100 - FRESHMEN FROLIC - 100 -85--PLEDGES--85- Overwhelmed 1Jy a Magnetic and Away with 36 Freshnien and One Entertaining, If Taxing, Welcome to Sophomore, Jim Bowden
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II I I I I I ( I \ \ Tt-!E EXODUS ~· I Vol. XII, No. 1 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF' GE.ORGIA November, 1956 100 - FRESHMEN FROLIC - 100 -85--PLEDGES--85- Overwhelmed 1Jy a magnetic and away with 36 freshnien and one entertaining, if taxing, welcome to sophomore, Jim Bowden. D,r. Pund R.esumes Duties GREEK GOSSIP the MedicaJ College of Georgia ex- Alpha Kappa Kappa pledged 20; tended by the school's six medical Theta Kappa Psi, 12, Phi Delta Dr. Eldgar Purtd, President of the AKK fraternities, 85 members of the Epsilon, eight; Phi Rho Sigma, four; Medical College o.f Georgia, has re- first year class pledged. Phi Delta Epsilon, eight; and Al- Unless you were around for rush cently resumsd his official duties week at the AKK House at 1215 Several upperclassmen, including pha Epsilon Iota, women's medical one senior, also pledged. ·fraternity, eight. following an ·emergency operation. Johns Road, you will never under- Phi Chi led the field, walking Other upperclassmen pledged by Dr. Pund was treated for a recur- stand the games that were played. the various fraternal organizations rent eye condition that has p.lagued Amidst the newly furnished and freshly painted walls of the living include Tom Griffin and Tom Big- him for some time. The CADAVElR room and the recently establish- WHITELAW WIELDS AXE, ger, sophomores; and Ralph Till- welcomes him back and we know ed TV Room in the basement, man, senior, AKK; and Rebecca that we are joined by all in wish- twenty men pledged themselves to Groves, sopomore, AEiI. HALF-HEAD FALLS AKK frosh pledges are Earl ing Dr. Pund a happy co.nvalescence. AKK:: T'om Biggers, Dick Garner, and Joel Smith from Atlanta; Wil- It was learned that the hustling Lewis Alderman, Emory Univer- mer Holoway, Milton Johnson, and and bustling "picture of efficiency," sity, Ga.; William R. Burgamy Jr., James Jo.iner from Macon; Jerry Nurse C'lanton, of Lamar 4, after Sparta; Roy Gerald Chambers, Purvis and Ralph Tillman from 25 years of unbiased and uncom- , Cleveland; Cyler Duggan Garner, Robert B. Does If Again! Adel; Jere Chambers and Rich- Dublin; Mac Varnedoe Greer, Hom- ard Manus from Clermont; Mack plaining loyaJty', was given her erville; Richard A. Griffin III, Dr. Robert Greenblatt, Professor Greer and Bob Maughan of Valdos- notice of dismissal by officials of Dahlonega; E'mory William Hollo- of Eindocrinolo.gy at the Medical ta; Bill Burgamy of Sparta; Rich- University Hospital. No one who way Jr., Americus. Medical College of Georgia, Gyne- ard Griffin of Dahlonega; Thomas has worked with Nurse Clanton Wilmer Oscar Holloway, Macon; Griffin of Augusta; Bill Holoway Edward Holt Jr., Sparks; Milton cologist, S!urgeon apd ;T'elevision from Americus; Edward Holt from will deny that she got in the way Irvin Johnson Jr., Macon; James Personality was recently acco·rded Sparks; Judson Trippe from Vida- more she helped; but such a long Clinton Joiner III, Macon; Richard another honor to add to his moun- lia; Earl Alderman from States- stint at such a place as the U. H. Chesley ·Manus, Atlanta; Bob Rob- tainous. list. At a recent meeting of boro; and Alfred Wilkinson of is bound to have some effect even inson Maughan, College Park; the CADAVEiR staff, Dr. Greenblatt Dawson. on the most competent. Nurse Jerry Gaines Purvis, Adel; Joel Our chapter feels honored in the Clanton will be remberered by all Perry Smith Jr., Atlanta; Judson was nominated and unanimously election of F'leetwood Maddox to who worked with her as one of R. Trippe Jr., Vidalia; and Henry elected to be faculty advisor to the the Presidency of AOA. the foremost local authorities on Alfred Wilkinson III, Dawson. OADAVE 'R staff. This honorary that complex phenomenon, "labor." Potential Phi Chi's are John Lee Of interest to those who desire Any patien,lt., ev.en post-patrtum Anderson, Winterville; A. Glenn staff position is for the academic to keep up with social functions patients, having even the slight- of the chapter is the TV party Bailey, Blue Ridge; George Ed- year 1856-1957. est "gas pain" w.as immediately held on the evening of September ward Batayias, Savannah; James diaguos.ed by Nurse Clanton as 22 while the Tech-Kentucky game L. Becton, Pooler; L. Clifford being in "labor," and wo€ to him Brewton, Louisville; Walter How- *'~ REWARD ** was playing. who got betwixt Nurse Clanton and ell Butler, Macon; Grant Perrry One dollar to anyone who I We wish to extend an invitation the telephone- just ask any resi- Carmichael, Chamblee; Randall can find a "Dusted" book in to all to visit the AKK House at dent or intern ( ?) . Still and all, the Epps Gou.ch. A,ugu.sta; Edward the Library! any time during the coming year . antics of Nurse Clanton will be ..______________ _. (Continued on page 2) Shelby F'orrester, Leesburg; T. I remembered with a smile. (Continued on page 4) November, 1956 Page Two THE CADAVER THE CADAVER LETTERS HOME P ublished monthly by a nd for the Dear Mom, students, ,nurses, and doctors as- Well, I' ve now been at the Medi- sociated with t he Medical College c.al College of Georgia for eight of Georgia. months. -what a. place for a student nurse! With the exception of the STAFF doctors, nurses, medical students, and patients, everyone else seems Editors ___ _____ V. Bernstien, P. Poolos to like me. Coordinator __ ____ ___ ____ __ ___ __ _____ ___ L,. Cook Although our first class is kinda' Secretary' '. __ ______ __ ______ ______ _____ L. Blocker small, (twelve to be exact) we Features __ __ _______ __ _____ _______ _____ H. Cooper still have lots of fun. The fraterni- Business ____J. Boorstin, G. Richman ties had rush parties for the new freshmen and we were a sked to Illustration ____ H, Germagian, A. Allen h e-lp rush. Out of five hundred Faculty:Advisor, R. Greenblatt, M.D rushees, one thousand pledged Psi Class Representatives : Pi. Oh, Mom! These fra ternities (To be announced) are better than the ones at "Geor- gia." These have swimming pools and air conditioners! The docfors here are really great. Editorial There is one favorite of mine named Dr. Boils. He is a surgeon. President and rush chairman. Shop- The doors of lVI. C. G. open wide GREEK GOSSIP You know, he cuts people, especial- taw, the overwhelmingly success- to welcome another 100 neophytes ly the nurses who don't find charts (Continued from page 1) ful head of this important enter- who enter this strange domain of fast enough. Another is that real prise, has attributed much of formalin and cadavers with much nice 'ole Southern Gentleman, Dr. PHI CHI the credit for pledging 39 members awe. The same doors open to those G. Myers. I .am especially fond of of the freshman class to aid of battle-hardened 2nd, 3rd., and 4th. Dr. Nelson Brown. He speaks to me! Phi Chi fraternity, boasting a his Phi Chi brothers .and to year campaigners who jump back Last week, all of the doctors sudden- new swimming pool and the largest faithful alumni. into battle with an astounding vig- ly vanished from the hospital. In pledge group in its history, is off A newly formed $500 club among or, ceonsidering their appearances case of an extreme emergency, we to an industrious year. local Phi Chi alumni to help pro- last June. had to page Ebbet's Field. After all The 39-man pledge group already has heard several of the school's vide for house maintenance pro- The doors of M. C. G. also open of that, the Yankees won! leading physicians and t 3achers, mises to grow into a large fund, very wide for the admission of the When we first arrived here, we full-scale plans have been formula- and it is possible that in the fu- Eugene Talmadge Hospital for heard there were four hundred med ted for further indoctrination, in- ture it will develop into a loan for its first year as a teaching unit of students. Later, we found out -that three hundred ninety-eight were struction .and entertainment of the students. A $5 ,000 gift of Dr. A. F . this school. It must be mentioned Saunders during the summer sparkr married, but the two we know are pledges, and the fraternity as a that this was not accomplished with- ed much activity among the alumni very nice. Both of them came to whole is united in plans for addi- out much trepidation. The stories, as well as the student group. our dance. tional improvement and beautifica- both true and fancied, that have Like most of the fraternities, Phi The new hospital that I told you tion of the house on Pickens Rd. issued from that structure are le- Chi has staged small parties virtual- about is terrific! The only thing, I Among speakers who liave ad- gion. Some are probably true. Has ly every weekend since school was disappointed to find out that dressed the pledges have been Dr. anyone ever heard of anything of opened, and campus-wide parties it wasn't especially built for our Raybuck, Dr. Allen Turner, Dr. such magnitude opening without are scheduled during the year. little nursing class. Of course, :F'lanigan and Dr. Persall. In ad- some snags, without some faults? The next party will be a Thanks- there is always room for improve- dition, M. H. Belcher, Upjohn de- Let's lJe fair; let's give this place giving affair, a holiday grog setting ment. I suggested that bleachers be tail man, has been heard in an some time for the, faults, both hu- the mood for true revelry.