Caritas CzeCh republiC Director: Mgr. et Mgr. lukáš curylo (since 1’ february 2014, till 31st January 2014, Mgr. oldřich Haičman was the director) president: Mons. pavel posád, světící biskup spiritual assistant: p. Mgr. Juan Bautista ignatio provecho lópez, osa CONtaCts Vladislavova 12 110 00 praha 1 +420 96 243 330, +420 296 243 344 fax: +420 296 243 333
[email protected] Caritas Cr ONliNe – official website – Humanitarian aid and Developmnet cooperation – three Kings collection – lenten alms – active seniors – floods in czech republic – ccr educational institute Marianeum annual report 2013 Visit us: Vladislavova 12, praha 1 Mo, We, tH 10-16, tu 10-18 general partner of caritas Sëôêíîõ Ñôìáôñê Åñãëàíó Parish and local Caritas units in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia Contents Õàñíòãîñå Archdiocesan Caritas / Diocesan Caritas Ãolwí .äòêcÊàìäíèâä page Local / Municipal Caritas Ëèáäñäâ ÕñàóèòëàõèâäíÍèòîô ]òówíàãËàáäì ÉàáëîíäâíÍèòîô Parish Caritas Óäïëèâä .äòêcËwïà Foreword 1 Greek Catholic Caritas Éèñêîõ ËÈÓÎÌ2PÈÂÄ About Caritas Czech Republic 2 Ëîõîòèâä Éèëäìíèâä Ìîòó Óñôóíîõ Òóôãäíäâ Âçîìôóîõ Ëèáîâçîõèâä Social and Health Care Services 3 ÌäíîôÌoëíwêà Òîáîóêà .äñõäí Êîòóäëäâ ÃõñÊñcëîõn Êñàòëèâä ÑîôãíèâäíËàáäì íËàáäì Ícâçîã Integration of Foreigners in CR 6 Îòóñîõ ÌëàãcÁîëäòëàõ Éèlwí Âçîãîõ íÎçw À aàóäâ Ìoëíwê Ãîáñôêà Éàõîñíwê Humanitarian Aid 8 ÊñàëôïøíÕëóàõîô