Abbreviations and Terms

Abbreviations apra Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (Popular Revolutionary Alliance of America) cgtp Confederación General de Trabajadores del Perú (General Confederation of Peruvian Workers) cn Concentración Nacional (National Unity) fep Federación de Estudiantes del Perú (Federation of Peruvian Students) pap Partido Aprista Peruano (Peruvian Aprista Party) pcp Partido Comunista del Perú (Peruvian ) psp Partido Socialista del Perú (Peruvian ) upgp Universidades Populares González Prada (González Prada Popular Universities) ur Unión Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Union)

Key Terms

Aprista: supporter of, or pertaining to, APRA. Aristocratic Republic: period of elite civilian rule, 1895–1919­ . capitulero: intermediary between party leaders and followers. caudillo: military or political strongman. Civilista: supporter of the Partido Civil; later, a broad epithet for anyone associated with the elite politics of the Aristocratic Republic period (left uncapitalized for this usage). Comité de Saneamiento y Consolidación Revolucionaria (Committee for Healing and Revolutionary Consolidation): commission established by Sánchez Cerro in the wake of his Revolution of Arequipa to punish former members of Leguía’s government. Conscripción Vial (Highways Conscription Act): law enacted by Leguía to compel obligatory labor on national road projects. xviii abbreviations and terms Estatuto Electoral (Electoral Statute): electoral reforms promulgated by the Samanez Ocampo junta that expanded the electorate, protected against electoral corrup- tion, and provided for elections in 1931. Guardia Civil (Civil Guard): national police force accountable to the head of state. hacienda: landed estate. indigenista: pertaining to the valorization of indigenous peoples and cultures. junta: council of military officers that governs a country after seizing power by force. Leguiísta: supporter of, or pertaining to, Leguía. Oncenio: eleven-y­ ear period of Leguía’s rule (1919–­1930). Partido Civil (Civilist Party): dominant elite party during the Aristocratic Republic period, founded on the principle of civilian rule. Revolution of Arequipa: Sánchez Cerro’s coup of August 1930, which unseated Leguía. Sánchezcerrista: supporter of, or pertaining to, Sánchez Cerro. War of the Pacific: war fought between Chile and -B­ olivia between 1879 and 1883 (won by Chile).