The Professional Geologist Jul/Aug/Sept 2014
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Volume 51, Number 3 THE PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST Jul/Aug/Sept 2014 TPG Volume 51, Number 3 THE PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST Jul/Aug/Sep 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE FEATURES The Next Generation of Geoscientists Starting Young! Jan Mazgaj, CPG-7019 4 AIPG National Officers Election Results 5 AIPG/AHS National Conference Sponsors 5 2014 AIPG Student Scholarship Winner Essays 6 22 AGI/AIPG Summer Interns Learning the Ropes Abigail Seadler 13 The Ocean Floor: A New Rare Earth Element Frontier Ryan Phillip, SA-5283 17 Coal, Just Not for Burning Michael D. Campbell, CPG-3330, M. David Campbell, Jeffrey D. King and Henry M. Wise, CPG-7691 21 Interpreting Geology in an Art Museum G.H. Edwards, CPG-2570 and A.F. Martin 39 PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE Participating in Undergraduate Geoscience Research Builds Skills that Employers Value Dr. Uwe Richard Kackstaetter, MEM-2437, Barbara EchoHawk, 35 Claire M. Hay, and Stella W. Todd 47 Cover Photo: Soft sediment deformation features within the Upper Browns Park formation, south-central Wyoming. Photo by Mark Zellman, CPG-11582. 35 Coal, Just Not for Burning Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG-3330 M. David Campbell, P.G. Jeffrey D. King, P.G. Henry M. Wise, P.G., CPG-7691 This is the rest of the story. As indus- material from plants and animals that leum used currently to manufacture try has begun to pull carbon dioxide lived millions of years ago. This mate- most of the wood-based and plastic- out of the atmosphere and store it in rial has been metamorphosed into rock based products, such as furniture, utility underground reservoirs, we also have or densely packed sediment by heat and poles, building construction materials, the option to not burn the coal of fossil- pressure from being buried thousands and a host of other products. Carbon- ized dead forests. Alternative sources of of feet below the surface. Coal forms rich natural resources no longer need energy to generate electricity are avail- in stages, starting with organic mud, to be burned for the purpose of gener- able. We also have the option to prevent progressing through metamorphism suc- ating electricity but can be used as a the destruction of the living forests (and cessively (given sufficient heat and over- feedstock to formulate carbon fiber and their associated ecosystems) that pro- lying pressure) to lignite, bituminous carbon nanotubes and cages (microscopic duce much of the oxygen that humans coals, and ultimately anthracite coal structures of graphene that we’ll define and other organisms need to exist. The (the metamorphic version of carbon). later) that are already used in reinforced carbon in coal can also be used to make Graphite forms as a result of organic plastics, heat-resistant composites, cell- other common “clean” products. Coal material or limestone undergoing even phone components, batteries, fishing may then become “clean coal” after all greater heat and pressure at depth over rods, golf club shafts, bicycle frames, and not just an oxymoron with visions of an even longer period of time. sports car bodies, the fuselage of the becoming germane economically. In discussions with an associate a few Boeing 787 Dreamliner, pool cue sticks China, Australia, Russia, India, the months ago (James L. Conca, Ph.D.), and to reinforce concrete and gray cast Asia Pacific region, and the United as we were finishing a report on our iron and many other products. This also States have large coal resources, but investigations of using nuclear systems includes carbon rods used as a neutron they are currently committed for burn- to generate electricity to power the 2nd moderator in nuclear reactors to control ing to generate electricity, putting huge space race that has just begun 4, 5, page 182, the rate of fission. quantities of particulates, carbon diox- we realized the importance of carbon- Carbon is also used in components ide, carbon monoxide, mercury and other based materials that were on the verge for heating nuclear fuel and in the cool- contaminants into the atmosphere (see of replacing many products made of less down process, and can absorb heat up to Figure 1). sturdy materials, especially those appli- 3,000 degrees C without any significant cations requiring materials that provide deterioration.22 Refractory crucibles superior strength and protection from for high-temperature are also made of radiation. These materials have appli- graphite as well as in the manufacture cations in products on Earth as well. 7 of electrodes for many industrial appli- A shift in the paradigm is afoot it cations, e.g., the aluminum and steel seems. Carbon derived from coal is smelting industries. becoming more important than wood Chairs and other furniture could be and petroleum products as feedstock to made from reformulated coal that could make common products that society uses seat an elephant, last a hundred years, every day. and be of any form and shape conceived Carbon formulations can replace of by the designer. Figure 1. A Coal-Fired Power Plant. wood, some metals, and some plastics, Using high-carbon materials formu- the latter once considered to be “the lated for building materials would also future” by a family friend providing minimize building fires and damage by The United Nations has formalized advice in the movie The Graduate. The high winds, and even replace gypsum bold opposition to burning coal in a new material of the future comes from wallboard to improve energy conserva- recent press release,10 but the Asia coal and other carbon-rich materials tion within homes and interior strength Pacific region is largely dependent at such as graphite. One word, carbon, of materials. present on coal, rather than wind and will carry many present graduates to a Even as we move off-world in the com- solar resources, and even these currently rewarding future but plastics will still ing decades, carbon products of high den- 25 have serious drawbacks. be needed as well. sity and strength will likely become more Coal in its most common natural form We discovered the merit of using useful in exploration activities to protect is composed primarily of carbon consist- carbon products to replace the need to human habitation and electronics from ing of decomposed and fossilized organic harvest trees and to produce the petro- radiation and from various types of JUL/AUG/SEP 2014 • TPG 21 COAL, JUST NOT FOR BURNING inherent stresses in orbit or encountered Graphite is composed of thousands of strains, bulges or wrinkles as seen in in building structures on or under the layers of graphene. It is used in pencil transmission electron micrographs of surface of the Moon, asteroids, and even “leads” (the lead’s hardness is adjusted graphene nanoplatelets consisting of Mars.8 Some form of carbon material will by altering the associated clay content). only a few layered graphene sheets. also be needed to make the 28,000 miles One can split the microscopic layers of These structures impart different prop- of carbon-fiber belts required in building graphene in graphite by marking with erties to materials that can enhance the first space elevator, see Figure 2. 5, a pencil on paper and applying Scotch page 201 Tape over the mark and then pulling off the tape. You will see a graphene layer showing on the tape and on the paper.23 For scale, there are still thousands of lay- ers of graphene below those one can see. There are other forms of carbon, but these are not commonly available on Earth. These forms include Buckminster fullerene and several cage and tubular varieties that can be made artificially and offer promise for future applica- Figure 2. Artist’s Conception of the Space tions.9 Meteorites also contain graphene Figure 4. Chicken Wire Pattern with 15 Elevator Hoagland. in the form of “buckyballs”, and lunar Variations in the Grid. soils consisting of meteorite impact dust will likely also contain large amounts of The production of carbon for use in graphene (and carbyne to be discussed performance in composites, batteries, consumer products would likely main- later), in addition to helium-3. 5, page 182 electronics, and many other products tain or increase employment in the cur- It is clear that these carbon materi- (see Figure 4). rent coal and graphite industry and in als are becoming increasingly impor- Graphene is an incredible submicro- the associated new carbon-based indus- tant natural resources and are useful scopic material, and is: tries that formulate and manufacture resources driving the expansion of a • the strongest material in nature new carbon products. new carbon-based industry, not only in (200 times stronger than steel by Underground mining of coal could be the nuclear industry but in many other weight), put off until it could be accomplished by industries as well.26 • able to be mixed with other materi- robotic miners without the need for the Graphene appears at the atomic-scale als like plastics and cements, continuous presence of humans under- like chicken wire made of carbon atoms • highly flexible, ground in typically methane-rich and and their covalent bonds (see Figure • the thinnest useable material in the therefore potentially explosive environ- 3). Most importantly, graphene is the world (100,000,000 stacked sheets is ments. strongest material widely available in less than an inch), 1 It is apparent that coal and associ- nature. • a better heat and electricity conduc- ated carbon-rich natural resources tor than copper, such as lignite can be converted to • a material that can replace silicon high-grade carbon through indus- in semi-conductors, trial heat and pressure, producing material similar to the naturally • a material that revolutionizes solar- occurring anthracite coal and power collection, and graphite.18, 24, and 33 Graphite is a • a material that dramatically natural mineral that consists of improves the performance of lithi- carbon that forms only two bonds um-ion batteries.