1 (26th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Wednesday, the 25th November, 2015

165. *Shazia Marri: (Deferred during 20th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the impacts of imposition of 5% regulatory duty on consumer electricity tariff?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): Ministry of Water and Power has not imposed any regulatory duty on consumer electricity tariff. Further, the Cabinet Division/ NEPRA has also ratified that presently no regulatory duty has been imposed by the Government on electricity.

171. *Ms. Asyia Naz Tanoli: (Deferred during 20th Session)

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state the steps being taken or proposed to be taken by the Government against the use of Islamic names for products?

Transferred to Cabinet Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

99. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir: (Deferred during 21st Session)

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to control the adulteration in fresh/unpacked milk and unhygienic injections being injected to Cows and Buffaloes to increase production of milk therefrom in Islamabad?

Transferred to Interior Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 2 24. *Mr. Sajid Nawaz: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether any Energy Conclave has been held by the Government to discuss the challenges being faced by the energy sector;

(b) if so, the details alongwith the title of said Conclave; and

(c) the steps being proposed to be taken as a result of said Conclave?

Transferred to Planning Development and Reform Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

68. *Ms. Sajida Begum: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to establish Women Development Centre under the Small and Medium Enterprises Development in each district; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Industries and Producation (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi): No such proposal is under consideration of Government to establish Women Development Centres under Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) in each district.

161. *Mr. Asad Umar: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the progress made so far on the proposal for conduction of water from Indus River System/Tarbela to overcome increasing water shortage in Islamabad/ Rawalpindi?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): A summary was initiated by the Ministry of Water and Power in 2011 for CCI on allocation of water for Rawalpindi and Islamabad. 3 CCI considered the summary on 1st June, 2011 and in principle agreed to the allocation of water out of the share of the Punjab for Rawalpindi, and by the provinces of Punjab, Balochistan and for Islamabad to be shared in accordance with their prescribed share according to the Water Accord 1991. CCI also directed the Minister for Water and Power to hold consultation with the Chief Minister to obtain agreement of the province for allocation a part of its share for Islamabad without re-referring the matter to the Council of Common Interests. The Minister for Water and Power discussed the matter with Chief Minister Sindh who did not accede to this proposal.

The implementation status of the decision was again discussed by CCI in its meetings held on 09-02-2012 and 10-02-2014 and decided that the Minister for Finance will resolve the issue in consultation with Provincial Chief Ministers within 30 days, without re-referring the matter to CCI. Working Paper for the meeting of Finance Minister with Chief Ministers was forwarded to Finance Division in March, 2014.

The matter was again discussed by CCI on 29-05-2014 and it was decided that “keeping in view the importance and nature of the issue as well as for future requirement of the Federal Capital, the Council agreed to allow more time to Minister for Finance to resolve the issue in consultation with Chief Minister Sindh and the Leadership”.

The Finance Minster briefed the CCI in its meeting held on March 18, 2015 that all Provinces except Sindh has agreed to share the water ‘requirement of Islamabad in accordance with apportionment of water formula. The Finance Minister further informed that consent of Chief Minister Sindh is required to finalize the issue. The Chief Minister Sindh requested the chair to spare two days time to formally announce the consent of the Province of Sindh. The CCI decided as under:—

“The Council approved, allocation of water for Islamabad as per the original proposal subject to formal consent of the Province of Sindh to be received within two days:—

i. 74 Cusecs water from the province of Sindh.

ii. 74 Cusecs water from the province of Punjab

iii. 24 Cusecs water from the province of KPK

iv. 28 Cusecs water from the province of Balochistan”. 4 The implementation status of the decision of CCI is under process in consultation with all stakeholders, by Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination.

168. *Mr. Sajid Nawaz: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research Division be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to utilize satellite based applications for advanced and accurate weather forecasting for the benefits of the fishermen of the country; if so, the details thereof; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government for development of the fishing technology?

Minister for National Food Security and Research Division (Mr. Sikander Hayat Khan Bosan): (a) The subject is with the Ministry of Defence.


(i) The fishing technology prevalent in is mostly based on indiscriminate fishing gears which are destroying most of our precious fisheries resources.

(ii) There is a need to introduce and enforce targeted fishing technology for sustainable harvesting of fisheries resources.

(iii) The main issue is related to enforcement, which is to be implemented by Government of Sindh and Balochistan and Maritime Security Agency.

(iv) The Ministry has initiated a pilot project for culturing of shrimps/ prawns in the country. This has shown amazing results.

Fisheries Development Board under Ministry of National Food Security and Research is active in promotion of aquaculture technologies and has introduced new aquaculture systems and species. 5 The steps taken of fishing technology are as under:—

(a) Fisheries Development Board has provided training to about 1300 people for intensive fish farming, cage farming, net making and post- harvest handling and marketing areas.

(b) Fisheries Development Board has also supported all these people with water quality test kits, netting material and fish handing kits.

(c) Modern equipment and machinery like water aerators and fish hauling tanks have been introduced with the financial support from GIZ under TVET Reform support program.

170. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to refer to Starred Question No.153 replied on 26th March, 2015 and to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to increase the amount of subsidy being given to farmers on account of urea; if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for National Food Security and Research (Mr. Sikander Hayat Khan Bosan): No.

205. *Ms. Shazia Ashfaq Mattu: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for National Health Services Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the provision of the medical treatment facilities to the citizens is their right and responsibility of the State under the Constitution;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the Health Insurance Schemes have been introduced in developed countries to meet additional expenditure incurred upon medical treatment;

(c) if the answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in affirmative, the reasons for not encouraging multinational companies to control the prices of medicines in the country? 6 Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination: (a) According to constitution of Pakistan (modified upto 28th February 2012, part 1, # 38, page 19) “The state shall provide basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, housing, education and medical relief for all citizens, irrespective of sex, caste, creed or race, as are permanently or temporarily unable to earn their livelihood on account of infirmity, sickness or unemployment”.

“ The constitution as is clear does not explicitly defines the right to treatment facilities.

(b) in developing countries health insurance schemes have been introduced to meet expenditure incurred upon medical treatment and the premium is either payed by government or by individual itself. In Pakistan public sector health insurance scheme has been introduced for the very first time and is meant to cover all out-of-pocket and catastrophic hospitalization expenses for families living below poverty line. Through health insurance program all expenditure on hospitalization shall be covered by the insurance company.

(c) Government of Pakistan and Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan are cognizant of their responsibilities and the following steps have beer taken to control the prices of medicines in the country:

i. In March, 2015, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, with the approval of Federal Government, notificd a Drug Pricing Policy- 2015 wherein prices of medicines have been frozen till July, 2016 except increase allowed under orphan drugs, intravenous infusions and drugs under hardship category which have become non-viable to market.

ii. Under the policy mechanism, the prices of new drugs have been linked with reference countries like India and Bangladesh (on same brand-same company basis) and regional prices.

iii. Prices of new drugs, after 4 years of introduction, to be reduced by 30%.

iv. Pharmaceutical companies have been restricted that annul increase in prices of medicines shall be less than inflation in the country and increase shall not exceed 50% of CPI (with a cap of 4%) for scheduled drugs & 70% of CPI (with a cap of 6%) for non-scheduled drugs. 7 v. These measures have been introduced for the first time as price control mechanism in the larger public interest.

212. *Ms. Sajida Begum: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:

(a) the location-wise Women Development Centres (WDCs) established in the country under the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority; and

(b) whether it is a fact that the WDC, has been closed; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Industries and Producation (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi): (a) Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) has established following five Women Business Development Centres (WBDCs) in the country:—

1. Women Business Development Centre, Lahore

2. Women Business Development Centre,

3. Women Business Development Centre, Mingora, Swat.

4. Women Business Development Centre, Peshawar

5. Women Business Development Centre, Quetta

(b) Women Business Incubation Centre (WBIC), Lahore was initiated in 2006 and funded through Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP). The project was successfully completed in 2012. However after completion of the project, it could not remain sustainable because neither additional funding was available for this project nor any other agency was ready to take over the project for its sustain ability.

283. *Ms. Sajida Begum: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the existing tariffs of electricity fixed by the Government for domestic and industrial consumers? 8 Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): The existing tariff of electricity notified by the Government for Domestic Industrial Consumers is as follows:—

Domestic Tariff. Including Tariff Rationalization surcharge

(a) For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW GOP TARIFF

i. Up to 50 Units 2.00

For Consumption exceeding 50 Units -

ii. 01-100 Units 5.79

iii. a. 101 - 200 Units 8.11 b. 201 - 300 Units 10.20

iv 301-700 Units 16.00

v. Above 700 Units 18.00

Peak Off-Peak

Time of Use. 18.00 12.50

Industrial Tariff Including Tariff Rationalization Surcharge

GOP B1 Upto 25 kW (at 400/230 Volts) 14.50

B2 (a) exceeding 25-500 kW (at 400 Volts) 14.00

Time of Use Peak Off -Peak

B1 (b) Up to 25 KW 18.00 12.50

B2 (b) exceeding 25-500 kW (at 400 Volts) 18.00 12.30

B3 For All Loads up to 5000 kW (at 11,33 kV) 18.00 12.20

B4 For All Loads (at 66,132 kV & above) 18.00 12.10 9 287. *Ms. Aisha Syed: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of mosques in Islamabad at present alongwith the capacity to accommodate Namazees therein;

(b) whether separate portions for female Namazees are available therein; and

(c) the details of annual expenditure thereof?

Transferred to Interior Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

288. *Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the dates of approval and commencement of restoration work of Jabban Hydro Power Project of 22MW, Dargai;

(b) the total amount allocated and released for the said project during the current financial year; and

(c) the details of work carried out on the said project up till now alongwith the time by which the remaining construction work will be completed thereupon?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The dates of approval and commencement of restoration work of Jabban Hydropower Project are as under:—

Date of approval of PC-I from ECNEC 20-09-2007

Date of commencement 19-02-2010

(b) No amount has been allocated and released for current financial year. 10

(c) All the major works of Jabban Hydropower Project including construction of Power House Building, installation,testing and commissioning of equipment in Power House and Switchyard, erection and installation of Four (04) No. new Penstocks and modification in the existing structure of forebay have been completed. All the four (04) units installed in Jabban Power Station have already been commissioned since 29-07-2013, 21-10-2013, 08-11-2013 & 04, 12-2013 respectively and connected to the national grid. The units are running on full load and the cumulative generation from the power house since commissioning is 211.07 GWh. The project is going through extended Defect Liability Period and final completion of the Project in all respects is expected by 31st December 2015.

289. *Mr. Asad Umar: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Raiwind Estate of Honourable Prime Minister and his family is exempted from loadshedding of electricity?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): In this context, the electricity supply of Prime Minister and his family residences at Jati Umra is approved from 11KV Canal Road Feeder emanating from 132 KV A.W.T. grid station as a prime source. The load shedding on 11KV Canal Road Feeder is not exempted and load shedding schedule is at par with domestic urban feeder (six hours a day). At present, considering the sensitive nature of security premises, the duplicate source of supply is provided from the existing 11 KV Sharif Trust Hospital Feeder emanating from 1323 KV Chung Grid Station. The load shedding on this feeder is exempted on account of trust hospital, feeder.

290. *Mr. Asad Umar: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state whether there is any mechanism to monitor/check if any speaker at any mosque in Islamabad is involved in hate speech; if so, the details thereof?

Transferred to Interior Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 11 293. *Mr. Sajid Nawaz: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state:

(a) the province-wise estimated loss of crops caused by weather in the country alongwith the details of grants approved as a relief therefor during the last two years; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government for providing compensation to the farmers who were affected therefrom?

Minister for National Food Security and Research (Mr. Sikander Hayat Khan Bosan): (a) Estimated losses of crops during flood in September, 2014 is calculated @ Rs. 10.91 billion.

Source: - Pakistan Economic Survey 2014-15 - NDMA Damages & Recovery Needs Assessment Report (2014)

(b) A cash assistance of Rs. 6.8 billion were distributed among the flood affectees of the Province.

294. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Neelam Jehlum Hydro Power Project was proposed to be started in January, 1989 and completed in June, 1997;

(b) if so, the reasons for delay in completion thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The project was proposed to be started in December, 1989 and not in January 1989 and to be completed in 1997.

(b) The project was proposed in December 1989 and planned to be completed in 1997, but could not be implemented since the first technical design 12 of the project was subsequently upgraded/revised by M/s Nor consult, 1st revised PC-I was approved by ECNEC in February, 2002 but the project activities could not be commenced due to non-availability of financing. Later on, when the present Consultants were engaged in August, 2008, they reviewed the old design of the project and made significant changes/modifications including inter alia, tunnel dia, concrete lining, main dam structure, relocation of powerhouse, diversion tunnel etc. These changes constitute major component of the substantial time overrun. Some of these changes were dictated by the Earthquake of 2005. All these factors contributed towards delay in completion of the project.

295. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the quantum of electricity to be generated after the competition of Neelum Jehlum Hydro Power Project?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): The installed generation capacity of Neelum Jhelum Hydroelectric Project will be 969 MW. Annual energy from the project is expected to be 4,668 million Khw.

296. *Ms. Shazia Ashfaq Mattu: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to establish a task force for the implementation of timely closure of shops at 08:00 pm, marriage halls at 10:00 pm and restaurants at 11:00 pm in Islamabad as decided by the Ministry;

(b) if so, when it will be established alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The matter regarding establishment of task force for timely closure of Shops, Marriage Halls and Restaurants falls under the purview of the Local Administration.

(b) Nil. 13 298. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the name-wise Hydro Power Generation Projects under construction in the Punjab at present;

(b) the time by which the said projects will be completed; and

(c) the quantum of electricity to be generated therefrom?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) At present, no Hydro Power Generation Project is under construction in Punjab.

(b) Not applicable.

(c) Not applicable.

301. *Mr. Nasir Iqbal Bosal: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Ministry to upgrade primary and secondary transmission lines to control line losses to national grid?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif):

• Five Year Plan prepared by NTDCL for up gradation / improvement of transmission network is attached as Annex-I.

• DISCOs wise detail of steps taken to upgrade Transmission Lines / Network is attached as Annex-II.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

303. *Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: 14 (a) whether it is a fact that Islamabad Electric Supply Company is not providing electricity meters to its sub-divisions at present; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to supply electricity meters to said sub-divisions?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) &(b) In this regard, it is intimated that electricity meters are supplied to Sub Divisions as per their demand. However, sufficient quantity of electricity meters is available in ESCO Stores to cope with the demand of field formations.

304. *Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state whether it is a fact that a letter has been issued by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council to the Government of the Punjab to close Sahiwal Medical College; if so, the reasons therefor?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination: (a) The Sahiwal Medical College was recognized vide notification No.18/ 05/ 2011-NRSD/ PMDC dated 30th December, 2011.

A surprise inspection of Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal was conducted by PM&DC on 31st October, 2013. The Council in its 137th meeting held on 4th February, 2014 considered the inspection report and recommendations of the Executive Committee.

As there were gross deficiencies in infrastructure, facilities in hospital and gross deficiencies in faculty, their admission were stopped by the Council and recommended the Ministry of NHSR&C, Islamabad for its closure.

Further, the Executive Committee in its meeting held on 24th August, 2015 considered the letter of Vice Chancellor, University of Health Sciences, Lahore and decided to write a letter to the Chief Minister and Secretary, Health Department, Government of the Punjab about history of the college and as the college was admitting students but not ready / willing for inspection. In such circumstances PM&DC does not allow admission and shall not register their students. 15

The Executive Committee also decided that Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal will provide complete and year wise details of faculty of last 3 years and in the mean time a comprehensive inspection of the college will be carried out before admission of Session 2015-16. Admission of Sahiwal Medical College, of the Management Committee. Inspection has already been planned in the 2nd week of November, 2015.

305. *Syed Asif Hasnain: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the present status of Nandipur Power Project alongwith the time by which generation of electricity will be started therefrom?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): The construction works of the Nandipur Power Project has almost been completed and the plant has achieved its COD w.e.f 23-7-2015.

At present Power plant is being commercially operated in combined cycle mode. The Generation of Power plant has been started w.e.f. 23-10-2015 under short term O&M arrangement with M/S Albario Engineering Private Limited (M/S AEPL) along with the Technical Advisory Services from M/s GE through three TAs (Technical Advisors).

The plant has generated 532.350 MKWh (gross) till 31-10-2015 with peak generation value of 468 MW.

306. *Syed Asif Hasnain: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total demand of electricity in Mega Watts (MW) in the country at present;

(b) the quantum of electricity in MW being generated by the Government at present; and 16

(c) the quantum of electricity being generated by the K-Electric at present?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The Total demand of electricity MW in the country at present is as under:

Date Average Demand (MW)

As on 16-11-2015 12746

(b) The quantum of electricity in MW being generated by the Government (Power Produced except Karachi) at present is as under:

Date Average Generation (MW)

As on 16-11-2015 9575

(c) The total dependable generation capacity of K-Electric at present, including IPPs is around 2649 MW i.e.

“ K-Electric own generation: 1650 MW

“ External Suppliers: 999 MW

308. *Ms. Shakila Luqman: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the names of the Independent Power Producers Companies generating electricity after purchasing Liquefied Natural Gas alongwith the quantity thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): The following independent Power Producers are currently utilizing ) Liquefied Natural Gas for generating electricity and the quantity of LNG gas month wise as under: 17 Sapphire Electric Co. Ltd

Month RLNG MMBtu Consumed

Mar-15 46,546 Apr-15 141,326 May-15 783;201 Jun-15 493,130 Jul-15 613,199

Total : 2,077,402

Orient Power Company (Private) limited

Mar-15 43,948.07 Apr-15 100,132.40 May-15 944,592.05 Jun-15 647,509.94 Jul-15 649,689.60

Total : 2,385,872.06

Saif Power Limited

March 2015 80,563.21 July 2015 614,511.92

Total : 695,075.13

Halmore Power Generation Company Ltd

March 2015 81219.38


March-15 235,904.183 Apr-15 211,9533.000 May-15 177,1320.513 Jun-15 152,4712.241

Total 5651469.937 18 309. *Mr. Imran Zafar Leghari: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the total number of Energy Projects launched by the present Government alongwith the capacity and the present status thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif):


Following hydropower projects have been started by WAPDA during the tenure of present government, which are under various stages of implementation: —————————————————————————————— Generation Name of Capacity Date of Status Project (MW) Commencement ————————————————————————————————————— Tarbela 4th 1410 28-10-2013 41% completed Extension

Dasu HPP 2160 25-06-2014 • Contract Agreements for Dasu (Stage-I) KKH-0 I (Relocation of KKH- 01) and Dasu-RAR-01 (Construction of Right Bank Access Road) have been signed on March 16, 2015 between WAPDA and M/s China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC). The Contractor has commenced their services from August 24, 2015 and Construction activities are in progress.

• Land Acquisition for 11,473 Acres is in progress.

• Construction activities on 132 KV Transmission Line from Dubair HPP to Dasu are in progress.

• Bidding Documents for Main Works (MW-01 & MW-02) submind to World Bank on November 06, 2015 for review and NOL. ————————————————————————————————————— 19 —————————————————————————————— Generation Name of Capacity Date of Status Project (MW) Commencement ————————————————————————————————————— Additional • Contract for Package-II Power after awarded and Package-IV-a Rehabilitation & Package-III is in final stage. of Mangla 310 • Remaining Packages are in progress.

Kurram Tangi 18.9 48 months after Stage-1 (Kaitu Weir Irrigation (Stage-I Kaitu award of Power Component) of Kurram Weir Irrigation contract Tangi Dam Project is under & Power Component process of award.

Keyal Khwar 128 March 2015 • Preparatory works are in Hydropower progress. Project • 706 Kanals land has been acquired.

• Contract KKHPP-02 (civil Works) awarded.

• Contract KKHPP-03 (E&M Works) tendering in process.

Harpo 34.5 April 2015 Evaluation of bids for hiring of Hydropower Consultancy Services for Detailed Project Engineering Design & Construction Supervision is in process. —————————————————————————————————————


Name of Project 2X660 MW Coal Fired Power Generation Project Jamshoro

Capacity 1320 MW (2X660 MW)

· The Project implementation Consultant has been Present Status mobilized.

Present Status · The draft bidding documents for EPC has been prepared and are under review with ADB. ————————————————————————————————————— 20 GENCO-II

747 MW (Gross) combined Cycle Power Project was commissioned as stated below: ————————————————————————————————————— Installed Present Status Date of Unit # Type Capacity dated 03-08-2015 Commissioning ————————————————————————————————————— 14 Gas 243 MW 227 MW 10-03-2014 turbine 15 243 MW 230 MW 07-04-2014

16 Steam 261 MW 235 MW 04-06-2014 turbine —————————————————————————————————————


The present government has launched several power generation projects based on various technologies/fuels. In the private sector, Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) is processing projects based on hydro, coal and R-LNG with cumulative capacity of 7550-8050 MW to facilitate foreign investment to the tune of US$ 10,528 —11,028 million. These projects are at various stages of processing/ development and are expected to achieve commercial operations by 2017-2023. Details are at Annex-I.


Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) is pursuing development of Renewable Energy (RE) based power projects through the private sector under RE Policy 2006.

Nine (09) wind power projects of 477 MW capacity have achieved financial closing and are under construction.

Several solar and biomass based power generation projects have been launched by the present Government. 100 MW solar project by M/s QA Solar Pvt. Ltd. has completed construction whereas 3x100 MW solar power projects by M/s Zonergy (China) are under construction.

Two bagasse based power projects of 52.7 MW cumulative capacity are in operation.

Several other solar and biomass/ bagasse based projects have been launched, as shown in Annex-II, which are at different stages of development. 21 22 23

61. *Mr. Sajida Begum:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state whether it is a fact that a number of mothers lost their lives during delivery due to negligence of Doctors in the Federal Government Hospitals; if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Transferred to Capital Administration and Development Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 62. *Ms. Sajida Begum:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the diabetes has increased tremendously due to less research in the country;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to control it and to launch the public awareness Programmes therefor?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination:

(a) “ No, it is not a fact that diabetes has increased tremendously due to less research in the country. 24

“ The risk factors for diabetes are obesity, overweight, family history, smoking and sedentary life style. Lack of awareness is also an important factor for prevalence of diabetes.

“ However time to time, research has been done. According to National Health Survey of Pakistan (NITSP) 1998 approximate 2.7million people had diabetes.

“ Pakistan Diabetes leadership forum’s recent publication showed prevalence of diabetes as 6.7 million.

“ Recent Non communicable Diseases (NCD) survey (STEP) conducted by PMRC reported that about 78% participants had never got their blood glucose tested by the doctor or health care worker.


“ A Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) unit has been notified in Ministry of NHSR&C.

“ Consultative meetings with Provinces and Regions are have been carried out.

“ An integrated approach for Non communicable disease is being established through primary health care.

“ This will encompass public awareness, screening for early detection, timely referral, management and capacity building of primary health care physician.

“ Public awareness strategies will also be part of this initiative.

63. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is a cost escalation in the Neelam Jhelum Hydro Power Project that caused delay therein; and

(b) the completion date of the said project? 25 Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The Project cost has been increased due to the following reasons:

• In 2008, the Project Consultants were engaged, who as a part of their agreement reviewed the whole design of the Project. • After reviewing the design, the Consultants recommended numerous changes in design on the basis of new seismic parameters dictated by 2005 earthquake and other technical issues, which are as follows; ¾ New Dam design (instead of concrete gravity dam, a composite concrete and rock filled dam) ¾ Dam Location shifting ¾ Provision of Stilling Basin in the dam for energy dissipation ¾ Increase in diameter of the whole 48 km Headrace Tunnel (HRT) ¾ Concrete lining of the HRT instead of shotcrete lining. ¾ Shallow crossing of HRT under Jhelum River with crossing. ¾ Power House location shifting ¾ Misc. other technical changes. As a result of these changes, the scope of work as well as cost of the project has significantly increased. Due to increase in Work Scope and other reasons, it was not possible for the Contractor to complete the work within the scheduled period i.e up to October, 2015. Therefore, the completion date of the Project has been extended. (b) The expected completion date of the Project is November 2016.

64. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the steps taken by the Federal Flood Commission during the last two years to control floods in the country?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): The existing charter of duties of FFC is given as under:

i. Preparation of Flood Protection Plan for the country including management of the Plan; 26 ii. Scrutiny of flood control/protection schemes funded by the federal government and prepared by Provincial Governments and Federal Agencies; iii. Review of damage of flood protection works and review of plans for restoration and reconstruction works; iv. Measures for improvement of Flood Forecasting & Warning System; v. Preparation of a Research Programme for flood control and protection; vi. Standardization of designs and specifications for flood protection works; vii. Recommendations regarding principles of regulation of reservoirs for flood control; viii. Evaluation and monitoring of progress of implementation of the National Flood Protection Plan; ix. Federal Flood Commission may notify sub-committees as it deems appropriate. Steps taken by FFC during last 2 years: As per annual practice, FFC holds pre-monsoon meetings prior to start of Monsoon Season (1st July to 15th October) every year, to review the status of preparedness/ flood fighting arrangements made by Federal/Provincial Organizations in case of flood situation during Monsoon season.

Each year, Provincial Irrigation Departments of the four provinces and Federal Line Agencies are advised to undertake various pre-emptive measures well before the start of monsoon season for better flood management and minimizing flood losses.

The Flood Communication Cell of FFC starts functioning from 15th June till end monsoon season (15th October) each year, on round-the-clock basis and communicates river flow data to all provinces and concerned agencies on daily basis in normal/low flood stage and 6-hourly basis in case of danger flood levels in main rivers.

It is ensured by FFC that all necessary arrangements have been completed by PMD, WAPDA and PCIW for obtaining rivers flow and rain gauges data and its dissemination well in time to all concerned organizations for taking further action at their end prior to start of Monsoon Season each year. 27 Based on PMD’s Weather Forecasts and Advisories, FFC also issues Daily Flood/Weather Situation Reports to all concerned agencies through its Flood Communication Cell during the entire monsoon Season, each year.

FFC also ensures that de-silting work in critical reaches (in Rawalpindi City) is carried out by WASA, Rawalpindi prior to start of Monsoon Season, each year. According to their mandate, Provincial Irrigation Departments perform Flood Fighting Activities during monsoon/flood season each year whereas rescue and relief activities are carried out by NDMA in close consultations with PDMAs/ GB-DMA/FDMA & SDMA.

65. *Shamas Un Nisa:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) the total funds allocated for the National Institute of Population Studies in the budget 2015-16; and (b) the performance made by the said department during the last three years?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination: (a) Financial Allocation (2015-16) for NIPS: PKR38.686 Million

(b) Three (03) Years Performance is as under:


(i) Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) (2012-13). • The PDHS 2012-13 report includes important data on fertility & population growth trends, infant and child mortality, reproductive health, family marriage, nutrition, women empowerment and domestic violence and knowledge about HIV/ AIDS, Malaria, Polio & Tuberculosis. (ii) Independent Post Campaign Monitoring of Polio in Pakistan 2015. • National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS) has conducted Independent Pilot Post Campaign Monitoring (PPCM) after the National Immunization Days (NIDs) in eight Districts namely, Hyderabad, Sukkhar, Mardan, Manshera, Ziarat, Naseerabad, ICT-CDA and Mahmond Agency. 28 (iii) Third Party Evaluation (TPE) of Measles Campaign in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. • The Government through its Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) implemented a nationwide measles Supplementary Immunization Activity (SIA) in 2014. The campaign was implemented in multiple phases in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KPK) and Sindh. To measure the exact impact of this vaccination campaign on disease epidemiology, World Health Organization (WHO) desired the NIPS to undertake Third Party Evaluation (TPE) in every District of KPK. Accordingly, NIPS has undertaken the process to complete the study till October, 2015. ADVOCACY AND DISSEMINATION SEMINARS (i) National Dissemination Seminar (01) on Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey(PDHS) (2012-13) at National level in Islamabad. (ii) Provincial Dissemination Seminars (05) on Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (2012-13) at Lahore-Punjab, Karachi-Sindh, Peshawar KPK, Quetta-Balochistan, Skardu-GB. (iii) International Conference of South Asian & Regional Countries organized by NIPS at Islamabad in June, 2014, attended by delegates from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Iran, Morocco, China, UNESCAP and UNFPA Regional Office, Bangkok and Indonesia. (iv) Scientific sessions on Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (2012-13) findings in Academic Institutions such as the Health Services Academy(HAS), International Hospital, Islamabad. (v) Youths’ Orientation Seminars on ‘Population Challenges and Responsible Parenthood’ (PCRP) held at Bahria University, Islamabad (BUI) and Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST) Islamabad. (vi) Research paper presented on Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (2012-13) at the 15th Biennial International Scientific Conference (BISC) organized by Society of the Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Pakistan (SOGP) at Islamabad. 29 (vii) Orientation session on Population & Family Planning at Homoeopaths, organized by Regional Training Institute (RTI), Islamabad. 66. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to fix maximum cost limit for Hajj packages of Private Hajj Companies;

(b) if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony (Sardar Muhammad Yousaf) : (a) Hajj Tour Companies (HGOs) are private limited companies. They charge different amount from their pilgrims on account of facilities to be provided to the Hujjaj. Every tour operator is bound to make an agreement with each Haji indicating the facilities to be provided during the Hajj by the tour operator. Therefore, maximum cost of limit for Hajj package cannot be fixed as it is an agreement between private parties. However, Ministry has started a process of consultation to develop economical packages for Hajjis of Private Sector.

(b) As in Para (i) above.

67. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry to abolish the quota of private Hajj Companies for the Hajj 2016; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony (Sardar Muhammad Yousaf) : Currently, there are 742 quota holding HGOs, out of which 738 HGOs participated in Hajj 2015. Their authorization of quota has expired in 2015. Additionally, 2013 newly enrolled companies are also waiting for allocation of Hajj quota. The mechanism for allocation of Hajj quota or otherwise to the private sector will be announced in Hajj Policy 2016 after consultative process with all stakeholders. 30 68. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the total percentage of construction work of the Munda Dam completed so far?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): The construction work on Mohmand (Munda) Dam Hydropower Project has not yet started. The latest status of the project is as under:—

• Revised PC-II for Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of PC-I & Tender Documents was principally approved by CDWP in its meeting held on March 13, 2014. • PC-II has been formally approved on August 24, 2015 with certain directions. • Detailed Design Study was started in June 2012, 67% design work has been completed. • On completion of detailed design, PC-I for construction will be submitted for approval. • Construction period of the project is 7 years.

69. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the date on which the construction work was started on ; and

(b) the time by which the construction work of the said Dam will be completed?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The PC-I of Bunji Hydropower Project is under approval of Government of Pakistan. Construction will be started after approval of PC-I from ECNEC.

(b) Estimated construction period is 09 years. 31 70. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan is amongst those three countries of the world where polio still exists;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to make Pakistan polio free?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination: (a) Yes; Pakistan along with Nigeria and Afghanistan is one of three Polio endemic countries in the world. So far during 2015, a total of 37 Polio cases have been reported worldwide of which 29 are from Pakistan and 8 from Afghanistan. Nigeria did not report any case in 2015 and its last case was identified in July 2014.

Of cases reported from Pakistan in 2015, 13 are from KP, 08 from FATA and 04 cases each from Interior Sindh and Balochistan.

(b) Pakistan’s country programme has seen a major turn around in 2015 resulting in 82% reduction in Polio case count (29) in terms of point in time comparison with 2014 (165). The same was possible through renewed commitment of the political leadership, enhanced access to vulnerable children since launch of operation Zarb-e-Azb as well as improved coordination, monitoring and oversight at all levels. Key steps taken towards the said direction include:

i. Real time coordination through national and provincial Emergency Operation Centres where all partners work as one team led by respective Governments. ii. Development of National Emergency Action Plan for Polio eradication aiming interruption of virus transmission by the end of 2015-16 low transmission season. iii. Rationalization of supplementary immunization activities based of scientific risk modeling nationwide. iv. Bringing in innovations such as community volunteers, health camps, use of inactivated Polio vaccine, engagements of religious support persons, mechanisms for recording and tracking coverage of missed children etc. 32 v. Implementing UAE Assisted Programme for Polio eradication in collaboration with Pak. Army in high priority areas of FATA, KP Karachi and select districts of Balochistan. vi. Improving access to vulnerable children in hard to reach are through effective coordination with security agencies vii. Independent 3rd party monitoring of Polio campaigns to ensure quality viii. According highest priority to the selection and training of frontline workers, supportive supervision and timely payment to them. ix. Improving the vaccination coverage of children against vaccine preventable diseases through routine immunization. x. Introducing one dose of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) in routine immunization schedule to boast the immunity against polio that will assist the country in polio eradication target. The progress made by Pakistan’s country programme has been widely appreciated by the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB), Technical Advisory Group (TAG) as well as the World Health Assembly.

71. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the steps taken by the Government to change the conventional approaches to resolve water challenges?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): The main water challenges faced by the country are as under:—

• Inadequate storage capacity with water escapage to sea. • Extensive seepage losses in the irrigation system. • Inadequate operation & maintenance and poor cost recovery. • Excessive ground water pumpage without ground water recharge (mining of ground water). • Inadequate of measures for rainfall harvesting. • Un-safe disposal of drainage effluent to the sea. • Inadequate protection of infrastructure from floods. 33 • Poor linkage among water, agriculture and rural development projects and related research.

In order to change the conventional approaches, Ministry of Water and Power has initiated a number of steps to resolve the water challenges being faced by the country which are as under:—

• Promulgating a comprehensive National Water Policy for coherent water resource management.

Ministry of Water and Power is in the process of finalizing the Country’s National Water Policy. The draft policy covers the surface and groundwater resources with its distribution within the country and beyond the borders to address the transborder context. The policy has been drafted with a vision to achieve by 2030 the following:—

(i) Double the value of Pakistan’s agricultural outputs to assure food and income security; (ii) Triple the output of clean, climate friendly, low-cost hydropower; (iii) Reduce by half the areas adversely affected by major floods, and reduce even more the human and economic impact of such event; and (iv) Provide the people of Pakistan with continuous, safe-water supplied by self-financing utilities and treat all industrial and a substantial portion of domestic wastewater thus improving the health of city-dwellers and of the rural communities currently assailed by large flows of untreated water. • Preparation of a National Flood Protection Plan (NFPP-1V) 2015-25 for Flood Management in the country. The draft NFPP-IV/investment plan of Rs. 177.661 Billion has been prepared and finalized after thorough review and deliberation by all the stakeholders. It is under process of approval by Council of Common Interests (CCI). The primary focus of NFPP-I (1978) and NFPP-II (1988) was on structural measures to cope with floods. 34 NFPP-III (1998) shifted the focus to non-structural measures, which included institutional reforms and strengthening, development of flood protection works, development of flood early warning and floodplain mapping and zoning. The formulation of National Flood Protection Plan-IV (NFPP-IV) aims at improving country-wide comprehensive flood management planning, implementation and monitoring through Integrated Flood Management Approach which emphasizes, in addition to structural measures, the use of a broad range of non-structural measures. The non-structural measures consists of flood warning, flood plain land use legislation, organizational roles down to local level, flood insurance, community participation etc., with the sole purpose of reduction of flood damages from future unavoidable flood events of greater magnitudes. The planning strategy for development of National Flood Protection Plan-IV, in line with the current practices worldwide, is focused on integrated flood management planning laying more emphasis on the non-structural measures, like 1. Reservoir operations 2. Flood forecasting and early warning 3. Flood risk zoning 4. Watershed management 5. Flood proofing and insurance 6. Disaster management and other measures • Water Sector Capacity Building & Advisory Services Project (WCAP) The project aims to improve management and investment planning of water recourses in the Indus River Basin and strengthening & sustainability of Pakistan’s water sector. The project is being implemented and coordinated by the Project Management and Policy Implementation Unit (PMPIU) of the Ministry of Water and Power. Key implementation agencies (IAs) are Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Indus River System Authority (1RSA), and Planning Commission. The Project commenced in September, 2008 and it is scheduled to be completed by January 31, 2016. 35 Given the critical implications of water and energy for the country’s economic development and in view of the success and significant achievements of WCAP, the World Bank has agreed for additional financing of the project and accordingly. Revised PC-II amounting to US$ 83.81 Million has been approved by ECNEC on January 12, 2015.

A total of twenty two (22) studies/activities have been undertaken under WCAP by various Implementation Agencies, out of which twenty (20) studies/activities have been completed and two (02) activities are at advance stage of implementation. The landmark achievements under WCAP are:

• Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents and PC-I of Tarbela 4th Extension Hydropower Project (1,410 MW)

• Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents and PC-I of Dasu Run-of-River Hydropower Project (4,320 MW)

• Establishment of Data Centre in Federal Flood Commission

To provide a near real-time display at all provincial irrigation departments’ headquarters through a customized software normal Flood situation Monitoring Software. This visual aide would assist the concerned departments to make informed decisions in a timely manner based on the global view of propagation of flood wave in the system. Moreover the FSMS is also able to forecast the expected flood peaks at various barrages. Besides, the FSMS will present the expected inundation of the flood plain areas alongwith an estimated water depth.

• Detailed design of Eleven (11) Small Dams in all regions of the country • Flow Measurement study for IRSA, establishment of GIS/MIS Data Centre • Preparation of National Flood Protection Plan-IV • Up-gradation of CMT Laboratory of WAPDA • Studies for underground dams 36 • Evaluation of Past and Present Resettlement Plans in Pakistan in the context of International Best Practices Leading to Formulation of Improved Resettlement Plan. • Revised SOPs for operation of The previous SOPs were addressing the reservoir operation only when it was filled up to maximum conservation level but were silent to provide the operator with the guidelines as how to operate the reservoir if it was not filled up to the maximum conservation level. This shortfall has been removed in the recently revised SOPs due to which the floods in 2015 were safely routed/passed through Mangla. • Close Co-ordination with Provincial Governments & Territories (Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, FATA) for flood mitigation in 2015 wherein the strengthening of existing flood protection network was emphasized to ensure retaining the flood wave within the diked portion of the rivers and its safe passage through the system till Arabian Sea. • Expediting work on Diamer Basha Darn Project, Dasu HPP and Tarbela-IV/V Extension Resettlement plan for Diamir Basha Darn Project has been expedited wherein the revised land rates for resettlement of local population have been approved from the ministerial committee. With this intervention the land acquisition process is under progress. The government has embarked upon the accelerated plan for early completion of the project by squeezing the completion date for about eight months; the project completion has been revised from February 2018 to June 2017. Besides T4, feasibility study of T5 has also been completed and government is looking for financing arrangements. 72. *Ms. Musarat Rafique Mahesar:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the present status of the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park;

(b) the expenditures incurred thereupon so far; and

(c) the power generation capacity of the said project? 37

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The following solar power projects comprise the Quaid-e-Azar Solar Park;

(i) M/s QA Solar Pvt. Ltd. 100 MW

(ii) M/s Zonergy (China) 9x100 MW

The 100 MW solar power project of M/s QA Solar Pvt. Ltd. has been installed and connected with the national grid and is currenty undergoing commissioning tests.

The 9x100 MW solar power projects of M/s Zonergy (China) are being developed in phases. In the first phase, development of 3x100 MW solar projects has been initiated by the company and construction in underway.

(b) The solar power projects in the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park are being developed in IPP mode whereby the private investors are arranging the project funding. Government expenditure is not involved. The project cost and tariff are determined by NEPRA.

The development of QA Solar Park and grid infrastructure is being catered for by Energy Department, Government of Punjab and NTDC respectively. Information regarding expenditure on infrastructure development can be provided by Energy Department and NTDC.

(c) 1000 MW of solar power projects are planned to be installed in the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park.

73. *Ms. Musarat Rafique Mahesar:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state whether it is a fact that there is food insecurity in the country at present; if so, the steps taken by the Government to reduce said food insecurity?

Minister for National Food Security and Research (Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan) : No. 38 74. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the Housing Projects launched by the Pakistan Housing Authority Foundation during the last five years till date;

(b) whether it is a fact that said projects have not been completed so far; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): (a) During the last five years, PHA Foundation has launched following projects: ————————————————————————————————————— Sr. No. Project Name Date of Start Anticipated date of completion ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Infrastructure work, “D” type Sep. 2014 December, 2015 apartments, Sector G-10/2, Islamabad

2. Construction of Commercial July, 2015 July, 2016 and Residential Building in PHA area near UET Lahore (Phase-II)

3. Infrastructure work PHAF March, 2012 February, 2016 Officers Residentcia Project, Islamabad —————————————————————————————— (b) 1. The project of Infrastructure work at Sector G-10/2, Islamabad got delayed due to slow work by the contractor, rains difficult site conditions because of rocky area and removal of utility lines of CDA.

2. The project near UET, Lahore (Phase-II) has been launched in recent past: therefore, there is no delay.

3. In project of infrastructure work of PHA-F Officers Residencia, Islamabad, the delay has been faced due to following reasons:

i. Dispute between the contractor of Infra-structure work M/s MAAKSON and the client PHAF regarding payment of Earth cutting items. ii. Earth filling in Plots areas beyond 3 feet and upto more than 10 feet. iii. Sub-standard planning by the design consultant. iv. Non-hiring of the detail supervisory consultant. 39 v. The major problem arose due to non-hiring of the detail supervisory consultant as M/s progressive was appointed as Design consultant with top supervision only which also was not fulfilled by them and the project worth Rs.2.8 billion was carried out without detail supervisory consultant.

75. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to preserve fruits and vegetables?

Minister for National Food Security and Research (Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan) : Fruits and vegetables losses are high in Pakistan ranging to 30 to 40% of the total production which are high compared to advance country i.e. 2%. The government institutions are working to develop technologies for preservation of different fruits and vegetables in the country. Some important developments are as under :—

• Tax exemption for food processing industries in GB and Balochistan • Developed solar dryer for dates, apricot, plum and persimmon etc. • To reduce post-harvest losses due to fungal infestation (aflatoxin) in chilies at Chili Research Institute, Kunri Sindh. • Ayub Agriculture Research Institute Faisalabad is working on post harvest handling and value addition of Citrus, Mango Guava and James, Juice & Jelly. • Agriculture Research Institute, Tarnab, Peshawar is working on preservation and value addition of Citrus and Guava. • Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Peshawar is working on value addition of Guava and drying of persimmon • Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR), Gilgit- Baltistan is imparting trainings to growers for solar drying of apricot and others. In additional to the above, a number of other interventions have also been made.

76. *Ms. Munaza Hassan:

Will the Minister for National Health Service, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: 40

(a) the steps taken by the Government to solve the issues of Doctors regarding Continuing Medical Education (CME) and credit hours for renewal from Pakistan Medical and Dental Council; and

(b) whether there is any other institution in the country to award CME; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination: (a) Continuing Medical Education (CME) has been waved off till 31st December, 2015. The Management Committee revised the CME/CDE for Medical and Dental practitioners in Pakistan in its meeting held on 22nd September, 2015 (copy attached at Annex-I)

(b) CME/CDE accreditation will be accepted only if granted by the PM&DC recognized medical/dental teaching institutions.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

77. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state the steps taken by the Ministry to ensure the timely departure and arrival of Hajj flights for Hajj-2015?

Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony (Sardar Muhammad Yousaf) : For Hajj 2015, in order to transport the pilgrims of government Hajj scheme from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the airlines which includes PIA, Saudi Airline, Shaheen Airline and Airblue. To ensure the timely departure and arrival of the Hajj flights penal clauses were added. It is further stated that the Hajj flight operation has been completed successfully without any major complaint.

78. *Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the province- wise steps taken by the Ministry during the period from 1-6-2013 till date for the improvement of power infrastructure? 41

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): In this regard, Province-wise list of recently completed and ongoing projects is placed at Annex-A.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

79. *Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state the steps taken by the Ministry to increase the quality and production of Mango in the country for its export?

Minister for National Food Security and Research (Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan) : Following steps were taken to increase the production, quality and pest free export of Mangoes when the Standing Committee on Plant Health of European Union Commission has imposed a ban on import of high risk commodities from India and issued warning to Pakistan regarding concerns of European Union about detection of quarantine pests in import consignments from Pakistan.

¾ A comprehensive work plan was worked out in collaboration with all stake holders i.e. Ministry of Commerce, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Pakistan Horticulture Development Export Company (PHDEC), Growers, Processors, Exporters Associations and Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI) agencies. In the light of said action plan following steps were taken instantly:

• Awareness campaign • Capacity building of stakeholders • Registration of fruit fly free mango orchards • Hot water treatment made mandatory and keep continuous monitoring for EU countries • Testing of pesticides residues

¾ Resultantly, Pakistan ranked 4th in mango export in the world with only 2 quarantine pest interceptions as compared to 236 inceptions of last year. 42 ¾ Over all quantum of mango export has increased from 61484 to 92000 of last year. For the production of quality mangoes following steps were also taken:

• Establishment of clean mango nurseries • Improved orchard management practices • Integrated management of field disease and pest

80. *Ms. Shakila Luqman:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry to establish AIDs Centres at district level in the country;

(b) if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination: (a) & (b) There is no such plan to establish AIDS centre at every district level. However, there are 20 treatment, 19 Community and Home based Care (CHBC) and 11 Prevention of Parents to Child Transmission Centre (PPTCT) in the entire country.

81. *Ms. Shakila Luqman:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the date on which the construction work of Diamer Bhasha Dam was started; and

(b) the date by which the construction work will be completed thereupon?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) PC-I of Diamer Basha DAM Project was approved by Govt. of Pakistan on 20-08-2009. The project is in pre-construction stage since July, 2009. However, commencement of main dam is delayed due to non-agreement of financing from International Donor Agencies. 43 (b) The estimated construction period is 09 years from the commencement of construction of main dam.

82. *Ms. Munaza Hassan:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to reduce the duty structure for textile imports like latest machinery; if so, details thereof; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government to enhance the value added exports of textile industry?

Transferred to Textile Industry Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

83. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the causes of non-completion of the Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower project which was due to be completed by mid-2015; and

(b) the total budgetary allocation made therefor in the budget 2015-16?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) As per revised schedule incorporated in 2nd Revised PC-I approved by ECNEC in July, 2013, the project was to be completed by November, 2016. However, in the 3rd Revised PC-I, submitted to the Planning Commission for approval, the project will be completed in June, 2017. The causes for rescheduling of the completion of the project are as under:—

• Delay in land acquisition. • Load shedding and non-availability of un-interrupted & quality power supply • Review of the old design of the project by the present Consultants resulting in significant changes/modifications including inter alia, tunnel dia, concrete lining, main dam structure, relocation of 44 powerhouse, diversion tunnel etc. These changes constitute major component of the substantial time overrun. Some of these changes were dictated by the Earthquake of 2005. • Severe rock burst issues in TBM excavation section of the Headrace Tunnel. • Continued water ingress problem under River Jhelum Crossing resulting in a very slow progress of excavation. • Non-achievement of financial close of the project and non-availability of the requisite financing. (b) Rs. 11,000 million has been allocated in the budget 2015-16.

84. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state whether it is a fact that utility stores are purchasing sugar directly from sugar manufacturers; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Industries and Producation (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi: As per decision of ECC of the Cabinet dated April 25, 2015, the Corporation is procuring Sugar through open tenders from the domestic Sugar Mills without the involvement of the Trading Corporation of Pakistan. Both, the Sugar mills and stockiests/suppliers are invited to participate (Annex-I).

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

85. *Ms. Naseema:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the Disco-wise steps taken by the Ministry to prevent power pilferage during last year alongwith the quantity of electricity saved therefrom; and

(b) whether any action has been taken against the responsibles; if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof?


Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) Following steps have been taken by the Government to prevent pilferage of electricity in the country.

• Constitution of Task Forces.

• Field survey for Kunda connections.

• Rotation of Meter Readers.

• Lodging of FIRs.

• Incentive policy to regularize the Kunda connections.

• Implementation of DAWN RAIDS in the Kunda infested areas.

• A public awareness campaign is also under way to educate people for not resorting to Kunda Culture.

• Reward for detection of theft.

• Heavy punishment for field staff involved in theft of electricity.

• Enhancement of Offices & Penalties relating to Electricity (as per Gazette of Pakistan) amended in the PPC & CRPC notified Acts, Ordinances, President’s Orders and Regulations S.R.O. No. F/2(1)/ 2013 dated 31-12-2013 (circulated by SO(PF), M/O W&P vide his letter No. PF05(21)/2012 dated 17-02-2014).

• FIA has also been assigned the task to control theft of energy.

• Punjab Government on the direction of Federal Government has constituted Task Force to control theft of energy under the convenor ship of Secretary Industries Punjab and DCO of the concerned District.

Electricity saved during last year due to above mentioned efforts is 2026.52 M kwh amounting to Rs.18.938 Billion.

(b) Requisite detail is placed as Annex-A. 46 Annex-A

86. *Ms. Naseema:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the disco-wise schedule of load shedding of electricity in the country for Sumer 2015-16; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Ministry to reduce the duration of load shedding of electricity?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The schedule of load shedding of electricity in the country during summer 2015-16 is given below:

Urban: 6 Hours. Rural: 8 Hours. Industrial: 0 Hours. 47 (b) The steps being taken by the Ministry to reduce - load shedding of electricity are as under:

i. Timely provision of fuel supply. ii. Timely payment to IPPs/GENCOs etc. iii. Eliminator/Reduction of system constraints. iv. Addition of new generation. v. Certainty about availability of power at fixed time table by implementing load shedding at fixed times.

87. *Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that travel restrictions are being enhanced against Pakistan due to polio;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to avoid said restrictions?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination: (a) In order to minimize the risk of international spread of Polio virus, the WHO IHR Emergency Committee in May 2014 recommended vaccination of all outbound travelers from countries where the virus was still circulating. Being an endemic country and as a responsible member of the international community, Pakistan decided to implement these recommendations. These however, stay as temporary recommendations and till date there is no enhancement of travel restrictions against Pakistan due to Polio.

(b) Besides ensuring Polio vaccination of all outbound travelers in the light of the IHR Committee recommendations, Pakistan has undertaken following steps aiming interruption of Polio virus transmission:

i. Provision of Polio vaccination facilities to all international travelers free of charge irrespective of the age. ii. Putting in place a system whereby all international travelers are screened for possession of vaccination cards at Points of Exits and those without valid proof vaccinated on spot. 48 iii. Development of National Emergency Action Plan for Polio eradication aiming interruption of virus transmission by the end of 2015-16 low transmission season. iv. Rationalization of supplementary immunization activities based of scientific risk modeling nationwide. v. Bringing in innovations such as community volunteers, health camps, use of inactivated Polio vaccine, engagements of religious support persons, mechanisms for recording and tracking coverage of missed children etc. vi. Improving access to vulnerable children in hard to reach areas through effective coordination with security agencies vii. Independent 3rd party monitoring of Polio campaigns to ensure quality viii. Real time coordination through national and provincial Emergency Operation Centres where all partners work as one team led by respective Governmcnts. Around 3.8 million international travelers departing from Pakistan were vaccinated at the different points during the period from November 2014 to July 2015. As a result of above efforts, Pakistan has observed 82% decline in Polio cases in 2015 in terms of point in time comparison with 2014 i.e. 29 vs 165 cases. Moreover, no exportation of virus has taken place from the country since October 2014.

The progress by Pakistan’s country programme has been widely appreciated by the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB), Technical Advisory Group (TAG), World Health Assembly as well as the WHO IHR Emergency Committee during its last meeting held through teleconference on 4th August 2015.

88. *Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that no schedule has been announced by the Government for the load shedding of electricity during Summer season; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the present shortfall of electricity in the country? 49 Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) It is not true that schedule for electricity load shedding was not announced during the current summer season. The present schedule for load shedding of electricity in the country is as under:

Urban: 6 Hours. Rural: 8 Hours. Industrial: 0 Hours.

(b) The present shortfall of electricity in the country (as on 20-10-2015) is 4,135 MW.

89. *Engineer Dawar Khan Kundi:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the number of power projects closed in the country during the last two years alongwith the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps taken by Government to restart the said closed projects?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) No Power Project in the country has been closed during the last two years.

(b) Not applicable.

90. *Engineer Dawar Khan Kundi:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the tender for the construction of Waran Canal of Project has been floated; if so, the name of company to whom contract awarded thereof;

(b) the time by which the construction work of the said Canal will be completed; and

(c) the total expenditure to be incurred thereupon?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) Yes, tenders for the construction of Waran Canal have been floated. Detail of packages including name of contractors is attached as Annex-A.

1 (26th Session)




For Wednesday, the 25th November, 2015

7. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan: (Deferred during 20th Session)

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that there are no Government hospitals in the rural area of Islamabad Capital Territory including Tarnol and Bhara-kahu;

(b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to establish hospitals in the said the areas?

Transferred to Capital Administration and Development Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

11. Syed Waseem Hussain: (Deferred during 20th Session)

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any mechanism/procedure/test/x-ray/scan etc. available in Pakistan at present through which almost the exact date of birth/age of a person can be determined;

(b) if so, the details including the name of laboratories/hospitals at which the facilities are available therefor; and

(c) whether there is any medical specialist/health expert/physiologist available in Pakistan who on the strength of his expertise and 2 knowledge can determine the exact age of a person; if so, his telephone number, name and address?

Transferred to Capital Administration and Development Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

39. Ms. Khalida Mansoor: (Deferred during 20th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the Ministry to prepare subject-wise list of titles of all laws and rules made thereunder with reference to business allocated to it and its attached departments under the Rules of Business, 1973;

(b) the subject-wise details thereof;

(c) whether steps have been taken by the Ministry to consolidate and amend the said laws and rules to keep pace with changes in the society, if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof;

(d) the steps taken by the Ministry to determine the anomalies, inconsistencies and difficulties in the administration of said laws and rules; and

(e) the details of Officers/Branches designated therefor?

Reply not received.

5. Ms. Belum Hasnain: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that blasphemy law is being mis-utilized at present and affecting the innocent minorities in the country; 3 (b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to control the said mis- utilization?

Transferred to Interior Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

6. Ms. Belum Hasnain: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the increase made in the generation capacity of electricity during the last three years;

(b) the demand of electricity increased during the said period; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to minimize the demand and supply gap in power sector?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) The increase made in generation capacity of electricity during the last three years is as under: —————————————————————————————— Description 2012 2013 2014 2015 —————————————————————————————— Installed Capacity (MW) 20,499 20,850 22,104 22,648 Increase per year (MW) - 351 1,254 544 ——————————————————————————————

(b) The demand of electricity increased during the last three years is as under: —————————————————————————————— Description 2012 2013 2014 2015 —————————————————————————————— Maximum Demand 18,940 18,827 20,576 20,966 (MW) Increase per year (MW) - - 113 1,749 390 ——————————————————————————————

(c) Following steps have been taken by the Government to minimize the demand and supply gap in power sector. 4

“ Proper load management is the major step taken during last three years to minimize the demand and supply gap, in addition to increase in generation capacity.

“ Government is pursuing development of renewable energy based power generation projects (wind, solar, bagasse biomass) on fast track basis in order to overcome the energy shortage.

“ Currently, 28 multiple fuel (Coal, Gas and Hydro) based projects with a cumulative capacity of 15,066 MW are at various stages of processing/development.

11. Mr. Asad Umar: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the details of all Federal Government Institutions which have outstanding electricity bills of more than 10 million rupees at present;

(b) the details of all defaulters who have outstanding electricity bills of more than 10 million rupees at present;

(c) the total number of cases which have been submitted/registered against said defaulters; and

(d) the total amount recovered therefrom?

Reply not received.

13. Admissibility is being re-considered.

15. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state:

(a) the names of officers to whom houses of Category-II have been allotted by the Ministry so far alongwith their date of retirement and house number thereof; and 5 (b) the number of houses of said category lying vacant at present alongwith the numbers thereof?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): (a) List showing the names of the officers who have been allotted Cat.II houses showing the date of retirement and house number is enclosed as (Annex-A).

As per record, 28 number of Cat.II houses are to be lying vacant. On the other hand, on ground no house is lying vacant due to different stay orders from different courts. Out of them some are under process within Ministry of Housing & Works for allotments on General Waiting List.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

20. Maulana Muhammad Gohar Shah: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Water and Power Development Authority does not repair the transformers in Charsadda;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the defective transformers of said district are being repaired by the people at their own cost;

(c) if the answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative the steps being taken by the Government to address such issues?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) Damaged transformers are not repaired in Charsadda, but are sent to reclamation workshop Nowshera as well as other PESCO approved workshops for repair purpose.

(b) & (c) Damaged transformers are being repaired through PESCO approved workshops & not by the people at their own cost.

21. Shaikh Rohale Asghar: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state the daily production and consumption of iron in the country at present? 6 Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi): Daily average production & consumption of iron it the country are 11,520 & 15,128 Metric Ton respectively during Financial Year 2013-14.

Detail is as under:— —————————————————————————————— Source 2013-14(Metric Tons) —————————————————————————————— Pakistan Steel 65,934. Steel Melters 2,927,120 Ship Breakers (Production 1,212,002 during last four years is (4-yrs Avg.) 1,521,417 metric tons) —————————————————————————————— Total local Production 4,205,056 —————————————————————————————— Add: Imports (HR/CR 1,381,114 coils/GP/Billets/bars/rods /wire, etc.) —————————————————————————————— Total Available 5,586,170 —————————————————————————————— Less: Exports 64,445 —————————————————————————————— Total Consumption 5,521,725 Daily Avg. Production 11,520 Daily Avg. Consumption 15,128 —————————————————————————————— 96. Ms. Belum Hasnain: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the details of loss caused to industries due to power shortage in the country during the last three years; and

(b) the percentage of annual loss caused therefrom to the Gross Domestic Product during the said period?

Transferred to Cabinet Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 7 152. Ms. Sajida Begum: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the total number of the employees of the Accountant General Pakistan Revenue residing in the houses allotted by the Estate Office, Islamabad at present alongwith the particulars of houses and names of allottees thereof?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): At present 119 employees of Accountant General of Pakistan Revenue are residing in the houses allotted by Estate Office Islamabad. Detail is attached at Annex-A.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

153. Ms. Belum Hasnain: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) the funds allocated in the budget 2015-16 to control Hepatitis in Islamabad and the areas under the administrative control of Federal Government; and

(b) the funds allocated therefor during financial year 2014-15 alongwith the head-wise utilization thereof?

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination: (a) The administration of the Health Services in the Islamabad Capital Territory falls under the purview of M/o Interior and District Health Office. Islamabad and does not relate to this Ministry. Furthermore, the Prime Minister’s Program for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis is a devolved vertical Program of Health and there was no set up of afore-said Program in Islamabad Capital Territory at the time of devolution in 2010. Hence, no demand of funds was received from DHO Office. However, on demand of ICT. Planning Commission has allocated separate funds for FY-2015-16 under separate ID and reflected in the pink book. The funding of this devolved programme is being done by the Federal Government as per CCI decision, dated 28-04-2011 and shall continue till finalization of NFC award. Overall, an allocation of Rs. 474.197 million has been made for the Financial 8 Year 2015-16 and the allocation of funds for Islamabad Capital Territory and Special Areas is given as under. (Rs. in millions) —————————————————————————————— S. No. Name of Province Budget Allocation —————————————————————————————— 1. Prime Minister Programme for Prevention 17.100 & Control of Hapatitis, FATA.

2. Prime Minister Programme for Prevention 20.520 & Control Hapatitis, AJK

3. Prime Minister Programme for Prevention 17.100 & Control Hapatitis, GB

4. Islamabad Capital Territory 3.420 —————————————————————————————— Total: 58.14 —————————————————————————————— (b) The administration of the Health Services in the Islamabad Capital Territory falls under the purview of M/o Interior and District Health Office, Islamabad and does not relate to this Ministry. Furthermore, the Prime Minister’s Program for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis is a devolved vertical Program of Health and there was no set up of aforesaid Program in Islamabad Capital Territory at the time of devolution in 2010. Hence, no demand of funds was received from the DHO Office, Islamabad.

Funds Allocated for 2014-15 (Rs. in Million) —————————————————————————————— S. Name of Province Budget Utilization No. Allocation —————————————————————————————— 1. Prime Minister Programme 17.100 15.374 for Prevention & Control of Hapatitis, FATA

2. Prime Minister Programme 20.520 17.970 for Prevention & Control of Hapatitis, AJK —————————————————————————————— 9 —————————————————————————————— S. Name of Province Budget Utilization No. Allocation —————————————————————————————— 3. Prime Minister Programme 17.100 16.800 for Prevention & Control of Hapatitis, GB

4. Prime Minister Programme 3.420 - for Prevention & Control of Hapatitis, ICT ——————————————————————————————

The detail of Head-wise utilization for Health Department (Special Areas such as FATA, AJK, & GB) is placed at Annex-I.

Annex-I Head-wise Budget Utilization for 2014-15 (Rs. in Million) —————————————————————————————— S.NO. HEAD-WISE UTILIZATION FATA AJK GB —————————————————————————————— 1. TA/DA - 0.04 - 2. POL Charges - 0.18 - 3. Repair of Vehicle - 0.08 - 4. Purchase of Drugs & Medicine 5.674 17.61 - 5. Purchase of Vaccines & Syringes - - 16.800 6. Stationary - 0.03 - 7. Contingency - 0.03 - 8. Awareness through Media 4.000 - - 9. Screening camps 4.000 - - 10. Hepatitis Strips 1.700 - - —————————————————————————————— Grand Total: 15.374 17.970 16.800 ——————————————————————————————

158. Ms. Phyllis Azeem: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: 10

(a) Whether it is a fact that the condition of Flat No.15, Block No.24, Cat-V, Sector I-9/4, Islamabad is deteriorated and the maintenance work of the said flat was carried out about 15 years ago;

(b) if so, the time by which the maintenance work of the said flat will be completed?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): (a) Maintenance work of Flat No. 15 Block No. 24, Cat-V, Sector 1-9/4, Islamabad was carried out about 15 years ago. The allottee had lodged two complaints regarding repair / maintenance work which were done on 15-01-2013 and 20-12-2013 respectively. Copies of relevant pages of complaint book are attached (Annex-A).

(b) If the allottee has any complaint regarding repair / maintenance of his flat, he should submit it to concerned Inquiry Office and it will be done accordingly as per rules.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

161. Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the employees of the Islamabad Police are not entitled to the allotment of Government accommodations in Islamabad;

(b) if so, the names and designations of the officials/officers to whom the Government accommodations have been allotted in Islamabad; and


(c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to cancel/vacate the said accommodations?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): (a) Yes, it is a fact that employees of ICT Police are not entitled to the allotment of Government accommodation in Islamabad as no Government policy for their entitlement has been communicated to Estate Office Islamabad.

(b) 221 allotments have been made to ICT Police under relaxation of rules. Detail is attached at Annex-A.

(c) No proposal is under consideration to cancel/get vacate the said accommodations at present.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

163. Mr. Murad Saeed: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total amount recovered by the Islamabad Electricity Supply Company (IESCO) from the defaulters of electricity since 1-1-2014 alongwith their names and amount recovered from them;

(b) the total default amount thereof at present; and

(c) the details of members of the Senate of Pakistan, National and Provincial Assemblies who are the defaulters of IESCO at present?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) Total amount recovered from IESCO’s defaulters from 01-01-2014 to 30-06-2015 is Rs. 358,807,402.00 from 42682 No. of defaulters. List of Account No. wise name and address and amount recovered from consumers is enclosed at Annex-A. 12

(b) Presently, there are 14998 Permanent Disconnected Defaulters having defaulting amount of Rs. 354, 724,406.00.

(c) Detail of Members of Parliament who are defaulters of IESCO is place at Annex-B.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

167. Dr. Muhammad Azhar Khan Jadoon: (Deferred during 24th Session)

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state:

(a) the names and official addresses of the employees to whom Government quarters/houses Nos.150 to 160, Sector G-6/2, Islamabad have been allotted;

(b) whether it is a fact that some of the said houses/quarters have illegally been occupied; if so, the details alongwith the action taken against the responsibles therefor; and

(c) the time by which said houses/quarters will be vacated from illegal occupants?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): (a) The name and official addresses or the employees to whom Government quarters/ houses No. 1 50 to 160, Sector G-6/2, Islamabad have been allotted is at Annex-A.

(b) No, it is not a fact.

(c) There is no question of vacation. 13 Annex-A 14 24. Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state the location-wise total number of Hajj Travel Agencies registered with the Ministry alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony (Sardar Muhammad Yousaf: 738 Hajj Travel Agencies — Hajj Group Organizers (HGOs) have been allocated Hajj Quota for Hajj 2015. Location-wise detail is as under:— —————————————————————————————— # Region No. of HGOs —————————————————————————————— 1. Islamabad 133 2. Lahore 203 3. Karachi 214 4. Peshawar 124 5. Quetta 64 —————————————————————————————— Total: 738 —————————————————————————————— Region-wise list is annexed.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

25. Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the total quantity of electricity in Mega Watts being generated by K-Electric at present?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): As informed by K. Electric, the total dependable generation capacity of K. Electric at present, including IPPs is around 2,649 MW i.e.

“ K. Electric own generation: 1,650 MW “ External Suppliers: 999 MW

26. Ms. Shagufta Jumani:

Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: 15 (a) whether it is a fact that a number of Medical Stores are functioning in Islamabad without obtaining licences; if so, the total number thereof; and

(b) the action taken by the Government to prevent illegal sale of medicines?

Transferred to Interior Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

27. Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that electricity system has badly been affected due to installation of 66 KV Transformer in District Lower Dir, NA-34;

(b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to upgrade the system by substituting it with 132 KV Transformer?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a)&(b) The up gradation of 66 KV grid station Dir to 132 KV is already included in 7th STG program and on the completion of Golen Gol Power House, the voltage level will be enhanced due to shifting of 33 KV Drosh and Chitral load on new 132 KV system.

28. Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that 220 KV Grid Station at Chakdarrah, Malakand Division has been approved;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the construction work has not been started thereupon so far; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) the time by which the construction work will be started by the Government thereupon? 16 Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) PC- I of the Project was approved on 13-10-2014.

(b) The construction work has not been started so far. The possession has been handed over to NTDC by DC Malakand on 07-10-2015. Design / drawing work is in progress.

(c) The construction work will be started in the month of April, 2016.

29. Sahibzada Tariq Ullah:

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state:

(a) the names, designation and addresses of houses/flats of the employees of The Estate Office, Islamabad to whom Government flats/houses have been allotted during the last three years; and

(b) whether it is a fact that the Federal Lodges, Islamabad presently functioning under the administrative control of Pak PWD is being handed over to the Estate Office, Islamabad; if so, reasons thereof?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): (a) The names designation and addresses of houses/flats of the employees of the Estate Office, Islamabad to whom Government flats/houses have been allotted during the last three years is attached at Annex-A.

(b) It is a fact that management of Federal Lodges has been handed over to Estate Office to ensure the payment of salaries to the employees of Federal Lodges by 1st of every month and provide a promotion channel to its employees. The Pak-PWD Inqlab Union has filed petition in NIRC and got stay orders. The case is subjudice in court of law.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

30. Mr. Sajid Nawaz:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

17 (a) the steps being taken by the Government to address the complaints regarding royalty of affectees; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to facilitate in the recovery of outstanding amount of electricity from the people of said area?

Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) There is no outstanding matter regarding royalty of affectees of Warsak Dam and no complaints thereof are pending with WAPDA.

(b) Presently, there is no proposal under consideration of PESCO.

31. Mr. Muhammad Moeen Wattoo:

Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the standard of local auto mobile is being regulated by the Engineering Development Board (EDB); if so, the prescribed procedure thereof;

(b) the other functions of the said Board;

(c) whether auto mobile manufacturers are given specific guide lines by the EDB; if so, the guide lines thereof on security and safety of the vehicles; and

(d) whether the manufacturers and said Board are aware of the international safety and security standards set in Japan, USA and Germany?

Minister for Industries and Production (Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi): (a) EDB does not regulate the standards of the automobile industry.

(b) Functions/ToRs of the EDB are as under:

(i) Develop a long term vision for the development of the engineering sector.

(ii) Formulate and coordinate all government policies relating to the engineering sector. 18 (iii) Develop an overall strategic engineering development plan.

(iv) Promotion of Export through participation in trade fairs.

(v) Enhancement of Technical Training

(vi) Formulate policies and guidelines for utilization of technology development and engineering funds.

(vii) Appeal for grievances.

(viii) Management of Indigenization Policy.

(c) EDB provides guidelines to local assemblers to ensure minimum in house manufacturing facilities for the assembly of vehicle under SRO 656(I)/2006 dated 22-06-2006 which allow import of CKD under concessionary regime to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). Guidelines concerning safety standards fall under the purview of Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) under Ministry of Science & Technology.

(d) At present all manufacturers operating in Pakistan are following the standards of their principals. EDB, however under the proposed draft Auto Policy has already recommended to harmonize standards of locally assembled vehicles with the prevailing global automotive standards. In this regard EDB is planning to attend 167th Session of World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP-29) scheduled to be held at Vienna in November, 2015.

32. Mr. Ramesh Lal:

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to refer to Un- Starred Question No.102 replied on 13-8-2015 and to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to provide funds for repair and maintenance of houses in Sector G-10/3, Islamabad during the next two months; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): There are 2072 Nos. Houses under the administrative control or Pak. PWD various categories in Sector G-9/2, G-10/2, G-10/3 and G-11/4, Islamabad out of which 628 Nos. houses / flats of various categories are situated in Sector G-10/3, Islamabad. For the year 2015-16, only Rs. 2.00 million has been allocated against 19 the Maintenance of 2072 houses. As such hardly Rs. 965/- is meant for one house / flat annually, which is very meager amount. However the case of supplementary grant is under preparation for allotment of additional funds.

33. Mr. Ramesh Lal:

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise funds allocated for civil and electrical works to the Enquiry Office of Pak PWD, Sector G-10/3, Islamabad during the last three years till date alongwith the year-wise utilization thereof;

(b) the month-wise complaints registered in the said office since 1-1-2015 alongwith the nature thereof; and

(c) the house-wise expenditure incurred on the repair/maintenance of houses in the said Sector by the present Government? Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani): (a) The detail of year wise funds allocated and utilization thereof for Civil and E/M works to the Enquiry Office of Pak.PWD, Sector G-10/3, Islamabad during the last three years is as under:— —————————————————————————————— Year Total Total Allocation Utilization (Rs.) (Rs.) —————————————————————————————— 2012-13 987,604 987,604 2013-14 524,307 524,307 2014-15 1,360,025 1,360,025 —————————————————————————————— Total: 2,871,936 2,871,936 —————————————————————————————— Detail is at Annex-A (b) Total 2956 complaints registered since 01-01-2015 till date. Month- wise detail is at Annex-B (c) House-wise expenditure incurred on repair / maintenance by the present Government is at Annex-C.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 20 34. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan:

Will the Minister for Ports and Shipping be pleased to state the details of persons appointed in the Ministry and its attached departments during the years 2011-12 and 2013-14 alongwith the district-wise details of domiciles thereof?

Minister for Ports and Shipping (Mr. Kamran Michael): Ministry of Ports and Shipping and its attached authorities as per rules/regulations of the Government makes appointments to various cadre/grade by following the provincial quota, academic qualifications, age limits gender quota and computer /capabilities/ experience. In the Ministry and its attached Departments/Authorities the details of person appointed during the period 2011-12 to 2013-14 is as below:—

(i) Ministry of Ports and Shipping (Main)

During the period 2011-12 and 2013-14, six (06) regular / contract/ contingent / daily wages appointments were made in the Ministry of Ports & Shipping (main, Islamabad). The details are at Annex-I.

(ii) Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC), Karachi

During the period from 2011-12 to 2013-14 following appointment were made in PNSC (detail is at Annex-II):—

Year # of Posts 2011-12 104 2013-14 103

(iii) Gwadar Port Authority (GPA), Gwadar.

During the period from 2011-12 to 2013-14 a total number of 48 appointments were made in GPA (detail is at Annex-III).

(iv) Karachi Port Trust (KPT), Karachi

During the period 2011-12 a total number of 266 and in 2013-14 a total number of 6 appointments were made in KPT (detail is at Annex-IV). 21 (v) Port Qasim Authority (PQA), Karachi

During the period 2011 to 2014 a total number of 125 quota-wise and 356 appointments where quota was not applicable were made in PQA (detail is at Annex-V).

(vi) Marine Biological Research Laboratory (MBRL), Karachi

Only one appointment was made during the period 2013-14 in MBRL (detail is at Annex-VI).

(vii) Government Shipping Office, Karachi

Only one appointment was made during the period 2013-14 in Government Shipping Office (detail is at Annex-VII).

(viii) Pakistan Marine Academy (PMA), Karachi

During the period under report a total number of 16 appointments were made in PMA (detail is at Annex-VIII).

The following department/organizations have forwarded their NIL reports:

S.# Department / Organization

(a) Marine Fisheries Department, Karachi (b) Korangi Fish Harbour Authority, Karachi. (c) Mercantile Marine Department, Karachi (d) Directorate of Dock Workers Safety, Karachi (e) Seamen Welfare & Seamen Hostel, Karachi

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

35. Mr. Waseem Akhtar Shaikh:

Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Estate Office, Islamabad has received service particulars from employees of the Government to allot Government accommodations; if so, the category-wise details thereof; and 22 (b) the time by which said accommodations will be allotted to those employees?

Minister for Housing and Works (Mr. Akram Khan Durrani):(a) Yes it is a fact that the particulars of the senior Federal Government Servants on the General Waiting List are being received/obtained to allot Government accommodation. The category-wise details of the senior most employees on General Waiting List who have been issue offer letters and allotments issued/ under process are as under:

A type 300 B type 300 Cat. V 400 C type 200 D type/Cat-IV 250 Cat-III/E type 600 F type 110 Cat-II/G type 210 Cat.I 114

(b) The senior Federal Government Servants on the General Waiting list are being allotted accommodation as per availability of accommodation.

36. Mr. Waseem Akhtar Shaikh:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that an estimate was sent by the Sub-Division Kallar Syedan, Rawalpindi for alignment of electricity aerial cables from the houses is pending with the City Cirle Wing, Rawalpindi;

(b) if so, the date of submission of said estimate to the said wing alongwith the justification for non-sanction thereof so far;

(c) the time by which the said estimate will be sanctioned; and

(d) the details of estimates which were approved during the fiscal year 2014-15? 23 Minister for Water and Power (Khawaja Muhammad Asif): (a) Yes, an estimate amounting to Rs.207,483/- was prepared by SDO (E) IESCO Sub- Division Kallar Syedan for shifting of line to an appropriate route. The case is pending due to payment of the aforesaid amount either by the affectees or allocation of funds by any sponsoring agency / local MPA/MNA.

(b) Reply as per part-a above.

(c) No time frame can be given as it is subject to receipt of estimated cost to IESCO.

(d) No shifting estimate was approved in respect of IESCO Sub-Division Kallar Syedan during fiscal year 2014-15 under maintenance head.

MOHAMMAD RIAZ, Secretary. ISLAMABAD: The 24th November, 2015.
