AMPAL—American Israel Corporation, 410 Abbas, Ferhat
Index AMPAL—American Israel Corporation, Alexander, Lloyd, 485 410 Alexander, Raymond Pace, 98 Abbas, Ferhat, 356,358 Algeria, 232, 235,356-61, 385 Abboud, Ibrahim, 343 ibn 'Ali, Ghaleb, 344 Aberg, Einar, 366 Aliyat ha-No'ar, 251 Abrahams, Robert D., 484 Allan, Robert Alexander, 225 Abramis, Israel, 288 Allen v. County School Board, 72n Aburabiya, Arnram, 327 Allgemeine Wochenzeitung der Juden Academy for Higher Jewish Learning, (West Germany), 257, 261 397 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 33, 163, Act of Bogota, 214 235, 237, 238, 239, 251, 338, 339, 349, Adams, Theodore, 139 350, 355, 356, 360, 367 Adaskin, Harry, 48 Almog, Samuel, 368 Adaskin, Murray, 48 Almogi, Joseph, 316 Aden, 344-45 Altman, Moses, 288 Adenauer, Konrad, 125, 186, 254, 257, Amadeo, Mario, 200,201,202 261, 268, 272, 299, 310 Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union Adler, Selig, 477,485 of America, 38 Adult Jewish Education, 431 Amar, David, 355 Adult Jewish Leadership, 431 Amer, Abdul Hakim, 337 African National Congress (Union of America, 113 South Africa), 363 America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Afritsch, Joseph, 288 155n, 164, 164n, 165, 409 Agnon, Samuel Joseph, 326 American Academy for Jewish Research, Agriculture and Development party (Is- 168, 395 rael), 316 American Association for Jewish Educa- Agron, Gershon, 317, 329 tion, 155n, 168, 398 Agudah News Reporter, 431 American Biblical Encyclopedia Society, Agudas Israel World Organization, 397- 168, 395 98 American Civil Liberties Union, 105 Agudat Israel (Brazil), 218 American Committee for Bar-Ilan Uni- Agudat
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