TRUMBULL PUBLIC SCHOOLS TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT Regular Meeting — September 21, 2010 Long Hill Administration Building Lorraine
TRUMBULL PUBLIC SCHOOLS TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT Regular Meeting — September 21, 2010 Long Hill Administration Building Lorraine R. Smith Assembly Room *6:00 p.m. AGENDA *PRELIMINARY BUSINESS A. Salute to the Flag B. Correspondence C. Comments and Questions II. PERSONNEL A. Personnel — Mr. lassogna III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval/Minutes- /Regular Meeting — 9/7/10 B. Approval/Financial Reports as of 8/31/10 — Mr. Sirico C. Approval/Finance Committee of the Board of Education Transfers August 2010 — Mrs. Chory, Mrs. Labella, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Sirico IV. REPORTS V. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval/Completion of Construction Projects—Mr. lassogna, Mr. Barbarotta 1. THS 13/3/Commons Renovation 2. Jane Ryan Roof B. Approval/Revised Ed Specs for THS Renovate As New Project—Mr. lassogna, Mr. Barbarotta C. Approval/Curriculum Guides — Dr. Paslov, Mrs. Perusi, Mrs. Rubano VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Leahy Report Discussion — Mr. Lovely VII. RECEIVE AND FILE A. Pending Litigation — Dr. Cialfi B. Negotiations — Dr. Cialfi VIII. OTHER NOTE: *Jf needed, upon a two thirds vote of members present and voting, Board members may choose to hold an Executive Session from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Superintendent’s evaluation. TRUMBULL PUBLIC SCHOOLS TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUT Report to the Board of Education Regular Meeting, September 21, 2010 Mr. lassogna Agenda Item TI-A A. Resignations - Certified Savo, Frank; House Principal at Trumbull High School since July 2002, resigning effective September 10, 2010. Recommendation: Accept. A. Appointments - Certified Luby, Julie; Category IV/5 House Principal at Trumbull High School, effective September 27, 2010. McDougald-Campbell, Rita; Category IV/5 House Principal at Trumbull High School, effective September 27, 2010.
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