418 bus time schedule & line map

418 Farnborough Green View In Website Mode

The 418 bus line (Farnborough Green) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Farnborough Green: 7:25 AM (2) Sleaford: 2:55 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 418 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 418 bus arriving.

Direction: Farnborough Green 418 bus Time Schedule 58 stops Farnborough Green Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:25 AM Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill Tuesday 7:25 AM Chase Hospital, Whitehill Wednesday 7:25 AM Forest Surgery, Bordon Thursday 7:25 AM DENE CLOSE, Whitehill Friday 7:25 AM Jacaranda Road, Bordon Forest Road, Whitehill Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational

Forest Centre, Bordon Pinehill Road, Whitehill Civil Parish

Neptune Road, Bordon 418 bus Info Apollo Drive, Whitehill Civil Parish Direction: Farnborough Green Stops: 58 Norman Close, Bordon Trip Duration: 75 min NORMAN CLOSE, Whitehill Civil Parish Line Summary: Bus Turning Circle, Whitehill, Chase Hospital, Whitehill, Forest Surgery, Bordon, Branson Road, Bordon Jacaranda Road, Bordon, Forest Centre, Bordon, Varna Road, Whitehill Civil Parish Neptune Road, Bordon, Norman Close, Bordon, Branson Road, Bordon, Saville Crescent, Bordon, Saville Crescent, Bordon Chalet Hill Shops, Bordon, Canada Way, Bordon, Post Chalet Hill, Whitehill Civil Parish Oce, Bordon, Eco Station, Bordon Camp, Lion Court, Sleaford, New Inn Barns, Sleaford, Osbornes Chalet Hill Shops, Bordon Farm, Sleaford, Frith End, Frithend, Alice Holt Forest, Tilbury's Close, Whitehill Civil Parish , Gravel Hill Road, , Birdworld, Holt Pound, Fullers Road, Holt Pound, Canada Way, Bordon Echo Barn Lane, , Westeld Lane, Essex Road, Whitehill Civil Parish Wrecclesham, The Street, Wrecclesham, Bardsley Drive, Wrecclesham, Weydon Lane, , Post Oce, Bordon Baldreys, Farnham, Recreation Ground, Farnham, Ryle Road, Farnham, Weydon Hill Road, Farnham, Eco Station, Bordon Camp Weydon Estate, Farnham, Arthur Close, Farnham, Farnham Road, Whitehill Civil Parish Firgrove Hill, Farnham, Farnham Station Forecourt, Farnham, Six Bells Roundabout, Farnham, Bullers Lion Court, Sleaford Road, Weybourne, Mill Stream, Weybourne, All Hallows School, Weybourne, Woodlands Avenue, New Inn Barns, Sleaford Weybourne, Duke Of York, , Hillside Road, Aldershot, Bridge Road, Aldershot, Halimote Road, Osbornes Farm, Sleaford Aldershot, Old Town Hall, Aldershot, Lime Street, Aldershot, Maitland Road, South Farnborough, Frith End, Frithend Aviator Hotel, South Farnborough, F.A.S.T Museum, South Farnborough, Rushmoor Council Oces, Alice Holt Forest, Bucks Horn Oak Farnborough Park, Kingsmead Main Road, Dockeneld Street, Civil Parish Farnborough, Ham And Blackbird, Farnborough, Napoleon Avenue, Farnborough, Prospect Avenue, Gravel Hill Road, Holt Pound Farnborough Green, Bradfords Garage, Farnborough Green, Prince Charles Crescent, Hawley Birdworld, Holt Pound Lane, Oaken Copse Crescent, Hawley Lane, Sand Hill, Hawley Lane, Sixth Form College, Farnborough Green Fullers Road, Holt Pound

Echo Barn Lane, Wrecclesham

Westeld Lane, Wrecclesham 59 The Street, Farnham Civil Parish

The Street, Wrecclesham Riverdale, Farnham Civil Parish

Bardsley Drive, Wrecclesham

Weydon Lane, Farnham 36 Weydon Lane, Farnham Civil Parish

Baldreys, Farnham

Recreation Ground, Farnham

Ryle Road, Farnham

Weydon Hill Road, Farnham

Weydon Estate, Farnham

Arthur Close, Farnham

Firgrove Hill, Farnham 14 Firgrove Hill, Farnham

Farnham Station Forecourt, Farnham Farnham Station entrance when ticket oce is closed, Farnham

Six Bells Roundabout, Farnham Weybourne Road cycle path, Farnham

Bullers Road, Weybourne Weybourne Road cycle path, Farnham Civil Parish

Mill Stream, Weybourne 12b Weybourne Road, Farnham Civil Parish

All Hallows School, Weybourne Stanley Close, Farnham Civil Parish

Woodlands Avenue, Weybourne The Laurels, Farnham Civil Parish

Duke Of York, Aldershot 248 Weybourne Road, Aldershot

Hillside Road, Aldershot

Bridge Road, Aldershot

Halimote Road, Aldershot

Old Town Hall, Aldershot

Lime Street, Aldershot

Maitland Road, South Farnborough

Aviator Hotel, South Farnborough Farnborough Road cycle path, Farnborough

F.A.S.T Museum, South Farnborough 78 Farnborough Road, Farnborough

Rushmoor Council Oces, Farnborough Park

Kingsmead Main Road, Farnborough Kingsmead, Farnborough

Ham And Blackbird, Farnborough Ham & Blackbird Roundabout, Farnborough

Napoleon Avenue, Farnborough

Prospect Avenue, Farnborough Green

Bradfords Garage, Farnborough Green Farnborough Road, Farnborough

Prince Charles Crescent, Hawley Lane Hawley Lane cycle path, Farnborough

Oaken Copse Crescent, Hawley Lane Grange Road, Farnborough

Sand Hill, Hawley Lane

Sixth Form College, Farnborough Green Sand Hill cycle path, Farnborough Direction: Sleaford 418 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Sleaford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 2:55 PM Sixth Form College, Farnborough Green Tuesday 2:55 PM Empress Avenue, Farnborough A325, Farnborough Wednesday 2:55 PM

Ham And Blackbird, Farnborough Thursday 2:55 PM Farnborough Road cyclepath (east), Farnborough Friday 2:55 PM

Oak Road, Farnborough Saturday Not Operational Oak Road cycle path, Farnborough

College Of Technology, Farnborough Park Farnborough Road cyclepath, Farnborough 418 bus Info F.A.S.T Museum, South Farnborough Direction: Sleaford 78 Farnborough Road, Farnborough Stops: 39 Trip Duration: 58 min Aviator Hotel, South Farnborough Line Summary: Sixth Form College, Farnborough Farnborough Road cycle path, Farnborough Green, Empress Avenue, Farnborough, Ham And Blackbird, Farnborough, Oak Road, Farnborough, Maitland Road, South Farnborough College Of Technology, Farnborough Park, F.A.S.T Museum, South Farnborough, Aviator Hotel, South Wesley Hall, Aldershot Farnborough, Maitland Road, South Farnborough, Barrack Road, Aldershot Wesley Hall, Aldershot, Old Town Hall, Aldershot, Halimote Road, Aldershot, Bridge Road, Aldershot, Old Town Hall, Aldershot Hillside Road, Aldershot, Duke Of York, Aldershot, Woodlands Avenue, Weybourne, All Hallows School, Halimote Road, Aldershot Weybourne, Mill Stream, Weybourne, Bullers Road, Weybourne, Six Bells Roundabout, Farnham, Bridge Road, Aldershot Farnham Station Forecourt, Farnham, Firgrove Hill, Farnham, Arthur Close, Farnham, Weydon Estate, Hillside Road, Aldershot Farnham, Ryle Road, Farnham, Recreation Ground, Farnham, Baldreys, Farnham, Weydon Lane, Duke Of York, Aldershot Farnham, Bardsley Drive, Wrecclesham, Weydon School, Wrecclesham, Wrecclesham Bridge, Woodlands Avenue, Weybourne Wrecclesham, The Street, Wrecclesham, Westeld Lane, Wrecclesham, Echo Barn Lane, Wrecclesham, Fullers Road, Holt Pound, Birdworld, Holt Pound, All Hallows School, Weybourne Gravel Hill Road, Holt Pound, Alice Holt Forest, Bucks Stanley Close, Farnham Civil Parish Horn Oak, Frith End, Frithend, Osbornes Farm, Sleaford Mill Stream, Weybourne 14 Weybourne Road, Farnham Civil Parish

Bullers Road, Weybourne Weybourne Road cycle path, Farnham Civil Parish

Six Bells Roundabout, Farnham Weybourne Road cycle path, Farnham

Farnham Station Forecourt, Farnham Farnham Station entrance when ticket oce is closed, Farnham

Firgrove Hill, Farnham Arthur Close, Farnham

Weydon Estate, Farnham

Ryle Road, Farnham

Recreation Ground, Farnham Upper Way, Farnham

Baldreys, Farnham

Weydon Lane, Farnham 36 Weydon Lane, Farnham Civil Parish

Bardsley Drive, Wrecclesham Bardsley Drive, Farnham Civil Parish

Weydon School, Wrecclesham

Wrecclesham Bridge, Wrecclesham Ellerton Way, Farnham Civil Parish

The Street, Wrecclesham

Westeld Lane, Wrecclesham 59 The Street, Farnham Civil Parish

Echo Barn Lane, Wrecclesham

Fullers Road, Holt Pound

Birdworld, Holt Pound

Gravel Hill Road, Holt Pound

Alice Holt Forest, Bucks Horn Oak High Street, Binsted Civil Parish

Frith End, Frithend

Osbornes Farm, Sleaford 418 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved