Getting Started on Filling in your Grimoire

Author: Beth Burch Cauldron and Brew In here is our free guide on how to get started filling in your grimoire or .

Always remember that this is a guide ONLY. There is no right or wrong way to fill out your book. So whatever is going to make your heart happy is what should be included in your book.

Love and Light! 1. Blessing – 1- 2 Pages Fill out a blessing and dedication for your book. Do you have a particular theme or intention for this book? Also include any texts that you may want such as the Wiccan Rede or the 13 Goals of a Witch.

2. Elements - 4 to 8 Pages List out each element, Earth Air Fire and Water and what each of them means to you. What items represent each element? What emotions or visuals do you associate with each element?

3. and Moon Phases - 1-2 Pages Find a calendar of the full moons and create a list of them to reference. Typically if you are journaling and recording consistently in your Book you will only need a year’s worth of Full Moon dates.

4. - 32 Pages Dedicate at least 4 pages per holiday. List the Holiday and Date for it. Fill in any associations and traditions you have or want to do for each holiday. The rest of the space is for writing any rituals, spells, or experiences you may have of the holiday.

5. Objects and Tools - 2-4 Pages What are your Witch’s tools? What do you use or want to use? Write down any favored items you like to have such as an or cauldron. What do you use them for? Do they have any elements, planets, or animals associated with them?

6. Goddess - 1-5 Pages Not all witch’s work with a god or goddess. If you happen to or wish to record any experiences or research about them, dedicate a section to them. I find that for research purposes about 5 front and back pages will do.

7. God - 1-5 Pages Similar to the above. If you have any gods, you’d like to refer back to dedicate a few pages to them here. 8. Correspondences and Charts- 1-10 pages This section will really depend on your style and interests. Feel free to fill in your own or grab our free ones from the resource library linked below. Herbs Stones & Crystals Zodiac or Planets

9. Divination Journaling – 92 Pages Divide each sheet into fourths. On each section, write the date, and record your preferred divination method for the day. I typically use Tarot but occasionally will find myself drawn to doing a rune pull. At the end of the month, or quarter, or even year, I like to go back through and find any patterns that I can. Which suit did I pull the most? How many Major Arcana cards? Is there a particular card that kept showing up for me? Doing a meditation on this and finding this kind of pattern lets me know where my subconscious focus and life and has been.

10. Spellwork Journaling – ? Pages I put the spell work journaling in the back for a reason. This is the hardest to predict on how much space you’ll need. When you perform or pull a spell together, log it here. Be sure to include the date, time, and any other references that you feel are important.

Did you use any particular ingredients or recite any chants? Write down all that you felt and sensed. Leave a little space at the end to record a date of when the spell has run its course, or when you see the effects of the spell.

Like what you read? Feel free to use our free resource library below for all our different activities and sheets.

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