Media Release
( MITA Duty To: Officer/MITA/SINGOV cc: (bcc: Jeannie LEE/MTI/SINGOV) Subject: [Embargoed] Speech by SMS Peter Chen, 28 July 2001, 28/07/2001 10:56 2.00pm AM Singapore Government MEDIA RELEASE Media Division, Ministry of Information and the Arts, 140 Hill Street #02-02 MITA Building Singapore 179369. Tel: 837 9666 EMBARGO INSTRUCTIONS The attached press release/speech is EMBARGOED UNTIL AFTER DELIVERY. Please check against delivery. For assistance call 837 9666 SPRInter 4.0, Singapore's Press Releases on the Internet, is located at: EMBARGOED UNTIL AFTER DELIVERY PLEASE CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY SPEECH BY MR PETER CHEN, SENIOR MINISTER OF STATE, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY, AT RIVER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL’S 45th SPEECH AND PRIZE PRESENTATION DAY ON 28 JULY 2001, 2.00 PM Mr Tham Tuck Meng, Principal, River Valley High School Mr Lee Fee Huang, Chairman, School Advisory Committee Parents, Alumni, Teachers and Students 1. It gives me great pleasure to join you at this celebration to mark River Valley High School’s 45th anniversary. The theme you have aptly chosen is "Celebrating Together". If you leaf through the pages of the history of the school, its traditions and achievements, it becomes clear why there is much to be proud of and to celebrate. I have always had a very positive image of your school. HISTORY AND ACHIEVEMENTS 2. Your Principal Mr Tham recently gave me a crash course on the history of your school. I wonder how many of you know that your school had a very humble beginning in 1956 as Cheng Bao Xuexiao, a Chinese school located not in River Valley Road but in Seng Poh Road, off Alexandra Road.
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