[email protected] NIGHTSHIFTwebsite: Free every Oxford’s Music Magazine month. Issue 157 August 2008 OXFORDOXFORD FESTIVALFESTIVAL TRUCK,TRUCK, CORNBURCORNBURYY ANDAND WAKESTWAKESTOCKOCK FEVERFEVER REVIEWED.REVIEWED. ZAPFESTZAPFEST CANCELLEDCANCELLED oung Knives at Wakestock. Photo by rphimages NIGHTSHIFT: PO Box Y 312, Kidlington, OX5 1ZU. Phone: 01865 372255 NEWNEWSS Nightshift: PO Box 312, Kidlington, OX5 1ZU Phone: 01865 372255 email:
[email protected] Online: ZAPFEST was cancelled with a week’s notice last month. The live music festival, featuring the cream of Oxford’s emerging rock and dance talent, was due to take place in South Park on Saturday 12th July but the event’s organisers posted a notice on the festival website on Friday 4th announcing that it was cancelled. August Initially no specific details were given for the cancellation, other than “unforeseen circumstances”. However, since then organiser Lance Cowan Every Monday has spoken to Nightshift to explain what happened. THE FAMOUS MONDAY NIGHT BLUES “There were a combination of reasons that forced me into the final The best in UK, European and US blues. 8-12. decision. Probably the most powerful of them being money. There were th some costings that increased dramatically since the original quotes, due to 4 BIG MAMA’S DOOR (UK) the increase of diesel and site problems with South Park. 11th BLUE BISHOPS (UK) “Due to a lot of festivals going bankrupt last year, all the companies 18th 3rd DEGREE LEBURN (UK) within the trade are very nervous now. They all require full payment in th advance of an event, which puts a lot pressure on the organisers.