Jason Charles Courtmanche Director of the Connecticut Writing Project and Lecturer in English, University of Connecticut, Storrs Date of first appointment: August 1, 2007 Revised: September 9, 2015 Department of English University of Connecticut 215 Glenbrook Road, U-4025 Storrs, CT 06269-4025 (860) 486 5772
[email protected] www.cwp.uconn.edu Education Ph.D. (English) 2006 University of Connecticut, Storrs M.A. (English) 1995 Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA TCPCG (English Ed) 1992 University of Connecticut, Storrs B.A. (English) 1991 University of Connecticut, Storrs, magna cum laude Dissertation Sin and Salvation: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Typology of Evil MA Thesis Accelereate, Don’t Remediate: Teaching Writing to At-Risk Students and Basic Writers Professional History 2007-Present Director, CWP University of Connecticut, Storrs 2007-Present Lecturer, English University of Connecticut, Storrs 2007 Co-director, CWP University of Connecticut, Storrs 2006-2007 Adjunct Professor of English University of Connecticut, Storrs 2005-2006 Teaching Assistant, English University of Connecticut, Storrs 2004-2005 Adjunct Professor of English University of Connecticut, Storrs 2000-2002 Lecturer, English University of Connecticut, Storrs 2000-2002 Co-director, CWP University of Connecticut, Storrs 1995-2007 English teacher RHAM High School, Hebron CT 1993-1994 Graduate Instructor, English Humboldt State University, Arcata Research Interests Rhetoric and composition, teacher education, American literature, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Publications Books How Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Narratives Are Shaped By Sin: His Use of Biblical Typology in His Four Major Works. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 2008. https://mellenpress.com/mellenpress.cfm?bookid=7440&pc=9 Book Chapters “When a Writing Teacher Teaches Reading.” Writing Teachers Teaching Reading.