TWITTER CELEBS @newsofbahrain OP-ED 8 The US political system is about to be tested in an extraordinary way INSTAGRAM Rachel Weisz /nobmedia 30 to play Elizabeth LINKEDIN WEDNESDAY newsofbahrain OCTOBER 2019 Taylor in biopic 210 FILS WHATSAPP ISSUE NO. 8280 Rachel Weisz is set 38444692 to star as Elizabeth FACEBOOK Taylor in “A Special /nobmedia Relationship”, exploring MAIL Taylors journey from [email protected] actress to activist. WEBSITE P14

Brave CF lands in Romania to start ‘something special’, says Mohammed Shahid 16 SPORTS WORLD 5 Nawaz Sharif fighting for life: doctor

Hariri resigns Beirut

ebanon’s Prime Minister LSaad Hariri submitted his resignation on Tuesday in response to widespread protests against the coun- try’s leaders. In a TV address to the nation Hariri said he had reached a “dead end,” and that he would submit his resignation to President Michel Aoun. Lebanon has been rocked His Majesty conferred with top Russian honour by demonstrations against Manama corruption and the coun- Prof Naumkin lauded HM the tries political leaders. is Majesty King Hamad King’s wise policy to strengthen On Monday violence bin Isa Al Khalifa yester- political, economic and social erupted when a mob loy- Hday received, at Al Sakhir relations between the Kingdom al to Hezbollah and Amal Palace, Professor Vitaliy Naum- of Bahrain and the Russian Fed- attacked and destroyed a kin, President of the Institute of eration, on the basis of mutual protest camp set up by an- Oriental Studies of the Russian respect and common interests. ti-government demonstra- Academy of Sciences, marking his The board of trustees of the tors in Beirut. visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Institute of Oriental Studies of Protesters throughout Prof Naumkin paid tribute to the Russian Academy of Sciences Lebanon, who have de - HM the King, hailing his pivotal conferred on HM the King the manded the removal of the role, since his accession to the Medal of Ignatius Kratshovsky, government, erupted in throne in 1999, in advocating di- Prof Naumkin delivers his speech before HM the King. The Medal of Ignatius Kratshovsky is the highest academic honour, cheers at the news, chant- alogue between civilisations and the highest Russian academic honour. in recognition of his dedicated ing and singing the national interfaith peaceful co-existence. Peaceful Co-existence at Sapien- tolerance, promote the principle message of peace, which should efforts and pivotal role in advo- anthem. He hailed the establishment of za University in Italy. of coexistence and dialogue. be the basis of international re- cating the values of peace and King Hamad Global Centre for In a speech delivered before “These steps are fundamental lations and guarantee political, moderation and strengthening Peaceful Co-existence and the HM the King, he commended pillars for societies to combat economic and social freedoms as relations of friendship and coop- inauguration of the King Ham- both important steps which, he all kinds of violence, discrimi- well as a cornerstone to reduce eration between countries and ad’s Chair for Interfaith Dialogue, said, aim to spread the culture of nation and hatred, advocate the wars and conflicts worldwide.” peoples in the world.

DON’T MISS IT HRH the Crown Prince• reiterated US efforts to the importance of eliminate Daesh swiftly applying NAO Anti-graft mission 02 recommendations, leader lauded especially in cases of Bahrain to non-compliance. Government Executive Committee reviews the 2018-2019 NAO report encourage Manama During the meeting, HRH the 03 private Crown Prince reiterated the im- sector in defence is Royal Highness Prince portance of swiftly applying these production Salman bin Hamad Al oversight recommendations, es- HKhalifa, Crown Prince, pecially in cases of non-compli- Deputy Supreme Commander ance in order to safeguard public Man acquitted and First Deputy Prime Minister, funds. of stealing yesterday issued directives to re- HRH the Crown Prince went on 04 ‘wife’s printing structure internal audit processes to underscore the Government’s within government in order to commitment to further strength- machine’ further strengthen internal audit- The meeting chaired by HRH the Crown Prince was attended by ministers and HRH the Crown Prince at the meeting. en the remit and capabilities of ing and accountability measures. senior government officials. supervisory and administrative 210 fils (includes VAT) The directive was announced agencies, which will help facil- during a meeting of the Govern- ministrative measures taken to sity of Bahrain, the Electricity and itate the Kingdom reaching its ment Executive Committee which address the cases of non-com- Water Authority and the Bahrain desired development goals, to the reviewed the 2018-2019 National pliance. Petroleum Company (Bapco). benefit all Bahraini citizens. Audit Office (NAO) report and Ten cases of criminal nature Twenty-six cases will be re- HRH the Crown Prince outlined the procedural and ad- which have been referred to the ferred to the Ministerial Com- stressed the importance of ob- Public Prosecution include two 10 mittee for Legal and Legislative jectivity and transparency when cases of criminal nature violations by the Ministry of In- have been referred to Affairs, for assessment internal addressing all non-compliance formation Affairs, three viola- the Public Prosecution. investigation committee while cases included in the report, in tions by the Ministry of Youth and 406 cases of procedural violations order to ensure continued qual- Sports Affairs, one violation each will be addressed by administra- ity management for operations by Budaiya Cultural Sports Club, tive measures in order to prevent involved with public service Al Najma Sports Club, the Univer- reoccurrence delivery.

Ties at new high

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday held extensive talks with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, during which a Strategic Partnership Council was established to coordinate on important issues. India and Saudi Arabia inked more than a dozen agreements in several key sectors, including oil and gas, defence and civil aviation to bolster their ties as Modi reached the Kingdom on a two-day visit to attend the Future Investment Initiative here. See Page 10. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 02

Under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), the SCW yesterday organised, in co-operation with Bahrain Polytechnic, a scientific forum themed “Bahraini Women and Future Sciences”. The event, which was held at Bahrain Polytechnic premises, marked the Bahraini Women’s Day which will be dedicated this year to pay tribute to women in higher education and future sciences. The two-day forum aims to shed light on Bahraini women in the future sciences field and challenges facing them. The three winning teams in the first scientific hackathon, launched by SCW in co-operation with Bahrain Polytechnic and Brinc Batelco, were announced at the event.

Commander-in-Chief of Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa yesterday toured Bahrain International Defence Exhibition and Conference (BIDEC 2019), which is being held at Bahrain International HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa yesterday participated in the Middle East Military Technology Conference Exhibition and Convention Centre (BIECC). He was accompanied by Defence Minister Lieutenant General Abdullah bin Hassan (MEMTEC), currently taking place alongside the second edition of the Bahrain International Defence Exhibition and Conference Al Nuaimi and Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Dhiab bin Saqr Al Nuaimi. The BDF Commander-in-Chief praised the royal (BIDEC). HH Shaikh Mohamed bin Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa highlighted the important role of regional and international patronage of the event which showcased ground, air and naval weaponry. He watched the cutting edge military exhibits on conferences, hosted by the Kingdom, in facilitating platforms to exchange knowledge and expertise, which support the display and met representatives of the international companies taking part in the fair. sustainable development goals that the Kingdom seeks to achieve under the leadership of HM King Hamad.

Gulf Air, the national carrier of the Kingdom of Bahrain, yesterday flew the winning Bahrain Military Team after the glorious victory at the Military World Games which was held in Wuhan, China. The Bahraini football team won gold medals after the final match versus Qatar. The entire Bahrain Military team delegation flew on Gulf Air’s new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner last night from Bangkok to Bahrain and were welcomed home with a huge applause.

US efforts to eliminate Daesh leader lauded Manama again.” US forces killed bin Laden, ahrain has commended the mastermind of the 9/11 the “efforts of the friend- terrorist attacks, in a 2011 raid Bly of Amer- in Pakistan under Obama’s ica in eliminating the leader watch. of the terrorist Daesh organi- And again falsely sation, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. claimed that he “predicted” the In a statement, the Foreign threat Bin Laden posed to the Ministry said that it “expresses US before 9/11 in his 2000 book, appreciation for the vital role of “The America We Deserve.” the United States under Presi- He suggested to reporters on dent in combat- Al Baghdadi Sunday that if the US govern- ting terrorism and extremism, ment had “listened to me,” 9/11 valuing its keenness to enhance killing of ISIS leader Baghdadi wouldn’t have happened. security and stability regionally by US forces was more signifi- “I wrote a book, a really very and internationally.” cant than the US assassination successful book, I said, there The Kingdom will continue of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin is somebody named Osama working with brothers and al- Laden under former President Bin Laden, you better kill him lies against all forms of extrem- . or take him out, something to ism and terrorism and asserts “This is the biggest there is. that effect, he’s big trouble,” its support to all international This is the worst ever,” Trump the president said on Sunday efforts that aim at eliminat - said. “Osama bin Laden was morning. “And I’m saying to ing and countering all terrorist very big, but Osama bin Lad- people, take out Osama bin organisations and those who en became big with the World Laden, that nobody ever heard finance and support them, the Trade Center. This is a man of ... nobody listened to me ... statement added. who built a whole, as he would let’s put it this way, if they’d Meanwhile, US President like to call it, a country, a cali- listened to me, a lot of things Donald Trump claimed that the phate, and was trying to do it would’ve been different.” WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 03 BIDEC 2019

The outcome of BIDEC• 2019 will help us in consolidating Bahrain to encourage private peace, stability and defence in the region, HH Shaikh Nasser said.

Technologies and• modern warfare sector in defence production have been the theme behind BIDEC 2019. Private sector can play a major role in defence production, says HH Shaikh Nasser

Manama region the best,” HH Shaikh Nas- ser said, responding to a question he Kingdom of Bahrain is on BIDEC’s scope and importance opening up the defence for Bahrain. Tsector for the private in- “We have delegations from vestors as part of leadership’s more than 48 countries that vision and strategy to take the came to BIDEC 2019 and we have production of defence industry to many experts from those coun- the next level of excellence. tries who spoke at the conference This was the crux of the media (MEMTEC). We have a theme, talk by National Security Advi- which focused on technologies sor and Commander of the Royal The private sector and modern warfare. Guard Major General HH Shaikh “So, we have many people who Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa on has expressed are participating and deliber- the sidelines of Day Two of the readiness, ations during the MEMTEC on second edition of Bahrain Inter- enthusiasm and various topics and who will help national Defence Exhibition and seriousness to provide invaluable insights for Conference (BIDEC 2019). invest in this national policy formation as well HH Shaikh Nasser, while speak- sector and as the review of equipment and ing on Bahrain’s Armour Person- this will open technologies in the changing se- nel Carrier (APC) production said: curity architecture of the region. “We will encourage this industry; a new era for “I believe the outcome of BIDEC we will encourage our investors the defence will help us in consolidating from the private sector and we are production in peace, stability and defence in the putting the right structure for this Bahrain. region,” HH Shaikh Nasser said. industry and God willing as per HH SHAIKH NASSER Referring to the BIDEC exhibi- the directives of His Majesty King A group of children dressed in BDF uniform with the robot that receives visitors at the expo venue. tion, HH Shaikh Nasser said that Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa we will there have been many companies go forward and see a local role in from different countries signing defence production.” deals, as this is one of the key Bahrain which has produced objectives of the event. “That is the first indigenous armed APC why it is getting bigger and better ‘Faisal’ currently displayed at each edition by the grace of God the BIDEC 2019 has a lot of in- Almighty.” terest from the regional and Gulf “The recent incidents that took Co-operation Council delegates. place in the Kingdom of Saudi “The private sector has ex- Arabia was not only against the pressed readiness, enthusiasm KSA. It also meant that the en- and seriousness to invest in this tire world was under terrorist sector and this will open a new attacks. What has had happened era for the defence production has posed a major threat to the in Bahrain,” said Major General, global community. HH Shaikh Nasser, who is also “However, some good came Head of the Supreme Organising out of it. This incident opened Committee of BIDEC 2019. our eyes towards the enemy of “We want initially to find the this region and it made clear that necessary and most appropriate what they are planning for us, mechanism and thereafter find especially when we talk about the the best and most suitable part- maritime security in this part of ner,” he said, adding that do need the world,” he said. private sector partnership that “I believe we are ready to deal will assist us in this sector. with all these threats especially in In other industries, Bahrain Streit Group is one of the leading armoured vehicle manufacturers in the region. The BDF stall at the expo venue. the presence of the coalition forces does have great and reliable part- currently operating in the region. ners, he added. this time or later stages as the sit- always gets into different dynam- situations; we need to get togeth- knowledge and come up with the Thanks be to God, our leaders can “BIDEC is always important at uation never settles. The situation ics and we need to adapt to these er and share the information and best results that could serve the deal with all these threats.” Conference offers spotlight on latest military technologies ‘Time to redefine the concept of security’ Manama

he Middle East Military Technology Conference T(MEMTEC) in Bahrain is an opportunity to gain inval- uable insights into the latest ideas and topics in the world of defence technology, the Com- mander-in-Chief of Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa has said. Marshal Shaikh Khalifa with HH Shaikh Nasser, HH Shaikh Khalid, Interior Minister General Shaikh Rashid and other Shaikh Abdulla speaks at the conference. dignitaries at the conference. The participants will thus be Manama able to keep pace with the pro- said Shaikh Abdullah who is the cess of integration and balance The conference is also an op- cess, becoming one of the fast- Chairman of Bahrain Centre in this vital military matter that portunity for the exchange of est-growing exhibitions in the he world needs to rede- for Strategic, International and is witnessing considerable de- experiences and expertise by Middle and the most apt to at- fine the concept of se- Energy Studies (DERASAT) and velopment in the use of mod- the participating countries in We are confident tract exhibitors. Tcurity and to put better Spokesperson for the Bahrain ern technologies in the mili- their drive to counter attempts that the Bahrain “We are particularly proud controls on the use of modern International Defence Exhibi- tary field, Shaikh Khalifa said to deal vigorously with cyber International Defence of the patronage of His Majesty technology to avoid the secu- tion and Conference (BIDEC), as he opened the conference hacking and attacks on com- Exhibition and King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, rity and moral damage caused said. held under the auspices of His munications structures, net- Conference will be the Supreme Commander, of by their misuses, Shaikh Ab- “It is being pulled apart by Majesty King Hamad bin Isa works, databases, and informa- an opportunity to the second edition of BIDEC,” dullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, heated conflicts over security, Al Khalifa. tion, Shaikh Khalifa said in his he said. the head of the Middle East expansion and interests, at- Modern technologies have an speech. support investment The event was held for the Military Technology Confer- tempts to impose chaos entities active role in the development The BDF Command - in knowledge, digital first time in 2017 and the edi- ence (MEMTEC) said. instead of the national states of appropriate solutions to con- er-in-Chief said that Bahrain transformation and tion was so successful that 62 “The Middle East, which is and the replacement of the val- front all threats and challenges International Defence Exhibi- military industries. per cent of the exhibitors signed experiencing changes in the ues of coexistence and toler- facing states regionally and in- tion and Conference (BIDEC) MARSHAL SHAIKH KHALIFA up for the second edition before security climate and turbulence ance by the scourges of sectari- ternationally, he added. 2019 has achieved a great suc- the end of the first one. in the environment of stability, anism and extremism,” he said is now at a critical crossroads,” at the opening of MEMTEC. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 04

Driver jailed for risking students’ lives Man acquitted of stealing TDT | Manama he Lower Criminal TCourt has sentenced a bus driver to two months behind bars for jumping a red traffic light while he ‘wife’s printing machine’ was transporting 55 students aged 10 and 11 years. He was also fined Court cites lack of evidence to find the defendant guilty BD500 for committing the crime. | Manama TDT to doubt her allegations and Rayashi said. It stated that the duo had The defendant was arrest- eventually dropped the charges “It was clear that the case taken from the place devic - ed for jumping a red light he Lower Criminal against the man. was malicious since the plain- es owned by the defendant, and he was put on trial after Court has acquitted an “My client was working in It was clear that the case tiff and her husband have dis- who provided receipts con - he admitted to his offence, TAsian man accused of the plaintiff’s printing compa- was malicious since the agreements. The former didn’t firming that he was the one revealing that the children stealing his wife’s printing ma- ny along with his cousin. The plaintiff and her husband deny that, and this was the who bought them and they be- were aboard the bus. chine due to lack of evidence. plaintiff reported them to po- have disagreements. The main reason she accused him longed to him. The High Criminal Court The wife of the defendant lice over accusations of stealing former didn’t deny that, of theft,” she added. “The duo refuted the plain- earlier said in a statement claimed that he had stolen equipment worth BD30,000. The court pointed out that tiff’s accusations and insisted that the defendant was put the equipment and he was “Therefore, the Public Pros- and this was the main there wasn’t any evidence that on their innocence. Therefore, in detention before he was abetted by his cousin, but her ecution referred them to the reason she accused him the defendant and his cousin the court decided to drop the put on trial over accusations confession of having disputes Lower Criminal Court,” the of theft. had stolen any equipment from charges against them,” the law- of risking the lives of 55 chil- with him prompted the court defendants’ lawyer Nada Al MS AL RAYASHI the shop. yer explained. dren.

Japan shares experience in Roadshow to register 15,000 cybersecurity sector with Bahrain volunteers for terminal trials TDT | Manama

he Minister of Transpor- tation and Telecommu- Tnications and Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) Chair- man, Kamal Ahmed has an- nounced the launch of a King- dom-wide roadshow aimed at registering 15,000 public volun- teers to participate in advanced trials for Bahrain International Airport’s (BIA) new terminal. Mr AlQaed receives Mr Ogawa at his office in Muharraq. The move is in line with direc- tives to open the new Passenger TDT | Manama Terminal Building in the first Mr Ahmed launches the roadshow at Seef Mall in the presence of BAC, Gulf Air adoption of modern technology Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak quarter of 2020, which were is- and BAS senior executives. nformation and eGovernment and artificial intelligence, to serve Al Khalifa. sued by Crown Prince, Deputy Authority (iGA) Chief Execu- and support service and military He stressed the attention given Supreme Commander and First Modernisation Programme “Working together, we will Itive, Mohammed Ali AlQaed sectors, and implement cyberse- to Cyber Trust Programme by Deputy Prime Minister, His Roy- hinges on the ORAT programme, surely succeed in achieving this met with Counsellor, Cabinet Sec- curity strategies. the Minister of Interior Gener- al Highness Prince Salman bin which is designed to ensure a ambitious national goal to com- retariat and Director for Inter- They reviewed the experienc- al Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Hamad Al Khalifa during Gov- smooth transfer to the new fa- plete the Airport Modernisation national Strategy at the National es of each country in the field of Al Khalifa, which resulted in 40 ernment Forum 2019. cility and the successful launch Programme, ensuring that the Centre of Incident Readiness and cybersecurity. Mr AlQaed shared government and semi-govern- The Operations Readiness of daily operations. new terminal delivers a world- Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC), the Kingdom’s early recognition ment bodies joining, including 25 and Airport Transfer (ORAT) “The trials will put the new class travel experience that puts Hidetoshi Ogawa at his office in of the importance of cybersecu- which achieved various levels of trials are crucial to ensure the terminal’s systems, process- Bahrain’s aviation sector on the Muharraq. rity in supporting and enhancing security maturity. successful launch of the eagerly es, and procedures to the test, global map.” They discussed ways of im- government IT security, in light of He highlighted the role of the anticipated new facility, which helping to identify areas for In line with the ORAT road- proving cooperation between iGA the country’s continuing develop- iGA’s four functions, namely Op- will support the ongoing devel- improvement with staff train- show, dedicated stands featur- and NISC in areas related to the ment in the field. erations and Governance; Digital opment of the Kingdom’s avia- ing or equipment ahead of the ing fun activities and enter- provision of information security He said that Bahrain is a pioneer Transformation; the Statistics and tion sector, in line with Bahrain’s launch. Each successfully ex- tainment will be set up at key services to government institu- in the development of specialised Population Register; and Infor- Economic Vision 2030. ecuted trial brings us a step locations around the island, in- tions. cybersecurity programmes, such mation Security and Radiocom- The launch event took place closer to launching an airport cluding Bahrain International Mr AlQaed welcomed Mr as the Cyber Trust Programme munication. at Seef Mall in the Seef District, that the entire country can be Airport, malls, and universities. Ogawa, praising his participation to enhance the level of securi- Mr Ogawa shared his country’s in the presence of representa- proud of.” BAC team members will be on as a speaker in the Middle East ty in government systems, and experience, including its national tives from BAC, Gulf Air, Bah- The minister added: “This is a hand to help people register and Military Technology Conference highlighted its efforts to increase cybersecurity structure, and the rain Airport Services (BAS), and once in a lifetime opportunity to explain more about the ORAT (MEMTEC). cybersecurity risk awareness, and role it plays in supporting govern- members of the general public. be involved in one of the biggest programme, air traffic control, He stressed the importance prepare and adopt security strat- ment institutions; the mechanism The month-long ORAT roadshow national development projects the Airport Modernisation Pro- of the second Bahrain Interna- egies as per the roadmap offered followed in monitoring and com- runs from 24 October to 24 No- in the Kingdom’s history. All gramme (AMP), and the new tional Defence Exhibition and by the Supreme Committee for munication between the public vember, 2019. Bahrain residents and nationals terminal. Interested parties can Conference (BIDEC) in attracting Information and Communica- and private sector; and its activ- The Minister stressed the are welcome to sign up for the also register online by visiting global experts to help emphasise tions Technology, chaired by Dep- ities related to the exchange of importance of the trials, stat- trials, which promise to be a the Kingdom’s reputation in the uty Prime Minister His Highness information with other countries. ing: “The success of the Airport memorable experience. or by calling 17155335. Oil Minister inaugurates Chemistry in Industry Conference Manama and a number of local and international cialised in the industry are sharing the companies. latest experiences and are providing the eputed by His Royal Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al best management and technical prac- Prime Minister Prince Khal- Khalifa, Minister of Oil, expressed his tices and reviewing the best innovative Difa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the deep thanks and appreciation to His solutions to promote the development Minister of Oil Shaikh Mohammed bin Royal Highness the Prime Minister, and prosperity in this industry. Khalifa Al Khalifa, inaugurated the 11th for patronising this international event He also commended the keenness edition of the International Conference which is one of the most important con- of the Government of the Kingdom of and Exhibition on Chemistry in Indus- ferences and exhibitions in the oil and Bahrain to provide the utmost support try yesterday. chemical industry, and for the continu- to this type of specialised events that The international event is hosted ous support by the government. As this benefit the economic, knowledge and by the Kingdom under the theme of conference has a high-level platform for development system and consecrate ‘Breakthrough Solutions Through In- sharing knowledge, opinions and expe- the principle of exchange of informa- novative Materials’. It is being organised riences among specialists, engineers, tion, experiences and expertise and by the American Chemical Society, rep- technicians and VIPs from national, re- participate in capacity-building and resented by the Saudi branch of Inter- gional and international oil companies. skills. In addition to refining the skills national Chemistry, in co-ordination He pointed out that this conference is and expertise of the human element, with the National Oil and Gas Authority one of the conferences where a number which is a fundamental pillar of the (NOGA) and supported by Saudi Aramco of large international companies spe- Shaikh Mohammed speaks after inaugurating the conference. development process. 05 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 world Nawaz Sharif fighting for life: doctor

Sharif is currently Pakistani court suspends in• hospital in the Former PM eastern city of Lahore #NawazSharif, conviction of Sharif critically unwell, is AP | Islamabad AFP | Islamabad fighting the battle for his health & life Pakistani court has suspended the conviction of ex-prime minister Nawaz Sharif for eight weeks on medical grounds. ADNAN KHAN A akistan’s former prime Sharif, 69, received a seven-year jail sentence for corruption and minister Nawaz Sharif PERSONAL PHYSICIAN money laundering in 2018. But he was rushed to the hospital last Pis “critically unwell”, his week, and his doctors say his health remains unstable. doctor said yesterday, days after Yesterday’s suspension comes hours before a temporary bail the three-time leader now serv- granted to Sharif over the weekend was to expire. ing a prison sentence for cor- After eight weeks, Sharif will have to return to court and either ruption suffered a minor heart get an extension for more treatment or go back to jail. attack. Sharif is currently in hospi- tal in the eastern city of Lahore Former PM Nawaz Sharif i (file) politics. He earned a reputation for jail sentence. after receiving “indefinite” bail A hugely wealthy steel tycoon combativeness during his two His brother Shehbaz Sharif, on medical grounds in one of In addition to the minor heart health”. from Punjab, Pakistan’s wealth- previous terms as prime minis- formerly the chief minister of his graft convictions, with an attack, Sharif has a low platelet The 69-year-old former pre- iest province, he was considered ter, from 1990 to 1993 -- when he Punjab, took over the leadership Islamabad court due to decide count, both of which are being mier, known as the “Lion of Pun- strong on the economy and in- was sacked, also on corruption of the family’s Pakistan Muslim on another Tuesday. further complicated by “deteri- jab”, was first taken to hospital frastructure, but inherited sag- charges -- and from 1997 to 1999, League-Nawaz (PML-N) par- His name remains on a stop orating kidney functions” Khan last week when his blood plate- ging finances and a stifling en- when he was deposed by the ty -- but failed to make a dent list, meaning that he must re- added. let count dropped to dangerous ergy crisis when he was elected powerful military. against World Cup-winning main in the country for the time He said poor blood sugar and levels. for the third time in 2013. He blames the security es - cricketer-turned-politician Im- being. blood pressure control was tak- Sharif, Pakistan’s longest serv- Seen as a pragmatist in the tablishment for again targeting ran Khan in last year’s general “Former PM #NawazSharif, ing its toll, adding that “estab- ing prime minister, is a political West, he raised eyebrows by him in 2017, when the Supreme election. critically unwell, is fighting lishing a definitive diagnosis and survivor who has repeatedly calling for peace talks with the Court disqualified him from pol- Khan has since launched a the battle for his health & life,” subsequent management poses roared back to the country’s Pakistani Taliban, blamed for itics for life over graft allega - high-profile and controversial his personal physician, Adnan considerable risk to #Nawa - top office, underscoring the un- killing thousands of Pakistanis tions, which he denies. anti-corruption drive targeting Khan, tweeted yesterday. zSharif’s fragile and unstable predictable nature of Pakistani since 2002. He later received a seven-year several PML-N leaders.

Brothers wanted in Two-year-old boy dies despite rescue efforts UK truck disaster probe

British police want to question Ronan Hughes (R) and his brother Christopher (L), saying it would be “crucial” for the investigation into the deaths of 39 people in a truck London

ritish police probing the Bdeaths of 39 people in a truck said Tuesday they wanted to question two Northern Irish brothers on suspicion of manslaughter and human trafficking. Essex Police, which is in- vestigating last week’s grim Attempts to use robotic devices to lower ropes to latch onto the boy’s wrist failed The two-year old boy was trapped 26-metre (85-feet) down a well in southern discovery, said they wanted India for more than three days to speak to Ronan Hughes, 40, and his 34-year-old Officials in Tamil Nadu con- ing, however rescuers were un- brother Christopher, who Rescue workers were firmed the toddler’s death yes- able to check on his condition are both from Armagh. • terday morning (local time), The after that. Eight women and 31 men monitoring the boy’s New Indian Express reported. Authorities said the child was were found Wednesday in body temperature Rescuers ended the search initially wedged about 9 metres a refrigeration truck trailer after they detected a foul smell down in a standing position be- that entered Britain on a Officials say he coming from the abandoned fore slipping to the bottom. ferry from Belgium. Sever- was• wedged about 9 well. Workers used an oil drill to al Vietnamese families fear An official at the site said the dig a hole parallel to the well, their relatives are among metres down before he boy’s body was found in a “de- but the rig malfunctioned about the dead. slipped to the bottom composed and dismembered 10 metres down because of the “Finding and speaking to state”. rocky ground. the Hughes brothers is cru- Rescuers were The boy, Sujith Wilson, fell Attempts to use robotic devic- cial to our investigation,” unable• to check on his into a pipe measuring 30 cen- es to lower ropes to latch onto said Detective Chief Super- timetres in diameter on Friday the boy’s wrist failed. intendent Stuart Hooper. condition after Sunday afternoon (local time) while India’s State Disaster Re - “We believe they are in playing near his home in the sponse Force and more than Northern Ireland but they ABC, AFP | New Delhi Tiruchirappalli district of In- six crews of the National Dis- also have links to the Irish dia’s south Tamil Nadu state. aster Response Force were Republic. rescue effort to save a two- A thermal camera was briefly deployed in the effort to res - The body of two-year-old Sujith Wilson, who was found dead in a borewell in the “Thirty-nine men and Ayear old toddler trapped for used to monitor the child’s body cue the toddler, according to wee hours of Tuesday, was brought to Pudur for cremation. (India Today) women have tragically died about 80 hours down a 26-metre temperature while oxygen was India TV. and support from the com- well in southern India has ended supplied through a pipe. Several children have fallen In 2006, the rescue of a six- The boy was recovered safely munity is going to be vital to in tragedy, with the boy being The child was unconscious into disused and uncovered year-old in Haryana state made after being stuck in an 18-metre help bring those responsible found dead. but breathing on Sunday morn- wells in rural India recently. headlines. well for 48 hours. to justice.” WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 06 Baghdadi buried at sea by US military

Baghdadi’s body was put into the sea at an unnamed location, similar to the 2011 sea burial of Al- Qaeda leader US Defense Secretary Mark Esper (L) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Osama bin Gen. Mark Milley discuss the raid that killed Islamic State group head Abu Bakr Laden al-Baghdadi

AFP | Washington Islamic State group chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was buried at sea

S officials have said the fired upon. body of Islamic State “They executed the raid in all Ugroup chief Abu Bakr of its facets brilliantly,” Esper Dog wounded in al-Baghdadi was buried at sea, said. as fresh details surfaced about Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman the US special forces operation General Mark Milley said no one raid back on duty that led to his death over the was injured in the operation, Washington weekend. despite the US team taking fire Syrian Kurds claimed to be a when they arrived. key source of the intelligence They took two men prisoner, he military dog slightly that led Americans to Baghdadi and Baghdadi’s body was taken Twounded in the US raid after years of tracking the man to a secure facility for a DNA test which resulted in the death behind a five-year reign of terror that would confirm his identity, of jihadist leader Abu Bakr across much of Iraq and Syria. Milley said. al-Baghdadi is recovering and And an unnamed US military “The disposal of his remains back on duty, the chairman of Syrians sifting through the rubble at the site of a US-led operation against dog became an unlikely hero has been done, is complete and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff said Islamic State group chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on the edge of the small Syrian of the raid, incurring injuries was handled appropriately,” he Monday. village of Barisha in Idlib province as it chased Baghdadi down a added, saying it was handled General Mark Milley said the dead-end tunnel underneath “in accordance with the law of dog had performed a “tremen- sure (100%) that the person in Trump his congratulations on his northwestern Syria hideout, armed conflict.” dous service” during the special question was al-Baghdadi him- the raid. where the jihadist blew himself Another Pentagon official con- forces weekend assault in Syria self,” he said. “The Crown Prince congratu- and three children up with a firmed that Baghdadi’s body was that led to the death of the lead- lated the President on the Unit- suicide vest. put into the sea at an unnamed er of the Islamic State group. ‘Beautiful’ military dog ed States successful mission to The US military basked in suc- location, similar to the 2011 sea Announcing Baghdadi’s Attention focused as well on bring ISIS founder and leader cess Monday after eliminating burial of Al-Qaeda leader Osa- death, President Donald Trump the unnamed dog -- likely a Bel- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to jus - the founder and spiritual guide ma bin Laden after his death said Sunday that the “beautiful” gian Malinois, a breed favoured tice,” the White House said in a of the Islamic State (IS) group, in a US special forces raid in and “talented” dog had pursued President Donald Trump said the by the military, which chased statement. capping a years-long campaign Pakistan. the IS leader into a dark tunnel picture of the military dog that helped Baghdadi into a tunnel under US officials said Baghdadi’s to crush the Sunni Muslim ex- where he blew himself up with capture jihadist leader Abu Bakr al- the complex and cornered him death would not end the conflict tremist organization that had at Baghdadi’s underwear a suicide vest, killing himself Baghdadi had been “declassified before he detonated his suicide in Syria, but warned Washington one point created a “caliphate” A Kurdish official said an in- and three children and wound- vest. could not be relied on to bring the size of England. side source the group oversaw ing the dog. “We’re not releasing the Trump praised the dog on peace to the region. “His death marks a devastat- was responsible for leading US Trump tweeted a picture of name of the dog right now,” the Sunday as “beautiful,” but mil- “Baghdadi’s death will not rid ing blow to the remnants of (IS),” forces to Baghdadi’s hideout, the dog on Monday, saying it did general said. itary officials said any informa- the world of terrorism or end said Defense Secretary Mark helping to map out the interior a “GREAT JOB.” He said the dog had been tion about it, including its name, the ongoing conflict in Syria,” Esper. of the compound, its staffing, as He said the name of the dog “slightly wounded and is fully was secret. said Esper. well as making it possible for has not been declassified yet. recovering.” “It’s classified, we’re protect- “The security situation in Syr- Raid undertaken ‘brilliantly’ them to identify Baghdadi. Milley also declined to pro- “The dog is still in theater, ing the dog’s identity,” said Mil- ia remains complex,” he said, He praised the nearly hun - “Since 15 May, we have been vide the dog’s name or any fur- returned to duty, with its han- ley. adding: “Acting as a police force dred-strong force that helicop- working together with the CIA to ther details about the canine. dler,” he said. The dog had been “slightly out to solve every dispute is not tered to the rural compound track al-Baghdadi and monitor wounded and is fully recover- our mission.” in the Idlib region of Syria in a him closely,” said Polat Can, a “Al-Baghdadi changed his participating in and making the ing,” he said. But he said the death of complex mission that required senior adviser to the Kurdish-led places of residence very often,” operation a success until the last Baghdadi “will certainly send coordination with Russians, Syrian Democratic Forces. he said on Twitter. minute,” Polat Can said. US will not police Syria a message to those who would Kurds, Turks and President The group had an informant “Our intelligence source was The source also “brought On Monday, Saudi Crown question America’s resolve and Bashar al-Assad’s regime to who was able to infiltrate Bagh- involved in sending co-ordi - al-Baghdadi’s underwear to Prince Mohammad bin Salman provide to terrorists prevent US aircraft from being dadi’s house. nates, directing the airdrop, conduct a DNA test and make offered US President Donald who think they can hide.”

Halloween celebration at White House Mass prayer on anniversary of Indonesia crash Jakarta

rieving relatives tossed Gflowers into the sea Tues- day where an Indonesian Lion Air jet crashed a year ago, kill- ing all 189 on board, after a final accident report pointed to plane design flaws as a key factor in the disaster. The crash on October 29 last year was followed months lat- er by a second accident -- in- volving the same model Boeing 737-Max aircraft -- when an Ethiopian Airlines plane went down with 157 people aboard, Yoda, who like many Indonesians also goes by one name, visited a Jakarta leading to the global grounding cemetery to remember his best friend who died in the crash of the US planemaker’s entire MAX fleet. the plane dived moments after grief-stricken relatives. Tuesday’s ceremony was takeoff from Jakarta. “I hope that a year since the closed to media, but video Some were stoic, but others incident Lion Air will heed all footage supplied by relatives broke down as they remem - of its obligations to the victims’ showed victims’ family mem- bered loved ones, with wom- families,” Anton Sahadi, who Donald and hand out candies to children in costumes during a Halloween event on the South Lawn of the bers praying and casting flow- en in Lion Air flight attendant lost his cousin in the crash, told White House. ers into the Java Sea where uniforms seen embracing AFP on Tuesday. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 06 07

Sadako Ogata, first female UN Baghdadi buried at sea by US military refugee chief, dies at 92 ‘I lost my whole life’ Baghdadi’s California fire victim returns to devastation Santa Rosa | United States ident, Josh Terry, lost his home body was put in the 2015 Valley Fire and de- into the sea at s firefighters battled fied the mandatory evacuation the infernos that have warnings this time around to try an unnamed Aengulfed California’s to save his house. Sonoma wine region, Wade “Took the kids, grabbed my location, similar Hoefer surveyed the ruins of guitar, a picture off the wall and his painting studio at the Soda left,” the 41-year-old welder said to the 2011 sea Rock Winery. of his 2015 experience. “I lost Ogata was the first woman to be appointed to head the UN’s refugee agency “It’s just ashes,” the 71-year- my house. This time I wasn’t burial of Al- UNHCR old artist-in-residence said as going to do that.” he pointed to a pile of rubble “In 2015, I always felt I Qaeda leader Tokyo cal disputes among Western with a trembling hand. “I lost could have done something, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper (L) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff countries. my whole life there.” you know,” Terry told AFP as Osama bin Gen. Mark Milley discuss the raid that killed Islamic State group head Abu Bakr apan’s Sadako Ogata, the She also served as the head “All I have is my clothes on Wade Hoefer, 71, artist-in-residence at the Soda Rock Winery, surveys the he worked on his motorcycle al-Baghdadi Jfirst woman appointed to of her country’s development my back,” said the grey-haired remains of his studio destroyed by the Kincade Fire next to his red wooden home. Laden head the UN’s refugee agency aid organisation Japan Inter- painter, who was wearing sun- “I could have soaked my roof, UNHCR, has died at the age of national Cooperation Agen- glasses and dressed in green all night. was once a winery on the site in turned sprinklers on.” AFP | Washington Islamic State group chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was buried at sea 92, Japan’s foreign aid agency cy (JICA) from 2003 through shorts, a white tee shirt, a jacket, “When I came back in the the 1880s. Terry said he had made prepa- said Tuesday. 2012. scarf and battered sandals. morning, at 6:00 am, it was just The current owners, Ken and rations to flee this time also but S officials have said the fired upon. Ogata was widely respected She was known as a passion- Hoefer is one of the victims embers, like charcoal,” the artist Diane Wilson, bought the prop- decided to stick it out. body of Islamic State “They executed the raid in all for her efforts to help refu - ate advocate for the rights of of the Kincade Fire, a mas - said. “The (water) tower fell erty in 2000 and reopened its “Car is packed to the brim, Ugroup chief Abu Bakr of its facets brilliantly,” Esper Dog wounded in gees and internally displaced refugees, urging “understand- sive blaze that has forced the into my studio.” doors as Soda Rock Winery in still is,” he said. “My dad is angry al-Baghdadi was buried at sea, said. people around the world and ing and compassion” for their mandatory evacuation of near- Hoefer has been staying in his 2010, hosting weddings, con- at me for not leaving.” as fresh details surfaced about Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman emphasised making visits to plight. ly 200,000 people in Sonoma car since the fire. certs and other events in addi- “We were safe here, I felt,” the US special forces operation General Mark Milley said no one raid back on duty conflict zones during her ten- “I have seen with my own County, north of San Francis- “I had just bought this tion to wine tastings. he said. “The fire guys did their that led to his death over the was injured in the operation, ure from 1991-2000. eyes the despair in the eyes co, and consumed more than wonderful new bed,” Hoefer “It’s shocking,” Adams said. jobs. They set up shop real quick Washington weekend. despite the US team taking fire She worked to help Kurdish of people who have lost 75,000 acres (30,000 hectares) said. “Forgot my passport and “But it’s just stuff. We rebuilt in this yard here and the wind Syrian Kurds claimed to be a when they arrived. refugees from Iraq after the everything, whose loved ones as of Tuesday. everything inside the studio.” everything once already. We’re shifted. key source of the intelligence They took two men prisoner, he military dog slightly Gulf War and was also known have been killed, whose hous- More than 3,000 firefighters Besides Hoefer’s studio, the just going to have to do it again.” “We’re alive and this is where that led Americans to Baghdadi and Baghdadi’s body was taken Twounded in the US raid for tackling the refugee crises es and livelihoods have been are battling the wildfire, which historic building housing the Another Sonoma County res- I want to be so I’m happy.” after years of tracking the man to a secure facility for a DNA test which resulted in the death in the former Yugoslavia and destroyed, and who have been has been fueled by winds with winery’s main pavilion was also behind a five-year reign of terror that would confirm his identity, of jihadist leader Abu Bakr Rwanda. forced to flee in the middle of gusts of up to 70 miles per hour destroyed by the fire -- along across much of Iraq and Syria. Milley said. al-Baghdadi is recovering and She was credited with rees- the night with nothing but the (112 kilometers per hour). with about 2,000 bottles of And an unnamed US military “The disposal of his remains back on duty, the chairman of Syrians sifting through the rubble at the site of a US-led operation against tablishing UNHCR’s credibility clothes on their backs,” she Hoefer said he fled at the last wine. dog became an unlikely hero has been done, is complete and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff said Islamic State group chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on the edge of the small Syrian and was even touted as a po- said in a speech in 2000. minute on Saturday evening as Just the stone facade remains of the raid, incurring injuries was handled appropriately,” he Monday. village of Barisha in Idlib province tential successor to former UN “But I have also witnessed the strong winds pushed the fire standing along with an enor- as it chased Baghdadi down a added, saying it was handled General Mark Milley said the chief Boutrous Boutrous-Gha- the courage and resilience of towards the Soda Rock Winery mous steel sculpture of a boar dead-end tunnel underneath “in accordance with the law of dog had performed a “tremen- sure (100%) that the person in Trump his congratulations on li. so many people who have lost in the town of Healdsburg. called “Lord Snort.” his northwestern Syria hideout, armed conflict.” dous service” during the special question was al-Baghdadi him- the raid. A petite woman with a calm everything but hope. Refugees “I heard the wind, I saw the - ‘We’re alive’ - where the jihadist blew himself Another Pentagon official con- forces weekend assault in Syria self,” he said. “The Crown Prince congratu- demeanour, she won special are the great survivors of our flames,” Hoefer said. “It was Built in 1869, the building had and three children up with a firmed that Baghdadi’s body was that led to the death of the lead- lated the President on the Unit- praise for her tough action in times and they deserve our coming right here. The firemen served over the years as a bank, suicide vest. put into the sea at an unnamed er of the Islamic State group. ‘Beautiful’ military dog ed States successful mission to former Yugoslavia where she respect and our solidarity.” arrived as I left. a general store and a post office, The US military basked in suc- location, similar to the 2011 sea Announcing Baghdadi’s Attention focused as well on bring ISIS founder and leader managed to draw the world’s Ogata died on October 22, “I just went to the shop near- said Isabelle Adams, the hospi- cess Monday after eliminating burial of Al-Qaeda leader Osa- death, President Donald Trump the unnamed dog -- likely a Bel- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to jus - attention to humanitarian but her death was only an - by, parked and waited,” he said, tality director at Soda Rock. the founder and spiritual guide ma bin Laden after his death said Sunday that the “beautiful” gian Malinois, a breed favoured tice,” the White House said in a issues despite bitter politi- nounced publicly on Tuesday. adding that he couldn’t sleep Historical records show there Josh Terry, 41, lost his home in the 2015 Valley Fire of the Islamic State (IS) group, in a US special forces raid in and “talented” dog had pursued President Donald Trump said the by the military, which chased statement. capping a years-long campaign Pakistan. the IS leader into a dark tunnel picture of the military dog that helped Baghdadi into a tunnel under US officials said Baghdadi’s to crush the Sunni Muslim ex- where he blew himself up with capture jihadist leader Abu Bakr al- the complex and cornered him death would not end the conflict tremist organization that had at Baghdadi’s underwear a suicide vest, killing himself Baghdadi had been “declassified before he detonated his suicide in Syria, but warned Washington one point created a “caliphate” A Kurdish official said an in- and three children and wound- vest. could not be relied on to bring the size of England. side source the group oversaw ing the dog. “We’re not releasing the Trump praised the dog on peace to the region. Nepali climber claims new record for 14 highest peaks “His death marks a devastat- was responsible for leading US Trump tweeted a picture of name of the dog right now,” the Sunday as “beautiful,” but mil- “Baghdadi’s death will not rid ing blow to the remnants of (IS),” forces to Baghdadi’s hideout, the dog on Monday, saying it did general said. itary officials said any informa- the world of terrorism or end tain. A total of 11 people died, said Defense Secretary Mark helping to map out the interior a “GREAT JOB.” He said the dog had been tion about it, including its name, the ongoing conflict in Syria,” The previous record with at least four of those deaths Esper. of the compound, its staffing, as He said the name of the dog “slightly wounded and is fully was secret. said Esper. • blamed on overcrowding. well as making it possible for has not been declassified yet. recovering.” “It’s classified, we’re protect- “The security situation in Syr- for the 14 mountains A month later, Purja headed Raid undertaken ‘brilliantly’ them to identify Baghdadi. Milley also declined to pro- “The dog is still in theater, ing the dog’s identity,” said Mil- ia remains complex,” he said, was almost eight years to Pakistan for the second part, He praised the nearly hun - “Since 15 May, we have been vide the dog’s name or any fur- returned to duty, with its han- ley. adding: “Acting as a police force KNOW WHAT where he first tackled the no- dred-strong force that helicop- working together with the CIA to ther details about the canine. dler,” he said. The dog had been “slightly out to solve every dispute is not Nepali mountaineer torious Nanga Parbat at 8,125 tered to the rural compound track al-Baghdadi and monitor wounded and is fully recover- our mission.” smashed• the speed metres. in the Idlib region of Syria in a him closely,” said Polat Can, a “Al-Baghdadi changed his participating in and making the ing,” he said. But he said the death of Sherpas -- Nepalis who Battling sleep deprivation to complex mission that required senior adviser to the Kurdish-led places of residence very often,” operation a success until the last Baghdadi “will certainly send record racing up meet his target, Purja said he coordination with Russians, Syrian Democratic Forces. he said on Twitter. minute,” Polat Can said. US will not police Syria a message to those who would all “8000ers” in often work as guides for was almost sprinting up and Kurds, Turks and President The group had an informant “Our intelligence source was The source also “brought On Monday, Saudi Crown question America’s resolve and just six months foreign mountaineers down five of Pakistan’s highest Bashar al-Assad’s regime to who was able to infiltrate Bagh- involved in sending co-ordi - al-Baghdadi’s underwear to Prince Mohammad bin Salman provide a warning to terrorists -- are the backbone of peaks including Gasherbrum I, prevent US dadi’s house. nates, directing the airdrop, conduct a DNA US who think they can hide.” Gasherbrum II aircraft from being test and make offered President Donald Kathmandu the lucrative climbing in- and K2, the sec- dustry, but don’t attract ond highest in the world. anywhere near the same Twenty-three days later he Nepali mountaineer yester- amount of attention was standing atop Broad Peak, Halloween celebration at White House Aday smashed the speed re- his fifth and final mountain of Mass prayer on anniversary of Indonesia crash cord for summiting the world’s or accolades as their the second phase. Jakarta 14 highest peaks, racing up all international Purja began his final push in “8000ers” in just six months and companions. September, reaching the tops of rieving relatives tossed six days, organisers said. Cho Oyu and Manaslu within Gflowers into the sea Tues- The previous record for the 14 a week. day where an Indonesian Lion mountains above 8,000 metres Tuesday’s summit of Shishap- Air jet crashed a year ago, kill- (around 26,250 feet) -- complet- angma was the final hurdle. ing all 189 on board, after a ed by Nirmal Purja at 8.59 am When he first told others final accident report pointed (1259 GMT) on Tuesday -- was about his new quest, “everyone to plane design flaws as a key almost eight years. A picture released by Nirmal “Nims” Purja’s Bremont Project Possible shows the was laughing at me,” Purja said climber on the summit of Gasherbrum II factor in the disaster. “MISSION ACHIEVED! says @ in a recent interview in Kath- The crash on October 29 last nimsdai from the summit of ary Reinhold Messner in 1986 -- ’Project possible’ mandu as he awaited permission year was followed months lat- #Shishapangma,” read a post who on Tuesday praised Purja’s from the Chinese government to er by a second accident -- in- on Purja’s Facebook page, while “unique mountaineering accom- Purja, a former member of the tackle Shishapangma. volving the same model Boeing a statement quoted the former plishment” -- around 40 climb- Gurkhas -- a brigade of Nepalis “International attention and 737-Max aircraft -- when an British elite soldier as being ers have climbed the Earth’s 14 in British army famous for their sponsors rush easily towards Ethiopian Airlines plane went “overwhelmed and incredibly highest mountains, but none fearlessness -- as well as the elite foreign climbers but Nepalis down with 157 people aboard, Yoda, who like many Indonesians also goes by one name, visited a Jakarta proud” after his 189-day feat. have come close to Purja’s speed. Special Boat Service, kicked off don’t get such opportunities,” leading to the global grounding “It has been a gruelling but The late Polish climber Jer- “Project Possible” in April. he said. cemetery to remember his best friend who died in the crash Legendary of the US planemaker’s entire humbling six months, and I hope zy Kukuczka took seven years, In the first part of his record Purja’s record was yet to be Italian MAX fleet. the plane dived moments after grief-stricken relatives. to have proven that anything is 11 months and 14 days in 1987. attempt, Purja ticked off Annap- ping a photo verified independently. mountaineer Tuesday’s ceremony was takeoff from Jakarta. “I hope that a year since the possible with some determina- South Korean Kim Chang-ho urna, Dhaulagiri, Kanchenjunga, Reinhold of a traffic jam He also said he broke seven closed to media, but video Some were stoic, but others incident Lion Air will heed all tion, self-belief and positivity,” completed the challenge one Everest, Lhotse and Makalu in Messner, the first of climbers on the other records, including the fast- footage supplied by relatives broke down as they remem - of its obligations to the victims’ the 36-year-old said. month faster -- although un - just one month. person to climb all 8,000 world’s highest mountain est summit of the world’s three showed victims’ family mem- bered loved ones, with wom- families,” Anton Sahadi, who “We started with nothing, but like Kukuczka and also Purja, He was not alone on Everest, metre-high peaks, was among the first that went viral. highest mountains and climbing Donald and Melania Trump hand out candies to children in costumes during a Halloween event on the South Lawn of the bers praying and casting flow- en in Lion Air flight attendant lost his cousin in the crash, told look how far we’ve come.” he never used supplementary reaching the summit on May to congratulate Purja for his record- This season a record 885 peo- Everest, Lhotse and Makalu in White House. ers into the Java Sea where uniforms seen embracing AFP on Tuesday. Starting with Italy’s legend- oxygen. 22 with 320 others and snap - breaking achievement ple climbed the famous moun- 48 hours. NEVER GIVE IN - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, IN NOTHING GREAT QUOTE OR SMALL, LARGE OR PETTY, NEVER OF THE GIVE IN EXCEPT TO CONVICTIONS OF DAY HONOUR AND GOOD SENSE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 WINSTON CHURCHILL

SHOLTO BYRNES Mr Prabowo initially disputed Mr Widodo’s victory and tried to Widodo’s inclusion or a country with a popu- bring a lawsuit alleging election lation of 270 million, In- violations; the Supreme Court re- Fdonesia – the world’s third jected the attempt in June. That of his rival in largest democracy – generates the president can still describe his fewer headlines than one would vanquished rival as a “good friend” expect. And when it does, they are is remarkable, at least from most Cabinet shouldn’t frequently negative. For instance, outside perspectives. Indeed, the it receives condemnation when- reaction in neighbouring Malaysia ever its courts sentence foreign to Mr Prabowo’s appointment was be viewed through drug traffickers to death – even largely to bemoan the fact that though that is the law. The unveil- such a unifying gesture was un- ing last month of a revised penal likely ever to happen here. a Western lens code viewed as threatening to civil Secondly, it is not as though the liberties led to demonstrations in former general has suddenly risen Jakarta and concern around the to prominence. This is the second The West’s criticism of Asian world. Now the announcement by time he has faced off against Mr president Joko Widodo that he is Widodo in a presidential election. democracies is unfounded as it including his defeated opponent, He also ran for the vice presiden- Prabowo Subianto, in his cabinet cy in 2009. He was unsuccessful fails to take into account public has been greeted with howls in the each time but if he was a credible international media. candidate for the highest office attitudes “Indonesian general accused in the past – and he won 47 and of kidnapping is named defence 45 per cent of the vote in his two minister,” the New York Times attempts on the presidency – then screamed, while theGuardian surely he has the credentials to be warned that it was a “dark day for a minister. human rights”. We should recall too that Wiran- It is true that Mr Prabowo was to, a former commander of Indo- accused of kidnapping demonstra- nesia’s armed forces, was actually tors in 1998 during the last days indicted by the United Nations for er make these men ministers,” is ferent attitude towards the past, before his then father-in-law – the crimes against humanity during their response, “so neither should both the good times and the years dictator Suharto – stood down, East Timor’s referendum on inde- the Indonesians”. Such critics will of war, revolution and death, than and he was discharged from the pendence in 1999; he was never- of course find local human-rights is prevalent in Europe and Amer- military later that year. But he has theless Mr Widodo’s security min- activists who agree with them; the ica. In Germany, 74 years after never been prosecuted. And there ister for three years from 2016 and mistake is to assume that these the end of the Second World War, are a number of reasons for think- also stood for the presidency and activists are fully reflective of the a former guard at a Nazi concen- ing that the expressions of horror the vice presidency in the past. population as a whole and that be- tration camp is currently on trial at his appointment may be both The fact that Mr Widodo made his cause Indonesia is a democracy, it at the age of 93. In Indonesia and over-the-top and fundamentally name as a graft-busting reformer must follow that it is a liberal one, the surrounding countries, there misguided. should give him some authority to with the whole panoply of values is a culture not necessarily of im- Firstly, at a time of widespread call these men to his side. that designation implies. punity but certainly ambivalence bitter political polarisation, The third reason is the most On the contrary, it would be about the wisdom of resolving such a gesture of magnanimity important. For this is really a ques- hard to argue that any country in past wrongs through the criminal to a defeated opponent might tion of critics in the West failing south-east Asia qualifies as – or process. be welcomed as an example of to take into account local culture has the desire to be – a liberal Only a handful of the leaders Indonesian consensus-making. and traditions. “We would nev- democracy. And there is a very dif- of the genocidal Khmer Rouge

The US political system is about to be tested in an extraordinary way

Hussein Ibish way because Mr Trump remains, for now, overwhelmingly popular with Republican voters. Moreo- ith a likely impeach- ver, according to opinions from ment trial looming – both Democratic and Republican Wand potentially even justice departments of the past, a subsequent criminal charges of sitting president is immune from abuse of power, extortion or brib- criminal indictment and the only ery hanging over him, US President remedy is congressional impeach- Thursday’s Donald Trump has, unsurprisingly, ment and removal from office. vote in the lashed out. White House press Thanks to a whistleblower – re- secretary Stephanie Grisham de- portedly a long-serving CIA official House of scribed the Democrats’ impeach- attached to the White House – ment inquiry as ‘secret, shady, the narrative developing in the Representatives closed-door depositions” by wit- House of Representatives’ inquiry nesses she calls “radical, unelected suggests that Mr Trump sought on how to bureaucrats waging war on the to leverage US foreign policy for constitution”. personal gain. It is claimed that proceed with Republicans have challenged he threatened to withhold aid, the investigations at every step formal presidential meetings and the inquiry and some even staged a sit-in other co-operation with Ukraine that delayed one hearing. Several to pressure newly inaugurated into president current and former administra- president Vlodymyr Zelenskiy into tion officials have failed to testify. announcing that his country was Donald Thursday’s vote in the House of investigating business dealings by Representatives to set out ground the son of ahead of the Trump’s rules for the inquiry, which is not 2020 presidential election. parently not sufficient. A specific respected and experienced pub- tion, allegedly at the president’s required by the constitution but Mr Trump’s officials, appar- mention of the company that Mr lic servants, including former US direction, to seek to use US foreign conduct should, as speaker Nancy Pelo - ently in close co-ordination with Biden’s son had worked for was ambassador Marie Yovanovitch policy and military assistance to si said, “eliminate any doubt”, is the president, even attempted required, according to testimony and current de facto US ambassa- advance Mr Trump’s personal po- an attempt to ensure the White to negotiate the precise wording from administration officials. dor Bill Taylor, who fell afoul of litical interests. House does not continue to ob- of such an announcement. Text There is no national security or the administration by attempting They have amplified and ex- struct the process by withholding messages between Kurt Volker, foreign policy rationale for this. to maintain the long-standing US plicated what was evident from documents or preventing witness- then Mr Trump’s special envoy to Indeed, it runs counter to estab- policy of support for Ukraine and the White House memorandum es from giving evidence. Ukraine, and Gordon Sondland, lished policies. But it serves Mr its push back against Russia. summarising a June 25 phone Mr Trump seems trapped by the the US ambassador to the Europe- Trump’s efforts to hobble his op- These career diplomats have, in call between Mr Trump and Mr facts. The question is what can and an Union, show they discussed the ponents. their leaked opening statements at Zelenskiy, in which the American will be done about it. wording of a potential statement This potentially damning tes- the confidential hearings, paint- president appeared to strongly The US political system is about with Ukrainian officials. A pledge timony has been revealed by a ed a detailed and stark picture of pressure Ukraine’s new leader to be tested in an extraordinary to look into corruption was ap - parade of non-partisan, highly efforts by the Trump administra- to investigate the company that

Hon. Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Editor-in-Chief Mahmood AI Mahmood | Chairman & Managing Director P Unnikrishnan | Advertisement: Update Media W.L.L | Tel: 38444692, Email: [email protected] | Newsroom: Tel: 38444680, Email: [email protected] Subscription & circulation: Tel: 36458394 | Email:[email protected] | Website: | Printed and published by Al Ayam Publishing NEVER GIVE IN - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, IN NOTHING GREAT OR SMALL, LARGE OR PETTY, NEVER TODAY 1973 1974 1975 1980 QUOTE DAY IN OF THE GIVE IN EXCEPT TO CONVICTIONS OF The Bosphorus Bridge in Turkey is The Rumble in the Jungle Prince Juan Carlos I of Spain be- El Salvador and Honduras agree to HISTORY DAY HONOUR AND GOOD SENSE. completed, connecting the conti- boxing match between comes acting head of state, taking put the border dispute fought over nents of Europe and Asia over the Muhammad Ali and George over for the country’s ailing dictator, in 1969’s Football War before the WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 WINSTON CHURCHILL Bosphorus for the second time. Foreman takes place in Zaire. Gen. Francisco Franco. International Court of Justice.

SHOLTO BYRNES Mr Prabowo initially disputed pines’ national heroes’ cemetery, Mr Widodo’s victory and tried to while his son, Ferdinand Jr, nar- Sharing Widodo’s inclusion or a country with a popu- bring a lawsuit alleging election rowly lost the vice presidency in lation of 270 million, In- violations; the Supreme Court re- 2016. The West considers these responsibilities… Fdonesia – the world’s third jected the attempt in June. That leaders irredeemable villains. TOP of his rival in largest democracy – generates the president can still describe his But at home there is a sense that fewer headlines than one would vanquished rival as a “good friend” quite a lot might also have been expect. And when it does, they are is remarkable, at least from most achieved under these men; the TWEETS4 Cabinet shouldn’t frequently negative. For instance, outside perspectives. Indeed, the past is textured. it receives condemnation when- reaction in neighbouring Malaysia It is common for outsiders to ob- ever its courts sentence foreign to Mr Prabowo’s appointment was serve western-style systems such 01 be viewed through drug traffickers to death – even largely to bemoan the fact that as democracies and fail to com- though that is the law. The unveil- such a unifying gesture was un- prehend that they might become ing last month of a revised penal likely ever to happen here. infused by local values. There was a Western lens code viewed as threatening to civil Secondly, it is not as though the an exchange famed in academia liberties led to demonstrations in former general has suddenly risen in the 1960s when the Australian YENUS S Jakarta and concern around the to prominence. This is the second scholar Herbert Feith published The West’s criticism of Asian world. Now the announcement by time he has faced off against Mr The Decline of Constitutional De- alking about climate change here president Joko Widodo that he is Widodo in a presidential election. mocracy in Indonesia. Its Yale he only crimes in the is waste of time. It has been and democracies is unfounded as it including his defeated opponent, He also ran for the vice presiden- reviewer, Harry Benda, wrote that TImpeachment Tis a household item and was a top Prabowo Subianto, in his cabinet cy in 2009. He was unsuccessful Feith had asked the “wrong ques- were committed by Shifty agenda at the recent UN General Assembly fails to take into account public has been greeted with howls in the each time but if he was a credible tion” about why the country had Adam Schiff, when he to- meetings. However, an issue related to it international media. candidate for the highest office become a “guided democracy”. Far tally made up my phone and affecting the poorest countries has attitudes “Indonesian general accused in the past – and he won 47 and from failing, Mr Benda said that conversation with the been less addressed at several internation- of kidnapping is named defence 45 per cent of the vote in his two Indonesia might be “adjusting... Ukrainian President and al fora. It is the export and finally dumping minister,” the New York Times attempts on the presidency – then to its own identity” and finding read it to Congress, to- of hundreds and thousands of tons of plas- screamed, while theGuardian surely he has the credentials to be “a way back to its own moorings”, gether with numerous tic waste to developing countries. warned that it was a “dark day for a minister. drawing on a rich history of king- others on Shifty’s side. Plastic wastes from Canada, the US, human rights”. We should recall too that Wiran- ship and elaborate hierarchy and Schiff should be Im - Britain, Australia and Japan are export- It is true that Mr Prabowo was to, a former commander of Indo- etiquette. peached, and worse! ed to South Asian countries including accused of kidnapping demonstra- nesia’s armed forces, was actually A few commentators have locat- @realDonaldTrump the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and tors in 1998 during the last days indicted by the United Nations for er make these men ministers,” is ferent attitude towards the past, Only a handful of the regime have faced the courts in ed Mr Widodo’s move to bring in Thailand for ‘recycling purposes’. Some before his then father-in-law – the crimes against humanity during their response, “so neither should both the good times and the years leaders of the genocidal Cambodia. No one was ever held Mr Prabowo within the Javanese of these countries are unable to cope with dictator Suharto – stood down, East Timor’s referendum on inde- the Indonesians”. Such critics will of war, revolution and death, than Khmer Rouge regime to account for the one million tradition of power play and nu- 02 their own, let alone, accommodate waste and he was discharged from the pendence in 1999; he was never- of course find local human-rights is prevalent in Europe and Amer- have faced the courts in massacred in Indonesia during the ance, seeing the Indonesian pres- from outside. military later that year. But he has theless Mr Widodo’s security min- activists who agree with them; the ica. In Germany, 74 years after transition to Suharto’s New Order ident as strengthening his own po- The developing nations luck the tech- never been prosecuted. And there ister for three years from 2016 and mistake is to assume that these the end of the Second World War, Cambodia. No one was regime in 1966. Suharto himself sition while maintaining harmony nical expertise and the required recycling are a number of reasons for think- also stood for the presidency and activists are fully reflective of the a former guard at a Nazi concen- ever held to account for was investigated but never pros- and balance. The more vehement infrastructure to deal with volume of in- ing that the expressions of horror the vice presidency in the past. population as a whole and that be- tration camp is currently on trial the one million massacred ecuted for corruption – despite critics might want to ponder this coming waste. As a result, the countries at his appointment may be both The fact that Mr Widodo made his cause Indonesia is a democracy, it at the age of 93. In Indonesia and in Indonesia during the the fact that Transparency Inter- interpretation and ask whether suffered major environmental pollution over-the-top and fundamentally name as a graft-busting reformer must follow that it is a liberal one, the surrounding countries, there transition to Suharto’s New national ranked him as the most there is in fact no reason to sup- crops damaged, respiratory related dis- misguided. should give him some authority to with the whole panoply of values is a culture not necessarily of im- Order regime in 1966. corrupt leader of all time in 2004, pose that democracy in Indonesia ur modern educa- eases prevailed. Firstly, at a time of widespread call these men to his side. that designation implies. punity but certainly ambivalence having allegedly looted between will evolve in the same way as in Otion systems don’t Some of these countries are now not bitter political polarisation, The third reason is the most On the contrary, it would be about the wisdom of resolving $15 billion and $25bn during his the West. That was condemned reveal much understand- only refusing to accept cargos of non-recy- such a gesture of magnanimity important. For this is really a ques- hard to argue that any country in past wrongs through the criminal 31-year rule. decades ago by Mr Benda as “au- ing of how to transform clable plastic waste but also sending back to a defeated opponent might tion of critics in the West failing south-east Asia qualifies as – or process. The second figure on that list, tomatic historical parallelism”. our emotions. To do so, the waste to the countries of origin. The be welcomed as an example of to take into account local culture has the desire to be – a liberal Only a handful of the leaders the former dictator Ferdinand He was right then – and he is still we have to use our in - Philippines has returned tons of contain- Indonesian consensus-making. and traditions. “We would nev- democracy. And there is a very dif- of the genocidal Khmer Rouge Marcos, now lies in the Philip - right today. telligence. We need to ers of garbage to Canada whereas Malaysia conduct ourselves with sent back 3,000 tons of non-recyclable non-violence and on the plastic waste of to various rich nations. basis of compassion, cul- October 07, observed as tivate respect for others. World Habitat Day, came @DalaiLama The World Habitat this year with a special Day was the right theme to reflect the recy- day to address cling of waste: “Frontier 03 Technologies as an innova- The US political system is about to be tested in an extraordinary way the management tive tool to transform waste of waste that to wealth”, addresses the rich nations key issue the world is fac- should practice ing. Hussein Ibish way because Mr Trump remains, These career diplomats effectively unchallenged narra- political background who, in his On the day, His Royal for now, overwhelmingly popular tive about how the president and business career, typically played and extend Highness Prime Minister have, in their leaked their experience with Republican voters. Moreo- opening statements at his officials attempted to force fast and loose with the rules. And Prince Khalifa bin Sal - ith a likely impeach- ver, according to opinions from Ukraine to make a statement that perhaps once Democrats regained SUI will collaborate, to developing man Al Khalifa urged the the confidential hearings, ment trial looming – both Democratic and Republican they were investigating Hunt- control of the House and its inves- Nour volunteers across countries on how international community and potentially even justice departments of the past, a painted a detailed and er Biden’s former company. He tigatory authority, it was bound the country will file FIRs to tackle environmental W to deal with waste. subsequent criminal charges of sitting president is immune from stark picture of efforts by also demonstrated that he was, to come to this. It is extremely against hate speech prop- challenges. He said, “The abuse of power, extortion or brib- criminal indictment and the only the Trump administration, throughout that process, opposed difficult to imagine what might agators. @nsui will also desire of some countries to Thursday’s ery hanging over him, US President remedy is congressional impeach- allegedly at the president’s to it. mitigate the severity of such al- create a handle which achieve high development Donald Trump has, unsurprisingly, ment and removal from office. direction, to seek to use US There will probably be more legations or create a sufficient concerned citizens can rates should not be a direct or indirect vote in the lashed out. White House press Thanks to a whistleblower – re- to come in further hearings. But counter-narrative. tag to alert us about hate cause of destruction of nature and imbal- secretary Stephanie Grisham de- portedly a long-serving CIA official foreign policy and military no more is required. A level of While an impeachment trial speech. ance of environment. He continued, “… House of scribed the Democrats’ impeach- attached to the White House – assistance to advance Mr impeachable abuse of power was seems almost inevitable, the ques- @guptar there is no future for humanity without ment inquiry as ‘secret, shady, the narrative developing in the Trump’s personal political already implied by the White tion is whether enough Repub- safe, healthy and balanced environment”. Representatives closed-door depositions” by wit- House of Representatives’ inquiry interests. House summary of the June 25 licans in the Senate, who might The Premier highlighted Bahrain’s waste nesses she calls “radical, unelected suggests that Mr Trump sought telephone conversation. Under no not respect but certainly fear Mr 04 management practices which conform to on how to bureaucrats waging war on the to leverage US foreign policy for circumstances would it be proper Trump, would vote to remove him international standard and technicalities. constitution”. personal gain. It is claimed that for a US president to ask a foreign from office. Hope other countries follow suit. proceed with Republicans have challenged he threatened to withhold aid, employed Mr Biden’s son and to government to effectively inter- Twenty Republicans are needed A couple of weeks ago, a local volunteer the investigations at every step formal presidential meetings and look into a long-debunked con- vene in forthcoming election. to do so. If the vote were held to- group has done a marvelous job. The Bah- the inquiry and some even staged a sit-in other co-operation with Ukraine spiracy theory that Ukraine had At first Republicans centred day, the answer would be no. But rain Diving Volunteer Team (BDVT) has that delayed one hearing. Several to pressure newly inaugurated interfered in the 2016 US presi- their defence, however weak, on the trajectory looks terrible for campaigned a clean –up drive that netted into president current and former administra- president Vlodymyr Zelenskiy into dential election on behalf of the the notion that there was “no quid the president. 20 tons of waste from the jetties and ports tion officials have failed to testify. announcing that his country was Democrats, contrary to the earlier pro quo”. This theory did not sur- In recent weeks, a two-thirds anded in the King- in the country. Considered one of the high- Donald Thursday’s vote in the House of investigating business dealings by accusation that Russia had med- vive Mr Taylor’s testimony. Re- Senate conviction vote has gone Ldom of Saudi Arabia, est of waste collection in the region, the Representatives to set out ground the son of Joe Biden ahead of the dled in the election on behalf of publicans are now spending most from being impossible to implau- marking the start of an team has demonstrated Bahrain’s commit- Trump’s rules for the inquiry, which is not 2020 presidential election. parently not sufficient. A specific respected and experienced pub- tion, allegedly at the president’s Mr Trump. of their time attacking the process sible and now merely unlikely. important visit aimed at ment to protect its marine environment. I required by the constitution but Mr Trump’s officials, appar- mention of the company that Mr lic servants, including former US direction, to seek to use US foreign Indeed, one of the most striking rather than challenging the facts. Public opinion, too, is consistently strengthening ties with would like to extend my congratulations conduct should, as speaker Nancy Pelo - ently in close co-ordination with Biden’s son had worked for was ambassador Marie Yovanovitch policy and military assistance to features of this imbroglio is how For his part, Mr Trump has shifting toward broader support a valued friend. Will be to the team and its leadership. Keep it up! si said, “eliminate any doubt”, is the president, even attempted required, according to testimony and current de facto US ambassa- advance Mr Trump’s personal po- upright the US career diplomats been even more outspoken than for the impeachment inquiry. Tel- taking part in a wide The World Habitat Day was the right day an attempt to ensure the White to negotiate the precise wording from administration officials. dor Bill Taylor, who fell afoul of litical interests. and other professional govern- ever, including calling Mr Taylor evised hearings, planned for the range of programmes to address the management of waste that House does not continue to ob- of such an announcement. Text There is no national security or the administration by attempting They have amplified and ex- ment officials seem to have been – who is still in effect his am - near future, could well create a during this visit. rich nations should practice and extend struct the process by withholding messages between Kurt Volker, foreign policy rationale for this. to maintain the long-standing US plicated what was evident from been, particularly in contrast to bassador – a “never Trumper”, snowball of support for the re - @narendramodi their experience to developing countries documents or preventing witness- then Mr Trump’s special envoy to Indeed, it runs counter to estab- policy of support for Ukraine and the White House memorandum the machinations of Mr Trump’s adding that all “never Trumper moval of Mr Trump. on how to deal with waste. Exporting es from giving evidence. Ukraine, and Gordon Sondland, lished policies. But it serves Mr its push back against Russia. summarising a June 25 phone political appointees and the likes Republicans” were “human scum” What more pressure might it waste, mostly on illegal terms should stop Mr Trump seems trapped by the the US ambassador to the Europe- Trump’s efforts to hobble his op- These career diplomats have, in call between Mr Trump and Mr of his personal lawyer Rudy Gi- – undoubtedly the first time a US take to shift a Senate vote from Disclaimer: (Views expressed for the sake of saving the environment. It facts. The question is what can and an Union, show they discussed the ponents. their leaked opening statements at Zelenskiy, in which the American uliani. president has criticised one of his unlikely to entirely possible, and by columnists are personal and is time that rich nations assume shared will be done about it. wording of a potential statement This potentially damning tes- the confidential hearings, paint- president appeared to strongly Mr Taylor, whose opening senior officials in such terms. then from entirely possible to need not necessarily reflect our responsibility with the world community The US political system is about with Ukrainian officials. A pledge timony has been revealed by a ed a detailed and stark picture of pressure Ukraine’s new leader statement was revealed to the me- Impeachment has long been a likely? We might well soon find editorial stances) in managing waste and protecting the to be tested in an extraordinary to look into corruption was ap - parade of non-partisan, highly efforts by the Trump administra- to investigate the company that dia, laid out a highly detailed and possibility for a president with no out. environment.

Hon. Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Editor-in-Chief Mahmood AI Mahmood | Chairman & Managing Director P Unnikrishnan | Advertisement: Update Media W.L.L | Tel: 38444692, Email: [email protected] | Newsroom: Tel: 38444680, Email: [email protected] Subscription & circulation: Tel: 36458394 | Email:[email protected] | Website: | Printed and published by Al Ayam Publishing 10 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 business Global leaders flock to ‘Davos in desert’ Wealth disparity, technology in focus as Saudi investment forum opens Reuters | Riyadh orld leaders and Wall Narendra Modi says Saudi Street heavy hitters Wgathered for an annu- Arabia to invest in India al investment forum in Riyadh yesterday, with global wealth disparities, central back policy and technology in focus. “Today we have more than 6,000 executives and partici- pants attending, this is more than double the first FII,” Yassir al-Rumayyan, governor of Saudi wealth fund Public Investment Fund (PIF), said in opening re- marks. The forum was launched in 2017 to showcase Saudi Arabia’s future away from oil. Rumayyan joined a panel that discussed challenges facing the global economy including dis- ruptive technology, wealth gaps and lack of effective central bank tools amid slowing economic growth. It included HSBC Group Participants attend the Future Investment Initiative conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Chief Executive Noel Quinn, the offering. Blackstone Group CEO Stephen Aramco’s IPO, for which Schwarzman and Goldman Prince Mohammed is seeking Sachs Group Chief Operating I have been coming to a $2 trillion valuation, remains Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Officer John Waldron Saudi Arabia for 20 years the biggest lure for inves - The Oct 29-31 gathering will tors. It is a pillar of his ambi - Reuters | New Delhi also include Brazil’s President but what I have been tious economic diversification Jair Bolsonaro, India’s Prime seeing particularly in drive. rime Minister Narendra Modi said yesterday Saudi Arabia will Minister Narendra Modi, U.S. the past two or three In January, Saudi Arabia Pinvest in downstream oil and gas projects in India as part of Treasury Secretary Steven years is (economic) said it had ended a 15-month a strategic partnership between the two countries, a move that Mnuchin and White House sen- transformation. As a crackdown on corruption that would also help the world’s top oil exporter find a stable outlet ior adviser . businessman and as an he had ordered, noting it had for its crude. US Treasury Secretary Steven investor I’m all in. received more than $106 bil - Modi, who is on a two-day visit to Riyadh to participate in an Mnuchin leads a high-pow - lion in assets through settle - investor summit, will meet King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ered American delegation that INDIA’S MUKESH AMBANI ments after rounding up al - and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. includes Energy Secretary most 400 royals, ministers and “From a purely buyer-seller relationship, we are now moving Rick Perry and Jared Kush - executives. toward a closer strategic partnership that will include Saudi ner, son-in-law and senior The kingdom managed to ink investments in downstream oil and gas projects,” Modi said in advisor to President Donald Last year’s event was domi- multi-billion dollar deals at the an interview to Arab News, according to a statement released by Trump. nated by leaders from Asian and 2018 FII although it was Aramco his office. “This is a major victory” for Today we have Arab countries. that clinched most of them. A Saudi Aramco along with UAE.’s national oil company ADNOC the crown prince -- often known more than 6,000 Modi has said he expects Ri- major announcement teased by has signed a preliminary deal with Indian state-run companies by his initials MBS -- said Samuel executives and yadh to invest in downstream oil Prince Mohammed ahead of that for a 50 per cent stake in a planned 1.2 million barrels per day Ramani, a doctoral researcher at and gas projects in India as part event never materialised. (bpd) mega refinery on the country’s west coast. Oxford University. participants of a strategic partnership. He Proceeds from the Aramco IPO The Indian government also plans to sell its entire 53.29pc stake On the sidelines of the confer- attending, this is is expected to meet Saudi King will boost the Saudi investment in state-run refinery Bharat Petroleum Corp, at an estimated price ence Tuesday, memorandums of more than double Salman and Crown Prince Mo- fund’s ability to back domestic of $10 billion. understanding were signed on the first FII hammed bin Salman on Tuesday. mega-projects including NEOM, Aramco is also eyeing a 20pc stake in the petrochemical and re- $15 billion in foreign investment Aramco’s chief executive a futuristic $500 billion city an- fining business of Reliance Industries in a multibillion-dollar deal. deals billed as representing “the YASSIR AL-RUMAYYAN, GOVERNOR Amin Nasser was not present at nounced at FII in 2017 but on During Modi’s visit India will sign energy deals with Saudi scale and diversity of the king- OF SAUDI WEALTH FUND PUBLIC FII on Tuesday as he was meet- which there has been little pro- Arabia including its participation in India’s strategic petroleum INVESTMENT FUND (PIF) dom’s economy”. ing investors abroad ahead of gress so far. reserve. Saudi Aramco aims to begin planned IPO on Nov. 3, says report

be at a time of the shareholders’ on Dec. 11, the broadcaster re- Aramco is looking to choosing.” ported. • The people declined to be The prospect of Aramco sell- float a 1 per cent to 2pc There are several identified due to commercial ing a piece of itself has had Wall stake on the kingdom’s Russian pensions sensitivities. Street on tenterhooks since Tadawul market funds who are The company will soon have Crown Prince Mohammed bin interested to invest more shareholders from institu- Salman first flagged it three Aramco will start tions, the head of the kingdom’s years ago. • in the Aramco IPO sovereign wealth fund, Yassir Russia’s sovereign wealth subscription for and we have also al-Rumayyan, said. fund, the Russian Direct Invest- investors on Dec. 4 received indications Al-Rumayyan, governor of the ment Fund (RDIF), is working from our Russia- Public Investment Fund (PIF) on a consortium of investors for Transaction’s price to China fund of some and chairman of Aramco’s board Aramco’s IPO, its chief executive be• announced on Nov. 17 Chinese major of directors, was speaking at a said. panel at the conference in Ri- Separately, Aramco has not Yassir al-Rumayyan, Al-Rumayyan, governor of the Public Investment Fund institutions also yadh. approached the Kuwait Invest- Trading on Tadawul interested in Aramco Aramco will start subscription ment Authority (KIA) to invest will• being on Dec. 11, after delaying the deal earlier per cent to 2pc stake on the king- IPO for investors in its initial public in the IPO, the sovereign wealth this month to give advisers time dom’s Tadawul market, in what RUSSIAN DIRECT INVESTMENT FUND offering on Dec. 4, Saudi-owned fund’s managing director Farouk Reuters | Dubai, Riyadh to secure cornerstone investors. would be one of the largest ever (RDIF) HEAD KIRILL DMITRIEV news channel Al-Arabiya said Bastaki said yesterday. The people also said Aramco’s public offerings, worth upwards in a news flash yesterday citing “KIA has not been approached chief executive officer, Amin of $20 billion. sources. by Aramco or its advisers for audi Aramco aims to an- Nasser, was not present at the Aramco, in response to que- The oil giant plans to an - the IPO, and KIA will look at the Snounce the start of its initial conference on Tuesday as he was ries, said yesterday the oil with the shareholders on IPO nounce the transaction’s price IPO like any other investment,” public offering (IPO) on Nov. 3, meeting investors abroad ahead company “does not comment readiness activities. The com- on Nov. 17, it added. The com- Bastaki told reporters on the three people with direct knowl- of the offering. on rumour or speculation. The pany is ready and timing will de- pany will begin trading on the sidelines of an investment con- edge of the matter told Reuters, Aramco is looking to float a 1 company continues to engage pend on market conditions and local stock market, the Tadawul, ference in Riyadh. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 11

Ithmaar Bank launches WhatsApp chat service Money supply rises 8.4pc, says CBB TDT | Manama TDT | Manama business sector amounting to BD 5,170.4m at the end of Sep- thmaar Bank, a Bah - ahrain’s Money supply tember 2019 compared to BD Irain-based Islamic retail (M3) increased 8.4 per 4,943.2m at the end of the same bank announced yesterday the Bcent to BD 13,461.2 million period last year, an increase of launching of its customer-cen- as at the end of September 2019 4.6pc. tric chat service on WhatsApp from BD 12,414.5m at the same Business social media plat- period-end last year, said the Non-bank deposits increase form. Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) The balance sheet of retail The service, the bank said, in a statement. banks increased by BD 2.5 bn, allows customers to request M3 is a measure of the mon- or 7.8pc, reaching a total of BD information about Ithmaar’s ey supply that includes M2 as 34.7 bn at the end of September products and services, as well well as large time deposits, in- 2019 compared to BD 32.2 bn as as make general enquiries. stitutional money market funds, at end of September 2018. The Information on branch lo- short-term repurchase agree- data also shows an increase in cations and timings, ATM loca- ments and larger liquid assets. local non-bank deposits which tions, Thimaar draw dates and M2 includes all elements of M1 amounted to BD 12.9 bn at the winners list, as well as ongoing Ithmaar Bank General Manager, as well as “near money.” M1 The Bahrain Central Bank building is seen in Manama (Courtesy of Reuters) end of September 2019 com - promotions and campaigns, Retail Banking Group, Mohammed measures cash and checking pared to BD11.9 bn at the end will be available. Janahi deposits, while near money re- and Al Salam Islamic securities in the 12 months. of September 2018, an increase WhatsApp channel will Centre representative instant- fers to savings deposits, money was BD 12,045.4m at the end of of 8.4pc. be available from Saturday ly, during working hours,” said market securities, mutual funds, September 2019, an increase of More loans for business through Thursday, from 7:30 Ithmaar Bank General Man- and other time deposits. 2.6pc compared to its level of The total value of outstanding Credit card transactions rise AM to 6:30 PM. ager, Retail Banking Group, BD 11,739.0m in September 2018. loans and credit facilities pro- The data shows that credit “The WhatsApp service Mohammed Janahi. Outstanding balance rise CBB data also indicated an in- vided by retail banks amounted card and debit card transactions will provide easy and efficient Ithmaar said it enjoys more Total outstanding balance crease in the total balance sheet to BD 9,783.7m at end of Sep - across Point of Sales (POS) ter- communication with our Call than 180,000 followers on all (amount owed on a debt, as of a of the banking system from USD tember 2019 compared to BD minals amounted to BD 194.0m Centre and anyone can ac - platforms - Instagram, Face- particular date) of public debt 192.7 billion at the end of Sep- 9,267.8m at the end of Septem- in September 2019 compared to cess the chatting service by book, Twitter and Linkedin. instruments which includes tember 2018 to US$202.2 bn at ber 2018, an increase of 5.6pc. BD 175.7m in September 2018; adding the Call Centre num- Currently, Ithmaar is the most Development Bonds, Treasury the end of September 2019, an This amount includes loans marking an increase of BD18.3m ber 13303030 to their mobile followed Bank in Bahrain on Bills, Islamic Leasing securities increase of USD 9.5 bn, or 4.9pc, and facilities provided to the or 10.4pc. phone. The customer will then Instagram, with 131,000 fol- be able to chat with the Call lowers.

“Mazad” special digital car number auction begins today TDT | Manama amount of BD100. A deposit of 20 per cent of azad announced it is the maximum bid is mandato- Mholding a special digi- ry through bank deposit, trans- tal auction for 30 new car li- fer or credit card payment. cense numbers, starting to- An invoice will be issued to day, in cooperation with Ara- finalise the full payment and bian Auctions, from 4:00 pm obtain the certificate of own- onwards. ership. The auction on www.arabi- Extra time will be calculated and mobile appli- after each bid allowing others cation “Arabian Auction” will an opportunity to bid. continue until 6 November Numbers offered are list- Bahrain Airport Services Company (BAS) honoured fourteen employees from various departments for being selected as “employee of the month”. The honourees 2019. ed on Mazad’s social media are: Yousif Ahmed Buti, Jaber Yassen Mansour, Khalid Ahmed Ebrahim, Fazal Haq Mirza, Mohamed Radhi Mohamed, Mohamed Kashif Farooq, Nooh Mohamed Prior registration is required accounts (@mazadbahrain) Taqi, Michael Victor Alvarez, Jamal Abdulla Isa, Mohamed A.Razzaq Alyasi, Ahmed Fadhel Abdulla, Ali Ghuloom Abbas, Wafa Adel Almeer, and Ameer Mohamed to take part in the bidding, and Arabian Auctions (@ara- Amralla which starts with a minimum bianauctions).

Gulf Air Official Airline Partner for ARABAL 2019 TDT | Manama higher at this international platform.” luminium Bahrain (Alba), Gulf Air Chief Executive Of- Athe host of the 23rd Arab ficer, Krešimir Kucko added: International Aluminium Con- “As the Official Airline Part- ference, announced today Gulf ner, Gulf Air looks forward to Air as the Official Airline Part- representing the Kingdom of Khaleeji Commercial Bank (KHCB) honored a number of its best-performing employees within the Staff Appreciation and Recognition Scheme (STARS). This came ner for ARABAL 2019. Bahrain and its warm culture during a special ceremony held at the bank’s headquarters at Bahrain Financial Harbour, in the presence of KHCB CEO Sattam Sulaiman Algosaibi and a number of The event will be held un- to all guests flying to the island executive members. Among the honored employees were Noushad Vadukkal Parambath, Systems Analyst, who received the Innovation and Process Development der the patronage of His Royal to attend the event.” Award, and Reem Nader Janahi, Portfolio Coordinator, who received the Outstanding Customer Service Award, while the Marketing and Product Development Highness Prince Khalifa bin ARABAL 2019 is being held Team comprising of Noor Abdulla Alghanami, Product Development Specialist, Amna Salman Alahmed, Product Development Analyst, Sarah Mohammed Salman Al Khalifa the Prime from 19 to 21 November 2019 at Binmahfooz, Product Development Analyst, and Ismail Faisal Hussain, ‘Al Waffer’ Product Manager, received the Outstanding Team Award. Minister. Gulf Hotel, Bahrain. ‘Shaping Alba’s Acting Chief Execu- the Future of Aluminium in tive Officer, Ali Al Baqali said: the Arab Region’ is the theme “As two of Bahrain’s national for ARABAL 2019 and will wit- companies, we are proud to ness more than 35 renowned come together to raise Bahrain speakers.

India’s IndiGo makes $33bn mega-order of Airbus jets Paris with high standards of relia- ndian airline IndiGo has bility,” Riyaz Peermohamed, Iplaced an order for 300 Chief Aircraft Acquisition and A320neo family aircraft, Air- Financing Officer of IndiGo, bus said Tuesday, in one of said in a statement. its largest-ever orders from a IndiGo is already the largest single firm, worth over $33.2 operator of Airbus’s latest-gen- billion at catalogue prices. eration single-aisle model. “The fuel-efficient A320neo The airline currently oper- Ebrahim K. Kanoo, the exclusive distributor of Toyota vehicles in Bahrain, recently concluded an advanced learning programme for 17 experienced service family aircraft will allow Indi- ates 97 of the planes. Including technicians at the Ebrahim K. Kanoo Training centre in Tubli. Toyota Motor Corporation has launched the TEAM GP-G4 (Toyota Education & Management System Go to maintain its strong focus the 300 ordered on Tuesday, it – Global Programme) for service technicians in line with its core value of continual improvement (KAIZEN). Ebrahim K. Kanoo is the first distributor in the Middle East to pilot the programme that entailed over 83 hours of e-learning and classroom sessions completed over 12 days followed by on-the-job performance on lowering operating costs has ordered a total of 730 of the monitoring. Managing Director, Talal Kanoo, presented the trainees with certificates and delivering fuel efficiency medium-range models. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 12

GM, Toyota, Chrysler back BD100m fund to boost private sector Trump on auto emissions Washington

armaking heavyweights CGeneral Motors, Toy- ota and Fiat Chrysler have backed President Donald Trump’s efforts to ban Cal- ifornia from maintaining its own stricter standards on car emissions, the auto giants have confirmed. California -- which has some of the most polluted cities in the country -- has used tough emissions stand- ards to improve air quality. Minister of Finance and National Economy discusses latest developments on the Liquidity Fund But Washington stripped the state of its decades-old Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al The move follows the direc- Chairman of the Bahrain Cham- market maker, providing two- right to set its own car pol- TDT | Manama Khalifa assessed the progress tives of HRH Prince Salman bin ber of Commerce and Industry way quotes on most of the listed lution regulations in Sep- of the fund’s establishment and Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown (BCCI), Sameer Abdullah Nass, stocks with a reasonable spread tember, arguing that higher inister of Finance and recommendations put forth to Prince, Deputy Supreme Com- were present. to allow the investors to actively standards depressed the National Economy benefit and support private sec- mander, and First Deputy Prime The new Fund will be in ad- trade their stocks. new car market and kept Myesterday reviewed tor companies across various Minister, during the 2019 Gov- dition to an already announced Securities & Investment Com- older and more unsafe ve- the latest developments asso- economic sectors. ernment Forum. $100 million fund of funds by pany (SICO) investment bank hicles on the road. ciated with the formation of a The meeting also mulled the Representatives of the au- Bahrain Development Bank, will manage the Bahrain Liquid- California responded by BD100 million Liquidity Fund latest developments regard- thorities concerned with the which will invest across differ- ity fund, supported by several suing the Trump adminis- aimed at restructuring private ing the mechanisms and or - Liquidity Fund, Minister of In- ent sectors. market participants, vested with tration to block the move, sector companies financial ob- ganisational procedures of the dustry, Commerce and Tour- The Liquidity Fund, according $100 million of assets in cash alongside nearly two dozen ligations within the Kingdom. fund. ism, Zayed R. Alzayani, and the to Bahrain Bourse, will act as a and shares. other US states.

“Mazda Bahrain celebrated the success of ‘Mazda master certificate Level 1’ completion to their eligible staff members. As a token of appreciation, staff members were awarded certificates in presence of senior management of IMTA (International Motor Trading Agency) K N Singh (Vice-president) & Sunil Kumar (Service manager).” Above, the picture on left, certified Service Advisors with Suman M. Somanna, the trainer (extreme left), K.N Singh (VP) at the centre and Sunil Kumar, Service Manager (extreme right). The picture on the right, Certified Technician Team members with Simer Pal (Bodyshop Manager) fist from left, Raymond (Manager HR) seventh from left, K.N Singh (VP) eighth from left, Suman M. Somanna (Trainer) ninth from left and Sunil Kumar (Service manager) sixth from right Awali teenagers take a walk down memory lane

Awali Teenagers with Shaikh Mohamed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa in the Bapco Club

TDT | Manama The activities included visits to Hawar, Al Dar Islands, horse nder the Patronage of Shai- stables and places of interest on Ukh Mohamed bin Khalifa the island including Oil Well Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil, the No 1 and the Oil Museum. They Awali Teenagers Reunion was were also taken to see falcon held for the first time in Bahrain. displays and finally a farewell The event took place at the gala dinner at the Gulf Hotel. Bapco Club on Saturday was The Teenagers also gathered in attended by Dr Dawood Nas - an evening at the British Club sif, Chairman of Bapco’s Board and Bahrain Yacht Club. A Bap- of Directors, Dr Pete Bartlett, co film on the history and de- Shaikh Mohamed being presented with a gift From left: Dr Pete Bartlett, Bapco’s Chief Executive, Dr Dawood Nassif, Bapco’s Chairman, Don Hepburn Jr, Bapco’s Chief Executive and the velopment of Awali was shown of appreciation by Helena Bould Ambassador of the United States, Justin Siberell, Shaikh Mohamed and Ebrahim Talib, Deputy Chief Executive Ambassador of the United States followed by lunch. of America. A total of 223 people attend- The group known as the Awali ed with their families including Teenagers spent their childhood Bahraini residents and former mainly in Awali in the 50s, 60s, Bapco staff. 70s and 80s. They came back to 65 Teenagers, who were born Bahrain from the UK, Australia, in Awali Hospital, revisited their the US and other countries to birthplace and the Awali School join a series of Bapco supported that formed their early educa- activities over 5 days from the tion. The oldest parent attending The Russell family (Tom, Julie and Liz) outside house 438 in the 23rd of October till the 29th of was Ruth Weaver, aged 87, who Restored Awali House 554 with former 50s The Russell family (Tom, Julie and Liz) outside 1950s with their father Mathew Thomson Russell who worked at October in 2019. lived in Awali from 1956 to 1982. resident Susan Barrett outside house 438 this week Bapco 13 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019

MARY (15+) (HORROR/THRILLER) GEMINI MAN (PG-15)(ACTION/THRILLER/DRAMA) RAMBO: LAST BLOOD (15+)(ACTION/CRIME/DRAMA) CITY CENTRE:10.30 AM + 12.30 + 2.30 + 4.30 + 6.30 + 8.30 + 10.30 PM + CITY CENTRE: 11.30 AM + 2.00 + 4.30 + 7.00 + 9.30 + 12.00 MN CITY CENTRE :1.00 + 5.45 + 10.30 PM (12.30 MN THURS/FRI) SEEF (II): 5.15 + 7.30 + 9.45 + 12.00 MN SEEF (II):11.30 AM + 1.30 + 3.30 + 5.30 + 7.30 + 9.30 + 11.30 PM SYLVESTER STALLONE, PAZ VEGA, SERGIO PERIS-MENCHETA WADI AL SAIL:11.00 AM + 3.15 + 7.30 + 11.45 PM WILL SMITH, MARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD, CLIVE OWEN SAAR: 2.45 + 7.00 PM + (11.15 PM THURS/FRI) KHAYAL MAATA (PG)(COMEDY/DRAMA) CITY CENTRE :10.30 AM + 3.15 + 8.00 PM GARY OLDMAN, EMILY MORTIMER, MANUEL GARCIA-RULFO AHMAD HELMY, MINNA SHALABI, HASSAN HOSNEY KILLERMAN (18+) (ACTION/CRIME/DRAMA) CITY CENTRE:11.30 AM + 2.00 + 4.30 + 7.00 + 9.30 + 12.00 MN DORA AND THE LOST CITY OF GOLD (PG) SEEF (II):11.00 AM + 1.30 + 4.00 + 6.30 + 9.00 + 11.30 PM CITY CENTRE:11.30 AM + 4.00 + 8.30 PM WADI AL SAIL:1.00 + 5.15 + 9.30 PM ISABELA MONER, Q’ORIANKA KILCHER, BENICIO DEL TORO SAAR: 12.30 + 4.45 + 9.00 PM LIAM HEMSWORTH, EMORY COHEN, DIANE GUERRERO (PG-13)(TAMIL) FROM FRIDAY 25th SAAND KI AANKH (PG-15) HINDI OASIS JUFFAIR : 10.45 + 2.00 + 5.15 + 8.30 + 11.45 PM OASIS JUFFAIR : 11.15 AM + 4.00 + 8.45 PM CITY CENTRE:11.00 AM + 2.15 + 5.30 + 8.45 + 12.00 MN CITY CENTRE: 11.00 AM + 2.00 + 5.00 + 8.00 + 11.00 PM SEEF (I):10.30 AM + 1.45 + 5.00 + 8.15 + 11.30 PM SEEF (II):11.00 AM + 2.00 + 5.00 + 8.00 + 11.00 PM WADI AL SAIL:10.30 AM + 1.45 + 5.00 + 8.15 + 11.30 PM AL HAMRA: 11.00 AM + 2.15 + 5.30 + 8.45 + (12.00 MN.FRI.) PAWAN CHOPRA, RAUNAKK BHNDER, PRAKASH JHA VIJAY, NAYANTHARA, JACKIE SHROFF DARK ENCOUNTER (PG-15) (HORROR/THRILLER) SEEF (II):11.15 AM + 3.15 + 7.15 + 11.15 PM LAURA FRASER, MEL RAIDO, SID PHOENIX EL TAYEB EL SHARIS WEL LAOUB (15+) SEEF (II):1.15 + 5.15 + 9.15 PM KASSAB MOHAMED ,SALLAM AHMED FATHY, BAYYUMY FOUAD ZOMBIELAND: DOUBLE TAP (15+) PRINCESS EMMY (G) (ANIMATION/FAMILY) CITY CENTRE:10.30 AM + 12.45 + 3.00 + 5.15 + 7.30 + 9.45 + 12.00 MN OASIS JUFFAIR (KIDS CINEMA): 3.00 + 7.15 PM WOODY HARRELSON, JESSE EISENBERG, EMMA STONE SEEF (II):12.30 + 4.30 + 8.30 PM BORN A KING (PG)(DRAMA/HISTORY/BIOGRAPHY) RUBY BARNHILL, KENNY BLYTH, TYLER COLLINS COUNTDOWN (15+)(HORROR/THRILLER) CITY CENTRE 11.15 AM + 4.00 + 8.45 PM OASIS JUFFAIR :2.00 + 6.45 + 11.30 PM JOKER (15+)(THRILLER/CRIME/DRAMA) SEEF (II): 10.30 AM + 2.15 + 6.15 + 10.15 PM OASIS JUFFAIR (VIP): 12.15 +4.45 + 9.15 PM OASIS JUFFAIR:11.15 AM + 4.15 + 9.15 + 11.15 PM ABDULLAH ALI, RAWKAN BINBELLA, ED SKREIN CITY CENTRE: 12.00 + 2.00 + 4.00 + 6.00 + 8.00 + 10.00 + 12.00 MN + (1.00 CITY CENTRE: 12.00 + 2.45 + 5.30 + 8.15 + 11.00 PM + (12.45 MN THURS/FRI) AM THURS/FRI) CITY CENTRE (ATMOS):10.30 AM + 1.00 + 3.45 + 6.30 + 9.15 + 12.00 MN MALEFICENT 2: MISTRESS OF EVIL (PG) SEEF (II): 11.45 AM + 1.45 + 3.45 + 5.45 + 7.45 + 9.45 + 11.45 PM + (12.30 MN THURS/FRI) CITY CENTRE VIP (I):12.30 + 3.15 + 6.00 + 8.45 + 11.30 PM OASIS JUFFAIR :10.45 AM + 1.15 + 3.45 + 6.15 + 8.45 PM WADI AL SAIL: 11.30 AM + 1.30 + 3.30 + 5.30 + 7.30 + 9.30 + 11.30 PM CITY CENTRE (IMAX 2D) :2.30 + 7.45 + (1.00 AM. THURS/FRI) OASIS JUFFAIR (VIP):2.15 + 6.45 + 11.15 PM SAAR: 11.00 AM + 1.00 + 3.00 + 5.00 + 7.00 + 9.00 + (11.00 PM THURS/FRI) SEEF (I): 11.15 AM + 1.45 + 4.15 + 6.45 + 9.15 + 11.45 PM OASIS JUFFAIR (KIDS CINEMA): 12.30 + 4.45 + 11.00 PM WADI AL SAIL: 11.00 AM + 1.30 + 4.00 + 6.30 + 9.00 + 11.30 PM CITY CENTRE: 10.30 AM + 11.30 AM + 1.00 + 2.00 + 3.30 + 4.30 + 6.00 + 7.00 CHARLIE MCDERMOTT, ANNE WINTERS, ELIZABETH LAIL + 8.30 + 9.30 + 11.00 PM+ 12.00 MN JOAQUIN PHOENIX, ZAZIE BEETZ, ROBERT DE NIRO CITY CENTRE (IMAX 2D) :12.00 + 5.15 + 10.30 PM HOUSEFULL 4 (PG-15)(HINDI/COMEDY) CITY CENTRE VIP (II): 11.00 AM + 1.30 + 4.00 + 6.30 + 9.00 + 11.30 PM FROM FRIDAY 25th SEEF (II): 11.15 AM + 1.45 + 4.15 + 6.45 + 9.15 + 11.45 PM OASIS JUFFAIR : 11.00 AM + 2.00 + 5.00 + 8.00 + 11.00 PM WADI AL SAIL: 11.00 AM + 1.30 + 4.00 + 6.30 + 9.00 + 11.30 PM CITY CENTRE:11.30 AM + 2.30 + 5.30 + 8.30 + 11.30 PM SAAR:10.30 AM + 1.00 + 3.30 + 6.00 + 8.30 PM + (11.00 PM THURS/FRI) KAITHI (PG-15)(TAMIL) SEEF (I):11.45 AM + 2.45 + 5.45 + 8.45 + 11.45 PM ANGELINA JOLIE, TERESA MAHONEY, MICHELLE PFEIFFER WADI AL SAIL:12.15 + 5.45 + 11.15 PM FROM FRIDAY 25th SAAR:12.15 + 5.30 PM + (10.45 PM FRI) OASIS JUFFAIR :12.30 + 3.15 + 6.00 + 8.45 + 11.30 PM ABOMINABLE (PG)(ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) SEEF (I): 12.00 + 2.45 + 5.30 + 8.15 + 11.00 PM AKSHAY KUMAR, POOJA HEGDE, RITEISH DESHMUKH OASIS JUFFAIR (KIDS CINEMA) :10.30 AM + 9.00 PM WADI AL SAIL: 5.30 + 11.30 PM CITY CENTRE: 1.45 + 6.15 + 10.45 PM AL HAMRA: 6.00 PM MADE IN CHINA (15+) (HINDI/DRAMA/COMEDY) SEEF (II): 11.15 AM + 1.15 + 3.15 PM KARTHI, NARAIN, GEORGE MARYAN OASIS JUFFAIR : 10.30 AM + 1.00 + 3.30 + 6.00 + 8.30 + 11.00 PM CHLOE BENNET, TENZING NORGAY TRAINOR, ALBERT TSAI CITY CENTRE:12.30 + 3.15 + 6.00 + 8.45 + 11.30 PM VIKRITHY (PG)(MALAYALAM) SEEF (II):10.45 AM + 1.15 + 3.45 + 6.15 + 8.45 + 11.15 PM ANGEL HAS FALLEN (PG-15)(ACTION/THRILLER/DRAMA) WADI AL SAIL:3.15 + 8.45 PM OASIS JUFFAIR :1.45 + 6.45 + 11.45 PM CITY CENTRE :1.30 + 6.15 + 11.00 PM SAAR: 3.00 + 8.15 PM SEEF (I): 11.30 AM + 2.00 + 4.30 + 7.00 + 9.30 + 12.00 MN GERARD BUTLER, MORGAN FREEMAN, JADA PINKETT SMITH SOUBIN SHAHIR, BHAGATH BABY MANUEL, SURAAJ VENJARAMMOODU RAJKUMMAR RAO, AMYRA DASTUR, MOUNI ROY

MOVIE REVIEW Countdown: killer-phone-app horror embraces its own absurdity

phone store, run by a needlessly It’s no classic of rude hacker (Tom Segura) who’s • good for a few chuckles, Quinn horror — or even meets a young man named Matt horror comedy — but (Jordan Calloway) who’s in the it is fun in an eccentric DON’T MISS IT same boat. The two seek the aid and self-aware way of an excitable Catholic priest (P.J. Byrne), possibly a stoner, who’s found snacking on com- The film takes • Final Destination gets munion wafers and is REALLY a shallow look at an unofficial smart- into demons and stuff. He, too, technological fears phone reboot in a lazy is slightly amusing. and entirely unscary The work of first-time writ- er-director Justin Dec, Count- ountdown is a 2019 Amer- slab of schlock focused down is the kind of painfully ican supernatural horror on an app that predicts generic horror throwaway that Cfilm directed and written your time of death usually comes out in the movie by Justin Dec. The film stars graveyard of January, not plum Elizabeth Lail, Jordan Calloway, spots like Halloween. It follows Talitha Bateman, Tichina Ar- the template with precision nold, P.J. Byrne, Peter Facinelli, horror comes from finding out (pre-credits scene of a random Anne Winters and Tom Segura, you still have like 40 years left.) death, guilt-ridden backstories and follows a group of people Our plucky heroine, Quinn for the lead characters, ghost- who must survive an app that (Elizabeth Lail), is a newly cre- ly sights in mirrors that van - supposedly tells you when you dentialed nurse who works for a ish when you turn around to are going to die. Elizabeth Lail in ‘Countdown’ handsy doctor (Peter Facinelli) look), without enthusiasm or In Countdown, the mildly at a hospital that conveniently variation. The basic problem stupid teen horror flick about is just conveying information. and cheat Death, that’s when the you also get harassed by a demon has an abandoned wing perfect with the premise — just don’t a phone app that tells you how Don’t blame the messenger if app comes into play. Not accept- beforehand. But, again, you still for spooky third-act battles with download the app, dummy, and long you have to live, it’s not the time you have left is too short ing your fate is a violation of the die. It’s like Final Destination the supernatural. Quinn is dis- then you won’t be tempted to the app that kills you. The app for your liking — as is the case, user agreement. You’ll still die without the cleverness, The pleased when she downloads try to change your fate — is not doesn’t have any control over coincidentally, with most of the as scheduled, even if you don’t Ring without the scariness. the app and learns she has only addressed. It’s while wasting 90 your lifespan, either, which is young characters in the movie. accept the ride from a drunk (A better version, aimed at three days to live, and replacing minutes on mediocrities like this to say, the act of asking has no Now, if you take measures to driver or take the plane trip that people over 40: The app tells you the phone doesn’t help — the app that you start to appreciate how effect on the answer. The app prevent your imminent demise was supposed to do it, only now when you’re going to die, and the shows up again anyway. At the short life really is. 14 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019

Jennifer Shakira Rachel Lopez Weisz

Here’s how Jennifer Rachel Weisz Kelly to play Lopez, Shakira prepping up for Clarkson, Elizabeth John Legend Taylor in Super Bowl show biopic Los Angeles unite for new Christmas song s the countdown for Los Angeles the Super Bowl has Abegun, singers Jen- achel nifer Lopez and Shakira Weisz is are excitedly looking for- Rset to star ward to their enthralling as Elizabeth Tay- performance. lor in “A Special Though few details John Legend and Kelly Clarkson Relationship”, have been announced Los Angeles exploring Taylors for the halftime show, journey from ac- the 50-year-old sing- ingers Kelly Clarkson tress to activist. er Lopez, revealed to Sand John Legend are The story will be told Extra that she is deep uniting for a Christmas tune through the lens of Taylor’s friendship in the planning stages, but with a slight twist. with her assistant Roger Wall. reported People mag- The 37-year-old Clarkson Based on the screenplay written by azine. and 40-year-old Legend Academy Award-winner Simon Beau- “I have been doing a lot of have recorded a version foy, the upcoming production will be meetings about the Super Bowl, of ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ helmed by the female directing duo been prepping and hiring the with updated lyrics, accord- Bert& Bertie, reports people and putting concepts and ing to Vanity Fair, as cited by Taylor won Oscars for “Who’s Afraid ideas for the show together,” said Fox News. of Virginia Woolf?” and “Butterfield 8” Lopez. Last year, the 1944 classic, and was nominated a total of five times. “Shakira and I have spoken a written by Frank Loesser, Though famous for her glamorous few times already. She’s putting sparked debate over lyrics lifestyle and multiple marriages, she her thing together, [I’m] putting some say have grown prob- also took a crusading role in the my thing together, thinking about lematic over the years over fight against AIDS, which stemmed who we want to join us on stage if we the notion of consent. from her hiring of Walls, a man want that.” In the tune, which has who grew up in poverty in the In late September, the two singers been covered by many art- homophobic Deep South in the confirmed they’ll be performing at the ists since its debut, a female mid-1980s. Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Florida, on sings: ‘I really can’t stay,’ Weisz won a best supporting February 2, 2020 -- which also happens to be ‘This to which a man responds: actress Oscar for her turn in Time For Africa’ singers birthday. “But baby, it’s cold outside.” 2005’s “A Constant Gardener” “We are super excited. We want to make a beautiful, In another part of a song, and was nominated in the same impactful, enjoyable, fun show for everybody. We want a woman is heard singing category earlier this year for to bring everybody together. That’s the point. We as lines like “Say what’s in this “The Favourite”. artists have that rare gift to be able to do that, and that’s drink?”, “The answer is no” what I think our main goal is,” Lopez shared. and “I’ve gotta get home.” Kalaalaya Diwali A4 advt PRO.pdf 2 10/20/2019 10:41:29 AM For his version, Legend updated the lyrics with Nathasha Rothwell, who Vicky, Katrina spark off writes and stars in HBO’s rumours at Diwali party “Insecure.” Mumbai Dulquer Salmaan

video gone viral shows ‘starstruck’ after Bollywood stars Katrina meeting Shah Rukh AKaif and Vicky Kaushal coming out of a mutual friend’s Diwali party together. Although the two actors emerged from the party togeth- er, they eventually left in their Vicky and Katrina cars, reports tained that they are “very much They did a brief photo-op for single and are not dating”. waiting lenspersons and media The rumours further gained Shah Rukh, Amaal Nizam crew before going their ways. fuel when reports cropped up Salmaan and Dulquer Salmaan In the video, both the stars a while back that the two stars Mumbai cut an ethnic style statement. could very soon be working to- While Vicky teams a sherwani gether in a film. However, there

C with a kurta-pyjama ensemble, has been no update on such ctor Dulquer Salmaan is M Katrina opts for a stunning gh- reports yet. Both Vicky and Aall praises for superstar Y agra-choli. Katrina are officially single as Shah Rukh Khan. CM Unconfirmed rumours have of now. For now, their coming Recently, Dulquer met MY linked Katrina and Vicky for out from the party together has Shah Rukh at Amitabh Bach- CY a while now, although sources only set off the Diwali sparks in chan’s Diwali party. After CMY close to both stars have main- the gossipvine. meeting the “Kal Ho Na K Ho” actor, he took to Insta- Rapper Iggy Azalea wants to live Iggy gram and wrote: “The aura. Azalea The presence. When he’s inside a music video (SRK) in the room nothing Los Angeles else matters! We were like children. Gleefully happy. ap star Iggy Azalea says she wants to Excited. Star struck. Also we live inside a music video and not got many hugs and kisses Rin the real world. from the Shah himself.” Iggy took to Twitter to share her view. And Dulquer did not stop “I don’t wanna live in the real world. I here. He continued praising wanna live inside a music video all the SRK with his hashtags. time,” she wrote, with a crying emoji. “..#oneandonly #theshah In response to a follower who asked #srk #nightslikethis #gush- which video she’d like to live inside, ing #fanboy #fangirl #star- Iggy said: “Right?! New game. If you struck,” he added. could live inside any music video, which Along with it, Dulquer one would it be? I have to think about posted a photograph in this too... There’s too many good ones! “ which he along with his wife One of Azalea’s followers subsequently Amaal Nizam Salmaan can replied: “Slave 4 U, cause everyone looked be seen posing with Shah musty but hot. That’s me in a nutshell.” Rukh. 15 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 sports

Bahrain Club, Muharraq, Al Hala secure Muharraq match ends in draw TDT | Manama

uharraq were victories in BBA Cup games Mheld to a goal- less draw by Bahrain Club last night in the Muharraq enjoyed leads as much as 34 points in the game first leg of their open- ing round match-up TDT | Manama in the King’s Cup of Hameed scored 13. a 24-19 lead to end the first to football. Sitra were the early aggressors 58-37 at the interval. Ismaeel Abdulla- uharraq and Al Hala in the contest and they led 23-21 They never looked back from tif had a late winner were both victorious at the end of the first quarter. there, going ahead by as many as disallowed after he Mlast night in the Bah - Muharraq responded well a massive 45 points. was adjudged to be rain Basketball Association with a 31-point second period US import Da’quan Cook offside. (BBA) Cup, being played at Zain that helped them charge ahead paced Hala with 26 points and In other matches Basketball Arena in Umm Al 52-40 at the half. 13 rebounds while Hasan Gerashi yesterday, Al Hala de- Hassam. Sitra cut into the deficit in the came off the bench to contribute feated Galali 2-1 while Muharraq had a slow start but third to make it 69-78, but Mu- 20. Ahmed Jamal added 18 and Manama drew with used a blistering fourth quar- harraq wrapped the game up by six assists in the win. Budaiya Club 0-0. ter to power past Sitra 117-86 in outscoring their rivals 39-17 in For Isa Town, Mansoor Jaber Tournament action Group A, while Hala routed Isa the final quarter en route to the had 27, while Mohammed Nabeel continues today with Town 113-69 in Group B. comfortable winning margin. chipped in with 14. defending champi- Kevin Murphy scored a game- Muharraq enjoyed leads as Cup action continues tomor- ons Riffa taking on high 38 points to lead Muharraq much as 34 points in the game. row with two Group A games. Al Al Ahli in what will to their win. Six-foot, 11-inch Serbian Milos Ahli face Al Ettihad at 5.30pm be a hotly contested The American nearly had a Macura was the top scorer for followed by Al Najma playing affair. Al Hidd meet triple-double after also taking Sitra with 33 points in defeat. Nuwaidrat at 7.15pm. Al Malkiya, East Riffa down 17 rebounds and dishing He also had 15 rebounds and At the end of a single take on Isa Town and out eight assists, while register- five assists. Mohamed Hakeem round-robin in each group, the Al Shabab face Sitra. ing five steals. added 17 while ageless veteran top two teams from both divi - The second leg of Ali Rabeea chipped in with Hussain Taqi scored 13. sions advance to the knockout all the first round 27 while Sayed Kadhem Majed In Hala’s win, a one-sided sec- PIC BY BBA semi-finals, which will be held match-ups will be had 18 and Sayed Mohammed ond quarter helped them stretch Sitra’s Macura with a two-handed slam dunk in their game against Muharraq. late next month. held next week.

National Race Day set for intense battles under the lights Owen Endler, Knox Jones advance TDT | Manama in ITF Junior Championship The 2,000cc has two women TDT | Manama running in both its Pro and Nov- did the same against Vivek ahrain International Cir- ice categories, setting Bahrain as Kolluru of India 6-4, 4-6, 6-4. cuit (BIC) will host the a pioneer in national races and ark Owen Endler India’s Agriya Yadav was Bsecond round of National in supporting women racers in of Germany battled another to go on, defeating Race Day on Friday with two of the region. Mpast Yigit Cengiz Mimalt Merjou of France 6-1, the kingdom’s leading circuit Former champion Shaikh Binici of Turkey 4-6, 6-0, 6-1 6-3. racing championships hitting Salman bin Isa bin Ebrahim Al to advance to the Boys’ Singles In the Girls’ Singles, Brit- the track. Khalifa clinched a superb dou- second round in the second on Issey Purser won her Set to shine under the state- ble in Round One and he will be Shine Bahrain Super Singles match against Russian Avrora of-the-art floodlights at “The back for more on Friday as he ITF Junior Championship, be- Volkova via walkover. Home of Motorsport in the hopes to extend his champion- ing played at the Bahrain Ten- Meanwhile, Endler and Middle East” are the supremely ship lead. nis Federation (BTF) courts in Knox Jones also advanced to talented competitors of the BIC Shaikh Salman will be facing Isa Town. the second round of the Boys’ 2,000cc Challenge and the Bah- National Race Day is being organised by BIC in co-operation with the Bahrain some stiff competition, however, Also making it through was Doubles. rain Motorcycle Racing (BMR) Motor Federation, Circuit Racing Club and Bahrain Motorcycle Club. with a packed grid of rivals in third seed Alexander Knox Endler was teamed up 600. the Pro class. Among them are Jones of Great Britain, who with Pablo Trochu of France, They will be battling out Shaikh Hamad bin Isa bin Ebra- beat Sai Bhairaav Mannju of and together they beat Ali along BIC’s 2.55-kilometre In- Tickets are available at the gate The BIC 2,000cc Challenge him Al Khalifa, Raed Himmo, India 6-3, 6-1. Al Shraif and Mohammed ner Track, and the title-fight at BD2 for adults and BD1 for was established in 2007 and it Raed Raffii, Ahmed bin Khanen, Knox Jones was joined by Alkhan of Bahrain 6-0, 6-0. that kicked off in the 2019/2020 children. is the longest-running circuit Abdulla Al Qaoud, Mohammed two of his countrymen in the Knox Jones and fellow-Brit- season’s opening round earlier National Race Day is being racing series in the region today. Faqihi, Majed Himmo, Giovanni second stage. Tommy Harri- on Archie Graham were then this month is set to intensify. organised by BIC in co-operation Following simple regulations yet Salerno, Nasser Al Alawi, lady son pulled off a gutsy three- 6-4, 6-0 winner against Jude Action is scheduled to begin at with the Bahrain Motor Feder- being extremely fun to watch, it driver Martyna Al Qassab and set victory over Luca-Daniel Miguel Hidalgo of the Phil- 4pm and continue until around ation, Circuit Racing Club and is a hotly contested and profes- defending champion Tareq Al Constantin of Romania 2-6, ippines and Avneet Singh of 10pm. All are welcome to attend. Bahrain Motorcycle Club. sionally run championship. Tajer. 7-5, 6-4; while Archie Turner India. Athletes slip victories between cup and the lip TDT | Manama tional Association of Athletics suit just two seconds behind, Federations. while Yimer earned the last po- ahraini elite athletes Aweke In Frankfurt, Yimer made a dium place four seconds from Yimer and Shitaye Eshete strong debut in an interna - Tefera. Bnarrowly missed out on tional-level marathon. He was Meanwhile, in Ljubljana, Es- impressive victories in separate amongst the leading group for hete also had a close race and was marathons held Sunday in Europe. much of the distance but at about in contention for the win until the Yimer claimed third place the 35-kilometre mark, he began final two kilometres. amongst the men but was just to pull away alongside Kenya’s Kenyan Bornes Chepkirui four seconds behind the winner Martin Kosgey and Ethiopia’s managed to sprint ahead of her in the Mainova Frankfurt Mar- Fikre Tefera and Dawit Wolde. towards the finish to claim the athon in Germany, while Eshete The outcome was decided with victory in 2:21:26. Eshete fol- was the runner-up amongst the fewer than 300 metres to run lowed and was only seven sec- women in the 24th Volkswagen when Tefera went clear and won onds adrift. The top two were Ljubljana Marathon in Slovenia. in a total time of two hours seven well ahead of the rest of the field. Both events were Gold Label Aweke, left, runs in the four-man leading group as they Eshete, right, joins Chepkirui, centre, and Chemtai in celebration minutes and eight seconds. Diana Chemtai, also from Kenya, road races under the Interna- neared the finish line in Frankfurt. after their race in Ljubljana. Countryman Wolde followed finished third in 2:22:07. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 16

Brave CF lands in Romania to start ‘something special’, says Mohammed Shahid Bertens stuns Barty TDT | Manama the walk. When we say we year-end number one ranking, want to globalize the sport of Kiki Bertens pounced to run away with the RAVE Combat Federation’s MMA, we mean it. Romania is • first set. Bcommitment to developing another place where the big shocks world number Barty then endured her own mixed martial arts around the organizations have been miss- one Ashleigh Barty service woes against an increas- world continues to come to ing, but it’s full of talent and at WTA Finals ingly aggressive Bertens, who fruition as the fastest-grow- has immense room for growth. showcased soft touch at the ing organization in the world I can’t wait for BRAVE CF to AFP | Shenzhen, China net. lands in Bucharest, Romania, land in Bucharest for an un- A slumping Barty had her for BRAVE CF 28, on Novem- forgettable event alongside our serve broken five times through ber 4th. For BRAVE president partners at RXF and the start ate entry Kiki Bertens the second and third sets as Mohammed Shahid, the occa- of something special for MMA, stunned world number Bertens stormed to her first vic- sion calls for a celebration, as BRAVE CF, and Romania”, said Lone Ashleigh Barty with tory over the Australian. BRAVE CF continues to travel in an excited Shahid. a comeback three-set victory Bertens continued her strong Europe with its third event in BRAVE CF 28 will be head- to shake-up the season-ending form after making the finals three different countries. lined by a Lightweight WTA Finals in Shenzhen yes- in Zhuhai last week and the Aside from Romania, North- match-up with possible title terday. semi-finals of the China Open ern Ireland and England have implications as top strikers The world No.10 looked earlier in the month, when she been hosts of a BRAVE CF event, John Brewin and Maciej Gi- in deep trouble at a set and Kiki Bertens of the Netherlands hits a return against Ashleigh Barty of Australia lost a three-set thriller to Barty. but Shahid is especially ex- erzsewski clash, with the break down, but turned the Bertens, who made the cited to travel for the first winner being near title con- tide with ruthless returning two hours and nine minutes in said after. semi-finals of last year’s edition, time to Eastern Europe, and tention. Also set for fight and aggressive play at the net a see-saw match featuring 12 Bertens was a late replace- has to win both her matches to is confident that BRAVE CF 28 night is the BRAVE CF debut to overwhelm a deflated Bar- breaks of serve. ment for world No.3 Naomi Osa- qualify from Red Group. will be the start of “something of rising prospect Nikolay ty, who could have sealed a “In the beginning I did not ka. She appeared nervous under Belinda Bencic needs to win special”. Grozdev, who takes on Issei spot in the semi-finals with play well but I think I got better the bright lights dropping her the later match against Petra “We talk the talk and walk Moriyama. victory. and I tried to play aggressive first three service games and Kvitova to stay in the tourna- Bertens won 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 in and come to the net,” Bertens Barty, who has locked up the ment.

Shakib banned for two years Brave Fan Experience to take two lucky fans to Bahrain event AFP | Dhaka TDT | Manama tion for free as the promotion the cage. tions for the contest can be angladesh captain and has announced a new edition To join the contest, the fans seen on BRAVE CF’s official Bstar all-rounder Shakib Al RAVE Combat Federation of the BRAVE CF Fan VIP Expe- will have to follow two simple website. Hasan was banned yesterday Bwill deliver a show for the rience. steps: follow BRAVE Combat BRAVE CF 29 takes place at from all cricket for two years, ages on November 15th, as the As it was the case at the ex- Federation social media pro- the Khalifa Sports City Arena with one year suspended, the Bangladesh captain Shakib Al Hasan fastest-rising promotion in the clusive BRAVE 24: London event, files, on Facebook, Instagram, and will be co-headlined by International Cricket Council disclose to the ICC’s Anti-Cor- world gets back to its roots in the organization will provide a and Twitter; and tag 10 (ten) two bouts of epic proportions, (ICC) said. ruption Unit (ACU) full details the Kingdom of Bahrain for lucky fan and his plus-one with friends in the official posts for as the final of the KHK World The ban came after Shakib of approaches or invitations BRAVE CF 29, a star-studded an unforgettable experience, as the campaign in any of the plat- Championship will happen “accepted three charges of made in relation to the Bangla- fight card featuring a title fight, they will spend a few days in the forms. The campaign will run right after the first-ever BRAVE breaching the ICC Anti-Cor- desh, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe several top prospects, and the Kingdom of Bahrain, catching through November 6th, and the CF Flyweight world champion ruption Code”, the sport’s gov- Tri-Series in January 2018 as KHK World Championship. One all the action from BRAVE CF winner will be announced on is crowned as top contenders erning body said. well as the 2018 Indian Pre- lucky fan and a plus-one will be 29 and mingle with the biggest November 8th. Jose Torres and Marcel Adur These included failing to mier League (IPL), it said. able to watch all of the live-ac- stars in the sport in and out of All terms and condi - collide.