Contacting CHEC Schools by Bill Fledderus and Al Hiebert Much of the Information in This Chart Is Also Available At
Contacting CHEC Schools By Bill Fledderus and Al Hiebert Much of the information in this chart is also available at To research Christian colleges and universities that are not members of Christian Higher Education Canada, consider visiting the online tools section of or Stay Home and Study: Distance Education Options ways. “Distance education” can take various forms, including Do work and family commitments prevent you from pursuing correspondence, audio, video and extension classes. “Modular Christian higher education? Not able to travel to the nearest & part-time” (M&PT) includes one week modules, one-day-a- Christian college or university? Take heart, for schools are finding week, weekend and/or summer courses. The number of courses new ways to overcome these obstacles. available in single study mode noted as “<10” or “>10.” Online study programs, other distance learning programs and Degrees are named where the whole degree or a major “Part” part-time study programs are offered at most of the 35 colleges, is available in that study mode. “Deg. Comp.” stands for “degree universities and seminaries that are part of Christian Higher completion programs,” which allow students with previous Education Canada (CHEC). The following list specifies which undergrad credits to complete a degree while continuing full-time CHEC schools offer courses for credit in one of three unusual employment. –BF and AH School Undergraduate (e.g., bachelor’s degree, Graduate (e.g., doctorate, master’s) certificate, diploma) Degree Online. Distance. Degree Online. Distance. Programs Modular & Part-Time. Programs Modular & Part-Time.
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