VOL. 114 - NO. 29 , MASSACHUSETTS, JULY 16, 2010 $.30 A COPY Here’s a Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Madonna Delle Grazie Procession ENFORCE THE LAWS WE HAVE! by Gregory D. Lee In the July 7, 2010 edition Latino civil rights and advo- of USA Today, Janet cacy group. Murguia, the president and She mentions that, accord- CEO of the National Council ing to the FBI, “crime along of La Raza, wrote an oppos- the border and in Arizona is ing view to the newspaper’s actually down.” If true, you contention that the U.S. gov- have Maricopa County Sher- ernment should not sue iff Joe Arpaio and his depu- Arizona over its yet-to-be- ties to thank. Attorney Gen- enacted law to check the eral Eric Holder is investi- papers of suspected illegal gating him because his aliens. The newspaper is policy is to arrest and turn actually for “comprehensive over illegal immigrants to immigration reform,” but Immigration and Customs against the suit, so it was Enforcement. That’s his re- like Ms. Murguia was debat- ward for good law enforce- ing herself. ment. I got your comprehensive Ms. Murguia contends that reform right here! “Arizona’s new immigration Ms. Murguia used the law … is sure to lead to ra- same, old, tired, arguments cial profiling.” What evi- opponents to the bill have dence can she cite? Only made since Gov. Jan Brewer the federal government has (R-AZ) signed it. She wrote immigration law, not the that the “Justice Depart- states. Arizona’s SB 1070 ment has a duty to block merely requires that when Arizona’s unconstitutional a police officer lawfully en- law.” The constitutionality counters a person he rea- of the law is yet to be deter- sonably believes is in the The Madonna Delle Grazie di San Sossi Baronia, Avellino held their annual procession mined by any court. Even country illegally, he must through the streets of the North End on Sunday, July 11, 2010. For a complete list of though she’s a lawyer, I check his documents to upcoming processions and festivals see page 7. (Photo by Sal Giarratani) hardly think Mr. Murguia is verify his lawful presence in qualified to render such an the country. The law specifi- opinion when she is the leader of the nation’s largest (Continued on Page 14) Mayor’s Column News Briefs by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston Last week, officials identified the pres- the City of Boston has been collaborat- by Sal Giarratani ence of Asian Longhorned Beetles (ALB) ing with state and federal partners, resi- in six trees on the grounds of the dents can play a key role in our effort. The Elderly Win Again Faulkner Hospital in Jamaica Plain. You can help by educating yourself and In the last week of June, Beacon Hill passed While we are confident that the discov- your neighbors on how to spot a possible a new driving bill that featured a bill on texting ery of the ALB here in Boston is an iso- infestation and keeping a close watch while driving that passed, 150-1. The legisla- lated and contained incident, this is a on the trees in your neighborhood. tion also included a new requirement that se- serious issue that presents a very real Important information to help recog- niors 75 or older must renew their licenses in threat to Boston’s cityscape. The City of nize signs of the ALB: person and pass an eye test every five years. Boston is working closely with state and • The beetles are usually ¾-1¼ inches Dale Mitchell, executive director of Ethos, a federal officials, taking every step and long, with jet black bodies and mottled senior outreach group in Jamaica Plain reacted precaution necessary to protect our white spots. Their antennae are 1½ to to the new senior regulations by saying, trees and prevent further spread of the 2½ times their body length and have “Everyone supports safety on the highways. ALB. distinct black and white bands on each We’re opposed to anything that singles people The affected trees discovered in segment. out based upon age. We don’t think that age is Jamaica Plain were immediately re- • Look for sap, which may flow from the only factor that constitutes the potential moved and the neighboring trees in the oval pits in the tree that are chewed by for diminished capacity behind the wheel. We area have been heavily surveyed. The female beetles laying their eggs. feel that it’s discriminatory to focus on one age surrounding area within a 1.5 mile • Look for the accumulation of coarse group and create different criteria for that age radius around the site where the beetles sawdust around the base of infested group to get a license.” were found have been designated as a trees. This sawdust is created by the What about young drivers? Are they discrimi- “Restricted Area” and it is absolutely beetle larvae as they bore into the main nated as a driving age group. Does he oppose critical that any type of wood not be tree stem and branches. that age-based discrimination too? I’m waiting removed from this designated area so • Look for round holes the size of a Dale. that we can further prevent the beetles dime on the trunk and on the branches I believe drivers over age 75 should be road- from spreading. I ask that residents and of trees. These exit holes are made by tested in order to get their licenses renewed. business located within this area coop- adult beetles as they emerge from the Anyone who thinks otherwise, whether at Ethos erate fully with tree surveyors and tree. or AARP, are simply living in denial and kiss- officials to ensure that the inspection This is not the first time the ALB has ing up to their supporters. Their position on the process goes as smoothly as possible. been found in Massachusetts. An infes- issue of older drivers lacks both common sense We understand that the news of the tation discovered in Worcester in August (Continued on Page 15) ALB presence in Boston has been a great concern to our local communities. While (Continued on Page 12)

THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010

Stirpe by Prof. Edmund Turiello Res Publica Nostra by David Trumbull A weekly column highlighting some of the more interesting aspects of our ancestry...our lineage...our roots. Democrats on Beacon Hill Reject Republican Proposals to Save Over $1 Billion THE TOMB OF CECILIA METELLA As our Republican candidates pound off a budgetary disaster. Guest columnist Fr. Rocco Crescenzi the pavement in the coming weeks door- In the recent budget cycle, over $1.2 bil- knocking and speaking at fundraisers, they lion in reforms were put forward by Republi- will be citing GOP reforms that could save can legislators, and all were rejected by Massachusetts taxpayers over $1 billion. Democrats. The Legislature and Governor In the last four years, Democrats in the Patrick would rather tax and spend us into Legislature and Governor Patrick have the ground! lacked the political will and courage to Here is a list of GOP reforms proposed in implement the reforms necessary to stave the legislature this budget cycle: REFORMS SAVINGS Repeal Anti-Privatization Pacheco Law ...... $150-300 million Elimination of Lottery Advertising Account ...... $1 million Lease DCR pools, ice rinks and golf courses ...... $10 million The Tomb of Cecilia Metella Require Managed Care Enrollment for Medicaid Participants ...... $150 million Welfare Reform ...... $50 million Fr. Rocco was born in the also converted to Christian- Public Construction Reform ...... $75 million Province of Frosinone, Italy. He ity. These were bad times Elimination of Bunker Hill and Evacuation Day Holidays ...... $10 million joined the Don Orione Order and an outward display of Require proof of immigration status for public benefits ...... $10 million when he was 14 years old and his new Christian faith soon Inmate room and board fee...... $10 million was ordained a priest at the resulted in his execution. Medical Waste/Durable Medical Equipment ...... $75 million age of 27 in Tortona, Piedmont. Shortly thereafter Cecilia Require Agency Reports to be Distributed Solely through Electronic Means . $10 million He was the Administrator of chose not to repudiate her Sale of Surplus State Lands ...... $25 million the Don Orione Home, in East faith and she also was con- Three Year Extension of Pension Liability Funding Schedule ...... $300 million Boston for many years, start- demned to death by suffoca- Sponsorship of State Facilities and Assets ...... $25 million ing in 1952 and responsible for tion in the bathroom of her TOTAL ...... $1 billion plus the Madonna Queen Shrine, home. The hot air furnace that familiar landmark on the was loaded with about 7 times David Trumbull is the chairman of the Boston Ward Three Republican Committee. Boston’s hill in East Boston. Fr. Rocco its usual amount of fuel and Ward Three includes the North End, West End, part of Beacon Hill, downtown, waterfront, and I enjoy a short particulary she remained locked in the Chinatown, and part of the South End. warm friendship. It should also room for over twenty-four be told that the title of this hours. Cecilia survived the column “Stirpe Nostra” was his ordeal with little or no ill af- Saint Lawrence of Brindisi suggestion. The Father has cel- fects. an official was then by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari ebrated his 94th birthday and sent to behead her. As a nov- now is presently celebrating his ice he struck with a trem- Saint Lawrence was born was appointed by him 61st year in this country. Happy bling hand the three blows Caesare Russi at Brindisi, to organize the Catholic Anniversary Dear Padre, may which the law at that time Italy on July 22, 1559, he nobles against the invading for many more years be twice allowed, but left her still was the son of Guglielmo Turks. It was at the Battle as fruitful as the past have alive. She remained where and Elisabetta. When he of Stuhlweissenburg, Octo- been. He writes: she had fallen for two days was twelve years of age his ber 11, 1601 that Lawrence before death mercifully took father died. He then pursued roused the troops with a One of the well known cir- her. his studies at Venice with powerful sermon, then rode cular tombs in Rome is that St. Cecilia was originally the clerics of St. Mark’s and with the army as chaplain of Cecilia Metella. She is now buried in the Catacombs of under the supervision of one into battle carrying a cruci- known as St. Cecilia. The St. Calixtus. The Church of of his uncles. At sixteen fix; the Turks numbering structure is a landmark on St. Cecilia was later built Caesare entered the Capu- 80,000 men outnumbered the Via Appia and it is still over the site of the house in chin Franciscan community the German army of 18,000 standing, through it suffered which she was martyred at Verona where he received yet were repulsed and were from neglect and violence. and in 821 A.D. her body was the name of Lawrence. It was eventually expelled from th The tomb is said to be the old- transferred into that church. at the University of Padua Europe. On the 14 of Octo- est Roman building where The legend of St. Cecilia tells that he demonstrated his re- ber the Turks suffered a marble was used. The origi- us that as a result of a vision markable gift of languages; second defeat and withdrew nal cone shaped roof has been or a dream which occurred not only was he fluent in his their army behind the removed and all of the marble about 1500 years after her native Italian, but he easily Danube. facing has been stripped off. death, the tomb was re- mastered Hebrew, Latin, where Lutheranism was In an effort to achieve Some of the marble has been opened. She was found to be Greek, Spanish and French, spreading rapidly. He came peace in the Kingdom of reused at the Fountain of lying on her right side as a he also made rapid progress to the attention of Emperor Naples, Lawrence was sent Trevi. sleeping maiden and not on in theology, philosophy and Rudolph III as a result of by the Holy See as a spe- The Mausoleum is about her back in the usual death acquired a wide knowledge his holiness, wisdom and 70 feet in diameter and 100 position. The body showed no of Scripture. He was or- administrative ability and (Continued on Page 13) feet high. The thick stone visible signs of decay and ap- dained a priest at 23. walls leave little space on peared to be in a perfect state Lawrence’s sensitivity to the inside for a simple cir- of preservation. the needs of people a char- INAS/USA/CISL cular room which is open The sculptor-architect, acter trait perhaps unex- to the sky. The sarcophagus Carlo Maderna was com- pected in such a talented PATRONATO OFFICE was removed long ago. missioned to carve a statue scholar — began to surface. Cecilia is said to have been representing her exact posi- He was elected major supe- 9 Hull Street - Boston, Massachusetts 02113 the wife of Valerian, a young tion. The body of St. Cecilia rior of the Capuchin Fran- man chosen by her father. now lies in a white marble ciscan province of Tuscany DANIEL LOFFREDA Immediately after the wed- sarcophagus in the confes- at the age of 31. He had the TEL: 617-600-5353 ding ceremony she managed sion beneath the high altar combination of brilliance, to convince her husband that of the Church of St. Cecilia human compassion and Aiuto per le pratiche seguenti: an angel of God was watch- in Trastevere. The statue administrative skill needed ing over them and that if her carved by Maderna is also to carry out his duties. • Modulo INPS REDD 2009 virginity was respected and beneath that altar. In 1598, Lawrence was • Domanda pensione INPS maintained, God’s love and sent with eleven other Ca- • Domanda di Social Security puchins to establish Capu- blessings would come to both. NEXT ISSUE: The Pyramidal • Richiesta documenti dall’Italia Valerian was convinced and Tomb of Caius Cestius chin communities through- out Germany and Austria • Servizi di Notaio/traduzioni • Procura, e altre LAW OFFICES OF FOR RENT - REVERE TUTTO GRATIS! FRANK J. CIANO BREAKERS CONDOMINIUM Assistance for the following: 2 bdrm, 2 bath Condo • Form INPS REDD 2009 GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW on Revere Beach Blvd. • INPS Pension Application 7th floor ocean views from all rooms. DIVORCE • WILLS • ESTATE PLANNING • TRUSTS Newly renov. • Social Security Application CRIMINAL • PERSONAL INJURY • WORKERS COMP. Amenities include: • Request of documents from Italy Parking Space, Pool, Sauna, 617-354-9400 $1,600 month, ht, A/C included. • Notary services/translations Si Parla Italiano No Pets • Power of Attorney, and others 230 MSGR. O’BRIEN HIGHWAY • CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02141 Call 781-710-8418 or FREE OF CHARGE! 781-910-2454 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010 Page 3 Independence Day Italian Style Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor by Stefano Salimbeni 5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 617-227-8929 617-227-8928 FAX 617-227-5307 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.BostonPostGazette.com Subscriptions in the United States $30.00 yearly Published weekly by Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113

James V. Donnaruma Caesar L. Donnaruma Phyllis F. Donnaruma 1896 to 1953 1953 to 1971 1971 to 1990 Vol. 114 - No. 29 Friday, July 16, 2010

GUEST EDITORIAL FERRYING BETWEEN THE NORTH END AND EAST BOSTON by Sal Giarratani When I was a child living in Boston’s North End, I remember my father had friends in East Boston and we would often take the ferry over to Eastie from Independence Day cel- regret their decision, as by to, women (Tosca, Boheme, the North End. If I remember correctly, the fare was ebrations lasted a little the end of the night were Carmen, Lucia Lammer- two cents. Mostly, the ferry carried folks in their longer this year for Boston’s all standing up, loudly de- moor and others). cars. They paid a nickel. It was like the slow boat to Italian American commu- manding one encore after The title’s mythological China. The ferries stopped when the Tobin Bridge nity, as the Dante Alighieri another. reference was not chosen was opened. Back then, both neighborhoods were Society wished a slightly be- “People here are not afraid by chance: Mefite is in fact quite Italian. For a short time my father’s family lated “Happy Birthday” to the to cheer” said an exhausted the Goddess of fertility who, lived on London Street but were displaced by the United States of America, but happy Ms. Testa at the in the belief of the ancient Sumner Tunnel which sent them packing back last Friday, with a concert end of the two — hour — plus Greeks, roamed Irpinia, a across the water to the Sacred Heart Parish and which, despite the record — long performance. “With ruggedly beautiful mountain North Square again. heat and the summer week- an audience so enthusias- area of the Italian region I loved my time in the North End, especially the end date, attracted enough tic and warm it is hard to of Campania, where the two summers and the feasts. I had relatives there as people to fill its main hall to believe we are this far from musicians — as well as a a kid on Fleet Street. Today, in 2010, there are capacity. home,” she added. great number of Italian still family members from my grandmother’s side And the performers were A just as drained and immigrants to Boston — of the family who still call the place “home sweet not even famous. satisfied Mr. Testa, echoed come from. home.” I have enjoyed recently spending more time Pianist Nadia Testa and his co-star. “It’s an almost This “call of the land” in the North End and feel sort of like a “Prodigal Flautist Alessandro Crosta, dream-like experience,” he definitely contributed to Son” of sorts. I hang out at Mirabella Pool and at an italian duo specialized in said. “The best feeling for the success of the event, as Contrada’s. I’ve been writing in the Post-Gazette for instrumental renditions of me when you are abroad is well as the efforts by Dante about a quarter century now. I am a graduate of operatic arias, did tour Italy to see how music overrides president emeritus Lino the Michelangelo back in 1963 and recently bumped and Brazil several times, but immediately language and Rullo, also an Irpinia native, into Joe Bonafine, a fellow classmate at the had played very seldom in culture barriers.” who led the organization of “Mick.” the US, and were totally new Certainly the accessibility this concert for American Late last year, I moved to East Boston for the first to the Boston area. Also, the of the evening’s repertoire Independence — involving time in my life. I live in the Eagle Hill neighborhood two featured local singers, helped to bridge potential at least a dozen Italian and am liking it. Of course, demographically, I live Soprano Sara Oettinger and gaps. Apart from a few pop- American clubs and associa- in a growing Latino area where Spanish and not Tenor Jeffrey Hartman, ular crowd pleasers like tions throughout the Boston Italian is the foreign language. I think my area is a though young and promis- “O Sole Mio” and “Funiculi’ area. good mix of Italian and Latin. Orient Heights is still ing, did not add celebrity to Funicla,’’ the program was “We never do anything quite Italian. Down by Maverick Square, it is more the lineup. mostly drawn from their last for the Fourth of July,” said Central American. All in all, people get along. Neigh- Yet the crowd of over CD, Il Canto di Mefite — Rullo. “After America has borhoods in transition can usually be far worse. The 200 who converged on the Mefite’s singing, a collection done so much for us, it is Spanish-speaking population is just the latest wave Pescosolido building, in of famous arias from Operas time to start giving some- of immigrants to call East Boston their home. The Cambridge, did not seem to titled after, and dedicated thing back.” Irish settled here over a hundred years ago. For much of the 20th century, the place was definitely Italian. Today, Brazilians and Latinos have come to appre- ciate what East Boston has to offer. East Boston has changed much since the days of Al Natale Awards Scholarship to Berklee Student the ferry and it will continue to change. East Boston is now part of my demographic portfolio. It was a pleasant surprise. I still view myself more North End thanks to my grandparents but Eastie is growing on me.

Send letter to: Pamela Donnaruma, Editor, The Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113

The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are not necessarily the same as those of The Post-Gazette, its publisher or editor. Photo submis- Receiving the Al Natale Scholarship at Berklee College of Music is Tiziano Bianchi sions are accepted by the Post-Gazette provided they are clear, original photos. There is a $5 charge for each photo submitted. Photos can be submitted via (left) from Reggio Emilia near Parma, Italy with Al Natale and Berklee faculty member e-mail: [email protected]. If you want your photos returned, include a self- Tom Plsek. Tiziano will be appearing with the Al Natale Orchestra on addressed, stamped envelope. August 5th at the Nazzaro Center from 6:00PM-8:00PM in the North End. Page 4 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

FinanciallySpeaking with Ben Doherty THINKING OUT LOUD Q2 PROFITS CLIMBED 27% BUT OUTLOOKS KEY by Sal Giarratani With easy comparisons parel firms. Luxury stores 09. The U.S. expansion will “TEACHABLE MOMENT” versus a year ago the sec- also did well. Wealthy cus- decelerate sharply as the ond quarter earnings started tomers are feeling better economy stalls. Mays whole- Liberals Need to Get a Real Life rolling out this week. All about the economy and are sale stock piles rose .5% “Fireworks shot off over the thing teachable to learn is eyes will be on the guidance trading down less often. At after April’s revised .2% Charles River, entertaining not assuming wholesale for the rest of the year. Is the lower end, the custom- gain. Sales at the wholesale the hundreds of thousands racism by whom the TV it sustainable? Aluminum ers are still struggling and level fell .3%, the first drop of people who flocked to the cameras focus on at the giant Alcoa will report she expects cautious guid- in 18 months. The stock to Boston Esplanade to cel- Hatch Shell. on Monday and other bell ance going forward. The Wal- sales level edged up to .114 ebrate the July Fourth with Obviously, I am not a lib- weathers will follow this Mart customer is still strug- from April’s record low 113. Toby Keith and the Boston eral. I have liberal friends week. Intel, Bank of gling Chen said. Stocks Firms may keep restocking Pops.” This was the photo and must put up with their America, JP Morgan, Citi- added to their uptrend on recession’s emptied shelves, caption for a front page foolish notions. group and GE are due on Fri- Friday marking their 4th but at a slower pace. Bay State Banner photo. The They say the same thing day of this week. Wall Street straight gain. The NASDAQ WTP a firm that won $612.5 colored photo itself was daz- about me. I love hearing expects a 27% profit gain gained 1% and the S&P and million from Blackberry zling, showing bright fire- from folks from Newton, for the S&P500 companies the Dow rose .8%. Volume maker RIM in 2006, filed works going off about the Brookline, Wellesley, Cam- according to Thompson was down sharply on all ex- suit versus Apple, Google, trees below. To those watch- bridge and all the other Reuters. That’s up from changes. In fact it was the Microsoft and Motorola. WTP ing at the Esplanade or at Peoples’ Republics. 22.7% projected on April 1st. slowest day of the year on the is claiming infringement of home on television, surely I didn’t watch the Espla- Cost cutting helped bottom NASDAQ. On the plus side, the same patents as in the folks were filled with patri- nade fireworks or concert liners in Q2, analysts say no recent breakouts have RIM suit. RIM shares are up otic feelings for what on television this year and they expect a 9% gain fallen apart. A strong up- 8%. America means to them. and I have never ever in revenues. Energy profits trend may create doubts State Street Bank rose However, a letter writer been to the Hatch Shell on surged nearly 72% and steel among investors who stay the most in more than a year from Newton had her letter July Fourth because the makers, diversified steel on the sidelines for the first after reporting earnings of published on July 7th in the experience is too crazy for makers and chemical firms few days. One stock that has .93¢/share. Analysts were Boston Globe which, to me, me. I don’t appreciate act- will show big profits, and done well is Bancolombia. looking for .72¢/share. It seemed insulting to all ing like an ant squeezed in reflect strong prices and The Columbia Bank has cleaned up the credit card who were part of the July 4th with a hundred thousand demand. The tech sector risen seven straight days. mess and settled lawsuits celebration on the Charles other ants. I love fireworks should be strong. Financial Digital entertainment de- with regulators. They enjoying the music and fire- but I see them in many dif- firms which enjoyed crisis veloper Rori has also cleaned up all the fallout works. Personally, I am not ferent locations other than era comparisons in the past held out after breaking out from their 2008 recession surprised that a Newton let- the Esplanade. Back in the three quarters are expected with four straight days of crisis, settling lawsuits with ter writer would fall so far off day, before they had fire- to produce gains of 18%. strength. Investors are wait- the regulators, making in- the mark. It is after all the works on the Charles, the Analyst project strong earn- ing to see if the earnings vestors whole, who suffered Peoples’ Republic of Newton annual July 4th celebration ings to continue through season which begins this losses and repaying the gov- where liberals think they was at Boston Common by 2011, but investors aren’t Monday serves up encour- ernment bailout money. apparently know it all. Charles Street in the ball- convinced. The S&P500 has agement. It’s possible that Anadarko Petroleum has Among things stated by the park. The crowds were small rallied so far in July, but af- the markets hesitation is problems. It owns 25% of the letter writer was her hunt- compared to the Esplanade ter selling off in May and right on, we will have to wait well in the Gulf and is being ing in the crowd when she show but every year my June. Alcoa should report a and see. In the past few charged by BP for the well states, “I searched in vain family took this patriotic profit of .13¢/share. Sales weeks, key economic data, blowout. It has substantial for more than a few faces event in as a rite of sum- should top 19% to $5 billion. including hiring, retail sales oil reserves and if push in the crowd that weren’t mer. Funny, I never checked The dollars strong Q2 gains and housing activity have comes to shove, it can raise Caucasian, and couldn’t out the crowds’ complex- may hurt multinational been weaker than expected, $4 billion in a heartbeat if imagine what people of tion. I didn’t think it was earnings, and shouldn’t hurt just as inventory replenish- it is forced to analysts say. color must have thought to important. earnings going forward, ana- ment is set to wane. Europe’s Its stock is up 7.35 points see that huge crowd of Actually, I feel sorry for lysts say. So far the monthly sovereign debt crisis has on higher earnings. H&R white people.” She adds anyone who needs to count sales reports are mixed says weighed on the economy. Block, the tax preparer’s further in her opine, “I’m heads on television looking Christopher Chen, a retail This week the earnings will CEO Russ Smyth quit the not sure what the reason for those colored jellybeans analyst with Weeden & Co. dictate how earnings gains faltering company. The third is behind this lack of par- in the crowd. However, that An unusually cold May had will impact forward projec- executive to leave the com- ticipation of people of color is apparently what liberals consumers still buying tions, analysts say. pany this year. The stock in this event. I would sus- like to do. They did the same sweaters and fleeces in- Inventory restocking is has nosed dived on the news. pect that they don’t feel back during busing in stead of bathing suits and slowing. Sales at the whole- It’s time to call your welcome ... I was embar- Boston. They do the same shorts. In June, hot tem- sale level fell .7 points to financial advisor or call me rassed for our City of Bos- to this day gloating about peratures helped some ap- 121.5, the lowest since July at 617-261-7777. ton.” She touts an image their support for the METCO of inclusion and wants to program. We are all Ameri- leave behind the racism of, cans. We have ethnic and Deval Finishes His Inspiring Memoir seemingly, the 70s. racial roots from all around by Sal Giarratani While the letter writer the world but we also have thinks we should use our birthright as Americans, According to the Boston Life” is scheduled to be re- Dollar Store because all the Esplanade 4th of July which is about as inclu- Globe, our very own Gover- leased in April 2011. Deval these books written by poli- fireworks as a “teachable sive as any liberal should nor Deval Patrick has met will do a book tour and Ran- ticians are usually not moment,” I think the only want to be. his literary deadline, hand- dom House is looking for it worth the paper they’re ing his NY publisher a 200- to be a best seller. printed on. The last good page manuscript he consid- The book will take you on political biography I read ers an inspirational mem- a trip from Chicago’s South was James Michael Curley’s NORTH END oir. Random House Broad- Side to Harvard University “I’d Do It Again” written back way Books gave him a $1.35 and from Coca Cola to the in 1956. I’ve read it at least million advance in March Corner Office. We’ve been 14 times over the years and 2008. The book to be called told the book was written by always seem to learn new PRINTING “A Reason to Believe: Les- him on his own time. insights from it. Curley could sons from an Improbable I’ll wait until itgets to the really write and actually 5 PRINCE STREET • NORTH END • BOSTON, MA 02113 had something important to say. I’m still going to the Owned and operated by Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher, Post-Gazette Dollar Store for Deval’s and Wedding Gowns I wouldn’t give you two cents for either of Obama’s Quality Printing Cleaned & books. Preserved SpotlessSpotless SOUND ADVICE for all your Beware of Jewelry House COMMITTED TO QUALITY Parties and Benefi ts! Commercial and Personal Needs CleanersCleanersDRY CLEANING SERVICE WITHIN Get an estimate at our jewelry YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD store with our certifi ed dealer. Stationery • Business Cards • Menus • Flyers People are getting ripped off Program Books • Wedding and Party Invitations unknowingly. Shirts Laundered • Leather & Suede Announcements • Business Forms and Documents Expert Tailoring by Nina & Mario Jewelry Box EAST BOSTON NORTH END 345 Broadway, Revere 781-286-CASH — COMPETITIVE PRICES — 24 Porter Street 306 Hanover Street Highest Price Paid Tel. 617.567.9850 Tel. 617.742.0800 Guaranteed WE PAY 617-227-8929 www.sellgoldmass.com ½ MORE 617-227-8929 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010 Page 5

ATTORNEY PETER B. GAY JULY 13, 1915 - JULY 8, 2010 Attorney Peter B. Gay, Abuse.” Elected Supreme former National Supreme Venerable, Order Sons of Venerable (President), Order Italy in America at the Sons of Italy in America August Convention in passed away on July 8, Boston, Massachusetts, 2010. He was born in 1973. He was honored by the Taunton, Massachusetts on Italian government with the July 13, 1915, the second title of Commandatore at the son of Olympio and Ida embassy in Washington, DC (Pocassoni) Gay. He attended on October 18, 1974. On the Taunton Public Schools, same date he was a guest of graduated from the Uni- President Ford at a state versity of Notre Dame and dinner at the White House received a law degree from honoring President Leone. Boston University in 1939. He was the guest of over He successfully passed the 1500 members and friends Massachusetts Bar exam- of O.S.I.A. at a testimonial ination on September 15, in Boston on September 28, 1939. Attorney Gay was the Brotherhood Convocation in 1974. He was the first first man of Italian descent conjunction with the Na- recipient of the Sellaro from Taunton to become a tional Conference of Chris- Award given by National member of the Massachu- tians and Jews marking O.S.I.A. at its annual con- setts Bar and elected to Brotherhood Week. Included vention. His many awards public office. Mr. Gay was in the long list of legal included the Presidential discharged from the U.S. fraternal, civic and social Award given by Grand Army in 1945, served as a organizations to which Lodge of Massachusetts on member to the Taunton Attorney Gay holds member- June 20, 1967. He received Municipal Council for six ship in the Taunton Amvets, the Life Achievement Award years, admitted to practice Post 61, served as judge at O.S.I.A. National Conven- before the United States advocate and commander tion in New York City on MEMORIAL MASS IN HONOR OF Supreme Court in 1964, a of Post 61; Knights of August 18, 2005 and the successful candidate in Columbus, Taunton Lodge of City of Taunton named the 1948 as Representative for Elks, American Legion, square in south section “The BOBBY D the Fourth Bristol District Massachusetts Legislators Peter B. Gay Square.” Taunton, Massachusetts. Association, Massachusetts In September 1944 he Peter was Chairman of the Trial Lawyers Association, married Laura Garda and Committee on Legal Affairs. third Vice-President of the was blessed with seven He was appointed by several Massachusetts Chapter of children. Attorney Gay is speakers of the House to the American Trial Lawyers survived by his son David various State Commissions Association; past President and his wife Patricia of and was cited by Massa- of Taunton Bar Association; Bourne, Massachusetts; chusetts Taxpayers Associa- Board of Directors of Massa- William and his wife Cheryl tion for his “attendance chusetts Trial Lawyers of Taunton, Massachusetts; and efficient work as a Association; five years as Thomas and his wife Sheri legislator.” Vice-President of the Mass- of Marion, Massachusetts; In 1959 Attorney Gay achusetts Bar Association; Francis and his wife was appointed first assis- former Chairman of the Bethany of Wareham, Mass- tant district attorney for March of Dimes; former achusetts; daughter Laurel the Southern District member of the Board of Gay of Tiverton, Rhode of Massachusetts, (this Directors of the Taunton Island; son Robert and his As part of North End Family Pride Week, North End included four counties, Savings Bank, New Bedford wife Lisa of Dighton, Mass- Against Drugs in conjunction with St. Leonard’s namely: Bristol, Barnstable, Savings Bank and Secretary achusetts, and Linda R. Gay, Church and his week night mass friends, will have a Dukes and Nantucket (Cape to the Taunton Redevelop- daughter-in-law of Tewks- Cod). Over his sixty years ment Authority for twelve bury, Massachusetts. Grand- Memorial Mass in honor of our friend, leader and as a practicing attorney, years. He was an early father of Daniel, Gregory and good shepherd Robert “Bobby D” DeCristoforo. The he has held many offices recipient of the St. Thomas his wife, Stacey, Peter A. Jr., mass will be held on Sunday, August 1st at in various Bar Associations Moore Award given by Jonathan, Larissa, Dara, Sunday, August 1 at and was a member of the Diocese of Fall River, Leah, Marcus, Lindsay, 5:00PM at St. Leonard’s ChurchChurch. A candle light Board of Delegates of the Massachusetts and also an Thomas, Stephanie, Laura, procession will follow to Puopolo Park on Commercial Massachusetts Bar Asso- instructor for Northeastern Sophia, Brenden DePrest, ciation, its Vice President University teaching crim- David DePrest, Kelsey and Street. We want to “Fill the Park” in Bobby’s and also President and inal law and court pro- Tyler Gay. Great-grand- honorhonor. We hope you all can make it! Executive Board of Massa- cedures. Attorney Gay has father of Camille, Alexa, chusetts Trial Lawyers co-authored books entitled Marisa, Jeremy, Zachary Association and a mem- “Policemen and the Accused” and Eliana Gay. Also sur- ber of the Criminal Divi- and supplement thereto in vived by numerous nieces, sion of National District 1967 he and Mr. Richard nephews and cousins. Attorney’s Association. He Prunier compiled the The funeral was held from was named “Man of the “Massachusetts Forms of the Crapo-Hathaway Funeral Year” for the City of Indictments and Com- Home in Taunton, Massa- Newly Taunton on February 7, plaints” in 1968 an “adden- chusetts on Tuesday, July 13, 1971, on the occasion of dum” to the above book and 2010 followed by a Mass Specializing in the art of celebration the Fifteenth Annual also a booklet entitled “Drug of Christian burial in RenovatedWedding, Anniversary, Quinceañera, Reunion, St. Andrew the Apostle Birthday, Social and Corporate Events. Church, Taunton, MA. Convenient location and valet parking makes Donations in Peter’s mem- Spinelli’s East Boston the perfect location. KIWANIS CLUB OF EAST BOSTON ory may be made to Columbia We are dedicated to the highest level of service and Lodge #540, O.S.I.A, Peter B. Foxwoods Casino Bus Trip Gay Scholarship Fund, Post professionalism to ensure the success of your special occasion. Fundraiser to benefit the Office Box 988, Taunton, Massachusetts 02780. NEW ENGLAND FOUNDATION/ To light a candle, access the memorial register by KIWANIS PEDIATRIC TRAUMA INSTITUTE logging onto www.hathaway funerals.com. SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010 Bus leaves at 7:30 AM from the Salesian Boys & Girls Club 150 Byron Street, East Boston Small Ads Returns at 5:30PM Get Big TICKETS ON SALE NOW!! For pricing and reservations Results call Rosalie at 617-567-4312 For more information call 280 Bennington Street, East Boston, MA No Refunds 617-227-8929 Please Call 617-567-4499 spinellis.com Page 6 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010

Freeway ALL THAT ZAZZ Says ... by Mary N. DiZazzo

You can email your questions to [email protected] to the attention of Freeway. Don’t Ciao bella, flavor will gently slough forget folks, Freeway is not a vet, so please keep the questions light-hearted! Thanks. Are you ready to away rough, dry lips. Who would you choose to their mission is to find lov- years are generally better at pucker up with a soft SWEET LIPS lip care for your pets? If you ing homes, find out what looking ahead and planning smooth pout? If not, scrub has a deep fra- don’t have a person in your their criteria is for adopting for the care of their pets, here are some all grance of chocolate life that you trust to care for and make sure you are con- while those of us who can’t year round essentials with vanilla extract. your pets, there are many fident that your pet will be yet get senior discounts don’t for beautiful soft lips. Leaves lips feeling and animal welfare organiza- placed in a good home. If it’s even like to think about such Some of our first lip tasting irresistible. Like tions willing to help. Some a facility where your pet things. No matter how young care was in- Crème troduced by “You know how to whistle, Brulee on animal welfare organiza- would live, check out the and healthy you are, it’s im- don’t you Steve? You just tions will find a loving home conditions and care so you’re portant to have a plan in a century old your lips. company put your lips together and So, start for your pet, while pet retire- confident your pet would be place for your pets. Not only blow.” Lauren Bacall to ment homes or sanctuaries happy there. If you choose does it ensure that your pet “Labello” taking care (pretty lips) in Humphrey Bogart in To of the only keep your pet for life. Many an animal welfare organiza- would be well cared for, but it Have and Have Not (1944). of these facilities pride tion, it’s a good idea to leave keeps your family from hav- Germany. In set the good themselves in creating a funds for them in a pet trust. ing to decide where “Scott” 1909 they came out with a lip Lord gave you — pucker up wonderful, even luxurious Some facilities require a fee and “Lucy” will live. You know balm stick that was wrapped and kiss someone close! environment for dogs or cats to care for your pet, while your pet best, so you’ll feel in paper. Then an aluminum LUSH notable mentions to to live out a joyous and pam- others rely on donations. In better if you make the deci- sliding tin was developed. harvest glowing skin with pered life. If an animal wel- any case, you want to make sion about his or her future. With WWII breaking out this garden of NEW products. fare organization is the best sure they have the funds That’s all for now REMEM- aluminum was in high GRASS SHOWER GEL — option, visit it first to make they need to care for your BER PICK UP AFTER YOUR demand, hence the plastic the fresh scent of cut sure it’s what you want. If pet. People in their golden PET!” tube. Still popular today these grass, nothing like it. With researchers specialize in enzyme rich chlorophyll, treating lips from medicinal, balancing sandalwood oil and moisturizing, sun protection, uplifting bergamot. Mayor Menino’s Wednesday Night City Hall Concerts to cosmetic regeneration/ CELEBRATE GIFT PACK — the Disney Channel’s “Alley rejuvenation with Q10. chock full of skin soften- Cats Strike.” Elliott began Today there is flavored lip ing goodies. GRAPEFRUIT his career as a rock and gloss to color and shine and SHOWER GEL, super-in- roll piano player, touring and matte with added vitamins fused soaps, and a massage recording with such artists and moisturizers to soften bar to keep your birthday as Bonnie Raitt, Stevie and smooth parched lips. And suit soft and smooth. EMOTI- Nicks, and many others be- to keep your kisses soft and BOMB for your shower to fore finding his calling as a sweet, LUSH has introduced revive you from all the swingmeister while writing a NEW range of lip scrubs. celebrating! and arranging songs for the Exfoliating lips with a lip So indulge today and keep 1989 film “Dick Tracy.” scrub helps the skin hold it all soft and smooth! The fun continues with more moisture, prevents Buona giornata, and God Disco Night featuring the chapping, removes dry flaky bless the United States of band Stardust on August 4 skin and makes lips silky America! with a dance floor provided smooth. Try their mouth- — Mary N. by the Boston Police Athlet- watering flavors and you’ll be DiZazzo-Trumbull ics League. Led by Keith puckering up in no time. Read prior weeks’ “All That Kostick and Cecilia Colucci, MINT JULEP lip scrub — Zazz” columns at www.mary Stardust Stardust is a Boston-based tingly mint chocolate ice- 4nails.com. Mary is a third- Disco, swing and country featuring the Boston Pops “super band” formed by gath- cream flavor with peppermint generation cosmetologist and a will be the sounds heard at Swing Orchestra under the ering some of the most oil and vanilla extract to Massachusetts distributor of Mayor Menino’s Wednesday direction of Bill Elliott with talented and experienced protect. Kosmea brand rose hip oil Night Concerts coming to a dance floor provided by musicians in the local BUBBLEGUM lip scrub- products. She may be con- City Hall Plaza. night co-sponsor Michael entertainment industry and brings back childhood memo- tacted at (978) 470-8183 or All shows begin at 7 p.m. Francis Cahill Fund/City of honed by over a decade of ries with its pink candy-like [email protected] and are presented by the Boston. Fifteen musicians active rotation. An eight- Boston Parks and Recre- and four singers strong, the piece group of full-time pro- fessional singers and play- In Memory of Right now I’m in a different place, ation Department in part- ensemble plays exciting rd And though we seem apart, nership with night sponsors swing music in the styles of ers, Stardust is known as 3 Anniversary I’m closer than I ever was ... Michael Francis Cahill the 30s, 40s, and 50s, with one of the finest show bands I’m there inside your hearts. Fund/City of Boston, the a twist: much of the band’s in New England. The group And while the sun shines bright, Boston Pops, and Country repertoire has been written is in high demand and at I’m there to share the 102.5 WKLB. Series sponsors by leader Bill Elliott, a com- the top of the “wanted” list sunsets, too ... include WCVB-TV Channel 5 poser and arranger whose for wedding and corporate I’m with you every night. and the Boston Herald with songs have been promi- events and a favorite on City I’m with you when the support from the Boston nently featured in many Hall Plaza where they are times are good, To share a laugh or two, Police Athletics League. feature films and TV shows, known for getting people out on the dance floor and their And if a tear should start to fall ... The series kicks off on July including HBO’s “Introduc- I’ll still be there for you. 21 with Boston Pops Night ing Dorothy Dandridge” and masterful command of a huge catalog of songs and And when that day arrives That we no longer are apart, styles. TULLIO “JOE” I’ll smile and hold you The series finale is Coun- close to me ... Annual North End Athletic Association try Night on August 25 spon- Forever in my heart. sored by Country 102.5 WKLB BALDI GOLF TOURNAMENT with exciting acts to be an- July 17, 2007 - July 17, 2010 Your Loving Family to Benefit the North End Athletic Association nounced in the weeks to come. The show will include Honorary Chairman a dance floor provided by ROBERT E. TRAVAGLINI the Boston Police Athletics POST-GAZETTE League. EAST BOSTON SATELLITE OFFICE Monday, August 9, 2010 For further information, please call the Boston Parks 7:30 a.m. (shotgun start) and Recreation Department IS NOW OPEN ANDOVER COUNTRY CLUB at (617) 635-4505, consult the online summer guide at MARIE MATARESE Canterbury Street, Andover, MA www.cityofboston.gov/parks, 35 Bennington Street, East Boston Contribution $140 (tax deductible) — Hole Sponsor $150 or visit the Boston Parks and 617.227.8929 Recreation Department Includes: Green Fees, Cart, Lunch & Prizes online on Facebook. MON. and TUES. 10:00 A.M. - 3.00 P.M. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS JULY 30, 2010 THURS. 11:00 A.M.- 2:00 P.M. For more information contact: PRAYER Dominic Campochiaro or Louis Cavagnaro ACCEPTING Advertisements at (617) 523-7410 by Judean Langone Make checks payable to: Thank you, Lord, General Advertisements • Sales and Rentals North End Athletic Association for everything within me Memorials • Legals 154 Salem Street, Boston, MA 02113 that is You! ADVERTISING WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010 Page 7 Comcast Brings World Cup Soccer 2010 NORTH END FESTIVAL DIRECTORY to the East Boston YMCA SPONSORED BY

Caffe Vittoria


JULY ST. ROCCO July 18 Procession Only - Prince St. 1 pm Summer campers at the ST. JOSEPH July 23, 24, 25 East Boston YMCA watched Spain defeat Germany in Hanover & Battery Sts. the World Cup Semi Final Sunday Procession 1 pm match up, thanks to Comcast. Comcast installed ST. AGRIPPINA July 30, 31 - August 1 several large screen HD TVs Hanover & Battery Sts. and one 3-D TV in the Y Sunday Procession 1 pm specifically for the children to view the game. They also AUGUST treated the children to cup- cakes made especially for MADONNA DELLA CAVA August 6, 7, 8 them by Spinelli’s. Hanover & Battery Sts. “Everyone at Comcast was vibrant communities like daily exercise is a major Sunday Procession 1 pm thrilled to be able to host this East Boston.’’ focus of the Y’s program- event for the summer camp- In addition, Comcast ming for children, and Tay- MADONNA del SOCCORSO August 12, 13, 14,15 ers at the Y,’’ said Doreen brought New England Revo- lor Twellman was a great North, Fleet & Lewis Sts. (Fisherman’s) Iudica Vigue, Vice President lution Captain and Comcast role model to reinforce this Sunday Procession 1 pm of Public Relations for the SportsNet World Cup analyst message.” Comcast Greater Boston Re- Taylor Twellman for a skills Over 100 children partici- ST. DOMENIC August 22 gion, and an East Boston demonstration and question pated in the event, and they Procession Only - North Square 2 pm native. “As a company, it’s a and answer session with especially enjoyed watching priority for us to not only pro- the children. “The children the 3-D technology. Twelve ST. ANTHONY August 27, 28, 29 vide our customers with the really enjoyed meeting a year old Alex Gonzales Endicott & Thacher Sts. latest, greatest technology professional athlete,” said summed it up best when he and entertainment, but to YMCA executive director said, “I felt like I was on the Sunday Procession 12 pm also support wonderful orga- Joey Cuzzi. “Promoting field with the team. It was ST. LUCY August 30 nizations like the YMCA in healthy eating habits and awesome.” Monday Procession - Endicott St. 5 pm SEPTEMBER The Al Vega All-Star Birthday Celebration ST. ROSALIE September 12 Farewell to the ’80s Procession Only - North Square 1 pm Scullers Jazz Club. Harrell, Adam Herbert, Showtime is 8:00PM. The Brenda Keen, Grace Kelly, MORE ITALIAN FESTIVALS evening features a star- DD Martin, Steve Marvin, studded line-up of musicians Shawn Monteiro, Cassandre Malden, MA and vocalists. The band in- McKinley, Ron Murphy, Ellen SAINT ROCCO FESTIVAL August 6 - 8 cludes: Al Vega-Piano, Dave O’Brien, Rebecca Parris and Pearl Street Zox-Bass, Rick Klane- surprise guests! Drums, Ted Casher-Sax, For tickets call 617-562- Sunday Procession 1 pm David Ehle-Guitar, Johnny 4111 or visit www.scullers Lawrence, MA Souza-Trumpet. The vocal- jazz.com. You may also log ists include: Amanda Carr, onto www.alvegatrio.com for FEAST OF THE THREE SAINTS September 3 - 5 Janine Graham, Lydia more information. Saints Alfi o, Filadelfo and Cirino Common & Union St., Lawrence Sunday Procession 3 pm Cambridge Festival SS COSMAS AND DAMIAN September 11 - 12 Join Bostons’ own 89- LUCIA Warren and Cambridge St., Cambridge year-young living legend of R I S T O R A N T E & B A R Info: Call 617-354-7992 jazz in this musical cele- bration hosted by WPLM’s Traditional Ron Della Chiesa on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at Donato Frattaroli Liquori Digestivi Thirsty? 415 Hanover Street, Boston, MA 02113 Pastries Gelati Hungry? 617.367.2353 — Open for Lunch and Dinner Daily — The Original Italian Caffé Be sure to Private dining rooms for any occasion 296 Hanover Street, Boston 617-523-8915 617-523-8857 experience the tradition of these [email protected] WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM fine establishments. www.luciaboston.com Page 8 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010

East of Rome lies a small ably he blames himself for provincial town named Opi. the circumstances leading It sits on a hillside that to his son’s capture. is almost impenetrable. I would expect that the cap- Although this story is a fic- tured, known as the Opi tional account the setting, Seven, would be affected Opi, is a real town in Italy. philosophically by their sta- Ironically, author Peter D. tus. Bear in mind they are Cimini has relatives who teenagers and their thought reside in Opi and uses process was developing. Six- their names throughout THE SECRET SIN OF OPI teen years passed. They be- the story. The characteriza- by Peter D. Cimini lieved their life and chance tion of these people took Hard Cover • 303 Pages • Published by Robert D. Reed Publishers to escape was futile. Every courage. plan they attempted failed. Cimini writes about an to America from Naples, there are six additional Nineteen-sixtynine came immigrant Italian family Daniel was kidnapped from captured lads in Opi. Father and went. They had been that experienced the dif- the crowded streets of Mascia relates how the prisoners for twenty-two ficulties associated with Naples. Nazis had devastated the years. Then out of the blue leaving their homestead, Now begins the rest of the town. The captured seven the town’s council called a Castellamare di Sabia, Italy story. His kidnappers rushed were needed to replace the meeting at the church and and face new obstacles, in Daniel to a remote mountain youths Opi had lost and save declared they would be re- New York City. Hard work area where the town of Opi the town and its people. leased. They were scurried and working together, the lay. His father Peter was at The Opi Seven, as these to Rome for a five-day Ciarletta family was able to a complete loss attempting young lads came to be known, debriefing by the police, overcome ethnicity related to explain to the local police met every Sunday in an doctors and psychiatrists. problems. They established what had happened to his empty lot and became deep Dr. Amabilia Luciani ex- a coal and ice delivery busi- son Daniel. He made every friends. They came from dif- plains to Daniel the Stock- ness and changed with the conceivable effort to locate ferent parts of the world and holm Syndrome in answer to times to heating oil deliver- his son. He even went to the were able to converse and his question regarding his ies. The entire family par- king of the Gypsies to plead Author Peter D. Cimini learned to accept the differ- feelings toward his captors, ticipated in the established his case to no avail. ent philosophies they ex- especially his fondness for business led by the fore- In the meantime Daniel The only road leading out pounded. They pledged never Gelsomina the daughter of seeing patriarch, Leopold was being forced to live with of town was guarded by rifle to forget one another. his captors. “This syndrome Ciarletta. an Italian family named toting guards. Cimini cleverly adds a is thought to be an uncon- As the family grew, the Sgammotta. On his first Being a captive was a mys- triumphal sex adventure to scious emotional response tribulations of family life, as morning in Opi, Daniel was tery to Daniel and frankly I this limited life style. Thirty- to the traumatic experience well as business, began to shown his duties, such seven years old of being kidnapped and disenchant grandpa Leopold as spreading manure, While Peter and his son Daniel waited Theresa, a resident held for a long period of time. and grandma.They finally chopping firewood and to board the ship that was to take of Opi approached The positive emotional bond decide to return to their roots garden duties etc. Always kidnapped Gabriel, that often develops between them back to America from Naples, in Italy. Adding to the di- under the watchful eyes who was a hand- the victim and captor is a lemma, the prolific grand- of his captors, Daniel is Daniel was kidnapped from some sixteen-year- defense mechanism of the parents took six of their now a semi-slave. Every the crowded streets of Naples. old, and said that captive’s ego to cope with American born children day is the same. Work they could meet se- stress.” with them and left two of the all-day and return to eat din- suspect to the reader also. cretly three times a week. Despite my feelings that oldest sons in New York City ner and then spend the Adding to the mystery is the The following says it all. “She author Cimini’s story at to run the business. Some- nights alone in his room, invitation by his captive and Gabriel touched the times appeared to be convo- time later, the family in New dreaming that his father family, the Sgarmmottas, to stars and the moon twice luted, I have nothing but York City was notified that would rescue him. He felt have Daniel eat with them that Sunday morning (which praise for his descriptive Grandpa, Leopold Ciarletta, that this thought would keep on Sundays and also attend was the first time they had emotional scenes, espe- was ill and requested that his him sane. church together. Nonethe- met).” cially with his family, I was son Peter and Peter’s son, As time passed Daniel was less, every attempt to escape Back in the USA, Daniel’s mesmerized. Daniel visit him in Italy. allowed to roam about but was thwarted by the armed dad Peter was having a diffi- Peter D. Cimini is a mas- Following this dramatic always under guard. He guards or by his captor, cult time dealing with his terful storyteller who had the visit, that ensured the patri- learned that the town was Vincenzo Sgarmmotta. family socially as well as courage to write a novel arch’s well being, a disaster surrounded by dense-woods, Daniel was summoned to business wise. He was dete- about a complicated subject. was about to strike. While where wild boars and bears the local church by Father riorating physically. Appar- I will be mulling over this Peter and his son Daniel lived and sheer cliffs defined Mascia who explained the ently he was still suffering book for a while. It left waited to board the ship the land. He realized that it reason for Daniel’s capture. emotionally over the loss of me with an educated over that was to take them back was impossible to escape. It is here that Daniel learns his son, Daniel. Understand- read. Pizza Feud in Boston

Regina Pizzeria and Santarpio’s Pizza supporters wait to hear the winner of the “Food Feud”. Michael Symon of “Iron giving thumbs up to Regina existence. Santarpio’s Pizza Chef America” stopped by Pizzeria for their crust. He of East Boston opened in Boston to discover what he gave Santarpio’s the nod 1903 as a bakery and in 1933 feels is Boston’s best pizza. for their tomato sauce, so owner Frank Santarpio be- The two pizza places, when it came down to the gan making pizzas. The fam- Santarpio’s Pizza of East Bos- cheese, the final essential ily still owns and operates ton and of ingredient, Symon gave it to the business and is expand- the North End battled it out Regina Pizzeria. Check out ing with a new location in in Boston’s historic Faneuil the Food Network this fall for Peabody set to open this Au- Hall. Supporters of each res- the segment. gust. Present were the origi- taurant showed up in droves Regina Pizzeria was nal owners of Santarpio’s, to cheer on their favorite piz- founded in Boston’s North Frank Santarpio and Regina zas. The “Food Feud” winner End in 1926 by the Polcari Pizzeria, John Polcari along declared by Michael Symon family and became a chain with Anthony Buccieri, COO was Regina Pizzeria, literally with over twenty locations in of Boston Restaurant Asso- by a shred of mozzarella! He New England. The landmark ciates which now owns Regina Pizzeria supporters cheer as they are declared compared the two pies by North End location is still in Regina Pizzeria and Polcari’s. the winners. (Photos by Lisa Cappuccio) POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010 Page 9 The Socially Set by Hilda M. Morrill

Dr. David Herzog is pictured with fashion model Doutzen Kroes, who was featured Vogue Magazine editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, left, chats Harvard Business School Reception in the Vogue Magazine film that was with high school students Isabel Farrington, Holly sponsors Jill Karp, left, and Nancy Harris, presented at the “Health Matters…” Heffernan and Callie McLaughlin, left to right. prior to the “Health Matters…” Public Forum. (Photo by Roger Farrington) (Photo by Roger Farrington) Forum. (Photo by Roger Farrington) We are pleased to share panel discussion, a short the better part of 40 years tumed production is con- Drew Minter is a professor some photos from The film highlighted the efforts traveling back and forth ducted by the nationally ac- at Vassar College and is an Harris Center for Education currently under way in the across North America, sing- claimed Susan Davenny internationally renowned and Advocacy in Eating American fashion industry ing his songs and delight- Wyner. counter tenor who has Disorders 13th Annual Pub- to promote healthy body ing audiences at festivals, Boston Midsummer Opera sung at opera houses world- lic Forum, “Health Matters: images. folk-song societies, colleges, has set its sights on present- wide. A life-long opera devo- Weight and Wellness in the Each panelist shared his concerts, clubs, and coffee- ing entertaining, accessible tee, BMO Executive Director World of Fashion,” which was or her own experiences and houses. visions of opera performed at and Chairman Ernie Klein presented in conjunction philosophy about body A New England native, a high level and at a reason- was the co-founder of the with Massachusetts General image in the fashion indus- Bill became involved with able price. BMO’s talented Opera Galas in conjunction Hospital and Harvard Medi- try and or media. After the the Boston-Cambridge folk singers perform their parts with Pauline Ho Bynum and cal School this past spring. panel, the forum opened up scene in the early 1960’s in savvy English transla- Monadnock Music. He serves These photos were taken to receive questions from and for a time, emceed tions, presenting selections on the New England Regional at a Harvard Business the audience. the Sunday Hootenanny at from operas both well known committee of the Metropoli- School reception for Anna For the past twelve years, the legendary Club 47 in and unfamiliar, to the de- tan Opera National Council Wintour, Michael Kors and nearly 5,000 attendees — Cambridge. He quickly be- light of audience members Auditions and was a partner other noted participants be- typically Boston and Cam- came a popular performer in young and old. of Wilmer Hale. fore the public forum took bridge students, profession- the Boston area. Founded in 2006, Boston An avid opera fan since place. als, and concerned families From the time in 1971 Midsummer Opera was con- her years in New York, BMO The yearly forum serves to — have attended the forum. when a reviewer from the ceived after founders Ernie Founding Director Pauline educate, encourage dialogue ……. On Wednesday, Boston Phoenix stated that Klein and Pauline Ho Bynum Ho Bynum has served as an and reduce the stigma of July 28, singer-songwriter he was “simply Boston’s best were present at the Met Overseer for Boston Lyric eating disorders. This year’s Bill Staines will take the performer,” Bill has continu- Opera House in spring of Opera and New England panelists discussed the stage at Gore Place for a con- ally appeared on folk music 1999 when all three New Conservatory of Music. American fashion industry’s cert in the 1793 Carriage radio listener polls as one England Winners of the Performances of “Trouble commitment to advocating House. of the top all time favorite Metropolitan Opera National in Tahiti” and “Bon Appétit!” healthy lifestyles for women Famous for writing such folk artists. Now, well into Council Auditions were are Wednesday, July 28 and and also its policies to folk song staples as “All God’s his fifth decade as a folk chosen as National Grand Friday, July 30 at 7:30 p.m., protect dangerously thin Critters Got a Place in the performer, he has gained Winners. and Sunday, August 1 at fashion models. Prior to the Choir,” Staines has spent an international reputation Ernie, whose grandfather 3 p.m. at the Tsai Perfor- as a gifted songwriter and was the Director and Fi- mance Center at Boston performer. nance Chairman for Prague University, 685 Common- The concert begins at Opera, and Pauline, the New 7:30 p.m. Doors open at England Regional Chairman (Continued on Page 13) 7 p.m. The grounds are open for the Metropolitan National for picnicking and strolling Council Auditions since DIAMONDS prior to the concert. For ad- 1984, who is always seeking ROLEX vance tickets or more infor- opportunities for New En- ESTATE JEWELRY mation, call 781-894-2798. gland winners to sing in the Bought & Sold ……. Boston audiences Boston area, joined with Jewelers Exch. Bldg. will be in for a tasty treat Drew Minter the following this summer when Boston summer. Jim (617) 263-7766 Midsummer Opera (BMO) presents its 2010 produc- tion, a unique two-course evening featuring Leonard Bernstein’s bittersweet clas- Mattéo Gallo sic “Trouble in Tahiti” and Lee Hoiby’s delicious “Bon Appétit!,” starring Tony o Appraisals Award winner Judy Kaye as Julia Child. Sales & Rentals Playing at the Tsai Perfor- mance Center at Boston • University for three perfor- Real Estate mances only, July 28, 30 and August 1, both produc- 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 Left to right: Forum sponsor Rue La La’s Danielle tions are sung in English Incropera, Stacey Santo and Stephanie Wilson. and performed with orches- (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 (Photo by Roger Farrington) tra. The fully staged and cos- Page 10 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010

LONG-TERM NORTH ENDER JOSEPH BATTERSBY RETIRES After 30 Years in the Military a citation from the Boston City Council, recognizing HUNG: THE COMPLETE officers find themselves his service as a Boston FIRST SEASON (2-DVD) swept away by the violence Firefighter, as well as HBO Home Entertainment and corruption of Brooklyn’s Military retirement. Joseph Spiced with a bit of tongue- gritty 65th Precinct and it’s also received a citation from in-cheek situations, “Hung” most treacherous criminals. Robert A. DeLeo, Speaker of is an HBO breakout hit. Each man finds himself spi- the Massachusetts House of An offbeat comedy about a raling toward the same fatal Representatives, which was divorced dad, Ray Drecker crime scene and a shatter- presented by COL(MA) John (Thomas Jane), a former ing collision with destiny, in Silva. BG(MA) William high school legend turned this action-packed crime Hurley recognized Joseph middle-aged high school drama. ‘Trust no one!’ (2 hrs. Battersby’s military record basketball coach. Drecker 12 mins.). as a member of Boston’s his- uses his God-given attri- COLUMBIA PICTURES toric First Corps of Cadets. bute to find a new calling … FILM NOIR CLASSICS II Finally, COL(MA) Dean in the world’s oldest pro- (5-DVD) Saluti presented the fession. With help from his Sony Pictures Home Ent. Battersby’s with a citation business partner Tanya Sony Pictures and Martin from the Massachusetts Skagle (Jane Adams), Ray Scorsese’s non-profit organi- State Grand Lodge of the Or- manages his up-and-coming zation, The Film Founda- Joseph Battersby is honored by the Military. (L-R): The der Sons of Italy in America career while juggling the tion, bring five films to Adjutant General and Commander of the Massachusetts that was prepared by State demands of his ex-wife, Jes- DVD for the first time, fully- National Guard, MG Joseph Carter, presents an award President, James DiStefano. sica Haxon (Anne Heche), restored and re-mastered, for recognition of 30 years of service to Joseph Battersby. and kids, Darby (Sianoa in “Film Noir Classics II.” His wife Mary Battersby and veteran of Iraq combat, LTC Smith-McPhee) and Damon The stunning collection Michael Finer, take part in the presentation. (Charlie Saxton). (5 hrs. 15 includes from 1954 “Push- At a recent celebration the Massachusetts National mins). over” and “Human Desire” — held at Maggio’s Restaurant Guard and became a staff PRESCHOOL IS COOL: from 1957, “The Brothers in Revere, Joseph Battersby member for MG Joseph ABCs WITH ELMO Rico” and “Nightfall,” and was honored upon his retire- Carter, who is now the Com- (2-DVD) the final adventure is ment after 30 years with the mander and Adjutant Gen- Warner Home Video 1959’s “City of Fear.” Film US Army, serving in both the eral of the Massachusetts Professor Grover is the Noir Classics II takes view- Army Reserves and the Mas- National Guard. Serving un- teacher in preschool and ers on a dark journey among sachusetts Army National der General Carter, Joseph Elmo is his helper for today’s low-life and mobsters, cops Guard. Joseph Battersby is Battersby was stationed at alphabet lesson! But before and gun molls, and the hap- a long-term resident of Camp Edwards on Cape Professor Grover can start, less pawns who forever Boston’s North End. He had Cod. Joseph was responsible he wants to find one thing changed the landscape of a successful career with the for the personal security of that starts with each letter, cinema, and whose doomed Boston Fire Department, sta- his Commander. Joseph in his own silly and loveable paths are as disturbing tioned in East Boston. As a was also given Public Affairs way. Elmo lends a hand in today as when they were firefighter, he was awarded responsibilities and became Joseph Battersby is hon- helping the class to sing the first committed to film. citations for bravery when a valuable unit photogra- ored by the Massachusetts alphabet song, featuring (75-92 mins.). he saved the lives of East pher. As a soldier, Joseph House of Representatives alphabet-themed stories a JIMMY HOLLYWOOD Boston students that were Battersby was highly thought with a citation prepared by nd song. Kids will find it easy (Blu-ray) suddenly engulfed by flames of by his “brothers in arms.” House Speaker Robert A. as ABC to join in the fun Lionsgate at an East Boston school. Joseph Battersby, received DeLeo for recognition of with furry friends Grover and Joe Pesci and Christian As a member of the Army a presentation award from 30 years of military service Elmo in a real preschool. Slater are at their finest in Reserves, Joseph Battersby MG Joseph Carter. LTC and a career with the Preschool is cool! (50 mins.). this wildly funny look at served in a firefighting unit Michael Finer, one of his Boston Fire Department, LEAPFROG DOUBLE Hollywood. “Jimmy Holly- and was stationed at Fort former military Command- (L-R) COL(MA) John Silva FEATURE LEARNING wood” features struggling Devens. He transferred to ers, presented Joseph with and Joseph Battersby. DVD SETS actor Jimmy Alto (Pesci), Lionsgate who can’t get arrested, but Just in time for the back the criminals that ter- to school season, Lionsgate rorize his neighborhood Home Entertainment and toy are making a killing. So News from NEMPAC ... maker LeapFrog Enterprises, Jimmy makes a bold career Inc., have come together to move. With the help of his SARAH GLEN STEPS Sarah will continue to teach for the fourth consecutive release two Double Feature loyal but spaced-out best DOWN AS PMI Violin at NEMPAC and will year. NEMPAC would like Learning Sets. ‘Let’s Go to friend (Slater), Jimmy trans- COORDINATOR work closely with me to to thank Pizzeria Regina School’ as Tad, Lily and their forms himself into “Jericho,” NEMPAC is sad to an- create some more music for donating pizzas and magical firefly Edison get a leader of a mock-vigilante nounce that Sarah Glen programs for children and Donato Frattaroli of Lucia’s hop on school, Talking Words group that videotapes crimi- has stepped down as the PMI families in the neighbor- Restaurant for donating the Factory’ teaches Lily and Tad nals and then turns them Coordinator at NEMPAC. hood.” THANKS SARAH!! soft drinks. With the help learning phonics, skills and over to the police. It’s the Sarah has held this posi- of a company match from more! ‘Math Adventure to role of a lifetime, but when tion for the last two years BOCCE TOURNAMENT State Street Bank the event the Moon’ has Tad and Lily Jimmy gets caught in the and has helped the Private A SUCCESS will provide NEMPAC with using their skills in count- crossfire between the cops Music Instruction Program The North End Music and just under $2,000 to help ing and sorting, ‘Letter Fac- and the crooks, it looks more than double in a short Performing Arts Center keep it’s’ programs afford- tory’ takes Tad and Lily on like it could be his last. time. “We are truly grate- (NEMPAC) recently held a able for the children and a wild adventure that in- (1 hr. 57 mins.). ful for all that Sarah has successful fundraiser Bocce families of the North End. cludes trampolines, karate HOT POTATOES! done for NEMPAC and more Tournament at the courts at kicks, and songs kids can THE BEST OF THE importantly our students” Langone Park. Board Mem- sing, with letter sounds. WIGGLES (DVD) states John Romano, bers Jon Sproul, Bethany (35 mins.). Warner Home Video NEMPAC President. “I am Botto and Court Clayton put Remember BROOKLYN’S FINEST Celebrating 19 years to- happy however, to say that together the popular event (DVD) gether, dancing and sing- Your Anchor Bay Entertainment ing into the hearts of chil- Loved Ones Fasten the seat belt and dren every morning on The Agency for all your Insurance Coverages experience the volatile Sprout’s “Wiggly Waffle,” and deadly world of one of The Wiggles deliver a col- New York’s most dangerous lection of 35 most loved Richard Settipane precincts through the eyes songs by the world’s most of the men and women successful children’s enter- Insurance Services pledged to “protect and serve.” tainment group. Selling AUTO HOMEOWNERS TENANTS An all-star cast that features over 23 million DVDs and Richard Gere, Don Cheadle, 8 million albums worldwide, COMMERCIAL Ethan Hawke and Wesley they include amongst the Snipes. When NYPD’s Op- 35 songs, favorites as, Experience makes the difference eration Clean Up targets the “Wake Up Jeff!” “Get Ready SPECIALIST in RESTAURANT and BUSINESS POLICIES The Post-Gazette notoriously drug-ridden BK To Wiggle,” “The Monkey accepts memorials housing project, three con- Dance” and “Rock-A-Bye CALL TODAY FOR YOUR QUOTE 617-523-3456 - Fax 617-723-9212 throughout the year. flicted New York City police Your Bear.” (2 hrs. 3 mins.). Please call 1 Longfellow - Place Suite 2322 - Boston, MA 02114 617-227-8929 WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM Conveniently located with Free Parking and ask for Lisa POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010 Page 11

day, August 4, Paul Fudin, 7:00 PM – hotel is pleased to offer these THE EMERALD NECKLACE 10:00 PM, Thursday, August 5, Brian evenings free of charge to the general CONSERVANCY Locher, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Friday, public. 891 Centre St., Jamaica Plain, MA August 6, Spinz, 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Summer Soul takes place every MOVIE NIGHT FANTASTIC MR. NOW Saturday, August 7, Sweep The Leg, Tuesday evening through August 31, FOX - July 18 at 7:00pm. Fantastic 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Sunday, August 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Guests can sway Mr. Fox is the story of one Mr. Fox 8, Brian Locher, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, to soulful sounds as the hotel and his wild-ways of hen heckling, PLAYING Monday, August 9, Ryan Fitzsimmons, hosts various R&B and soul bands. turkey taking and cider sipping, noc- 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Tuesday, August July 20, Ray Greene & the turnal, instinctive adventures. He has 10, Ryan Fitzsimmons, 7:00 PM – 10:00 Innervisions, July 27, Soul Sound to put his wild days behind him and UPTOWN & DOWNTOWN PM, Wednesday, August 11, Nate Revue, August 3, Felix Brown Band, do what fathers do best: be respon- Watkins, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Thurs- August 10, World Premier Band, sible. He is too rebellious. He is too day, August 12, Brian Locher, 7:00 PM August 17, Ray Greene & the wild. He is going to try “just one more – 10:00 PM, Friday, August 13, T B A, Innvervisions, August 24, raid” on the three nastiest, meanest Saturday, August 14, Grab Brothers, Soul Sound Revue, August 31, World farmers that are Boggis, Bunce and 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Sunday, August premier Band. From 6:00 to 10:00 each Bean. It is a tale of crossing the line of 15, John Polino, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Wednesday evening, Timeless family responsibilities and midnight Monday, August 16, Paul Fudin, 7:00 Tunes features classic musical enter- adventure and friendships. PM – 10:00 PM, Tuesday, August 17, tainment of various decades – rang- “LET’S DANCE AT JAMAICA Ryan Fitzsimmons, 7:00 PM – 10:00 ing from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. POND” - July 25 at 6:00pm. 2010 Liff PM, Wednesday, August 18, Paul July 7, Manhattan Touch, July 14, Spirit Award Winner Charles Fudin, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Thursday, Rare Form, July 21, Decades by Ansbacher conducts the Landmark August 19, Brian Locher, 7:00 PM – Dezyne, July 28, Joey Scott & the Orchestra playing Beethoven, Sym- 10:00 PM, Friday, August 20, Loco Lo- Connection, August 4, Mystique, Au- phony No. 8 and Weber, “Invitation to cals, 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Saturday, gust 11, Stardust, August 18, Rare the Dance.” August 21, T B A , Sunday, August 22, Form, August 25, Decades by Dezyne, Tim Nickerson, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, September 1, Joey Scott & the Con- WILBUR THEATER Monday, August 23, Paul Fudin, 7:00 nection. A floating stage anchored be- 246 Tremont Street, Boston, MA PM – 10:00 PM, Tuesday, August 24, hind the Boston Harbor Hotel provides TOMMY DAVIDSON - Friday, Ryan Fitzsimmons, 7:00 PM – 10:00 the setting for some of the hottest July 23, 2010 at 7:30PM. Tommy PM, Wednesday, August 25, Nate local and national blues artists. Blues Davidson’s exceptional range – from Watkins, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Thurs- Barge features performances every stand-up comedy and acting to versa- day, August 26, Brian Locher, 7:00 PM Thursday evening from 6:00 to 10:00. tile music ability – have earned him a – 10:00 PM, Friday, August 27, Big July 22, James Montgomery Band, reputation as an extraordinary per- Time, 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM, Saturday, July 29, Jeff Pitchell, August 5, Racky former. Best known as one of the origi- August 28, Fire Hazard, 9:00 PM – Thomas Band, August 12, Bruce nal stars of the hit television show In 12:00 AM, Sunday, August 29, Ryan Marshall Group, August 19, James Living Color, Tommy’s visibility in- Fardy, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Monday, Mont-gomery Band, August 26, Toni creased rapidly and he became widely Sinatra and Friends, back by popular demand, Starring August 30, Brian Locher, 7:00 PM – Lynn Washington, September 2, Jeff known for his innovative talent. 10:00 PM, Tuesday, August 31, Ryan Pitchell. Tommy stars in the forthcoming film, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Liza Minnelli with Fitzsimmons, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM. Movies by Moonlight offers I Am Comic, with other household special guest Neil Diamond. This as close as you get to guests a chance to revisit Hollywood’s name comedians including Tim Allen, the real thing. Richard DeLuca of Stoneham portrays silver screen and modern classics. Lewis Black, Sarah Silverman, Carlos Frank as one of the best Sinatra tribute performers in Special Events The 2010 series continues every Mencia, Jeff Foxworthy and Kathy the business, singing many of the Sinatra standard Friday evening through September 3. Griffin. Slated for a summer premiere Movies begin at dusk. July 16, Malt- on Showtime, Comic is earning awards BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY classics such as “Under My Skin,” “Come Fly With Me” ese Falcon (1941), July 23, An Affair to at festivals throughout the country 700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA “Summer Wind” “New York” “My Way” and many more. Remember (1937), July 30, Field of and is tentatively scheduled for Just Free lunchtime concerts each Fri- Dreams (1989), August 6, Some Like it For Laughs 2010. He scored big with Also rarely performed songs like “You and Me,” “Don’t day this summer in Copley Square at Hot (1959), August 13, Tootsie (1982), reviewers and audiences alike oppo- Worry Bout Me” and “Where or When.” Steve Palumbo 12:30 PM. July 16 - American Cen- August 20, All the President’s Men site Michael Jai White in the criti- tury Music (ACM) is a new and inno- of Rhode Island portrays a wonderful rendition of Dean (1976), August 27, The Adventures of cally-lauded spoof comedy, Black Dy- vative organization dedicated to per- singing many of the Dean Martin classic favorites such Robin Hood (1938), September 3, Raid- namite (Sony Pictures), last year’s big forming the works of 20th century as “Everybody Loves Somebody” and many more. Meryl ers of the Lost Ark (1981). Movies and Sundance hit. He also recently com- American composers. ACM Artistic performances are subject to change, pleted Chicago Pulaski Jones with Galaid portrays Liza Minnelli singing Liza’s best. Barry Director and Conductor Scott weather permitting. For more info visit Cedric the Entertainer.Tommy trav- Mooney of Malden portrays the best Neil Diamond Parkman leads musicians in the Sym- www.bhh.com. els internationally selling out every phony for Five Players by the self-de- singing many favorites like “Sweet Caroline.” Check out venue in which he headlines. scribed “bad boy of music,” George Music Section for more details. LUCKY STRICKES LANES Whether he is lending a helping hand Antheil, as well as the Divertimento 145 Ipswich St., Boston, MA to the homeless – as he did by spear- for Nine Players by the skillful artisan ton broadcaster) and Sarah Pfisterer 4TH ANNUAL BECKETT BOWL - heading a toy drive for PATH Los An- Walter Piston. The program also in- (Broadway: Phantom of the Opera and July 29, 2010 at 6:00PM. Boston geles on Christmas eve or entertain- cludes Elliott Carter’s Eight Etudes THEATER Show Boat) Directed by: Bob Freschi Red Sox All-Star pitcher Josh Beckett ing thousands on military bases over- and a Fantasy for Woodwind Quartet. (Broadway: Irene, Annie, Me and My will throw strikes of a different kind seas, Tommy Davidson leaves an in- NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE July 23 - Sirene. Lucia Stavros, harp- Girl, The Most Happy Fella, Little Me). on July 29, when he hangs up his delible image no matter the medium 62 Dunham Road, Beverly, MA ist, and Anne Gregory, flutist, have Choreographer: Susan Chebookjian. cleats and ties on a pair of bowling or size of the audience. To purchase GYPSY - Now through July 25, been performing together since their Featuring Boston area performers: shoes at the 4th annual Beckett tickets log on to thewilbur.com or call 2010. It’s back and all new! Bill freshman year at the New England Mary Callanan, Jerry Walker, Ellen Bowl presented by Foxwoods Resort Ticketmaster 1-800-745-3000. Hanney launches the 2010 Broad- Conservatory of Music. Since then, Peterson, Mark Linehan, Andrew Casino, a star-studded bowling tour- way musical series at the new North they have covered a wide range of rep- Purdy, Anelise Allen, Matthew nament. All proceeds benefit the Josh BOSTON CITY HALL PLAZA Shore Music Theatre (NSMT) with ertoire, from J.S. Bach to Leonard Kossack, Rachel Bertone. For more Beckett Foundation and Children’s Boston, MA Vicki Lewis starring in GYPSY. A vet- Bernstein. July 30 - Elan Trotman information call 781 891 5600 or visit Hospital Boston. Festivities will WEDNESDAY NIGHT CONCERTS eran of the stage and screen, Vicki Band. One of the most exciting up- www.reaglemusictheatre.com. conclude with a concert by country - BOSTON POPS NIGHT featuring the Lewis is most remembered for her and-comers among a new generation music sensation Jason Aldean at the POPS SWING BAND under the direc- five seasons playing Beth on the NBC of saxophonists, Elan Trotman has Absolut Beckett Bowl Concert pre- tion of Bill Elliot - July 21, 2010. DISCO sitcom, “NewsRadio.” “Like North emerged as an exhilarating force in sented by MGM Grand at Foxwoods NIGHT featuring Boston Favorites Shore Music Theatre, Gypsy is a clas- MUSIC the world of contemporary jazz. A at the House of Blues Boston. For fur- STARDUST - August 4, 2010. sic! With its masterful story telling, teacher as well as a composer and ther information log onto the website COUNTRY NIGHT sponsored by beautiful music, dazzling costumes BANK OF AMERICA PAVILION performer, Trotman has released four at www.luckystrikeboston.com. 102.5 WKLB - August 25, 2010. and a top notch cast, the audiences 290 Northern Ave., Boston, MA albums and has been a New England Shows are free. For more information are sure to be entertained and CHRIS ISAACK - July 17, 2010. Urban Music Awards winner and a MUSEUM OF SCIENCE please call Boston Parks and Recre- excited for the return of NSMT!” said SLIGHTLY STOOPID - July 23, 2010. Boston Music Awards nominee. From 1 Science Park, Boston, MA ation Department at 617-635-4505. Bill Hanney, NSMT’s new owner and MAROON 5 - August 9, 2010. his latest album This Time Around, WHALES TOHORA - Presented at producer. “Our new Artistic Director, DONNA SUMMER - August 27, Trotman’s soulful version of “Lovely the Museum of Science from June 20 Evans Haile, and I are confident that 2010 at 7:30PM. A five-time Grammy Day” broke the smooth jazz charts in through September 14, 2010. Whales this show will set the perfect tone winner, Donna Summer was the first the summer of 2009. Trotman has Tohora was developed and presented ARTS for our inaugural season at NSMT.” artist to win the Grammy for Best recorded and toured with such no- by the Museum of New Zealand Te For tickets call (978) 232-7200, Rock Vocal Performance, Female (1979, tables as Roberta Flack and Kirk Papa Tongarewa. For more informa- MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS visit www.nsmt.org, or in person at “Hot Stuff”) as well as the first-ever Whalum, and is a long-time member tion call 617-723-2500, (TTY) 617/ 465 Huntington Ave.,Boston, MA 62 Dunham Rd. Beverly. recipient of the Grammy for Best of the Bronson Arroyo Band. August 589-0417, or visit mos.org. CAFÉ AND CABARET: TOULOUSE- Dance Recording (1997, “Carry On”). 6 - RIFT is a co-ed, post-collegiate a WHALES – IMAX® FORMAT FILM LAUTREC’S PARIS - Now through THE LYRIC STAGE COMPANY In 2004, she became one of the first cappella group based in Newton. The To complement Whales Tohora, the August 8, 2010. The French aristo- OF BOSTON inductees, as both an Artist Inductee 11 members perform a repertoire of Museum will present whales-related crat Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864- 140 Clarendon St., Boston, MA and a Record Inductee (for 1977’s contemporary pop and rock songs. programming during the exhibit run, 1901), one of the most innovative THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM “I Feel Love”) into the Dance Music August 13 - Mass Theatrica is an including Whales, an IMAX® format artists of the late 19th century, is COUNTY SPELLING BEE – Septem- Hall of Fame in New York City. It is innovative and multi-genre perform- film in the Mugar Omni Theater. known for his bold and subtle ber 3 – October 2, 2010. Can you spell estimated that Donna Summer ing arts company dedicated to bring- Audiences will meet blue, orca, and images of performers in the centers of “centavo?” A quirky cast of charac- has sold more than 130 million ing a variety of theatre arts genres to sperm whales and follow humpbacks Parisian entertainment in the 1880s ters hope to win the 25th Annual records. For tickets visit the public, including plays, musical as they travel thousands of miles from and 1890s: the café-concerts and Spelling Bee in his “effortlessly en- www.ticketmaster.com. theatre, operetta and opera. Angeliki the krill blooms off the frigid coast of cabaret nightclubs in the bohemian dearing new musical.” (The New York Theoharis and Meredith Lavine Alaska to give birth in the warm wa- neighborhood of Montmartre. This Times) School-age angst combines STONEHAM THEATRE founded the company in 2005. Au- ters of Hawaii. Featuring spectacular exhibit features posters, prints with current event improvisation as 395 Main Street, Stoneham gust 20 - American Century Music underwater footage of mothers, calves, and paintings of café, cabaret and volunteer audience members join in SINATRA AND FRIENDS - Satur- features early string quartets by and escorts, Whales reveals many other urban amusements. For more for some fun competition. “From be- day, August 21, 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Samuel Barber and Charles Ives, and little-known aspects of these elusive information please call 617-369-3445 ginning to end it’s a delight. D-E-L-I- and Sunday, August 22, at 2:00 p.m. the charming Nocturne and Scherzo for creatures and celebrates the music, or visit www.mfa.org for a complete G-H-T. Delight.” For more informa- and 6:00 p.m. These are all the flute and string quartet by Bostonian play, and incredible strength of listing of all the Museum of Fine tion log onto www.lyricstage.com or best live performances you will see. Arthur Foote. August 27 - Robert Earth’s largest inhabitants. For more Arts exhibits, musical performances call 617-585-5678. Richard DeLuca of Stoneham portrays Pinsky, Rakalam Bob Moses, and information, visit mos.org. and educations programs. Frank as one of the best Sinatra Stan Strickland. In this spell-bind- REAGLE PLAYERS tribute performers in the business ing collaboration of masters, the ROBINSON THEATRE singing many of the Sinatra standard former U.S. Poet Laureate performs 617 Lexington St., Waltham, MA classics such as “Under My Skin,” his poetry accompanied by two out- ITALIAN EVENTS & PROGRAMS MUSIC MAN - Now through July “Come Fly With Me” “Summer Wind” standing jazz improvisers on drums 25, 2010. Willson’s imaginative and “New York” “My Way” and many more. and saxophone. ITALIAN RADIO “The Nick Franciosa Show” Every clever tunetrunk of song hits is rich Don’t miss this entertaining show. For “The Sicilian Corner” 11:00AM to Sunday at 12 Noon to 3PM on radio and varied. The score includes; Till tickets call the Stoneham Theatre Box THE BOSTON HARBOR HOTEL 1:00PM every Friday with host Tom stations WLYN 1360 AM and WAZN There Was You, Seventy Six Trom- Office at 781-279-2200, or visit Rowes Wharf, Boston, MA Zappala and Mike Lomazzo and “The 1470 AM. bones, Trouble, Goodnight, My Some- stonehamtheatre.org SUMMER IN THE CITY ENTER- Italian Show” w/Nunzio DiMarca “Guido Oliva Italian Hour” one, Lida Rose, Marian, the Librar- TAINMENT SERIES - Enjoy the fabu- every Sunday from 10AM to 1PM 8AM - 9AM every Sunday on ian, My White Knight, Sincere, It’s DICK’S LAST RESORT lous harbor views while enjoying free www.1110wccmam.com WSRO 650AM in Framingham You, Pickalittle, Iowa Stubborn, Gary, Quincy Market at Faneuil Hall live musical entertainment every “Italia Oggi” Sundays 1PM to 2PM and online at www.wsro.com. Indiana, The Sadder-But-Wiser Girl, ENTERTAINMENT LINE-UP - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with host Andrea Urdi 1460 AM “Don Giovanni Show” Saturday Will I Ever Tell You? and more clas- Sunday, August 1, Tim Nickerson, 7:00 evening throughout the summer. On www.1460WXBR.com mornings from 6AM-8AM and Sunday sic, feel-good sounds from America’s PM – 10:00 PM, Monday, August 2, Ryan Fridays, guests are invited to enjoy a “Dolce Vita Radio” DJ Rocco evenings 5PM-7PM on 950 AM WROL. perennial music man - Meredith Fitzsimmons, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, classic movie projected on a large Mesiti 11AM-1PM Sundays 90.7 FM www.dongiovannishow.com. Willson. Starring: Scott Wahle (Bos- Tuesday, August 3, T B A, Wednes- movie screen over the harbor. The or online www.djrocco.com Page 12 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010

Recipes from the Homeland by Vita Orlando Sinopoli

Stinking relationship! Lauren Hart was their exer- COPYRIGHT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED crushed when she discovered her boyfriend cise to jump- CAPONATA cheated on her — but she didn’t just get ing to con- 1 medium eggplant diced mad, she got even. In fact, she made a huge clusions, 6 or 7 tablespoons olive oil stink! First, the furious 21-year-old woman running up 1 sliced onion destroyed his expensive wardrobe and burned bills, stretch- 3 tablespoons prepared tomato sauce his sheets — but this was just the begin- ing the truth, bending over backwards, lying 2 stalks celery diced ning. Lauren hid sardines inside the seat down on the job, sidestepping responsibility 2 tablespoon wine vinegar cover of his favorite TV chair — and she put and pushing their luck. 1 tablespoon sugar mashed-up shrimp inside his bed mattress. Steven Sebestyen thinks the only exer- 1 tablespoon capers Her boyfriend Brian Greene was driven crazy cise some people get in the morning is 4 green pimento olives trying to locate the horrible stench, and the brushing their teeth and sharpening their 1/4 teaspoon salt terrible odor finally drove him from his home. tongues. 1/8 tablespoon ground pepper To top it all, Brian’s new girlfriend ditched Steven’s astute and adorable wife Theresa, A sprinkle of cayenne pepper (optional) him — thinking he had a personal hygiene thinks many a man who is too tired to help problem. Yes, that ended his relationship around the house plays golf for exercise. Wash eggplant whole (without removing outer skin) and with Lauren. What a stinking mess! A new study shows Botox may cause dice. Heat five tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet and add Off-camera news! Katie Couric is being wrinkles! If you have Botox shots to get rid diced eggplant to simmer until it softens. Add sliced onion courted to return to her old “Today” job by of wrinkles, you may be in for a big surprise! to skillet and one or two teaspoons of additional olive oil her former arch rival Matt Lauer, say Researchers now say that the popular cos- and fry until onion is lightly browned. Add tomato sauce sources. Although the two reportedly had a metic injections may actually increase facial and diced celery. Simmer mixture until celery is tender. If combative behind-the-scenes relationship lines. Botox works because it temporarily needed, add a tablespoon of water before adding capers and as co-hosts, Matt wants Katie back — and paralyzes facial muscles, resulting in less chopped green pimento olives. Stir frequently to prevent the two news superstars have already held wrinkle-producing tension on the skin. sticking. hush, hush talks, insiders reveal. It’s no It has been reported sugar drinks hike Slightly heat wine vinegar separately. Add sugar and stir. secret Matt doesn’t really care about his blood pressure. The one easy way to lower Then pour vinegar gently over eggplant mixture in skillet. co-host Meredith Viera and feels he would blood pressure — stop drinking so many sodas Simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. (Optional) Add a sprinkle be comfortable with Katie Couric. Well, when and other sugar-laden drinks! Researchers of cayenne pepper. Salt to taste. her CBS contract runs out next year we’ll at Louisiana State University note that Serve this hot or cooled as a side dish with broiled lamb probably see her with Matt. cutting out just one sugary beverage a day chops, breaded fried cutlets or roast beef. It is also delicious As Penny Marshall, 66, battles cancer, her can knock up to 18 points off your blood pres- on crackers or toasted bread to serve as hors d’oeuvres. friends and family are more concerned that sure over the course of a few months. And Caponata can be refrigerated for future servings. It can she has a will in place — and that they’re if you reduce your soft drink consumption also be frozen and reheated. remembered in it. The beloved actress/ by more than one a day, your blood pressure NOTE: My husband and I met Louis and Rose “Dolly” director/producer — who was diagnosed with is likely to drop even more. Sorrentino on Cape Cod in the 1980’s. They were former liver cancer last fall — has been growing Wee bit of Italian American contributions North End neighbors of ours for many years. We renewed impatient with her grueling cancer treat- in education. Peter Sammartino was the our friendships. ments, a close family insider revealed. It has founder, president and chancellor emeritus While having lunch at their Cape Cod home one day, Dolly been said, sometimes Penny feels like of Fairleigh Dickinson University, a liberal served us some homemade Caponata. I mentioned how much I people are just sitting around staring at her arts institution in New Jersey which began enjoyed it when my mother served it. But my mother prepared wondering when she is going to kick the in 1942 with his wife Sylvia Scaramelli. He Caponata only during the summer when eggplants were avail- bucket and how much they are going to get. also founded the International Association able. Like so many of her friends, Mama never had a written “But she seems to be enjoying keeping of University Presidents and was the author recipe. I was delighted that Dolly offered me a copy of her everyone guessing,” says an insider. of 30 books. Leonard Covello (1887-1982) was recipe. Because eggplants are now available year round, we Olympic skating champion Scot Hamilton, the first Italian American high school prin- can enjoy homemade Caponata throughout the year. a cancer survivor, is facing another heart- cipal in New York City (Benjamin Franklin breaking medical crisis — and the gold medal High School in East Harlem 1934-56). A winner fears he may never skate again, say pioneer in bilingual education, Covello be- Vita can be reached at [email protected] friends. Scott, 51, underwent brain surgery lieved a school should serve the interests of rd June 23 to remove the recurrence of a its neighborhood. He was also a co-founder • Mayor’s Column (Continued from Page 1) benign tumor located near his pituitary of the American Italian Historical Associa- gland. The tumor, which was affecting his tion in 1992. And the first graduating class 2008 caused 25,000 trees nificant havoc on our trees vision, first appeared in 2004. of the University of Pennsylvania in 1757 in the Worcester area to be and forest areas, but with More than a decade after the tragic death included an Italian American named James cut down, dramatically a shared commitment and of John F. Kennedy, Jr., his secret mistress Laita. He was one of seven men chosen by changing the neighborhood vigilance we can preserve is ripping the lid off their steamy love affair Ben Franklin, the University founder, to landscapes. We are commit- the parklands and street- — and revealing for the first time how the attend what was the called the College of ted to making sure this does scapes of our beautiful city. Prince of Camelot cheated on his wife Philadelphia. not happen in Boston. Les- To report any tree damage, Carolyn! “John told me he was consider- Some show business reminiscing with the sons learned from this trag- view photographs and videos ing divorce and was seeing a marriage coun- stately musicologist Albert Natale. Vaude- edy have allowed us to iden- of tree damage, or read about selor,” beautiful blond Sybil Hill, now 44, ville legend and early television star Jimmy tify and react to the infesta- the ALB visit www.mass.gov/ told the ENQUIRER in a bombshell world- Durante, born in New York City in 1893, tion in Boston quickly and agr/alb.htm or call the exclusive interview. Yes, we did have the insured his enormous nose, which he called cooperatively. The ALB has toll-free ALB hotline at opportunity to read about intimate details of his “schozzola,” for a million dollars. During the potential to wreak sig- 866-702-9938. an eight-year affair with a married hunk. the 1940s, this Emmy winner’s radio Want more? Pick up a copy of the July 12th program was a Friday night fixture and he 1st Generation edition of the ENQUIRER. became famous for songs like “Inka Dinka Wow! If you get up frequently at night to Doo” and “Umbriago.” One of Hollywood’s most Italian-American urinate, tell your doctor. Men and women gifted directors, Frank Capra, was born in who wake up to relieve themselves two or Sicily in 1897 and spent his sixth birthday Vita Orlando Sinopoli more times have double the mortality risk in steerage on a 13-day ocean voyage to than others, according to a study at the New America. Although he is perhaps most Shares with us England Research Institutes. “Don’t be famous for his film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” a delightful recollection alarmed if you’re getting up two or three his film portfolio includes “Mack Sennett” times a night — it doesn’t mean you’re and “Our Gang” comedies; American Mad- of her memories as a child going to die,” said Dr. Tomas Griebling of ness (1932), based on the life of banker A.P. growing up in the University of Kansas. “But it is some- Giannini; “It Happened One Night,” (1934) Boston’s “Little Italy” thing you should tell your health care with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert; and provider about, because it may be due to “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” (1939) star- and a collection of an underlying health condition.” Frequent ring Jimmy Stewart. Capra won three Acad- Italian family recipes night urination — called nocturia — can be emy Awards for Best Director. treated, although it isn’t known if treatment You are the first to hear this! The famous from the homeland. can alter the risk of mortality. big band era trumpeter and bandleader Off-your-butt! Just five minutes of outdoor Al Natale will be appearing with his popu- exercise improves well-being! Researchers lar 16-piece Classical Swing Band at East Great as Gifts at the University of Essex in England found Boston’s picturesque Piers Park, Sunday, FROM MY BAKERY PERCH available on AMAZON.COM that just a few minutes of “green activity,” August 1st from 5 to 7 PM. Yes, admission and in local bookstores — ask for Hard cover #1-4010-9805-3 ISBN such as walking, gardening or bicycling can is free! Come and relive the big band era Soft Cover #1-4010-9804-5 ISBN reduce the risk of a variety of psychological by listening to the band playing the ori- problems among people of all ages. ginal musical arrangements of Glenn Giuseppina, la coscia storta, says, “There’s Miller, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Tommy The Federal Trade Commission nothing like a little exercise to change a Dorsey, Count Basie and others. The hand- man’s life — especially if it’s a walk down some noted vocalist Jim Barmante will be works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. a church aisle.” singing some hit songs of that famous era. Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) The noted Medford philosopher, Tom Yes, we will be there! or log on to www.ftc.gov. Analetto, claims too many people confine AMERICA IS A BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN NAME POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010 Page 13

• The Socially Set (Continued from Page 9)

As July approached, from unassuming pizza We read over the menu Loretta and I decided to spend places to upscale expensive and saw Dino, the pizza man our 33rd wedding anniver- restaurants that cater to the doing his stuff. Drago the sary in Florida. We were epicurean taste buds. We sandwich man filling poc- married on July 2, 1977 at know most of them from Mi- kets carved out in Italian St. Leonard’s in the North ami to Palm Beach and most bread. Another waiter, Car- End and had our reception are geared for American pal- mine, laughing with a at Polcari’s, now Filippo’s ates. We wondered if there group of Boca police hav- Restaurant, also in the North was a place that was authen- ing their lunch. Mark the End. Each year since then, tically Italian, with dishes manager scurrying around we have stayed home and cooked just the way Nanna making sure everything was celebrated our anniversary prepared them, oh so many as it should be, and Bobby, with friends as part of the years ago. The next day we the owner preparing the 4th of July celebration. After would find out. main dishes for his after- Fashion designer Michael Kors, center, with Harris Dean Saluti and Margie At breakfast the next noon customers. When Lou Center supporters Karyn Dean Lynch and Steve Lynch. Cahn tied the knot, a group morning, one of the workers returned to take our orders, (Photo by Roger Farrington) of us has gathered at their where we stayed came over Loretta asked for veal wealth Avenue in Boston. year’s event they are cur- Back Bay home to salute to say hello and heard part parmigiana and asked about For tickets or more informa- rently seeking vendors, America’s independence. of our conversation which the veal. She was assured tion, call 617-227-0442 or musicians, entertainment, With their home being continued from the night be- that it was real veal steak, visit www.bostonmidsummer dancers and more. For more remodeled this year, we fore. Mary, who was born in not patties made from opera.org. information please email thought it would be a good Sicily, lived in Florida for shaved pieces of meat. I ……. The Irish Cultural [email protected] or time to sneak away for a few many years and suggested a asked for a Panini made Centre of New England en- call the Irish Cultural Cen- days. place that she said was with grilled chicken and courages us to mark a couple tre at 781-821-8291. Florida has been part of our authentic, no tourist food, broccoli rabe. When the or- of dates on our calendars. On Enjoy! itinerary since the kids were only real old fashioned Ital- ders arrived, I smelled the Friday, September 10, they just out of diapers. You might ian dishes. She gave us the gravy on Loretta’s veal and will be sponsoring their (Be sure to visit Hilda remember me mentioning name of the place and the said, “Hey that smells just “20th Annual Golf Tourna- Morrill’s gardening Web site, Uncle Nick and Aunt Dorothy directions to its location and like the gravy Nanna used ment” at the Easton Coun- www.bostongardens.com. in the past. Uncle Nick was we agreed that we were go- to make.” The food was fan- try Club in Easton. All levels In addition to events covered my Godfather and he and my ing to try it. tastic, and I couldn’t resist … of sponsors as well as golfers and reported by the columnist, aunt never had any children. The name of the restau- I asked Lou who the owner are now being sought. “The Socially Set” is compiled I was the son they never had, rant is unassuming, “Pizza was and he pointed out ev- “The 20th Annual Irish Fes- from various other sources Loretta, the daughter, and Time.” The owner, Umberto eryone except Bobby who was tival,” their largest event such as news and press re- John and Michael, the grand- (Bobby) Cerbone is right from in the back of the kitchen of the year, takes place on leases, PRNewswire services, children they would never Naples (Italy, not Florida). He making the dough for the September 17-19. For this etc.) see. Even during the sum- came to America as a kid, pasta they offered their cus- mer, as soon as Little League with the family settling in tomers. I asked to speak to ended, we were on the first the Bronx, and he’s been in Bobby when he was done, and • St. Lawrence of Brindisi (Continued from Page 2) Florida bound flight to the the restaurant business mentioned that I was a cial envoy to the King of Doctor of the Franciscan Or- Gold Coast, the state’s east- since his teen years. Accord- writer for the Post-Gazette in Spain, Phillip III concerning der. In 1959 Pope John XXIII ern seaboard and we spent ing to Bobby, he decided to Boston, and wanted to do a the conduct of his Viceroy proclaimed St. Lawrence a most of our time with Uncle retire, but couldn’t handle it story on a place that made of Naples, Ossuna. After suc- Doctor of the Universal Nick and Aunt Dorothy. and opened up at various me feel so at home. cessfully finishing his mis- Church. His known writings A lot of time has passed locations, selling each res- Within a short period of sion, he took seriously ill in include eight volumes of since those happy days. taurant when offers were time, Bobby came out to say Lisbon and passed away in sermons, two didactic trea- Uncle Nick and Aunt Dorothy made because of the popular- hello. He was busy and we 1619. tises on oratory, a commen- are both gone. They made it ity of each place. Setting his made plans to have dinner Lawrence had a balance tary on Genesis, another on into their mid nineties with- sights on Boca Raton, he re- before the short vacation was in his life that blended self- Ezechiel, and three volumes out a mishap, thank God, and established himself and set over. When that point in time discipline with a keen appre- of religious polemics. Most John and Michael are now out to reproduce the quality arrived, we returned to Pizza ciation for the needs of those of his sermons are written men in their 20s. John lives of Italian food that made him Time and Bobby sat with us whom he was called to serve. in Italian, the other works in Switzerland and Michael famous. almost the entire time. He Saint Lawrence’s canoniza- being in Latin. There are in New York. Both are happy The weather changed after told us stories, I told stories tion took place on December, three volumes of his works and successful, and that’s noon time on the 2nd. We de- and it again reminded me of 8. 1881. With St. Anthony, with notes in Greek and all we care about. But, Florida cided to try a late lunch at dining at La Summa’s in the St. Bonaventure, and Blessed Hebrew. His Feast Day is still has an attraction for Pizza Time rather than wait North End. As it turned out, John Duns Scotus, he is a July 21st. Loretta and I, and we head until dinner. We headed to his daughter is married to there whenever we can, just 1001 South West 2nd Avenue someone he befriended to relax and see friends we in Boca Raton, and found the years earlier, a young Italian Fully Insured have made over the years. place in the Walgreen Plaza. hockey player named Roberto Lic #017936 We flew out on July 1st and As we walked in, we were Luongo. I don’t follow hockey had dinner that evening at greeted by Lou, the waiter, and didn’t recognize the the Boca Ale House, a sports who seated us. As we waited name, but was told that he oriented restaurant with TV for menus and water, I looked played pro hockey for the sets mounted along the walls around the walls and saw Florida team and is now the Heating & Air Conditioning with all the national sporting pictures of famous Italian goalie with the Vancouver Sales, Service & Installation events being telecast simul- Americans entertainers, in- Canucks. taneously. Combined with cluding the Rat Pack with Finally, Lou returned with Ken Shallow this is great seafood, thick Frank, Dean and Sammy our orders, which at this 617.593.6211 [email protected] steaks, cold drinks and a smiling for eternity. The point in the day were slices warm atmosphere. As we music that played in the of pizza. I usually don’t order consumed our dinners, I background included Sinatra, pizza. I grew up on home- asked Loretta where we Dean Martin, Jerry Vale, made pizza and what I see should go for dinner on our Connie Francis, and Tony coming out of pizza kitchens  anniversary. Both of us Bennett. I said to Loretta, I today looks like hub caps wanted Italian food, but hope the food is as good as with ulcers. After one bite, where? There are hundreds the atmosphere. This place I said to Loretta, “They stole    of Italian restaurants on the seems like La Summa’s Nanna’s recipe, I love the   southeast coast of Florida south. taste.” It was soon time to leave and I assured Umberto     — FOR YOU WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST — “Bobby” Cerbone that we would return for dinner   THE when next we were in Florida. When we go back, I   Johnny Christy will bring our friends to sample real Italian food, a   rarity in southern Florida. If     Orchestra you happen to travel to Florida and go through Boca Raton,    drop in and tell Bobby I rec- MUSIC FOR ALL ommended his restaurant.  OCCASIONS 781-648-5678 In the meantime … GOD      ! BLESS AMERICA. Page 14 POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010

The time has come, the walrus said, The Bilingual TO TALK OF MANY THINGS Corner of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings by Sal Giarratani by Orazio Buttafuoco A NORTH END He didn’t just say no to [email protected]. FAMILY PRIDE WEEK drugs, he screamed it at Not bad for a Korean War WITHOUT BOBBY D. the kids and helped them veteran, is he? This summer in Boston’s when they needed help. He TONY’S CLAM SHOP ON LO SAPEVATE CHE … North End just won’t be will be forever missed. WOLLASTON BEACH Si dovrebbe organizzare una hit parade dei piu’ ricchi capi the same now that the SUFFOLK DOWNS In a two week period, I ate Mafia in Sicilia. Uno di questi, forse il piu’ ricco, e’ Matteo neighborhood’s best friend SEEKS RESORT CASINO some delicious fish at Tony’s Messina Denaro, trapanese, e latitante da 17 anni. Nel Bobby DeChristoforo has On July 6, Suffolk Downs’ Clam Shop on Wollaston giro di un anno le forze dell’ordine gli hanno sequestrate passed from the scene. For owners threw their pitch Beach and not to be confused un patrimonio di un miliardo e 400 milioni di euro (@ $1,850 years, he was one of those for a $600 million resort with that other fish spot up bil.), che equivale al 5% del bilancio del Governo della guys that help make up the casino. Plans call for an the boulevard. The Phantom Regione Siciliana. Questi beni consistono di immobili, foundation of all that is good approximate 500-room hotel, Gourmet called the place azioni in compagnie, conti correnti e molti altri beni in a neighborhood. Whether casino, spa, restaurants and “A Hidden Jewel.” It is now intestati ad imprenditori ‘alter ego’ del ‘padrino’, che hanno it is the North End Athletic shops. Chip Tuttle, Chief in its 46th year of business. investito enormi somme di denaro, guadagnato in attivita’ Association or North End Operating Officer for Suffolk You can eat in the indoor varie come l’ediliozia e nella distribuzione di prodotti ali- Against Drugs, Bobby was Downs stated, “We want to dining area smoke free, sit mentary. Uno dei colpi piu’ recenti a questo ‘padrino’ e’ one of those community do this in a way that fits the outside on the patio or avvenuto col sequestro di beni del valore di 500 milioni di leaders that looked out for community and is a world- take your meal to go across euro (@ $670 mil.) che erano intestati ad un imprenditore the kids. class destination and enter- the street to the seawall. If agrigentino, R.C. (per ragioni di privacy non menziono il Last summer during the tainment experience.” you see Roy behind the nome), che era stato gia’ processato e condannato per North End Against Drugs Meanwhile, John Ribeiro, counter, tell him that Sal associazione mafiosa, il quale amministrava i beni di Fair down on Commercial founder of Neighbors of sent you. If you’d like some Denaro nel campo dell’edilizia soprattutto, a scopo di Street in August, I took a Suffolk Downs, opposes a ice cream after your meal, monopolio. Fra i beni sequestrati a R.C. figurano ditte great photo of Bobby D. and casino and said the group they sell Richardson’s Ice individuali e societa’ di capitali che operano nel settore got him to smile for the plans to fight it because a Cream too. dell’edilizia, 200 appezzamenti di terreno, 90 fabbricati, 9 camera. Little did any of us casino would wreak havoc NEAA SWIM LESSONS stabilimenti industriali che includono silos, e 120 know that the summer of on East Boston. If you are interested in automezzi. Sequestrati pure: appartamenti, ville, palazzine 2009 would be Bobby’s final COLUMNIST ED SHALLOW swimming lessons for your e magazzini, 53 veicoli, ed un’imbarcazione da diporto. Tutti summer with us. However, HAS A BLOG child, lessons at the Mira- I beni sequestrati ora appartengono allo Stato, non piu’ a I am sure that Bobby D. Dorchester conservative bella Pool are ongoing over Messina Denaro. Lui ha perso tutto. Eppure la Mafia con- will be looking down at his and Post-Gazette columnist July and August. All ages tinua sulla sua strada! neighborhood and smil- Eddie Shallow has his own are welcome and classes ing as he always did when blog “God and Country.” Blog: are affordable. Pay as you DID YOU KNOW THAT … seeing his neighborhood do- www.eps8.wordpress.com. swim. For more information, There should be a hit parade of the richest Mafia chiefs, ing the right thing for the Online:redmassgroup.com. stop by the pool and ask for or “Capi” (a.k.a. Padrini) in Sicily. One of these, maybe the children of the community. Or you can e-mail Ed at Carl. richest, is Matteo Messina Denaro, from the province of Trapani, a fugitive from justice for 17 years. In a matter of a year, the authorities (both the police and the ever-present • Immigration Reform (Continued from Page 1) Guardia di Finanza, or Treasury Police) have confiscated cally prohibits racial profiling illegally, then it’s hasta la In addition to attacking Denaro’s patrimony of 1.4 million euro (@ $1.85 mil.), which and requires that the officer vista, baby! Sheriff Arpaio, AG Holder is equals the 5% of the Region of Sicily’s budget. This patri- has another good reason for Ms. Murguia and La Raza’s suing Arizona over a law that mony consisted of real estate, corporate stocks, checking the contact before demand- solution to “our broken im- is not on the books until the accounts and many other assets registered to third parties ing documents. migration system” is that it end of the month. Yet he or alter egos of the Godfather, who had invested large sums Examples of this include “must be comprehensive.” I won’t prosecute members of of money earned from a variety of activities such as R.E when the person is in a sto- agree. Comprehensive en- the New Black Panther party properties and the distribution of food items. len car; selling oranges on a forcement of existing immi- who clearly intimidated Another recent police action against this Godfather re- freeway off-ramp without a gration law will determine if white voters with night sulted in the confiscation of assets valued 500 million euro business license; delivering it is adequate or in need of sticks at polling places in (@ $670 mil.) which they found were recorded to an enter- 50 kilograms of cocaine to reform. Without the enforce- Philadelphia during the last prise from the province of Agrigento, one R.C. (for reasons an undercover police officer; ment equation, we cannot presidential election. His of privacy his ID cannot be disclosed), who had been tried or is suspected of killing a validate the law’s fairness warped sense of priorities and sentenced to jail terms for being a “Mafia associate,” rancher on his property. This and effectiveness. demonstrates his prejudices who managed Denaro’s assets, mainly in real estate, and is comparable to seatbelt “Comprehensive reform” and inability or unwilling- in the process creating a monopoly. laws that require a driver to her is amnesty and citi- ness to do his job. Among the confiscated assets (R.C.’s) there were commit a moving traffic vio- zenship for illegal Mexican How can we expect our individually registered companies and various corporations lation before the police can aliens. That’s not reform, it’s president to provide Border that operated in the real estate market, 200 land lots, 90 cite him for not wearing his a reward for violating federal Patrol with the resources it buildings, 9 industrial buildings with adjacent silos and 120 seatbelt. Despite this, Ms. law. My comprehensive re- needs to secure the border vehicles. Also confiscated were: apartments, villas, rental Murguia writes that “SB 1070 form would replicate Mexico’s when his illegal alien aunt apartment buildings, 50 cars and a luxury boat. All the con- will only make what is al- immigration laws that don’t lived in public housing for fiscated assets now belong to the State, no longer to Messina ready a bad situation worse.” tolerate illegal aliens in the years before an immigration Denaro, who has lost everything. And yet, the Mafia still Far worse for whom? Ille- country or their receiving judge gave her a pass? survives! gal aliens? government benefits. Surrendering the nation’s Ms. Murguia forgets that sovereignty, as I’m sure Ms. Mexican nationals only LEGAL NOTICE Murguia would like to see, make up half of the esti- is not my definition of immi- Leave the mated 12 million illegal Commonwealth of Massachusetts gration reform. aliens in this country. The The Trial Court Reprinted with permission Middlesex Probate and Family Court DELIVERY Arizona law will apply equally 208 Cambridge Street by NorthStar National. to non-Latinos. These people Cambridge, MA 02141 to Us! Docket No. MI10P2908EA have predominately over- LEGAL NOTICE stayed their visas and refuse In the Estate of With a Gift Subscription to the RUTH M HAYWARD to go home. They need round- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Post-Gazette, your generosity will be Late of WAYLAND, MA 01778 The Trial Court ing up every bit as much as Date of Death June 4, 2010 Middlesex Probate and Family Court remembered every week of the year. their Latin counterparts. NOTICE OF PETITION 208 Cambridge Street What she also does not FOR PROBATE OF WILL Cambridge, MA 02141 To all persons interested in the above Docket No. MI10P3173EA We’ll send the recipient an mention is that the Arizona captioned estate, a petition has been law merely replicates federal In the Estate of announcement of your gift. presented requesting that a document STEPHEN J CICERANO JR. law requiring foreign visitors purporting to be the last will of said Late of SOMERVILLE, MA 02143 Their subscription will decedent be proved and allowed and that and legal permanent resi- Date of Death June 21, 2009 begin with the current issue JOSEPH A HAYWARD of Marlborough, MA dents carry proof of legal be appointed executor/trix, named in the will NOTICE OF PETITION and continue for one year. entry at all times. If police to serve Without Surety. FOR APPOINTMENT OF IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, ADMINISTRATOR Fill out coupon below and mail with payment to: arrest a legal alien for not YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE To all persons interested in the above Post-Gazette, PO Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 having documentation, pro- A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT captioned estate, a petition has been ducing it later will render AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN presented requesting that ISIS TARA of O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON Brockton, MA or some other suitable person I would like to send a one year Gift Subscription of the Boston Post-Gazette the matter moot. The way August 2, 2010. be appointed administrator of said estate to to the following person(s). I have enclosed $30 per subscription. to guarantee not getting In addition, you must file a written affidavit serve With Personal Surety. arrested is to carry docu- of objections to the petition, stating specific IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, Recipient Name ______Giver Name ______facts and grounds upon which the objection YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE ments to prove you are here is based, within thirty (30) days after the A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT legally. There is no consti- return day (or such other time as the court, AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN Address ______Address ______tutional right to obey only on motion with notice to the petitioner, may O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. August 10, 2010. City ______City ______laws you agree with. Carry WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, your green card or passport First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. State ______Zip ______State ______Zip ______with a valid visa, and there’s Date: July 6, 2010 Date: July 13, 2010 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Phone ______Phone ______no problema. But if you do not have papers and are here Run date: 7/16/10 Run date: 7/16/10 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010 Page 15

• News Briefs (Continued from Page 1) and the reality of the situa- Harvard’s John F. Kennedy EXTRA Innings tion. How many more folks School of Politics in 2000. must be injured or die be- He and his wife recently by Sal Giarratani cause someone doesn’t stopped renting and bought want to give up his or her a three-bedroom condo on Remembering there is no one hotter in and also became the first vehicle. If older drivers the same street for $790,000 Charlie Finley and Those baseball than Jon Lester rookie to hit three in one can still drive, why do so and received a mortgage Orange Baseballs with his 10-3, 2.76 ERA. His game. However, he batted many fear passing a road- from Cambridge Savings Charlie Finlay was prob- tenth win on July 3 marked just .242 and led the NL test? I’m not anti-old people. Bank for $632,000. Not bad ably one of the best known the 12th time in 14 starts that with 115 strikeouts. He I’m anti keeping folks for Boris and Natasha. baseball owners with a repu- he allowed two runs or worked on his stance in the on the road who need to President Obama and tation as an outsider’s out- fewer. Since falling 0-2 with offseason. be off it. Nothing more the Russian President sider. He was the guy who a big loss to the Rays on When the team moved and nothing less. Dmitry Medvedev sat down developed and then lost both April 18, Lester has been to Milwaukee in 1953, for cheeseburgers while Reggie Jackson and Jim unbeatable. Between that Matthews hit 47 home runs July Fourth Russians run around the Catfish Hunter. He also April 18 loss and as of and struck out only 83 Shooting Spree Peoples Republic of Cam- helped bring about free July 8, Lester has been times. He also played in his Boston’s Fourth of July left bridge and other suburban- agency, and then also was 10-1 with a 1.84 ERA with first All-Star Game too. six people shot and one like environs. However, in victimized by it. He uprooted 97 strikeouts. People seem to have for- dead. One woman on Henley the end, the Kremlin is still the Athletics from Kansas They’re After gotten about his baseball Street in Dorchester got her the Kremlin and Obama City and took them to Oak- Lou Gehrig’s Record accomplishments because feet hit with bullets while reaches for more French land, then tried his best to Alex Rodriguez and Manny he played so long in the sitting on her porch. The fries. get out of the wrong side of Ramirez are tied on the shadow of the all time HR drive-by on Henley Street the Golden Gate Bridge. His all-time list with 21 grand King Hammin’ Hank Aaron. sprayed bullets at both adults Tobin Leaving City Council team won three straight slams a piece. They both No two baseball teammates and children. for Northeastern World Series titles starting need two more to tie the New hit more homeruns then The Boston murder count After serving as District 6 in 1972. He picked no-non- York Yankees Ironman, Lou these two guys. keeps climbing. It now city councilor for almost sense Dick Williams as his Gehrig. As Chuck Tanner, a stands at 31, compared to nine years, City Councilor manager who finally had to Johnny’s Still Hitting former manager once 2009 when it was only 24 John Tobin of West Roxbury quit the job over Finley’s The Tigers’ Johnny Damon said, “There’s nobody who at the same time last said he will leave the Bos- antics. Major League Base- recently got his 2,500th hit. played harder or loved the year. Reverend Shaun O. ton City Council later this ball never went for orange He is only one of four active game more than he did. He Harrison reacted to the month to take a job as gov- baseballs or the three-ball players with 2,500 hits, played every game like the shootings saying, “ ... I’m ernment liaison for North- walk but they did like DHs 1,500 runs and 1,000 RBIs. world was coming to an end hoping the community will eastern University. A spe- and night time World Series He has had a good career tomorrow.” step up, because the police cial election will probably games. with both the Red Sox and Vince, Dominic and can’t do it alone.” be called for this fall to fill When I think of Charlie Yankees before going to the Joltin’ Joe in theremaining year on the Finley, I think of the ’70s Tigers. People out there reading Boris and Natasha 2-year term. and those green-gold-and Eddie Matthews: the Post-Gazette really know Go Overt in Cambridge white double-knits and large A Boston, Milwaukee and their baseball history. The When the news hit last What Happened to mustaches. Well, there’s a Atlanta Braves Player answer to that photo quiz, month that the Russian Leaving No One Behind? new bio out about him Growing up in the ’50s identifying all three base- Government had spies livi- When the Vietnam War called Charlie Finley: The and 60s, next to the Red Sox, ball old-timers came fast to ng among us in deep cover ended, did we leave hun- Outrageous Story of Base- I loved the Milwaukee Extra Innings. Congrats to trying to uncover American dreds of American soldiers ball’s Super Showman by G. Braves. I didn’t remember Johnny D.A. DeAmato, Eddie secrets, it seemed quite behind? According to the Michael Green and Roger D. the Boston Braves but I Shallow, Karen DeLuca, shocking. Nowadays, when July issue of The American Launius. did go to those semi-annual Charlie Arena and Henry A we talk about spies and Conservative in a 20-page Finley was an insurance Red Sox-Braves Jimmy Fund Tempone, Retired Justie. sleeper cells, we’re usually special report headlined salesman by trade but had a exhibition games. The For being right on target with thinking of al-Qaida. Now “The Men Our Media Forgot.” great passion for baseball. Braves had Warren Spahn the names. Everyone knows we know that the end of The story is about the He tried to buy the Philadel- and Hank Aaron and they Joe DiMaggio. Many know the Soviet Union did not likelihood that the United phia Athletics in 1954. In also had my favorite third Dominic DiMaggio. How- end the idea of Russian States abandoned P.O.W.s 1960, after the Athletics baseman Eddie Matthews. ever, Vince DiMaggio who spies. held by the North Vietnam- moved to Kansas City, he He played all but two sea- played right here in Boston What was funny was that ese Regulars during the made another offer and sons for the Braves in all for the Braves is often for- among the 11 spies arrested Vietnam War. finally got them. Following three of their cities. He won gotten, but apparently not by by the FBI took their march- The two articles in this the 1967 season, he moved the NL Home Run Crown astute Post-Gazette fans. ing orders using English publication were written the A’s to Oakland and with 47 in 1953 and with 46 However, unknown to me syntax that reminded me of by former NY Times Pulitzer was denounced on the floor in 1959. His 512 homeruns and once again thanks to Boris Badenov and Natasha Prize winner Sydney Schan- of the U.S. Senate by U.S. tie him with the Cubs’ Ernie Johnny “Shoes” Cammarata, Fatale. Two of these alleged berg who was a reporter cov- Senator Stuart Symington Banks in 21st place on the all there was a fourth DiMaggio spies were Donald Howard ering the Vietnam War. He of Missouri for doing so. time HR Record. brother, but according to Heathfield and wife Tracey wrote a memoir which was He is one character who Matthews signed with Johnny, he had a club foot Lee Ann Foley of Trowbridge the basis for “The Killing added much spice to the Boston Braves for $4,000, and ran the family’s Italian Street in Cambridge. Mr. Fields.” Did we leave hun- baseball’s long history. turning down a $60,000 offer restaurant on the San Heathfield stole the identity dreds behind when the Lester: from the Brooklyn Dodgers. Francisco waterfront. His of a baby who died in 1962 peace treaty was signed in Top Lefty in Baseball He came up to Boston name was Frank DiMaggio. up in Canada. He by the way January 1973. This is soul- Besides the Florida in 1952, the final year of Thanks to everyone who earned his master’s at searching stuff. Marlins’ Josh Johnson with the Boston franchise and responded to the photo a 9-3 W-L record and 1.70, smashed 25 home runs quiz. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court The Trial Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex Probate and Family Court The Trial Court The Trial Court The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street Middlesex Probate and Family Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court Cambridge, MA 02141 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI10P3141EA Docket No. MI10P3082EA Cambridge, MA 02141 Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI10P3056EA Docket No. MI10D2573DR Docket No. MI10P2915EA In the Estate of In the Estate of CHARLES GARABED SAHAGIAN In the Estate of DIVORCE SUMMONS BY In the Estate of MARIE CAMILLE CARDARELLI PUBLICATION AND MAILING A/K/A MARIE C. CARDARELLI A/K/A CHARLES G. SAHAGIAN FRIEDERIKA GILPATRICK NANDIAL M MISTRI Late of STONEHAM, MA 02180 Late of WATERTOWN, MA 02472 Late of WILMINGTON, MA 01887 MAYRA MORALES AGUILAR Late of SOMERVILLE, MA 02143 Date of Death May 31, 2010 Date of Death June 25, 2010 Date of Death May 4, 2010 vs. Date of Death September 25, 2006 NOTICE OF PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION MAYNOR GEOVANNI NOTICE OF PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION AGUILAR BARCO FOR PROBATE OF WILL FOR PROBATE OF WILL FOR PROBATE OF WILL FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above To all persons interested in the above To all persons interested in the above To the Defendant: To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been captioned estate, a petition has been captioned estate, a petition has been The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document presented requesting that a document presented requesting that a document Divorce requesting that the Court grant a presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said purporting to be the last will of said purporting to be the last will of said divorce for Cruel & Abusive Treatment. purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that decedent be proved and allowed and that decedent be proved and allowed and that The Complaint is on file at the Court. decedent be proved and allowed and that MARIE B BREEN of Westford, MA be JOHN DAVID HAROIAN of Middleton, MA be CANDACE L O’HARA of Wilmington, MA be An Automatic Restraining Order has been UMESH NANDIAL MISTRI of Somerville, MA appointed executrix, named in the will to appointed executor/trix, named in the will to appointed executor/trix, named in the will to entered in this matter preventing you from be appointed executor/trix, named in the will serve Without Surety. serve Without Surety. serve Without Surety. taking any action which would negatively to serve With Corporate Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, impact the current financial status of either IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT Rule 411. A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN You are hereby summoned and AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON required to serve upon Ellen Gabriel, O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON August 9, 2010. August 3, 2010. August 2, 2010. Esquire, Greater Boston Legal Services, August 2, 2010. In addition, you must file a written affidavit In addition, you must file a written affidavit In addition, you must file a written affidavit 197 Friend Street, Boston, MA 02114 your In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific of objections to the petition, stating specific of objections to the petition, stating specific answer, if any, on or before August 17, 2010. of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection facts and grounds upon which the objection facts and grounds upon which the objection If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the is based, within thirty (30) days after the is based, within thirty (30) days after the the hearing and adjudication of this action. is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the court, return day (or such other time as the court, return day (or such other time as the court, You are also required to file a copy of your return day (or such other time as the court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may on motion with notice to the petitioner, may on motion with notice to the petitioner, may answer, if any, in the office of the Register of on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. this Court. allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, Witness, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. First Justice of this Court. Date: July 12, 2010 Date: July 7, 2010 Date: July 6, 2010 Date: June 29, 2010 Date: July 6, 2010 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 7/16/10 Run date: 7/16/10 Run date: 7/16/10 Run date: 7/16/10 Run date: 7/16/10 Page 16 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, JULY 16, 2010


CORNER TALK by Reinaldo Oliveira, Jr. by Richard Preiss HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Hope you all had a Happy 4th of July. NOW I’VE HEARD EVERY- offs, right? But they did. In the world of boxing, 100 years ago on THING — In the tremendous A chance for another ring July 4th 1910 in Reno, Nevada, undefeated volume of commentaries that or the guarantee of a raise? former World Heavyweight Champion were written concerning the Tony chose the money. James J. Jeffries, 18-0-2, 15 KO’s, came free agency of LeBron James Coach Doc Rivers plus Paul out of retirement. He had been retired for and his decision to play for Pierce and Ray Allen all chose six years. His last bout had been on August Miami next season, there was to sign on again and try for a 26, 1904, when he kayoed Jack Monroe in one really unique item that I third trip to the Finals and the two (2) rounds. He next fought World Heavy- came across. chance for a second ring. weight Champion Jack Johnson on July 4, Writing in the Syracuse Even the aforementioned 1910. Jack Johnson won over former World Post Standard, columnist Bud LeBron James supposedly left Champion great James J. Jeffries and re- Poliquin noted that when $30 million on the table in tired on May 15, 1928 with a 79-8-12-14 ND, James awakens in the morn- Cleveland for a chance to win 47 KO record for himself. ing, it is to an alarm clock a ring with Miami. Money Both are magnificent athletes, great that does not ring — it ap- doesn’t buy everything. fighters and American heroes. They’re to plauds. That to me speaks COINCIDING EVENTS: Just be congratulated. volumes about the personal- about the time the NBA is Our prayers go out to both great Ameri- ity of the basketball super- opening its regular season James J. Jeffries vs. Jack Johnson can heroes. R.I.P. We salute you. star. this fall, baseball’s World ROOTING FOR RAY — Series will be starting. ******************** When Sporting News Today The NBA usually begins asked new NCAA President play in late October, so with Happy Birthday Skeets Scioli Mark Emmert who was his the first game of the World favorite athlete to watch — he Series set for October 27 named Ray Allen, who re- many teams will be playing cently signed a new two-year their first home games while deal with the Celtics. the Fall Classic is ongoing. “Since he was a freshman And they’ll still be playing in at UConn, I’ve always like the late stages of that same Ray Allen and his jump shot,” regular season when the first noted the new leader of the pitch of the 2011 baseball nation’s top college sports campaign is thrown on Open- organization who it should ing Day—April 3. be stated, worked at UConn INTERESTING STATS — from 1995 to 1999. He also During the off season the Skeets Scioli, (seated), celebrating his 97th birthday with family and friends. revealed that his favorite folks at NHL.com have a city to visit was Rome: “The chance to look a little deeper Skeets Scioli celebrated his 97th Birthday Don Dimare, Bobby Russo of the Portland people, the food and the fun into hockey lore. In doing so, at Suffolk Downs on June 29th. Many Boxing Club, Jim Perella USA Boxing make it a great place to visit they’ve come up with some attended this festive function. This was well President, George Sacco, Christine Lewis, almost anytime.” interesting numbers involv- put together by Al Valenti. Many attended: Paul Driscoll, Carl Lake, Eddie Scuncio ALLEN BIDS ADIEU — For ing Bruins stars. Jerry Forte, World Champion Great Tony and Christopher Belanger of Foxwoods, years, there was a second For example, former Bruins DeMarco, Micky Ward, Skeets son Sam Nic and Ed Furlizzi, Frank Scioli, Frankie Allen on the C’s. That would standout Phil Esposito still Scioli, Fred Valenti, nephews Joe Maietta Scioli, Paul Barry, Dan Cardillo, Mike Shine be Tony Allen, a bench player holds the record for most and Nick Taddeo, ace boxing photographer and myself. Massachusetts State Auditor who despite being wanted by shots on goal in a single Angie Carlino, Ed Fitzgerald (50 years in sent words of honor and acknowledgment the team, has decided to season. Espo fired 550 shots boxing), Rich Torsney, Ed Santoro, Lee to Skeets Scioli. A horse race was run in sign on with the Memphis at netminders during the Meador, Iron Mike Pusateri, Leo Gerstal, honor of Skeets. This was a great time Grizzlies for next season. 1970-1971 season, a cam- Paul Scioli, Mike Scioli, Hank Driscoll, enjoyed by all, especially by Skeets Scioli. Allen, who played with the paign during which the stats C’s for six seasons, was beset people note “he shattered ******************** with a number of injuries, the NHL scoring records with 76 latest resulting in ankle sur- goals and 152 points.” A Great Show as “Boston Boxing Versus the World!” gery that kept him out of ac- Phil’s record for shots on tor is Peter Czymbor and the Ring Announcer tion for 28 games last season. goal was threatened during is Andy Graziano. Bout #1: 141 lb. Joe Muse Still, he was a valued mem- the 2008-2009 season when of Nonantum Boxing defeated Austin Rob- ber of the Celtics as a defen- Washington’s Alex Ovechkin erts of Bishops Boxing. #2: Joe Elisio of Bish- sive player off the bench and found the range for 528. Thus ops Boxing won over Albert Darvarsh of Bos- went all the way to the NBA he and Esposito are the only ton Boxing. #3: Both 2010 Lowell Golden finals with the C’s twice. two players in NHL history to Glove Champions Timmy Ramos of Fram- Having that experience, have taken more than 500 ing-ham PAL defeated David Majia of The one wonders why Allen would shots in a single season. Ring. #4: 141 lb. New England Golden Gloves choose to leave and go to an But here’s something Champion Gabriel DeLuc of the Grealish inferior team that has no re- even more interesting. Just Boxing Gym won over Julio Perez of the alistic possibility of going who leads the NHL in career Framingham PAL. #5: 152 lb. Tatu Artega deep in the playoffs over the shots on goal? Why none of Framingham PAL defeated Chris Zura of next few years. other than our own Raymond There are some hot upcoming fighters in Boston Boxing & Fitness. #6: 152 lb. Chris By signing on with Mem- Jean Bourque who, over the the area. Brandon Cappiello is one. There Gilbert of Windsor Boxing Club, a 2010 Ver- phis Tony got a guaranteed course of a 21-year career, are many other upcoming recruits from the mont Golden Gloves Champion won over three years (instead of the fired a whopping 6,206 shots amateurs. Owner Ed Lavache is to be con- Jimmy Smith, a Marine and 2010 USA two the C’s were offering) that netminders were gratulated with “Boston Boxing vs. the World” Championships NE Champion of Manfredos’ and what the Boston Globe required to stop. at Club Royale. He has great guest Irish Boxing Gym. #7: 178 lb. Jose Torrez of called “a modest raise” from Now Ray’s best single sea- Micky Ward. Micky is a great role model. Untouchables, 2010 Fall River Golden Gloves $2.5 million to $3 million per son pales in comparison to His advice to upcoming fighters “Train hard Champion won over Victor Nichol of Boston season. Espo’s, with RJB’s highest to- and give it all you got.” Micky Ward is a boxer Boxing, 2010 Lowell Golden Gloves Cham- Remember that minimal tal being 390 over the course to listen to. He won the World Boxing Union pion. #8: Heavyweights Silas Levy of The difference translates into of the 1995-1996 season. But Light-Welterweight Title on March 11, 2000 Ring, 2010 Lowell Golden Glove Champion $500,000 per year for every- it’s his consistency over the in the United Kingdom defeating Shea won over Justin Robinson of Micky Ward’s one in the working world who course of those 21 seasons Neary by way of an 8-round TKO. Micky Ward Gym, 2010 Lowell Golden Glove Champion. must get up and go to their that made the difference. retired with a great 38-13, 27 KO record. Walkovers were 125 lb. Redline Fight Sports jobs every day. Don’t you wish Ray is way ahead of every- Fighters from many great gyms are here: 2008 Marciano Tournament Champion, 132 you worked in an industry one else since Marcel Dionne Boston Boxing and Fitness, Nonantum Box- lb. Female Roberta Papas of Shoe City and where $500,000 raises were is second with 5,366 while ing Club, Grealish Boxing Gym, Redline Fight 201 lb. Mike Capello of Micky Wards Gym. considered “modest?” Wel- Wayne Gretzky is fifth with Sports, Bishop’s Boxing Club, Framingham This was a fine all-star fight show bringing come to the NBA. 5,089. For active players, PAL, The Ring, Manfredos, Untouchables, to the attention of many that there’s talent So next spring, while Tony Mike Modano is the leader Shoe City Boxing, Micky Ward Boxing, in the area. All fighters in this tournament is sitting at home counting with 4,194. Windsor Boxing Club. Ringside commenta- are “Champions.” his extra cash, his former Ray also compiled an im- teammates will be advancing pressive career plus/minus Denny Moyer Passes deep into the playoffs, maybe mark of plus 528, second only in a faceoff with Miami for to Larry Robinson (plus 730). World Champion Denny Moyer of Portland, Oregon, passed into the right to go to the Finals. In addition, Gretzky (plus that Golden Ring in Heaven, refereed by God on June 30, 2010. He Don’t laugh. Remember, 518) and Bobby Clarke (plus fought great fighters of a Golden Era: His record: 97-38-4, 38 KO’s. the Celtics had absolutely no 506) round out the only four He won the WBA World Junior Middleweight Championship on chance of beating Cleveland players in NHL history to October 20, 1962 in his match with Joey Giambra and held it to (with its 61 regular season retire with better than plus April 29, 1963. R.I.P. victories) in this year’s play- 500 career marks.