 66 5.6.15, 72 2.5.33, 66 5.6.17, 72 2.6, 68 5.6.18, 72 2.6.9–10, 68 5.6.19–20, 73

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410 Index locorum

Xen. (cont.) 6.6.15, 85 5.6.34, 72 6.6.18, 81 5.6.35–7, 72 6.6.34–6, 81 5.6.37, 72 7, 64 5.7.1–4, 67, 72 7.1.4, 81 5.7.5–11, 67 7.1.7, 81 5.7.5–33, 80 7.1.14, 86 5.7.12–33, 67 7.1.21, 74 5.7.12–31, 81 7.1.25–31, 74 5.8.2–12, 67 7.1.29, 74 5.8.3–26, 80 7.1.38, 81 5.8.13–26, 67 7.2.3, 81 5.8.18, 68 7.2.11, 81 6.1.17, 80 7.2.32–3, 82 6.1.22–4, 85 7.3.7, 81 6.1.32, 85 7.3.13, 81 6.2.12–13, 81 7.3.18, 81 6.2.15, 81 7.3.20, 82 6.4.1–6, 85 7.3.22, 82 6.4.1–2, 73 7.3.35, 82 6.4.3, 73 7.6.11–38, 67 6.4.4, 73 7.6.37, 81 6.4.5, 73 7.6.38, 68 6.4.7, 74 7.7.57, 81, 83, 6.4.11, 81 84 6.4.14, 74 Cyr., 68 6.5.4, 81 Hell., 53, 86 6.5.23, 80 7.5.27, 53 6.6.2–3, 74 6.6.11, 85 Zonar. 6.6.12, 80 4.14, 105

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Index of Greek and Latin words

ἀρχὴ κακῶν, 201 φαντασία, 17 αὐτοπάθεια, 251 amoliri, 142 εἰδοποιεῖν, 127 ἐνάργεια, 17 circuitus, 329 ἐπιστρέφειν, 122 deformis, 136 ἤ, 51 dignitas, 284 divitiae, 272 ἱστορία, 230 extendere, 343 καταψάειν, 122 fragmen, 134 λανθάνω, 35 futurum fuisse, 19 λιμός, 29 λόγος, 17 hebescere, 274 λοιμός, 29 hostis, 301

μέγεθος, 127 imago, 161 invadere, 274 νὴ Δία, 245 lubido, 271 παρακαλπάζειν, 122 παραλαμβάνειν, 122 mussitare, 320 περιλαμβάνειν, 122 περιχαρής, 201 nomen, 285 ποιητής, 104 ποτέ, 222 oblino, 139 προπίπτειν, 122 προσαναστέλλειν, 122 pellis, 343 προστρέχειν, 122 quies, 139 σημαίνειν, 209 σημεῖον, 209 reliquiae, 137

ταραχὴ καὶκίνησις , 236 vellicare, 320


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General index

Aborigines, 269, 299 Amazon, 111 Abrocomas, 84 ambiguity, narratorial, 85–6, 167 Abydus, 185, 193, 194, 195, 196, 262 in Plutarch, 109–11 Acarnania, 31 in Sallust, 304–8 Acarnanian, 101 in Tacitus, 140–67 Achaea/Achaean(s), 34, 81, 104, 187 in , 85–90 Achaeus, 261 Ambrose, 333, 339, 340 Achilles, 102, 103, 104, 108, 201 America/American(s), 11, 359 , 213 Amestris, 205 Adam, 345, 347 Ammon, 118 Adam and Eve, 343, 345 Amphiaraus, 214 Aeginetans, 265 analepsis Aeschines, 8 in Herodotus, 201, 208 Aetolian, 229 in Polybius, 235 Aetolians, 229, 241, 243 in Thucydides, 35–6 Africa, 236, 253 Anaxibius, 74, 86 Agariste, 217 Andocides, 8 Agasias, 80 Ankersmit, F., 10–12, 20 Agatharchides, 264 Annales-school, 355 Agathocles, 250, 252, 262 Annius Florus, 281, 288 Agbatana, 204 Anonymus Seguerianus, 18 agency Antigonus, 110, 244, 261 interest in, 355 Antiochus, 261 possibility of, 5 Antiochus III, 242 in Tacitus, 177–9 Antonia, 158, 162 Agesilaus, 53 Antony, 158, 296, 297 Agrippina, 132, 143, 144, 157, 169 Antony (Saint), 100, 325, 327 Alcibiades, 119, 121 Apollo, 211 Alcidas, 40–2, 45–7 Appian, 256, 260, 261, 281 Alcmaeonidae, 210 Apuleius, 328 Alexander, 69, 92–130, 201, 244 Arabia/Arab(s), 110, 202 as Achilles redivivus, 102–4 Aratus, 243 Alexandria, 109, 117, 118 Arcadia/Arcadian(s), 41, 47, 56, 62, 81, Allan, R., 33 203 alternative versions Archelaus, 143 in Plutarch, 110–11 Archidamian War, 208 in Polybius, 242–3 Ariarathes, 238 in Sallust, 304–8 Aristagoras, 201 in Xenophon, 86–7 Aristander, 114, 119 Alus, 187 Aristobulus, 111 Alypius, 315, 318, 320, 325, 327, 330 Aristogiton, 210


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General index 413

Aristotle, 12, 25, 109, 110, 124, 225, 227, 228, 229, exacerbating the tension between experience 249, 252, 349 and teleology, 25, 315 Armenia, 54, 79, 155 modern, 348 Arminius, 137, 138, 147 theory of, 314 Aron, R., 4 Autronius, 277 Artabanus, 185, 195, 196, 198, 202, 215 Artagerses, 88 Babylon, 54 Artapatas, 87 Babylonia/Babylonian(s), 108, 109, 115 Artaxerxes, 54, 76 Bactrian, 95 Artayctes, 206, 207 Baiae, 131, 157, 166 Artaynte, 202, 205, 206 Bakhtin, M., 21 Artembares, 206 Bakker, E., 33, 63, 257 Artemis, 188 Bal, M., 20 Artemisia, 192 Barker, E., 203, 213 Artescus, 189 Barnes, Julian, 365 Aryandas, 187 Baroni, R., 349 Asia, 54, 59, 70, 71, 74, 75, 81, 82, 98, 102, 104, Barthes, R., 314 113, 188 Basias, 62 ‘as-if ’, 13, 16, 120, 355 Bataille, G., 366 Assyrian, 187 Batstone, W., 303 Athenian Thirty, 295 ‘Beinahe’ episode(s), 44, 69–75, 243, 244 Athenodorus, 106 Belus, 114 /Athenian(s), 7, 8, 29, 31–52, 59, 74, 90, Bernstein, M. A., 4 104, 107, 111, 116, 192, 198–221, 261, 265, Bethius, Germain, 357, 358 291, 310 Binet, L., 365–6 Athos, Mt., 190 biography, ancient Attalus, 238 and historiography, 23, 92 Attica/Attic, 40, 42, 43 Black Sea, 54 Aue, Max, 366 Bocchus, 307 Auerbach, E., 12 Boeotians, 199, 200 Augusta, 143, 149, 152 , 81, 82, 187, 189, 194, 201 Augustine (Saint), 25, 310, 313–52 Bowersock,G.W.,361 Augustine, Conf. Brooks, P., 22 addresses to God, 323 Brundisium, 145, 169 autobiographical frame, 313–14, 341–2 Brunt, P., 353 biblical citations, 342–4 Brutus, 173, 174 conversion, 315–36 Bucephalas, 98, 122–5 distentio animi, 349–50 Buhler,¨ K., 140 distentio defining human life, 338, 351 Butterfield, H., 3–4 dramatization, 320 , 73, 74, 75, 81, 85, 188 extentio, 351 ‘fictionalists’ vs. ‘historicists’, 324 Cacus, 134 and Genesis, 337, 343, 344–5, 346–7 Caecina, 138, 139 and Neoplatonic philosophy, 334–5 Caesar, 108, 116, 125, 138, 269, 273, 277, 281, and Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, 316, 283–4, 289–98, 303, 306, 353 325 Calaunus, 115 reflections on time, 337–40 Callatiae, 202 and Ricoeur, 348–50 Calpes, 73, 74, 75, 81, 85 role of literary models, 323–8 Calyndans, 192 spatial form, 340–7 Cambyses, 202, 204 temporal organization, 336–52 Cancik-Lindemaier, H., 160 typology, 344–7 Candaules, 206 and Vita Antonii, 315, 325, 326 Cannae, 234 Augustus, 173, 178, 268 Cape Lacinium, 240 autobiography Caphyae, 243

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414 General index

Cappadocia, 143, 212, 238 Corinth/Corinthian(s), 34, 113, 216, 218, 219, 220 Carduchia/Carduchian(s), 62, 69, 79 Coriolanus, 99, 100 Carmania, 98 Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, 361 Carr, D., 3, 12, 357 Cossaeans, 103 Carthage, 25, 233, 239 Cotta, 277 Carthage/Carthaginian(s), 234, 246, 253–7, 260, Cotyora, 67, 71 261, 262, 266, 269, 270, 274, 275–91, 292, counterfactual(s), 69, 97, 158, 196, 242–4, 300 293, 296, 310, 332 Courcelle, P., 323–4 Carystus, 207 Crassus, 277, 305, 306, 308 Cassander, 112 Craterus, 117 Cassius, 173, 174 Crawford, M. H., 354 Cassius Dio, 280, 297 Cremutius, 172–7 Cataline/Catalinarian Conspirancy, 268–310 Crete/Cretans, 31, 213 Cato, 272, 289, 290, 291, 292, 295, 296 Croesus, 1, 116, 186, 200, 202, 203, 204, 210, 211, Catulus, 283, 285, 286 212, 213, 214, 215 Celaenae, 58 Ctesias, 88, 89 Celer, 145 Cunaxa, 53–4, 57, 82, 85, 86, 88–90 Cerasunt, 79 Curtius Rufus, 119–20 Ceres, 157 Cydnus, 111 Cethegus, 281 Cyniscus, 86 Chaeronea, 244 Cyprianus, 324 Chalcidians, 199, 200 Cypselids, 218, 219, 220 Chaldaeans, 115 Cypselus, 216–18, 220 Chalybians, 63 Cyrea/Cyrean(s), 55, 62, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, Chares, 110 79–84 Charmande, 69 Cyrus, 53–9, 64, 65, 68–72, 76, 82–8, 104, 193, Chassin, C.-L., 358 202–15 Chekhov, A., 14 Chersonese, 81, 86 Damascus, 117 Chians, 46, 204 Danto, A., 2, 6 Chirisophus, 62, 63, 78 Darius, 25, 93–4, 96–8, 106, 113–18, 186–90, 193, Christ, M. R., 186–7 198–200, 201, 202, 207, 295 Cicero, 276–8, 279–80, 282, 296, 297, 307 Decelea/Decelean(s), 208 Cilicia/Cilician(s), 56, 57, 101, 110 deixis Clarus, 42 ‘ad oculos’, 140 Claudius, 153, 154, 158, 169, 171 ‘ad phantasma’, 140 Cleandrus, 81 ante nos, 316 Clearchus, 64–6, 69, 70, 76–7, 84, 87, 88 spatial, 122, 137 Cleitus, 98, 113, 117 Delian League, 207, 216 Cleomenes, 246 Delphi/Delphic, 59, 104, 112, 114, 199, 203, 204, Cleopatra, 5, 98, 100 210, 211, 213, 214 closure, 75–6 Demaratus, 113, 186, 202 in Herodotus, 205–7 Demetrius, 18, 246 in Sallust, 303 Democedes, 187 Cnemon, 31 Dening, G., 356 Cnidians, 213 Dexippus, 84, 85 Colchians, 64, 79 Dillery, J., 53 Colian, 204, 213 Diodorus, 82, 260–1 collage, technique of, 362 Diogenes, 98, 110 Colophonia/Colophonian(s), 41 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 7–8, 17, 50, 54, 83, Confino, A., 355 246 Connor, W. R., 48 Dionysus, 112, 188 consciousness, temporal structure of, 13 von Doderer, H., 3 Corcyra, 219 Dorian(s), 205, 265 Corcyrean conflict, 30 Doriscus, 186, 190, 193, 196

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General index 415

Dostoevsky, F., 14 Ferrari, L. C., 344–5 drama, 22 fictionality, 324 Droysen, J. G., 231 fictionalization, 360, 363 Drusus, 142, 149, 153, 154, 170, 178 Fiesole, 307 Duff, T., 124, 127, 129 Flaminius, 259, 260 Dunn, F., 30 Flavians, 168 Duris, 52, 111, 265–6 Flavius Josephus, 24 Flory, S., 195 Earl, D. C., 284 Fludernik, M., 9–10, 356–7 Echemus, 218 focalization, internal, 2, 14, 358, 360 economy, narrative, 14, 41 in Augustine, 317 Eden, 343 in Plutarch, 95–7, 112, 120–1 effet de r´eel, 84, 254, 322, 358 in Polybius, 257, 259 Egypt/Egyptian(s), 55, 56, 117, 152, 198, 242 in Sallust, 307 ekphrasis, 18 in Tacitus, 132, 143, 148–9, 152 enargeia, 16–19, 21, 140, 265–6 in Thucydides, 34–6, 38, 41–2, 46, 48–9, 90 ancient discussions of, 32 in Xenophon, 54–64, 84, 86–7, 90 Demetrius’ definition of, 246 foreshadowing, see prolepsis in Herodotus, 202 Fornara, C. W., 208 in Plutarch, 92–108, 111, 119–30 Fortuna, 162 in Polybius, 246 Foscarini, Antonio, 362 in Tacitus, 133–5 Fowler, D., 75 in Thucydides, 30, 92 France, 366 andverbaltense,33–4 Frank, J., 341 in Xenophon, 54–5, 92 Fredriksen, P., 329 Ephesus, 41 French Revolution, 357, 358, 359, 363 Ephorus, 227 Friedlander,¨ S., 355–6 epic, 22, 101 See also Homer Fufius Calenus, 297 Epicharis, 157, 162 future Erbse, H., 124 anticipation of, 4 Erigyius, 112 ‘futures past’ Ethiopians, 202 definition, 8 Etruria, 273, 279 Euphrates, 57, 84, 105 Gadamer, H.-G., 6, 13 Euripides, 102 Ganges, 105, 109 Europe, 81, 82, 98, 103, 188, 190, 202, 253 Gaugamela, 93, 97, 98, 110, 111, 113, 114, 120, 121 experience Gauls, 300 depending on narrative, 12 Gaza, 117, 119 doubling of, 14 gaze expressed through narrative, 9–19 in Herodotus, 193–8 object of historiography, 4–5 in Xenophon, 56–9 experience and teleology, 1–9, 21–2 Gedrosian, 98, 120 in autobiography, 315 Genette, G., 20, 36 and our interest in the past, 5 genre, 23 links, 4 Germanicus, 25, 150 tension, 2, 4, 6, 122, 314–15, 340 Germany, 7, 133, 230, 355, 366 ‘experientiality’, 9 ‘Geschichte’, 230–1 explanation, historical, 9 Gijsbrechts, C., 140 Glauce, 109 Fabius Pictor, 263 Goethe, J. W., 21 Fabrice del Dongo, 2 Gomme,A.W.,37 Faenius, 157 Goodyear, F. R. D., 133, 170 Fannius, 3 Gordium, 114 Farther Spain, 173, 175 Gorgias, 17, 246 Ferentinum, 162 Gottingen,¨ 282

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416 General index

Gracchi, 279, 281 pattern of rise and fall, 202 Granicus, 104 Periander logoi, 218–20 Gray, V. J., 85, 89 prolepses, 201 Gregory of Nazianzus, 324 Socles’ speech, 215–21 Grethlein, J., 135, 202 take on history, 1 Gribble, D., 245 using analogy, 215 Gruen, E., 353–5 Xerxes as embedded author, 190–2, 198 Gumbrecht, H. U., 4–5, 10–12, 20 Herzog, R., 335–6 Gunderson, E., 303 Heuß, A., 233, 282 Gyges, 206 Heydrich, R., 365 Hieronymus, 261 Hannibal, 234, 240, 241, 244, 253–6, hindsight, passim, esp. 1–6 258 allowing evaluation, 3 Harmodius, 210 anticipated, 295, 296 Harpalus, 109, 112 granting control over the past, 199 Harrison, T., 203 and historical explanation, 9, 185, 227 Hartog, F., 228 significance of, 237 Hasdrubal, 260, 261 Hippias, 47, 216 Hausen, C. R., 231 Histiaeus, 204 Hector, 261, 262 historia continua, 53–4 Hegel, G. W. F., 13, 230–1 historia magistra vitae, 11, 231 Heidegger, M., 4, 336, 349 historia rerum gestarum, 89, 108, 167, 172, 178, Helen, 206, 208 230–4, 364 Hellespont, 194, 197, 201 historiography Helvetians, 138 coming to grips with temporality, 6, 199–200, Hephaestion, 103, 115, 117 267 Hephaestus, 189 as part of history, 175 Heraclea, 72, 73, 81 and re-experience of past, 15–16 Heraclidae, 218 and time, 5–6 Heraclides, 81, 82 historiography, ancient, 17, 21 Heraclitus, 210 and biography, 23, 92 Herder, J. G., 231 claim to veracity, 22 hermeneutics, 5, 7, 218, 335 function of, 172 Hermolycus, 207 and modern historiography, 363–4, 367 Herodotus, 21, 23, 25, 75, 85, 103, 116, 119, 180, prominence of experience, 181–2 185–223, 225, 234, 237, 244–5, 263, 264, 268, historiography, Hellenistic, 21, 48, 52, 224 309, 310, 367 and Thucydides, 263–7 aitiai, 211–12 historiography, modern, 22, 25–6, 353–64 Athenian and Spartan logoi, 200 and ancient historiography, 363–4, 367 closure, 205–7 experiential narratives, 355–64 and contemporary politics, 206–8, 212–21 on fall of Roman Republic, 353–4 Darius and memorials, 190 historiography, tragic, 52, 252 destabilizing dichtomy of East and West, history 198 Judaeo-Christian concept, 239 destabilizing teleology, 208 modern notion of, 356 digressions, 200 philosophy of, 6 Egyptian logos, 189–90 theory of, 2, 10, 20, 21 establishing kleos, 188 Hitler, A., 7 hindsight and insight into human fragility, Hoffmann, W., 282 199 Hollmann, A., 203 juxtaposition of historiography with Holscher,¨ L., 4 inscription, 187–8 Homer, 14, 21, 215, 252, 254, 261 meta-historical reading, 187, 199, 221–2 arming scenes, 94 meta-oracle, 214 Il., 79 oracles, 203–5, 208–17 Od., 71, 246

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General index 417

horizon Leo, F., 118, 141 of expectations, 14 Leon, 77 of experience, 36 Leonidas, 204 fusion, 6–7 Leonymus, 62 Hornblower, S., 47 Leppin, H., 361 Hunter, V., 39 Lesbos/Lesbian(s), 40, 41, 44 Husserl, E., 16, 348–9 Lessing,G.E.,128 Hutcheon, L., 364–5 Levene, D. S., 134, 268–9, 292–3 Hydaspes, 104 Libya, 253 Hyllus, 218 literariness, 324 Littell, J., 324, 367 Icarus, 40 Livia, 141 Ida, Mt., 58, 193 Livy, 24, 69, 181, 256, 258, 278, 281–2, 289 Ilion, 261 Lucan, 22, 160–2 Illyrians, 113 Luce, T. J., 172 immersion, 88, 99, 137, 302, 317 Lucian, 18, 54, 168 imperfect, prospective, 222 Lucius, 328 intrusion, authorial/narratorial Lucullus, 278 in Augustine, 331 Luschnat, O., 38 in Plutarch, 108–11 Lycaea, 56 in Polybius, 240–1 Lycaonians, 70 in Sallust, 299–300 Lycia, 114 in Thucydides, 50–1 Lycon, 106 in Xenophon, 85–90 Lycophron, 219, 220 Ionia/Ionian(s), 41, 42, 45, 46, 54, 199, Lycurgus, 115 201 Lydian, 1, 77, 116, 203, 211 isegoria, 200 Lysimachus, 103, 110 Ister, 189 Lysistratus, 204 Isthmus, 213, 258, 259, 260 Isthmus declaration, 258, 260 Ma, J., 82 Italy, 169, 234, 253, 255, 308 Macedonia/Macedonian(s), 96, 98, 102, 111, 117, 122, 229, 235, 239 Jacoby, F., 23 Mandrocles, 189, 194 Jaeger, M., 24 Manlius Torquatus, 277, 290, 291, 307 Japan, 359, 360 Manlius Vulso, 278 Jauß,H.R.,12–13, 341–2 Mann, G., 354 Jesus Christ, 326–7, 334, 345, 351–2 Mann, T., 9, 19 Jugurtha, 278, 307 Mantinea, 53 Marathon, 198 Kant, I., 349 Marcellinus, 268 Kindt, J., 203, 214 Marcius, 242 Knauer, G. N., 336 Mardonius, 201, 204 Koestermann, E., 138, 150 Marincola, J., 23, 85 Konstan, D., 193 Martin, R. H., 150, 151 Koselleck, R., 13–14 Martina, 145 Kraus, C., 268–9 Masistes, 205, 206 Krebs, C., 135, 274–5 Massilia, 285 Kurdistan, 54 Maurizio, L., 203 McGushin, P., 270–1, 285 Labda, 217, 220 McMahon, R., 346–7 Lade, 199 Medea, 109 Lateranus, 157 Megalopolis, 246 Lebenswelt, 5, 13 Meier, C., 353 Ledworuski, G., 287 Melissa, 220 Lentulus, 281 memory, 29, 103

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418 General index

of Barbarians and Greeks, 198–9 Nearchus, 112 character’s and historian’s, 135 Nebridius, 322, 330 generation of, 187–92 Neon, 81 historiographic, 172, 294 Nero, 131–2, 156–66, 171, 178 manipulation of, 105, 175, 197 Nestor, 201 reflection on, 172–7, 328, 330 ‘New Romanticists/Romanticism’, 10–12, 16, 20 and sight, 136, 139 Nicias, 8, 121, 125 spatialization of, 137 Nicolaus of Damascus, 278 Meno, 57, 69, 70, 86 Notion, 41, 43, 44, 47 Merleau-Ponty, M., 12 novel, 15, 22 Messalinus, 153 historical, 5, 356, 358, 367 Messene/Messenian, 241 modernist, 9 Messiah, 351 metafiction, historiographic, 324, 367 Octavian, 100, 296 metalepsis, 1 O’Donnell, J. J., 320, 322, 334–5, 347 ‘metaphorical reference’, 15 Odysseus, 76, 77 Midas, fountain of, 56 Oenophyta, 8 Milan, 327, 330, 332, 333 Oeobazus, 201 Milichus, 158, 163 O’Gorman, E., 137, 155, 161 mise-en-abˆıme, 82, 135, 140, 173 Olympic Games, 187 mise-en-intrigue, 349 Onesicritus, 111 mise-en-sc`ene, 107 Opis, 102 Misenensis, 157 oracles Mithradates, 77 in Herodotus, 203–17 Moles, J. L., 221 oratory, 17 Momigliano, A., 263 Orchomenian, 195 Monica (Saint), 325, 329, 347 Orestes, 366 monograph(s), historical, 227, 247–8, 268 Orestilla, 283, 287, 304 Morrison, J. V., 30 Orontas, 87, 88 Morson, G. S., 14 Orosius, 280 Morstein-Marx, R., 284 Orpheus, 114 Mossman, J., 101 Ortega y Gasset, J., 21 Mossynoecians, 80, 86 Mycale, 207 Paches, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47 Mykonos, 40 Pamphylia, 98, 115 Mysians, 70 Paris, 11, 103, 104, 384 Mytilene/Mytilenean(s), 24, 31, 40–6, 47, 48, 51 Parmenion, 93–5, 96, 97, 101, 111, 113 Mytilenean Debate, 38, 41, 44, 45, 90 Parthia, 102, 117 Pasargadae, 104 Naiden, F. S., 222 past narrative interest in, 5–6 capacity to express experience, 9–19 openness of, 45, 69, 75–6, 243, 255, 356 capacity to express teleology, 9 presentness of, 36, 40–4, 60, 133, 137, 156, 177, coming to grips with temporality, 20 196, 302, 355, 363 doubling of experience, 12 ‘re-presentation’ of, 15, 30, 56, 320 as a form of mimesis, 12 Patroclus, 79, 103, 115, 201 and re-experience, 14 Paul (Saint), 316, 323–5, 342, 344, 345, 347 ubiquity of, 14 Paulina, 163 ‘narrative reference’, 15–16, 356, 367 Pelling, C., 105, 125, 155, 164, 176 ‘narrative sentences’, 2, 6 Peloponnese/Peloponnesian(s), 31–52 ‘narrativity’, 9 Peloponnesian War, 7, 8, 23, 29, 30, 40, 50, 74, narratology, 19, 20 90, 93, 120, 208, 309 Natalis, 158, 163, 164 Peltas, 56 Nathanael, 345 Peneus, 186 Naupactus, 31, 32, 35, 38, 42, 43 Pentecontaetia, 50

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Pergamum, 58, 82, 103 on mimesis, 126–30 Periander, 216, 217–20, 310 moralism of, 129–30 Pericles, 7, 49, 50, 111, 116, 217, 299 narratorial presence, 108–11 Perrin, B., 123 Nic., 121, 125 Persepolis, 104, 107, 112, 113 parallel between painting and biography, 127 Perseus, 242 Per., 127 Persia/Persian(s), 41, 46, 54, 64–6, 70, 71, 76–8, reading of Thucydides, 2 82, 84, 87, 88, 93–6, 102–5, 113–16, 187, 188, Thes., 129 195–9, 203, 205, 207–10, 213, 217 Theseus-Romulus, 115–16 Persian Wars, 50, 186, 200, 206, 207, 208, 212, Plutarch, Alex. 213, 215, 234, 242 alternative versions, 110–11 Persius, 324 and Caes., 125 Petrarch, 327 citations, 109–10 Phalinus, 77 digressions, 108–9 phantasia, 17 episodic structure, 116–21 Pharos, 109, 117 and Homer, 95, 117–18 Phasians, 63 juxtaposition of different motivations, 111 Phasis, 67, 72 prominence of non-chronological ordering, Philip, 98, 101, 109, 112, 113, 120, 122, 123, 124, 116–19 229, 244, 250, 252, 278 references to the present, 109 Philip V, 242 spatialization of history, 124, 126–9 Philistus, 125 use of an epic model, 102–4 Philotas, 111, 117, 118 use of tenses, 96 Phormion, 24, 31, 32, 33–41, 46 Polybius, 21, 25, 51, 75, 224–67, 268, 278, 298, Phrixus, 187 299, 309, 310 Phrygia, 114 anthropology, 237 Phylarchus, 52, 246, 249–50, 252, 264, 266 autopatheia, 251–2 Pisidians, 70, 84 concept of unity, 227–30 Pisistratus, 200 conspicuous narrator, 241–5 Piso, 141, 143–6, 149–52, 157–9, 162–6, 277, 305 critique of mimesis, 246–52 Pisonian Conspiracy, 25, 133, 140, 156–7, 159–60, critique of speeches, 248–9 162–7, 169, 178, 181, 243, 308 deferral of telos, 234–7 Pissouthnes, 46 and Homer, 257, 261–2 Pistoia, 299, 301 mimetic narrative, 263 Plancina, 143, 144, 152, 153 parallels to Aristotle’s Poetics, 227–30 Plataea/Plataean(s), 38, 198, 199, 201, 208, 218 and Thucydides, 263–4 Plataean Debate, 90 tych¯e, 229 Plato, 36 universal historiography, 225–7 Menex., 8 use of historie, 230–2 Pleisthenes, 84 view of Roman imperialism, 233–4 Plessner, H., 12 Pompeii, 361 Pliny, 162 Pompey, 138, 173, 281 ‘plupast’, 135 Ponticianus, 315–18, 322, 323, 325, 326 Plutarch, 1, 17, 24–5, 30, 51, 54, 89, 92–130, 240, Pontus, 71, 75, 80, 82 281, 298, 313, 341 Posidonius, 264 Aemilius-Timoleon, 130 Postumus Agrippa, 169 Alc., 119 Potidaea, 113 and Thucydides, 121 ‘presentism’, 11 Ant., 100 Priam, 58, 103, 104 Caes., 115, 125–6 Prince, G., 45 Coriolanus, 99–100 Proculius, 100 De glor. Ath., 127–8 Proculus, 157, 162 De prof. virt., 130 progymnasmata, 18 didactic intention, 129–30 prolepsis, 14 internal focalization, 95–7 in Augustine, 323, 333–6, 350, 351

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420 General index

in Herodotus, 116, 201–2, 207–8, 215, Sade, Marquis de, 366 217 Sailor, D., 166–7, 178 in Plutarch, 95, 111–16, 120 Salaethus, 40, 41, 42, 44, 51 in Polybius, 234, 242, 258 Salamis, 58, 191, 199, 204, 213 in Sallust, 270–2, 300 Sallust, 21, 23, 25, 86, 268–310, 313, 353, 362 in Tacitus, 168–71, 178 BJ, 268–79 in Thucydides, 31, 50 Caesar’s speech, 289–98 in Xenophon, 66, 83, 84–5 Hist., 279 prospect, 8, 112, 172 Sallust, BC protention, 13, 16 alternative frames for Catilinarian Conspiracy, Protesilaus, 206 283–98 Proxenus, 70, 83 alternative view of Rome’s history, 293 Prusias, 238 ambiguity, 304–8 Ps.-Longinus, 246 and BJ, 268–9, 307–8 Ptolemaeus, 112 archaeology, 269–72, 274–5, 278, 290–3 Ptolemy IV Philopater, 263 casting himself as reliable historian, 303–4 Punic War(s), 173, 233, 234, 244, 278, 293, closure, 303 296 experiential narrative, 298–308 Pydna, 236, 237 focus on evaluation, 299 Pylos, 2, 30 imagery of disease, 274–5 Pyrrhus, 147, 241, 261 manipulation of chronology, 276–8 Pythia, 114, 203, 210, 211–12 not monolithic, 298 peculiar view of Catilinarian Conspiracy, Quintilian, 8, 19, 299 278–83 Qumran, 361 and Tacitus, 300–1 teleological view of Roman history, 269–78 Racine, J., 133 and Thucydides, 298–301 Ratzinger, J., 342–3 Salus, 162 ‘reading for the plot’, 75 Samian Heraeum, 189 res gestae, 89, 108, 167, 172, 178, 198, 203, 230, Samos/Samian(s), 199, 265 232–4, 364 Sardinia, 253 retention, 13, 16 Sardis, 54 reticence, authorial/narratorial Sartre, J.-P., 314 in Thucydides, 39, 47, 108, 240 Scaevinus, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163 in Xenophon, 66, 86–7, 108, 240 Schapp, W., 324 retrospect, see hindsight Schiller, F., 21 Rhodes/Rhodians, 242, 291, 292, 294 Schlogel,¨ K., 357 Ricoeur, P., 15, 19, 229, 347–50 Schmidt-Dengler, W., 320 Romanus, 164, 291 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, H., 286–7 Rome, 25, 69, 143, 145, 146, 154, 155, 158, 166, 167, Scillus, 79, 80, 83, 84, 111 179, 181, 185, 226, 242, 253, 255, 256, 261, Scipio, 236, 238, 244, 253–63 262, 263, 268–308 Scythian(s), 187, 188, 189, 199, 201 fall of Republic in modern historiography, Sejanus, 151, 174 353–4 Seleucia, 152 de Romilly, J., 38–9 Seneca, 159, 160, 162, 164, 165 Romulus, 116 Serapion, 106 Rood, T., 261 Sesostris, 189, 190, 198 Rosler,¨ W., 222 Sestus, 206 Rousseau, J. J., 348 Seuthes, 67, 81, 82, 91 Roxane, 105 Shatzman, I., 152, 155–6 Rubicon, 283, 289 Shoah, 356, 367 Runia, E., 11 Sicilian Expedition, 30, 90, 125, 208 Rushdie, S., 365 Sicily, 121, 235, 246, 253 Russell, D. A., 119 ‘sideshadowing’, 14 Ryberg, I. S., 141 definition, 14

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in Polybius, 243–4, 255–6 art of innuendo, 141, 156, 167 significance for historiography, 15–16 casting himself as a distant historian, in Tacitus, 156–9 178–9 in Thucydides, 45–6 Cremutius as a mirror for Tacitus, in Xenophon, 69–75 173–5 Silanus, 72, 143, 157, 166, 289 danger of rumours, 146–7 Simonides, 1, 128 drama, 159–60 Sinope/Sinopean(s), 72, 80 on Germanicus, 140–56 Siwa, 114, 118 and Lucan, 160–2 Socles, 216, 217, 220 meta-historical reading, 162 speech, 215–21 multiple focalization, 148–9 Socrates, 8 parallels between historian and historical Solon, 1, 2, 199, 220 agents, 177–8 Sophaenetus, 89 on Pisonian Conspiracy, 156–67 Sophanes, 208 prolepses creating suspense, 169–70 source citations, in ancient historiography, reflection on history, 153–4 86–90, 109–10 Seneca’s role, 164–5 Spain, 233, 236, 253 and Tiberius, 154–6 /Spartan(s), 31, 40–3, 46, 50, 62, 67, 74, and Virgil, 134–5, 161 80, 80, 82, 90, 115, 186, 196, 198–208, Tanagra, 8 213–21, 244, 261 Taochians, 63 spatialization, 341–8, 350 Tarentians, 241 speeches, in historiography Tarquinius, 305, 306 making narrative experiential, 36–9, 64–9 Tegea/Tegean(s), 200, 204, 218 Stadter, P. A., 118, 123–4, 221 teleology Stahl, H.-P., 39 coping with temporality, 5 Stalingrad, 366 deforming impact of, 29–30 Steiner, D., 198 inscribed in narratives, 14 Stendhal, 2 problems, 3–4 Strasburger, H., 264 telos passim,esp.,1–6 Strauss Clay, J., 22 tense, verbal Subrius, 156, 162, 164 making narrative experiential, 33–4, 63, 96, Sulla, 269–81, 291–9, 310, 353 257 suspense Teutiaplus, 40, 45, 47 absence of, 116, 119, 124 Teutoburg Forest, 25, 132–6, 138–40 in detective novels, 14 Thais, 107, 112, 113 and enargeia, 18–19 Thebes, 111, 112 in Herodotus, 116, 119, 202, 204 Theches, Mt., 78 in Plutarch, 94, 99–100 Themistocles, 199, 213 in Polybius, 256 Thermopylae, 105, 196, 197, 199 and re-reading, 15 Thermus, 244 in Tacitus, 150, 169–70 Thersander, 195 in Thucydides, 44 Theseus, 115, 129, 208 in Xenophon, 55, 61–2, 78 Thessalus, 106 Syennesis, 57 Thessaly, 186 Syme, R., 155, 185, 278, 300 Thibron, 82 Syracuse, 2, 24, 30, 31, 33, 121, 266 Thompson, E. P., 4 Syria, 143, 146 Thorax, 72 Thracia/Thracian(s), 67, 70, 73, Tacitus, 23, 25, 51, 86, 131–79, 243, 248, 300, 303, 81 308, 362 Thrasyboulus, 218–20 Hist., 134, 168 Thrasycrates, 229 Tacitus, Ann. Thucydides, 1, 7–8, 15–16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 29–52, ambiguity in, 140–67 54, 56, 64, 66, 69, 86, 89, 90–1, 92, 111, annalistic frame, 168–9 119–21, 125, 130, 202, 205, 209, 224, 240–1,

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244–5, 248, 263–4, 266–7, 298–9, 300, 309, Varus, 133, 135–9 356, 361, 364 Velleius Paterculus, 281 analytical passages, 49–50 Venice, 362 aware of deforming aspect of teleology, 29–30 Vergilia, 99 composition reinforcing the role of the Vesta, 304 unexpected, 39–40 Vestinus, 157, 159, 162, 163 contrast between narrative and narrated time, Volscians, 99 44 Volturcius, 305, 306 double internal focalization, 34–5, 41–2 Volumnia, 99, 100 dryness of style, 48 Vretska, K., 284 and Hellenistic historiography, 263–7 indirect evaluation, 47 Walbank, F. W., 236, 237–9, 252 speeches creating experientiality, 37 Waldenfels, B., 12 speeches embedding evaluation, 38–9 Waterloo, 2 teleological design of narrative, 50 Waters, K. H., 282 visual quality of narrative, 2 Weizsacker,¨ A., 118 Tiberius, 150, 133–56, 162, 167–78, 243 White, H., 10, 21 Tigris, 70 Winkler, J. J., 21 Timaeus, 25, 125, 248–51, 263 Woodman, A. J., 21, 133, 135, 138, 150, 151, Timasion, 72, 81 159–60, 161, 164 time narrative and narrated, 39, 43–4, 120 Xenias, 56, 58 Tissaphernes, 55, 56, 59, 64–6, 67, 76, 78, 82 Xenophon, 24, 51, 53–91, 92, 111, 119–21, 130, 202, Tolstoy, L., 14 240–1, 248, 254, 298, 313, 318 Tr a b zo n , 77, 79, 84 Hell., 53–4 tragedy, 14, 22, 101, 249, 250 and Thucydides, 90–1 influencing historiography, 252 Xenophon, An. theory of, 228–9 absenceofaproem,76 Tree of Knowledge, 345 Codex Parisinus, 61 Tre e o f L i f e , 345 false endings, 78–80 Tr i e r, 315, 316, 325, 326 graphic description, 54–9 Tro j a n Wa r, 58, 187, 201 and Herodotus, 56, 58–9 Troy/Trojan(s), 58, 103, 187, 193–9, 262, 269, and Homer, 71, 77 299 internal focalization, 64 turn, linguistic, 12, 16, 20 narratorial persona, 59 tych¯e, 253–6, 260, 267 nostos, 54, 70, 75, 76–8, 80–3 Tyndarids, 208 overall goal, 91 Tyre, 106, 115, 117 play with closure, 83, 90 speeches providing indirect evaluation, uncertainty, authorial/narratorial, 362 66–8 in Augustine, 322, 328 speeches re-establishing openness of the past, in Plutarch, 111 64–6 in Sallust, 303–8 and Thucydides, 90–1 in Tacitus, 140–56, 162–7, 243 Xerxes, x, 25, 58, 103, 104, 105, 107, 110, 185, in Thucydides, 51 186–207, 262, 295 in Xenophon, 86, 88 Zama, 226–44, 253–8, 266 Valeria, 99 Zeitgeschichte, 23, 181 Valerius Maximus, 278 Zeus, 58, 59, 193 Vano, G., 362 Zonaras, 105

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