Symposium on Innovation and Inclusive Growth 20-21 March 2014 Biographies 1


March 20th-21st, 2014 Paris, France


Dr. Natalia Agapitova - Coordinator for the Development Marketplace Program, World Bank. Dr. Natalia Agapitova is the Coordinator for the Development Marketplace Program at the World Bank. She has worked extensively with operational and analytical aspects of innovation and social entrepreneurship since 1997, including twelve years at the World Bank. During her work at the World Bank, Natalia has played a key role in advising countries in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, South America and South Asia on how to build science, technology and innovation capacity. Natalia also worked on a broad range of issues related to capacity development and results agenda, and is one of the main authors of the Capacity Development and Results Framework that is used by World Bank teams and clients for design and M&E of capacity development programs. Natalia has recently joined the new Innovation Department at WBI as coordinator of the Innovation Policy Program. She has published numerous papers on economic development. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Poitiers.

Dr. Eduardo Bitran – Professor of Science and Engineering, University Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile. Dr. Eduardo Bitran currently serves as Director of Development at the Faculty of Engineering and Science at the University Adolfo Ibáñez. In addition to his role as professor at the University Adolfo Ibáñez, Bitran performs consulting work for the World Bank, the Inter- American Development Bank, the IMF and OECD Dialogue on Growth as well as innovation policy issues, regulation, finance and private investment infrastructure. Between 2006 and 2008 he was Minister of Public Works of Chile. Previously, he was CEO of Fundación Chile. Upon his job as Secretary of State, the then President Michelle Bachelet appointed him Chairman of the National Innovation Council of Chile. Bitran is also the principal investigator for Infrascope (Economist Intelligence Unit's index of private investment in infrastructure in Latin America). He has served on the board of numerous public and private companies. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Boston University.

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Mr William Danvers – Deputy-Secretary General, OECD. Mr William Danvers is the Deputy-Secretary General at the OECD. In addition to focusing on the OECD’s regional initiatives in Southeast Asia, the MENA region, Latin America and Africa, he oversees the organisation's global relations portfolio, including outreach and the accession processes of candidate countries. He also works on further developing OECD work on investment, competition and the fight against corruption; on innovation; science and technology; corporate affairs, and private sector development; as well as following the standard setting activities linked to these themes. An adjunct professor at the Elliot School at George Washington University, Danvers has also written a number of articles on national security issues.

Dr. Luiz de Mello – Deputy Chief of Staff of the Secretary General, OECD. Dr. Luiz de Mello took up his functions as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Secretary- General of the OECD on December 15, 2011. Previous to his current position, he acted as Economic Counsellor to the Chief Economist of the OECD. In that role, he advised and supported the Chief Economist and contributed to the OECD involvement in the G20 process. Dr. de Mello joined the Economics Department of the OECD in 2003, working initially in multilateral surveillance activities related to the OECD Economic Outlook. He then worked as Head of Desk responsible for bilateral surveillance activities with Brazil, Chile and subsequently Indonesia. Prior to joining the OECD, Dr. de Mello worked in the Fiscal Affairs Department of the International Monetary Fund, where he was involved in different projects in the areas of public finances, as well as program monitoring and country surveillance, with an emphasis on emerging-market and transition economies in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Dr. de Mello holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Kent.

Dr. Alfonso Echazarra – Analyst at the Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD. Alfonso Echazarra is an Analyst in the Directorate for Education and Skills at OECD. He currently works on the Innovation Strategy for Education and Training project at CERI. Prior to joining the OECD, Alfonso worked as a research associate at the Carlos III – Juan March Institute in a project on welfare regimes and migration and at IESE Business School in a project on healthcare innovation. Outside of education inequalities, his research interests include deviant behaviour, public opinion, residential segregation and social capital. He holds a Ph.D. in Social Statistics from the University of Manchester.

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Dr. Xiaolan Fu – Director of the Technology and Management for Development Centre, University of Oxford. Dr. Xiaolan Fu is the Founding Director of the Technology and Management for Development Centre. Her research interests include innovation, technology and industrialisation; trade, foreign direct investment and economic development; emerging Asian economies; innovation and productivity in UK/US. She is Editor-in- Chief of Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, and serves on the Editorial Boards of Oxford Development Studies, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Technology Management, and four other international journals. She received the European Commission Gate2Growth 2005 'European Best Paper' Award. She has conducted consultancy research for UNDESA, UNCTAD, UNIDO, ILO, the Commonwealth Secretariat, UKTI and the Chinese government. Dr. Fu serves on the Advisory Expert Group of the OECD Global Investment Forum and the DFID/ESRC Economic Growth Directorate (DEGP). She is also a Senior Research Associate at the and University of Tsinghua, and a Visiting Professor at Fudan University and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. As a leading China expert, she has participated in various interviews and panel discussions at main stream media including BBC Newsnight, BBC News, BBC Radio 2, Sky News, Arise News, People's Daily, China Daily and China Radio International. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Lancaster University.

Mr Carlos Guaipatin – Senior Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank. Carlos Guaipatin is a Senior Specialist in the Competitiveness and Innovation Division in the Inter-American Development Bank. He has over 10 years of experience in the field of private sector development and has worked for the Inter-American Development Bank since 2007. Carlos has worked as a consultant for IFC, GAF, GTZ, ECLAC, OAS, IDB and German Development Institute. His work includes projects for a variety of fields: promoting clusters and value chains, small and medium enterprise, technology and innovation, entrepreneurship and local economic development. He has worked in virtually every country in Latin America and in Southeast Europe. Additionally, Carlos has been published in several journals and has presented in over 20 countries in Latin America, as well as in Europe and America.

Dr. Dominique Guellec – Head of the Country Studies and Outlook (CSO) Division, Directorate for Science, Technology, and Industry OECD. Dominique Guellec is Head of the OECD’s Country Studies and Outlook (CSO) Division, created on April 12, 2010. The CSO is responsible for coordinating the analysis of country-specific information on member and non-member countries across the directorate. This notably includes the OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy, the STI Outlook, the web-based Innovation Policy Platform (IPP) and work relating to innovation for development. Mr Guellec joined the OECD in 1995 and has worked in the Statistics Directorate and the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry on statistics and quantitative economic analysis of research and development, innovation and growth. From 2004-2005, Mr Guellec was Chief Economist of the European Patent Office (Munich). Mr Guellec has authored several books and many articles on patents, innovation, and economic growth. Before joining the OECD, Mr Guellec worked at INSEE (Paris), where he was in charge successively of short-term analysis and forecast on external trade, and of surveys and analysis of innovation and growth.

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Dr. Jeremy Howells – Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, University of Southampton. Dr. Jeremy Howells is Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law at the University of Southampton. He has written, co-authored, and edited nine books on research and innovation. His research interests cover innovation, knowledge exchange, technology transfer and R&D Management and he has published over two hundred papers and reports on R&D, innovation and technology transfer. In addition to the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC; together with the LINK program), his other main research projects have been funded by the OECD, the European Science Foundation, the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation, DG Enterprise and DG Reggio), UNCTAD and UNIDO. He has also worked on more specific management and development studies funded by a range of public and private sector interests. These include studies for the UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) (as well as DIUS and DTI), the HM Treasury, the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education and the Swedish Ministry of Industry and Trade, Industry Canada, the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry and Ministry of Health and Welfare, regional development agencies and local authorities, in addition to those undertaken for major international companies, including BP and GlaxoSmithKline. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Cambridge.

Dr. Ishrat Husain - Dean and Director, Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan. Dr. Ishrat Husain is the Dean and Director of the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi- the oldest graduate business school in Asia. He is also currently the Chairman World Economic Forum Global Advisory Council on Pakistan. Since 2011 he has served as an independent Director on the Board of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) - the largest social safety net and conditional cash transfer program targeted at the poor households of Pakistan. Dr. Husain has maintained an active scholarly interest in development issues. He has authored 18 books and monographs and contributed more than three dozen articles in refereed journals and 27 chapters in books. His notable work includes Pakistan: The Economy of the Elitist State published by Oxford University Press in 1999. He is the Distinguished National Professor of Economics and Public Policy and serves on the Boards of several research institutes, philanthropic and cultural organizations. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Boston University.

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Dr. Venni Krishna – Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Dr. Venni V. Krishna is a Professor in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi with over 23 years of research and teaching experience in the areas of sociology of science and technology, including management of R&D, and science, technology policy and innovation studies. He has published over 30 research papers and five books. He is the founder- editor of Science, Technology and Society (Sage publications - Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, London and Singapore), an international journal devoted to Science and Technology studies. Dr. Krishna was a consultant to UNESCO, Paris, for its programs on electronic publishing in developing countries and the publication of the World Science Report 1998 and UNESCO Science Report 2005, and to the ILO in 2001 for its program on the informal sector. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology of Science from the University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia.

Dr. Danny Leipziger - Managing Director, The Growth Dialogue and Professor of International Business, George Washington University, School of Business, Washington D.C. Dr. Leipziger is former Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (2004–09) at the World Bank. Over the course of his 28-year career at the World Bank, he has held management positions in the East Asia Region and the Latin America and Caribbean Region as well as in the World Bank Institute. Prior to joining the Bank, Dr. Leipziger served in senior positions at the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. Department of State. He has also been a Vice Chair of the independent Commission on Growth and Development (2006-2010). He has published widely on topics of development economics and finance, industrial policy, and banking, including books on Korea, Chile, and East Asia and recent volumes: Globalization and Growth (with Michael Spence) and Stuck in the Middle (with Antonio Estache) and the most recent – Ascent after Decline: Re-growing Global Economies after the Great Recession (with Otaviano Canuto). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Brown University.

Dr. Joaquim Oliveira Martins - Head of Division, Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development, OECD. Dr. Joaquim Oliveira Martins is the Head of the OECD Regional Development Policy Division. Current projects cover the determinants and distribution of regional growth, regional innovation, urban development and green growth and multi-level governance. He is the former Head of the Structural Economic Statistics Division, focusing on Trade & Globalization indicators, Productivity measurement and Business statistics. Previously, he was Senior Economist at the Economics Department heading projects on the Economics of Education, Aging and Growth, and Health Systems. He was also Head of Desk for emerging markets, where he was in charge of the first Economic Surveys of Brazil, Chile and several transition countries. Other OECD projects include monographs on Competition, Regulation and Performance and Policy Response to the Threat of Global Warming. He was also Research Fellow at the CEPII (Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales, Paris). He is an Associate Professor at the University of Paris-Dauphine. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Paris-I, Panthéon-Sorbonne.

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Dr. R.A. Mashelkar – President of the Global Research Alliance and National Research Professor. Dr. R.A. Mashelkar is the President of Global Research Alliance, a network of publicly funded R&D institutes from Asia-Pacific, Europe and USA with over 60,000 scientists. He served as the Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for over eleven years. He was also the President of the Indian National Science Academy and President of Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK). Deeply connected with the innovation movement in India, he is currently the Chairman of India’s National Innovation Foundation and Marico Innovation Foundation besides being a member of I-20, the global summit of innovation leaders. He is on the Board of Directors of several industries and is a Fellow of several prestigious societies and academies. He has won several awards and received honorary doctorates from 28 universities. In 1998, he won the JRD Tata Corporate Leadership Award. In 2005, he received the BusinessWeek (USA) award of ‘Stars of Asia’. He received the Padma Shri in 1991 and the Padma Bhushan in 2000. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Bombay.

Dr. Pierre Mohnen – Professor, UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology. Dr. Pierre Mohnen is Professor of Microeconometrics of Technical Change at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Maastricht University and Professorial Fellow at the UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT). His research areas are the economics of production, applied econometrics, productivity and innovation. In the past he has estimated private and social rates of return on R&D, compared productivity performances across countries, in particular the role of R&D, investigated the determinants of innovation, of the proximity between private and public research institutions, and of total factor productivity growth. On the policy side, he does work on the effectiveness of R&D tax incentives and of direct support measures towards innovation. He is presently working on projects relating to structural models linking R&D to productivity via innovations, linking competition and productivity, complementarities in innovation policies, the economics of intellectual property rights, and the estimation of informational rents in public contracts. He holds an M.A. in economics from the Catholic University of Louvain and a Ph.D. in Economics from New York University.

Dr. Raj Nallari – Manager of the Growth and Crisis Program, World Bank Institute. Dr. Raj Nallari manages WBI’s Growth and Competitiveness Practice. He is currently working on new approaches to development and frontier issues in development policy. Since joining the World Bank in July 1992, Dr. Nallari has worked on economic issues for African, Caribbean, and South Asian countries. He came to WBI from a two-year special assignment in the International Monetary Fund’s Policy Development and Review Department. He has co- authored several books on macroeconomic stabilization, growth and poverty, and gender issues, and has published in several economic journals. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin.

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Dr. Rajneesh Narula- Professor of International Business, University of Reading. Dr. Rajneesh Narula is currently a Professor of International Business Regulation and the Director of the John H. Dunning Centre for International Business at the Henley Business School at University of Reading in the United Kingdom. Dr. Narula’s research and consulting have focused on the internationalisation of innovation, R&D alliances, and the role of multinational firms in industrial development. He is the author or editor of nine books, including Globalization and Technology (Polity Press), Multinationals and Industrial Competitiveness (with John Dunning, Edward Elgar), Understanding FDI-assisted Economic Development (with Sanjaya Lall, Routledge), Multinationals on the Periphery (with Gabriel Benito, Palgrave). His publications have appeared in leading journals, including the Journal of International Business Studies, Oxford Development Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies and Management International Review. Dr. Narula is Editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Development Research. He serves (or has served) on the editorial boards of the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Management, and Management International Review. He acts regularly as a consultant for UNCTAD, UNIDO, the European Commission, the Inter-American Development Bank and the OECD. He holds a Ph.D. in Management from Rutgers University.

Dr. Imraan Patel – Deputy Director-General, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa. Dr. Imraan Patel is the Deputy Director-General at the Department of Science and Technology responsible for socio-economic innovation partnerships. Employed since 2006 at the Department of Science and Technology, he is responsible for strategically deriving a portfolio of investments and policies that support economic development through science and technology. Areas of focus include advanced manufacturing, Information and Communications Technologies, Advanced Metals, Chemicals, Technology Transfer, Sector Development, Climate Change and Biodiversity, and Environmental Goods and Services. He is also charged with establishing partnerships with other national, provincial, and local government departments as well as industry and science councils with respect to using science and technology for economic and social development.

Dr. Caroline Paunov – Economist, Directorate for Science, Technology, and Industry, OECD. Dr. Caroline Paunov is an Economist at the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry at the OECD. She is responsible for the OECD project “Knowledge and Innovation for Inclusive Growth.” She is also in charge of work on national intellectual property rights systems in emerging countries. Dr. Paunov’s academic research focuses on micro- econometric quantitative analysis of firms’ productivity and innovation performance including the impacts of foreign direct investment and trade. Her work was accepted for publication in the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Canadian Journal of Economics, the Journal of Development Economics and Research Policy. Previously, Dr. Paunov worked for the World Bank, the United Nations and cooperated on various projects for the public sectors in Brazil, Spain and Germany. She holds a B.A. and M.A. (Hons) from the University of Oxford, a M.Sc. from the University Pompeu Fabra and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of London.

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Dr. Dirk Pilat – Deputy Director of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD. Dr. Dirk Pilat, a Dutch national, is Deputy Director of the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry. As Deputy Director, he supports the Director of STI in pursuing the Directorate’s programme of work and contributing to the achievement of the strategic goals of the Organization as defined by the OECD Secretary-General. He joined the OECD in February 1994 and has worked on many policy issues since then, including the OECD Innovation Strategy and OECD Green Growth Strategy, how to draw greater benefits from information technology for economic growth, how to strengthen growth performance in OECD economies (the OECD Growth Project), how to strengthen the performance of the services sector, as well as work on climate change, labour markets, product market regulation, productivity and entrepreneurship. He was Head of the Science and Technology Policy Division from 2006 to January 2009, with responsibility for the OECD’s Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy, and Head of the Structural Policy Division, with responsibility for the OECD’s Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, from February 2009 to December 2012. Before joining the OECD, Mr Pilat was a researcher at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, where he also earned his Ph.D. in Economics. He has published extensively in a range of economics journals, with a strong focus on international comparisons of growth and productivity performance.

Dr. Jaideep Prabhu – Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business & Enterprise, Cambridge University. Dr. Jaideep Prabhu is the Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business and Enterprise at Cambridge University. In addition to his professorial Duties, Dr. Prabhu is the Director of the Centre for India and Global Business. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the International Journal of Research in Marketing Science and the Journal of Management Studies, and a member of the senior advisory board of the European Journal of Marketing. He has consulted with or taught executives from ABN Amro, Bertelsmann AG, British Telecom, the UK's Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), EDS, Egg, IBM, ING Bank, Laird, the NHS, , Oce Copiers, , Roche, Shell, and Xerox among other organisations in Colombia, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, UK and US. He has been interviewed by or has had his work profiled on BBC News 24, The New York Times, MIT Sloan Management Review, BusinessWeek, US News & World Report, The Financial Times, Le Monde, The Times, The Times of India, The Economic Times, Anglia News, The Asian Age, The Deccan Chronicle, The Statesman, The Calcutta Telegraph, Exec Digital and elsewhere. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Southern California

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Dr. Andrés Rodríguez-Pose – Professor of Economic Geography, London School of Economics and Political Science. Dr. Andrés Rodríguez-Pose is a Professor of Economic Geography at the London School of Economics, where he was Head of the Department of Geography and Environment. He is the current holder of a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant. He is President-Elect of Regional Science Association International, where he will serve as Vice-President of the Association in 2014 and as President in 2015-2016. He has a long track record of research in regional growth and disparities, fiscal and political decentralisation, regional innovation, and development policies and strategies. His books include The Dynamics of Regional Growth in Europe (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998), The European Union: Economy, Society, and Polity (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002), Local and Regional Development (London, Routledge, 2006) and Innovation and regional growth in the European Union (Berlin and New York, Springer, 2011). He has also published more than 110 papers in peer-reviewed journals, is the joint managing editor of Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, an editor of Economic Geography, and sits on the editorial board of 24 scholarly journals, including many of the leading international journals in economic geography, human geography, regional science, and management. He holds a Ph.D. in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute and a Ph.D. in Geography from Complutense University of Madrid.

Dr. Rongping Mu – Director-General of the Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Rongping Mu is the director-general and professor at the Institute of Policy and Management (IPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), director-general of the CAS Centre for Innovation and Development, editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Science Research Management (an academic bimonthly). Additionally, he is also the collaborating editor of Science Technology & Society (bi-annually, published by SAGE), Vice President and Secretary-General of the China High-tech Industry Promotion Society (CHIPS) and Vice President of the Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy Research. Dr. Mu has published more than 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences, and drafted some documents concerning the National Innovation Policies and the 11th Five Year Plan for National Capacity-building for Innovation. He has published one book entitled Technology Transfer from Germany to China: Case Studies on Chinese Carmakers and Parts Suppliers in English, and several books concerning Technology Foresight towards 2020 in China. He has led more than 20 research projects entrusted or financed by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), CAS, and EU commission. His research interests include S&T & Innovation Policy, Technology Foresight, R&D Management, and Competitiveness of High-Tech industry. Dr. Rongping Mu holds a Ph.D. degree (2001) from Technische Universität Berlin, Germany.

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Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz – General Director, Departamento Nacional de Planeación (National Planning Department) Colombian Government. Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz is the General Director of the National Planning Department. Prior this position, she was Vice Minister of Tourism where she managed the tourism development agenda for the country as well as the positioning of Colombia as a world class destination. Before joining the Colombian government, Mrs. Orozco was the Executive Director of ProBarranquilla Foundation, an investment agency responsible for attracting national and international investors to the Department of Atlántico in Colombia. Also, Mrs. Orozco was Executive Director of the Association Port of Barranquilla, Economics professor in the Universidad del Norte and Economist researcher in Fundesarrollo, a well-recognized Colombian think tank. Mrs. Orozco is an Economist from Los Andes University and she has a Master of Science in Development Management from London School of Economics. Mrs. Orozco has also conducted studies in economics at Harvard University and the Inter- American Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES).

Dr. Adrian Smith – Senior Lecturer, Science and Technology Policy Research, The Sussex Energy Group, University of Sussex. Dr. Adrian Smith is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sussex. Since 1997, he has also been a researcher in the Science and Technology Policy Research Branch of the Sussex Energy Group. Most of his research considers the politics and governance of innovation for sustainability. His work draws upon theories and methodologies from political science, innovation studies, and science and technology studies. His research also involves studies in both developed and developing country contexts, and has covered local through national to international scales in a variety of sectors. He holds a Ph.D. in Science & Technology Policy Studies from the University of Sussex.

Dr. Manuel Trajtenberg – Chairman, Planning and Budgeting Committee, the Council for Higher Education, Israel. Dr. Manuel Trajtenberg currently serves as the Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education. Previously he was the Director of the National Economic Council in the Prime Minister’s Office in Israel, involved in the formulation of economic policy both in the fiscal area, as in relation to productivity, growth, and employment and social policies. In the summer of 2012, in view of massive social protests in Israel demanding social justice, he was appointed Director of the Government Commission for Social and Economic Change. Dr. Trajtenberg is professor of economics at Tel Aviv University in Israel, has written numerous scientific articles and books of impact, including Patents, Citations and Innovations: A Window on the Knowledge Economy (with Adam B. Jaffe), published by MIT Press in 2005. He has also been a visiting professor at the universities of Harvard and Stanford in the United States, and he is a research associate of the US National Bureau of Economic Research and the Centre for Economic Policy Research in the UK. Dr. Trajtenberg holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.

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Dr. Poh-Kam Wong – Professor, National University of Singapore. Dr. Poh- Kam Wong is a Professor at the Business School and the Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He has published in numerous international journals on technology entrepreneurship and innovation strategy, and is the lead researcher for Singapore in the annual Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) study and the Stanford Project on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SPRIE). He teaches technology management and technology entrepreneurship to NUS MBA and graduate engineering/science students as well as to senior executives in the NUS Executive MBA program. He currently serves on the board of directors/advisory board of several high tech start-ups in Singapore, Malaysia and Silicon Valley, and chairs the NUS Venture Support Fund Steering Committee. He is also a founding director of Monte Jade Singapore Chapter, a panel member of The Enterprise Challenge (TEC), and an international advisory board member of Korean Enterprise Development (KED). He holds a Ph.D. in regional planning from MIT.

Dr. Shahid Yusuf – Chief Economist, The Growth Dialogue, The George Washington University, School of Business, Washington D.C. Prior to joining the Growth Dialogue, Dr. Yusuf had a 35-year tenure at the World Bank. He led the World Bank-Japan project on East Asia’s Future Economy and was Director of the World Development Report 1999/2000, Entering the 21st Century. Previously, he was Economic Adviser to the Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Lead Economist for the East Africa Department and Lead Economist for the China and Mongolia Department. Dr. Yusuf has written extensively on development issues, with a special focus on East Asia and has also published widely in various academic journals. He has authored or edited 27 books on industrial and urban development, innovation systems and tertiary education. Among his most recent books, co-authored with Kaoru Nabeshima, are: Development Economics through the Decades Tiger Economies under Threat; Two Dragonheads: Contrasting development paths for Beijing and Shanghai; Changing the Industrial Geography in Asia: The Impact of China and India; and Some Small Countries Do It Better: Rapid Growth and its Causes in Singapore, Finland and Ireland. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.

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