Liquid Lunch Easy-Intermediate Clogging Line Dance Choreographer: Karen Tripp Music by Caro Emerald (album: The Shocking Miss Emerald), 113 bpm
[email protected] Begin with left foot. Dashes in description indicate separate beats. RF indicates right foot lead. INTRO: Wait 8 beats (4) – 1 Brush & Turn 1/4 L DS-BrSl(1/4 L)-DS-RS (4) 4 – 2 Single Touches / Touch Up DS-TchSl PART A: repeats with opposite foot (8) – 1 Clogover Slur Vine DS(s)-DS(xf)-DS(s)-SlurS(xb)-DS(s)-DS(xf)-DS-RS (4) 2 1 Flatland RF Dt(bk)Sl-BrSl-DS-RS (4) – 1 Triple DS-DS-DS-RS PART B: (8) 1 Turning Cowboy DS-DS-DS-BrSl(1/4 L)-DS(1/4 L)-RS-RS-RS; to face back forward on beats 1–3 and back on beats 6–8 (8) 2 Brush Donkeys DS-BrSl-Tch(xf)Sl-Tch(f)Sl (8) 1 Turning Cowboy to face front (4) 2 Basics DS-RS (4) 1 Over the Log (p)St(f)-(p)St(f)-St(bk)St(bk)-(p)Clap PART C1: repeats with same foot facing back (4) – 1 Rooster Run DS(s)-DS(xf)-To(s)To(xb)-To(s)St(xf); move L (4) 1 Push-off / Side Rocks DS-RS-RS-RS; move L (4) 2 1 Turning Rocks / Turning Push-off 1/2 R DS-RS-RS-RS; turn 1/2 R (4) – 1 Double Rock 2 / Fancy Double DS-DS-RS-RS BRIDGE: (8) 1 8-Cnt Roundout / Cross Toe Heels DS-ToHw(xf)-ToHw(bk)-ToHw(s)-ToHw(xf)-ToHw(bk)-ToHw(s)- ToHw(s) ABBREVIATIONS Repeat A: [Clogover Slur Vine, Flatland, Triple, repeat all] D, Dt = DoubleToe Repeat B: [Turning Cowboy, Brush Donkeys, Turning Cowboy, Basics, Over the Log] S, St = Step Repeat C1: [Rooster Run, Push-off, Turning Rocks, Double Rock 2, repeat all] DS = Dt-Step Repeat Bridge: [8-Cnt Roundout] Br = Brush BREAK: repeats with