Common Name Scientific Name Maple Family Aceraceae Sumac

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Common Name Scientific Name Maple Family Aceraceae Sumac Bastrop County Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines As of June 21, 2011 This checklist of the vascular plants of Bastrop County is primarily based on the collections in the herbarium at Plant Resource Center, University of Texas, Austin. The USDA files were searched and the added records are indicated with an asterisk (*). Several local lists were also utilized, the most comprehensive being the plant list from Bastrop and Buescher State Parks, with a few additions from Stengl Research Station and McKinney Roughs Natural Area.. These local records which were additions to the PRC list are indicated with a pound sign (#). Rare plants listed from Rare Plants of Texas by Poole, are indicated with an exclamation point (!) Species marked in bold are listed on the Texas Department of Agriculture Noxious Weeds list. Scientific Name Common Name Aceraceae Maple Family Acer negundo box elder Acer rubrum red maple # Anacardaceae Sumac Family Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac Rhus copallinum flame-leaf sumac Rhus glabra smooth sumac Rhus trifoliata skunkbush sumac * Toxicodendron radicans poison ivy Annonaceae Custard Apple Family Asimina parviflora dwarf pawpaw Asimina triloba pawpaw Aquifoliaceae Holly Family Ilex decidua possumhaw, deciduous holly Ilex opaca American holly # Ilex vomitoria yaupon Asteraceae Aster Family Baccharis halimifolia eastern baccharis Baccharis neglecta Roosevelt baccharis Mikania scandens climbing hempweed # Berberidaceae Barberry Family Berberis trifoliolata agarita Mahonia trifoliata mahonia Nandina domestica heavenly-bamboo Betulaceae Birch Family Alnus serrulata tag alder Ostyra virginiana eastern hop hornbeam Bignoniaceae Trumpet Creeper Family Campsis radicans trumpet creeper Chilopsis linearis desert willow Cactaceae Cactus Family Corypantha missouriensis plains nIpple cactus Corypantha sulcata pineapple cactus Cylindropuntia leptocaulis pencil cactus, tasajillo # Bastrop County Trees, Shrubs, & Woody Vines. Prepared by the Lost Pines Chapter, Texas Master Naturalists 06/21/11 Page 1 Cactaceae Cactus Family (cont) Echinocereus reichenbachii lace hedgehog cactus Opuntia engelmanii cactus apple Opuntia humifusa smooth prickly pear Sclerocactus scheeri Scheer's fishhook cactus Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family Lonicera japonica Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens coral honeysuckle Sambucus nigra elderberry Viburnum nudum blackhaw # Viburnum prunifolium smooth blackhaw # Viburnum rufidulum rusty blackhaw Celastraceae Bittersweet Family Euonymous americana bursting heart Clusiaceae St.John's Wort Family Hypericum crux-andreae St.Peter's wort # Hypericum drummondii nits-and-lice Hypericum gentianoides pineweed Hypericum gymnanthemum clasping St.John's wort # Hypericum (Ascryum) hypericoides St.Andrew's cross # Hypericum mutilum dwarf St.John's wort Triadenum virginicum Virginia marsh St.John's wort Concolvulaceae Morning Glory Family Convolvulus equitans gray bindweed Dichondra caroliniensis Carolina ponysfoot Dichondra recurvata ponysfoot Evolvus sericeus silky evolvus Ipomea leptophylla . bush morning glory Ipomoea cordatotriloba wild morning glory Merremia dissecta Alamo vine Stylisma pickeringii big-pod dawnflower Cornaceae Dogwood Family Cornus drummondii rough dogwood Cornus florida flowering dogwood Cupressaceae Cypress Family Juniperus ashei Ashe's juniper Juniperus virginiana eastern red cedar Taxodium distichum bald cypress Ebenaceae Persimmon Family Diospyros texana Texas persimmon Diospyros virginica eastern persimmon Ephedraceae Mormon Tea Family Ephedra antisyphilitica mormon tea Ericaceae Heath Family Rhododendron oblongifolium Texas azalea # Vaccinium arboreum farkleberry Bastrop County Trees, Shrubs, & Woody Vines. Prepared by the Lost Pines Chapter, Texas Master Naturalists 06/21/11 Page 2 Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family Triadica sebifera Chinese tallow tree Stillingia sylvatica queen's delight Stillingia texana Texas stillingia Fabaceae Legume or Pea Family Acacia angustissima fern acacia Acacia farnesiana (smallii) huisache Acacia fruticosa acacia Acacia greggii catclaw Albriza julibrissin mimosa Amorpa fruticosa false indigo Amorpha paniculata panicled indigo # Cercis canadensis redbud tree Erythrina herbacea coral bean Indigofera suffrutocosa shrub indigo Parkinsonia aculeata retama, paloverde Pueraria montana kudzu Sesbania drummondii rattlebush or poisonbean # Sophora affinis eve's necklace Fagaceae Beech Family Querus fusiformis escarpment live oak Quercus incana bluejack oak Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Quercus lyrata overcup oak Quercus macrocarpa bur oak Quercus margarettiae sand post oak Quercus marilandica blackjack oak Quercus nigra water oak Quercus shumardii Shumard's red oak Quercus sinuata scrub shin oak Quercus stellata post oak Quercus virginiana coastal live oak Hamamelidaceae Witch Hazel Family Liquidambar styraciflua sweet gum Hippocastanaceae Buckeye Family Aesculus pavia red buckeye Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea Family Philadelphus pubescens hoary mock orange Juglandacea Walnut Family Carya aquatica water hickory # Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory # Carya illinoinensis pecan Carya texana black hickory Juglans nigra black walnut Malvaceae Mallow Malvaviscus arboreus Turk's cap Bastrop County Trees, Shrubs, & Woody Vines. Prepared by the Lost Pines Chapter, Texas Master Naturalists 06/21/11 Page 3 Meliaceae Mahogany Family Melia azedarach chinaberry Menispermaceae Moonseed Family Cocculus carolinus Carolina snailseed Moraceae Mulberry Family Maclura pomifera Osage orange, bois d'arc Morus rubra red mulberry Myricaceae Bayberry Family Myrica (morella) cerifera southern bayberry, wax myrtle # Nyssaceae Tupelo Family Nyssa sylvatica tupelo gum, black gum # Oleaceae Olive Family Forestiera acuminata swamp privet Forestiera ligustrina upland swamp privet * Forestiera pubescens elbow bush Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Fraxinus texensis Texas ash Ligustrum japonicum Japanese privet Ligustrum lucidum tree or glossy privet Ligustrum quinoui wax-leaf myrtle Ligustrum sinense littleleaf or Chinese privet Passifloraceae Passion flower Family Passiflora incarnata passionflower Passiflora lutea yellow passionflower Pinaceae Pine Family Pinus elliotii yellow slash pine Pinus taeda loblolly pine Platanaceae Sycamore Family Platanus occidentalis sycamore tree Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family Berchemia scandens supplejack Ceanothus americanus New Jersey tea Ceanothus herbaceus red root Colubrina texensis snakewood, Texan hogplum Frangula caroliniana Carolina buckthorn Rosaceae Rose Family Crataegus spathula little hip hawthorn Prunus angustifolium chickasaw plum Prunus caroliniana laurel cherry Prunus gracilis Oklahoma sand plum Prunus mexicana Mexican plum Prunus minutaflora Texas almond Prunus texana peachbush * Rosa bracteata McCartney rose Rubus aborignum trailing dewberry Rubus argutus eastern blackberry # Bastrop County Trees, Shrubs, & Woody Vines. Prepared by the Lost Pines Chapter, Texas Master Naturalists 06/21/11 Page 4 Rosaceae Rose Family, Continued Rubus louisianus blackberry Rubus trivialis dewberry Rutaceae Citrus or Rue Family Ptelea trifoliata wafer ash Zanthoxyllum clava-herculis Hercules'-club, prickly ash Zanthoxyllum hirsutum toothache tree Salicaceae Willow Family Populus deltoides cottonwood Salix nigra black willow Sapindaceae Soapberry Family Cardiospermum halicacabum balloon vine Sapindus saponaria wingleaf soapberry Sapindus saponaria drummondii western soadberry Ungnadia speciosa mexican buckeye Sapotaceae Sapodilla Family Sideroxylon languinosum gum bumelia Simaronubaceae Quassia-Wood Family Ailanthus altissimus tree-of-heaven Smilacaceae Greenbrier Family Smilax bona-nox saw greenbrier Smilax glauca cat greenbrier # Smilax laurifolia laurel-leaf greenbrier # Smilax rotundifolia common greenbrier Smilax smalii Small's greenbrier Sterculiaceae Cacao Family Firmania simplex chinese parasol tree Ulmaceae Elm Family Celtis laevigata sugarberry, sugar hackberry Ulmus americana American elm Ulmus crassifolia cedar elm Ulmus rubra slippery elm Verbenaceae Verbena or Vervain Family Aloysia gratissima whitebrush * Callicarpa americana beauty berry # Lantana urticoides (horrida) Texas lantana Vitex agnus-castus chaste tree Vitaceae Grape Family Ampelopsis arborea peppervine Cissus incisa cowItch vine Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper Vitis aestivalis pigeon grape * Vitis berlandieria wild grape Vitis lincecumii winter grape Vitis mustangensis mustang grape Vitis vulpina fox grape Bastrop County Trees, Shrubs, & Woody Vines. Prepared by the Lost Pines Chapter, Texas Master Naturalists 06/21/11 Page 5.
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