Christlieb Ehregott Gellert and His Metallurgic Chymistry

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Christlieb Ehregott Gellert and His Metallurgic Chymistry 2 ll. t. Ch. 24 ( CHRISTLIEB EHREGOTT GELLERT AND HIS METALLURGIC CHYMISTRY th bh, vl Unvrt Introduction St. trbr (6 nd t th t b td th th n Ad f Sn. On h Chrtlb Ehrtt Gllrt ( (. th rtrn t rbr h rd n prvt tllrl frt prfr f tllrl htr t th Mnn prt nltnt t th ll ltr. A f Ad n rbr n t fnd r ltr h trtd prvt th tn n 6. b Metallurgic n f tllrl htr t Chymistry frt pblhd n h h t fll th p rtd b Grn n Anfangsgründe th dth f hnn rdrh der metallurgischen Chemie (. 2. nl (644, h th h b lttl nn r l frt t fnd n n rbr thh t f pl prtn b prvt Shl f Mn (7). t rttn trd th nd Gllrt rtrd t rbr t pr f th A f Alh. It l f ntr fr thn th frt nd lt b bnn tllrl htr, nd t b htr nd tllr, r th l f th ll nd fr Gllrt vn t th Ad. n tdnt. r xpl, b r Wlhl pd f h f th bt t (2842 prtd th r llrl ht f h t, th nt t tn: n fr htr Kn f Srdn nt h fv t nd n fr tllr (. h b, dnt. In h ppntd thrfr, prvd lp t Inptr f Mn nd Sltr n rtl prd n th htr f h Sxn, nd n 62 h b tr nd tllr, th f th Chf Adntrtr f ndr lht bl nd dhrn t nd r f rbr bfr th phltn thr. ptn th thn ptn t th nl fndd Mnn Ad. Gllrt brn n At , r . Chr tlb b Eh Ehrtt G rt n nhn, brb f ( In 46 hl n St. tr rbr, th n f th tn p br h trnltd Crr b (8 Elementa Artis tr, nd h dd M 8, n rbr h nvr Docimastica nt Grn Anfangsgriinde der rrd (2. tdd t Mn nd pz. r Probierkunst (682 p nd n 0 rt h n t 4 h prfr n ndr hl n r Anfangsgründe der metallurgischen Chemie nd ll. t. Ch. 24 ( 33 n nthr r Anfangsgründe zur Probierkunst, thr dtl. Al n th txt (p h rfr t Arl bth pblhd n pz. th r trnltd n 8 nd Shlüttr tht tn thr r (. nt rnh b th phlphr rn lnr trh dlbh (28 nd pblhd n r h b pd f t nrl l prt: rt I. hrtl, dvdd nt thr tn: h ndr th ttl Chimie métallurgique n t vl. Itln trnltn pprd n 8 nd 0. Gllrt tr nd Objt f Mtllrl Chtr, Ch rdtd th bn th frt t rlz tht th ltn l Ant nd Intrnt, nd Chl Oprtn. pnt f xtr f t xd lr thn tht f rt II. rtl, ntnn xprnt. thr xd tn prtl. h , f r, pr h frt dvn f th hrtl rt n b tnt n th frtn f l drn ltn pr. prd t drn nrl, r dpt, nd prpr l rd th dnt f ll nd nldd t f tl (vr brfl. h nd dvn tht th tl rtr thn tht lltd b th dn f th fr hl nt: fr, r, tr, xtr rl. nd rth hh r ll nd rrnl drbd h tllr f ld nd lvr pld n pr n htr f htr b th "r Elnt." tnt rl n th dvlpnt f htr bfr th In Gllrt lrl tt tht "fr th prnpl nt n dtrl vltn. Whl th tn f rr n th rt f htr tht t tn n hl ld nd th frtn f l r nn t th prtn n b prfrd." Cnrnn r, h r n, th nld ppld fr th frt t n n ndtrl l t rvr lvr fr t r n Mx nd th Spnh Sth Arn ln n th ddl f th xtnth ntr. In Erp lvr nl rvrd fr lfd r b ltn. Intr t n th Spnh prt rd n Erp pbl hpr thnl. h Atrn nrl t Inz vn rn (42 ttd th pblt b ht b nn ltr th "hlrdzn rt n pr (." h lvr lfd r, hh nt nbl t drt ltn, frt rtd th lt nd thn lrrd th tr nd rr t lvr l fr hh lvr ld b rvrd. h pr prvd b Gllrt nd ppld n n ndtrl l n plnt nr rbr, hh prtd fr 0 t 8 nd prdd r thn 00 tn f lvr. Gellert's Main Work Gllrt br th trdtn f h t b rtn n Gr n ntd f tn. frt b trnltd nt Enlh n 66 Metallurgic Chymistry b hn Sfrth, pprntl t th rt f th l St n ndn (0. h Enlh trnltn, hvr, nt prntd ntl tn r ltr. h ddd fr Figure 2. Gllrt Anfangsgründe der th frt f p f th b hh rr metallurgischen Chemie ( " th rdnt nd Mbr f th l St," tht, "Sn n hl prtn b dn th dtd At 20, 66, flld b nthr t fr, t fll tht th n nthr b prfrd " th dr," dtd n 4, 6 bth r tht r." ph frthr tht n fr n xt nd b th trnltr. In th ntrdtn, Gllrt r tht r, nd nbd nn ld lv nd r fr t th r h d. Althh h t th tht r. Gllrt tt tht "Wtr h tht plr n f hr, Sthl, nl, tt, Mrrf, nd prprt f ntn th thr bd nd t nttt Crr, h d nt t th ttl f thr r nr n Figure . Gffr Affnt bl (8 thrfr prft xtr...." rthr, h dfn b ( dtlltn fl, nd tn, th thr thr t rth " pl, hrd, fxd, frbl bd, nt flxn frn. n th fr, nd nthr lbl n r nr tr, nr pr Chl prtn dd n th thrd dvn t f n, nr n n l." Wth th ttnt Gllrt r lfd rdn t th fr nt. h, pr n f th lld fr lnt hh r tn prfrd b fr nld fn, rtn, l ll rbd t Arttl bt n rlt r nn ntn, bltn, dtlltn, nd vprtn. h rlr t th rn prpht rtr (6608 .C.? prfrd b r, r drbd, h "ltn f t th fr rd lnt (2. l b th r" (xdtn ?, frnttn, ptrftn, In ddtn t th fr nt, Gllrt dvt n nd thr. h prfrd b tr, r hn, pprbl p t "lvnt Mntr." h lxvtn (lhn, nd dlrtn (prftn b nrl tr hh n drn trnl ld b hn. An prtn prfrd b rth fxtn. vlnt t flx, t d frn ltn, In ddtn, Gllrt t hl prtn prfrd nd t tl frn ll. Gllrt thn dvt b n f "lvnt Mntr," hh nld l hptr t hl pprt, nl frn. r tn, ltn n th dr l l n, h rfr t b b rhv, Crr, nd dlph, n f br, ldrn, rftn (frtn f bt tht tn th xt r (. h hptr l, rdtn f "tlln l nt tl," nd ntn nr lltrtn bnd n fr hrt, "ltn n th ld ." r th prtn, Gllrt n bn dvtd t lbrtr tnl h th l df Gffr Affnt bl ntrtd n 8 . Bull. Hist. Chem. 24 (1999) 35 without any reference to his predecessor. Both Tables together. Most of the experiments are inorganic in na- are shown in Fig. 3 and 4 for comparison. Gellert's ture; that is, related to metals, salts, and stones. Among Table, with 28 columns and 18 rows, was more elabo- the very few are organic experiments is the preparation rate than that of Geoffroy, which was constructed of of soaps from an oil. The modern reader would classify 16 columns and 9 rows. Gellert placed substances hav- these experiments approximately as follows: prepara- ing the least affinity with the substance at the head of a tion of salts, e.g., ferrous sulfate from pyrite, alum from column at the top, the reverse of Geoffroy's order. He alum ore, saltpeter from a nitrous earth, etc.; prepara- included a list of "Chemical Figures", i.e., symbols for tion of acids, e.g., sulfuric acid by distillation of ferrous fire, air, water, earth, acid, alum, metals, etc. He used sulfate, nitric acid from saltpeter, hydrochloric acid from few letter symbols in the table: cobalt = K, bismuth = common salt, aqua regia, etc.; preparation of alloys; W (for Wismut in German), zinc X. A calx (oxide) melting of two oxides; dissolving metals in a variety of is shown by prefixing C, e.g. CX (calx of zinc), CW solutions; dissolving minerals in a variety of solutions; (calx of bismuth). and precipitation of a variety of compounds from aque- ous solution. The experiments mentioned in the second part of the book were apparently supposed to be conducted by Chemistry, Metallurgy, and Metallurgical students. Each experiment has a number, a title, and is divided into two parts: Method and Observation. Some- Chemistry times more than one method is described for the same Freiberg, an important mining town, is located 40 km experiment. Although they are written in a systematic southwest of Dresden. It was the capital of the mining way, there was no attempt to group related experiments r 4. Gellert's Affinity Table (1776) 36 Bull. Hist. Chem. 24 (1999) district of Saxony and the seat of the Mining Academy, tional schools for teaching mining, known as Bergschule, which is the oldest school of mines that is still function- were created in the Austrian Empire as early as 1735.
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