PUBLICATION OF THE CAROLINAS GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION CAROLINAS greenSEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Chechessee Aims High in Low Country Plus Dad Goes to School Staring Down Cancer PERMIT # 535 # PERMIT COLUMBIA SC COLUMBIA PAID US POSTAGE US PRSRT STD PRSRT Control like this has always been out of reach. Until now. The New A Model Mowers from John Deere. Now your presence can be felt on every part of your course. That’s the control you get with the new A Model mowers from John Deere. Thanks to our TechControl display, no matter who is operating the mower, you can easily program these mowers to mow and turn at exact speeds, to transport at safe speeds, and to lock in fuel savings. You can also plug in service reminders and get diagnostic feedback quickly and accurately. And all of your operators can now mow in a more consistent fashion. The power to control your course is now in your hands. To find out more about our new A Models, call us or sign up for a demo at Trusted by the best courses on Earth. Our exclusive, password-protected TechControl™ Display lets you program commands for your operators. REVELS TURF AND TRACTOR SHOWTURF GREENVILLE TURF AND TRACTOR NC, SC, VA, WV Hilton Head, SC Piedmont, SC 800-849-5469 888-746-8873 866-485-8873 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS President William E. Kennedy, CGCS Chechessee Creek Club CAROLINAS Bluffton, SC (843) 987-2740 green
[email protected] Vice-President David Lee Hope Valley Country Club COLUMNS AND DEPARTMENTS Durham, NC (919) 489-4308 4 President’s Message
[email protected] 6 Executive Director’s Message Secretary-Treasurer P.