Graduation Exercises

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Graduation Exercises SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL CoMMENCEMENT GRADUATION EXERCISES SuNDAY EVENING, JuNE TENTH MCMXLV MEN's GYMNASIUM EIGHT o'CLOCK OREGON STATE COLLEGE The Colors Distinctive of the Schools Used for tassels of caps of candidates for degrees The Graduate Division: Black The School of Science: Golden Yell ow The School of Agriculture: Maize The Division of Business and Industry: Drab The School of Education : Light Blue The School of Engineering: Orange The School of Forestry: Russet The School of Home Economics: White The Department of Nursing Education (Medical School) : Golden Yellow The School of Pharmacy: Olive Green PROGRAM Overture "The Golden Scepter" ---------------------------------------- Schlepegrell In a Monastery Garden ------------------------------------------------------------ K etelbey The R.O.T.C.-A.S.T.P. Band Harry Lynden Beard, Director PROCESSIONAL-Grand March Heroic ---------------------------------------- Taylor The R.O.T.C.-A.S.T.P. Band Harry Lynden Beard, Director The audience will remain seated throughout the processional but will rise when the Colors enter the auditorium and will remain standing until after the playing of the National Anthem. The Star Spangled Banner INVOCATION-The Reverend Charles Scott Neville, A.B., B.D. Rector of the Church of the Good Samaritan (Episcopal) Prayer of Thanksgiving (Old Dutch Melody) -----------------------------­ ---------------------------------------------------------- arranged by Eduard K remser The Oregon State College Madrigal Club Paul Petri, Conductor Lorena Ferguson, Organist GREETINGS FROM THE STATE BoARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION­ Aubrey R. Watzek, B.A., LL.B. Member of the State Board of Higher Education ADDRESS-Commander Charles J. Frisbie, U.S.N.R. Seraphic Song ··-------------------------------------------------------- Anton Rubinstein Choral Paraphrase by Samuel Richard Gaines The Oregon State College Madrigal Club Paul Petri, Conductor Jean Beard, Contralto Ruth Lorraine Close, Harpist Delbert Warren Moore, Violinist CoNFERRING oF DEGREES- August Leroy Strand, Ph.D. President of Oregon State College ALUMNI PLEDGE-Clyde Williamson, '08 President of the Alumni Association Alma Mater ----------------------------------------------------Homer Maris, M.S., '18 RECESSIONAL-Grand March "The Vniversity" ____________________ Goldman The R.O.T.C.-A.S.T.P. Band Harry Lynden Beard, Director After the Colors have been carried from the auditorium, the audience will be seated during the recessional. Gold Star Men of Oregon State College in the Present War On a roll of everlasting honor Oregon State College sorrowfully and proudly places the names of graduates and former students who in the service of their country in this time of peril have given their lives in defense of our national liberties. The roll is based on official reports received to date. To the families and friends who have suffered bereavement the faculty and students of the College offer deepest sympathy. Class of 1946 PFC. ARCHIE FRANK FANGER PvT. JoHN HALSAN FITCHA SGT. RALPH KENDALL BARBER A/C DEAN RAYMOND CRABTREE LT. TRUMAN FENTON FoRBIS PFc. CLAIR EDWIN CuLLEN, }R. A!C GEORGE HUGO HALLIN SGT. JOHN WILLIAM HARRISON PFc. HAROLD KrLnoaN DAviES SEAMAN 2/C RAYMOND NoRMAN LIEN LT. GEORGE WILLIAM HUFFMAN, JR. SGT. WILLIAM STUART McFADDEN Pre. BERNARD RICHARD PoLEHN LT. JAMES GRANVILLE PURDY PvT. DuRHAM WHITE PORTER ENSIGN LEO HENRY REIMERS PFc. ALPHA LEONARD PowERS, }R. PFc. LoRAN KEITH SPAULDING PvT. DALE MONROE ROBERTSON SGT. CLARK EDWARD Ross PFc. HANS RoNALD STRUVE ENSIGN DEXTER RussELL, }R. CPL. WALTER WARREN \VETLE, }R. LT. CHESTER PHILIP ToLER Class of 1945 PvT. KENNETH BASSETT WILLIAMS CAPT. WILBUR }OHN Coss PFc. JoHN GuRNEY DENSEM, }R. Class of 1942 SGT. }OHN Ross ENGLE, }R. LT. HAROLD LEROY BANTON F/0 WILLIAM FREDERICK FISCHER LT. DEANE FRANCIS BIXBY IRviN AuGUST GoNSIOR LT. }ACK HUBERT BRODIE LT. WILLIAM OTIS GooDLOW LT. RoBERT Ross BuNNELL ENSIGN THOMAS EDWARD HAWKINS LT. ROBERT GREENLEE CAMPBELL LT. }OHN LEWIS HESSE, Jn. ENSIGN HARVEY EDWIN HANSEN ELwooo MERLE HoFFMAN LT. F. EMERSON HoLLIDAY PFc. LYMAN TODD LATOURETTE, }R. LT. THOMAS AusTIN JoHNSTON S/SGT. HARRY HERSCHEL MANSFIELD LT. }OHN PAUL LAIRD PFC. RICHARD GORDON NIKLAS SEAMAN }AMES H. LANE SGT. PAUL WILLIAM REDDEN LT. KARL FRANCIS LEARO S/SGT. }ACK EDWARD TREW S/SGT. DARRELL ROBERT LINCKS LT. JoHN PnARES WALKER LT. WALLACE SHERMAN LONG PFC. MARVIN LINDLEY WELLMAN PVT. ROBERT LEE MATHES LT. DEAN MARTIN MILLS Class of 1944 S/SGT. RoBERT LAWRENCE PALMBERG S/SGT. PHILIP MORRIS BALL LT. HAROLD LAWRENCE PEDERSON LT. (JG) RICHARD LLEWELLYN BALLARD LT. LESTER WILLIAM SHEPHERD LT. DANIEL REEDE BooNE, }R. S/SGT. RoBERT NIEL SuTHERLAND LT. VICTOR DEMARZ BROWN, }R. F!O PAUL WILLIAM WEESE LT. SAMUEL }OliN BRYAN ENSIGN WINSTON LEROY CHILDS Class of 1941 LT. }OHN C. CoLEMAN LT. GAYLE LEVINE ANDERSON LT. JoHN HENRY CoNRAD, ]R. LT. DEAN BRUNER AsHCRAFT SGT. ROBERT s. FAULKNER LT. KENT NORMAN AsHCRAFT LT. HENRY CLAY HANSEN CAPT. KEITH NELSON Buscn PFC. STANLEY H. LARSEN CAPT. Louis AusTIN LEDAPP ENSIGN MADISON KENT MooRMAN LT. ROBERT FARNSWORTH LT. FRED RAu LT. DONALD EDGAR FIELD PvT. EvERETT ELWOOD SMITH CAPT. WILLIAM BERGER GENTRY LT. RoBERT McGEE TRASK CAPT. PHILIP RICHARD GRAY LT. WILLIAM HENRY UDICK LT. WALDO GRAY S/SGT. WILLIAM THOMAS VESSEY LT. WILLIAM STANLEY HENDERSON ENSIGN ASHLEY ]AY WELTON CAPT. DoNALD BRYCE HuTcHENS PvT. ARVID ALANSON WILLIAMS CAPT. LAWRENCE EDWARD }ONES LT. KENNETH CAMERON WILSON LT. NORTON RHEA KING CAPT. GuY OLIVER MoNROE Class of 1943 SEAMAN THOMAS HowARD MoRIARTY LT. FRANK EDWARD ALBER LT. RoBERT D . OLSON A!C LEONARD HuMBERT BALLIF, }R. LT. FLOYD ELWOOD PARKS LT. DORVAL RAY BINEGAR CAPT. HOWARD KENNETH READ LT. DELBERT FREEMAN CREWS CAPT. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SCHOENFELD LT. ALAN WINSTON DETRICK LT. CHARLES HENRY SEMON LT. MYRON T . J, DIRICKSON LT. GEORGE w. STEPHENSON LT. DELMAR HENRY DoBLIE, Ja. T/SGT. VIRGIL FRANCIS STOW LT. }AMES E. DUNCAN LT. WALLACE EDWARD ZOSEL 4 Gold Star Men of Oregon State College-Continued Class of 1940 Class of 1937 CAPT. HOWARD HILDRETH AMOS CAPT. VERNE THOMAS LT. BLAIR KENYON BLACKER LT. RAY FRANCIS WEBER LT. WALLACE JoHN CARL PvT. RoY HERBERT DoBELL, JR. Class of 1936 LT. EARL DoNALD DuTTON LT. CoL. DoNALD K. BENNETT F/0 RICHARD WALLACE GILKEY LT. WILLIAM GALE BINSHADLER CAPT. HuGH VERNON CARICO r~~Tslu"A';~ ~~~:IsE~~RliJ;':;TZELMAN LT. JACK LYONS LT. GEORGE CHARLES HowE, JR. LT. CoL. MAYNARD CoNRAD ScHULTZ LT. IRviNG HowARD HoYT LT. ALBERT M. SMITH LT. KEITH KERSHAW LT. ALFRED WILSON KREUTZ Class of 1935 LT. ROBERT TABER LESLIE LT. JACK LEWIS LOONEY CAPT. HowARD DAvis HERTZ LT. RoBERT BRucE McCoNNELL SGT. DONALD EDWIN TICE LT. JAMES EMIL MACKEY CAPT. RALPH EUGENE MAGNUSON Class of 1933 LT. ELWYN FREMONT MANN MAJOR JACK WILSON BERRY LT. ROBERT NATHAN MORRISON CAPT. JACK Louis DuFRANE LT. HARRY BIRDETTE PARKER CAPT. FLOYD SAMUEL LEWIS MAJOR MERRILL FRANKLIN SARGENT CAPT. ALVIN WILLIAM MEADE ENSIGN GRANT WAYNE TEATS MAJOR EDwARD CoucH RoBERTSON LT. JOHN RALPH VAN GORDER ENSIGN JoHN SIMPSON WATSON Class of 1932 S/SGT. WILLIAM HuGHES WHITFIELD CAPT. FRANK HERBERT DISBROW, JR. CAPT. EARL c. WILLIAMS MAJOR DONALD B. DUNHAM LT. WILDRIC FREEMAN HYNES, JR. Class of 1939 CPL. NoRMAN DoNALD MciNTYRE LT. MILTON 0DILO BELL CoL. HERBERT ALoNzo WADSWORTH MAJOR DELBERT WALTER BuRKE LT. RALPH AUBREY CHAPMAN Class of 1931 LT. RoBERT D. CoiNER S/SGT. DONALD H. GUILD CAPT. LAWRENCE MARTIN ELSTEAD LT. JOHN PAUL JONES MAJOR HowARD JEROME FRIEDMAN PvT. LEE GABIE Class of 1930 LT. RAY IRWIN GLASGOW LT. RALPH wALDO ELDEN LT. RoBERT DoN HAND LT. AuGUST JoHN EssMAN MAJOR CHARLES E. HANSEN, JR. MAJOR JAMES VIRGIL JoHNSTON, Ja. LT. VERNON McCAuLEY Class of 1927 LT. DAVID KEITH MONCUR DAVID FRANCIS LANGMACK Class of 1938 Class of 1923 S/SGT. LELAND JAMES ASHCRAFT CPL. FRANK LYNCH LT. FRANCIS HENRY CHORAK LT. COMDR. ELWYN LEWIS CHRISTMAN Class of 1922 LT. LOYAL MOORE FELTS LT. (JG) GIFFORD LAWSON OSBORNE LT. JOHN KEPLINGER FISHER CoL. DoNALD LEE ROY GrLBERT Class of 1917 LT. WILFRED LAWRENCE GRENFELL LT. CoL. OREN A. MuLKEY CAPT. HAROLD HAMMERS LT. WILLIAM SHIRLEY JoNES Class of 1908 LT. EARL BARRY KNAPP CAPT. FRANKLIN HINDS NtCHOSON CAPT. OTTO HARRISON ScHRADER CAPT. ALBERT PETER NICOL MAJOR JoHN CAMPBELL WILKINS Senior Honor Students June 1945 Senior honors are conferred by the faculty Administrative Council upon those members of the graduating class, candidates for a bachelor's degree, who throughout their entire college course have maintained the highest scholastic standing in their respective schools. A student to be eligible to sucb honor must have made a grade·point average of 3.25 or higher. Election is limited to ten per cent of the graduating members of a school. SCIENCE MARY CAROLYN BARTON MARY CAROLYN BEYER FERN MARIE LAFLAMME BETTE VIRGINIA PURTZER AGRICULTURE GILBERT VINCENT ScHrRK BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY SusAN ADELE STURM HELEN EILEEN STARKEY ELEANOR ANNE KING MARY LOUISE KASER DoROTHY ELLEN STEWART EDUCATION MILDRED RoBINSON ScHULTZ BETTY ANUNSEN WILKE MARION }EAN KlERZEK ENGINEERING RrcHARD }AMES RosECRANS EDWIN VICTOR WEISS ROBERT } AMES ARENZ FORESTRY } OHN FLEEGER HOME ECONOMICS BETTY EILEEN SAUM MARIE }EANETTE EDDY HELEN VIRGINIA RICE LOIS ANN YOUNG MARY LOUISE SHUPE HELEN McBuRNEY ABREGO BARBARA BRUCK HERD JEAN ADAIR CLARK DoROTHY VIRGINIA MAAG BERNICE LucY ScHAAD RITA !RENE HATHAWAY NURSING EDUCATION }OAN VALENCOURT YoUNG PHARMACY 0RPHA G LEE 6 Phi Kappa Phi Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic honor society founded at the University of Maine in !897, recognizes and promotes scholarship in all fields,
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