Ingham County News Will Publish a Special Feature on "What Lent Means to Me" As Told by Mason Residents, Vanishing by Dr, MILTON C
9 Vol. 109, No. Wednesday Feb~uary 26 1969 • Copy Socond.cloua poatngo pnld nt Mnuon, Mlchlgnn,. ·Publlohod wooldy by PANAX CORPORATION, P.O. Box 226, Maoon, Mlchlgon48854 Bubocriptlon rntoa ln lnKham and ndjolnlnKcountlos, $5 per yonr, ohowh•r• $6. Webberville, Aurelius Are Fighting Decision To Shut-Down Libraries By SALLY TROUT Neil West, township supervisor, Dorr Eckhart, ) News Staff Writer district supervisor;and possibly Clifton W. Helms, \ Forces arc gatHering in Aurelius and Webberville in superintendent of the Webberville schools, will be talking an attempt to keep their small bran~h libraries open, today with their state governmental representatives to. see Reacting to notifica lion that their libraries would be about keeping the libraries open. phased out of the system, area supervisors as well as Helms feels that the Webbervute library should be individual organizations arc contacting their legislative expanding rather than closed. "We are growing representatives, calling a public meeting, circulating . tremendously in this area and we have a lot of students petitions and writing letters, who make use of the library," he said, "The school has a The fate of 3 branch libraries is at stake when the small library, but the county library provides many books Ingham county library board meets March 12, According that arc not available at the school. , to Marvin Mounce, county library director, the board will "We continually hear of preventing juvenile in all likelihood recommend closing the Aurelius, delinquency and keeping filthy
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