(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date 11 November 2010 (11.11.2010) WO 2010/127399 Al

(51) International Patent Classification: (74) Agent: MONGER, Carmela; Walter and Eliza Hall In C12Q 1/68 (2006.01) GOlN 35/00 (2006.01) stitute of Medical Research, IG Royal Parade, Parkville, GOlN 33/48 (2006.01 ) Melbourne, Victoria 3052 (AU). (21) International Application Number: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every PCT/AU20 10/000524 kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, (22) Date: International Filing CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, 6 May 2010 (06.05.2010) DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, (25) Filing Language: English HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, (26) Publication Language: English ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, (30) Priority Data: NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, 2009901989 6 May 2009 (06.05.2009) AU SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): WAL¬ TER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every RESEARCH [AU/AU]; IG Royal Parade, Parkville, kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, Melbourne, Victoria 3052 (AU). GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, (72) Inventors; and TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, (75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): LINDEMAN, Ge¬ EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, offrey [AU/AU]; WEHI, IG Royal Parade, Parkville, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, Melbourne, Victoria 3052 (AU). SMYTH, Gordon [AU/ SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, AU]; IG Royal Parade, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 3052 (AU). VISVADER, Jane [AU/AU]; IG Royal Pa Published: rade, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria 3052 (AU). WU, Di [AU/AU]; IG Royal Parade, Parkville, Melbourne, Victo — with international search report (Art. 21(3)) ria 3052 (AU). — with sequence listing part of description (Rule 5.2(a))


(57) Abstract: A method for stratifying cancer in a subject comprising determining gene-set expression in a sample from a sub ject. The set is preselected from which are: (a) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49FEpCAM + luminal epithelial progenitor cells compared to basal epithelial (MaSC enriched) or mature luminal epithelial cells; and/or (b) selectively or differen tially expressed in CD491*Ε pCAM basal epithelial progenitor cells compared to luminal progenitor and mature luminal epithelial cells; and/or (c) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f EpCAM + mature luminal epithelial cells compared to basal epithe lial and luminal progenitor epithelial cells; and/or (d) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f EpCAM stromal fibroblasts cells compared to basal epithelial and luminal epithelial cells. A method for diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of basal-like breast cancer and/or a BRCAl -deficiency associated form of cancer comprising (i) determining expression of a set of genes in a sample where the gene set is preselected to comprise genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f pCAM + epithelial luminal progenitor cells compared to their expression by control cells such as at least basal epithelial cells or mature luminal ep ithelial cells. Gene sets are provided in Tables 10 to 17. Preferred gene sets include KIT. Methods of treatment or prevention in clude administering agents that modulate the activity of gene set expression products, such as KIT polypeptide. Diagnostic probes and kits are included. Methods of reducing proliferation of normal or pre-neoplastic or neoplastic luminal progenitor cells in hu man mammary epithelium are provided including administering an agent that down modulates KIT activity. GENE EXPRESSION PROFILES AND USES THEREFOR FIELD The specification describes cell-specific molecular markers, targets and methods useful for the stratification and treatment of cancers including breast cancers.

BACKGROUND Bibliographic details of references in the subject specification are also listed at the end of the specification. The reference in this specification to any prior publication (or information derived from it), or to any matter which is known, is not, and should not be taken as an acknowledgment or admission or any form of suggestion that that prior publication (or information derived from it) or known matter forms part of the common general knowledge in the field of endeavour to which this specification relates. Gene and profiling technologies now use sophisticated algorithms to allow simultaneous characterization of multiple genes or in an individual. This information, when linked to accurate prognostic algorithms promises to enhance our ability to optimise treatment options. Furthermore, information concerning changes in the expression of single or multiple genes over time within a single cell type or between cell types, when correctly interpreted, promises to provide new targets for therapeutic intervention and new diagnostic options. However, the problem still exists of selecting relevant targets and accurate markers. One field where this problem is particularly acute is the field of cancer where transformed cells of uncertain origin exist along side normal and pre-neoplastic cells of various lineages. Breast cancer remains a leading cause of death fof women. breast tissue is organised, at least in part, as a branching network of ducts and lobules comprising two types of mature epithelial cell and their precursors. Luminal epithelial cells form th e milk producing secretory cells of the lobules which are surrounded by an outer layer of contractile basal (myoepithelial) cells. The art recognises several different cell types within the breast including luminal and basal (myoepithelial) progenitors, bipotent progenitors, stem cells and stromal cells. The different cells may be categorised by a range of morphological, genetic or proteinaceous markers. Although a number of genes and proteins associated with breast cancer have been identified, reliable prognostic tools and therapeutic treatments are highly sought after. One clinically useful example of genes associated with breast, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, colon and various other forms of cancer are the BRCAl and BRC A2 genes. Here, certain mutations in BRCAl or BRCA2 are linked to a substantial proportion of familial forms of breast cancer, which account for approximately 5-10% of breast cancers. Reduced expression of BRCAl and BRCA2 genes are also found in sporadic (non-familial) forms of cancers. In relation to proteinaceous markers, breast tumor samples may be tested for oestrogen receptor expression and, if positive, subjects may be treated with oestrogen antagonists. In another example, breast tumor samples may be tested for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (ErbB2) expression and positive subjects may be treated with ErbB2 antagonists. Breast cancer appears to be essentially a group of diseases that display widely different clinical course and response to treatment. Various different and fairly imprecise breast cancer categories are described according to mainly morphologic, genetic (including surface marker, gene or protein profile), immunophenotypic and clinical features. The relationship between normal and pre-neoplastic breast cells and these tumor subtypes is poorly understood and this confounds the process of identifying markers and targets and determining effective intervention strategies. The difficulty of accurately subtyping breast cancer leads to inaccurate prognosis and much uncertainty for medical practitioners and their patients. Gene expression profiling information derived using DNA microarrays to analyse expression from multiple thousands of genes has led to the subdivision of breast cancer into at least five different subtypes based upon patterns of expression segregating into different clusters (See, for example, Sorlie et al, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, USA 98 (19): 10869-10874, 2001; Neilsen et al, Clinical Cancer Research 70:5367-5374, 2004; Herschkowitz et al, Genome Biol. 8 R76, 2007, Hu et al, BMC Genomics 7: 96, 2006). One subtype is the most aggressive (carries the poorest prognosis) "basal-like" tumor type thought to arise from basal epithelial cells and to have a gene expression profile similar to normal breast basal (myoepithelial or mammary stem cell (MaSC)) cells. The breast tumor subtypes, "Luminal A", "Luminal B", "Her2+/ER-", "basal-like" and "normal breast like" subtypes are recognised by Hu et al. {supra). Herschkowitz et al, 2007 {supra) further describe a "claudin-low" subgroup that is oestrogen receptor negative, progesterone receptor negative and human epidermal growth factor (HER2/neu) overexpression negative (referred to as "triple negative") and expresses Claudin 3 and E-cadherin. The "basal-like" breast cancer subtype has also been characterised as "triple negative". In addition, "basal-like" breast tumor cells are typically epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/HER1) positive or cytokeratin 5/6 positive and may Iexpress p63. Basal-like breast cancers typically exhibit poor prognostic features such as a high rate of mitosis, lymphovascular invasion, absence of steroid hormone receptor (estrogen and progesterone receptor) expression, loco-regional lymph node metastasis. These cancers are estimated to account for 15 to 20 percent of breast cancers. Subjects with mutations in BRCAl have a greater risk for developing breast cancer, and the tumors that arise in BRCAl mutation carriers are commonly "basal-like". Whilst multiple functions for BRCAl have been described, such as in the DNA damage response, X- inactivation, transcriptional and cell cycle control, the precise mechanisms by which BRCAl mutations lead to tumorigenesis remain to be elucidated. Within the mammary gland, targeted disruption of BRCAl leads to developmental defects, and in mammary epithelial cells, BRCAl has been implicated in the control of differentiation in vitro. The present invention relates to the provision of stratifying and therapeutic protocols for cancer and further provides methods of testing for BRCAl function or early diagnosis of cancer risk in a sample from an individual.

SUMMARY The subject invention is not limited to particular screening procedures for agents, specific formulations of agents and various medical methodologies, as such may vary. The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be limiting. Throughout this specification, unless the context requires otherwise, the word "comprise", or variations such as "comprises" or "comprising", will be understood to imply the inclusion of a stated element or integer or group of elements or integers but not the exclusion of any other element or integer or group of elements or integers. By "consisting of is meant including, and limited to, whatever follows the phrase "consisting of. Thus, the phrase "consisting of indicates that the listed elements are required or mandatory, and that no other elements may be present. By "consisting essentially of is meant including any elements listed after the phrase, and limited to other elements that do not interfere with or contribute to the activity or action specified in the disclosure for the listed elements. Thus, the phrase "consisting essentially of indicates that the listed elements are required or mandatory, but that other elements are optional and may or may not be present depending upon whether or not they affect the activity or action of the listed elements. As used herein the singular forms "a", "an" and "the" include plural aspects unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. Thus, for example, reference to "a cell" includes a single cell, as well as two or more cells; reference to "an LPT gene or polypeptide" includes one gene or polypeptide, as well as two or more genes or polypeptides; and so forth. Each embodiment in this specification is to be applied mutatis mutandis to every other embodiment unless expressly stated otherwise. In one aspect, the present invention is predicated upon the discovery by the inventors that gene expression in human and mammalian mammary luminal progenitor epithelial cells is very similar to that of the so-called "basal-like" subtype of breast cancer. Additionally, the characteristic luminal progenitor gene expression profile or signature is also apparent in BRCA 1+/ breast tissue, e.g. breast tissue harbouring a heterozygous mutation in the BRCAl gene. The heterozygous mutation may be one or more point mutations, a deletion, insertion or the like, as known by the person skilled in the art. Unexpectedly, the observation of a luminal progenitor epithelial cell signature, and not the observation of a basal epithelial cell signature in tumor cells or in a breast tissue sample was found to be indicative, at least, of cellular BRCAl deficiency function and further indicates that the subject has an increased risk of breast cancer exhibiting characteristics of basal-like breast cancers including, without limitation, rapid or invasive growth or metastasis. Accordingly, in one embodiment the present invention provides a method of stratifying cancer in a subject, said method comprising: (i) determining gene-set expression in a biological sample from a subject wherein the gene set is preselected from genes which are: (a) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f fEpCAM+ luminal epithelial progenitor cells compared to basal epithelial (MaSC enriched) and mature luminal epithelial cells; or (b) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49fh'EpCAM basal epithelial progenitor cells compared to luminal progenitor and mature luminal epithelial cells; or (c) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f EpCAM+ mature luminal epithelial cells compared to basal epithelial and luminal progenitor epithelial cells; or (d) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49fEpCAM stromal fibroblasts cells compared to basal epithelial and luminal epithelial cells. In some embodiments, the method further comprises (ii) determining a measure of selective or differential gene expression of the gene set relative to controls; and (iii) wherein the measure indicates whether or not the individual has an increased risk of cancer associated with a particular cancer subtype. Most preferably the progenitor cell population is Lineage-negative (Lin-). Six distinct molecular subtypes are known in the art as described in the Examples (see also Lim et al, Nature Medicine 75(8): 907-913, 2009 incorporated herein in its entirety). These cancer subtypes include "claudin-low", "normal", "basal (MaSC-enriched)", "HER-2", "Luminal A" and "Luminal B". In one particular embodiment, the method comprising: determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from an individual wherein the gene set is preselected to comprise genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f+EpCAM+ epithelial luminal progenitor cells compared to their expression by control cells such as at least basal epithelial cells or mature luminal epithelial cells. In some embodiments, a measure of selective or differential gene expression is determined which indicates whether or not an individual has an increased risk of "basal-like" breast cancer (perhaps to be renamed as a "Luminal Progenitor" type or profile) or a BRCAl -deficiency associated form of cancer. The genes that are selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f fEpCAM+ luminal epithelial progenitor cells, as disclosed herein, are referred to as luminal progenitor target (LPT) genes, gene sets or nucleic acid molecule or polynucleotide, RNA etc as the context demonstrates. Their proteinaceous expression products are referred to as LPT polypeptides or proteinaceous expression products. The genes that are selectively or differentially expressed in basal or mature luminal or stromal mammary cell populations, as disclosed herein, are referred to collectively as BMS genes, gene sets or nucleic acid molecule or polynucleotide, RNA etc as the context demonstrates. Their proteinaceous expression products are referred to as BMS polypeptides or prbteinaceous expression products. Although referred to collectively as a "BMS" molecule, each BMS molecule is used herein to characterise (the BMS is either upregulated or downregulated relative to controls) only one cell type, i.e. basal, luminal or stromal. In some embodiments, the cancer is breast or ovarian cancer or a cancer associated with BRCAl deficiency. In a particular embodiment, the cancer is breast cancer. By "determining expression" or "gene expression" is meant broadly determining production by transcription of an RNA product or production by translation of a proteinaceous product of the gene. The phases encompass determination of the presence or absence of expression as well as increased or diminished expression relative to a standard or other control. When comparing gene expression between two sample types, differential expression refers to production of the product at a higher or lower level in one sample compared to the other. Selective expression refers to production of the product in one cell type or sample and not the other. In some embodiments, the gene-set expression is expression of RNA. In other embodiments, the gene-set expression is expression of protein. In some embodiments, the sample is a cellular sample, such as a mammary or ovarian sample. In some embodiments, the sample comprises a preparation of Lin cells. Accordingly, in some embodiments, the method comprises preparing Lin cells for determining gene-set expression. The Lin- subset includes cells selected by removing cells expressing CD45, CD31 and CD235a. In some embodiments, the sample comprises or is known to comprise a pathological BRCAl gene mutation. In some embodiments, the method comprises determining gene set expression in Lin CD49f fEpCAM+ luminal epithelial progenitor cells isolated from the sample. In some embodiments, the gene set comprises or consists essentially of at least two or more LPT genes selected from the group consisting of the genes set out in Table 10 or 11. In some embodiments the set comprises between 2 to 10, or 8 to 20 or 15 to 30 genes. In some embodiments, the gene set comprises or consists of two or more genes selected from the first or last 50 genes set out in Table 12. In some embodiments, the gene set comprises or consists of two or more genes selected from the first and last 50 genes set out in Table 12. "Two or more genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes" includes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 or 50 genes from the 50 most upregulated genes or from the bottom 50 most downregulated genes as set out in Table 12. Although more than 50 upregulated or downregulated genes are described in the specification for each cell type, this number encompasses the most selectively expressed genes and use of more than this number of genes is unlikely to provide much more information. Use of more than 50 genes is in no way excluded. In particular, Figure 4 represents a barcode plot using approximately 150 genes upregulated and 150 downregulated genes. In an illustrative embodiment, gene sets capable of distinguishing between or categorising basal epithelial cells, luminal progenitor epithelial cells and mature luminal epithelial cells have been defined using freshly isolated cell populations. In one example, a gene set definitive of CD49f +EpCAM+ luminal epithelial progenitor cells when compared to basal and mature luminal epithelial cells has been defined. Expression of this gene set was determined in six recognised subtypes of breast cancer, "basal-like", "claudin-low", HER2+/ER-", "luminal A", "luminal B", and "normal breast-like" (See, for example, Herschkowitz et al, 2007 (supra)). As described in the Examples, the profile of gene expression within this .predetermined subset of LPT genes, was more similar to "basal-like" cancers than the other cancer subtypes. Specifically, upregulated luminal progenitor signature genes were more highly expressed in basal-like tumors than in other tumor subtypes. Similarly, down regulated luminal progenitor signature genes were found to be least expressed in the basal tumors compared to other tumor types. Furthermore, the luminal progenitor signature was most selectively expressed (either up-regulated or down regulated) in BRCAl + tissue. The data were represented in a barcode plot (see Figures 4 and 8) which demonstrate the ability of the luminal progenitor signature genes (LPT gene) to distinguish between cancer types including between BRCAl and patients and non-BRCAl patients or to distinguish between basal-like breast cancer and other cancer types. In some embodiments, the gene set is a set of at least two upregulated LPT genes comprising KIT and CYP24A1, a set of at least three genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1 and HSDl IBl, a set of at least four genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDl IBl and GSTAl, a set of at least five genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl and PIK3R1, a set of at least six genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1 and LPL, a set of at least seven genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL and UBE2C, a set of at least eight genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL,. UBE2C and MATK, a set of at least nine genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK and LOXL4, a set of at least ten genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDIlBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4 and LOX, a set of at least eleven genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX and TPKl, a set of at least twelve genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl and IKBKE, a set of at least 13 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE and AURKB, a set of at least 14 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, L0XL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB and LYN, a set of at least 15 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN and PTCHDl, a set of at least 16 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl and GPRI lO, a set of at least 17 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI l O and PROMl, a set of at least 18 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl and CXCR4, a set of at least 19 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, L0XL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4 and ELF5, a set of at least 20 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDl IBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5 and CXCLl 7, a set of at least 2 1 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRl 10, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL 17 and CCL5, a set of at least 22 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDIlBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5 and DNER, a set of at least 23 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER and GABRP, a set of at least 24 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRl 10, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP and PIGR, a set of at least 25 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL 17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR and SLC34A2, a set of at least 26 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL 17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2 and VNN3, a set of at least 27 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDIlBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3 and ADORAl, a set of at least 28 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl and MARCO, a set of at least 29 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl, MARCO and VNNl, or a set of at least 30 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl, MARCO, VNNl and CLDN8. In some embodiments, the gene set is a set of at least two LPT genes comprising CYP24A1 and HSDI lBl, a set of at least three genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl and GSTAl, a set of at least four genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDl IBl, GSTAl and PIK3R1, a set of at least five genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1 and LPL, a set of at least six genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDl IBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL and UBE2C, a set of at least seven genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDl IBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C and MATK, a set of at least eight genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDIlBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK and LOXL4, a set of at least nine genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4 and LOX, a set of at least ten genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX and TPKl, a set of at least eleven genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl and IKBKE, a set of at least twelve genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE and AURKB, a set of at least 13 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB and LYN, a set of at least 14 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDl IBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, L0XL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN and PTCHDl, a set of at least 15 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDIlBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl and GPRI lO, a set of at least 16 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI l O and PROMl, a set of at least 17 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl and CXCR4, a set of at least 18 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, L0XL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4 and ELF5, a set of at least 19 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5 and CXCL17, a set of at least 20 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRl 10, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17 and CCL5, a set of at least 2 1 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL 17, CCL5 and DNER, a set of at least 22 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER and GABRP, or a set of at least 23 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, L0XL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL 17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP and PIGR, a set of at least 24 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX5 TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR and SLC34A2, a set of at least 25 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2 and VNN3, a set of at least 26 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3 and ADORAl, a set of at least 27 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl and MARCO, a set of at least 28 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCLl 7, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl, MARCO and VNNl, a set of at least 29 genes comprising CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL/UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl, MARCO, VNNl and CLDN8. In some embodiments, the gene set consists essentially of the recited LPT genes. In one embodiment the gene set comprises c-kit. Downregulated genes, where employed may be selected from those set out in Table 12. In particular, the downregulated genes are selected from two or more genes selected from the bottom 50 genes set out in Table 12. Using the methods disclosed herein further LPT genes are identified and further gene sets defined. As the gene sets are tested on more samples, a further selection of informative gene sets will be possible. In some embodiments of the method, the method comprises detection of RNA expression products using complementary oligonucleotide probes. Thus, the method comprises hybridisation to oligonucleotide probes to detect RNA products from a predetermined gene set. Preferably, the gene set comprises one of the herein-described gene sets. In other embodiments, the gene set comprises between 5 and 50 or between 10 and 30 LPT genes, or between 20 and 30 LPT genes, or between 25 and 35 LPT genes.- In accordance with the present invention, the level of expression of each LPT gene in the gene set is used to give a measure of gene expression of the sample for comparison with reference measures. In some embodiments, the measure is a profile or signature of gene expression that may be represented numerically or graphically to facilitate interpretation of the sample data. In some embodiments, the methods comprise determining the expression level of one or more markers of luminal epithelial progenitor cells including, CD49f, EpCAM and cytokeratin 5/6. In some further embodiments, the subject methods comprise determining the expression level of one or more markers of an active progesterone pathway, such as the presence of progesterone receptors on the surface of luminal progenitor cells or the presence of amphiregulin in the biological sample. As described in the Examples, signature profiles were also determined for primary basal (MaSC-enriched), mature luminal, and stromal cell populations from mammary tissue. In another aspect, the profile of gene expression for the signature genes of the basal epithelial cells most closely resembled the "claudin low" and "normal-like" tumor types. Accordingly, the present invention provides a method of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of "claudin low" or "normal-like" breast cancer, said method comprising: determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from a individual wherein the gene set is selected from genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in basal epithelial cells compared to at least epithelial luminal progenitor cells or mature luminal epithelial cells. , In an illustrative embodiment, the gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in basal epithelial cells comprises at least two or more genes set out in the first and/or last 50 genes set out in Table 13. In another aspect, the profile of gene expression for the signature genes of the mature luminal epithelial cells most closely resembled the "luminal A" and "luminal B" tumor types. The mature luminal epithelial cell population is expanded in BRCA2 patients and the mature luminal gene set profile or signature is useful in determining or defining the BRCA2 status of an individual. The BRCA2 phenotype is an expanded mature luminal progenitor population, and this appears to reflect an expansion of a more differentiated cell than the luminal progenitor set. Accordingly, the present invention provides a method of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of "luminal A", "luminal B", or BRCA2-associated breast cancer, said method comprising: determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from a individual wherein the gene set is selected from genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in mature luminal epithelial cells compared to their expression by at least epithelial luminal progenitor cells or basal epithelial cells. In an illustrative embodiment, the gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in mature luminal epithelial cells comprises at least two or more genes set out in the first and/or last 50 genes set out in Table 14. In another aspect, the present invention provides a method of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of fibroblast-associated cancer, said method comprising: determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from a individual wherein the gene set is selected from genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in stromal cells compared .to their expression by at least epithelial luminal progenitor cells or basal epithelial cells. In an illustrative embodiment, the gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in stromal cells comprises at least two or more genes set out in the first and/or last 50 genes set out in Table 15. In some embodiments, the stromal cell gene set is probed in order to determine the presence of cancer associated fibroblasts in a clinical sample. In some embodiments, the steps of the method are repeated after treatment in order to reassess the prognosis, diagnosis or treatment. In some embodiments, the steps of the method are repeated at a later stage of disease progression. In an illustrative embodiment, a profile of expression of the predetermined gene set is represented as an overall signature expression score. In other embodiments, the profile of expression of the gene set is represented as a barcode or other graphical representation. In some embodiments, the sample is a biopsy such as a fine needle aspirate or core biopsy. However, where, for example, proteinaceous products are detected, the sample may be a blood or other biological sample. Each gene or the genes identified in Table 10 or 11, as well as their RNA or proteinaceous expression products are thus targets for therapeutic intervention and in this context are described herein as a "luminal progenitor target" or an "LPT" gene or expression product (RNA, polypeptide or proteinaceous product). . LPT genes or their expression products are also two or more genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes listed in Table 12. In some embodiments, the method further comprises matching the sample profile or measure of selective or differential expression of the gene set with a treatment program comprising one or more agents that target and modulate the activity of one or more genes in the gene set or one or more LPT genes to modulate the level or activity of an RNA or proteinaceous expression product of one or more genes in the gene set or one or more LPT genes. Matching may conveniently be achieved using a computer program product comprising code to process the data obtained from conduct of the method as input data and a computer readable medium that stores the code. As referred to above, in some embodiments, the steps (i) to (iii) of the method are repeated after treatment. Without being bound by any particular theory or mode of action, selective targeting of luminal progenitor cells and/or one or more genes within the gene set may eliminate these cells or modulate the expression profile of these cells leading to a reduced risk of cancer development, metastases or poor prognosis. In another embodiment, the present invention provides a method for the treatment or prevention of "basal-like" breast cancer or a BRCAl -deficiency associated cancer, said method comprising administering one or more agents that modulate the activity of one or more LPT genes set out in Table 10 or 1 1 or that modulate the activity of an RNA or proteinaceous expression product of one or more LPT genes set out in Table 10 or 11. In some embodiments, an LPT gene or LPT expression product is also selected from the first or last 50 genes listed in Table 12. In some embodiments, an LPT gene is selected whose proteinaceous expression product comprises a cell surface portion that may be bound by protein binding agents such as an antibody or a molecule comprising an antigen binding fragment thereof. In some embodiments, a plasma membrane protein from Table 10 is selected such as a plasma membrane protein selected from the group comprising PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4 and DNER. In another embodiment, the plasma membrane protein is selected from the group comprising GAPRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl, MARCO, VNNl and CLDN8. In some particular embodiments, a suitable agent is an antagonist of c-kit, polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (PIGR) or vitamin D 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1). In other embodiments, agents modulate the activity of one or more of c-Kit, PIGR and CYP24Al in genetic or proteinaceous form. In an illustrative embodiment, the agent is a small molecule, an antibody, a nucleic acid or a protein or peptide, such as a stapled peptide. In some embodiments, the antagonist is an antibody or comprises an antigen-binding moiety. In some embodiments, the cancer is basal-like cancer. In some embodiments, the cancer is BRACl + associated. In another embodiment, the present invention provides a method for the treatment or prevention of luminal (luminal A or luminal B) or BRCA2-deficiency associated cancer, said method comprising administering one or more agents that modulate the activity of one or more genes set out in Table 14 or that modulate the activity of an RNA or proteinaceous expression product of one or more genes set out in Table 14. In another embodiment, the present invention provides a method for the treatment or prevention of "claudin low" or "normal-like" breast cancer, said method comprising administering one or more agents that modulate the activity of one or more genes set out in Table 13 or that modulate the activity of an RNA or proteinaceous expression product of one or more genes set out in Table 13. In another embodiment, the present invention provides a method for the treatment or prevention of fϊbroblast-associated cancer, said method comprising administering one or more agents that modulate the activity of one or more genes set out in Table 15 or that modulate the activity of an RNA or proteinaceous expression product of one or more genes set out in Table 15. In some embodiment the therapeutic target is selected from the 1 to 3, 2 to 5, 4 to 30 or 10 to 50 gene(s) comprising groups of most upregulated or most downregulated genes set out in Table 13. In another aspect, the present invention provides a diagnostic or prognostic probe set comprising two or more polynucleotides (oligonucleotides) each capable of selectively hybridising to mRNA of one of two or more of the genes listed in Table 10 or 11. In another aspect, the present invention provides a diagnostic or prognostic probe set comprising two or more polynucleotides (oligonucleotides) each capable of selectively hybridising to mRNA of one of two or more of the genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes listed in Table 12. In another aspect, the present invention provides a diagnostic or prognostic probe set comprising two or more polynucleotides (oligonucleotides) each capable of selectively hybridising to mRNA of one of two or more of the genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes listed in Table 13. In another aspect, the present invention provides a diagnostic or prognostic probe set comprising two or more polynucleotides (oligonucleotides) each capable of selectively hybridising to mRNA of one of two or more of the genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes listed in Table 14. In another aspect, the present invention provides a diagnostic or prognostic probe set comprising two or more polynucleotides (oligonucleotides) each capable of selectively hybridising to mRNA of one of two or more of the genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes listed in Table 15. In one embodiment, the probe set comprises two or more polynucleotides each capable of hybridising to mRNA of one of two or more of the genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes selected from the group consisting of c-Kit, PIGR and CYP24A1 (as referenced in Table 10). The present invention also contemplates kits comprising probe sets complementary to an LPT gene set RNA product as described herein, or antibodies directed to LPT gene set polypeptides. The present invention also contemplates kits comprising probe sets complementary to a mammary basal epithelial cell signature gene set RNA product as described herein, or antibodies directed to mammary basal epithelial cell signature gene set polypeptides. The present invention also contemplates kits comprising probe sets complementary to a mature mammary luminal cell signature gene set RNA product as described herein, or antibodies directed to mature mammary luminal cell signature gene set polypeptides. The present invention also contemplates kits comprising probe sets complementary to a mammary stromal cell signature gene set RNA product as described herein, or antibodies directed to mammary stromal cell signature gene set polypeptides. In another embodiment, the diagnostic probe set comprises two or more antibodies or antigen binding molecules each capable of binding to one of two or more proteinaceous expression products of the genes listed in Table 10 or 11. Antigen binding may be used to quantify target protein expression on the surface of cells in the sample. In some embodiments genes are selected from genes encoding plasma membrane proteins of Table 10, such as but not limited to PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4 and DNER. In another embodiment, the plasma membrane protein is one or more selected from the group comprising GAPRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl, MARCO, VNNl and CLDN8. In another embodiment, the diagnostic probe set comprises two or more antibodies or antigen binding molecules each capable of binding to one of two or more proteinaceous expression products of the genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes listed in Table 13. In another embodiment, the diagnostic probe set comprises two or more antibodies or antigen binding molecules each capable of binding to one of two or more proteinaceous expression products of the genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes listed in Table 14. In another embodiment, the diagnostic probe set comprises two or more antibodies or antigen binding molecules each capable of binding to one of two or more proteinaceous expression products of the genes selected from the first and/or last 50 genes listed in Table 15. In some embodiments, the diagnostic probe set is for use in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of aggressive ("basal-like") or BRCAl + associated cancer. In some embodiments, the LPT gene set comprises at least c-Kit, PIGR and CYP24A1. In some diagnostic or prognostic embodiments, all or part of the gene set or probes therefore are immobilised on a solid surface, such as without limitation a bead, particle, chip, well, strip etc. In other embodiments, the LPT gene set comprises at least 3, or at least 5, or at least 10, or at least 15, or at least 20, or at least 25, or at least 30, or at least 36 of the genes listed in Table 10. In other embodiments, each of the listed genes having an average fold change of more than 10 is included in the set. In another embodiment, each of the listed genes having an average fold change of more than a fold change of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, or 20 is included in the set. As shown herein, pre-neoplastic BRCAl +/~ subjects exhibit a primary defect in their luminal progenitor population which results in increased colony forming ability in the presence of B27 growth factor medium containing EGF, insulin and hydrocortisone in a 3D "Matrigel" assay. In addition, pre-neoplastic BRCAl +/~ subjects exhibit factor-independent growth of luminal epithelial progenitor cells that is not affected by progesterone receptor antagonists. In contrast, normal luminal progenitor cells exhibited colony forming ability when contacted with progesterone or B27 growth factor medium containing EGF, insulin and hydrocortisone. That is, normal luminal epithelial progenitor cell colony formation and growth is factor dependent. As shown herein the luminal progenitor gene expression profile was able to distinguish between prophylactic BRCA1 +/ breast tissue and normal subject tissue. In addition, the BRCA1+/ breast tissue also displayed factor independent growth of luminal progenitor cells. Accordingly, the present invention provides methods for detecting proliferative changes associated with neoplastic transformation in BRCAl -deficient tissue. In some embodiments, these changes are detected at an early stage allowing more informed decisions regarding treatment options, or the identification of a subject harbouring a BRCAl or similar mutation. In other embodiments these changes detect an early stage change in breast tissue for a subject potentially at increased risk for the development of breast cancer, in particular "basal-like" breast cancer. Accordingly, in another aspect, the present specification provides a method of diagnosis, prognosing or treating breast cancer, said method comprising determining the activity such as the proliferative capacity of luminal progenitor cells in a subject. In some embodiments, factor independent growth of luminal progenitor cells in vitro is determined in a biological sample from a human subject. In some embodiments, the method comprises determining the colony forming ability of luminal progenitor epithelial cells. However, any conventional method for assessing cellular proliferation of the luminal progenitor cells may be employed. Cells may be conveniently selected for testing by preparing CD49f +EpCAM+ epithelial cells. Alternatively, cells types may be determined after colony forming ability has been determined. In some embodiments, cells may be maintained in the presence of a progesterone antagonist. The invention further contemplates an isolated population of human luminal progenitor cells for use in the diagnosis of breast cancer. In some embodiments, the cells are isolated using cell surface markers for at least CD49f and EpCAM. In some embodiments, the invention provides a method of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of basal-like breast cancer and/or a BRCAl -deficiency associated form of cancer, said method comprising (i) determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from an individual wherein the gene set is preselected to comprise genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f EpCAM+ epithelial luminal progenitor cells compared to their expression by control cells such as at least basal epithelial cells or mature luminal epithelial cells. In some embodiments, the gene set comprises at least two or more LPT genes selected from the group consisting of the genes set out in Table 10 or 11. In other embodiments, the LPT gene set comprises two or more genes selected from the genes set out in Table 16 and/or 17. In other embodiments, the LPT gene set comprises 8 to 20 genes selected from the genes set out in Table 16 and/or 17. In still further embodiments, the LPT gene set comprises KIT, CYP24A1 and ELF5. In other embodiments, the gene set comprises KIT and CYP24A1 . In other embodiments, the " LPT gene set comprises CYP24A1 and ELF5. In other embodiments, the LPT gene set comprises KIT or CYP24A1 or ELF5. In a preferred embodiment, the LPT gene set comprises KIT. In one embodiment, the invention provides a method for the treatment or prevention of "basal-like" breast cancer and/or a BRCAl -deficiency associated cancer in a subject, said method comprising administering to the subject one or more agents that down modulate the activity of KIT polypeptide. As described herein, agents that down modulate or inhibit the activity of KIT polypeptide will predominantly down modulate the proliferation of luminal progenitor cells present in normal, pre-neoplastic and cancerous tissue. Thus, in some embodiments, treatment may be commenced prophylactically and selectively inhibit proliferation in target luminal progenitor cells thereby reducing the risk of cancer development or reducing cancer cell proliferation in selected subject. In another embodiment, the invention provides a method for the treatment or prevention of "basal-like" breast cancer and/or a BRCAl -deficiency associated cancer in a subject, said method comprising administering to the subject one or more agents that down modulate the activity of KIT selectively or differentially expressed on luminal progenitor cells. In some embodiments, the present methods further comprise, either before, during or after therapeutic or prophylactic administration, a method comprising (i) determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from an individual wherein the gene set is preselected to comprise genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f+EpCAM+ epithelial luminal progenitor cells compared to their expression by control cells such as at least basal epithelial cells or mature luminal epithelial cells. As disclosed herein, the pre-selected gene set preferably comprises KIT. Targeted therapy to CD49ffEpCAM+ expressing luminal progenitor cells is particularly provided. The present invention .further provides a diagnostic or prognostic probe set or kit comprising same comprising two or more polynucleotides each capable of selectively hybridising to mRNA of one of the genes in the sets of genes defined hereinbefore. In some embodiments, the probe set comprising one or two or more polynucleotides each capable of hybridising to mRNA of KIT gene. In one aspect, the diagnostic probe set or kit is for use or when used in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of aggressive ("basal-like") and/or BRCAl deficiency associated cancer. As disclosed herein, the present invention provides a method of reducing the proliferative activity of normal luminal progenitor cells in human mammary epithelium comprising administering an effective amount of a KIT inhibitor to a subject for a time and under conditions sufficient to reduce normal (non-cancerous) luminal progenitor cell proliferation. Further, the present invention provides a method of reducing the proliferative activity of pre-neoplastic or neoplastic luminal progenitor cells in human mammary epithelium comprising administering an effective amount of a KIT inhibitor to a subject for a time and under conditions sufficient to reduce proliferation. The pre-neoplastic tissue may in some embodiments further comprise a BRCAl deficiency. However, as described herein, in some embodiments, the pre-neoplastic tissue does not comprise a BRCAl or BRCA2 deficiency. Preferably, agent/s (inhibitors/s) are delivered to CD49f fEpCAM+ expressing luminal progenitor cells. The above summary is not and should not be seen in any way as an exhaustive recitation of all embodiments of the present invention.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES Some figures contain colour representations or entities. Coloured versions of the figures are available from the Patentee upon request or from an appropriate Patent Office. A fee may be imposed if obtained from a Patent Office.

Figure IA to D are representations of results showing that CD49f and EpCAM define distinct subpopulations in the human mammary epithelium. (A) Top. Expression analysis of lineage markers CD45 (hematopoietic cells), CD31 (endothelial cells) and CD235a (erythrocyte precursors) in human mammary tissue was carried out on live, single-cell gated populations. Bottom. These combined markers defined the Lineage-negative (Lin ) population. (B) Expression of CD49f and EpCAM in the Lin population of a 27 year-old woman. Note that the CD49f h'EpCAM subpopulation described here is similar to the CD49f +EpCAMneg low subset recently described by Eirew et al, Nat Med 14: 1384-1389, 2008. (C) Expression of CD133 and CD24 in the four Lin populations defined by CD49f and EpCAM, depicted as FACS dot plots. (D) Immunohistochemical analysis of cells isolated from normal reduction mammoplasties. Cells were sorted at purities > 90% and cytospun for immunohistochemical staining: K8/18, keratins 8 and 18; PgR, progesterone receptor; K5/6, keratins 5 and 6; K14, keratin 14; ALDHl, aldehyde dehydrogenase 1. Inset: isotype control. Bars: 20 µm. Figure 2A to F are photographic representations of results showing that CD49f 1 1EpCAM cells have in vivo repopulating capacity. (A) CD49f 1 1EpCAM cells give rise to mammary outgrowths when transplanted into cleared mammary fat pads of immunocompromised mice. Outgrowths derived from transplantation of CD49f hiEpCAM cells (top: 25,000 cells from a 53 year-old woman; bottom: 45,000 cells from a 35 year-old woman). Bars: 250 µm. (B) Outgrowths were sectioned and stained with antibodies against K8/18, vimentin and p63. Anti-K8/18 and -vimentin specifically recognize human antigens. The top image is a composite of two contiguous fields. Bars: 75 µm (K8/18), 60 µm (p63, Vim). (C) Differential in vitro growth characteristics of specific epithelial subsets. Cells (1000) from each of the populations defined in Figure IB were cultured in Matrigel for 14 days. Only CD49f +EpCAM+ (luminal progenitor) and CD49f hiEpCAM subpopulations gave rise to colonies. Data are representative of at least 10 independent experiments. The images correspond to a 3 mm diameter Matrigel plug. (D) Structures arising from the CD49f + populations (top: CD49f "EpCAM+; bottom: CD49f hiEpCAM ) were sectioned and stained with antibodies against K8/18, p63 and K5/6. Far right panel: Structures were sectioned following prolactin treatment and assayed for milk production using an anti-β-casein antibody. Bars: 50 µm.

Figure 3A to G are representations of results showing that BRCAl +/~ luminal progenitor cells demonstrate factor-independent growth in vitro. (A) Representative FACS dot plots showing the expression of CD49f and EpCAM from age-matched normal and BRCAI +' breast tissues. Identical number of events/cells are displayed in each plot. (B) Bar chart depicting the relative proportion of epithelial cell subpopulations (CD49f hiEpCAM , CD49f ^EpCAM+ or CD49f EpCAM+) in normal (white bars) and BRCAl +/~ (black bars) epithelia. Expressed as a percentage of the total number of epithelial cells in the CD49f hi EpCAM , CD49f +EpCAM+ plus CD49f EpCAM+ subpopulations. *p < 0.05. (C) Sorted Lin cells and CD49f hiEpCAM or CD49f +EpCAM+ subpopulations from normal and BRCAU' breast tissue were embedded in Matrigel and cultured for 14 days in media, with (top row) or without (bottom row) B27 supplement. Data are from 27 independent experiments, each performed in duplicate or triplicate. The images correspond to a 3 mm diameter Matrigel plug. (D) Bar chart showing the colony forming ability of basal (CD49f hiEpCAM or CD49f hiCD24 CD133+) and luminal progenitor (CD49f+EpCAM+ or CD49f CD24+CD133+) cells from normal (white bars; n 19) or BRCAU' (black bars; n = 8) mammary tissue cultured in either the absence or presence of B27. **p = 0.001. (E) Expression analysis of BRCAl in the MaSC-enriched (CD49f "11EpCAM ) and luminal subpopulations (CD49f EpCAM+, CD49f EpCAM+) by q-RT-PCR relative to 18S rRNA (n = 3 for normal and BRCAl +' samples). (F) Bar chart depicting the colony forming ability of CD49f+EpCAM+ cells from normal breast tissue in the absence or presence of B27 supplement, or in the presence of progesterone, with cultures performed in triplicate (n = 5). (G) Representative images of cultures from Figure 3F. For all bar charts in this figure, data represent mean ± s.e.m.

Figure 4A to C are graphical representations showing comparison of gene expression profiles of normal human mammary epithelial subsets with the major subtypes of breast cancer and with preneoplastic tissue from BRCAl +/~ patients. (A) Boxplots of signature expression scores by tumor subtype for each epithelial subset. The luminal progenitor signature scores are highest in the basal subtype of breast cancer. P-values; * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P = 0.001. MaSC represents the MaSC-enriched cell population. (B) Boxplots of signature expression scores by BRCAl mutation status for each epithelial subset. The luminal progenitor signature is highest in breast tissue from BRCAl mutation carriers. (C) Barcode plot demonstrating the ability of the luminal progenitor signature genes to distinguish BRCAl mutation carriers and other patients, with corresponding mean-rank gene set test P-values. Red bars designate upregulated genes in the luminal progenitor signature set while blue bars designate downregulated genes.

Figure 5A and B are photographic representations of results showing that orthotopic xenotransplantation of Lin cells gives rise to outgrowths when transplanted into de- epithelialized mammary fat pads of NOD-SCID-IL2Rγ / mice. (A) H&E section of an outgrowth, eight weeks following transplantation of 25,000 CD45 CD235a CD3r (Lin ) cells derived from a reduction mammoplasty from a 4 1 year-old woman, admixed with 500,000 hTERT-immortalized breast stromal fibroblasts. The image represents a composite of two contiguous fields. Bar: 100 µm. (B) Sections were stained with antibodies against K8/18, p63 and vimentin. Bars: 10 µm. Arrows indicate human fibroblasts stained with a human-specific antibody.

Figure 6 is a photographic representation of results showing that CD49f hlEpCAM cells have limited self-renewing activity. A single cell suspension was prepared from mammary fat pads eight weeks following primary transplantation of CD49f hlEpCAM cells. Each was secondarily transplanted into multiple cleared fat pads. Only occasional secondary mammary epithelial structures were observed (normal tissue, 1/6 and 2/6 fat pads; BRCAl +/~ tissue, 2/4 fat pads). The human secondary outgrowth depicted is from a BRCA1+/- carrier. Sections were stained with antibodies against K8/18, vimentin, p63 and K14. Staining for K8/18 and vimentin (both human-specific) proved donor origin. Bars: 50 µm. Figure 7A and B are representations of results showing that murine luminal progenitor cells from Brcal -deficient mammary glands exhibit B27 factor-independence. (A) Sorted luminal progenitor cells (CD29loCD24+CD61 +) from control and MMTV-cre-Brcalf/f mammary glands were embedded in Matrigel and cultured for 14 days in media with or without B27 supplement. The images correspond to a 3 mm diameter Matrigel plug. (B) Histogram depicting the colony forming ability of luminal progenitor cells from mouse mammary glands of littermate control (n = 6) or MMTV-cre Brcalf/J (n = 6) in Matrigel (1,000 cells in 20 ml) and cultured for 14 days in media with (black bars) or without (white bars) B27 supplement. Data represent mean ± standard error of the mean (s.e.m.).

Figure 8 provides barcode plots demonstrating the ability of luminal progenitor signature genes to distinguish basal-like, 'normal breast-like', claudin-low, ERBB2, luminal A and luminal B subtypes of breast cancer, with corresponding one-sided mean-rank gene set test P- values. Red bars designate upregulated signature genes while blue bars designate downregulated signature genes.

Figure 9A to C are photographic representations of results showing that increased expression of c-KIT in CD49f lΕ pCAM+ luminal progenitor cells and BRCA1-associated tumors. (A) c- KIT immunostaining of cytospun cells from sorted Lin subpopulations defined by CD49f and EpCAM. Top panel shows normal breast tissue (n = 3) and bottom panel shows preneoplastic tissue from BRCAl mutation carriers (n = 2). Data represents mean percentage of c-KIT- positive cells (± s.e.m.). Scale bar: 50 µm. (B) Heterogeneous c-KIT staining of luminal cells in a normal duct and Terminal Ductal Lobular Unit (TDLU). (C) c-KIT immunostaining of BRCA 1-associated and nonBRCAl/2 breast tumors.

Figure 10 is a graphical representation of data showing the results of quantitative RT-PCR analysis of specific genes that define human and mouse mammary epithelial subsets. Histograms depicting the relative fold difference in RNA expression between specific mammary epithelial cell subsets relative to other subsets in mouse and human mammary tissue. Expression analysis was relative to 18S rRNA. Examples of genes primarily expressed in the (a) MaSC-enriched subset, (b) Luminal progenitor subset, including c-Kit, and (c) Mature luminal subset. At least three independent samples from either mouse or human mammary cell populations were evaluated for each gene. Data represent mean ± s.e.m. Statistically significant differences of p < 0.05 (t test) were observed between expression in the basal (MS) versus the two luminal subpopulations (ML and PL) for all genes except mouse Notch4. Figure 11 is a graphical representation of data showing c-KIT is expressed in Luminal Progenitor cells in human breast tissue. (A) Dot plot depicting EpCAM and CD49f expression in Lin~ cells from human breast tissue. The four subsets characterized by these markers are shown. Luminal progenitor cells are Lin~CD49f+EpCAM+. (B) Histograms depicting c-KIT expression for each subpopulation (black line), compared to control (red).

Figure 12 is a graphical representation of data showing c-Kit marks the luminal progenitor cell. Histograms showing the MaSC-enriched (left) and Luminal subpopulations (right) in mouse mammary tissue. The expression of c-kit and CD61 are shown for each subset. The CD61 -positive cells in the luminal population (which is associated with progenitor activity) are also c-kit-positive (right panel). In contrast to human breast tissue, c-kit is expressed in a subset of the MaSC-enriched population, as defined by CD29 and CD24.

Figure 13 is a graphical representation of data showing masitinib (mas) inhibits colony formation by human breast luminal progenitor cells. (A) MaSC-enriched (Lin CD49hlEpCAM+) and Luminal Progenitor (Lin CD49hlEpCAM+) cells were plated in Matrigel and colony formation determined after 11 days. (B) Representative images from Experiment #2.

Figure 14 is a photographic representation of data showing inhibition of KIT reduces colony formation by MMTV-neu mammary tumor cells. (A) Tumor cells were plated in Matrigel and treated with the c-KIT inhibitors Masitinib (mas), the pyridone compound 25 (ckit25) or ACK2 monoclonal antibody. Tumor colonies were scored after 9 days. (B) Representative images from Experiment #3.

Figure 15 is a graphical representation of data showing MMTV-neu tumors express the luminal progenitor markers CD61 and c-Kit. (A) A representative dot plot of a MMTV-neu tumor expressing both CD24 and CD61 (B) A histogram of an MMTV-neu tumor revealing c-kit expression (black), detected with ACK2 monoclonal antibody compared to control staining (red).

Figure 16 is a graphical and photographic representation of data showing tumor cells from the 878T xenograft express KIT. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of 878T tumors. The majority of the tumor population appears to be EpCAM+CD49f +/1°. (B) KIT expression in EpCAM+CD49f f/1° tumor cells (black) compared to control staining, revealing high c-KIT expression levels. (C) Immunohistochemical staining of 838T cells for KIT expression (DAKO). Figure 17 is a graphical representation of data showing the KIT inhibitor masitinib results in improved tumor response and survival when combined with docetaxel therapy. (A) Mice bearing KIT-positive 838T tumor cells were treated with either vehicle, docetaxel or masitinib or combination therapy, and tumor size monitored by serial measurements. Mice were sacrificed once tumors reached 500 mm3. (B) Kaplan-Meier curve showing overall survival.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE TABLES Table 1 provides a description of the SEQ ID NOs provided herein. Table 2 provides an amino acid sub-classification. Table 3 provides exemplary amino acid substitutions. Table 4 provides a list of non-natural amino acids contemplated in the present invention. Table 5 provides an immunohistochemical analysis of Lin populations defined by CD49f and EpCAM expression. The mean percentage .of cells staining positively for the relevant antibodies, with the standard error of the mean (± s.e.m.), are shown. A minimum of three experiments from independent normal breast reduction mammoplasty samples was used for each marker. For HER2/ErbB2 staining, breast tumors exhibiting HER2 amplification served as positive controls. Table 6 provides limiting dilution analysis of Lin subpopulations. Normal human mammary cells sorted from the Lin gate (Figure IA) were injected at the indicated (f ) number (based on machine counts) into cleared mammary fat pads (MFPs), together with 500,000 hTERT fibroblasts, as described in the Methods. MFPs were analysed and the mammary repopulating frequency was calculated by limiting dilution analysis as described in Supplementary Methods. Data are pooled from four independent experiments. *Shown as number of outgrowths per number of injected MFPs. §Limiting Dilution (95% CI). Table 7 provides the classification of pathogenic BRCAl mutations in prophylactic mastectomy samples. Table 8 provides the number of samples used for each breast tumor subtype. Table 9 provides the number of probes and unique genes identified in each subpopulation signature set. Table 10 provides examples of upregulated genes in the luminal progenitor gene signature from select ontology groups. Table 11 provides preferred examples in order of preference of upregulated genes in the luminal progenitor gene signature from select ontology groups. Table 12 provides the gene signatures for LPT subsets. Table 13 provides the gene signatures for MaSC-enrich subsets. Table 14 provides preferred the gene signatures for Mature Luminal subsets. Table 15 provides the gene signatures for Stromal subsets. Table 16 provides conserved genes upregulated in luminal progenitor cells. The conserved genes between mouse and human were selected by using the nested F multiple testing adjustments with FDR<0.1 and at least 1.5 fold change. Mouse signature genes for a subset were first selected, then multiple testing adjustments were performed for the human data of these subsets of the ortholog genes. The mouse signature genes that were also significantly differentially expressed in human were defined as the conserved genes. The conserved genes represent those consistently up or down in one subpopulation across the two species. Table 17 provides conserved genes downregulated in luminal progenitor cells. The conserved genes between mouse and human were selected by using the nested F multiple testing adjustments with FDR<0.1 and at least 1.5 fold change. Mouse signature genes for a subset were first selected, then multiple testing adjustments were performed for the human data of these subsets of the ortholog genes. The mouse signature genes that were also significantly differentially expressed in human were defined as the conserved genes. The conserved genes represent those consistently up or down in one subpopulation across the two species.

DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meanings as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs. Any materials and methods similar or equivalent to those described herein can be used to practice or test the present invention. Practitioners are particularly directed to Sambrook et ah, (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed., Cold Spring Harbor Press, Plainsview, N.Y. (1989), and Ausubel et ah, Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (Supplement 47), John Wiley & Sons, New York (1999), for definitions and terms of the art and other methods known to the person skilled in the art. The term "antibody" as used herein encompasses a whole antibody, or a fragment thereof, for example a F(ab')2, Fab, Fab', Fv, VH or VK fragment, a single-chain antibody, a multimeric monospecific antibody or fragment thereof, or a bi- or multispecifϊ c antibody or fragment thereof. An antibody as used herein may be a polyclonal or a monoclonal antibody. The antibody may belong to any immunoglobulin class, and may be for example an IgG, for example IgGl, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgE, IgM or IgA antibody. It may be of animal, for example mammalian origin, and may be for example a murine, rat or human antibody. Alternatively, the antibody may be a chimeric antibody. The term chimeric antibody is used herein to mean any antibody containing portions derived from different animal species. Particular non-limiting examples include those antibodies having a variable region derived from a murine or other antibody constant region, and those antibodies in which one or more CDR sequences and optionally one or more variable region framework amino acids are derived from a murine or other antibody and the remaining portions of the variable and the constant regions are derived from a human immunoglobulin. Reference to "manufacture" includes selection and design of medicaments. The term "subject" as used herein refers to an animal, in particular a mammal and more particularly a primate including a lower primate and even more particularly, a human who can benefit from the medical protocol of the present invention., A subject regardless of whether a human or non-human animal or embryo may be referred to as an individual, subject, animal, patient, host or recipient. The term "gene" as used herein refers to any and all discrete coding regions of the cell's genome, as well as associated non-coding and regulatory regions. The gene is also intended to mean the open reading frame encoding specific polypeptides, , and adjacent 5' and 3' non-coding nucleotide sequences involved in the regulation of expression. In this regard, the gene may further comprise control signals such as promoters, enhancers, termination and/or signals that are naturally associated with a given gene, or heterologous control signals. The DNA sequences may be cDNA or genomic DNA or a fragment thereof. The gene may be introduced into an appropriate vector for extrachromosomal maintenance or for integration into the host. "Hybridization" is used herein to denote the pairing of complementary nucleotide sequences to produce a DNA-DNA hybrid or a DNA-RNA hybrid. Complementary base sequences are those sequences that are related by the base-pairing rules. In DNA, A pairs with T and C pairs with G. In RNA U pairs with A and C pairs with G. In this regard, the terms "match" and "mismatch" as used herein refer to the hybridization potential of paired nucleotides in complementary nucleic acid strands. Matched nucleotides hybridize efficiently, such as the classical A-T and G-C mentioned above. Mismatches are other combinations of nucleotides that do not hybridize efficiently. In the present invention, the preferred mechanism of pairing involves hydrogen bonding, which may be Watson-Crick, Hoogsteen or reversed Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding, between complementary nucleoside or nucleotide bases (nucleobases) of the strands of oligomeric compounds. For example, adenine and thymine are complementary nucleobases which pair through the formation of hydrogen bonds. Hybridization can occur under varying circumstances as known to those of skill in the art. Nucleic acid sequence identity can be determined in the following manner. The subject nucleic acid sequence is used to search a nucleic acid sequence database, such as the GenBank database (accessible at web site http://www.ncbi.nln.nih.gov/blast/), using the program BLASTM version 2.1 (based on Altschul et al, Nucleic Acids Research 25:3389- 3402 (1997)). The program is used in the ungapped mode. Default filtering is used to remove sequence homologies due to regions of low complexity. The default parameters of BLASTM are used. Amino acid sequence identity can be determined in the following manner. The subject polypeptide sequence is used to search a polypeptide sequence database, such as the GenBank database (accessible at web site http://www.ncbi.nln.nih.gov/blast/), using the BLASTP program. The program is used in the ungapped mode. Default filtering is used to remove sequence homologies due to regions of low complexity. The default parameters of BLASTP are utilized. Filtering for sequences of low complexity may use the SEG program. The term "hybridize under stringent conditions", and grammatical equivalents thereof, refers to the ability of a nucleic acid molecule to hybridize to a target nucleic acid molecule (such as a target nucleic acid molecule immobilized on a DNA or RNA blot, such as a Southern blot or Northern blot) under defined conditions of temperature and salt concentration. With respect to nucleic acid molecules greater than about 100 bases in length, typical stringent hybridization conditions are no more than 250C to 300C (for example, 1O0C) below the melting temperature (Tm) of the native duplex (see generally, Sambrook et al. , (supra); Ausubel et al, Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, Greene Publishing, 1987). Tm for nucleic acid molecules greater than about 100 bases can be calculated by the formula Tm=8 1.5+0.41% (G+C-log (Na+)). With respect to nucleic acid molecules having a length less than 100 bases, exemplary stringent hybridization conditions are 5°C to 100C below Tm. As used herein, the term "oligonucleotide" refers to a nucleic acid molecule of up to 100 bases. The term "complement" when used in connection with a nucleic acid molecule refers to the complementary nucleic acid sequence as determined by Watson-Crick base pairing. For example, the complement of the nucleic acid sequence 5'CCATG3' is 5'CATGG3'. The phrase "hybridizing specifically to" and the like refer to the binding, duplexing, or hybridizing of a molecule only to a particular nucleotide sequence under stringent conditions when that sequence is present in a complex mixture (e.g., total cellular) DNA or RNA. By "isolated" is meant material that is substantially or essentially free from components that normally accompany it in its native state. For example, an "isolated polynucleotide", as used herein, refers to a polynucleotide, isolated from the sequences which flank it in a naturally-occurring state, e.g., a DNA fragment which has been removed from the sequences that are normally adjacent to the fragment. Alternatively, an "isolated peptide" or an "isolated polypeptide" and the like, as used herein, refer to in vitro isolation and/or purification of a peptide or polypeptide molecule from its natural cellular environment, and from association with other components of the cell. Without limitation, an isolated composition, complex, polynucleotide, peptide, or polypeptide can refer to a native sequence that is isolated by purification or to a sequence that is produced by recombinant or synthetic means. By "modulation" or "modulator" in relation to a particular target is meant generally directly or indirectly up-regulating or down-regulating the level, effects or activity of the target. Reference to a "sample" means any biological fluid, cell, tissue, organ or portion thereof, that includes, or potentially includes, an LPT or BMS nucleic acid molecule or polypeptide. The term includes samples present in an individual as well as samples obtained or derived from an individual. For example, a sample can be a histologic section of a specimen obtained by biopsy, or cells that are placed in or adapted to tissue culture. A sample can be a subcellular fraction or extract, or a purified or crude nucleic acid or polypeptide preparation. The present invention is not limited to any particular method for measuring gene expression and the addressee may measure the level or activity of the gene or part of the gene or its expression products such as mRNA or protein. Considerations such as the sample type, availability and amount will also influence selection of a particular method. For example, if only a small amount of cellular material is available, then methods which measure the amount of RNA by, for example, PCR amplification, can be an appropriate choice for determining gene set expression. Alternatively, an Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (ELISA), which measures the amount of polypeptide can be an appropriate choice for determining the expression level of one or two or more gene set polypeptides. Various methods for determining the transcriptional expression of a gene in a tissue are known in the art and the present invention does not rely upon any particular method. Gene expression may be determined using hybridisation or sequencing based methods known in the art. Generally, convenient methods include, without limitation, Northern blotting and in situ hybridisation dot-blots or other membrane-based technologies, RNAse protection assays, real¬ time PCR methods, reverse transcriptase PCR methods, e.g. TaqMan RT-PCR, differential display methods, MassARRAY-based gene expression profiling (Sequenom), Bead arrays for detection of gene expression (such as Luminex multicolour coded microspheres, Illumina bead array systems), microarrays (such as Affymetrix GenChip or Incyte microarray technology), hicoverage expression profiling (HiCEP), immunohistochemistry (IHC), methods using mass spectrometry (such as MALDI-TOF analysis), serial analysis of gene expression techniques (SAGE), and massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS). Descriptions for such methods and improved versions can be found in, for example, Sambrook et al, (supra), and in Ausubel et al., (supra) or from a rapid review of the scientific literature on-line. PCR or RT-PCR can be used with isolated RNA or crude cell lysate preparations. As described previously, PCR is useful when there is little starting material. A further description of traditional PCR methods can be found in, for example, Dieffenbach, C. W., and Dveksler, G. S., PCR Primer: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Press, Plainsview, N.Y. (1995). For detection by hybridization, RNA from a sample is contacted with a probe under conditions which allow annealing (hybridisation) of the probe to RNA. Such conditions are well known in the art for both solution and solid phase hybridization procedures. Such procedures are routine and well known to those skilled. Following annealing, the sample is optionally washed and the signal is measured and compared with a suitable control or standard value. The magnitude of the hybridization signal may be directly proportional to the expression levels of the LPT or BMS gene for which the probe was specific. A suitable control for comparison can be, for example, the expression level of the gene set in a sample obtained from a normal individual or normal sample. The control sample for comparison can be measured simultaneously with one or more test samples or, alternatively, expression levels can be established for a particular type of sample and standardized to internal or external parameters such as polypeptide or polynucleotide content, cell number, cell type, or mass of sample. Such standardized control samples can then be directly compared with results obtained from the test sample. An increase (such as, by way of non-limiting example, an increase of two-fold or more) of expression levels of an LPT or BMS gene set indicates increased risk of cancer in the tested individual. Alternatively, may be used to measure the level or activity of proteinaceous products of one or more of the genes identified herein. By activity is meant the characteristic activity of the proteinaceous product, such as its activity as an enzyme, i.e., kinase activity, or activity as a , plasma membrane protein i.e., receptor or binding target for a ligand or antibody etc. In some embodiments, the sample is assessed by one or two dimensional electrophoresis to detect expression products of one of the gene sets disclosed herein. Efficient computer assisted methods are available in the art to characterise proteinaceous molecules separated electrophoretically. For example, proteins may be stained with a fluorescent dye and imaged with a fluorescent scanner. In other embodiments, the sample may be assessed in an immunoassay. In some embodiments, the methods comprise contacting a cell or tissue sample, or lysate thereof, or fractionated sample thereof, from a subject with a binding agent and determining the amount of selective binding of the agent. The fractionated sample can be, for example, a cell lysate or lipid membranes and the binding agent can be an antibody or a ligand or substrate or an analog depending upon which LPT/LPTs or BMS is to be assayed. All modes of affinity binding assay are applicable for use in determining the amount of a polypeptide in a sample. Suitable methods are rapid, efficient and sensitive. Affinity binding methods are convenient and can be adjusted to be performed in a variety of clinical settings and under conditions to suit a variety of particular needs. Affinity binding assays which are known and can be used in the methods of the invention include both soluble and solid phase formats. In one embodiment, a soluble phase affinity binding assay is immunoprecipitation using antibodies which are selective for one or more of PTCHDl, GPRl 10, PROMl, CXCR4 and DNER. Solid phase affinity binding assays are convenient as they are amenable to high throughput screening and automation. Examples of solid phase affinity binding assays include immunoaffϊnity binding assays such as an ELISA and radioimmune assay (RIA), immunochromatographic devices, dip sticks etc. Although affinity binding assays are generally formatted for use with an antibody that is selective for the analyte or ligand of interest, essentially any binding agent can be substituted. Suitable binding agents include, for example, steroids, steroid derivatives, macromolecules such as polypeptides, peptides, nucleic acids, aptamers, lipids and sugars as well as small molecule compounds. Methods are known in the art for identifying such molecules which bind selectively to a particular analyte or ligand and include, for example, screens of combinatorial libraries. Various modes of affinity binding formats are similarly known which can be used in the diagnostic methods of the invention. For the purpose of illustration, particular embodiments of such affinity binding assays will be described further in reference to immunoaffinity binding assays. Affinity binding methods are described in common laboratory manuals such as Harlow and Lane, Using Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York (1999). As with the hybridization methods described previously, the diagnostic formats employing affinity binding can be used in conjunction with a variety of detection labels and systems conventional in the art to detect or quantify amounts of an LPT or BMS polypeptide in the analyzed sample. Detection systems include the detection of bound polypeptide of the invention by both direct and indirect means. Direct detection methods include labeling of an antibody or binding agent that binds specifically to a polypeptide of the invention. Indirect detection systems include, for example, the use of labeled secondary antibodies and binding agents. Secondary antibodies, labels and detection systems are well known in the art and can be obtained commercially or by conventional techniques. Suitable detectable labels include, for example, enzymes, radioisotopes, fluorochromes as well as chemi- and bioluminescent compounds. Specific examples of enzyme labels include horseradish peroxidase (HRP), alkaline phosphatase (AP), β-galactosidase, urease and luciferase. A horseradish-peroxidase detection system can be used, for example, with the chromogenic substrate tetramethylbenzidine (TMB), which yields a soluble product in the presence of hydrogen peroxide that is detectable by measuring absorbance at 450 run. An alkaline phosphatase detection system can be used with the chromogenic substrate p- nitrophenyl phosphate, for example, which yields a soluble product readily detectable by measuring absorbance at 405 ran. Similarly, a beta-galactosidase detection system can be used with the chromogenic substrate o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG), which yields a soluble product detectable by measuring absorbance at 410 nm, or a urease detection system can be used with a substrate such as urea-bromocresol purple (Sigma Immunochemicals, St. Louis, Mo.). Luciferin is the substrate compound for luciferase which emits light following ATP-dependent oxidation. Fluorochrome detection labels are rendered detectable through the emission of light of ultraviolet or visible wavelength after excitation by light or another energy source. DAPI, fluorescein, Hoechst 33258, R-phycocyanin, B- phycoerythrin, R-phycoerythrin, rhodamine, Texas red and lissamine are specific examples of fluorochrome detection labels that can be utilized in the affinity binding formats of the invention. Particularly useful fluorochromes include fluorescein and rhodamine. Chemiluminescent as well as bioluminescent detection labels are convenient for sensitive, non-radioactive detection of the inventive polynucleotides and polypeptides and can be obtained commercially. Radioisotopes can alternatively be used as detectable labels for use in the binding assays of the invention. Iodine- 125 is a specific example of a radioisotope useful for a detectable label. Signals from detectable labels can be analyzed, for example, using a spectrophotometer to detect color from a chromogenic substrate; a fluorometer to detect fluorescence in the presence of light of a certain wavelength; or a radiation counter to detect radiation, such as a gamma counter for detection of iodine- 125. For detection of an enzyme- linked secondary antibody, for example, a quantitative analysis of the amount of bound agent can be made using a spectrophotometrically. In some embodiments, the detection marker comprises a visually detectable reporter molecule and a positive result may be essentially immediately observed in the test and/or control portions of an immunochromatographic device. In other embodiments, the detection marker may be detected using further detection protocols and devices such as will be well known to those of ordinary skill in the art. For example, colloidal gold may be used or another colloidal metal or metal oxide particles or colloidal non-metal particles or dyes or coloured latex are conveniently used. The presence of an LPT or BMS gene set protein product may be evaluated in a number of ways such as by Western blotting and ELISA procedures. A wide range of immunoassay techniques are available as can be seen by reference to U.S. Patent Nos. 4,016,043, 4,424,279 and 4,018,653. These include both single-site and two-site or "sandwich" assays of the non-competitive types, as well as in the traditional competitive binding assays. Rapid point of care diagnostics using, for example, immunochromatographic protocols together with colloidal material, etc., are known in the art. General formats and protocols for the conduct of various formats of ELISA are disclosed in the art and are know to those of skill in the field of diagnostics. For example, reference may be made to Chapter 11 of Ausubel (Ed) Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, NY, 2002. Briefly, in a typical forward assay, an antibody is immobilized on a solid or semi-solid substrate and the sample to be tested brought into contact with the bound molecule. After a suitable period of incubation, for a period of time sufficient to allow formation of an antibody-antigen complex, a second antibody specific to the antigen, labelled with a reporter molecule capable of producing a detectable signal is then added and incubated, allowing time sufficient for the formation of another complex of antibody-antigen-labelled antibody. Any unreacted material is washed away, and the presence of the LPT or BMS polypeptide is determined by observation of a signal produced by the detectable marker (reporter molecule). The results may be qualitative or quantitative, by simple observation of the visible signal, or may be quantitated by comparing with a control sample containing known amounts of LPT or BMS polypeptide. Variations on the forward assay include a simultaneous assay, in which both sample and labelled antibody are added simultaneously to the bound antibody. In a typical forward sandwich assay, a first antibody having specificity for an LPT or BMS is either covalently or passively bound to a solid or semi-solid support. The support is typically glass or a polymer, the most commonly used polymers being nitrocellulose, cellulose, polyacrylamide, nylon, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene or mixture or derivatives of these. The solid supports may be in the form of tubes, beads, discs or microplates, or any other surface suitable for conducting an immunoassay. The binding processes are well-known in the art and generally consist of cross-linking covalently binding or physically adsorbing the polymer-antibody complex to the solid surface which is then washed in preparation for the test sample. An aliquot of the sample to be tested is then added to the solid phase complex and incubated for a period of time sufficient (e.g. 2-40 minutes or overnight if more convenient) and under suitable conditions (e.g. from room temperature to about 37°C including 25°C) to allow binding of any subunit present in the antibody. Following the incubation period, the antibody subunit solid phase is washed and incubated with a second antibody specific for a portion of the antigen. The second antibody is linked to a detectable marker which is used to indicate the binding of the second antibody to the antigen. An alternative method involves immobilizing the target molecules in the biological sample and then exposing the immobilized target to specific antibody which may or may not be labelled with a detectable marker. Depending on the amount of target and the strength of the signal from the detectable marker, a bound target may be detectable by direct labelling with the antibody. Alternatively, a second labelled antibody, specific to the first antibody is exposed to the target-first antibody complex to form a target-first antibody-second antibody tertiary complex. The complex is detected by the signal emitted by the reporter molecule. A significant improvement of the bead-based methods involves tagging each bead with a unique identifier tag, such as an oligonucleotide or electrophoretic tag, so as to facilitate identification of the amino acid sequence of each library member. These improved bead- based methods are described in International Publication No. WO 93/06121. In other embodiments, the method is a liquid phase method. In one example of a liquid phase immunoassay (see, for example, United States Patent No. 6,632,603) the sample is contacted with an agent capable of binding LPT or BMS polypeptide and a detector agent comprising a visually detectable agent such as colloidal gold or silver labelled. The test sample is applied by flowing onto a defined zone of an insoluble porous support film having a pore size impassable to a complex formed between the LPT or BMS, if present, with the binding substance and the detector substance, but passable to the binding substance and detector substance while remaining uncomplexed in the absence of the desired LPT or BMS. If the LPT or BMS is present in the test specimen, the detector substance binds with the LPT or BMS and the binding substance to form a visually inspectable complex on the surface of the porous support film. After application of the test sample to the porous support, the surface of the porous support is visually inspected for colour to determine the presence and quantity or the absence of the LPT or BMS being assayed. In another assay, magnetic antibodies that bind to LPT or BMS markers are used to tag LPT or BMS and a high Tc superconducting quantum interference device is used to measure the amount of free and bound antibody and hence the presence or level of LPT or BMS. A liposome immunomigration, liquid-phase competition strip immunoassay is, for example, described in Glorio-Paulet et al, J Agric Food Chem 48 (5): 1678-1682, 2000. Methods for preparing monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies are well known to those of ordinary skill in the art and are set forth, for example, in chapters five and six of Antibodies, A Laboratory Manual, E. Harlow and D. Lane, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (1988). For example, antibodies according to the invention may be prepared by conventional immunization and recombinant DNA techniques. Thus, for example polyclonal antibodies may be obtained from the sera of animals immunised with a LPT or BMS protein or fragment thereof. Any suitable host, for example BALB/c mice where it is desired to obtain a mouse polyclonal antibody, may be injected with the immunogen, the serum collected and the antibody recovered therefrom. Monoclonal antibodies may be obtained from hybridomas derived form the spleen cells of an animal immunised as just discussed and fused to an appropriate "immortal" B-tumour cell. In each instance, the antibody may be recovered from either the serum or the hybridoma by making use of standard purification and or concentration techniques, for example by chromatography, using for example Protein A or by other affinity chromatography employing a protein of the invention or fragment thereof. Once a cell line, for example a hybridoma, expressing a suitable antibody has been obtained it is possible to identify the variable region genes encoding the desired antibody, including the sequences encoding the CDRs. From here, chimeric antibodies may be obtained by preparing one or more replicable expression vectors containing at least the DNA sequence encoding the variable domain of the antibody heavy or light chain and optionally other DNA sequences encoding remaining portions of the heavy and/or light chains as desired, and transforming an appropriate cell line, e.g., a non-producing myeloma cell line, such as a mouse NSO line, in which production of the antibody will occur. Particular methods for producing antibodies in this way are generally well known and routinely used. Antibody production includes not only the stimulation of an immune response by injection into animals, but also analogous processes such as the production of synthetic antibodies, the screening of recombinant immunoglobulin libraries for specific-binding molecules or the in vitro stimulation of lymphocyte populations. The present invention provides a method of identifying targets for the treatment of breast cancer. Specifically by comparing the profile of gene expression between normal and abnormal luminal progenitor cells, pathways that have been switched on or are driving tumor formation may be identified using the methods described herein. Once a target has been identified, agents that modulate the activity of the target can be identified. In addition, the LPT or BMS gene can be screened for mutations therein that affect gene expression. Antibodies are particularly useful agents where the target has a binding site that is accessible from outside the cell. In this way, agents need not cross or fully traverse the cell membrane. Antibodies specific to an LPT or BMS polypeptide can be used, for example, directly as an antagonist. The antibodies can be generated using methods that are well known in the art and include, for example, polyclonal, monoclonal, chimeric humanized single chain, Fab fragments, and fragments produced by a Fab expression library. In some embodiments, the antibodies of the present invention are CDR-grafted antibodies. The term "CDR-grafted antibody" as used herein refers to an antibody molecule wherein the heavy and/or light chain contains one of more CDRs from a donor antibody (e.g., a murine monoclonal antibody) grafted into a heavy and/or light chain variable region framework of an acceptor antibody (e.g., human antibody). Construction of CDR-grafted antibodies is fully described in European Patent Application EP-A-0239400, which publication is incorporated herein by reference. Some criteria for selecting which framework residues need to be altered are described in International Patent Application WO 90/07861, incorporated herein by reference. Agents which have the potential to act as LPT or BMS modulators include small chemical molecules which can penetrate a cell membrane or via an ion channel or other pore and an antigen binding agent which has the capacity for intracellular transmission such as cartilage fish-derived antibodies (e.g. shark antibodies; see for example, Liu et ah, BMC Biotechnol. 7: 78, 2007). An antigen binding agent, or functionally active fragment thereof, which has the capacity for intracellular transmission also includes antibodies such as camelids and llama antibodies, scFv antibodies, intrabodies or nanobodies, e.g. scFv intrabodies and VHH intrabodies. Such antigen binding agents can be made as described by Harmsen & De Haard in Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Nov; 77(1): 13-22, 2007; Tibary et al, Soc. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 64: 297-313, 2007; Muyldermans, J. Biotechnol. 74: 277-302, 2001; and references cited therein. In one embodiment, scFv intrabodies which are able to interfere with a protein- protein interaction are used in the methods of the invention; see for example, Visintin et al, J. Biotechnol, /35:1-15, 2008 and Visintin et al, J. Immunol. Methods, 290(1-2): 135-53, 2008 for methods for their production. For use in the methods of the invention in respect of intracellular LPT or BMS, modulatory agents may comprise a cell-penetrating peptide sequence or nuclear-localizing peptide sequence such as those disclosed in Constantini et al., Cancer Biotherm. Radiopharm. 25(1): 3-24, 2008. Also useful for in vivo delivery are Vectocell or Diato peptide vectors such as those disclosed in De Coupade et al., Biochem J. 390(pt2): 407-418, 2005 and Meyer- Losic et al., J Med Chem. 49(23): 6908-6916, 2006. Thus, the invention provides the therapeutic use of fusion proteins of the agents (or functionally active fragments thereof), for example but without limitation, where the antibody or fragment thereof is fused via a covalent bond (e.g. a peptide bond), at optionally the N-terminus or the C-terminus, to a cell- penetrating peptide or nuclear-localizing peptide sequence. Natural products, combinatorial synthetic organic or inorganic compounds, peptide/polypeptide/protein, nucleic acid molecules and libraries or phage or other display technology comprising these are all available to screen or test for suitable agents. Natural products include those from coral, soil, plant, or the ocean or Antarctic environments. Libraries of small organic molecules can be generated and screened using high-throughput technologies known to those of skill in this art. See for example United States Patent No. 5,763,623 and United States Application No. 20060167237. Combinatorial synthesis provides a very useful approach wherein a great many related compounds are synthesized having different substitutions of a common or subset of parent structures. Such compounds are usually non-oligomeric and may be similar in terms of their basic structure and function, for example, varying in chain length, ring size or number or substitutions. Virtual libraries are also contemplated and these may be constructed and compounds tested in silico (see for example, US Publication No. 20060040322) or by in vitro or in vivo assays known in the art. Libraries of small molecules suitable for testing are already available in the art (see for example, Amezcua et al., Structure (London) 10: 1349-1361, 2002). Yeast SPLINT antibody libraries are available for testing for intrabodies which are able to disrupt protein-protein interactions (see Visintin et al., (supra)). Examples of suitable methods for the synthesis of molecular libraries can be found in the art, for example in: DeWitt et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90: 6909, 1993; Erb et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 11422, 1994; Zuckermann et al, J. Med. Chem. 37: 2678, 1994; Cho et al, Science 261: 1303, 1993; Carrell et al , Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 33: 2059, 1994; Carell et al, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 33: 2061, 1994; and Gallop et al., J. Med. Chem. 37: 1233, 1994. Thus, agents can be obtained using any of the numerous approaches in combinatorial library methods known in the art, including: biological libraries; spatially addressable parallel solid phase or solution phase libraries; synthetic library methods requiring deconvol ύtion; the "one-bead one-compound" library method; and synthetic library methods using affinity chromatography selection. The biological library approach is suited to peptide libraries, while the other four approaches are applicable to peptide, non-peptide oligomer or small molecule libraries of compounds (Lam, Anticancer Drug Des. 12: 145, 1997; United States Patent No. 5,738,996; and United States Patent No. 5,807,683). Libraries of compounds may be presented, for example, in solution (e.g. Houghten, Bio/Techniques 13: 412-421, 1992), or on beads (Lam, Nature 354: 82-84, 1991), chips (Fodor, Nature 364: 555-556, 1993), bacteria (United States Patent No. 5,223,409), spores (United States Patent Nos. 5,571,698; 5,403,484; and 5,223,409), plasmids (Cull et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 1865- 1869, 1992) or phage (Scott and Smith, Science 249: 386-390, 1990; Devlin, Science 249: 404-406, 1990; Cwirla et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87: 6378-6382, 1990; and Felici, J. MoI. Biol. 222: 301-310, 1991). In addition, genetic molecules and viruses comprising same are used to induce silencing of an LPT or BMS gene. Nucleic acids including DNA (gDNA, cDNA), RNA (sense RNAs, antisense RNAs, mRNAs, tRNAs, rRNAs, small interfering RNAs (SiRNAs), double-stranded RNAs (dsRNA), short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs), piwi-interacting RNAs (PiRNA), micro RNAs (miRNAs), small nucleolar RNAs (SnoRNAs), small nuclear (SnRNAs) ribozymes, aptamers, DNAzymes or other ribonuclease-type complexes are conveniently employed. Methods of producing chimeric constructs capable of producing dsRNA in eukaryotic cells are described in the art. Aptamers are also contemplated. RNA and DNA aptamers can substitute for monoclonal antibodies in various applications (Jayasena, Clin. Chem., 45(9): 1628-1650, 1999; Morris et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 95(6): 2902-2907, 1998). Aptamers are nucleic acid molecules having specific binding affinity to non-nucleic acid or nucleic acid molecules through interactions other than classic Watson-Crick base pairing. Aptamers are described, for example, in United States Patent Nos. 5,475,096; 5,270,163; 5,589,332; 5,589,332; and 5,741,679. An increasing number of DNA and RNA aptamers that recognize their non-nucleic acid targets have been developed by SELEX and have been characterized (Gold et al, Annu. Rev. Biochaem., 64: 763-797.1995; Bacher et al, Drug Discovery Today, 3(6): 265-273, 1998). In some embodiments, agents that down modulate the formation, expression or activity of an LPT or BMS may be derived from the LPT or BMS polypeptide or their encoding sequences or are variants or analogs thereof. Thus, for example, agents may be hydrocarbon-stapled peptides or minature proteins which are alpha-helical and cell- penetrating, and are able to disrupt protein-protein interactions (see for example, Wilder et ai, ChemMedChem. 2(8): 1149-1 151, 2007; & for a review, Henchey et al, Curr. Opin. Chem. Sept 12, 2008). In some embodiments, the agents are derived from nucleic acid molecules such as the nucleotide sequences of an LPT or BMS gene or corrected version thereof or variants thereof. Variants include nucleic acid molecules sufficiently similar to naturally occurring forms of these molecules or their complementary forms over all or part thereof such that selective hybridisation may be achieved under conditions of medium or high stringency, or which have about 60% to 90% or 90 to 98% sequence identity to the nucleotide sequences defining a naturally occurring LPT or BMS sequences over a comparison window comprising at least about 15 nucleotides. Preferably the hybridisation region is about 12 to about 18 nucleobases or greater in length. Preferably, the percent identity between a particular nucleotide sequence and the reference sequence is at least about 80%, or 85%, or more preferably about 90% similar or greater, such as about 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99% or greater. Percent identities between 80% and 100% are encompassed. The length of the nucleotide sequence is dependent upon its proposed function. For example, short interfering RNAs are generally about 20 to 24 nucleotides in length, whereas molecules designed to provide dominant negative functions may require full length or substantially full length molecules. The term "homolog" or "homologs" refers broadly to functionally and structurally related molecules including those from other species. Homologs and orthologs are examples of variants. In some embodiments the present invention contemplates the use of full length LPT or BMS polypeptides or biologically active portions or stapled peptides of one or more of these molecules as antagonists. Biologically active portions or stapled peptides comprise one or more binding domains. A biologically active portion or stapled peptide of a full length polypeptide can be a polypeptide which is, for example, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 150, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 to about 640 or about 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400 to about 3000 or more amino acid residues in length. "Variant" polypeptides include proteins derived from the native protein by deletion (so-called truncation) or addition of one or more amino acids to the N-terminal and/or C-terminal end of the native protein; deletion or addition of one or more amino acids at one or more sites in the native protein; or substitution of one or more amino acids at one or more sites in the native protein. Variant proteins encompassed by the present invention are biologically active, that is, they continue to possess at least one biological activity of the native protein. Antagonist variants are selected on the basis that they inhibit or antagonise the biological activity of the LPT or BMS. Such variants may result from, for example, genetic polymorphism or from human manipulation. Biologically active variants of a native LPT or BMS polypeptide will have at least 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, generally at least 75%, 80%, 85%, preferably about 90% to 95% or more, and more preferably about 98% or more sequence similarity with the amino acid sequence for the native protein as determined by contemporary sequence alignment programs using default parameters. A biologically active variant of an LPT or BMS polypeptide may differ from that polypeptide generally by as much 100, 50 or 20 amino acid residues or suitably by as few as 1-15 amino acid residues, as few as 1-10, such as 6-10, as few as 5, as few as 4, 3, 2, or even 1 amino acid residue. An LPT or BMS polypeptide/peptide may be altered in various ways including amino acid substitutions, deletions, truncations, and insertions. Methods for such manipulations are generally known in the art. For example, amino acid sequence variants of an LPT or BMS polypeptides can be prepared by introducing mutations in the encoding DNA. Methods for mutagenesis and nucleotide sequence alterations are well known in the art. See, for example, Kunkel (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82: 488-492, 1985), Kunkel et al, (Methods in Enzymol., 154: 367-382, 1987), United States Patent No. 4,873,192, Watson et al. ("Molecular Biology of the Gene", Fourth Edition, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, Calif., 1987) and the references cited therein. Guidance as to appropriate amino acid substitutions that do not affect biological activity of the protein of interest may be found in the model of Dayhoff et al, (Natl. Biomed. Res. Found, 5 : 345-358, 1978). Methods for screening gene products of combinatorial libraries made by point mutations or truncation, and for screening cDNA libraries for gene products having a selected property are known in the art. Such methods are adaptable for rapid screening of the gene libraries generated by combinatorial mutagenesis of polypeptides. Recursive ensemble mutagenesis (REM), a technique that enhances the frequency of functional mutants in the libraries, can be used in combination with the screening assays to identify useful polypeptide variants (Arkin et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 89: 781 1-7815, 1992; Delgrave et al, Protein Engineering, 6 : 327-331, 1993). Conservative substitutions, such as exchanging one amino acid with another having similar properties, may be desirable. . Variant LPT or BMS polypeptides may contain conservative amino acid substitutions at various locations along their sequence, as compared to reference amino acid sequences. A "conservative amino acid substitution" is one in which the amino acid residue is replaced with an amino acid residue having a similar side chain. Families of amino acid residues having similar side chains have been defined in the art. Amino acid residues can be further sub-classified as cyclic or noncyclic, and aromatic or nonaromatic, self-explanatory classifications with respect to the side-chain substituent groups of the residues, and as small or large. The residue is considered small if it contains a total of four carbon atoms or less, inclusive of the carboxyl carbon, provided an additional polar substituent is present; three or less if not. Small residues are, of course, always nonaromatic. Dependent on their structural properties, amino acid residues may fall in two or more classes. For the naturally-occurring protein amino acids, sub-classification according to this scheme is presented in the Table 5. Conservative amino acid substitution also includes groupings based on side chains. Whether an amino acid change results in a functional LPT polypeptide can readily be determined by assaying its activity. Activities that can readily be assessed are known to those of skill and include assays to determine binding or dimerization or oligomerization detected by, for example, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) where heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra are observed, Biacore, kinetic, affinity and pull-down analyses. Conservative substitutions are shown in Table 6 below under the heading of exemplary substitutions. More preferred substitutions are shown under the heading of preferred substitutions. Amino acid substitutions falling within the scope of the invention, are, in general, accomplished by selecting substitutions that do not differ significantly in their effect on maintaining (a) the structure of the peptide backbone in the area of the substitution, (b) the charge or hydrophobicity of the molecule at the target site, or (c) the bulk of the side chain. After the substitutions are introduced, the variants are screened for biological activity. In some embodiments, analogs of antagonists of LPT or BMS polypeptides have enhanced stability and activity or reduced unfavourable pharmacological properties. They may also be designed in order to have an enhanced ability to cross biological membranes or to interact with only specific substrates. Thus, analogs may retain some functional attributes of the parent molecule but may posses a modified specificity or be able to perform new functions useful in the present context i.e., for administration to a subject. Analogs of peptide or polypeptide agents contemplated herein include but are not limited to modification to side chains, incorporating of unnatural amino acids and/or their derivatives during peptide, polypeptide or protein synthesis and the use of crosslinkers and other methods which impose conformational constraints on the proteinaceous molecule or their analogs. Examples of incorporating unnatural amino acids and derivatives during peptide synthesis include, but are not limited to, use of norleucine, 4-amino butyric acid, 4-amino-3- hydroxy-5-phenylpentanoic acid, 6-aminohexanoic acid, t-butylglycine, norvaline, phenylglycine, ornithine, sarcosine, 4-amino-3-hydroxy-6-methylheptanoic acid, 2-thienyl alanine and/or D-isomers of amino acids. A list of unnatural amino acid contemplated herein is shown in Table 4. Crosslinkers can be used, for example, to stabilize 3D conformations, using homo- bifunctional crosslinkers such as the bifunctional imido esters having (CH2)n spacer groups with n=l to n=6, glutaraldehyde, N-hydroxysuccinimide esters and hetero-bifunctional reagents which usually contain an amino-reactive moiety such as N-hydroxysuccinimide and another group specific-reactive moiety such as maleimido or dithio moiety (SH) or carbodiimide (COOH). In addition, peptides can be conformationally constrained by, for example, incorporation of Cα and N α-methylamino acids and the introduction of double bonds between Cα and Cβatoms of amino acids. In some embodiments, c-kit alone is not considered a target encompassed by the present invention as it pertains to modulation of neoplastic luminal progenitor cell levels, although a c-kit antagonist may be used in combination with another LPT antagonist or in conjunction with other therapies. As discussed herein the antibodies and other agents that are effective to down modulate, antagonise or inhibit the activity of an LPT are used in the treatment, including therapy or prophylactic treatment, of cancer. For use, such agents will typically be administered in the form of a pharmaceutical composition. As described above, in another aspect the present invention provides a use of an LPT modulator that binds to and modulates the activity of an LPT polypeptide or binds to and modulates the activity of an agent from which an LPT polypeptide is producible or a LPT analog or mimetic in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of cancer such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer or a BRCAl -deficiency associated cancer in a subject. The BRCAl -associated cancers include cancers of the reproductive tissue such as fallopian tube carcinoma and primary peritoneal cancer. An increase risk of other cancers such as melanoma, pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer are all associated with BRCA- deficiencies. As described above, in another aspect the present invention provides a use of an LPT antagonist that binds to and down modulates the activity of an LPT polypeptide or binds to and down modulates the activity of an agent from which an LPT polypeptide is producible or a LPT analog or mimetic in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of cancer such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer or other BRCAl -deficiency associated cancer in a subject. In a particular embodiment, the agent is an antibody or comprises antigen binding fragment thereof. In some embodiments, the medicament is suitable for local or systemic administration by any route, such as without limitation by patch, cellular transfer, implant, orally, intravenously, intravesicaly, intracerebrally, intradermally, intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, intrathecally, subcutaneously, sublingually, rectally, vaginally, intraocularly, nasally, respiratorialy, nasopharyngeal, subcutaneously, cutaneously, topically and transdermally. Pharmaceutical compositions are conveniently prepared according to conventional pharmaceutical compounding techniques. See, for example, Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Ed. (1990, Mack Publishing, Company, Easton, PA, U.S.A.). The composition may contain the active agent or pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the active agent. These compositions may comprise, in addition to one of the active substances, a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient, carrier, buffer, stabilizer or other materials well known in the art. Such materials should be non-toxic and should not interfere with the efficacy of the active ingredient. The carrier may take a wide variety of forms depending on the form of preparation desired for administration, e.g. intravenous, oral or parenteral. For oral administration, the compounds can be formulated into solid or liquid preparations such as capsules, pills, tablets, lozenges, powders, suspensions or emulsions. In preparing the compositions in oral dosage form, any of the usual pharmaceutical media may be employed, such as, for example, water, glycols, oils, alcohols, flavoring agents, preservatives, coloring agents, suspending agents, and the like in the case of oral liquid preparations (such as, for example, suspensions, elixirs and solutions); or carriers such as starches, sugars, diluents, granulating agents, lubricants, binders, disintegrating agents and the like in the case of oral solid preparations (such as, for example, powders, capsules and tablets). Because of their ease in administration, tablets and capsules represent the most advantageous oral dosage unit form, in which case solid pharmaceutical carriers are obviously employed. If desired, tablets may be sugar-coated or enteric-coated by standard techniques. The active agent can be encapsulated to make it stable to passage through the gastrointestinal tract. See for example, International Patent Publication No. WO 96/1 1698. Tor parenteral administration, the compound may dissolved in a pharmaceutical carrier and administered as either a solution or a suspension. Illustrative of suitable carriers are water, saline, dextrose solutions, fructose solutions, ethanol, or oils of animal, vegetative or synthetic origin. The carrier may also contain other ingredients, for example, preservatives, suspending agents, solubilizing agents, buffers and the like. The actual amount of active agent administered and the rate and time-course of administration will depend on the nature and severity of the burn injury. Prescription of treatment, e.g. decisions on dosage, timing, etc. is within the responsibility of general practitioners or specialists and typically takes into account the condition of the individual patient, the site of delivery, the method of administration and other factors known to practitioners. Examples of techniques and protocols can be found in Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences {supra). The pharmaceutical composition is contemplated to exhibit therapeutic activity when administered in an amount which depends on the particular case. The variation depends, for example, on the human or animal and the agent chosen. A broad range of doses may be applicable. Considering a patient, for example, from about 0.1 ng, 0.2 ng, 0.3 ng, 0.4 ng, 0.5 ng, 0.6 ng, 0.7 ng, 0.8 ng. 0.9 ng, or 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg, 0.3 mg, 0.4 mg, 0.5 mg, 0.6 mg, 0.7 mg, 0.8 mg. 0.9 mg to about 1 to 10 mg or from 5 to 50 mg of LPT modulator or agent may be administered per kilogram of body weight per day or per week. Therapeutic antibodies are typically administered at a dosage of about 1 to 10 mg/kg however dosages above or below this amount are contemplated. Dosage regimes may be adjusted to provide the optimum therapeutic response. For example, several divided doses may be administered daily, weekly, monthly or other suitable time intervals or the dose may be proportionally reduced as indicated by the exigencies of the situation. The agents may be administered in a convenient manner such as by the oral, intravenous (where water soluble), intraperitoneal, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal or suppository routes or implanting (e.g. using slow release molecules). The agent or composition comprising the agent may be administered in the form of pharmaceutically acceptable nontoxic salts, such as acid addition salts or metal complexes, e.g. with zinc, iron or the like (which are considered as salts for purposes of this application). Illustrative of such acid addition salts are hydrochloride, hydrobromide, sulfate, phosphate, maleate, acetate, citrate, benzoate, succinate, malate, ascorbate, tartrate and the like. If the active ingredient is to be administered in tablet form, the tablet may contain a binder such as tragacanth, corn starch or gelatin; a disintegrating agent, such as alginic acid; and a lubricant, such as magnesium stearate. By "effective amount," in the context of treating cancer is meant the administration of that amount of active to a subject, either in a single dose or as part of a series or slow release system, that is effective for treatment. The effective amount will vary depending upon the health and physical condition of the subject and the taxonomic group of individual tcf be treated, the formulation of the composition, the assessment of the medical situation, and other relevant factors. It is expected that the amount will fall in a relatively broad range that can be determined through routine trials. To explore early cellular changes in pathological BRCA mutation carriers, distinct epithelial subpopulations were prospectively isolated from normal mammary tissue and pre¬ neoplastic specimens from BRCAl +/~ patients. Basal stem/progenitor cells were identified by transplantation into "humanized" mammary fat pads, luminal progenitor and mature luminal cells. Unexpectedly, breast tissue from BRCAl mutation carriers was found to harbor an expanded luminal progenitor population that exhibited factor-independent growth in vitro. Moreover, gene expression profiling revealed that BRCAl ' breast tissue and basal breast tumors were more similar to normal luminal progenitor cells than any other subset, including the stem cell-enriched population. C-KIT emerged as a key marker of luminal progenitor cells and was more highly expressed in BRCA1-associated pre-neoplastic tissue and tumors. The data represented here implicate an aberrant luminal progenitor cell as the target cell of transformation in BRCA1-associated basal tumors and provide a more targeted approach to diagnosis and treatment. The present invention is further described by the following non-limiting Examples. EXAMPLE 1 Materials and Methods Human tissue samples and mice Normal breast tissue (confirmed by pathology) from reduction mammoplasties and prophylactic mastectomies of known BRCAl, BRCA2 and nonBRCAl/2 mutation carriers were obtained from consenting patients through the Kathleen Cuningham Foundation Consortium for research into familial breast cancer (kConFab) (Mann et al, Breast Cancer Res 8 : Rl 2, 2006), the Royal Melbourne Hospital Tissue Bank and the Victorian Cancer Biobank, with approval from the relevant Institutional Review Boards. Tissue microarrays were generated using kConFab samples. NOD-SCID-IL2R γ mice (Shultz et al, J Immunol 174: 6477-6489, 2005) were bred and maintained in an animal facility according to institutional guidelines. MMTV-Cre (Wagner et al, Nucleic Acids Res 25: 4323-4330, 1997) and Brcal f/f mice (Xu et al, Nat Genet 22: 37-43, 1999) were obtained from the NCI, Frederick. Fl and F2 matings and genotyping was performed as described (Xu et al, 1999 (supra)). nonBRCAl/2 carriers were individuals with a strong family history of breast cancer (kConFab Category 1, where no mutation in BRCAl or BRCA2 has been identified in the family by high sensitivity testing of an individual affected by breast or ovarian cancer. Normal breast samples refer to reduction mammoplasty specimens, where family history is generally not known.

Mammary cell preparations Samples from human donors were minced and digested with 75 U/ml collagenase (Sigma) and 25 U/ml hyaluronidase (Sigma) and 100 U/ml DNase (Worthington Biochemical) in DME-HAM supplemented with 5% FCS, 5 µg/ml insulin, 2 mM glutamine, 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor and 500 ng/ml hydrocortisone for 5 to 8 h at 37°C. The resulting organoid suspension was sequentially digested with 0.25% trypsin/1 mM EGTA ( 1 min, 37°C) and 5mg/ml dispase (Roche Diagnostics; 1 min, 370C) with intervening wash steps in PBS containing 2% FCS. A single cell suspension was obtained by filtration through a 40 µm cell strainer (BD-Falcon) and, where required, red blood cells were removed by lysis. Mouse mammary cell suspensions were prepared as described (Shackleton et al, Nature 439: 84-88, 2006).

Staining and sorting Cells were blocked with Rat Ig (Jackson Immunolabs) and anti-CD 16/CD32 Fcγ III/II receptor antibody (The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Monoclonal Antibody Facility) for 10 min at 4°C before incubation with the appropriate antibodies for 25 min at 4°C. Where required, cells were incubated with streptavidin for 15 min at 4°C. Cells were resuspended in 0.5 µg/ml propidium iodide before analysis and sorted on an FACSAria flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson). Data analysis was performed using WEASEL software.

In vivo transplantation Sorted cells were injected into cleared inguinal mammary fat pads of 3 - 4 week old NOD-SCID-IL2R γ A female mice that had been cleared of endogeneous epithelium as described (De Ome et al, Cancer Res 19: 515-520, 1959) with an adaptation of the 'humanization' method (Kuperwasser et al, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101: 4966-4971, 2004). Briefly, sorted cells were counted and resuspended in transplantation buffer (50% FCS, 0.04% trypan blue in PBS) containing hTERT-immortalised human mammary stromal fibroblasts, then injected in a 10 µl volume into the cleared mammary fat pad. Typically, 500,000 fibroblasts comprising a 50:50 mix of unirradiated:irradiated cells (0.3 Gy) were coinjected. Estrogen pellets (0.7 mg), prepared by mixing estrogen powder (Sigma) with a silicone elastomer (Nusil Silicone Technology) (Laidlaw et al, Endocrinology 136: 164-171, 1995), were implanted subcutaneously at the time of surgery. Recipient mammary fat pads were removed for evaluation 8 - 10 weeks post transplantation. Wholemounts were analysed for outgrowths under a dissecting microscope: structures were excised and processed for haematoxylin and eosin or immunohistochemical staining to evaluate morphology and demonstrate human origin, respectively, as described below. For serial transplantation, individual transplanted glands from virgin mice were digested with 300 U/ml collagenase and 100 U/ml hyaluroriidase for 45 min. The cell suspension was passed through a 40 µm strainer and washed with PBS containing 2% FCS. The resulting pellet was resuspended in 60 - 80 µl PBS containing 50% FCS, 0.04% trypan blue and then injected in a 10 µl volume into de-epithelialised mammary fat pads. A 0.7 mg estrogen pellet was implanted subcutaneously at the time of surgery. Wholemount analyses were performed 5 - 8 weeks post-transplantation.

Histology For histological sections, portions of the inguinal mammary gland were harvested and fixed overnight in 4% (w/v) paraformaldehyde in PBS, pH 7.4, at 4°C. Mammary glands were then embedded in paraffin, and 1.5 µm sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin. For wholemount analysis, whole thoracic and inguinal mammary glands were fixed overnight in Carnoy's solution (60% ethanol, 30% chloroform, 10% acetic acid) before staining with haematoxylin. Prior to sectioning, wholemounted glands in Carnoy's solution were passaged through xylene before being embedded in paraffin.

Antibodies, cytospin preparations and immunostaining Unless otherwise specified, antibodies for flow cytometry were obtained from BD- Pharmingen. Antibodies against human antigens were: biotin-conjugated anti-CD24 (Stem Cell Technologies), PE-conjugated anti-CD31, PE-conjugated anti-CD45, PE-Cy5- conjugated anti-CD49f, APC-conjugated anti-CD 133 (Myltenyi), PE-conjugated anti- CD235a, FITC-conjugated anti-EpCAM (Stem Cell Technologies) and APC-Cy7- conjugated streptavidin. Antibodies against mouse antigens were: PE-conjugated anti- CD24, FITC-conjugated anti-CD29 (WEHI Monoclonal Antibody Facility), biotin- conjugated anti-CD31, -CD45 and -TER-1 19, and APC-conjugated anti-CD61. Sorted cells were spun at 700 rpm for 3 minutes onto glass slides using a Cytospin4 Centrifuge (Shandon, Thermo). Cells were then fixed in 4% PFA, 10% NBF or acetone and an antigen retrieval step was carried out in citrate buffer pH 6.0 using a DAKO pressure cooker (125°C, 30 sec). After cooling, the cells were blocked with 10% normal goat serum for 1 hour at room temperature, followed by incubation with the primary antibody for 1 hour at room temperature or overnight at 4°C. Biotinylated secondary antibodies (anti-mouse and anti-rabbit) were incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature, followed by Vectastain RTU ABC reagent (Vector) for 30 minutes at room temperature, then developed with DAB (DAKO) before counterstaining with haematoxylin. Immunohistochemical staining of these sections was carried out as described below. Unless otherwise specified, antibodies for immunohistochemical staining were obtained from Novocastra. Antibodies against human antigens were: anti-ALDHl (BD- Pharmingen), anti-c-erbB-2 (DAKO), anti-cytokeratin 5/6 (DAKO), anti-keratin 44, anti-keratin 8/18, anti-keratin 19 (Abeam), anti-EGFR, anti-ERα, anti-Muc-1 (Stem Cell Technologies), anti-nestin (Abeam), anti-p63 (DAKO), anti-c-KIT (DAKO), anti- progesterone receptor A and anti-vimentin.

In vitro cellular assays Defined number of cells were resuspended in 20 µl of endotoxin- and virus-free Matrigel (BD Pharmingen). The Matrigel/cell mixture was placed at the bottom of the well (8 well Lab-Tek chamber slide, Nunc) and allowed to set at 37°C. Each well was filled with 400 µl of media (DME HAM supplemented with 5µg/ml insulin, 2 mM glutamine, 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor, 500 ng/ml hydrocortisone, 20 ng/ml cholera toxin). Cells with cultured for 14 days in 5% CO2 and 5% O2. The media was supplemented, as indicated, with either B27 (Gibco), pituitary extract (Gibco), mifepristone (RU486, Sigma) or prolactin (a gift from A Parlow, National Hormone and Pituitary Program, National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases). Gels were photographed, harvested, then fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde prior to processing for immunostaining.

RNA preparation and Quantitative RT-PCR analysis Total RNA was isolated from primary mammary cell subpopulations using Trizol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) or the RNeasy Micro kit (Qiagen), then treated with DNase using the DNA-free Kit (Ambion, Austin, TX). Reverse transcription was performed with oligo(dT) primer using M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer's protocol. Quantitative RT-PCR was performed using a Rotorgene RG-6000 (Corbett Research, Sydney, Australia) and SensiMix (dT) DNA Kit (Quantace, London, UK), under the following conditions: 10 min at 95°C, followed by 35 cycles consisting of: 15 sec at 95°C, 20 sec at 62°C and 20 sec at 72°C. A melt curve was generated at the end of each run to ensure product quality. From the amplification plot of each sample, a threshold cycle value C was calculated from the exponential phase and a standard curve for each

gene was plotted (Ct versus log cDNA concentration). Gene expression was determined using the Rotor-Gene software (version 1.7). Primers used for q-RT-PCR are as follows (F, forward; R, reverse): BRCAl F: 5'-GAAGAAACCACCAAGGTCCA-S' (SEQ ID NO: 1) and BRCAl R: 5'-GTTGATCTGTGGGCATGTTG-S' (SEQ ID NO: 2). 18S rRNA, F: 5'-GTAACCCGTTGAACCCCATT (SEQ ID NO: 3) and 18S rRNA R: 5'- CCATCCAATCGGTAGTAGCG (SEQ ID NO: 4).

Microarray hybridizations Total RNA was purified from sorted cell populations and fresh frozen human breast tissue using the RNeasy Micro kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). For breast tissue, samples was firstly homogenized using the Polytron-Aggregate (Kinematica, Luzern, Switzerland). RNA quality was ascertained by. the Agilent Bioanalyser 2100 using the NanoChip protocol. Either 180 ng (for total human breast tissue) or up to 500 ng (for sorted cell populations) was labeled using the Ambion Total Prep RNA amplification kit (. No. - ILl 791). A total of 1.5 µg of labeled cRNA was then prepared for hybridization to Illumina HumanWG-6 V3 (Rl) BeadChips (Illumina Inc. San Diego, CA) by preparing a probe cocktail (cRNA @ 0.05 µg/µl) that includes GEX-HYB Hybridization Buffer. After washing, the chips were coupled with Cy3 and scanned in an Illumina BeadArray Reader. Un-normalized summary probe profiles, with associated probe annotation, were output from BeadStudio.

EXAMPLE 2 Characterisation of breast tissue cells To delineate epithelial subpopulations in human mammary tissue, an analogous approach to that previously described for the mouse mammary stem cell was employed (Shackleton et al, (supra); Stingl et al, Nature 439: 993-997, 2006). Hematopoietic and endothelial cells were depleted from freshly isolated cell suspensions derived from reduction mammoplasties by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (Figure IA). The resultant Lin population was fractionated into four distinct subpopulations using CD49f (α6- integrin) and epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM; also referred to as CD326 and ESA) (Figure IB), paralleling the results of Eirew et al, {supra) and Villadsen et al, J Cell Biol 177: 87-101, 2007. Only the CD49f +EpCAM+ subpopulation contained a high proportion of CD24+ cells while the majority of CD49f +EpCAM+ and CD49f hiEpCAM cells also expressed CD133, a progenitor and cancer stem cell marker in diverse tissues (Figure 1C). Three epithelial subsets were revealed through immunohistochemical staining of freshly cytospun cells from the subdivided Lin populations (at >90% purity). EpCAM was predominantly expressed on luminal cells while CD49f (α6-integrin) marked basal cells. The CD49f hlEpCAM subpopulation expressed the basal lineage markers p63, keratin (K) 14 and vimentin, but did not express the estrogen receptor (ER) or progesterone receptor (PgR). In contrast, the CD49f EpCAM+ and CD49f 1ΕpCAM+ subsets expressed luminal lineage markers including K8/18, Kl 9 and Mucl (Figure ID, Table 5). The highest proportion of ER- and PgR-expressing cells was observed in the CD49f EpCAM+ subpopulation, indicating that it was enriched for mature luminal cells. Notably, K5/6, which is considered to be a basal marker, was expressed in both the basal and luminal subpopulations. The CD49f EpCAM cell population comprised stromal fibroblasts that expressed the highest levels of ALDHl, in contrast to the epithelial populations (Figure ID, Table 5).

EXAMPLE 3 Proliferative potential of breast tissue material To determine which epithelial subpopulation was enriched for mammary repopulating activity, cells were transplanted in numbers approximating their frequency in the Lin population into cleared (de-epithelialized) mammary fat pads of immunocompromised NOD-SCID-IL2Rγ ~'~ mice. In order to optimise the engraftment of donor human mammary cells, sorted epithelial cells were co-injected with hTERT- immortalized human mammary fibroblasts and a subcutaneous estradiol pellet was implanted into recipient mice, based on studies by Kuperwasser et al., (supra). Only the CD49f hlEpCAM subset exhibited mammary regenerating capacity, at a frequency of 1/29,800 (CI 1/64,000 - 1/13,800; Table 6, Figure 2A). The low frequency likely reflects the technical challenges imposed by this orthotopic xenotransplantation assay. The inclusion of Matrigel was found to further enhance the regenerative capacity by 3- to 4- fold (data not shown). The outgrowths comprised ducts and distinctive lobular-like structures reminiscent of the Terminal Ductal Lobular Units that constitute human mammary tissue, and were shown to be donor-derived by immunostaining with human- specific K8/18 and vimentin antibodies (Figure 2B, Figure 5). Self-renewal was demonstrated for some primary outgrowths derived from the CD49f hlEpCAM subset, in agreement with the recent report of Eirew et al, (supra) (Figure 6). To further characterize the epithelial subpopulations, progenitor cell activity was evaluated using colony forming cell (CFC) assays in Matrigel (Shackleton et al, {supra); Asselin-Labat et al, Nat Cell Biol 9 : 201-209, 2007). Specifically, cells were cultured in Matrigel in serum-free medium comprising EGF, insulin, hydrocortisone and B27 supplement (Romijn et al, Neurosci Biobehav Rev 8 : 301-334, 1984), which has been previously utilized to culture mammospheres from human breast tissue (Dontu et. al, Genes Dev 17: 1253-1270, 2003). B27 supplement was found to be necessary for colony- forming ability, as few colonies (less than 10%) arose in its absence (Figure 3C). Progenitor activity was only evident in the CD49f EpCAM+ and CD49f hiEpCAM epithelial subpopulations (Figure 2C). CD49ffEpCAM+ cells gave rise to homogeneous colonies that expressed K8/18 and K5/6 (about 50%) but not p63 or K14 (Figure 2D), and were capable of undergoing differentiation into milk-producing cells when exposed to a lactogenic stimulus (Figure 2D). Compatible with the presence of bipotential stem/progenitor cells, structures derived from the basal CD49f hlEpCAM population were more complex, comprising ductal-like structures as well as pleomorphic, dense colonies, the majority of which expressed p63, K5/6 and Kl 4 (Figure 2C,D, data not shown). Since carriers of pathogenic mutations in the BRCAl gene are predisposed to the development of basal breast tumors, the size and in vitro growth properties of the different epithelial subpopulations in histologically normal mammary tissue obtained from BRCAl +/~ patients (under age 50 yrs) undergoing prophylactic mastectomy (Table 7) was evaluated. Analysis of the three epithelial subsets in BRCAl +/~ samples revealed a substantial reduction in the basal cell subset (CD49f hiEpCAM ) (p = 0.045) but an increase in the luminal progenitor cell fraction (CD49f fEpCAM+) relative to that from age- matched normal breast tissue (Figure 3A,B). Next, the in vitro growth properties of BRCAl +/~ mammary epithelial cells in Matrigel was assessed (Figure 3C). In the presence of B27, the luminal progenitor population (CD49f EpCAM+) from BRCAl +/~ carriers (n = 8) exhibited a marked increase in clonogenic activity compared to that from non-carriers (n = 19, p = 0.001, Figure 3D). Interestingly, the luminal progenitor but not the basal/MaSC- enriched subset had colony forming activity in the absence of B27 supplement (Figure 3C,D). It is notable that B27 factor-independent growth for luminal progenitor cells was observed in every BRCAl +/~ sample evaluated (12/12 samples; p = 0.03; Table 7). Analysis of BRCAl mRNA expression amongst the different subpopulations by quantitative RT- PCR revealed substantially higher levels in the two luminal subsets than the basal stem/progenitor-enriched population, consistent J with a role for BRCAl in luminal progenitor cells (Figure 3E). B27-independent progenitor growth was also observed in 1 out of 6 prophylactic mastectomy samples from BRCA2 mutation carriers (data not shown), and in 3 out of 19 reduction mammoplasties, where minimal family history was available (Figure 3D). The assay may therefore also represent a 'read-out' for perturbed luminal progenitor cells in preneoplastic tissue other than that from BRCA1+/ women. To examine whether the altered growth properties observed for human mammary cells reflected an evolutionarily conserved process, the murine luminal progenitor cells (Asselin-Labat et al, (supra)) from the mammary glands of r /-deficient mice using a Matrigel assay (Shackleton et al, (supra)) in which serum was replaced with B27 supplement was analysed. Indeed, B27 supplement was found to be necessary for the colony-forming ability of normal luminal progenitor (CD29 loCD24 +CD61 +) and MaSC- enriched (CD29 hlCD24 +) cells from wild-type C57BL/6 mammary glands (Figure 7A). Similar to their human counterpart, luminal progenitor cells isolated from MMTV-cre- Brcal^ but not wild-type virgin glands exhibited B27 factor-independence (n = 6; Figure 7A,B). The factor-independent growth of the luminal progenitor subpopulation in pre¬ neoplastic mammary tissue from BRCAl + women and Brcal -deficient mice necessarily implies that these cells have established independence from exogenous factors present in B27 supplement. One of these components, progesterone, was of particular interest since BRCAl can regulate progesterone receptor signalling (Ma et al., MoI Endocrinol 20: 14-

34, 2006) and ?rc i/^55-deficient mice have been shown to overexpress their cognate PgR (Poole et al, Science 314: 1467-1470, 2006). Indeed, the addition of progesterone in lieu of B27 supplement to normal luminal progenitor cell cultures led to a substantial rescue of CFC activity (n = 5, Figure 3F,G), whereas other factors, including bFGF, pituitary extract and transferrin, did not (data not shown). However, the clonogenic activity of BRCAl +/~ luminal progenitor cells was not inhibited by the PgR antagonists mifepristone (RU486) or onapristone (n = 2; data not shown). These findings suggest that the B27-independent growth of BRCA1-mutant luminal progenitor cells is not due to ligand-independent activation of PgR, as described for mice deficient in both Brcal and p53 (Poole et al., (supra)). Rather, it is likely that an intrinsic defect exists in one or more signaling pathways in BRCAl ' luminal progenitor cells, allowing them to bypass the requirement for exogenous factors.

EXAMPLE 4 Gene expression profiling To gain insight into the molecular characteristics of luminal progenitor cells and relationships between normal mammary epithelial cells and breast cancer subtypes, microarray profiling was used to derive gene expression signatures representative of the MaSC-enriched (basal), luminal progenitor and mature luminal epithelial populations using freshly sorted cells (>90% purity) from normal breast tissue. Genes characteristic of each population were found by subtraction of genes common to the other epithelial subsets, including both upregulated and downregulated genes (Tables 8, 9). These signature gene sets were then used to interrogate the expression profiles of the six distinct molecular subtypes of human breast cancer described thus far (Herschkowitz et al, Genome Biol 8 : R76, 2007). First, the rankings of each population's signature genes in pairwise comparisons between the tumor subtypes was considered. Barcode plots and mean-rank gene set enrichment tests (Michaud et al, BMC Genomics 9: 363, 2008) gave a clear ordering of the tumor subtypes for each epithelial cell population (Figure 8). The luminal progenitor signature genes were more associated with basal cancers than the 'normal-like' or claudin-low subtypes. The upregulated luminal progenitor signature genes tended to be more highly expressed in basal tumors than in other tumor subtypes (P = 0.025 vs 'normal-like', P < 10-6 vs other subtypes), while the down-regulated luminal progenitor signature genes were least expressed in the basal tumors (P < 10-4 vs Claudin- low, P < 10-6 vs normal-like and other subtypes). Conversely, the MaSC-enriched signature genes were generally more concordant with claudin-low and 'normal-like' than the basal subtype. Upregulated basal MaSC-enriched signatures genes were higher in the 'normal-like' and claudin-low subtypes than the basal group (P < 10-6 and P = 0.006, respectively), but the downregulated basal MaSC-enriched signature genes appeared lowest in the claudin-low, followed by basal, then 'normal-like' subtypes. As anticipated, the mature luminal signature genes were concordant with the luminal A and B subtypes (P < 10-6). Second, overall signature expression scores were computed for each cell population in each tumor sample (Figure 4A). The signature scores correlate expression in each tumor sample with that of the cell population, using the signature genes for that population. The same pattern was evident as for the gene set tests. That is, the luminal progenitor signature was highest in the basal subtype of breast cancer (P=0.028 for basal vs 'normal-like'), whereas the MaSC-enriched signature was highest in the claudin-low and 'normal-like' subtypes (P=O.003 for 'normal-like' vs basal). Similarly, the mature luminal epithelial signature was most evident in the luminal A and B subtypes. The luminal progenitor cell signature was next compared with the expression profiles of pathologically normal preneoplastic tissue from BRCAl mutation carriers and 'nonBRCAl/2' individuals (refer Methods), as well as normal breast tissue. The luminal progenitor expression signature score was highest in prophylactic BRCAL+/~ tissue compared to normal breast tissue or nonBRCAl/2 mutation carriers (Figure 4B). Gene set enrichment tests confirmed that the luminal progenitor signature genes were highly ranked in differential expression comparisons between the BRCAl +/~ tissues and the other two groups (Figure 4C). The striking correlation between the molecular signatures of luminal progenitor cells, BRCAl tissue and basal tumors indicates that the primary cellular manifestation in BRCA1-associated and other basal cancers is the luminal progenitor cell rather than the MaSC. Through in vivo transplantation studies and in vitro cellular assays, evidence is provided for an epithelial cell hierarchy in human mammary tissue that closely parallels that occurring in the mouse mammary gland. Despite some differences in the expression of cell surface markers between species, it is likely that the analogous subpopulations exhibit highly conserved functions. For example, the human mammary stem cell population lacks expression of the steroid hormone receptors, like the mouse MaSC (Asselin-Labat et ah, J Natl Cancer Inst 98: 101 1-1014, 2006). Furthermore, the luminal progenitor subsets in both human and mouse BRCA1-mutant mammary tissue exhibited B27 factor- independence in vitro. Interestingly, ERa was expressed by a substantial fraction of human luminal progenitor cells. ERa may therefore directly mediate the partial efficacy provided by prophylactic oophorectomy in the prevention of basal breast tumors in BRCAl mutation carriers (Kauff et al, J Clin Oncol 26: 133 1-1337, 2008; Kauff et al, N Engl J Med 346: 1609-1615, 2002; Rebbeck et al, N Engl J Med 346: 1616-1622, 2002), compatible with reports suggesting that tamoxifen chemoprophylaxis may be protective (Narod, Oncogene 25: 5832-5836, 2006). These actively dividing luminal progenitor cells, which are necessary for normal development and homeostasis in cycling adult breast epithelium, presumably have stringent requirements for high fidelity DNA repair provided by BRCAl. Luminal progenitor cells represent a likely cancer-initiating population in BRCAl +/~ patients and there appear to be fewer functional MaSCs in mouse mammary glands deficient in Brcal (data not shown), suggesting that the luminal progenitor cell is the primary target for transformation in BRCAl*' preneoplastic tissue. Interestingly, the luminal progenitor gene signature contains a number of highly expressed genes within 'targetable' functional groups including c-KIT tyrosine kinase and CYP24Al, encoding a vitamin D3 metabolising enzyme (Table 10). C-KIT expression was abundant in luminal progenitors (normal and BRCAl +/~) and heterogeneous amongst luminal cells in situ (Figure 9). It is notable that c-KIT mRNA expression was 2-fold higher in preneoplastic BRCAU' versus nonBRCAl/2 breast tissue (P = 0.006). Furthermore, immunostaining of breast tumors from individuals with 2?i?G4/-germline mutations revealed that 11/21 (52.4%) of BRCA1-associated basal-like tumors expressed c-KIT compared with 2/7 (28.6%) nonBRCAl/2 -associated basal-like tumors. Even BRCAl -associated tumors with no basal-like features frequently expressed c-KIT (10/19 tumors; 52.6%). Expression of this kinase has previously been reported in sporadic basal-like breast cancer but is infrequently observed in non-basal-like tumors (Nielsen et al, Clin Cancer Res 10: 5367- 5374, 2004; Simon et al, Clin Cancer Res 10: 178-183, 2004).

Finally, the remarkable overlap between the luminal progenitor expression signature and that of basal tumors has wider implications for developing prevention and therapeutic targets against basal breast cancer. In some embodiments, molecules such as c-KIT provide novel targets for the elimination or modulation of luminal progenitor cells that are the harbinger of BRCAl -associated and other basal-like breast tumors.

Microarray data analysis: cell subpopulations Microarray profiling was undertaken for four cell subpopulations (identified as MaSC-enriched, Lum Prog, Mat Lum and Stroma) from three patients. Data analysis used the lumi and limma packages of the Bioconductor open-source software project (http://www.bioconductor.org). Raw intensities were normexp background corrected with offset 16 (Ritchie et al, Bioinformatics 23: 2700-2707, 2007), quantile normalized

(Bolstad et al, Bioinformatics 19: 185-193, 2003) then Iog2-transformed. Probes were filtered if not detected in any sample (detection p-value 0.01). A linear model was fitted to the expression data including random effects for the three patients (Smyth et al, Bioinformatics 21: 2067-2075, 2005). Pairwise comparisons were made between the three cell populations other than Stroma using empirical Bayes moderated t-statistics (Smyth, Stat Appl Genet MoI Biol 3 : Article 3, 2004). The false discovery rate (FDR) was controlled globally using the Benjamini and Hochberg algorithm. Probes with FDR < 0.05 and fold-change > 2 were judged to be differentially expressed.

Microarray data analysis: breast tissue Microarray profiles were available for breast tissue from 15 patients (6 with BRCAl mutations, 5 .normal controls, and 4 patients with no BRCAl/2 mutation but with a family history of breast cancer). Normalization and probe filtering was as for the cell population arrays. Sample quality was assessed in three ways using the expression profile data. First, samples were checked for keratin gene expression levels as a marker for epithelium tissue. One BRCAl sample was removed because most keratin genes lacked detectable expression (BeadStudio detection p-value 0.01). Second, the whole-genome distribution of fluorescent intensities was examined. Another BRCAl sample was removed because it showed a very low range of intensities suggesting poor RNA quality. Third, empirical array quality weights were estimated using the method of Ritchie et al., BMC Bioinformatics 7: 261, 2006. A linear model, incorporating the array weights, was fitted to the expression data. Differential expression between the BRCAl and normal groups was assessed using empirical Bayes moderated t-statistics (Smyth, 2004 {supra)).

Microarray data analysis: breast tumors Expression profiles of human breast tumors were downloaded from GEO series GSE3165. In order to standardize on one microarray platform, only the 94 arrays of platform GPL887 (Agilent Human IA Microarray V2) were included in the analysis. The samples and arrays are described by Herschkowitz et al, (supra). Associated clinical data was downloaded from the UNC Microarray Database. The clinical data included the Singe Sample Predictor Subtypes assigned by Hu et al, 2006 {supra) and Claudin-low sample designations assigned by Herschkowitz et al, 2007 {supra) by clustering (Table 4). Data analysis used the raw Agilent Feature Extraction data files. and probe annotation from GEO. Control probes were filtered, then expression values were normexp background corrected with offset 20 (Ritchie et al, 2007 (supra)), then log-ratios were global loess normalized (Smyth and Speed, Methods 31: 265-273, 2003). A linear model was fitted to the expression data, and empirical Bayes moderated t-statistics were computed for all pair- wise comparisons between the six cancer subtypes (Smyth, (supra)).

Subpopulation expression signatures The cell subpopulation microarray data was used to identify a set of signature probes whose expression, or lack of expression, characterizes each of the three cell subpopulations (MaSc-enriched, luminal progenitor and mature luminal). For each subpopulation, signature probes were defined as those which were significantly differentially expressed in the same direction versus both of the other two cell subpopulations (Table S5). Each signature gene was then associated with an average log-

fold change xg as a measure of its discriminatory strength, defined as the average Iog2-fold change for that probe versus the other two cell populations. For each breast sample (tissue or tumor), an expression signature score was computed to measure concordance of that sample with each cell subpopulation. Higher scores indicate that the expression signature of the cell subpopulation is found in the breast sample. Expression signature scores are defined as weighted averages,

where the sum is over genes in the signature set, xg is the average log-fold-change for that gene from the cell population data and yg is Iog2-expression for the same gene in the breast tissue sample. In computing the signatures scores, only one representative Illumina probe and one representative Agilent probe was used for each signature gene. Signature probes without a gene symbol were discarded and, for each gene symbol, only the probe with highest average expression level was retained. Mean-rank gene set enrichment tests (Michaud (supra)) were used to assess the rankings of the signature probes in the various differential expression analyses described above, i.e., between the tumor subtypes for the cancer samples and between the BRCAl mutation and normal groups for the breast tissue. One-sided p-values were evaluated (by Wilcoxon's method) for the mean-rank of each up-regulated or down-regulated signature set under random permutation of probes.

Limiting dilution analysis Repopulating frequencies were calculated using the limdil webtool.

EXAMPLE 5 KIT is a luminalprogenitor marker Gene expression profiling revealed KIT (human) and c-Kit (mouse) to be a marker of the luminal progenitor cell in both mouse and human mammary tissue (Table 16) (Lim et al, Breast Cancer Res 12: R21, 2010). These findings were validated by quantitative RT-PCR studies, which revealed prominent expression of KIT (as well as CYP24A1 and ELF5) in the luminal progenitor subsets from mouse (Lin CD24+CD29+CD61 +) and human (Lin EpCAM+CD49f ) mammary tissue (Figure 10). Flow cytometric analysis confirmed that KIT expression was confined to the Lin EpCAM+CD49f f in human breast (Figure 11), consistent with the observed immunostaining for KIT in this subset. In mice, flow cytometric analysis revealed that c-kit was also expressed in the Lin CD24+CD29+ population, where c-kit appeared to mark the luminal progenitor population, based on its co-expression with CD61 in this (Lin CD24+CD29+) population (Figure 12, lower panel). In addition, a subset of the MaSC-enriched population also expressed c-kit (Figure 12, upper panel). Taken together, KIT is a definitive luminal progenitor cell marker in mammary tissue, raising the possibility that targeting KIT could represent a method to target luminal progenitor cells, which represent a key target population of basal-like tumor development (for both BRCAl -associated and sporadic forms of the disease).

Inhibition of KIT impedes luminalprogenitor cell activity in normal human breast tissue A number of KIT inhibitors have recently been developed. The majority of these, including Imatinib (Gleevec) have pleiotropic activity as they also inhibit other tyrosine kinase receptors such as c-abl and PDGFR. In addition, they appear to selectively inhibit activated forms of the KIT receptor, with high levels required to inhibit wild-type KIT. Several inhibitors have been developed that appear to effectively target wild-type KIT in human cell-based assays. These include masitinib (developed by AB Sciences) (Mitry et al, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2010; Humbert et al, PLoS One 5 : e9430, 2010; Dubreuil et al, PLoS One 4 : e7258, 2009; Hahn et al, J Vet Intern Med 22: 1301-9, 2008) and the Aryl Aminoquinazoline Pyridone compound 25 (developed by Amgen) (Hu et al, J Med Chem 51: 3065-8, 2008). In mice, the monoclonal antibody ACK2 appears to selectively inhibit wild-type KIT (Nishikawa et al, EMBOJlO: 2 111-8, 1991). Further experiments were conducted to determine whether inhibition of KIT using masitinib could impair colony forming activity of the luminal progenitor cell population. MaSC-enriched and luminal progenitor cells were sorted from two normal reduction mammoplasties and plated in Matrigel. The cells were treated with either 0.5 or 1.0 µM masitinib and colony formation compared to controls after 11 days. In both cases, masitinib did not affect the number of colonies formed in the MaSC-enriched population (which does not express KIT). However, significant inhibition of the number of colonies was observed in the luminal progenitor cell population. In both cases, colony number was reduced to less than 35% compared to controls (29.0% and 34.7%, respectively) (Figure 13). Accordingly, in some important embodiments, KIT contributes to the proliferative activity of normal luminal progenitor cells in human mammary epithelium.

Inhibition of KIT impairs colony forming activity of tumor cells derivedfrom MMTV- neu mice The expression of KIT in a number of mouse mammary tumor models was surveyed. Tumors arising in both MMTV-PyMT and MMTV-neu mice were found to express high levels of KIT by flow cytometric analysis. Indeed, MMTV-neu tumor cells appeared to express both CD61 and KIT (Figure 14). This observation is consistent with gene profiling study results that MMTV-neu (and MMTV-PyMT) tumors share the greatest similarity with the mouse luminal progenitor cell signature, compared to other epithelial cell subsets (Lim et al, 2010 (supra)). To determine whether inhibition of KIT in mammary tumors perturbed tumor foci activity, cell suspensions of tumor cells derived from two independent MMTV-neu tumors were assessed for colony forming activity in Matrigel, in the presence or absence of three different KIT inihibitors. Masitinib (at 1.0 µM concentration) was found to markedly reduce the number of tumor foci to approximately 30% in both tumors. Treatment of tumor cells with compound 25 also appeared to significantly dimmish colony forming ability. A reduction in colony number was also observed using the highly selective anti-c-KIT monoclonal antibody ACK2 (Figure 15). Accordingly, inhibition of KIT on tumor cells decreases their proliferative activity.

TargetingKIT-positive human breast cancer xenografts A number of human primary breast tumor xenografts in NOD-SCID-IL2R γnu" mice have been derived that faithfully recapitulate the primary tumor phenotype on serial passage in mice for at least 3 passages. A number of xenografts have been derived from women harbouring basal-like breast tumors as determined by their 'triple-negative' status for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2 expression, and expression of EGFR and cytokeratin 5/6. Of these, 838T was selected for further study as it was shown to express KIT both immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry (Figure 16). The 838T xenograft model was also selected as optimised dosage schedules for docetaxel, a cytotoxic commonly used to treat breast cancer, in NOD-SCID-IL2R γnu" mice were available. A cohort of mice were transplanted with 1 - 3 x 105 838T cells (a cell suspension, passage 2) into the right mammary fat pads (cleared of endogenous epithelium) of female NOD-SCID-IL2R γnu mice. Mice were monitored for tumor development. Once tumors were established (as determined by a tumor volume of -100 - 150 mm3), mice were treated with either vehicle, masitinib (30 mg/kg i.p. daily), docetaxel (5 mg/kg i.p. on day 1), or a combination of masitinib and docetaxel (30 mg/kg i.p. daily and 5 mg/kg i.p. on day 1, respectively). Mice were monitored daily and tumor volume measured three times per week. Mice were sacrificed when tumor size reached an ethical endpoint of 500 mm3. No difference was observed between mice treated with masitinib alone versus vehicle control. However, a significant reduction in tumor volume was noted in mice treated with combination masitinib and docetaxel, compared to vehicle or to single agent docetaxel (Figure 17A). The median survival for mice treated with combination therapy was 21.5 weeks compared to 13.0 weeks for vehicle (p = 0.006) and 15.5 weeks for single agent docetaxel (p = 0.025) (Figure 8B). These findings suggest that masitinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that targets c-KIT (both wild-type and constitutively active c-KIT mutants) as well as PDGFR and Lyn and to a lesser extent FGFR3 and the FAK pathway, can potentiate the cytotoxicity of docetaxel in KIT-positive tumors. These findings indicate that targeting KIT is an effective treatment or as an adjunct to chemotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer: In some embodiments, it is proposed to modulate normal or pre-neoplastic luminal progenitor cell activity, for example, as a prevention strategy against breast cancer development, particularly in high risk women such as BRCAl mutation carriers. Many modifications will be apparent to those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the present invention.

Table 1. Summary of sequence Identifiers

Table 2. Amino acid sub-classification Table 3. Exemplary and PreferredAmino Acid Substitutions Table 4. Codesfor non-conventional amino acids

Non-conventional amino acid Code Non-conventional amino acid Code α-aminobutyric acid Abu L-N-methylalanine Nmala α-amino-α-methylbutyrate Mgabu L-N-methylarginine Nmarg aminocyclopropane- . Cpro L-N-methylasparagine Nmasn carboxylate L-N-methylaspartic acid Nmasp aminoisobutyric acid Aib L-N-methylcysteine Nmcys aminonorbornyl- Norb L-N-methylglutamine Nmgln carboxylate L-N-methylglutamic acid . Nmglu cyclohexylalanine Chexa L-Nmethylhistidine Nmhis cyclopentylalanine Cpen L-N-methylisolleucine Nmile D-alanine Dal L-N-methylleucine Nmleu D-arginine Darg L-N-methyllysine Nmlys D-aspartic acid Dasp L-N-methylmethionine Nmmet D-cysteine Dcys L-N-methylnorleucine Nmnle D-glutamine DgIn L-N-methylnorvaline Nmnva D-glutamic acid DgIu L-N-methylornithine Nmorn D-histidine Dhis L-N-methylphenylalanine Nmphe D-isoleucine DiIe L-N-methylproline Nmpro D-leucine Dleu L-N-methylserine Nmser D-lysine Dlys L-N-methylthreonine Nmthr D-methionine Dmet L-N-methyltryptophan Nmtφ D-ornithine Dorn L-N-methyltyrosine Nmtyr D-phenylalanine Dphe L-N-methylvaline Nmval D-proline Dpro L-N-methylethylglycine Nmetg D-serine Dser L-N-methyl-t-butylglycine Nmtbug D-threonine Dthr L-norleucine NIe D-tryptophan Dtφ L-norvaline Nva D-tyrosine Dtyr α-methyl-aminoisobutyrate Maib D-valine Dval α-methyl-γ-aminobutyrate Mgabu D-α-methylalanine Dmala α-methylcyclohexylalanine Mchexa D-α-methylarginine Dmarg α-methylcylcopentylalanine Mcpen D-α-methylasparagine Dmasn α-methyl-α-napthylalanine Manap D-α-methylaspartate Dmasp α-methylpenicillamine Mpen D-α-methylcysteine Dmcys N-(4-aminobutyl)glycine NgIu D-α-methylglutamine Dmgln N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine Naeg D-α-methylhistidine Dmhis N-(3-aminopropyl)glycine Norn D- -methylisoleucine Dmile N-amino-α-methylbutyrate Nmaabu D-α-methylleucine Dmleu α-napthylalanine Anap D-α-methyllysine Dmlys N-benzylglycine Nphe D-α-methylmethionine Dmmet . N-(2-carbamylethyl)glycine NgIn D-α-methylornithine Dmorn N-(carbamylmethyl)glycine Nasn D-α-methylphenylalanine Dmphe N-(2-carboxyethyl)glycine NgIu D-α-methylproline Dmpro N-(carboxymethyl)glycine Nasp D-α-methylserine Dmser N-cyclobutylglycine Ncbut D-α-methylthreonine Dmthr N-cycloheptylglycine Nchep D-α-methyltryptophan Dmtrp N-cyclohexylglyciήe Nchex D-α-methyltyrosine Dmty N-cyclodecylglycine Ncdec D-α-methylvaline Dmval N-cylcododecylglycine Ncdod D-N-methylalanine Dnmala N-cyclooctylglycine Ncoct D-N-methylarginine Dnmarg N-cyclopropylglycine Ncpro D-N-methylasparagine Dnmasn N-cycloundecylglycine Ncund D-N-methylaspartate Dnmasp N-(2,2-diphenylethyl)glycine Nbhm D-N-methylcysteine Dnmcys N-(3,3-diphenylpropyl)glycine Nbhe D-N-methylglutamine Dnmgln N-(3-guanidinopropyl)glycine Narg D-N-methylglutamate Dnmglu N-(1-hydroxyethyl)glycine Nthr D-N-methylhistidine Dnmhis N-(hydroxyethyl))glycine Nser D-N-methylisoleucine Dnmile N-(imidazolylethyl))glycine Nhis D-N-methylleucine Dnmleu N-(3-indolylyethyl)glycine Nhtrp D-N-methyllysine Dnmlys N-methyl-γ-aminobutyrate Nmgabu N-methylcyclohexylalanine Nmchexa D-N-methylmethionine Dnmmet D-N-methylornithine Dnmorn N-methylcyclopentylalanine Nmcpen N-methylglycine NaIa D-N-methylphenylalanine Dnmphe N-methylaminoisobutyrate Nmaib D-N-methylproline Dnmpro N-(I -methylpropyl)glycine Nile D-N-methylserine . Dnmser N-(2-methylpropyl)glycine Nleu D-N-methylthreonine Dnmthr D-N-methyltryptophan Dnmtrp N-( 1-methylethyl)glycine Nval D-N-methyltyrosine Dnmtyr N-methyla-napthylalanine Nmanap D-N-methylvaline Dnmval N-methylpenicillamine Nmpen γ-aminobutyric acid Gabu N-(p-hydroxyphenyl)glycine Nhtyr L- -butylglycine Tbug N-(thiomethyl)glycine Ncys L-ethylglycine Etg penicillamine Pen L-homophenylalanine Hphe L-α-methylalanine Mala L-α-methylarginine Marg L-α-methylasparagine Masn L-α-methylaspartate Masp L-α-methyW-biitylglycine Mtbug L-α-methylcysteine Mcys L-methylethylglycine Metg L-α-methylglutamine MgIn L-α-methylglutamate MgIu L-α-methylhistidine Mhis L-α-methylhomophenylalanine Mhphe L-α-methylisoleucihe Mile N-(2-methylthioethyl)glycine Nmet L-α-methylleucine Mleu L-α-methyllysine Mlys L-α-methylmethionine Mmet L-α-methylnorleucine MnIe L-α-methylnorvaline Mnva L-α-methylornithine Morn L-α-methylphenylalanine Mphe L-α-methylproline Mpro L-α-methylserine Mser L-α-methylthreonine Mthr L-α-methyltryptophan Mtrp L-α-methyltyrosine Mtyr L-α-methylvaline Mval L-N-methylhomophenylalanine Nmhphe N-(N-(2,2-diphenylethyl) Nnbhm N-(N-(3,3-diphenylpropy1) Nnbhe carbamylmethyl)glycine carbamylmethyl)glycine 1-carboxy- 1-(2,2-diphenyl- Nmbc ethylamino)cyclopropane Table 5. Immunohistochemical analysis of Lin- populations defined by CD49f and EpCAM expression CD49f CD49f CD49f CD49f i EpCAM EpCAM + EpCAM + EpCAM

Vimentin 96.9 ±1.3 1.4 ± 0.9 11.8 =1= 3.8 77.8 ± 5.2

K8/18 3.9 ± 1.6 98.8 ± 0.2 91.2 ± 2.3 2.3 ± 0.9 K19 1.9 ± 0.6 80.3 ± 15.4 61.6 ± 9.3 4.0 ± 2.8 ER 0.3 ± 0.3 55.4 ± 11.1 28.0 ± 18.1 0.2 ± 0.2 PgR 1.8 ± 0.6 71.0 ± 8.2 2.3 ± 0.3 0.0 Mucl 1.0 ± 0.6 99.8 ± 0.2 80.3 ± 13.1 1.9 ± 0.9

K14 0.6 ± 0.04 0.3 ± 0.04 6.3 ± 4.1 59.8 ± 10.4 p63 1.6 ± 0.8 0.0 0.1 ± 0.0 76.4 ± 9.0 K5/6 1.2 ± 0.6 2.8 ± 1.2 49.9 ± 11.6 52.4 ± 11.0

HER2/ErbB2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 EGFR 22.0 ± 0.4 6.2 ± 0.3 45.5 ± 19.6 11.7 ± 15.1 Nestin 76.3 ± 9.2 0.7 ± 0.7 11.1 ± 1.6 89.5 ± 4.0 ALDHl 20.9 ± 7.8 0.7 ± 0.3 0.4 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 Table 6. Limiting dilution analysis of Lin subpopulations

CD49f EpCAM CD49f "EpCAM + CD49f EpCAM + CD49f tliEpCAM

Dosef Outgrowth* Dosef Outgrowth* Dosef Outgrowth* Dose| Outgrowth*

28,000 0/4 8,000 0/2 13,000 0/2 20,500 3/4 48,000 0/2 15,500 0/2 15,000 0/2 25,000 1/2 6.7,000 0/3 20,000 0/3 30,000 0/2 27,500 2/4 o 26,000 0/2 67,000 0/3 33,000 1/2 75,000 0/2

LD§ < 1/136,500 < 1/52,700 < 1/156,000 1/29,800 (1/64,400 -- 1/13,800) Table 7. Classification of pathogenic BRCAl Mutations in prophylactic mastectomy samples Age Matrigel: B27 Patient BIC Classification* HGVS Classification FACs Analysis/Sort (yrs) independence 1 55 3347J348 del AG (STOP 1084) BRCAlc.3228_3229 del AG (p.ArglO76Argfs) CD49f,EpCAM Yes 2 36 2676_2677 ins A (STOP 902) BRCAlc.2558 dup A (p.Asp853GlufsX50) CD49f,EpCAM Yes 3 36 4446 O T (Rl 443X) BRCAlc.4327OT (p.Argl443X) CD49f,EpCAM Yes 4 39 5622 O T (Rl 835X) BRCAlc.5503OT (p.Argl835X) CD49f,EpCAM Yes 5 37 2307_2320 del 14 BRCAlc.2188_2201 del 14 (p.Glu730ThrfsX5) CD49f,EpCAM Yes 6 38 300 T>G (C61G) BRCAlc.l81T>G (p.Cys lGly) CD49f,EpCAM N/A 7 40 2388 del G (STOP 764) BRCAlc.2269 del G (p.Val757PhefsX8) CD49f,EpCAM N/A O\ 8 5 1 917_918 del TT (STOP 285) BRCAlc.798_799 del TT (p.Ser267LysfsX19) CD49f,EpCAM N/A 9 37 2072 del GAAA (STOP700) BRCAl c.l953_1956 del (p.Lys653SerfsX47) CD49f,EpCAM N/A 10 44 2776_2777 del CT (STOP 901) BRCAlc.2657_2658 del CT (p.Ser886CysfsX16) CD49f,CD24,CD133 Yes 11 37 1294_1333 del 40 (STOP 397) BRCAlc.l l75_1214 del 40 (p.Leu392GlnfsX5) CD49f,CD24,CD133 Yes 12 2 1 1294_1333 del 40 (STOP 397) BRCAlc.l 175-1214 del 40 (p.Leu392GlnfsX5) CD49f,CD24,CD133 Yes

13 6 1 5382J383 ins C (STOP 1829) BRCAlc.5266 dup C (p.Glnl756ProfsX74) Lin only Yes 14 4 1 3519 G>T (E1 134X) BRCAlc.3400G>T (p.Glul 134X) Lin' only Yes 15 40 5382_5383 ins C (STOP 1829) BRCAlc.5266 dup C (p.Glnl756ProfsX74) Lin only Yes 16 6 1 5622 O T (Rl 835X) BRCAlc.5503OT (p.Argl835X) Lin only Yes * BIC; An Open Access On-Line Breast Cancer Mutation Data Base, http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/bic/ Λ HGVS; Variation Society http://www.genomic.unimelb.edu.au/mdi/dblist/dblist.html § All CD49f,EpCAM sorted samples from patients < 50 yrs were included in Figure 3b. N/A Not applicable; no Matrigel experiment performed. Table 8. Number of samplesfor each breast tumor subtype

Cancer subtype Number of samples

Basal-hke 33 Claudin-low 5 HER2+/ER- 14 Luminal A 23 Luminal B 14 Normal breast-like 5

94 Total

The datasets for tumor subgroups are from Herschkowitz et al, 2007 {supra).

Table 9. Number of probes and unique genes in each subpopulation signature set Cell subpopulation Down-regulated Up-regulated signature probes (genes) signature probes (genes)

MaSC-enriched 1113 (942) 1186 (942) Luminal progenitor 208 (179) 437 (358) Mature luminal 322 (257) 707 (562)

Brackets refer to the number of different genes represented by the probes.

Table 10. Examples of upregulated genes in the luminal progenitor gene signature from select ontology groups Symbol Gene Ref Average fold-change Kinases, enzymes KIT NM 001093772.1 34.3 CYP24A1 NM 000782.3 13.0 HSDI lBl NM 181755.1 12.1 GSTAl NM 145740.2 10.6 PIK3R1 NM 181504.2 9.8 LPL NM_000237.2 9.8 UBE2C NM 181800.1 9.2 MATK NM 139354.2 8.6 LOXL4 NM 03221 1.6 6.1 LOX NM_002317.3 5.7 TPKl NM_00 1042482.1 5.3 IKBKE NM 014002.2 4.9 AURKB NM 004217.2 4.3 LYN NM_002350.1 3.7 Plasma membrane GABRP NM_01421 1.1 36.8 PIGR NM 002644.2 32.0 SLC34A2 NM 006424.2 26.0 VNN3 NM 001024460.1 13.9 ADORAl NM_000674.1 13.0 MARCO NM_006770.3 12.1 VNNl NM 004666.1 12.1 CLDNlO NM 006984.3 12.1 CLDN8 NM 199328.1 12.1 DNER NM 139072.3 9.8 PTCHDl NM 173495:2 8.0 GPRI l O NM 153840.2 7.5 PROMl NM_006017.1 5.3 CXCR4 NM_003467.2 3.7 Transcription factors and nucleus ELF5 NM 198381.1 14.9 S0RBS2 NM 003603.4 12.1 FOXQl NM 033260.3 9.8 NOD2 NM 022162.1 8.6 MLZE NM_031415.2 8.0 Other SERPINB3 NM 006919.1 '34.3 CXCL 17 NM 198477.1 10.6 CCL5 NM 002985.2 10.6

Average fold-change represents the average of the fold-change in expression between the luminal progenitor subset and the other two epithelial subsets (MaSC-enriched and mature luminal). The complete datasets for each population are available via GEO.

Table 11. Examples of upregulated genes in the luminal progenitor gene signature from select ontology groups. Symbol Gene Ref Average fold-change KIT NM 001093772.1 34.3 CYP24A1 NM_000782.3 13.0 HSDIlBl NM 181755.1 12.1 GSTAl NM 145740.2 10.6 PIK3R1 NM 181504.2 9.8 LPL NM_000237.2 9.8 UBE2C NM 181800.1 9.2 MATK NM 139354.2 8.6 LOXL4 NM 03221 1.6 6.1 LOX NM 002317-3 5.7 TPKl NM 001042482.1 5.3 IKBKE NM 014002.2 4.9 AURKB NM 004217.2 4.3 LYN NM_002350.1 3.7 PTCHDl NM 173495.2 8.0 GPRI l O NM 153840.2 7.5 PROMl. NM 006017.1 5.3 CXCR4 NM 003467.2 3.7 ELF5 NM_1 9838 1.1 14.9 CXCL 17 NM 198477.1 10.6 CCL5 NM 002985.2 10.6 DNER NM 139072.3 9.8 GABRP NM_01421 1.1 36.8 PIGR NM_002644.2 32.0 SLC34A2 NM 006424.2 26.0 VNN3 NM 001024460.1 13.9 ADORAl NM 000674.1 13.0 MARCO NM_006770.3 12.1 VNNl NM_004666.1 12.1 CLDN8 NM_1 99328.1 12.1

Average fold-change represents the average of the fold-change in expression between the luminal progenitor subset and the other two epithelial subsets (MaSC-enriched and mature luminal). The complete datasets for each population are available via GEO.

The NCBI RefSeq accession numbers in the Table are from RefSeq Release 29 (released 4 May 2008). Table 12. Gene signatures for Lum Progenitor (CD49J+EpCAM+) subsets.

ID GeneRef Chr Symbol Average log fold-change ILMN 1689146 NM 01421 1.1 5 GABRP 5.20 ILMN 1703855 NM 006919.1 18 SERPINB3 5.1 1 ILMN 1790160 NM 001093772.1 4 KIT 5.09 ILMN 1767685 NM 003784.2 18 . SERPINB7 5.07 ILMN 1685387 NM 002644.2 1 PIGR 5.00 ILMN 1782716 . NM 002974.2 18 SERPINB4 4.98 ILMN 2410612 NM 017579.1 10 DMBTl 4.92 ILMN 2395139 NM 003784.2 18 SERPINB7 4.89 ILMN 1792400 NM 005212.2 4 CSN3 4.77 ILMN 1653006 NM 001890.1 4 CSNlSl 4.75 ILMN 2184109 NM 006424.2 4 SLC34A2 4.74 ILMN 1774087 NM 019846.3 5 CCL28 4.45 ILMN 1774265 NM 206895.1 2 UNQ830 4.42 ILMN 1701347 NM 019846.3 5 CCL28 4.35 ILMN 1725276 NM 152997.2 4 C4orf7 4.34 ILMN 1723358 NM 016240.2 8 SCARA3 4.33 ILMN 1707591 NM 024873.3 4 TNIP3 4.32 ILMN 1652631 NM 022343.2 9 C9orfl9 4.28 ILMN 1753954 NM 006418.3 13 OLFM4 4.15 ILMN 1757099 NM 024889.3 10 ClOorfBl 4.13 ILMN 2229379 NM 000222.1 4 KIT 4.13 ILMN 1713182 XM 936226.1 LOC653879 4.06 ILMN 1658040 NM 004378.1 15 CRABPl 4.03 ILMN 2 114720 NM 003064.2 20 SLPI 4.03 ILMN 1813270 NM 198381.1 11 ELF5 3.90 ILMN 1862684 3.84 ILMN 1733831 NM 024554.2 1 PGBD5 3.79 ILMN 1804935 NM 001024460.1 6 VNN3 3.77 ILMN 1749875 XM 001 128260.1 12 LOC728715 3.76 ILMN 1728255 NM 002289.2 12 LALBA 3.76 ILMN 1664176 NM 006329.2 14 FBLN5 3.75 ILMN 1662880 NM 175616.2 5 FIS 3.73 ILMN 1708580 NM 005764.3 1 PDZKlIPl 3.72 ILMN 1685663 NM 000782.3 20 CYP24A1 3.68 ILMN 1747227 NM 000674.1 1 ADORAl 3.65 ILMN 1716407 NM 003603.4 4 SORBS2 3.63 ILMN 1731503 NM 006770.3 2 MARCO 3.63 ILMN 2389501 NM 181755.1 1 HSDI lBl 3.61 ILMN 1674574 NM 004666.1 6 VNNl 3.59 ILMN 1721818 NM 006984.3 13 CLDNlO 3.59 ILMN 2072568 NM 199328.1 2 1 CLDN8 3.56 ILMN 1668055 NM 006512.1 11 SAA4 3.56 ILMN 1653836 NM 012194.1 11 Cl lorf41 3.53 ILMN 1752562 NM 002994.3 4 CXCL5 3.51 ILMN 1705247 NM 016234.3 10 ACSL5 3.46 ILMN 1788538 NM 032041.1 8 NCALD 3.44 ILMN 1796337 NM 198477.1 19 CXCL 17 3.43 ILMN 2343097 NM 001040626.1 8 NCALD 3.39 ILMN 2326273 NM 004000.2 1 CHI3L2 3.39 ILMN 2098126 NM 002985.2 17 CCL5 3.37 ILMN 2 113470 NM 145740.2 6 GSTAl 3.37 ILMN 2289433 NM 181504.2 5 PIK3R1 3.32 ILMN 1780255 NM 001012964.1 19 KLK6 3.32 ILMN 1791679 NM 139072.3 2 DNER 3.31 ILMN 1692223 NM 005564.3 9 LCN2 3.30 ILMN 1786444 NM 000237.2 8 LPL 3.28 ILMN 1669046 NM 033260.3 6 FOXQl 3.28 ILMN 2223941 NM 006329.2 14 FBLN5 3.27 ILMN 2407879 NM 003603.4 4 SORBS2 3.26 ILMN 1770612 NM 002275.2 17 KRTl 5 3.25 ILMN 2389506 NM 181755.1 1 HSDIlBl 3.24 ILMN 181 1370 NM 005525.2 1 HSDI lBl 3.24 ILMN 2344120 NM 001012337.1 3 ROPNlB 3.24 ILMN 1668766 NM 017578.2 3 ROPNl 3.23. ILMN 2361603 NM 201539.1 14 NDRG2 3.22 ILMN 1741014 NM 022127.1 9 SLC28A3 3.20 ILMN 1784532 NM 152888.1 8 COL22A1 3.20 ILMN 1654594 NM 006424.1 4 SLC34A2 3.19 ILMN 1795838 NM 018302.1 4 C4orfl9 3.19 ILMN 2301083 NM 181800.1 20 UBE2C 3.18 ILMN 1762260 NM 000064.1 19 C3 3.15 ILMN 2319000 NM 139354.2 19 MATK 3.14 ILMN 2370882 NM 203379.1 10 ACSL5 3.14 ILMN 1782937 XM 941789.2 LOC647169 3.13 ILMN 1695316 NM 022154.5 4 SLC39A8 3.13 ILMN 1762594 NM 022162.1 16 NOD2 3.13 ILMN 1718866 NM 206966.2 5 MGC23985 3.12 ILMN 1659639 XM 936265.1 LOC642120 3.09 ILMN 1802653 NM 005755.2 19 EBI3 3.09 ILMN 2235851 NM 001080535.1 2 LINCR 3.09 ILMN 1659960 NM 172374.1 19 IL4I1 3.08 ILMN 2413650 NM 003035.2 1 STIL 3.08 ILMN 1722981 NM 003268.4 1 TLR5 3.07 ILMN 2346339 NM 016724.1 11 FOLRl 3.02 ILMN 1810752 NM 000715.3 1 C4BPA 3.02 ILMN 1721732 NM 031415.2 8 MLZE 3.02 ILMN 1706813 NM 007231.1 X SLC6A14 3.01 ILMN 1772131 NM 173343.1 2 IL1R2 3.01 ILMN 1653494 NM 006271.1 1 SlOOAl - 3.01 ILMN 1661733 NM 016731.2 11 FOLRl 2.98 ILMN 1775330 NM 207380.1 15 C15orf52 2.98 ILMN 1728262 NM 030754.2 11 SAA2 2.97 ILMN 1781758 NM 001012337 1 3 ROPNlB 2.97 ILMN 2048043 NM 004942.2 8 DEFB4 2.96 ILMN 1717393 NM 173495.2 X PTCHDl 2.95 ILMN 1746376 NM 182826.1 8 SCARA3 2.94 ILMN 1881206 2.94 ILMN 1744299 NM 153840.2 6 GPRI l O 2.94 ILMN 1772387 NM 003264.3 4 TLR2 2.90 ILMN 1745299 NM 001446.3 6 FABP7 2.89 ILMN 2387680 NM 001024460 1 6 VNN3 2.87 ILMN 1775285 NM 198505.2 3 ATPl 3A5 2.86 ILMN 1655613 NM 000846.3 6 GSTA2 2.85 ILMN 1713529 NM 020796.3 5 SEMA6A 2.83 ILMN 1729851 NM 017855.3 4 ODAM 2.81 ILMN 1758497 NM 020659.2 19 TTYHl 2.80 ILMN 2317364 NM 001890.1 4 CSNlSl 2.78 ILMN 1808713 NM 002153.1 16 HSD17B2 2.77 ILMN 1806603 NM 018670.2 15 MESPl 2.74 ILMN 1680965 XM 001 128061 1 8 LOC728454 2.74 ILMN 1773352 NM 002985.2 17 CCL5 2.74 ILMN 1685194 NM 006984.3 13 CLDNlO 2.73 ILMN 1714730 NM 181803.1 20 UBE2C 2.71 ILMN 1846574 2.71 ILMN 2171384 NM 002994.3 4 CXCL5 2.70 ILMN 1713124 NM 003739.4 10 AKRl C3 2.70 ILMN 1746676 NM 199328.1 2 1 CLDN8 2.70 ILMN 1778136 NM 032265.1 17 ZMYND 15 2.69 ILMN 1743950 NM 198541.1 19 IGFLl 2.69 ILMN 1672264 NM 182495.3 11 FAM55B 2.68 ILMN 2089752 NM 001002919. 1 2 LOC285016 2.68 ILMN 1812073 NM 001692.3 2 ATP6V1B1 2.66 ILMN 1861804 2.65 ILMN 2241 124 NM 153840.2 6 GPRI l O 2.64 ILMN 1802377 NM 032263.2 3 IQCG 2.63 ILMN 2304495 NM 181505.1 17 PPPlRlB 2.63 ILMN 1808590 NM 000856.3 4 GUCYl A3 2.63 ILMN 1671891 NM 017933.3 2 PIDl 2.63 ILMN 1767446 NM 020724.1 4 RNFl 50 2.62 ILMN 2228845 NM 148672.2 5 CCL28 2.61 ILMN 1779031 NM 175056.1 3 ZPLDl 2.60 ILMN 1736527 NM 014553.1 2 TFCP2L1 2.58 ILMN 1753665 NM 001098538. 1 12 PRR4 2.57 ILMN 2322831 NM 153292.1 17 NOS2A 2.56 ILMN 1734929 NM 003986.2 11 BBOXl 2.56 ILMN 2179083 NM 03221 1.6 10 LOXL4 2.56 ILMN 2355486 NM 206964.1 2 1 FAM3B 2.54 ILMN 1717636 NM 02021 1.1 15 RGMA 2.54 ILMN 1706612 NM 080736.1 20 WFDC2 2.53 ILMN 2131 177 NM 000856.2 4 GUCY1A3 2.52 ILMN 1761733 NM 0021 18.3 6 HLA-DMB 2.51 ILMN 1701831 NM 145740.2 6 GSTAl 2.51 ILMN 1656310 NM 002164.3 8 INDO 2.51 ILMN 1787526 NM 032321.1 2 MGC13057 2.50 ILMN 1695880 NM 002317.3 5 LOX 2.49 ILMN 169531 1 NM 006120.2 6 HLA-DMA 2.49 ILMN 173691 1 NM 003275.2 9 TMODl 2.48 ILMN 2090351 NR 002171.1 13 OR7E156P 2.48 ILMN 1737308 NM 002064.1 5 GLRX 2.45 ILMN 1748352 NM 001333.2 9 CTSL2 2.44 ILMN 2120222 NM 006919.1 18 SERPINB3 2.43 ILMN 1714393 NM 001031677.2 5 RAB24 2.42 ILMN 1786720 NM 006017.1 4 PROMl 2.41 ILMN 1811624 NM 022065.4 2 THADA 2.40 ILMN 2125346 NM 024690.2 19 MUC 16 2.40 ILMN 1757351 NM 002963.3 1 S100A7 2.39 ILMN 1757532 NM 014723.2 20 SNPH 2.38 ILMN 1804629 NM 001042482.1 7 TPKl 2.37 ILMN 1680230 XM 934624.2 13 LOC647264 2.36 ILMN 17491 18 NM 017422.3 10 CALML5 2.35 ILMN 2380237 NM 198594.1 17 ClQTNFl 2.34 ILMN 1654966 NM 182826.1 8 SCARA3 2.32 ILMN 1799765 NM 130781.1 5 RAB24 2.31 ILMN 1712632 NM 000379.3 2 XDH 2.31 ILMN 1703926 NM 000956.2 14 PTGER2 2.30 ILMN 1748840 NM 007088.2 16 CALB2 2.29 ILMN 1874003 2.28 ILMN 1739576 NM 016229.3 11 CYB5R2 2.27 ILMN 1755024 NM 014002.2 1 IKBKE 2.26 ILMN 1652237 NM 001236.3 2 1 CBR3 2.25 ILMN 1702447 NM 006548.4 3 IGF2BP2 2.25 ILMN 1669831 NM 052831.2 6 C6orfl92 2.23 ILMN 1802023 NR 002171.1 13 OR7E156P 2.22 ILMN 1770922 NM 018004.1 3 TMEM45A 2.21 ILMN 1791721 NM 181617.1 2 1 KRTAP21-2 2.19 ILMN 1772289 NM 001276.1 1 CHI3L1 2.18 ILMN 2077952 NM 020692.1 14 GALNTLl 2.17 ILMN 1793517 NM 004658.1 12 RASALl 2.16 ILMN 1694588 NM 001017365.1 1 C4BPB 2.16 ILMN 1728440 NM 181605.3 2 1 KRTAP6-3 2.16 ILMN 2175912 NM 00021 1.2 2 1 ITGB2 2.16 ILMN 1670535 NM 201539.1 14 NDRG2 2.15 ILMN 1790338 NM 016307.3 9 PRRX2 2.15 ILMN 1684217 NM 004217.2 17 AURKB 2.14 ILMN 2371724 NM 001024912.1 19 CEACAMl 2.14 ILMN 1756236 NM 182528.2 C1QL2 2.14 ILMN 1667018 NM 021804.1 X ACE2 2.12 ILMN 1716815 NM 001024912.1 19 CEACAMl 2.12 ILMN 2148913 NM 018004.1 3 TMEM45A 2.12 ILMN 1700666 NM 014581.2 9 OBP2B 2.1 1 ILMN 1740415 NM 080614.1 20 WFDC3 2.10 ILMN 1876470 2.10 ILMN 1764788 NM 001066.2 1 TNFRSFlB 2.09 ILMN 1738707 NM 005979.2 1 SlOOAl 3 2.09 ILMN 1726250 NM 015692.2 19 CPAMD8 2.08 ILMN 1664859 NM 003034.2 12 ST8SIA1 2.08 ILMN 1720433 NM 138805.2 3 FAM3D 2.07 ILMN 1679176 NM 012128.2 1 CLCA4 2.07 ILMN 1706818 NM 022065.4 2 THADA 2.06 ILMN 1688205 NM 002776.4 19 KLKlO 2.05 ILMN 1749403 NM 178562.2 7 TSPAN33 2.04 ILMN 1668559 NM 001005339.1 10 RGSlO 2.03 ILMN 2198413 NM 138768.2 11 MYEOV 2.03 ILMN 1670238 NM 003504.3 22 CDC45L 2.02 ILMN 1799120 NM 080735.1 20 WFDC2 2.01 ILMN 2379718 NM 001031677.2 5 RAB24 2.01 ILMN 1751228 NM 018354.1 20 C20orf46 1.98 ILMN 1787932 NM 025048.2 6 GPRI l O 1.98 ILMN 1661673 NR 003141.1 SNHG4 1.98 ILMN 1680367 NM 001004298.2 10 C10orf90 1.97 ILMN 1803256 NM 020225.1 4 STOX2 1.96 ILMN 1794875 NM 032717.3 4 AGPAT9 1.96 ILMN 1784706 NM 004961.3 X GABRE 1.95 ILMN 1652906 NM 021996.3 9 GBGTl 1.95 ILMN 1768958 NM 005739.2 15 RASGRPl 1.94 ILMN 2383349 NM 018234.2 2 STEAP3 1.93 ILMN 2308903 NM 181522.1 20 WFDC3 1.92 ILMN 1809173 XR 015834.1 4 LOC729021 1.92 ILMN 1708778 NM 000050.4 9 ASSl 1.92 ILMN 2400183 NM 001077395.1 1 DPH5 1.91 ILMN 1677693 NM 006018.1 12 GPRl 09B 1.91 ILMN 1801939 NM 004701.2 15 CCNB2 1.90 ILMN 1801584 NM 003467.2 2 CXCR4 1.90 ILMN 1684497 NM 032709.1 10 C10orB3 1.89 ILMN 1699750 NM 024794.1 19 ABHD9 1.88 ILMN 1761903 NM 002251.3 20 KCNSl 1.88 ILMN 1741054 NM 021095.1 2 SLC5A6 1.88 ILMN 179151 1 . NM 018487.2 7 TMEM 176A 1.88 ILMN 1793410 NM 021021.2 8 SNTBl 1.87 ILMN 1696347 NM 001814.2 11 CTSC 1.87 ILMN 2195721 NM 181619.1 2 1 KRTAP21-1 1.86 ILMN 1692707 NM 001013663.1 2 LOC391356 1.86 ILMN 1781 155 NM 002350.1 8 LYN 1.86 ILMN 1733538 NM 001005339.1 10 RGSlO 1.86 ILMN 2349071 NM 005756.2 X GPR64 1.86 ILMN 1875096 1.86 ILMN 2373444 NM 000674.2 1 ADORAl 1.85 ILMN 1677843 NM 001031677.2 5 RAB24 1.85 ILMN 1681544 NM 175062.3 5 RASGEFlC 1.83 ILMN 1741727 NM 012413.3 2 QPCT 1.83 ILMN 1696360 NM 147780.2 8 CTSB 1.83 ILMN 1777233 NM 004091.2 1 E2F2 1.82 ILMN 1738642 NM 016308.1 1 CMPKl 1.82 ILMN 1775587 NM 001001850.1 3 STX 19 1.82 ILMN 1694608 NM 198593.1 17 ClQTNFl 1.81 ILMN 1731064 NM 020247.4 1 CABCl 1.81 ILMN 2072598 NM 001013685.1 7 LOC401357 1.81 ILMN 1865056 1.81 ILMN 1712487 NM 006893.2 1 LGTN 1.80 ILMN 1654396 NM 00021 1.1 2 1 ITGB2 1.80 ILMN 2183409 NM 005505.3 12 SCARBl 1.79 ILMN 1724822 XM 001 133357.1 LOC399744 1.79 ILMN 1715969 NM 016612.2 8 SLC25A37 1.79 ILMN 1789058 NM 173795.2 1 Clor Ω88 1.79 ILMN 1678939 NM 004665.2 6 VNN2 1.78 ILMN 2260392 NM 020445.4 7 ACTR3B 1.77 . ILMN 1655595 NM 006216.2 ' 2 SERPINE2 1.77 ILMN 2395451 NM 054012.3 9 ASSl 1.77 ILMN 1719753 NM 016267.2 X VGLLl 1.76 ILMN 1684699 NM 001422.2 11 ELF5 1.74 ILMN 2124221 NM 001025232.1 12 CLLUlOS 1.74 ILMN 1893367 1.74 ILMN 2198516 NM 020801.1 5 ARRDC3 1.73 ILMN 2313946 NM 153636.1 16 CPNE7 1.73 ILMN 1683102 NM 052934.2 1 SLC26A9 1.72 ILMN 1767556 NM 007021.2 10 ClOorflO 1.72 ILMN 2408946 NM 002605.2 15 PDE8A 1.71 ILMN 1769694 NM 001095.2 12 ACCN2 1.71 ILMN 2 115005 NM 173558.2 6 FGD2 1.70 ILMN 1707434 XM 929667.1 8 LOC653778 1.70 ILMN 16671 15 NM 182532.1 1 TMEM61 1.69 ILMN 2266184 NM 032041.2 8 NCALD 1.69 ILMN 2306540 NM 001001567.1 2 1 PDE9A 1.68 ILMN 1674402 NM 144649.1 8 TMEM71 1.67 ILMN 1792072 NM 002033.2 11 FUT4 1.67 ILMN 1737418 NM 001009185.1 5 ACSL6 1.66 ILMN 2227533 NM 032750.1 3 ABHD 14B 1.66 ILMN 1664691 NM 014395.1 4 DAPPl 1.66 ILMN 1747882 NM 000625.3 17 NOS2A 1.66 ILMN 2359742 NM 001908.3 8 . CTSB 1.65 ILMN 1736936 NM 012188.4 5 FOXIl 1.64 ILMN 1771333 NM 198793.2 3 CD47 1.64 ILMN 1710170 NM 177526.1 19 PPAP2C 1.63 ILMN 1783231 NM 021200.1 11 PLEKHBl 1.63 ILMN 2242463 NM 001814.2 11 CTSC 1.63 ILMN 1789955 NM 006813.1 6 PNRCl . 1.63 ILMN 1693338 NM 000104.2 2 CYPlBl 1.62 ILMN 1682937 NM 001038633.2 1 RSPOl 1.61 ILMN 2196984 NM 007280.1 15 OIP5 1.61 ILMN 1796074 NM 001012716.1 18 C18orf56 1.61 ILMN 1664330 NM 001712.3 19 CEACAMl 1.59 ILMN 1655577 NM 003253.2 2 1 TIAMl 1.59 ILMN 1679438 NM 024629.2 4 MLFlIP 1.59 ILMN 1715476 XM 939056.2 LOC649970 1.59 ILMN 1790100 NM 145018.2 11 C l lorf82 1.59 ILMN 1754555 NM 174959.1 7 SVOPL 1.59 ILMN 2104877 NM 016308.1 1 CMPKl 1.58 ILMN 1708743 NM 022908.1 3 NT5DC2 1.58 ILMN 1802808 XM 939368.1 LOC654103 1.58 ILMN 1795778 NM 001017973.1 5 P4HA2 1.58 ILMN 1803005 NM 015506.2 1 MMACHC 1.58 ILMN 1719906 NM 005327.2 4 HADH 1.57 ILMN 1678517 NM 016234.3 10 ACSL5 1.57 ILMN 1660729 NM 144583.3 2 ATP6V1C2 1.56 ILMN 1806040 NM 001071.1 18 TYMS 1.56 ILMN 1803036 NM 005646.3 1 TARBPl 1.56 ILMN 2351269 NM 001005367.1 19 TTYHl 1.55 ILMN 1732066 NM 001015001.1 15 CKMTlA 1.54 ILMN 1814022 NM 005693.1 11 NRl H3 1.54 ILMN 1765000 NM 145238.3 1 ZSCAN20 1.54 ILMN 1733288 NM- 016546.1 12 ClRL 1.54 ILMN 2380588 NM 199184.1 6 C6orfl08 1.54 ILMN 2400947 NM 006561.2 10 CUGBP2 1.51 ILMN 1787705 NM 001693.3 8 ATP6V1B2 1.51 ILMN 1802392 NM 133509.2 14 RAD51L1 1.51 ILMN 1683470 NM 153345.1 7 TMEMl 39 1.50 ILMN 1688152 NM 004843.2 19 IL27RA 1.50 ILMN 1652223 NM 014149.2 7 WDR91 1.49 ILMN 1687683 NM 005528.1 11 DNAJC4 1.48 ILMN 1742541 NM 014803.3 10 ZNF518A 1.47 ILMN 1685767 NM 058186.3 2 1 FAM3B 1.46 ILMN 1806841 NM 145004.5 8 ADAM32 . 1.46 ILMN 1850513 1.46 ILMN 1782743 NM 015416.3 12 LETMDl 1.45 ILMN 1901934 1.45 ILMN 1772894 NM 020665.3 X TMEM27 1.45 ILMN 1773363 NM 000246.2 16 CIITA 1.45 ILMN 2369756 NM 145036.2 17 CCDC46 1.45 ILMN 1914473 r 1.44 ILMN 1709346 NM 007097.2 5 CLTB 1.43 ILMN 1683607 NM 000761.3 15 CYP 1A2 1.43 ILMN 2355033 NM 001080392.1 7 KIAAl 147 1.43 ILMN 1769606 NM 152431.1 11 PIWIL4 1.43 ILMN 1731907 XM 933030.1 1 LOC643313 1.42 ILMN 1657836 NM 022835.1 19 PLEKHG2 1.42 ILMN 1673673 NM 018492.2 8 PBK 1.42 ILMN 2085012 NM 014020.2 7 TMEM 176B 1.41 ILMN 1778010 NM 001012636.1 16 IL32 1.41 ILMN 1661055 XM 495907.2 12 LOC440080 1.41 ILMN 1672925 XM 942529.1 LOC652837 1.40 ILMN 1686968 NM 152493.2 1 ZNF362 1.40 ILMN 2368530 . NM 001012633.1 16 IL32 1.40 ILMN 1784948 . NM 144569.4 1 SPOCDl 1.39 ILMN 1749521 NM 018656.2 12 SLC35E3 1.39 ILMN 2296369 NM 199189.1 5 MATR3 1.39 ILMN 2148796 NM 0321 17.2 4 MNDl 1.38 ILMN 2356991 NM 001777.3 3 CD47 1.38 ILMN 1709882 NM 016513.3 6 ICK 1.38 ILMN 1704196 NM 001943.2 18 DSG2 1.38 ILMN 2077094 NM 013265.2 11 C l lorf2 1.37 ILMN 1736103 NM 002223.2 12 ITPR2 1.37 ILMN 1700547 NM 031422.2 18 CHST9 1.37 ILMN 1754149 NM 001024668.1 12 LETMDl 1.37 ILMN 2415277 NM 134325.1 1 SLC26A9 1.36 ILMN 2047676 NM 022353.2 2 OSGEPLl 1.35 ILMN 1802167 NM 012190.2 3 ALDHlLl 1.34 ILMN 1740291 NM 199420.3 3 POLQ 1.32 ILMN 1703852 NM 004093.2 13 EFNB2 1.32 ILMN 1815184 NM 018136.3 1 ASPM 1.32 ILMN 1723277 NM 021647.6 4 MFAP3L 1.31 ILMN 2356838 NM 006090.3 1 CEPTl 1.31 ILMN 1683146 NM 002032.2 11 FTHl 1.30 ILMN 1653358 NM 001097641.1 19 FUT3 1.30 ILMN 1798654 NM 005915.4 2 MCM6 1.30 ILMN 1657129 NM 003930.3 7 SKAP2 1.30 ILMN 1656452 NM 025108.2 16 C16orf59 1.30 ILMN 2205999 NM 003999.1 5 OSMR 1.29 ILMN 1731062 NM 000905.2 7 NPY 1.29 ILMN 1695658 NM 005733.1 5 KIF20A 1.29 ILMN 1714383 NM 001003396.1 6 TPD52L1 1.28 ILMN 1657475 NM 000155.2 9 GALT 1.27 ILMN 1678669 NM 001034.1 2 RRM2 1.27 ILMN 2394287 NM 130840.2 7 ATP6V0A4 1.27 ILMN 2193706 NM 003806.1 12 HRK 1.27 ILMN 2324202 NM 004961.3 X GABRE 1.27 ILMN 1663092 NM 006079.3 6 CITED2 1.26 ILMN 2337923 NM 0010033.97.1 6 TPD52L1 1.26 ILMN 1674696 NM 018324.1 10 OLAH 1.26 ILMN 2344971 NM 021953.2 12 FOXMl 1.26 ILMN 1656097 NM 134431.2 12 SLCO 1A2 1.26 ILMN 1689624 NM 032778.4 3 MINA 1.24 ILMN 1805466 NM 000346.2 17 SOX9 1.22 ILMN 1664516 NM 016343.3 1 CENPF 1.22 ILMN 1777564 NM 002358.2 4 MAD2L1 1.22 ILMN 1826921 1.22 ILMN 1691 117 NM 052951.2 20 DNTTIPl 1.22 ILMN 1665066 NM 032313.2 4 C4orfl4 1.21 ILMN 1666208 NM 018353.3 14 C14orfl06 1.21 ILMN 1786278 NM 015398.2 4 FAM149A 1.21 ILMN 1655684 NM 017827.2 19 SARS2 1.20 ILMN 1709091 NM 080818.3 13 OXGRl 1.20 ILMN 1782247 NM 021078.2 17 GCN5L2 1.20 ILMN 1672660 NM 001025100.1 18 MBP 1.19 ILMN 1690342 NM 000895.1 12 LTA4H 1.19 ILMN 1752668 NM 015345.2 6 DAAM2 1.19 ILMN 1810992 NM 004341.3 2 CAD 1.18 ILMN 1685045 NM 001025199.1 1 CHI3L2 1.18 ILMN 1739541 NM 004688.1 2 NMI 1.18 ILMN 1719755 NM 032447.3 19 FBN3 1.17 ILMN 1652722 NM 004894.1 14 C14orf2 1.17 ILMN 2273331 NM 145036.2 17 CCDC46 1.17 ILMN 1699772 NM 021244.3 6 RRAGD 1.17 ILMN 1674231 NM 005441.2 2 1 CHAFlB 1.17 ILMN 1698952 NM 003839.2 18 TNFRSFI l A 1.17

ILMN 1761275 NM 000150.2 19 LFUT6 1.17 ILMN 1711005 NM 001789.2 3 CDC25A 1.17 ILMN 1742131 NM 014427.3 16 CPNE7 1.16 ILMN 1786125 NM 001237.2 4 CCN A2 1.16 ILMN 1772976 NM 152547.3 5 BTNL9 1.15 ILMN 1700337 NM 005480.2 12 TROAP 1.14 ILMN 2213693 NM 001004459.1 11 ORl S2 1.14 ILMN 1882512 1.14 ILMN 171 1904 NM 031300.2 5 MXD3 1.14 ILMN 2168747 NM 000846.3 6 GSTA2 1.14 ILMN 1769759 NM 012397.2 18 SERPINB 13 1.13 ILMN 2322986 NM 001042533.1 3 MINA 1.13 ILMN 1792922 NM 000636.2 6 SOD2 1.12 ILMN 1681651 NM 004476.1 11 FOLHl 1.12 ILMN 2123871 NM 152834.2 2 TMEMl 8 1.12 ILMN 1742054 NM 178857.4 8 RPlLl 1.12 ILMN 1763491 NM 020990.3 15 CKMTlB 1.12 ILMN 1671906 NM 0321 17.2 4 MNDl 1.1 1 ILMN 1781 173 NM 014707.1 7 HDAC9 1.1 1 ILMN 1748650 NM 032351.3 17 MRPL45 1.1 1 ILMN 1653324 NM 052962.2 6 IL22RA2 1.10 ILMN 1772208 NM 032251.4 11 CCDC88B 1.10 ILMN 1731063 NM 139157.2 11 ST5 1.10 ILMN 1703906 NM 018410.3 2 HJURP 1.09 ILMN 1773901 NM 177424.2 1 STX 12 1.09 ILMN 1773959 NM 030965.1 1 ST6GALNAC5 1.09 ILMN 1716507 NM 012156.2 20 EPB41L1 1.08 ILMN 1774722 NM 006569.3 2 CGREFl 1.08 ILMN 1868572 1.07 ILMN 1798819 NM 021907.3 2 DTNB 1.07 ILMN 1700168 NM 015340.3 3 LARS2 1.03 ILMN 1796949 NM 0121 12.4 20 TPX2 1.03 ILMN 2349459 NM 001 168.2 17 BIRC5 1.03 ILMN 1720498 NM 001080825.1 12 TMEMl 2OB -1.02 ILMN 1729217 NM 144635.3 3 FAM131A -1.06 ILMN 1777061 XM 035299.8 5 ZSWIM6 -1.06 ILMN 1713638 NM 001099287.1 5 ICHTHYIN -1.09 ILMN 1694240 NM 002755.2 15 MAP2K1 -1.10 ILMN 1735301 NM 152879.2 2 DGKD -1.1 1 ILMN 1705442 NM 144601.2 16 CMTM3 -1.12 ILMN 1774930 NM 003672.3 1 CDC 14A -1.12 ILMN 1719010 NM 001661.3 17 ARL4D -1.12 ILMN 1661695 NM. 007199.1 12 IRAK3 -1.13 ILMN 1713174 NM 018393.2 11 TCPI lLl -1.13 ILMN 1661488 XM 001 131725.1 22 LOC729905 -1.15 ILMN 1772466 NM 005490.1 19 SH2D3A -1.15 ILMN 1763763 NM 006871.3 4 RIPK3 -1.17 ILMN 2352934 NM 032468.2 8 ASPH -1.18 ILMN 1749338 NM 173505.2 18 ANKRD29 -1.19 ILMN 1790014 XM 941466.2 METRNL -1.19 ILMN 1675956 NM 000081.2 1 LYST -1.19 ILMN 2124187 NM 014779.2 3 TSC22D2 -1.19 ILMN 1784661 NM 013390.1 9 TMEM2 -1.20 ILMN 1685397 NM 002204.1 17 ITGA3 -1.20 ILMN 1693334 NM 000917.2 10 P4HA1 -1.20 ILMN 1802292 NM 052950.2 13 WDFY2 -1.20 ILMN 1796180 NM 021 117.2 11 CRY2 -1.21 ILMN 1725946 NM 006147.2 1 IRF6 -1.22 ILMN 1724984 NM 004836.4 2 EIF2AK3 -1.22 ILMN 1705346 NM 015678.3 13 NBEA -1.24 ILMN 1791232 NM 181784.1 2 SPRED2 -1.25 ILMN 1652246 XM 001 133202.1 KIAA0363 -1.25 ILMN 1794017 NM 013376.3 19 SERTADl -1.26 ILMN 1722834 NM 002926.3 4 RGS 12 -1.27 ILMN 1712707 NM 024527.4 19 ABHD8 -1.27 ILMN 2370208 NM 001048251.1 16 CMTM3 -1.28 ILMN 2128770 NM 014603.1 17 CDR2L -1.29 ILMN 2374036 NM 145918.2 9 CTSLl -1.30 ILMN 2338963 NM 001078174.1 6 SLC29A1 -1.30 ILMN 1786168 NM 001013670.1 15 LOC400464 -1.30 ILMN 1769876 NM 018421.2 9 TBC 1D2 -1.31 ILMN 1788931 NM 203447.1 9 DOCK8 -1.31 ILMN 1788783 NM 012288.3 6 TRAM2 -1.32 ILMN 1812995 NM 001912.3 9 CTSLl -1.32 ILMN 1651429 NM 080430.2 22 SELM -1.34 ILMN 1765326 NM 003648.2 2 DGKD -1.36 ILMN 2302075 NM 138962.2 17 MSI2 -1.37 ILMN 1684439 NM 022443.2 3 MLFl -1.37 ILMN 1765860 NM 144658.3 X DOCKl 1 -1.37 ILMN 1703891 NM 015130.2 4 TBC 1D9 -1.38 ILMN 173761 1 NM 199245.1 12 VAMPl -1.38 ILMN 1704452 NM 004326.2 1 BCL9 -1.39 ILMN 1760574 NM 021785.2 X RAI2 -1.40 ILMN 1656904 NM 003038.2 2 SLC 1A4 -1.40 ILMN 1741755 NM 012101.3 11 TRIM29 -1.40 ILMN 1713031 NM 016134.2 8 PGCP -1.40 ILMN 2203876 NM 025214.1 18 CCDC68 -1.41 ILMN 1718977 NM 015675.2 19 GADD45B -1.41 ILMN 1763852 NM 001093.3 12 ACACB -1.41 ILMN 1693341 NM 022806.2 15 SNRPN -1.42 ILMN 1656537 NM 022806.2 15 SNRPN -1.42 ILMN 1669380 NM 001031855.1 X LONRF3 -1.42 ILMN 2121816 NM 003272.1 1 GPRl 37B -1.43 ILMN 1723971 NM 001078174.1 6 SLC29A1 -1.44 ILMN 1758719 NM 006403.2 6 NEDD9 -1.45 ILMN 1849494 -1.46 ILMN 2335813 NM 001024070.1 14 GCHl -1.46 ILMN 1670693 NM 005357.2 19 LIPE -1.48 ILMN 2347798 NM 022872.2 1 IFI6 -1.48 ILMN 1763638 NM 003567.2 1 BCAR3 -1.50 ILMN 2361400 NM 015657.3 2 ABCA 12 ,1.50 ILMN 1660000 NM 005678.3 15 SNURF -1.50 ILMN 1683487 NM 003444.1 19 ZNF 154 -1.51 ILMN 1790455 NM 005581.3 19 BCAM -1.51 ILMN 1653200 NM 016609.3 14 SLC22A17 -1.53 ILMN 1665792 NM 002203.3 5 ITGA2 -1.53 ILMN 1805765 NM 153610.3 5 CMYA5 -1.54 ILMN 2383611 NM 130435.2 10 PTPRE -1.57 ILMN 1725204 XM 943964.1 LOC649859 -1.57 ILMN 1716265 NM 173582.3 11 PGM2L1 -1.58 ILMN 2355831 NM 201555.1 2 FHL2 -1.58 ILMN 1784256 NM 016073.2 15 HDGFRP3 -1.58 ILMN 1767337 NM 144579.1 2 SFXN5 -1.59 ILMN 1708223 NM 020168.3 15 PAK6 -1.64 ILMN 1679318 NM 024590.3 4 ARSJ -1.65 ILMN 1751034 NM 001034841.2 16 LOC 162073 -1.69 ILMN 1723480 NM 004335.2 19 BST2 -1.69 ILMN 1659027 NM 006516.1 1 SLC2A1 -1.71 ILMN 1713088 NM 138962.2 17 MSI2 -1.71 ILMN 1676159 NM 016542.3 X MST4 -1.73 ILMN 1656501 NM 004419.3 10 DUSP5 -1.74 ILMN .1802205 NM 004040.2 2 RHOB -1.75 ILMN 1819608 -1.75 ILMN 1721901 NM 003798.2 9 CTNNALl -1.77 ILMN 1732410 NM 194298.1 10 SLC16A9 -1.77 ILMN 2328776 NM 001042453.1 X . MST4 -1.78 ILMN 1657766 NM 012101.3 11 TRIM29 -1.78 ILMN 2167426 NM 020437.3 22 ASPHD2 -1.79 ILMN 1771962 NM 000168.2 7 GLI3 -1.80 ILMN 1657381 NM 177532.3 4 RASSF6 -1.80 ILMN 1766499 NM 021979.3 14 HSPA2 -1.81 ILMN 1661 137 NM 152550.2 5 SH3RF2 -1.82 ILMN 1671478 NM 001823.3 14 CKB -1.82 ILMN 2214355 NM 014488.3 11 RAB30 -1.83 ILMN 1803691 NM 057091.1 1 ARTN -1.83 ILMN 1694213 NM 016274.4 1 PLEKHOl -1.83 ILMN 2374683 NM 080684.1 4 PTPNl 3 -1.84 ILMN 1761820 NM 145861.2 1 EDARADD -1.84 ILMN 1791949 NM 032507.2 6 PGBDl -1.84 ILMN 17441 18 NM 198186.2 9 ASTN2 -1.89 ILMN 1651498 NM 006705.2 9 . GADD45G -1.89 ILMN 1759097 NM 006818.3 1 MLLTI l -1.90 ILMN 1720270 NM 001802.1 16 CDR2 -1.91 ILMN 1716382 NM 207376.1 12 LOC387882 -1.91 ILMN 2153916 NM 021979.2 14 HSPA2 -1.93 ILMN 1704369 NM 016357.3 12 LIMAl -1.96 ILMN 1700541 NM 001996.2 22 FBLNl -1.97 ILMN 1736704 NM 001037954.2 11 DIXDCl -1.97 ILMN 1745820 NM 201431.1 4 RASSF6 -1.98 ILMN 1819783 -1.99 ILMN 1796737 XM 113971.4 18 APM-I -1.99 ILMN 1717793 NM 033520.1 19 C19orf33 -2.00 ILMN 1784602 NM 000389.2 6 CDKNlA -2.00 ILMN 16801 10 NM 006829.2 10 C10orfl l 6 -2.01 ILMN 1909156 -2.01 ILMN 2188521 NM 015480.1 3 . PVRL3 -2.02 ILMN 1740900 NM 130851.1 14 BMP4 -2.02 ILMN 1657451 NM 182691.1 7 SRPK2 -2.03 ILMN 1719641 NM 022138.1 6 SMOC2 -2.03 ILMN 2075643 NM 173505.2 18 ANKRD29 -2.03 ILMN 2058795 NM 016134.2 8 PGCP -2.05 ILMN 1790778 NM 007257.4 8 PNMA2 -2.06 ILMN 1693090 NM 021 151.2 7 CROT -2.06 ILMN 1695432 NM 001008566.1 22 TPST2 -2.07 ILMN 2329679 NM 001008566.1 22 TPST2 -2.08 ILMN 1719543 NM 005360.3 16 MAF -2.1 1 ILMN 2394305 NM 033016.1 22 PDGFB -2.1 1 ILMN 1796229 NM 023106.2 8 FGFRl -2.12 ILMN 1758404 NM 003221.3 6 TFAP2B -2.12 ILMN 2172174 NM 000270.1 14 NP -2.14 ILMN 1744949 NM 014899.3 5 RHOBTB3 -2.14 ILMN 1685122 NM 001852.3 1 COL9A2 -2.16 ILMN 1800317 NM 003392.3 3 WNT5A -2.17 ILMN 166841 1 NM 201557.2 2 FHL2 ' -2.20 ILMN 1681984 NM 017540.3 5 GALNTlO -2.21 ILMN 2398261 NM 023107.2 8 FGFRl -2.21 ILMN 1713266 NM 017709.3 1 FAM46C -2.24 ILMN 1753913 NM 024911.4 1 GPRl 77 -2.24 ILMN 1767662 NM 203463.1 2 LASS6 -2.25 ILMN 1797009 NM 001993.2 1 F3 -2.26 ILMN 2129572 NM 001993.2 1 F3 -2.26 ILMN 1772446 NM 032829.1 12 C12orf34 -2.27 ILMN 1792679 NM 002205.2 12 ITGA5 -2.30 ILMN 1741847 NM 002425.1 11 MMPlO -2.31 ILMN 1656837 NM 002899.2 3 RBPl -2.33 ILMN 1721876 NM 003255.4 17 TIMP2 -2.38 ILMN 1743933 NM 020856.2 19 TSHZ3 -2.38 ILMN 2364521 NM 021913.2 19 AXL -2.41 ILMN 2073289 NM 014751.2 8 MTSSl -2.41 ILMN 1810864 NM 153321.1 17 PMP22 -2.44 ILMN 1720282 NM 000903.2 16 NQOl -2.44 ILMN 1675797 NM 017549.3 7 EPDRl -2.45 ILMN 1720513 NM- 015559.1 18 SETBPl -2.45 ILMN 1738578 NM 014890.2 3 FILIPlL -2.49 ILMN 1789505 NM 002222.4 3 ITPRl -2.50 ILMN 1691884 NM 003714.2 5 STC2 -2.51 ILMN 1775822 NM 002608.1 22 PDGFB. -2.52 ILMN 1760849 NM 018092.3 16 NETO2 -2.53 ILMN 1663080 NM 001040167.1 7 LFNG -2.55 ILMN 1785646 NM 153321.1 17 PMP22 -2.55 ILMN 2399769 NM 001002292.1 1 GPRl 77 -2.56 ILMN 1670305 NM 001032295.1 11 SERPINGl -2.56 ILMN 1660549 NM 001002292.1 1 GPRl 77 -2.58 ILMN 1789639 NM 002023.3 1 FMOD -2.59 ILMN 1713995 NM 001038.4 12 SCNNlA -2.59 ILMN 1701877 NM 021913.2 19 AXL -2.62 ILMN 1704753 NM 001430.3 2 EPASl -2.66 ILMN 1799028 NM 005723.2 4 TSPAN5 -2.67 ILMN 2072622 NM 024534.4 4 FLJl 2684 -2.70 ILMN 2186137 NM 004165.1 16 RRAD -2.70 ILMN 1780170 NM 001647.2 3 APOD -2.71 ILMN 1687315 NM 002957.3 9 RXRA -2.71 ILMN 1713744 NM 020215.2 14 C14orfl32 -2.73 ILMN 1663640 NM 000240.2 X MAOA -2.75 ILMN 1663032 NM 022823.1 2 FNDC4 -2.76 ILMN 1761941 NM 016613.5 4 C4orfl8 -2.77 ILMN 2212999 NM 004522.1 2 KIF5C -2.79 ILMN 1791280 NM 014365.2 12 HSPB8 -2.84 ILMN 1722798 NM 133373.3 17 PLCD3 -2.85 ILMN 2297765 NM 002247.2 10 KCNMAl -2.86 ILMN 1716370 NM 032865.4 TNS4 -2.86 ILMN 1671260 NM 001002292.1 1 GPRl 77 -2.89 ILMN 1720452 NM 001031855.1 X LONRF3 -2.90 ILMN 2375360 NM 033380.1 X COL4A5 -2.91 ILMN 1742534 NM 000495.3 X COL4A5 -2.97 ILMN 2283325 NM 02491 1.4 1 GPRl 77 -2.99 ILMN 1814221 NM 002522.2 17 NPTXl -3.20 ILMN 1708934 NM 001 124.1 11 ADM -3.21 ILMN 1794863 NM 018584.5 1 CAMK2N1 -3.22 ILMN 1695475 NM 006379.2 7 SEMA3C -3.23 ILMN 1653934 XR 019109.1 LOC650517 -3.26 ILMN 1754126 XM 375698.3 1 SH2D5 -3.28 ILMN 1675857 NM 001847.2 X COL4A6 -3.30 ILMN 1732296 NM 002167.2 1 ID3 -3.33 ILMN 1731374 NM 001873.1 4 CPE -3.33 ILMN 1665865 NM 001552.2 17 IGFBP4 -3.52 ILMN 2234697 NM 018476.3 X BEXl -3.57 ILMN 1743232 NM 032867.2 11 MICALCL -3.63 ILMN 1810054 NM 001299.4 19 CNNl -3.71 ILMN 1725193 NM 000597.2 2 IGFBP2 -3.85 ILMN 1731206 NM 033120.2 5 NKD2 -4.21 Table 13. Gene signaturesfor MaSC-enriched (CD49β ιiEpCAM-) subsets.

Average log ID GeneRef Chr Symbol fold-change ILMN 1651282 NM 000494.3 10 COL17A1 6.53 ILMN 2413323 NM 001012513.1 18 GRP 6.22 ILMN 1676822 NM 03241 1.1 2 C2orf40 6.03 ILMN 1799105 NM 000494.3 10 COLl 7Al 6.03 ILMN 2138801 NM 003722.3 3 TP73L 6.00 ILMN 2067656 NM 001759.2 12 CCND2 5.95 ILMN 1788131 NM 057157.1 10 CYP26A1 5.75 ILMN 1667081 NM 001759.2 12 CCND2 5.72 ILMN 1676088 NM 198080.2 12 MSRB3 5.72 ILMN 1787750 NM 001004196.2 3 CD200 5.69 ILMN 1656248 NM 024769.2 11 ASAM 5.50 ILMN 1810054 NM 001299.4 19 CNNl 5.49 ILMN 1758461 NM 00601 1.3 15 ST8SIA2 5.44 ILMN 1772869 NM 080826.1 20 C20orf82 5.35 ILMN 1676728 NM 206539.1 6 DLK2 5.26 ILMN 1671928 NM 000313.1 3 PROSl 5.24 ILMN 181 1426 NM 175861.2 12 TMTCl 5.17 ILMN 1691476 NM 053032.2 3 MYLK 5.14 ILMN 1678170 NM 000902.3 3 MME 5.13 ILMN 1777199 NM 001012513.1 18 GRP 5.1 1 ILMN 2104295 NM 152390.1 2 TMEMl 78 5.1 1 ILMN 1809364 NM 002527.3 12 NTF3 5.04 ILMN 2061435 NR 002766.1 14 MEG3 5.02 ILMN 1804929 NM 000916.3 3 OXTR 5.01 ILMN 1741603 NM 014618.2 9 DBCl 4.91 ILMN 1670490 NM 001006625.1 1 PDPN 4.87 DKFZP586H ILMN 1658356 NM 015430.2 11 2123 4.87 ILMN 1701933 NM 007308.1 4 SNCA 4.82 ILMN 1665035 NM 000526.3 17 KRT14 4.82 ILMN 1736670 NM 005398.4 10 PPP1R3C 4.72 ILMN 2398159 NM 013253.4 11 DKK3 4.68 ILMN 1652065 NM 004137.2 5 KCNMBl 4.67 ILMN 1678403 NM 152390.1 2 TMEM 178 4.66 ILMN 1702363 NM 015170.1 8 SULFl 4.66 ILMN 1673566 NM 006988.3 2 1 ADAMTSl 4.66 ILMN 1745607 NM 000014.4 12 A2M 4.65 ILMN 1755215 NM 001030060.1 6 SAMD5 4.62 ILMN 1815673 NM 015881.5 11 DKK3 4.59 ILMN 1812070 NM 000927.3 7 ABCBl 4.59 ILMN 2065773 NM 003020.1 15 SCG5 4.56 ILMN 1777998 NM 014882.2 2 ARHGAP25 4.53 ILMN 1910180 4.53 TT /TNJ 17 Q 7 MIV/T nmn s P ∆ Γ 4 ILMN 1671 149 NR 002766.1 14 MEG3 4.47 ILMN 1801632 NM 000424.3 12 KRT5 4.47 ILMN 1757604 NM 213674.1 9 TPM2 4.47 ILMN 1696434 NM 005559.2 18 LAMAl 4.47 ILMN 2332553 NM 198080.2 12 MSRB3 4.44 ILMN 1712849 NM 032572.2 14 RNASE7 4.44 ILMN 1706051 NM 152666.1 1 PLD5 4.44 ILMN 2197128 NM 145260.2 2 OSRl 4.43 ILMN 2400935 NM 003186.3 11 TAGLN 4.42 ILMN 2076600 NM 004867.3 X ITM2A 4.38 ILMN 1769575 NM 032801.3 11 JAM3 4.38 ILMN 1660086 NM 002474.2 16 MYHI l 4.37 ILMN 1793888 NM 002639.3 18 SERPINB5 4.37 ILMN 1706783 NM 001001522.1 11 TAGLN 4.37 ILMN 1655405 NM 153334.3 22 SCARF2 4.33 ILMN 1723521 NM 018836.3 1 AJAPl 4.31 ILMN 1755657 NM 017805.2 19 RASIPl 4.31 ILMN 1761322 NM 025135.2 18 FHOD3 4.30 ILMN 1795325 NM 001615.3 2 ACTG2 4.28 ILMN 1794501 NM 005329.2 16 HAS3 4.25 ILMN 1766707 NM 014443.2 5 IL17B 4.21 ILMN 171 1157 NM 004557.3 6 NOTCH4 4.20 ILMN 1653934 XR 019109.1 LOC650517 4.17 ILMN 1772910 NM 002048.1 9 GASl 4.16 ILMN 1666502 NM 018013.3 6 SOBP 4.13 ILMN 1790761 NM 006475.1 13 POSTN 4.13 ILMN 1779875 NM 006288.2 11 THYl 4.13 ILMN 1703913 NM 001723.4 6 DST 4.13 ILMN 2047460 NM 198545.3 1 Clorfl87 4.12 ILMN 1682332 NM 016815.2 2 GYPC 4.1 1 ILMN 1907544 4.1 1 ILMN 1668039 NM 016815.2 2 GYPC 4.09 ILMN 2169761 NM 153634.2 12 CPNE8 4.08 ILMN 1744381 NM 000602.1 7 SERPINEl 4.08 ILMN 1666775 NM 000719.5 12 CACNAlC 4.07 ILMN 1783149 NM 022124.3 10 CDH23 4.06 ILMN 2350634 NM 001039348.1 2 EFEMPl 4.02 ILMN 1801516 NM 002081.1 2 GPCl 4.02 ILMN 1743373 NM 005618.3 6 DLLl 3.99 ILMN 1779071 NM 005103.3 11 FEZl 3.99 ILMN 1796455 NM 001036.2 15 RYR3 3.99 ILMN 2393765 NM 020070.2 22 IGLLl 3.97 ILMN 2149226 NM 001753.3 7 CAVl 3.93 ILMN 1725193 NM 000597.2 2 IGFBP2 3.91- ILMN 1679391 NM 153267.3 9 MAMDC2 3.85 ILMN 1717519 NM 020433.4 20 JPH2 3.82 ILMN 1716370 NM 032865.4 TNS4 3.82 ILMN 1696054 NM 198274.2 2 SMYDl 3.81 ILMN 1671703 NM 001613.1 10 ACTA2 3.80 ILMN 1668760 NM 005329.2 16 HAS3 3.80 ILMN 2189668 NM 018159.2 X NUDTI l 3.79 ILMN 1854469 3.79 ILMN 1772612 NM 012098.2 9 ANGPTL2 3.79 ILMN 1722294 NM 153634.2 12 CPNE8 3.77 ILMN 1688892 NM 198129.1 18 LAMA3 3.76 ILMN 1652199 XM 936253.1 LOC6421 13 3.76 ILMN 1775405 NM 005738.3 7 ARL4A 3.76 ILMN 1844593 3.75 ILMN 2407314 NM 057157.1 10 CYP26A1 3.75 ILMN 1782419 NM 004126.3 7 GNGI l 3.75 ILMN 1766165 NM 000345.2 4 SNCA 3.74 ILMN 1803956 NM 033254.2 3 BOC 3.73 ILMN 1791890 NM 006108.2 11 SPONl 3.72 ILMN 1772824 NM 032642.2 12 WNT5B 3.72 ILMN 1687583 NM 001753.3 7 CAVl 3.70 ILMN 1739508 XM 941953.1 LOC652493 3.69 ILMN 1705066 NM 152322.2 12 BTBDI l 3.69 ILMN 1675979 NM 001003793.1 3 RBMS3 3.69 ILMN 1740938 NM 000041.2 19 APOE 3.67 ILMN 1779333 NM 001031679.1 12 MSRB3 3.67 ILMN 1743103 NM 014631.2 10 SH3PXD2A 3.66 ILMN 1692261 NM 004441.3 3 EPHBl 3.66 ILMN 1655468 NM 001944.2 18. DSG3 3.66 ILMN 1727087 NM 000165.3 6 GJAl 3.65 ILMN 2406035 NM 198129.1 18 LAMA3 3.62 ILMN 1770038 NM 005559.2 18 LAMAl 3.61 ILMN 1802109 XM 001 134449.1 2 KBTBD9 3.61 ILMN 2072101 NM 032623.3 4 OSAP 3.57 ILMN 2336094 NM 001080477.1 4 ODZ3 3.56 ILMN 1717765 NM 018159.3 X NUDTI l 3.55 ILMN 1775501 NM 000576.2 2 ILlB 3.54 ILMN 2140510 NM 033495.2 X KLHL 13 3.53 ILMN 1802654 NM 031302.3 12 GLT8D2 3.53 ILMN 1796629 NM 001957.1 4 EDNRA 3.51 ILMN 1705153 NM 021076.2 22 NEFH 3.51 ILMN 2234697 NM 018476.3 X BEXl 3.51 ILMN 165561 1 NM 173485.4 20 TSHZ2 3.50 ILMN 1789733 NM 015526.1 19 CLIP3 3.50 ILMN 1736178 NM 001 129.3 7 AEBPl 3.50 ILMN 1779558 NM 000820.1 13 GAS6 3.48 ILMN 165.8709 NM 002291.1 7 LAMBl 3.48 ILMN 1750181 NM 017899.2 12 TESC 3.47 ILMN 1735877 NM 004105.3 2 EFEMPl 3.46 ILMN 1769615 NM 013231.4 14 FLRT2 3.45 ILMN 1785265 NM 005032.3 X PLS3 3.43 ILMN 1681886 NM 007038.2 2 1 ADAMTS5 3.43 ILMN 1805192 NM 033397.2 10 KIAAl 754 3.43 ILMN 1684108 NM 016358.1 5 IRX4 3.42 ILMN 1666122 NM 020733.1 3 HEGl 3.41 ILMN 2298301 NM 001717.2 15 BNCl 3.41 ILMN 1715748 NM 001458.3 7 FLNC 3.41 ILMN 1784749 NM 000820.1 13 GAS6 3.39 ILMN 1793025 NM 032623.2 4 OSAP 3.38 ILMN 2396875 NM 001013398.1 7 IGFBP3 3.35 ILMN 2369403 NM 001037293.1 9 PALM2 3.35 ILMN 1789624 NM 003289.3 9 TPM2 3.35 ILMN 1694840 NM 002380.3 8 MATN2 3.35 ILMN 1745077 NM 006533.2 19 MIA 3.33 ILMN 1666022 NM 003840.3 8 TNFRSFlOD 3.33 ILMN 2376484 NM 018534.3 2 NRP2 3.32 ILMN 1651610 XM 001 126202.1 LOC730525 3.31 ILMN 1759652 NM 006365.1 1 Clorf l 3.31 ILMN 1705231 NM 005630.1 3 SLCO2A1 3.31 ILMN 1720513 NM 015559.1 18 SETBPl 3.30 ILMN 1773546 NM 054031.2 11 MRGPRX3 3.30 ILMN 1680874 NM 178012.3 6 TUBB2B 3.30 ILMN 1738147 NM 006617.1 1 NES 3.30 ILMN 2146761 NM 001444.1 8 FABP5 3.29 ILMN 2105919 NM 002006.3 4 FGF2 3.29 ILMN 1721247 NM 004693.2 12 KRT75 3.28 ILMN 2315979 NM 030915.1 2 LBH 3.27 ILMN 2238302 NM 001723.3 6 DST 3.26 ILMN 1733157 NM 018676.2 13 THSDl 3.26 ILMN 2368834 NM 0010401 14.1 16 MYHI l 3.25 ILMN 2097997 NM 176891.3 9 IFNEl 3.25 ILMN 1763433 NM 015163.4 14 TRIM9 3.25 ILMN 1724994 NM 001846.2 13 COL4A2 3.25 ILMN 1774685 NM 006850.2 1 IL24 3.24 ILMN 1675331 NM 006210.1 19 PEG3 3.23 ILMN 2094396 NM 032270.2 1 LRRC8C 3.23 ILMN 1721541 NM 007191.2 12 WIFl 3.23 ILMN 1716397 NM 178834.3 11 LAYN 3.22 ILMN 1754126 XM 375698.3 1 SH2D5 3.22 ILMN 1675268 NM 002334.1 11 LRP4 3.21 ILMN 1783276 NM 144573.3 1 NEXN 3.20 ILMN 2102330 NM 005202.1 1 COL8A2 3.20 ILMN 1730995 NM 001001936.1 10 AFAP 1L2 3.20 ILMN 1718387 NM 000427.1 1 LOR 3.20 ILMN 1880012 NM 003966.2 5 SEMA5A 3.20 ILMN 1761941 NM 016613.5 4 C4orfl8 3.19 ILMN 2359945 NM 001025195.1 16 CESl 3.18 ILMN 1714523 NM 138737.1 X HEPH . 3.17 ILMN 1662419 NM 001864.2 19 COX7A1 3.17 ILMN 2218758 NM 022351.2 8 EFCBPl 3.17 ILMN 1743933 NM 020856.2 19 TSHZ3 3.17 ILMN 2149292 NM 018306.2 3 TMEM40 3.17 ILMN 1739325 XM 941810.2 LOC284023 3.17 ILMN 1789196 NM 213674.1 9 TPM2 3.16 ILMN 2082585 NM 003068.3 8 SNAI2 3.16 ILMN 2094875 NM 000927.3 7 ABCBl 3.16 ILMN 2120695 NM 004615.2 X TSPAN7 3.16 ILMN 1675062 NM 006097.3 20 MYL9 3.15 ILMN 1656927 NM 003966.1 5 SEMA5A 3.14 ILMN 2 112638 NM 153366.2 SVEPl 3.13 ILMN 1734781 NM 176891.3 9 IFNEl 3.13 ILMN 1653028 NM 001845.4 13 COL4A1 3.1 1 ILMN 1669123 j NM 198545.2 1 Clorfl87 3.1 1 ILMN 1751 161 NM 000094.2 3 COL7A1 3.10 ILMN 1669820 NM 005555.3 12 KRT6B 3.10 ILMN 1695946 NM 001013642.2 1 LOC388610 3.10 ILMN 1727671 ' NM 018984.2 12 SSHl 3.09 ILMN 1740942 XM 379298.3 4 LOC401 164 3.08 ILMN 1658483 NM 000575.3 2 ILIA 3.07 ILMN 1672350 NM 021219.2 2 1 JAM2 3.07 ILMN 1739496 NM 006902.3 1 PRRXl 3.06 ILMN 2084836 NM 006091.2 15 CORO2B 3.06 ILMN 2105441 NM 144646.2 4 IGJ 3.05 ILMN 1801205 NM 001005340.1 7 GPNMB 3.05 ILMN 1700081 NM 013409.1 5 FST 3.04 ILMN 1746085 NM 000598.4 7 IGFBP3 3.04 ILMN 1751465 NM 001717.2 15 BNCl 3.03 ILMN 1679185 NM 016269.2 4 LEFl 3.03 ILMN 1902308 3.01 ILMN 1686555 NM 153047.1 6 FYN 3.01 ILMN 2364768 NM 053026.3 3 MYLK 3.00 ILMN 1756595 NM 018986.3 4 SH3TC1 3.00 ILMN 1726204 NM 007281.1 4 SCRGl 3.00 ILMN 1768301 NM 004449.3 2 1 ERG 3.00 ILMN 1717702 NM 031460.3 6 KCNKl 7 3.00 ILMN 1698885 NM 007050.5 20 PTPRT 3.00 ILMN 2213136 NM 016269.2 4 LEFl 2.99 ILMN 1765310 NM 080390.3 X TCEAL2 2.99 ILMN 1738552 NM 004172.3 5 SLCl A3 2.99 ILMN 1789507 NM 001854.3 1 COLI lAl 2.98 ILMN 1728734 NM 002781.2 19 PSG5 2.98 ILMN 1764577 NM 002405.2 22 MFNG 2.98 ILMN 1773388 NM 0251 13.1 13 C13orfl8 2.96 ILMN 1808245 NM 153225.2 8 RPESP 2.95 ILMN 1675992 NM 001723.4 6 DST 2.95 ILMN 1675797 NM 017549.3 7 EPDRl 2.95 ILMN 1746465 NM 014344.2 11 FJXl 2.95 ILMN 1657199 NM 001005389.1 1 NFASC 2.94 ILMN 1692058 NM 002487.2 15 NDN 2.94 ILMN 1716608 NM 002506.2 1 NGF 2.93 ILMN 1701402 NM 153687.2 12 IKIP 2.93 ILMN 1765363 NM 024423.1 18 DSC3 2.92 ILMN 1787265 NM 032772.3 10 ZNF503 2.91 ILMN 1719883 NM 021187.2 19 CYP4F11 2.91 ILMN 1691980 NM 032581.2 7 FAM126A 2.91 ILMN 1672536 NM 006486.2 22 FBLNl 2.91 ILMN 1712896 NM 006350.2 5 FST 2.90 ILMN 1665040 NM 001003793.1 3 RBMS3 2.90 ILMN 180241 1 NM 181501.1 5 ITGAl 2.90 ILMN 1699574 NM 003873.4 10 NRPl 2.89 ILMN 1698685 NM 002380.3 8 MATN2 2.89 ILMN 1772627 NM 001040101.1 4 D4S234E 2.89 ILMN 2169261 NM 003282.2 11 TNNI2 2.89 ILMN 1704247 NM 000227.2 18 LAMA3 2.88 ILMN 1808122 XR 019346.1 LOC652377 2.88 ILMN 1806733 NM 130445.2 2 1 COL18A1 2.86 ILMN 2196550 NM 0251 13.1 13 C13orfl8 2.86 ILMN 1655740 NM 003068.3 8 SNAI2 2.85 ILMN 2404917 NM 032550.2 10 AFAP 1L2 2.85 ILMN 1789638 NM 032793.2 1 MFSD2 2.85 ILMN 1780060 NM 003665.2 1 FCN3 2.84 ILMN 1713744 NM 020215.2 14 C14orfl32 2.84 ILMN 1673880 NM 004105.3 2 EFEMPl 2.84 ILMN 1660806 NM 001321.1 12 CSRP2 2.84 ILMN 2368318 NM 001042729.1 1 FGR 2.83 ILMN 1657435 NM 176870.2 16 MTlM 2.83 ILMN 2249920 NM 002037.3 6 FYN 2.83 ILMN 1721876 NM 003255.4 17 TIMP2 2.83 ILMN 1710268 NM 024697.1 3 ZNF385D 2.82 ILMN 1801833 NM 031305.2 4 ARHGAP24 2.82 ILMN 2062701 NM 002048.1 9 GASl 2.82 ILMN 2052891 NM 000297.2 4 PKD2 2.82 ILMN 180321 1 NM 012168.4 1 FBXO2 2.82 ILMN 167261 1 NM 001797.2 16 CDHI l 2.82 ILMN 1754103 NM 005602.4 3 CLDNI l 2.81 ILMN 2404256 NM 007050.4 20 PTPRT 2.81 ILMN 1779685 NM 001094.4 17 ACCNl 2.81 ILMN 1782057 NM 020452.2 1 ATP8B2 2.80 ILMN 1732296 NM 002167.2 1 ID3 2.80 ILMN 1742332 NM 138444.3 13 KCTD 12 2.79 ILMN 1792389 NM 152470.2 18 RNF 165 2.79 ILMN 1670899 NM 001999.3 5 FBN2 2.79 ILMN 1718295 NM 198993.2 17 STAC2 2.79 ILMN 1701461 NM 000362.4 22 TIMP3 2.79 ILMN 2215989 NM 005382.1 8 NEFM 2.78 ILMN 241 1781 NM 001042723.1 19 RYRl 2.78 ILMN 1784459 NM 002422.3 11 MMP3 2.78 ILMN 1691376 .NM 000214.1 20 JAGl 2.78 ILMN 1728572 NM 018431.3 20 DOK5 2.76 ILMN 2324002 NM 033157.2 7 CALDl 2.75 ILMN 1681984 NM 017540.3 5 GALNTlO 2.74 ILMN 1760849 NM 018092.3 16 NETO2 2.74 ILMN 1653856 NM 032873.3 11 STS-I 2.74 ILMN 2380801 NM 153048.1 6 FYN 2.73 ILMN 1861057 2.73 ILMN 1674050 NM 005202.1 1 . COL8A2 2.72 ILMN 1654598 NM 024726.3 2 IQCA 2.70 ILMN 1748323 NM 004887.3 5 CXCL 14 2.69 ILMN 1691413 NM 181689.1 20 NNAT 2.69 ILMN 1766925 NM 001257.3 16 CDH 13 2.69 ILMN 2389876 NM 015927.3 16 TGFBlIl 2.68 ILMN 1701731 NM 001628.2 7 AKRlBl 2.67 ILMN 1767934 NM 006200.2 9 PCSK5 2.67 ILMN 2295518 NM 001039705.1 X TRO 2.67 ILMN 1787190 NM 201266.1 2 NRP2 2.66 ILMN 1738854 NM 020925.2 1 CACHDl 2.66 ILMN 1790252 NM 003771.4 17 KRT36 2.66 ILMN 1735700 NM 007196.2 19 KLK8 2.66 ILMN 1680948 NM 012134.2 1 LMODl 2.66 ILMN 1890773 2.66 ILMN 1672124 NM 016613.4 4 C4orfl8 2.65 ILMN 1669362 NM 002178.2 12 IGFBP6 2.64 ILMN 1776953 NM 006097.3 20 MYL9 2.64 ILMN 171 1439 NM 007046.1 2 EMILINl 2.63 ILMN 1675507 NM 001004065.3 9 AKAP2 2.62 ILMN 2051972 NM 004484.2 X GPC3 2.62 ILMN 2402817 NM 00101801 1.1 11 ZBTB 16 2.62 ILMN 1691860 NM 199327.1 4 SPRYl 2.62 ILMN 1756049 NM 016575.1 12 NT5DC3 2.62 ILMN 1861376 2.62 ILMN 1764571 XM 290799.7 17 ARHGAP23 2.61 ILMN 1770044 NM 000745.2 15 CHRNA5 2.61 ILMN 1767448 NM 005780.1 13 LHFP 2.61 ILMN 1752658 NM 002507.1 17 NGFR 2.61 ILMN 1794863 NM 018584.5 1 CAMK2N1 2.60 ILMN 1796069 NM 182511.2 18 CBLN2 2.59 ILMN 1731374 NM 001873.1 4 CPE 2.59 ILMN 1714586 NM 016206.2 3 VGLL3 2.59 ILMN 1722809 NM 005010.3 7 NRCAM 2.59 ILMN 1651950 NM 003596.2 7 TPSTl 2.58 ILMN 1761968 NM 033256.1 19 PPPl R l4A 2.58 ILMN 2128931 NM 001447.1 5 FAT2 2.58 ILMN 1794598 NM 014575.2 3 SCHIPl 2.57 ILMN 2386291 NM 001080436.1 19 WTIP 2.57

ILMN 2129545 NM 021629.2 3 GNB4 2.43 ILMN 18.77022 2.42 ILMN 2150402 NM 001008495 2 8 TMEM64 2.42 ILMN 1715991 NM 004657.4 2 SDPR . 2.41 ILMN 1658261 NM 014994.1 15 MAPKBPl 2.41 ILMN 1898404 NM 000719.5 12 CACNAlC 2.41 ILMN 2064860 NM 001042507 1 19 LOC653499 2.41 ILMN 1729368 NM 031866.1 10 FZD8 2.40 ILMN 1755352 NM 177972.1 11 TUB 2.40 ILMN 1679797 NM 001 112.2 2 1 ADARBl 2.40 ILMN 1702973 NM 032181.1 2 TMEM 166 2.39 ILMN 1679836 NM 138567.2 11 SYT8 2.38 ILMN 2407799 NM 181339.1 1 IL24 2.38 ILMN 2196328 NM 006475.1 13 POSTN 2.37 ILMN 1792356 NM 006426.1 10 DPYSL4 2.37 ILMN 1755822 NM 033025.4 19 SYDEl 2.37 ILMN 2370624 NM 080805.2 10 COL13A1 2,37 ILMN 2411236 NM 005010.3 7 NRCAM 2.36 ILMN 2136089 NM 175621.2 MTE 2.36 ILMN 1706261 XM 941061.1 SLCO3A1 2.36 ILMN 2394276 NM 183380.1 6 DST 2.36 ILMN 2312764 NM 001042478 1 1 AJAPl 2.35 ILMN 2205963 NM 022153.1 10 C10orf54 2.35 ILMN 1656186 NM 173854.4 1 SLC41A1 2.35 ILMN 1907834 2.35 ILMN 2384122 NM 201525.1 16 GPR56 2.35 ILMN 1826572 2.34 ILMN 2407389 NM 002510.2 7 GPNMB 2.34 . ILMN 2169152 NM 002727.2 10 SRGN 2.34 ILMN 1913982 2.33 ILMN 1829768 2.33 ILMN 1746265 NM 015077.2 17 SARMl 2.33 ILMN 1663976 NM 003687.2 5 PDLIM4 2.33 ILMN 1674344 NM 032510.3 18 PARD6G 2.33 ILMN 1658569 XM 001 128786. 1 19 LOC728910 2.33 ILMN 1687301 NM 004385.2 5 VCAN 2.32 ILMN 1839051 2.32 ILMN 1801460 XM 940852.1 LOC651647 2.32 ILMN 1743241 NM 001037164. 1 7 ARL4A 2.32 ILMN 1661 156 NM 020718.3 16 USP31 2.31 ILMN 1751559 NM 024600.2 C16orβ O 2.31 ILMN 2133205 NM 002083.2 14 GPX2 2.30 ILMN 2395214 NM 198900.2 12 FMNL3 2.30 ILMN 1789639 NM 002023.3 1 FMOD 2.29 ILMN 1727815 NM 000204.2 4 CFI 2.29 ILMN 2139125. NM 152447.2 14 LRFN5 2.28 ILMN 1773459 NM 003108.3 2 SOXI l 2.28 ILMN 1807300 NM 000297.2 4 PKD2 2.28 ILMN 1750324 NM 000599.2 2 IGFBP5 2.28 ILMN 1809291 NM 004615.2 X TSPAN7 2.28 ILMN 1791494 XM 942780.2 SYNPO2 2.27 ILMN 1736096 NM 016941.2 19 DLL3 2.27 ILMN 1782761 NM 020809.2 11 ARHGAP20 2.27 ILMN 1652512 NM 015500.1 2 1 C2CD2 2.27 ILMN 2373791 NM 001040092 . 1 8 ENPP2 2.26 ILMN 1868465 2.26 ILMN 1664362 NM 032291.2 1 SGIPl 2.26 ILMN 2387385 NM 001013029 1 7 IGFBPl 2.26 ILMN 2041788 NM 005032.3 X PLS3 2.25 ILMN 1788203 NM 001040708 1 8 HEYl 2.25 ILMN 1716246 NM 001463.2 2 FRZB 2.25 ILMN 1672403 NM 007037.3 11 ADAMTS8 2.24 ILMN 1697548 NM 012302.2 1 LPHN2 2.24 ILMN 1713873 NM 001080427 1 2 THSD7B 2.24 ILMN 1853876 2.23 ILMN 1760493 NM 017980.3 2 LIMS2 2.23 ILMN 2129234 NM 031442.2 X TMEM47 2.22 ILMN 1717909 NM 018043.4 11 TMEM 16A 2.22 ILMN 1782581 NM 001947.2 3 DUSP7 2.22 ILMN 1714418 NM 182705.2 17 FAMlOlB 2.22 ILMN 1806607 NM 006142.3 1 SFN 2.22 ILMN 1673769 NM 002237.3 20 KCNGl 2.21 ILMN 1681 103 NM 198098.1 7 AQPl 2.21 ILMN 2138589 NM 006343.2 2 MERTK 2.21 ILMN 1676563 NM 002775.3 10 HTRAl 2.20 ILMN 1670325 NM 018242.2 17 SLC47A1 2.20 ILMN 2049021 NR 002734.1 8 PTTG3 2.20 ILMN 1760247 NM 001252.3 19 CD70 2.20 ILMN 1753196 NM 004219.2 5 PTTGl 2.19 ILMN 1719919 NM 033495.2 X KLHL 13 2.19 ILMN 1671473 NM 014600.1 2 EHD3 2.19 ILMN 1844408 NM 025179.3 1 PLXNA2 2.18 ILMN 2148668 NM 001268.2 13 RCBTB2 2.18 ILMN 2219002 NM 005554.3 12 KRT6A 2.18 ILMN 1909770 2.18 ILMN 1779257 NM 001250.4 20 CD40 2.17 ILMN 1770084 NM 006283.1 8 TACCl 2.17 ILMN 1786598 NM 021 110.1 8 COL14A1 2.17 ILMN 1694767 XM 942297.1 LOC652688 2.17 ILMN 2352097 NM 201524.1 16 GPR56 2.17 ILMN 1728202 NM 001097599. 1 3 TMEM22 2.16 ILMN 1790533 NM 001 100164. 1 6 PHACTR2 2.16 ILMN 2131447 NM 052953.2 3 LRRC3B 2.15 ILMN 1709486 NM 006307.3 X SRPX 2.15 ILMN 1700541 NM 001996.2 22 FBLNl 2.14 ILMN 1704369 NM 016357.3 12 LIMAl 2.14 ILMN 1798855 NM 005447.3 12 RASSF9 2.14 ILMN 1797735 NM 030806.3 1 Clorf21 2.14 ILMN 1847494 2.14 ILMN 1664537 .NM 004651.3 X USPI l 2.13 ILMN 1859524 2.13 ILMN 2342695 NM 033023.3 7 PDGFA 2.13 ILMN 2234187 NM 001801.2 5 CDOl 2.13 ILMN 1807169 NM 022164.1 1 TINAGLl 2.13 ILMN 1803094 NM 033135.3 11 PDGFD 2.12 ILMN 1802434 NM 175913.3 20 JPH2 2.12 ILMN 1715401 NM 005950.1 16 MTlG 2.12 ILMN 1792256 NM 005994.3 17 TBX2 2.1 1 ILMN 1702636 NM 032525.1 18 TUBB6 2.1 1 ILMN 2317543 NM 001005731.1 17 ITGB4 2.1 1 ILMN 1690454 NM 203370.1 3 C3orf54 2.10 ILMN 2319326 NM 015833.2 2 1 ADARBl 2.10 ILMN 1801223 XM 059037.7 19 WTIP 2.10 ILMN 1685608 NM 002523.1 7 NPTX2 2.10 ILMN 1660552 NM 021073.2 6 BMP5 2.10 ILMN 1683148 NM 198859.2 3 PRICKLE2 2.09 ILMN 2376403 NM 004089.3 X TSC22D3 2.09 ILMN 1666819 NM 015157.1 11 PHLDBl 2.09 ILMN 1769288 XM 944321.1 LOC402560 2.09 ILMN 1676616 NM 002851.2 7 PTPRZl 2.09 ILMN 1746013 NM 004598.3 5 SPOCKl 2.08 ILMN 176301 1 NM 024728.1 7 C7orΩ0 2.08 ILMN 2377199 NM 014031.3 5 SLC27A6 2.08 ILMN 1656410 NM 004621.4 11 TRPC6 2.08 ILMN 1704063 NM 012284.1 12 KCNH3 2.07 ILMN 1733249 NM 021629.3 3 GNB4 2.07 ILMN 1872457 2.07 ILMN 1720606 NM 020871.3 X LRCH2 2.07 ILMN 2334210 NM 001005619.1 17 ITGB4 2.07 ILMN 1679262 NM 001387.2 5 DPYSL3 2.07 ILMN 1769891 NM 001794.2 20 CDH4 2.07 ILMN 2379326 NM 145333.1 6 MAP3K7 2.06 ILMN 1663454 NM 001005337.1 1 PKPl 2.06 ILMN 1684554 NM 001856.3 1 COL16A1 2.06 ILMN 1809813 NM 002632.4 14 PGF 2.06 ILMN 2343278 NM 176895.1 5 PPAP2A 2.05 ILMN 2061565 NM 014638.2 1 PLCH2 2.05 ILMN 1689237 NM 147147.2 6 BVES 2.05 ILMN 1865764 2.05 ILMN 1737965 NM 022726.2 6 ELOVL4 2.05 ILMN 1668312 NM 001001290.1 4 SLC2A9 2.05 ILMN 1717639 NM 173354.3 2 1 SNFlLK 2.04 ILMN 1669888 NM 005213.3 . 3 CSTA 2.04 ILMN 1674620 NM 001099400.1 7 SGCE 2.04 ILMN 1873624 2.04 ILMN 1738420 NM 001010866.1 1 TMEM201 2.03 ILMN 2 112256 NM 003327.2 1 TNFRSF4 2.02 ILMN 1713384 XM 939253.1 LOC654096 2.02 ILMN 1806787 NM 014460.2 22 CSDC2 2.01 ILMN 16861 16 NM 003246.2 15 THBSl 2.01 ILMN 1735353 NM 024337.3 5 IRXl 2.01 ILMN 1769704 XR 015133.1 14 FLJ39632 2.01 ILMN 1809483 NM 016246.2 19 HSD17B14 2.01 ILMN 1710937 NM 005531.1 1 IFI 16 2.01 ILMN 2067269 NM 021 111.1 9 RECK 2.00 ILMN 2136446 NM 003798.1 9 CTNNALl 2.00 ILMN 1759097 NM 006818.3 1 MLLTI l 2.00 ILMN 1675873 XM 001 132419.1 SLC35F3 2.00 ILMN 1701967 NM 183001.3 1 SHCl 2.00 ILMN 217361 1 NM 175617.3 16 MTlE 2.00 ILMN 1858624 2.00 ILMN 1699562 NM 024593.2 8 EFCABl 2.00 ILMN 1674629 NM 032823.3 9 C9orβ 2.00 ILMN 2237428 NM 001037582.1 4 SCD5 1.99 ILMN 173461 1 NM 000710.2 14 BDKRBl 1.99 ILMN 2188521 NM 015480.1 3 PVRL3 1.99 ILMN 2376859 NM 025208.4 11 PDGFD 1.99 ILMN 1678692 NM 201274.2 17 M-RIP 1.98 ILMN 1681780 NM 173576.1 10 MKX 1.98 ILMN 1733756 NM 080645.2 6 COL12A1 1.98 ILMN 1773553 XM 928441.1 6 FLJ46906 1.98 ILMN 1786766 NM 006750.3 16 SNTB2 1.97 ILMN 2180371 NM 013300.1 12 C12orf24 1.97 ILMN 1771800 NM 002737.2 17 PRKCA 1.97 ILMN 2195462 NM 031909.1 11 C1QTNF4 1.97 ILMN 1808374 NM 006750.2 16 SNTB2 1.97 ILMN 2396287 NM 134433.1 19 RFX2 1.97 ILMN 2073446 NM 023938.4 1 Clorfl l 1.96 ILMN 2281069 NM 182679.1 1 GPATCH4 1.96 ILMN 1740005 NM 000934.3 17 SERPINF2 1.96 ILMN 1792681 NM 024098.1 11 CCDC86 1.96 ILMN 1696048 NM 032849.2 13 C13orD3 1.96 ILMN 1707720 NM 005628.1 19 SLC 1A5 1.96 ILMN 2120273 NM 003916.3 X AP1S2 1.96 ILMN 1706498 NM 013352.2 6 DSE 1.96 ILMN 1912185 1.96 ILMN 2067101 NM 019014.3 2 POLRlB 1.95 ILMN 2194009 NM 005845.2 13 ABCC4 1.95 ILMN 1752548 NM 207392.1 19 KRTDAP 1.95 ILMN 1661708 NM 002307.1 19 LGALS7 1.95 ILMN 2141482 NM 002615.4 17 SERPINFl 1.94 ILMN 1750496 NM 006006.4 11 ZBTB 16 1.94 ILMN 2214790 NM 002291.1 7 LAMBl 1.94 ILMN 1723978 NM 002305.3 22 LGALSl 1.94 ILMN 1652287 NM 005450.2 17 NOG 1.94 ILMN 1672121 NM 001013635.2 12 LOC387856 1.93 ILMN 1660624 NM 001031801.1 22 LIMK2 1.93 ILMN 1765274 NM 007058.2 6 CAPNI l 1.93 ILMN 2233366 NM 018482.2 8 DDEFl 1.92 ILMN 1737252 NM 013962.2 8 NRGl 1.92 ILMN 1806320 NM 003622.2 12 PPFIBPl 1.92 ILMN 1909156 1.92 ILMN 1718968 NM 175617.2 16 MTlE 1.92 ILMN 1677628 NM 003415.1 12 ZNF268 1.92 ILMN 1887216 1.92 ILMN 1721901 NM 003798.2 9 CTNNALl 1.92 ILMN 1696870 NM 004257.3 2 TGFBRAPl 1.91 ILMN 1751028 NM 001235.2 11 SERPINHl 1.91 ILMN 1730504 NM 020133.2 6 AGPAT4 1.91 ILMN 1688295 NM 016423.1 14 ZNF219 1.91 ILMN 1815812 NM 013399.2 16 C16orf5 1.91 ILMN 1667372 XM 945957.1 LOC650517 1.91 ILMN 1674785 NM 001844.3 12 COL2A1 1.90 ILMN 1723048 NM 020435.2 1 GJC2 1.90 ILMN 2087646 NM 021958.2 1 HLX 1.90 ILMN 1852166 1.89 ILMN 2385220 NM 004401.2 1 DFFA 1.89 ILMN 1900270 1.89 ILMN 1654262 NM 152240.1 3 ZMAT3 1.88 ILMN 1677432 NM 020762.1 12 SRGAPl 1.88 ILMN 1739161 NM 00371 1.2 5 PPAP2A 1.87 ILMN 1747650 NM 001718.4 6 BMP6 1.87 ILMN 1913641 1.87 ILMN 1843403 1.87 ILMN 1759487 NM 182801.1 5 EGFLAM 1.87 ILMN 2399588 NM 199263.1 13 THSDl 1.87 ILMN 2297626 NM 001040152.1 7 PEGlO 1.86 ILMN 2357134 NM 021972.2 17 SPHKl 1.86 ILMN 2324994 NM 201612.1 12 IKIP 1.86 ILMN 2403047 NM 144996.2 3 ARL 13B 1.86 ILMN 1677261 NM 021020.1 8 LZTSl 1.86 ILMN 1714741 XM 943533.1 LOC346887 1.86 ILMN 1660942 XM 934316.1 16 LOC653352 1.86 ILMN 18131 17 NM 002207.2 3 ITGA9 1.85 ILMN 1748591 NM 002539.1 2 ODCl 1.85 ILMN 1723969 NM 015192.2 20 PLCBl 1.85 ILMN 1671295 NM 031455.2 10 CCDC3 1.85 ILMN 1796335 NM 017839.3 16 LPCAT2 1.85 ILMN 1666894 NM 001897.4 15 CSPG4 1.84 ILMN 2167426 NM 020437.3 22 ASPHD2 1.84 ILMN 1717262 NM 006404.3 20 PROCR 1.84 ILMN 2359287 NM 000210.2 2 ITGA6 1.84 ILMN 1709094 NM 002310.3 5 LIFR 1.84 ILMN 1789384 NM 181701.3 9 QSOX2 1.84 ILMN 1813641 NM 017723.2 9 C9orΩ67 1.83 ILMN 2179717 NM 004816.2 9 C9orf61 1.83 ILMN 1689972 NM 004704.3 3 RRP9 1.83 ILMN 1707529 NM 031920.2 12 ARG99 1.82 ILMN 1748890 NM 007223.1 15 GPRl 76 1.81 ILMN 1658847 XM 939432.1 MGC61598 1.81 ILMN 1712026 NM 001079821.1 1 NLRP3 1.80 ILMN 1715508 NM 006169.2 11 NNMT 1.80 ILMN 1757210 NM 001031733.1 15 CALML4 1.80 ILMN 2221046 NM 000405.3 5 GM2A 1.80 ILMN 2340908 NM 001037540.1 X SCMLl 1.80 ILMN 1904578 1.79 ILMN 1781614 XM 945685.1 GAS6 1.79 ILMN 1761858 NM 033290.2 X MIDI 1.79 ILMN 1806349 NM 005629.1 X SLC6A8 1.78 ILMN 2229877 NM 019035.2 4 PCDH 18 1.78 ILMN 1741566 NM 001719.1 20 BMP7 1.78 . ILMN 1706935 NM 022742.3 7 CCDCl 36 1.78 ILMN 1794632 NM 019014.3 2 POLRlB 1.78 ILMN 1900520 1.78 ILMN 1691648 NM 177556.1 X TRO 1.78 ILMN 1714159 NM 033631.2 1 LUZPl 1.78 ILMN 1742544 NM 002397.2 5 MEF2C 1.78 ILMN 1903783 1.77 ILMN 2089329 NM 005842.2 13 SPRY2 1.77 ILMN 1781060 NM 133625.3 3 SYN2 1.77 ILMN 1846771 1.77 ILMN 2329927 NM 016818.2 2 1 ABCGl 1.77 ILMN 1704446 NR 003083.2 16 SLC6A10P 1.77 ILMN 176641 1 NM 003916.3 X AP1S2 1.77 ILMN 1699489 XM 940079.1 TUBB6 1.77 ILMN 1798373 NM 001008949.1 2 KIAA1754L 1.77 ILMN 2371433 NM 000381.1 X MIDI 1.76 ILMN 1660754 XM 931068.1 13 C13orG5 1.76 ILMN 1675612 NM 006698.2 20 BLCAP 1.76 ILMN 1795442 NM 002290.2 6 LAMA4 1.76 ILMN 2324989 NM 201612.1 12 IKIP 1.76 ILMN 1774153 NM 182965.1 17 SPHKl 1.76 ILMN 1774127 NM 003149.1 3 STAC 1.75 ILMN 1651343 NM 001004439.1 15 ITGAl 1 1.75 ILMN 2225974 NM 002061.2 1 GCLM 1.74 ILMN 171 1662 NM 021 186.2 1 ZP4 1.74 ILMN 1722713 NM 006487.2 22 FBLNl 1.74 ILMN 2328776 NM 001042453.1 X MST4 1.73 ILMN 1670379 NM 032208.1 2 ANTXRl 1.73 ILMN 1676194 XR 019109.1 LOC650517 1.73 ILMN 1653125 NM 002616.1 17 PERl 1.73 ILMN 1690963 NM 018482.2 8 DDEFl 1.72 ILMN 1662963 NM 032289.2 5 PSD2 1.72 ILMN 2081087 NM 025015.2 10 HSPA12A 1.72 ILMN 1684086 NM 000623.2 14 BDKRB2 1.72 ILMN 1671046 NM 001541.2 11 HSPB2 1.72 ILMN 2359627 NM 006538.3 2 BCL2L1 1 1.72 ILMN 1727098 NM 015568.2 20 PPP1R16B 1.71 ILMN 1727633 NM 015480.1 3 PVRL3 1.71 ILMN 1821887 1.70 ILMN 1729225 NM 020777.1 4 SORCS2 1.70 ILMN 1812559 NM 001076785. 1 16 SLC7A6 1.70 ILMN 1682062 NM 001042723. 1 19 RYRl 1.70 ILMN 1705210 NM 18171 1.2 12 GRASP 1.70 ILMN 1673639 NM 015429.2 3 ABI3BP 1.70 ILMN 1697088 NM 024742.1 16 ARMC5 1.70 ILMN 1659075 NM 0021 19.3 6 HLA-DOA 1.69 ILMN 1722227 NM 054032.2 11 MRGPRX4 1.69 ILMN 1795344 NM 014498.2 3 GOLPH4 1.69 ILMN 1795520 XM 934895.1 17 LOC440421 1.69 ILMN 1665884 NM 001029874. 1 12 REPl 5 1.69 ILMN 1693941 NM 020789.2 1 IGSF9 1.68 ILMN 2091310 NM 018043.4 11 TMEM 16A 1.68 ILMN 1786601 NM 002657.2 20 PLAGL2 1.68 ILMN 1700606 NM 017763.3 17 RNF43 1.68 ILMN 1685275 NM 006500.2 11 MCAM 1.68 ILMN 2347298 NM 0221 17.1 X TSPYL2 1.67 ILMN 1797372 NM 173552.2 3 C3orf58 1.67 ILMN 1800787 NM 015150.1 3 RFTNl 1.67 ILMN 1766541 NM 006538.3 2 BCL2L1 1 1.67 ILMN 1786697 NM 052978.3 14 TRIM9 1.67 ILMN 1732468 NM 014278.2 4 HSPA4L 1.67 ILMN 1722524 NM 024572.2 2 GALNT 14 1.66 ST6GALNA ILMN 1691736 NM 013443.3 9 C6 1.66 ILMN 1809323 NM 032342.1 9 C9orfl25 1.66 ILMN 1737360 XR 001421.1 TSPYL3 1.66 ILMN 2384770 NM 182799.1 5 EGFLAM 1.66 ILMN 1773153 XM 939204.1 LOC6501 11 1.66 ILMN 1652413 NM 033199.3 3 UCN2 1.66 ILMN 1675577 NM 152307.2 14 C14orfl72 1.66 ILMN 2058251 NM 003380.2 10 VIM 1.65 ILMN 1753931 NM 001801.2 5 CDOl 1.65 ILMN 2324561 NM 001076785. 1 16 SLC7A6 1.64 ILMN 1770610 NM 006343.2 2 MERTK 1.64 ILMN 2120555 NM 021 116.1 7 ADCYl 1.64 TT 1V/TN.T 1 T TRP4 I Q 1 - ILMN 1743714 NM 014550.3 22 CARDlO 1.64 ILMN 1657554 NM 0221 17.1 X TSPYL2 1.64 ILMN 1693009 NM 006682.1 7 FGL2 1:64 ILMN 2383305 NM 182679.1 1 GPATCH4 1.64 ILMN 1784553 NM 002998.3 8 SDC2 1.64 ILMN 2399893 NM 001026.3 10 RPS24 1.63 ILMN 2348268 NM 080730.2 12 IFFO 1.63 ILMN 2200331 NM 002105.2 11 H2AFX 1.63 ILMN 2086105 NM 030964.2 5 SPRY4 1.63 ILMN 1664154 XM 498510.2 LOC440030 1.63 ILMN 1796628 NM 014244.2 5 ADAMTS2 1.63 ILMN 1802524 NM 003259.2 19 ICAM5 1.63 ILMN 1899760 1.63 ILMN 1729117 NM 000393.3 2 COL5A2 1.63 ILMN 1709860 NM 001039675.1 15 UNC45A 1.62 ILMN 1740508 NM 001014797.1 10 KCNMAl 1.62 ILMN 1676159 NM 016542.3 X MST4 1.62 ILMN 1838942 1.62 ILMN 1718285 NM 022658.3 12 HOXC8 1.62 ILMN 2390526 NM 016152.2 3 RARB 1.62 ILMN 1764158 NM 020795.2 17 NLGN2 1.62 ILMN 1722239 NM 004085.2 X TIMM8A 1.62 ILMN 1680251 NM 001013031.1 10 SORCSl . 1.62 ILMN 1702822 NM 006180.3 9 NTRK2 1.61 ILMN 1807423 NM 006547.2 7 IGF2BP3 1.61 ILMN 1706357 NM 000635.2 19 RFX2 1.61 ILMN 1702009 NM 014849.2 1 SV2A 1.61 ILMN 1704055 NM 016391.3 5 HSPClIl 1.61 ILMN 1767470 NM 021626.1 17 SCPEPl 1.61 ILMN 1800898 NM 001 172.3 14 ARG2 1.61 ILMN 1706969 NM 152731.2 6 C6orf65 1.60 ILMN 2375032 NM 001080450.1 6 KIAA1553 1.60 ILMN 1813175 NM 014921.3 19 LPHNl 1.60 ILMN 2364174 NM 001892.4 5 CSNKlAl 1.60 ILMN 17291 15 XM 941060.1 LOC651816 1.60 ILMN 2072973 NM 004618.3 17 TOP3A 1.59 ILMN 2085446 NM 033213.2 1 ZNF670 1.59 ILMN 1703684 NM 021963.2 X NAP1L2 1.59 ILMN 1872404 1.59 ILMN 2383964 NM 145701.1 14 CDCA4 1.59 ILMN 1733415 NM 003480.2 12 MFAP5 1.58 ILMN 1767514 XM 926112.2 6 LOC441155 1.58 ILMN 1797594 NM 173215.1 16 NFAT5 1.58 ILMN 1669709 NM 023943.1 3 TMEM 108 1.58 ILMN 1712360 NM 003880.2 6 WISP3 1.58 ILMN 1773940 NM 007369.2 1 GPRl 6 1 . 1.58 ILMN 1804357 NM 001098721.1 1 GNG4 1.58 ILMN 1681515 NM 004750.2 19 CRLFl 1.58 ILMN 1676406 NM 001012762.1 16 C16orf84 1.58 ILMN 2163790 NM 033043.1 19 CGB5 1.58 ILMN 1676709 NM 019064.3 17 SDK2 1.58 ILMN 1783627 NM 001042443.1 5 CAST 1.57 ILMN 1800425 NM 003047.2 1 SLC9A1 1.57 ILMN 1701837 NM 007246.2 4 KLHL2 1.57 ILMN 1669201 NM 007189.1 7 ABCF2 1.56 ILMN 1782538 NM 003380.2 10 VIM 1.56 ILMN 1782412 NM 033267.3 5 IRX2 1.56 ILMN 2078592 NM 032744.1 6 C6orfl05 1.56 ILMN 1693635 NM 0221 17.1 X TSPYL2 1.56 ILMN 1726459 NM 178864.2 11 NPAS4 1.56 ILMN 1719975 NM 014620.4 12 HOXC4 1.55 ILMN 2362232 NM 018555.5 19 ZNF331 1.55 ILMN 1688098 NM 014832.2 13 TBCl D4 1.55 ILMN 1754795 NM 005245.3 4 FAT 1.55 ILMN 1777301 NM 182896.1 3 ARL 13B 1.55 ILMN 1682463 NM 001001873.2 11 LOC283174 1.55 ILMN 1739640 NM 003737.2 11 DCHSl 1.55 ILMN 2405324 NM 170743.2 1 IL28RA 1.55 ILMN 1670263 NM 152609.1 1 Clorf71 1.55 ILMN 1748124 NM 198057.2 X TSC22D3 1.54 ILMN 1735151 NM 020390.5 3 EIF5A2 1.54 ILMN 1808157 NM 138290.1 7 RUNDC3B 1.54 ILMN 1742923 NM 173548.1 19 ZNF584 1.54 ILMN 1685433 NM 020351.2 3 COL8A1 1.54 ILMN 2 113728 NM 152509.1 22 FLJ31568 1.54 ILMN 1695947 NM 174934.2 11 SCN4B 1.54 ILMN 2262444 NM 002604.1 8 PDE7A 1.53 ILMN 1708861 NM 052953.2 3 LRRC3B 1.53 ILMN 1786852 NM 033089.6 20 ZCCHC3 1.53 ILMN 1734543 NM 130435.2 10 PTPRE 1.53 ILMN 1807609 NM 016642.2 15 SPTBN5 1.53 ILMN 1721022 NM 003029.3 1 SHCl 1.53 ILMN 1812570 NM 003029.3 1 SHCl 1.53 ILMN 1798030 NM 004736.2 1 XPRl 1.53 ILMN 2092232 NM 018128.4 17 TSRl 1.53 ILMN 231 1052 NM 080815.2 10 COL13A1 1.53 ILMN 1669703 NM 005781.4 3 TNK2 1.52 ILMN 1762531 NM 002010.1 13 FGF9 1.52 ILMN 2104106 NM 004736.2 1 XPRl 1.52 ILMN 1786648 NM 020956.2 19 PRX 1.52 ILMN 1786186 NM 178025.1 20 GGTL3 1.51 ILMN 1715693 XM 498571.2 LOC440160 1.51 ILMN 2310896 NM 004895.3 1 NLRP3 1.51 ILMN 1779428 NM 001013635.2 12 LOC387856 1.51 ILMN 1774088 XR 019109.1 LOC650517 1.51 ILMN 2394264 NM 014233.2 17 UBTF 1.51 ILMN 2177823 NM 201628.1 1 FLJ43806 1.51 ILMN 1799600 NM 014725.2 X STARD8 1.50 ILMN 1814812 XM 942469.1 LOC650546 1.50 ILMN 1754643 NM 022719.2 22 DGCR14 1.50 ILMN 171 1254 NM 006784.1 1 WDR3 1.50 ILMN 1828216 1.50 ILMN 1656647 XM 945735.1 LOC649944 1.49 ILMN 1779184 NM 001012762.1 16 C16orf84 1.49 ILMN 1796130 XM 927609.1 6 LOC221710 1.49 ILMN 1758090 NM 078469.1 10 BCCIP 1.49 ILMN 1659285 NM 203433.1 2 1 PSMGl 1.49 ILMN 1698191 NM 006089.1 X SCML2 1.48 ILMN 1669772 NM 002332.2 12 LRPl 1.48 ILMN 1763326 NM 198567.2 5 C5orG5 1.48 ILMN 2360730 NM 001233.3 7 CAV2 1.48 ILMN 1786347 NM 153188.2 5 TNPOl 1.48 ILMN 1707070 NM 002593.2 7 PCOLCE 1.48 ILMN 171 1199 NM 001079907.1 19 ZNF331 1.48 ILMN 1855430 XM 001 134053.1 19 LOC 199800 1.48 ILMN 1692973 NM 001714.2 12 BICDl 1.48 ILMN 1705407 NM 006392.2 20 NOL5A 1.47 ILMN 1728663 NM 017563.1 3 IL 17RD 1.47 ILMN 1703053 NM 053023.3 11 ZFP91 1.47 ILMN 1723436 NM 001018053.1 1 PFKFB2 1.46 ILMN 1669557 NM 001039775.1 1 AIMlL 1.46 ILMN 2380418 NM 001003800.1 9 BICD2 1.46 ILMN 2 115991 NM 003283.3 19 TNNTl 1.46 ILMN 2364131 NM 024331.3 20 C20orfl21 1.46 ILMN 1808196 NM 004832.1 10 GSTOl 1.46 ILMN 1791006 NM 017651.3 6 AHIl 1.46 ILMN 1793770 NM 058246.3 7 DNAJB6 1.46 ILMN 2094952 NM 030952.1 1 NUAK2 1.46 ILMN 1670912 NM 001616.3 2 ACVR2A 1.46 ILMN 1680774 XM 001 132373.1 LOC730994 1.46 ILMN 1756784 NM 014286.2 9 FREQ 1.46 ILMN 1662556 NM 198321.2 5 GALNTlO 1.46 ILMN 2398235 NM 181504.2 5 PIK3R1 1.46 ILMN 1756793 NM 006999.3 5 POLS 1.45 ILMN 1725417 NM 006159.1 12 NELL2 1.45 ILMN 1806946 NM 001076683.1 17 UBTF 1.45 ILMN 1652677 NM 198552.1 1 FAM89A 1.45 ILMN 2342068 NM 178037.1 12 ERCl 1.45 ILMN 1751904 NM 0001 15.1 13 EDNRB 1.45 ILMN 1808395 NM 014716.2 17 CENTBl 1.45 ILMN 2129927 NM 000127.2 8 EXTl 1.45 ILMN 1674380 NM 003304.4 3 TRPCl 1.44 ILMN 1770963 NM 005468.2 11 NAALADLl 1.44 ILMN 1784977 NM 031304.3 19 DOHH 1.44 ILMN 1767658 NM 015169.3 8 RRSl 1.44 ILMN 1789775 XM 001125771.1 WDR74 1.44 ILMN 2107068 NM 006735.3 7 HOXA2 1.44 ILMN 2154950 NM 015069.2 16 ZNF423 1.44 ILMN 1805158 NM 005681.2 1 TAFlA 1.44 ILMN 2243036 NM 005328.1 8 HAS2 1.44 ILMN 1730945 NM 012109.1 19 C19orf4 1.44 ILMN 176991 1 NM 030674.3 12 SLC38A1 1.44 ILMN 1713550 NM 001017404.1 1 LGR6 1.43 ILMN 1675343 NM 024409.1 2 NPPC 1.43 ILMN 1674706 NM 006636.3 2 MTHFD2 1.43 ILMN 2396020 NM 022652.2 12 DUSP6 1.43 ILMN 1868668 1.43 ILMN 1733627 NM 015277.3 18 NEDD4L 1.43 ILMN 1658586 XM 001 132077.1 1 LOC730012 1.43 ILMN 1808591 XM 001 129232.1 LOC731049 1.43 ILMN 1823698 1.42 ILMN 1782331 NM 00321 1.3 12 TDG 1.42 ILMN 1756417 NM 181726.2 4 ANKRD37 1.42 ILMN 2209515 NR 002739.1 20 SNORD56 1.42 ILMN 1706203 NM 018013.3 6 SOBP 1.41 ILMN 1770800 NM 153703.3 1 PODN 1.41 ILMN 1914927 1.41 ILMN 1761260 NM 014900.3 2 COBLLl 1.41 ILMN 1692271 NM 031443.3 7 CCM2 1.41 ILMN 1660794 XM 001 132517.1 LBH 1.41 ILMN 1697916 NM 152312.3 11 GYLTLlB 1.41 ILMN 1761044 NM 053004.2 22 GNBlL 1.41 ILMN 1660995 NM 000479.2 19 AMH 1.41 ILMN 1785756 XM 001 129173.1 LOC731314 1.41 ILMN 1812096 NM 145296.1 19 CADM4 1.41 ILMN 2316386 NM 001077191.1 2 GPBARl 1.41 ILMN 1754860 NM 021 107.1 19 MRPS 12 1.41 ILMN 2400759 NM 03131 1.3 7 CPVL 1.41 ILMN 1687375 NM 001681.2 12 ATP2A2 1.40 ILMN 2285817 NM 198552.1 1 FAM89A 1.40 ILMN 1659316 NM 152722.4 11 HEPACAM 1.40 ILMN 1687960 NM 016733.2 22 LIMK2 1.40 ILMN 2328433 NM 006170.2 12 NOLI 1.40 ILMN 1743402 NM 017420.3 14 SIX4 1.40 ILMN 1754921 NM 207334.1 1 FAM43B 1:40 ILMN 1703558 NM 004468.3 1 FHL3 1.40 ILMN 1749667 NM 052843.2 1 OBSCN 1.39 ILMN 172051 1 NM 020873.5 3 LRRNl 1.39 ILMN 1667361 NM 016429.2 17 COPZ2 1.39 ILMN 1751630 NM 182499.3 1 TDRDlO 1.39 ILMN 1701094 NM 018941.3 8 CLN8 1.39 ILMN 1680018 NM 020639.2 2 1 RIPK4 1.39 ILMN 1755638 NM 024885.2 X TAF7L 1.39 ILMN 1761 181 NM 024654.3 1 NOL9 1.39 ILMN 18821 12 1.39 ILMN 1727426 NM 182918.2 2 1 ERG 1.38 ILMN 1710075 XM 939093.1 FAM89A 1.38 ILMN 1676689 NM 138717.1 6 PPT2 1.38 ILMN 2395375 NM 021905.1 6 GABBRl 1.38 ILMN 2227573 NM 004832.1 10 GSTOl 1.38 ILMN 1739601 NM 002442.2 12 MSIl 1.37 ILMN 215271 1 NM 001616.3 2 ACVR2A 1.37 ILMN 1738699 NM 004860.2 17 FXR2 1.37 ILMN 1683950 NM 152244.1 17 SNXI l 1.37 ILMN 1746686 NM 203290.1 6 POLRlC 1.37 ILMN 1696450 NM 002257.2 19 KLKl 1.37 ILMN 1715864 NM 198270.2 X NHS 1.37 ILMN 1703412 NM 014572.2 13 LATS2 1.37 ILMN 1757081 NM 003178.4 3 SYN2 1.37 ILMN 1705743 NM 018071.3 14 FLJ10357 1.37 ILMN 1779264 NM 003720.2 2 1 PSMGl 1.37 ILMN 1764043 NM 153712.4 2 TTL 1.37 ILMN 1734608 NM 021217.1 19 ZNF77 1.37 ILMN 2377185 NM 007108.2 16 TCEB2 1.37 ILMN 17777'59 NM 001013690.1 12 LOC401720 1.36 ILMN 1762407 NM 031215.2 20 CABLES2 1.36 ILMN 1696391 NM 002303.3 1 LEPR 1.36 ILMN 2136455 NM 173654.1 3 C3orf64 1.36 ILMN 1726064 NM 017906.2 6 PAKlIPl 1.36 ILMN 1807919 NM 022648.3 2 TNSl 1.36 ILMN 2332250 NM 007274.3 1 ACOT7 1.36 ILMN 1709399 NM 207348.1 1 SLC25A34 1.36 ILMN 1695430 XM 943551.1 DDBl 1.36 ILMN 1655230 NM 017725.1 1 GPATC4 1.36 ILMN 1756935 NM 032523.2 2 OSBPL6 1.36 ILMN 1744442 NM 001039199.1 20 C20orfl21 1.36 ILMN 1703803 NM 014243.1 4 ADAMTS3 1.36 ILMN 1719433 NM 001766.3 1 CDlD 1.36 ILMN 1785037 XM 945430.1 SSR2 1.36 ILMN 1667239 NM 002194.2 2 INPPl 1.36 ILMN 1879879 1.35 ILMN 1732554 NM 012279.2 5 ZNF346 1.35 ILMN 1690576 NM 004640.5 6 BATl 1.35 ILMN 1805696 NM 213566.1 1 DFFA 1.35 ILMN 1803728 NM 001001479.2 22 SLC35E4 1.35 ILMN 1682792 NM 004053.3 6 BYSL 1.35 ILMN 1851610 1.35 ILMN 1656977 NM 198047.1 2 HIBCH 1.35 ILMN 1666665 NM 173465.2 5 COL23A1 1.35 ILMN 1754660 NM 153367.2 10 C10orf56 1.34 ILMN 1735743 NM 153214.1 2 FBLN7 1.34 ILMN 1823809 1.34 ILMN 1801664 NM 016310.2 16 POLR3K 1.34 ILMN 2342515 NM 181425.1 9 FXN 1.34 ILMN 1816251 1.34 ILMN 1723909 NM 00101 1538.2 4 LOC402176 1.34 ILMN 1712046 NM 019609.3 20 CPXMl 1.34 ILMN 1727134 NM 020782.1 12 KLHDC5 1.33 ILMN 1813139 NM 182703.3 15 ANKDDlA 1.33 ILMN 1729439 NM 001082.3 19 CYP4F2 1.33 ILMN 1695829 NM 032646.5 17 TTYH2 1.33 ILMN 1761912 NM 002406.2 5 MGATl 1.33 ILMN 2347748 NM 023008.2 19 FLJl 2949 1.33 ILMN 1812549 NM 152509.1 22 FLJ31568 1.33 ILMN 1804851 NM 015969.2 7 MRPS 17 1.33 ILMN 1767219 NM 203290.1 6 POLRlC 1.33 ILMN 1684440 NM 002859.1 12 PXN 1.33 ILMN 2054145 NM 017906.2 6 PAKlIPl 1.33 ILMN 1681670 NM 001 151.2 4 SLC25A4 1.33 ILMN 181 1692 NM 017647.2 17 FTSJ3 1.33 ILMN 1727156 NM 001012301.1 5 ARSI 1.33 ILMN 1726989 NM 182533.1 1 Clorf86 1.33 ILMN 2367818 NM 152854.2 20 CD40 1.33 ILMN 1742781 NM 018240.4 1 KIRREL 1.33 ILMN 1767253 NM 015179.2 10 RRP12 1.32 ILMN 1740265 NM 181864.2 1 ACOT7 1.32 ILMN 1737036 NM 178026.2 20 GGT7 1.32 ILMN 1795158 NM 005248.2 1 FGR 1.32 ILMN 1703205 NM 207032.1 20 EDN3 1.32 ILMN 1652749 NM 006494.1 19 ERF 1.32 ILMN 2289381 NM 013253.4 11 DKK3 1.32 ILMN 1776861 NM 001079870.1 17 HAPl 1.32 ILMN 1705876 NM 139207.1 12 NAPlLl 1.32 ILMN 1680617 NM 025179.3 1 PLXN A2 1.32 ILMN 1692100 NM 003420.3 3 ZNF35 1.32 ILMN 1676296 NM 176895.1 5 PPAP2A 1.32 ILMN 1792660 NM 203459.1 1 CAMSAPlLl 1.32 ILMN 1790154 NM 138415.1 22 PHF21B 1.31 ILMN 1746618 NM 178422.4 1 PAQR7 1.31 ILMN 1844692 NM 201559.2 6 FOXO3 1.31 ILMN 2397024 NM 001007230.1 17 SPOP 1.31 ILMN 1718514 NM 001031850.2 19 PSG6 1.31 ILMN 1660204 NM 014987.1 11 IGSF9B 1.31 ILMN 1805643 NM 178314.2 12 RILPLl 1.31 ILMN 1759350 NM 004269.2 9 MED27 1.31 ILMN 2099745 NM 0221 12.1 11 P53AIP1 1.31 ILMN 1673753 XM 936103.1 LOC642033 1.31 ILMN 1776000 NM 001008394.1 12 EID3 1.31 ILMN 2317658 NM 001012661.1 11 SLC3A2 1.31 ILMN 2382488 NM 001012759.1 16 C16orf84 1.31 ILMN 1681249 NM 017641.2 12 KIF21A 1.31 ILMN 1680380 XM 939199.1 ATXN2L 1.30 . ILMN 2098297 NM 018059.3 7 FLJ10324 1.30 ILMN 1743836 NM 001008528.1 17 MXRA7 1.30 ILMN 1830878 1.30 ILMN 1775441 NM 031305.2 4 ARHGAP24 1.30 ILMN 1712865 NM 001010846.1 ' 1 SHE 1.30 ILMN 1659306 NM 021738.2 10 SVIL 1.30 ILMN 1722089 NM 152553.2 6 RNF217 1.30 ILMN 1713875 NM 198175.1 17 NMEl 1.30 ILMN 2352633 N M 001042669.1 4 ARHGAP24 1.30 ILMN 1668634 NM 033632.2 4 FBXW7 1.29 ILMN 1662949 NM 001014980.1 1 FAMl 32A 1.29 ILMN 1698445 NM 053016.4 9 PALM2 1.29 ILMN 1764723 NM 001017995.1 5 SH3PXD2B 1.29 ILMN 1793302 NM 018669.4 2 1 WDR4 1.29 ILMN 2151522 NM 031461.3 8 CRISPLDl 1.29 ILMN 1676625 NM 198935.1 20 SS18L1 1.29 ILMN 1708916 NM 032512.2 X PDZD4 1.28 ILMN 1810053 NM 004731.3 12 SLCl 6A7 1.28 ILMN 1680805 NM 173064.1 1 IL28RA 1.28 ILMN 2082324 NM 152313.2 11 SLC36A4 1.28 ILMN 221 1780 NM 001 151.2 4 SLC25A4 1.28 ILMN 1715543 NM 001037161.1 14 ACOTl 1.28 ILMN 2 116299 NM 024869.2 1 GRRPl 1.28 ILMN 1727165 XM 934218.1 1 LOC644852 1.27 ILMN 2366330 NM 031471.4 11 FERMT3 1.27 ILMN 2309926 NM 024630.2 6 ZDHHC 14 1.27 ILMN 1779674 NM 002841.2 3 PTPRG 1.27 ILMN 2234412 NM 005078.1 15 TLE3 1.27 ILMN 1770244 NM 006807.3 17 CBXl 1.27 ILMN 1872852 1.27 ILMN 2242299 NM 001042478.1 1 AJAPl 1.27 ILMN 1810486 NM 031934.3 17 RAB34 1.27 ILMN 1707448 NM 016507.1 17 CRKRS 1.26 ILMN 1735499 NM 080927.3 3 DCBLD2 1.26 ILMN 1721729 NM 004774.2 17 PPARBP 1.26 ILMN 2269564 NM 016374.5 1 ARID4B 1.26 ILMN 2086981 NM 002699.3 1 POU3F1 1.26 ILMN 1672596 NM 014567.2 16 BCARl 1.26 ILMN 1677800 NM 003021.3 19 SGTA 1.26 ILMN 1776428 NM 004760.2 7 STKl 7A 1.26 ILMN 1751395 NM 023008.3 19 KRIl 1.26 ILMN 171 1988 NM 022055.1 2 " KCNKl 2 1.26 ILMN 1770473 XM 930394.1 2 LOC647326 1.26 ILMN 1668270 NM 032283.1 1 ZDHHC 18 1.26 ILMN 1688755 NM 01491 1.3 2 AAKl 1.26 ILMN 1859528 1.25 ILMN 1748141 NM 130847.1 11 AMOTLl 1.25 ILMN 2349982 NM 033136.1 5 . FGFl 1.25 ILMN 1725791 NM 014241.3 10 PTPLA 1.25 ILMN 1771 139 NM 024735.2 16 FBXO31 1.25 ILMN 2367671 NM 016733.2 22 LIMK2 . 1.25 ILMN 1788254 XM 001 126125.1 PGAM5 1.24 ILMN 1701 165 XM 940124.1 BCL7C 1.24 ILMN 1653274 NM 153183.2 X NUDTlO 1.24 ILMN 2124757 NR 002229.1 2 RPL23AP13 1.24 ILMN 2044645 NM 033377.1 19 CGBl 1.24 ILMN 1709026 XM 937537.2 C6orfl45 1.24 ILMN 1791569 NM 032242.2 3 PLXNAl 1.24 ILMN 181 1954 NM 013960.2 8 NRGl 1.24 ILMN 2389347 NM 001020825.1 5 NR3C1 1.24 ILMN 1787628 NM 006392.2 20 NOL5A 1.23 ILMN 2309615 NM 002782.3 19 PSG6 1.23 ILMN 2400326 NM 003582.2 1 DYRK3 1.23 ILMN 2406084 NM 01221 1.3 15 ITGAI l 1.23 ILMN 1912997 1.23 ILMN 1748907 NM 145053.4 11 UBQLNL 1.23 ILMN ,1814629 NM 001010888.2 X ZC3H12B 1.23 ILMN 1742330 NM 002673.3 3 PLXNBl 1.22 ILMN 1728445 NM 000596.2 7 IGFBPl 1.22 ILMN 2106573 NM 198459.3 1 DENND2C 1.22 ILMN 2075603 NM 145015.2 11 MRGPRF 1.22 ILMN 181 1765 NM 021599.1 5 ADAMTS2 1.22 ILMN 2 112049 NM 001080849.1 9 DNLZ 1.22 ILMN 1696302 NM 001444.1 8 FABP5 1.22 ILMN 1710001 NM 001035267.1 12 RPL41 1.22 ILMN 1670821 NM 001005852.2 Y CYor Ω5A 1.22 ILMN 1793630 NM 005070.2 SLC4A3 1.22 ILMN 1746661 NM 001007234.1 5 ERCC8 1.22 ILMN 178751 1 NM 025264.3 2 THUMPD2 1.22 ILMN 231 1796 NM 152829.1 7 TES 1.22 ILMN 2093427 NM 138356.2 15 SHF 1.21 ILMN 1674838 NM 207519.1 2 ZAP70 1.21 ILMN 2354334 NM 017492.2 16 ATXN2L 1.21 ILMN 1664761 NM 016464.3 11 TMEMl 38 1.21 ILMN 1689353 NM 017413.3 X APLN 1.20 ILMN 18151 14 NM 207477.1 22 FLJ27365 1.20 ILMN 1796377 NM 001001872.2 14 C14orD7 1.20 ILMN 1654493 XM 939742.2 LDC649169 1.19 ILMN 1784577 NM 016265.3 7 ZNF 12 1.19 ILMN 18701 11 1.19 ILMN 1666364 NM 144576.3 12 COQlOA 1.19 ILMN 1784822 NM 033215.3 X PPP1R3F 1.19 ILMN 1679460 NM 003622.2 12 PPFIBPl 1.19 ILMN 1714296 NM 020877.2 17 DNAH2 1.19 ILMN 1657870 NM 005158.3 1 ABL2 1.19 ILMN 2207419 NM 182540.3 X DDX26B 1.19 ILMN 1836486 1.18 ILMN 2078466 NM 173543.1 3 DZIPlL 1.18 ILMN 2226271 NM 005543.2 19 INSL3 1.18 ILMN 1683786 NM 00101 1537.1 3 FYTTDl 1.18 ILMN 1764396 NM 006037.3 2 HDAC4 1.18 ILMN 1668417 NM 003387.3 2 WASPIP 1.18 ILMN 1702715 NM 004992.2 X MECP2 1.17 ILMN 1888593 1.17 ILMN 2222991 NM 004730.1 5 ETFl 1.17 ILMN 191 1196 1.17 ILMN 1815102 NM 000229.1 16 LCAT 1.17 ILMN 2150095 NR 003276.1 16 CES4 1.17 ILMN 1698463 NM 012218.2 19 ILF3 1.17 ILMN 1807689 NM 022062.2 11 PKNOX2 1.17 ILMN 1734542 NM 002557.3 1 OVGPl 1.16 ILMN 1744471 NM 018293.1 3 ZNF654 1.16 ILMN 1799026 NM 019035.2 4 PCDH 18 1.16 ILMN 1656395 NM 006790.1 5 MYOT 1.16 ILMN 1665492 NM 052918.3 10 SORCSl 1.16 " ILMN 1771048 XM 001 128002.1 5 LOC728153 1.16 ILMN 1747934 NM 016368.3 19 ISYNAl 1.16 ILMN 2250445 NM 134269.1 22 SMTN 1.15 ILMN 1768273 NM 015029.1 8 POPl 1.15 ILMN 1656274 NM 032864.3 1 PRPF38A 1.15 ILMN 1809002 NM 001005387.1 1 NFASC 1.15 ILMN 1702407 NM 006717.2 9 SPINl 1.15 ILMN 1742738 NM 001013615.1 1 . Clorfl90 - 1.15 ILMN 1739086 NR 002439.1 22 SNORD43 1.15 ILMN 1760315 NM 152718:2 11 VWCE 1.14 ILMN 1750167 NM 025263.2 6 PRR3 1.14 ILMN 1716999 NM 182572.3 19 ZSCANl 1.14 ILMN 1725485 NM 012419.4 6 RGS 17 1.14 ILMN 1660732 NM 181676.1 5 PPP2R2B 1.14 ILMN 1691798 NM 019591.2 12 ZNF26 1.14 ILMN 1656718 NM 017702.2 16 DEF8 1.14 ILMN 1679092 NM 016370.1 X RAB9B 1.14 ILMN 1683475 NM 0061 14.1 19 TOMM40 1.14 ILMN 1801822 NM 001008239.2 18 C18orf25. 1.14 ILMN 2061768 NM 032580.1 17 HES7 1.14 ILMN 1737208 NM 006179.3 19 NTF5 1.14 ILMN 1708064 NM 002375.3- 3 MAP4 1.14 ILMN 2284591 NM 025136.1 19 OPA3 1.13 ILMN 2313158 NM 207295.1 3 MBNLl 1.13 ILMN 1913678 1.12 ILMN 1807072 NM 00101251 1 1 17 GOSR2 1.12 ILMN 1684802 NM 006951.3 10 TAF5 1.1 1 ILMN 1670383 NM 032457.2 4 PCDH7 1.1 1 ILMN 1735548 NM 0021 14.2 6 HIVEPl 1.1 1 ILMN 2362368 NM 001025203 1 . 2 1 U2AF1 1.1 1 ILMN 1773650 NM 001099660 1 7 LRRN3 1.1 1 ILMN 1679501 NM 177559.2 20 CSNK2A1 1.10 ILMN 2215656 NM 002370.2 1 MAGOH 1.10 ILMN 1807304 NM 207296.1 3 MBNLl 1.10 ILMN 1732550 NM 14471 1.3 2 KLHL23 1.10 ILMN 1699071 NM 020152.2 2 1 C21orf7 1.10 ILMN 1667319 NM 022737.1 19 LPPR2 1.10 ILMN 1889752 1.10 ILMN 1666625 NM 020816.1 1 KIF17 1.10 ILMN 1809601 NM 053284.2 16 WFIKKNl r 1.09 ILMN 2292123 NM 005713.1 5 COL4A3BP 1.09 ILMN 2130838 NM 016037.2 1 UTPI l L 1.09 ILMN 1708101 NM 032737.2 19 LMNB2 1.09 ILMN 1716237 NM 006821.4 14 ACOT2 1.08 ILMN 2364062 NM 005782.2 17 THOC4 1.08 ILMN 1677032 NM 004415.2 6 DSP 1.08 ILMN 2207170 NM 024949.4 4 WWC2 1.07 ILMN 1785406 NM 004538.3 X NAP1L3 1.07 ILMN 1745784 NM 014347.1 19 ZNF324 1.07 ILMN 1742151 NM 013985.1 5 NRG2 1.07 ILMN 1809034 NM 176818.1 12 GATC 1.06 ILMN 1909886 1.06 ILMN 1903822 1.06 ILMN 1656933 NM 198478.1 19 NKPDl 1.06 ILMN 1679595 NM 002088.3 19 GRIK5 1.06 ILMN 1769013 NM 001671.2 17 ASGRl 1.06 ILMN 2205350 NM 014165.1 6 C6orf66 1.05 ILMN 1659976 NM 006831.1 11 CLPl 1.05 ILMN 1861896 1.04 ILMN 1814799 NM 001024212. 1 1 S100A13 1.04 ILMN 1732767 NM 002813.4 12 PSMD9 1.03 ILMN 1659874 NM 020706.1 2 1 SFRS 15 1.03 ILMN 1685580 NM 170662.3 3 CBLB 1.03 ILMN 1823231 . 1.01 ILMN 1804834 NM 145063.2 6 C6orfl30 -1.01 ILMN 1796537 NM 001465.3 5 FYB -1.02 ILMN 1846517 -1.02 ILMN 1808356 NM 021806.1 X FAM3A -1.03 ILMN 1813091 NM 001 177.3 12 ARLl -1.03 ILMN 1805175 NM 001099691. 1 2 TGFA -1.03 ILMN 2320513 NM 133173.2 5 APBB3 -1.03 ILMN 2358474 NM 024022.1 2 1 TMPRSS3 -1.04 ILMN 1742260 NM 006751.4 2 SSFA2 -1.04 ILMN 2386016 NM 080592.2 2 C2orf28 -1.04 ILMN 1694323 NM 001003722 . 1 9 GLEl -1.05 ILMN 1814622 NM 017676.1 5 FLJ20125 -1.06 ILMN 1663444 NM 022165.2 19 LIN7B -1.06 ILMN 1801377 NM 153247.1 7 SLC29A4 -1.06 ILMN 2339627 NM 199444.1 19 COPE -1.06 ILMN 175481 1 NM 030793.3 5 FBXO38 -1.06 ILMN 1810147 NM 153219.2 19 ZNF524 -1.06 ILMN 2199439 NM 000067.1 8 CA2 -1.07 ILMN 1806415 NM 012263.3 22 TTLLl -1.07 ILMN 1774584 NM 080592.2 2 C2or08 -1.08 ILMN 1723414 NM 012260.2 3 HACLl -1.08 ILMN 1705861 NM 005498.3 19 AP1M2 -1.08 ILMN 17851 13 NM 000255.1 6 MUT -1.08 ILMN 1654812 NM 030930.2 11 UNC93B1 -1.09 ILMN 1762426 NM 176815.3 3 DHFRLl -1.09 ILMN 1727458 .NM 004964.2 1 HDACl -1.09 ILMN 1715569 NM 016053.2 12 CCDC53 -1.10 ILMN 1741392 NM 000387.3 3 SLC25A20 -1.10 ILMN 2324157 NM 198195.1 3 UBA3 -1.10 ILMN 1756898 NM 020312.1 16 COQ9 -1.10 ILMN 2366246 NM 032985.4 20 SEC23B -1.10 ILMN 1740772 NM 133172.2 5 APBB3 -1.1 1 ILMN 2389064 NM 197955.1 15 " C15orf48 -1.1 1 ILMN 2234343 NM 016361.2 1 ACP6 -1.1 1 ILMN 2400292 NM 002752.3 5 MAPK9 -1.1 1 . ILMN 1654552 NM 005830.2 13 MRPS31 -1.1 1 ILMN 1743208 NM 152905.2 12 NEDDl -1.1 1 ILMN 1727524 NM 003816.2 8 ADAM9 -1.1 1 ILMN 1658802 NM 173852.3 1 KRTCAP2 -1.1 1 ILMN 1703754 NM 032142.2 18 CEP 192 -1.1 1 ILMN 2392370 NM 001077186. 1 19 MYH 14 -1.1 1 ILMN 1800008 NM 000019.2 11 ACATl -1.12 ILMN 1735463 NM 017820.3 9 FLJ20433 -1.12 ILMN 1663685 NM 005675.2 22 DGCR6 -1.12 ILMN 1736481 NM 024077.3 9 SECISBP2 -1.12 ILMN 2391355 NM 006463.3 2 STAMBP -1.12 ILMN 1661 173 NM 016213.3 15 TRIP4 -1.12 ILMN 1710844 XM 001 127571. 1 PARPlO -1.12 ILMN 2342903 NM 005716.2 19 GIPCl -1.12 ILMN 1667670 NM 014252.1 13 SLC25A15 -1.12 ILMN 2330845 NM 006178.1 17 NSF -1.12 ILMN 2316173 NM 001283.2 7 APlSl -1.13 ILMN 1776327 XM 001 125827. 1 1 LOC727820 -1.13 ILMN 1813456 NM 001001939. 1 10 PCBDl -1.13 ILMN 1658579 NM 176095.1 17 CDK5RAP3 -1.13 ILMN 179831 1 NM 015884.1 X MBTPS2 -1.13 ILMN 1793894 NM 015391.2 3 ANAPC 13 -1.13 ILMN 171 1909 NM 018217.1 20 . EDEM2 -1.13 ILMN 1793360 NM 199295.1 1 APITDl -1.13 ILMN 1672843 NM 012180.2 4 FBXO8 -1.13 ILMN 2230862 NM 004130.2 3 GYGl -1.13 ILMN 2189614 NM 025190.2 2 ANKRD36B -1.13 ILMN 1754489 NM 032875.1 17 FBXL20 -1.13 ILMN 1683992 NM 017897.1 3 OXSM -1.13 ILMN 1774066 NM 032928.2 9 TMEM141 -1.13 ILMN 1741032 NM 014606.1 4 HERC3 -1.13 ILMN 1808333 NM 002712.1 2 PPP 1R7 -1.13 ILMN 2384237 NM 017720.2 19 STAP2 -1.14 ILMN 1732688 NM 001025248.1 15 DUT -1.14 ILMN 2263466 NM 000018.2 17 ACADVL -1.14 ILMN 1713147 NM 006337.3 12 MCRSl -1.14 ILMN 1674866 NM 006354.2 3 TADA3L -1.14 ILMN 2289093 NM 020954.2 17 KIAA1618 -1.14 ILMN 1728471 NM 006421.3 8 ARFGEFl -1.14 ILMN 1695917 NM 020199.1 5 C5orfl5 -1.14 ILMN 2049693 NM 019021.1 11 Cl lorf71 -1.14 ILMN 1712400 NM 004568.4 6 SERPINB6 -1.15 ILMN 1778104 NM 000016.2 1 ACADM -1.15 ILMN 181 1648 NM 024819.3 17 DCAKD -1.15 ILMN 1694776 NM 002979.3 1 SCP2 -1.15 ILMN 1728057 NM 145267.2 6 C6orf57 -1.15 ILMN 1699931 NM 001007469.1 19 HCST -1.15 ILMN 2296950 NM 001006666.1 22 APOBEC3F -1.15 ILMN 2397571 NM 153747.1 1 PIGC -1.16 ILMN 1776094 NM 024664.2 1 PPCS -1.16 ILMN 2129273 NM 003162.2 2 STRN -1.16 ILMN 1690524 NM 005638.3 X VAMP7 -1.16 ILMN 1676197 NM 032832.4 6 LRPIl -1.16 ILMN 1756006 NM 015104.1 11 ATG2A -1.16 ILMN 1687351 NM 023039.2 5 ANKRA2 -1.16 ILMN 1669102 NM 005176.5 12 ATP5G2 -1.16 ILMN 1771870 NM 174905.2 19 FAM98C -1.16 ILMN 1694847 NM 017489.1 8 TERFl -1.16 ILMN 1779530 NM 020751.1 13 COG6 -1.16 ILMN 1662795 NM 000067.1 8 CA2 -1.16 ILMN 1815656 NM 00681 1.2 20 SERINC3 -1.16 ILMN 1755077 NM 014320.2 6 HEBP2 -1.16 ILMN 1684042 NM 005868.4 7 BETl -1.17 ILMN 1738955 NM 173473.2- 10 C10orfl04 -1.17 ILMN 1838691 -1.17 ILMN 1739253 NM 006463.3 2 STAMBP -1.17 ILMN 1803676 NM 017512.2 18 ENOSFl -1.17 ILMN 1738921 NM 001607.2 3 ACAAl -1.17 ILMN 1777526 NM 004275.3 6 MED20 , -1.17 ILMN 1767691 NM 032353.2 17 VPS25 -1.17 ILMN 1785731 NM 016431.3 22- MAPK8IP2 -1.17 ILMN 1673798 NM 000309.2 1 PPOX -1.17 ILMN 1778845 NM 022074.2 11 FAMl I l A -1.18 ILMN 1793671 NM 006286.1 3 TFDP2 -1.18 ILMN 1744959 NM 002504.3 9 NFXl -1.18 ILMN 1675239 NM 005001.2 19 NDUFA7 -1.18 ILMN 2048982 NM 006977.2 14 ZBTB25 -1.18 ILMN 1769771 NM 001013653.1 9 LOC389816 -1.18 ILMN 1680353 NM 006178.1 17 NSF -1.18 ILMN 1723632 NM 153747.1 1 PIGC -1.19 ILMN 1691946 NM 199133.2 5 LOC 134 145 -1.19 ILMN 1779401 NM 007236.3 15 CHP -1.19 ILMN 1657631 NM 017720.2 19 STAP2 -1.19 ILMN 1702265 NM 032124.4 18 HDHD2 -1.19 ILMN 1678766 NM 006519.1 6 DYNLTl -1.19 ILMN 1798108 NM 024573.1 6 C6orf21 1 -1.19 ILMN 1777449 NM 001099222.1 9 IFT74 -1.19 ILMN 1772821 XM 371461.4 22 KIAAl 671 -1.19 ILMN 2257607 NM 178006.1 13 STARD 13 -1.19 ILMN 1712678 NM 015920.3 15 RPS27L -1.20 ILMN 1784227 NM 006337.3 12 MCRSl -1.20 ILMN 1700549 NM 007175.5 8 ERLIN2 -1.20 ILMN 1751051 NM 001099858.1 7 C7orf25 -1.20 ILMN 1688606 NM 016125.3 17 RNFTl -1.20 ILMN 2367477 NM 183420.1 8 FBXO25 -1.20 ILMN 1713037 NM 002626.4 2 1 PFKL -1.21 ILMN 1732489 NM 001029998.2 4 SLC10A7 -1.21 ILMN 1812557 NM 176096.1 17 CDK5RAP3 -1.21 ILMN 1715680 NM 145043.1 8 NEIL2 -1.21 ILMN 1752526 . NM 182757.2 6 RNF144B -1.21 ILMN 2396571 NM 001080452.1 19 GPRl 08 -1.21 ILMN 1809267 NM 015127.2 1 CLCCl -1.21 ILMN 1662232 NM 006400.3 12 DCTN2 -1.22 ILMN 1750178 XM 370557.3 10 LOC653450 -1.22 ILMN 1735552 NM 015074.2 1 KIFlB -1.22 ILMN 1685289 NM 022744.1 16 C16orf58 -1.22 ILMN 1751345 NM 057089.2 7 APlSl -1.22 ILMN 2183856 NM 003270.2 X TSPAN6 -1.22 ILMN 16651 17 NM 152734.2 6 C6orf89 -1.22 ILMN 1755303 NM 006526.2 20 ZNF217 -1.22 ILMN 1693310 NM 030790.3 16 ITFGl -1.22 ILMN 1671583 NM 013446.2 7 MKRNl -1.22 ILMN 1767960 NM 024677.3 4 NSUN7 -1.22 ILMN 1688160 NM 182552.3 6 WDR27 -1.22 ILMN 1666827 NM 021942.4 4 C4orf41 -1.23 ILMN 1712944 NM 001 130.5 19 AES -1.23 ILMN 1690625 NM 015266.1 20 SLC9A8 -1.23 ILMN 1698072 NM 014889.2 10 PITRMl -1.23 ILMN 1796835 NM 015485.4 1 RWDD3 -1.23 ILMN 1744244 NM 001382.2 11 DPAGTl -1.23 ILMN 1765232 NM 018363.2 10 C10orf59 -1.23 ILMN 2268068 NM 001006618.1 9 MAPKAPl -1.23 ILMN 2306565 NM 006554.3 2 MTX2 -1.23 ILMN 1725072 NM 207325.1 19 DPY19L3 -1.23 ILMN 1682910 NM 015948.2 6 SLC35B3 -1.23 ILMN 1788135 NM 199295.1 1 APITDl -1.24 ILMN 2064917 NM 018046.3 5 AGGFl -1.24 ILMN 1735979 NM 000709.2 19 BCKDHA -1.24 ILMN 2160210 NM 002354.1 2 TACSTDl -1.24 ILMN 1682864 NM 080861.3 16 SPSB3 -1.24 ILMN 1712806 NM 057089.2 7 APlSl -1.24 ILMN 1753265 NM 207435.1 12 FLJ40142 -1.25 ILMN 2325394 NM 172166.2 6 MSH5 -1.25 ILMN 2395285 NM 180703.1 12 UlSNRNPBP -1.25 ILMN 1658144 NM 004239.1 14 TRIPI l -1.25- ILMN 1740903 NM 024033.1 7 C7orf49 -1.25 ILMN 1664776 NM 015137.3 8 EFR3A -1.25 ILMN 1665775 NM 017898.3 1 MOSC2 -1.25 ILMN 1756541 NM 006454.2 4 MXD4 -1.25 ILMN 1718558 NM 022750.2 7 PARP 12 -1.25 ILMN 1791396 NM 005675.3 22 DGCR6 -1.25 ILMN 1805177 NM 024935.2 18 . KIAA 1772 -1.25 ILMN 1771689 NM 018199.2 14 EXDL2 -1.25 ILMN 1743806 NM 020679.2 17 MIF4GD -1.26 ILMN 1749180 NM 001034915.1 8 RBM35A -1.26 ILMN 1720430 NM 024299.2 20 C20orfl49 -1.26 ILMN 1838863 -1.26 ILMN 1667932 XM 942351.2 LOC652726 -1.26 ILMN 1692962 NM 005730.3 12 CTDSP2 -1.26 ILMN 2391345 NM 148178.1 9 C9orf23 -1.26 ILMN 1662896 NM 0181 17.10 10 BRWD2 -1.26 ILMN 1726466 NM 031219.2 9 HDHD3 -1.26 ILMN 1652465 NM 000441.1 7 SLC26A4 -1.26 ILMN 1800602 NM 012198.2 2 GCA -1.26 ILMN 1718271 NM 152912.3 13 MTIF3 -1.26 ILMN 2410038 NM 022074.2 11 FAMl I l A -1.27 ILMN 1678422 NM 0241 19.2 17 DHX58 -1.27 ILMN 1685009 NM 000632.3 16 ITGAM -1.27 ILMN 1774806 NM 032591.1 X SLC9A7 -1.27 ILMN 2225144 NM 173359.3 3 EIF4E3 -1.27 ILMN 171 1171 NM 130898.2 1 CREB3L4 -1.27 ILMN 2375992 NM 003710.3 15 SPINTl -1.27 ILMN 2358919 NM 147184.1 2 .TP53I3 -1.27 ILMN 1660577 NM 005176.4 12 ATP5G2 -1.27 ILMN 2150661 NM 0161 18.3 7 NUBl -1.27 ILMN 1778347 NM 147173.1 9 NUDT2 -1.27 ILMN 1680687 NM 006178.1 17 NSF -1.27 ILMN 1750088 NM 006296.3 2 VRK2 -1.27 ILMN 2378100 NM 012161.2 4 FBXL5 -1.27 ILMN 1807277 NM 006332.3 19 IFI30 ' -1.27 ILMN 1706764 NM 018178.3 1 GOLPH3L -1.27 ILMN 2401730 NM 00101 1551.1 X ClGALTlCl -1.28 ILMN 1684628 NM 133458.2 16 ZFP90 -1.28 ILMN 2288232 NM 000293.1 16 PHKB -1.28 ILMN 2055634 NM 004740.3 17 TIAFl -1.28 ILMN 2399827 NM 001538.2 16 HSF4 -1.28 ILMN 2383754 NM 001042717.1 7 GTPBPlO -1.28 ILMN 1709483 NM 005591.3 11 MREI lA -1.28 ILMN 2151488 NM 024945.1 9 RMIL , -1.28 ILMN 2193591 NM 030930.2 11 UNC93B1 -1.28 ILMN 2323048 NM 001034025.1 12 ERP29 -1.29 ILMN 1809496 NM 012133.2 7 COPG2 -1.29 ILMN 1696254 NM 14461 1.2 17 CYB5D2 -1.29 ILMN 2175131 NM 016462.2 6 TMEM14C -1.29 ILMN 2326591 NM 004033.2 5 ANXA6 -1.29 ILMN 1743394 NM 004133.3 8 HNF4G -1.29 ILMN 2335604 NM 001075099.1 17 SKAPl -1.29 ILMN 2380967 NM 001009934.1 X DNASElLl -1.29 ILMN 1741942 NM 001001433.1 20 STX 16 -1.29 ILMN 2349444 NM 147173.1 9 NUDT2 -1.29 ILMN 1797530 NM 032309.2 2 CHCHD5 -1.29 ILMN 1777853 XM 001 129292.1 MBOAT2 -1.29 ILMN 2383489 NM 025197.2 17 CDK5RAP3 -1.30 ILMN 1705144 NM 003565.1 12 ULKl -1.30 ILMN 1754421 NM 016013.2 15 NDUFAFl -1.30 ILMN 1728380 NM 001008489.2 2 PHOSPHO2 -1.30 ILMN 1743432 NM 080918.1 2 DGUOK -1.30 ILMN 1652407 NM 183047.1 20 ZMYND8 -1.30 ILMN 1784783 NM 003551.2 5 NME5 -1.31 ILMN 1705261 NM 005186.2 11 CAPNl -1.31 ILMN 1695759 NM 015944.2 16 AMDHD2 -1.31 ILMN 1767135 NM 005633.2 2 SOSl -1.31 ILMN 171 1899 NM 001002857.1 15 ANXA2 -1.31 ILMN 1729546 NM 198476.2 19 C19orf54 -1.31 ILMN 1685371 NM 001042470.1 7 SUMF2 -1.31 ILMN 1680246 NM 013283.3 5 MAT2B -1.31 ILMN 1809590 NM 016095.1 . 16 GINS2 -1.31 ILMN 1660635 NM 016027.1 8 LACTB2 -1.31 ILMN 1792176 NM 133480.1 3 TADA3L -1.31 ILMN 1769883 NM 004969.1 10 IDE -1.31 ILMN 1676075 NM 021633.2 1 KLHL 12 -1.32 ILMN 1799280 NM 203314.2 3 BDHl -1.32 ILMN 1788416 NM 021214.1 15 FAM 108Cl -1.32 ILMN 1796923 NM 030941.1 16 LOC81691 -1.32 ILMN 1778144 NM 017842.1 12 FLJ20489 -1.33 ILMN 1757074 NM 001017998.2 9 GNGlO -1.33 ILMN 1809582 NM 017684.3 15 VPS13C -1.33 ILMN 1740234 NM 183239.1 10 GSTO2 -1.33 ILMN 175631 1 NM 018359.1 4 UFSP2 -1.33 ILMN 1785330 NM 014521.2 2 SH3BP4 -1.33 ILMN 171 1368 NM 031466.4 8 NIBP -1.33 ILMN 1804642 NM 01431 1.1 12 SMUGl -1.34 ILMN 2198185 NM 003492.1 X CXorfl2 -1.34 ILMN 1915608 -1.34 ILMN 17671 11 NM 018075.3 3 TMEMl 6K -1.34 ILMN 1698715 NM 198514.2 10 NHLRC2 -1.34 ILMN 1669456 NM 002513.2 16 NME3 -1.34 ILMN 2121207 NM 138401.2 19 FAM 125A ' -1.34 ILMN 2399392 NM 001037633.1 5 SILl -1.34 ILMN 1703108 NM 004223.3 11 UBE2L6 -1.35 ILMN 2133675 NM 000199.2 17 SGSH -1.35 ILMN 1723846 NM 015433.2 12 FAMl 19B -1.35 ILMN 2273609 NM 001080429.1 KIAAl 543 -1.35 ILMN 1758055 NM 033557.1 19 YIFlB -1.35 ILMN 1697694 NM 001183.4 . X ATP6AP1 -1.35 ILMN 1805535 NM 016440.3 19 VRK3 -1.35 ILMN 1652412 NM 001031835.1 16 PHKB -1.35 ILMN 1653480 NM 176816.2 5 KENAE -1.35 ILMN 2381899 NM 001008213.1 10 OPTN -1.35 ILMN 1729180 NM 001482.2 15 GATM -1.35 ILMN 2346727 NM 001001924.1 8 MTUSl -1.35 ILMN 1782095 NM 031424.3 20 C20orf55 -1.35 ILMN 1686748 NM 016456.2 1 TMEM9 -1.36 ILMN 1733757 NM 199337.1 11 LOC374395 -1.36 ILMN 1808260 NM 015058.1 13 KIAA0564 -1.36 ILMN 1659463 NM 013229.2 12 APAFl -1.36 ILMN 2415267 NM 001003699.1 6 RREBl -1.36 ILMN 1747184 NM 001098615.1 12 PUS7L -1.36 ILMN 1765032 NM 001013714.1 3 LOC440993 -1.36 ILMN 1678612 NM 001 155.3 5 ANXA6 -1.36 ILMN 1754988 NM 013240.3 2 1 N6AMT1 -1.36 ILMN 1794165 NM 002631.2 1 PGD -1.36 . ILMN 1790978 NM 006395.1 3 ATG7 -1.36 ILMN 2290998 NM 005125.1 11 CCS -1.36 ILMN 1698777 NM 020421.2 14 ADCKl -1.36 ILMN 2353633 NM 152916.1 19 EMR2 -1.36 ILMN 1769520 NM 004223.3 11 UBE2L6 -1.36 ILMN 1651507 XR 015408.1 LOC642732 -1.36 ILMN 1701455 NM 018438.4 1 FBXO6 -1.36 ILMN 1760933 NM 007033.3 1 RERl -1.36 ILMN 1658351 NM 016068.2 7 FISl -1.37 ILMN 17291 12 NM 020244.2 12 CHPTl -1.37 ILMN 1730879 NM 015373.3 22 CBYl -1.37 ILMN 1741264 NM 016071.2 7 MRPS33 -1.37 ILMN 1688103 NM 020248.2 1 CTNNBIPl -1.37 ILMN 1671281 NM 021 133.2 1 RNASEL -1.37 ILMN 2082314 NM 005488.1 22 TOMl -1.37 ILMN 1716895 NM 002947.3 7 RPA3 -1.37 ILMN 1772329 NM 017724.1 3 LRRFIP2 -1.37 ILMN 1673820 NM 139048.2 3 HLTF -1.37 ILMN 2041293 NM 003129.3 8 SQLE -1.37 ILMN 1670561 NM 153333.2 X TCEAL8 -1.37 ILMN 1744963 NM 014584.1 14 EROlL -1.37 ILMN 1796146 NM 173359.3 3 EIF4E3 -1.37 ILMN 1795383 NM 173659.2 3 RPUSD3 -1.38 ILMN 1666632 NM 022553.4 6 VPS52 -1.38 ILMN 1775498 NM 182565.2 17 FAMlOOB -1.38 ILMN 1657857 ' NM 016462.2 6 TMEM 14C -1.38 ILMN 1671392 NM 002236.4 2 KCNFl -1.38 ILMN 1808634 NM 178454.3 1 TMEM77 -1.38 ILMN 2406468 NM 001002755.1 2 NFUl -1.39 ILMN 2364674 NM 031472.2 11 TRPTl -1.39 ILMN 2150187 NM 152387.2 2 KCTD 18 -1.39 ILMN 1770940 NM 004360.2 16 CDHl -1.39 ILMN 1845037 -1.39 ILMN 1794190 NM 020739.2 15 CCPGl -1.39 ILMN 2052163 NM 018982.3 1 YIPFl -1.39 ILMN 1659029 NM 001001794.2 22 FAMl 16B -1.39 ILMN 1808636 NM 018078.2 4 LARP2 -1.39 ILMN 1754051 NM 024945.2 9 RMIl -1.39 ILMN 1795639 NM 002412.2 10 MGMT -1.39 ,ILMN 1759670 NM 014324.4 5 AMACR -1.39 ILMN 1674135 NM 014636.1 9 RALGPSl -1.39 ILMN 2363058 NM 207128.1 10 PAOX -1.40 ILMN 1801766 NM 017918.3 4 CCDC 109B -1.40 ILMN 1805064 NR 002569.1 11 SCARNA9 -1.40 ILMN 1744534 NM 001001660.2 12 LYRM5 -1.40 ILMN 2374778 NM 001025249.1 15 DUT -1.40 ILMN 1710136 NM 012080.3 X HDHDlA -1.40 ILMN 1748831 NM 015316.2 14 PPPl Rl 3B -1.40 ILMN 1783985 NM 182476.1 14 COQ6 -1.40 ILMN 1793831 NM 003789.3 16 TRADD -1.40 ILMN 1801616 NM 001423.1 12 EMPl -1.40 ILMN 2281 128 NM 002814.2 X PSMDlO -1.40 ILMN 1771957 NM 016219.2 9 MANlBl -1.40 ILMN 1790603 NM 022745.3 1 ATPAFl -1.40 ILMN 1765520 NM 001005369.1 2 MTIF2 -1.41 ILMN 1656621 NM 014453.2 19 CHMP2A -1.41 ILMN 1655921 NM 005513.1 3 GTF2E1 -1.41 ILMN 2339234 NM 006470.3 17 TRIM 16 -1.41 ILMN 1708167 NM 178181.1 3 CDCPl -1.41 ILMN 2408730 NM 014635.3 2 GCC2 -1.41 ILMN 2262044 NM 032789.1 8 PARPlO -1.41 ILMN 2358760 NM 002151.1 19 HPN -1.42 ILMN 1797728 NM 002130.6 5 HMGCSl -1.42 ILMN 1718520 NM 001031709.1 10 C10orf59 -1.42 ILMN 1665540 XM 001 130364.1 1 LOC728417 -1.42 ILMN 1685540 NM 020859.1 4 SHRM -1.42 ILMN 1748093 NM 002573.2 19 PAFAH 1B3 -1.42 ILMN 1661492 NM 152285.2 9 ARRDCl -1.42 ILMN 1780698 NM 001077268.1 15 ZFYVE 19 -1.43 ILMN 2153373 NM 006726.1 4 LRBA -1.43 ILMN 1688299 NM 013441.2 1 RCAN3 -1.43 ILMN 1810228 NM 003594.3 1 TTF2 -1.43 ILMN 1704014 XM 001 134398.1 1 LOC730256 -1.43 ILMN 1683462 NM 000178.2 20 GSS -1.44 ILMN 1672443 NM 000320.1 4 QDPR -1.44 ILMN 1866887 -1.44 ILMN 1778687 NM 016321.1 15 RHCG -1.44 ILMN 1788223 NM 031924.3 6 RSPH3 -1.44 ILMN 1724207 NM 002225.2 15 IVD -1.44 ILMN 2149566 NM 032353.2 17 VPS25 -1.44 ILMN 1779832 XM 375081.3 LOC400214 -1.44 ILMN 1681628 NM 021994.2 7 ZNF277 -1.45 ILMN 1666305 NM 005192.2 14 CDKN3 -1.45 ILMN 2364110 NM 001005742.1 1 GBA -1.45 ILMN 1789508 NM 012086.2 2 GTF3C3 -1.45 ILMN 2199389 NM 004624.2 3 VIPRl -1.45 ILMN 1657632 NM 007167.2 1 ZMYM6 -1.45 ILMN 2401964 NM 007061.3 22 CDC42EP1 -1.45 ILMN 1747314 XM 933749.1 18 MYO5B -1.45 ILMN 1810875 NM 00471 1.3 22 SYNGRl -1.45 ILMN 1724941 NM 022842.3 3 CDCPl -1.46 ILMN 2251 184 NM 006817.3 12 ERP29 -1.46 ILMN 2364864 NM 005368.2 22 MB -1.46 ILMN 1701918 NM 001007256.1 1 KLHDC9 -1.46 ILMN 1771264 NM 025165.2 15 ELL3 -1.46 ILMN 1750896 NM 017919.1 9 STXl 7 -1.46 ILMN 1704353 NM 001542.2 1 IGSF3 -1.46 ILMN 2360705 NM 203372.1 2 ACSL3 -1.46 ILMN 1677043 NM 003689.2 1 AKR7A2 -1.46 ILMN 1766797 NM 005125.1 11 CCS -1.46 ILMN 1655974 NM 000283.1 4 PDE6B -1.46 ILMN 2366445 NM 182507.2 12 KRT80 -1.46 ILMN 1731224 NM 031458.1 3 PARP9 -1.47 ILMN 2200503 NM 020202.2 3 NIT2 -1.47 ILMN 1707156 NM 017724.1 3 LRRFIP2 -1.47 ILMN 1778803 NM 019006.2 15 ZFAND6 -1.47 ILMN 1773613 NM 014352.2 11 POU2F3 -1.47 ILMN 2370976 NM 013451.2 10 FERl L3 -1.48 ILMN 2232166 NM 021825.3 11 CCDC90B -1.48 ILMN 1701306 NM 199176.1 9 MRRF -1.48 ILMN 1712197 NM 171829.1 3 KCNMB3 -1.48 ILMN 2210601 NM 021 133.2 1 RNASEL -1.48 ILMN 1743204 NM 004420.2 11 DUSP8 -1.48 ILMN 1771 126 NM 001001523.1 1 RORC -1.48 ILMN 1678729 NM 001037633.1 5 SILl -1.48 ILMN 1718946 NM 001 110.2 15 ADAMlO -1.49 ILMN 1721087 NM 012435.1 19 SHC2 -1.49 ILMN 2096654 NM 017828.3 15 COMMD4 -1.49 ILMN 1809208 NM 020902.1 19 KIAAl 543 -1.49 ILMN 1679614 NM 015705.4 22 SGSM3 -1.49 ILMN 1781374 NM 020127.1 1 TUFTl -1.49 ILMN 1775743 NM 001731.1 12 BTGl -1.49 ILMN 2108357 NM 052969.1 3 RPL39L -1.49 ILMN 1803838 NM 032488.2 19 CNFN -1.49 ILMN 1694780 NM 005258.2 15 GCHFR -1.50 ILMN 1733562 NM 016020.1 6 TFBlM -1.50 ILMN 1753819 NM 057178.3 17 RFFL -1.50 ILMN 2273572 NM 206837.1 1 Clorfl02 -1.50 ILMN 1750401 NM 001 100408.1 17 C17orf62 -1.50 ILMN 1703142 NM 001005416.1 19 MARCH2 -1.50 ILMN 2055760 NM 030650:1 2 KIAA1715 -1.50 ILMN 176001 1 NM 001003795.2 7 GTF2IRD2B -1.50 ILMN 1760174 NM 020166.3 3 MCCCl -1.50 ILMN 1666109 NM 005368.2 22. MB -1.50 ILMN 1803564 NM 018982.3 1 YIPFl -1.51 ILMN 1774949 NM 153682.2 2 1 PIGP -1.51 ILMN 2183784 NM 017868.3 11 TTC 12 -1.51 ILMN 1683857 NM 012435.1 19 SHC2 -1.51 ILMN 1712413 NM 052969.1 3 RPL39L -1.51 ILMN 1749738 NM 031231.3 20 NECAB3 -1.51 ILMN 1653429 NM 012243.1 1 SLC35A3 -1.51 ILMN 1690392 NM 012071.2 10 COMMD3 -1.51 ILMN 1704154 NM 148957.2 13 TNFRSF 19 -1.51 ILMN 1794046 NM 006554.3 2 MTX2 -1.51 ILMN 1815308 NM 001006946.1 2 SDCl -1.52 ILMN 1799198 NM 0231 12.2 14 OTUB2 -1.52 ILMN 1759743 NM 138570.2 17 SLC38A10 -1.52 ILMN 2364088 NM 001042480.1 X GEMIN8 -1.52 ILMN 1751596 NM 024503.1 1 HIVEP3 -1.52 ILMN 1775703 NM 024108.1 19 TRAPPC6A -1.52 ILMN 2331205 NM 005198.3 22 CHKB -1.52 ILMN 1722945 XM 938497.2 C6orf52 -1.52 ILMN 1700306 NM 001014446.1 4 OCIAD2 -1.52 ILMN 1678579 NM 000098.1 1 CPT2 -1.52 ILMN 1681310 XM 001127310.1 MFSD7 -1.52 ILMN 1807397 NM 002492.2 3 NDUFB5 -1.52 ILMN 2082865 NM 015993.1 16 PLLP -1.52 ILMN 1735180 NM 015331.2 1 NCSTN -1.52 ILMN 1659054 NM 005198.3 22 CHKB -1.52 ILMN 1686082 NM 174891.3 14 C14orf79 -1.52 ILMN 1661220 NM 006470.3 17 TRIM 16 -1.52 ILMN 1680925 NM 004252.2 17 SLC9A3R1 -1.53 ILMN 1680673 NM 152729.2 6 NT5DC1 -1.53 ILMN 2360307 NM 001037175.1 1 SUSD4 -1.53 ILMN 1695821 NM 005735.2 2 ACTRlB -1.53 ILMN 1776102 NM 002814.2 X PSMDlO -1.53 ILMN 1738237 NM 022460.3 2 HS1BP3 -1.53 ILMN 2 116639 NM 006286.1 3 TFDP2 -1.53 ILMN 1769633 NM 001334.2 4 CTSO -1.53 ILMN 2371055 NM 004428.2 1 EFNAl -1.53 ILMN 2406532 NM 016946.3 1 FI l R -1.53 ILMN 2338268 NM 148916.2 7 ABHDI l -1.54 ILMN 1768751 NM 020744.2 2 MTA3 -1.54 ILMN 1755123 NM 001005742.1 1 GBA -1.54 ILMN 1740762 NM 005310.2 17 GRB7 -1.54 ILMN 1803197 NM 175624.2 12 RAB3IP - -1.54 ILMN 1710523 NM 005603.3 18 ATP8B1 -1.54 ILMN 2105923 NM 031465.2 12 C12orf32 -1.54 ILMN 1671777 NM 0041 14.2 X FGF 13 -1.54 ILMN 1665964 NM 080491.1 11 GAB2 -1.54 ILMN 2404539 NM 001009923.1 20 C20orf30 -1.54 ILMN 1796682 NM 001003931.1 3 PARP3 -1.54 ILMN 1814917 NM 003260.3 19 TLE2 -1.54 ILMN 1709043 NM 018465.2 9 C9orf46 -1.54 ILMN 1804007 NM 001098622.1 19 NANOS3 -1.55 ILMN 1743299 NM 000318.2 8 PXMP3 -1.55 ILMN 1661595 NM 001024594.1 1 Clorf53 -1.55 ILMN 1770936 NM 032314.3 12 COQ5 -1.55 ILMN 17521 11 NM 014140.2 2 SMARCALl -1.55 ILMN 1783712 NM 001012991.1 16 LOC400506 -1.55 ILMN 1786105 NM 000281.2 10 PCBDl -1.55 ILMN 1763080 NM 005051.1 3 OARS -1.55 ILMN 1751941 XM 001 133059.1 17 LOC728772 -1.56 ILMN 1694305 NM 004595.2 X SMS . -1.56 ILMN 1789123 NM 014264.3 4 PLK4 -1.56 ILMN 1753472 NM 182760.2 3 SUMFl -1.56 ILMN 1801914 NM 003023.3 4 SH3BP2 -1.56 ILMN 1810431 XM 930677.1 1 LOC642299 -1.56 ILMN 1716913 NM 021210.3 17 TRAPPCl -1.56 ILMN 1803772 NM 021 173.2 11 POLD4 -1.56 ILMN 1704531 NM 012212.2 9 LTB4DH -1.56 ILMN 2102960 NM 019600.1 15 KIAA 13 70 -1.56 ILMN 1657746 NM 004332.1 6 BPHL -1.57 ILMN 1806198 NM 182607.3 X VSIGl -1.57 ILMN 1665065 NM 198941.1 20 SERINC3 -1.57 ILMN 1669366 NM 006531.3 13 IFT88 -1.57 ILMN 2154287 NM 032592.1 11 PHACS -1.57 ILMN 2225318 NM 004595.2 X SMS -1.57 ILMN 2043845 NM 018439.1 18 IMPACT -1.57 ILMN 1801 130 NM 004809.3 15 STOMLl -1.57 ILMN 1654313 XM 001 130291.1 LOC730995 -1.57 ILMN 1724194 NM 024663.3 20 NPEPLl -1.57 ILMN 1692020 NM 005865.2 6 PRSS 16 -1.58 ILMN 1699676 NM 138288.3 14 C14orfl47 -1.58 ILMN 1744604 NM 000101.2 , 16 CYBA -1.58 ILMN 1683827 NM 001005753.1 2 VPS24 -1.58 ILMN 1806030 NM 002705.4 16 PPL -1.58 ILMN 1687213 NM 053279.1 8 C8orfl3 -1.58 ILMN 1706687 NM 001007075.1 4 KLHL5 -1.58 ILMN 1691090 NM 002437.4 2 MPV 17 -1.58 ILMN 1685928 NM 052844.3 9 WDR34 -1.58 ILMN 1678619 NM 015533.3 11 DAK -1.59 ILMN 1783798 NM 001481.1 16 GAS8 -1.59 ILMN 1719972 NM 017514.2 X PLXNA3 -1.59 ILMN 2372398 NM 001080.3 6 ALDH5A1 -1.59 ILMN 1881081 -1.59 ILMN 1806312 NM 001009924.1 20 C20orf30 -1.59 ILMN 2043615 NM 001039842.1 17 C17orf90 -1.59 ILMN 173331 1 NM 004855.4 15 PIGB -1.59 ILMN 1799015 NM 018663.1 12 PXMP2 -1.60 ILMN 1692352 NM 016123.1 12 IRAK4 -1.60 ILMN 2097954 NM 005726.2 12 TSFM -1.60 ILMN 1795104 NM 000017.1 12 ACADS -1.60 ILMN 1786065 NM 001048201.1 19 UHRFl -1.60 ILMN 1755405 NM 014489.1 1 1 FRAGl -1.60 ILMN 1734440 NM 022067.2 14 C14orfl33 -1.60 ILMN 17481 16 NM 001042479.1 X GEMIN8 -1.60 ILMN 2302757 NM 003890.1 19 FCGBP -1.60 ILMN 1674498 NM 199136.2 7 C7orf46 -1.60 ILMN 1795778 NM 001017973.1 5 P4HA2 -1.60 ILMN 1793371 NM 014647.2 16 KIAA0430 -1.60 ILMN 1655821 NM 001747.2 2 CAPG -1.60 ILMN 1728934 NM 199413.1 15 PRCl -1.60 ILMN 2165867 NM 001360.2 11 DHCR7 -1.61 ILMN 1764769 NM 014622.4 11 LOH1 1CR2A -1.61 ILMN 1729433 NM 139248.2 3 LIPH -1.61 ILMN 1765159 NM 153702.1 4 ELMOD2 -1.61 ILMN 2323944 NM 001042353.1 20 FAMI lOA -1.61 ILMN 1784380 NM 138287.2 3 DTX3L -1.61 ILMN 2397954 NM 005485.3 3 PARP3 -1.61 ILMN 1669928 NM 014448.2 1 ARHGEF 16 -1.61 ILMN 1754179 NM 003917.2 14 AP1G2 -1.61 ILMN 1773741 NM 0051 13.2 14 GOLGA5 -1.61 ILMN 171 131 1 NM 0010181 11 2 7 PODXL -1.61 ILMN 2345872 NM 001042470 1 7 SUMF2 -1.62 ILMN 2401927 NM 144596.2 14 TTC8 -1.62 ILMN 1696432 NM 005896.2 2 IDHl -1.62 ILMN 1804150 NM 152740.2 7 HIBADH -1.62 ILMN 2059294 NM 003729.1 1 RTCDl -1.62 ILMN 1808769 NM 032705.2 1 Clorf97 -1.62 ILMN 1808305 NM 003729.2 1 RTCDl -1.62 ILMN 2128967 NM 022761.2 11 C l lorfl -1.62 ILMN 1683175 NM 148178.1 9 C9orf23 -1.63 ILMN 1682935 NM 138794.2 1 LYPLALl -1.63 ILMN 1836309 -1.63 ILMN 1679133 NM 030666.2 6 SERPINBl -1.63 ILMN 1807206 NM 138452.1 14 DHRSl -1.63 ILMN 1898723 -1.64 ILMN 2337789 NM 001005415 1 19 MARCH2 -1.64 ILMN 1678353 NM 005766.2 13 FARPl -1.64 ILMN 1651364 NM 032151.3 5 PCBD2 -1.64 ILMN 1771333 NM 198793.2 3 CD47 -1.64 ILMN 2359742 NM 001908.3 8 CTSB -1.64 ILMN 1810915 NM 001441.1 1 FAAH -1.64 ILMN 181 1102 NM 138361.3 9 LRSAMl -1.64 ILMN 1709814 NM 020677.2 16 NMRALl -1.64 ILMN 1730229 NM 032866.3 15 CGNLl -1.64 ILMN 1678922 NM 022079.2 10 HERC4 -1.64 ILMN 1753584 NM 002273.2 12 KRT8 -1.64 ILMN 2242403 NM 080916.1 2 DGUOK -1.64 ILMN 1687519 NM 003825.2 15 SNAP23 -1.65 ILMN 1671568 NM 018281.2 1 ECHDC2 -1.65 ILMN 1713688 NM 018180.2 10 DHX32 -1.65 ILMN 1715607 NM 014169.2 14 CHMP4A -1.65 ILMN 1665291 NM 016118.3 7 NUBl -1.65 ILMN 2223903 NM 000943.4 5 PPIC -1.65 ILMN 1719835 NM 206837.1 1 Clor Ω02 -1.65 ILMN 1738675 NM 080548.3 12 PTPN6 -1.65 ILMN 1714765 XM 001131588. 1 LOC3 89599 -1.65 ILMN 1812567 NM 022307.1 7 ICAl -1.66 ILMN 2330371 NM 001042552. 1 1 TATDN3 -1.66 ILMN 2407564 NR 003149.1 5 GPR98 -1.66 ILMN 2347807 NM 018261.3 4 EXOCl -1.66 ILMN 2184064 NM 183376.1 15 ARRDC4 -1.66 ILMN 1796177 NM 202468.1 19 GIPCl -1.66 ILMN 1724897 NM 021944.1 14 C14orf93 -1.66 ILMN 181 1823 NM 030973.2 19 MED25 -1.66 ILMN 1755051 NM 018100.2 EFHCl -1.66 ILMN 1701 111 NM 019593.3 20 KIAA 1434 -1.66 ILMN 1660021 NM 005817.3 19 M6PRBP1 -1.67 ILMN 1772241 NM 003129.3 8 SQLE -1.67 ILMN 1770977 NM 001078650.1 11 TMEM 134 -1.67 ILMN 1730998 NM 003270.2 X TSPAN6 -1.67 ILMN 2109708 NM 001953.2 22 ECGFl -1.67 ILMN 1675677 NM 032405.1 2 1 TMPRSS3 -1.67 ILMN 2122420 NM 000191.2 1 HMGCL -1.67 ILMN 1772731 NM 005326.4 . 16 HAGH -1.67 ILMN 1686562 NM 015254.2 8 KIF 13B -1.67 ILMN 2380494 NM 001 157.2 10 ANXAI l -1.67 ILMN 1696330 NM 021927.1 4 GUFl -1.67 ILMN 1726769 NM 018235.1 18 CNDP2 -1.67 ILMN 1772064 NM 017439.1 7 LOC54103 -1.68 ILMN 1738207 NM 145071.1 3 CISH -1.68 ILMN 1766123 NM 002012.1 3 FHIT -1.68 ILMN 2284706 NM 001040443.1 13 PHFI l -1.68 ILMN 1737475 NM 148912.2 7 ABHDI l -1.68 ILMN 1733374 XM 936354.2 LOC642197 -1.68 ILMN 1654516 NM 031925.1 7 TMEM 120A -1.69 ILMN 1800889 NM 014845.4 6 FIG4 -1.69 ILMN 1783469 XM 936354.2 LOC642197 -1.69 ILMN 1683026 NM 002801.2 16 PSMBlO -1.69 ILMN 1737644 NM 001083613.1 16 LOC 124446 -1.69 ILMN 1725250 NM 178335.1 3 CCDC50 -1.69 ILMN 1672743 NM 199441.1 20 ZNF334 -1.69 ILMN 1762095 NM 001079669.1 13 TMTC4 -1.70 ILMN 1704195 NM 145059.2 16 FUK -1.70 ILMN 1797342 NM 015033.2 9 FNBPl -1.70 ILMN 1659688 NM 005567.2 17 LGALS3BP -1.70 ILMN 1722820 NM 006855.2 22 KDELR3 -1.70 ILMN 2397602 NM 001005915.1 12 ERBB3 -1.70 ILMN 1683883 NM 000666.1 3 ACYl -1.71 ILMN 1799467 NM 152703.2 7 SAMD9L -1.71 ILMN 1769550 NM 144975.3 17 SLFN5 -1.71 ILMN 1678435 NM 024592.2 4 SRD5A3 -1.71 ILMN 1755954 NM 014912.3 10 CPEB3 -1.71 ILMN 1803392 NM 014604.2 17 TAX1BP3 -1.72 ILMN 2284744 NM 006895.2 2 HNMT -1.72 ILMN 1730848 NM 199187.1 12 KRTl 8 -1.72 ILMN 1700887 NM 173533.2 1 TDRD5 -1.72 ILMN 1771003 NM 017815.1 14 C14orf94 -1.72 ILMN 1687495 NM 018964.3 2 1 SLC37A1 -1.72 ILMN 1809437 NM 001040456.1 7 RHBDD2 -1.72 ILMN 2107933 NM 152354.2 19 ZNF285A -1.72 ILMN 2190084 NM 003761.2 2 VAMP8 -1.72 ILMN 223191 1 NM 001698.1 9 AUH -1.72 ILMN 1756439 NM 014766.3 7 SCRNl -1.73 ILMN 1664051 NM 032970.2 3 SEC22C -1.73 ILMN 1815626 NM 001360.1 11 DHCR7 -1.73 ILMN 2340721 NM 001078651.1 11 TMEMl 34 -1.73 ILMN 1793932 NM 139161.2 19 CRB3 -1.73 ILMN 2227533 NM 032750.1 3 ABHD 14B -1.74 ILMN 2409596 NM 025151.3 8 RABI lFIPl -1.74 ILMN 1677385 NM 138436.2 8 C8orf40 -1.74 ILMN 1687303 NM 025247.4 12 ACADlO -1.74 ILMN 2405254 NM 001030002.1 17 GRB7 -1.74 ILMN 1740960 NM 014067.2 11 MACRODl -1.74 ILMN 1738784 NM 006243.2 1 PPP2R5A -1.74 ILMN 2132458 NM 001305.3 7 CLDN4 -1.75 ILMN 1781536 NM 000137.1 15 FAH -1.75 ILMN 21541 15 NM 012455.2 2 PSD4 -1.75 ILMN 1814790 NM 012309.1 11 SHANK2 -1.75 ILMN 1664691 NM 014395.1 4 DAPPl -1.75 ILMN 1802706 NM 174869.1 X IDH3G -1.75 ILMN 2225537 NM 012212.2 9 LTB4DH -1.75 ILMN 2390162 NM 001040443.1 13 PHFI l -1.75 ILMN 1749834 XM 932890.2 1 LOC388588 -1.75 ILMN 1703650 NM 006058.3 5 TNIPl -1.76 ILMN 1661778 NM 004923.3 11 MTL5 -1.76 ILMN 1804476 NM 205847.1 2 GMPPA -1.76 ILMN 1737805 NM 017901.3 12 TPCNl -1.76 ILMN 2189406 NM 182616.1 15 C15orB8 -1.76 ILMN 1738718 NM 007022.3 3 CYB561D2 -1.76 ILMN 1713901 NM 016657.1 22 KDELR3 -1.76 ILMN 1807455 NM 016029.1 14 DHRS7 -1.76 ILMN 1734366 NM 001001523.1 1 RORC -1.76 ILMN 1729650 NM 000288.1 6 PEX7 -1.76 ILMN 1769720 NM 014393.1 8 STAU2 -1.77 ILMN 1725241 NM 015917.1 7 GSTKl -1.77 ILMN 1761010 NM 000532.3 3 PCCB -1.77 ILMN 1669032 NM 000943.4 5 PPIC -1.77 ILMN 23741 15 NM 001032280.2 6 TFAP2A -1.77 ILMN 1670079 NM 145243.3 1 OMAl -1.77 ILMN 1693538 NM 015690.2 2 STK36 -1.77 ILMN 1722726 NM 014715.2 11 RICS -1.77 ILMN 1657550 NM 002461.1 16 MVD -1.77 ILMN 2406410 NM 001040456.1 7 RHBDD2 -1.78 ILMN 1706571 NM 007001.1 9 SLC35D2 -1.78 ILMN 1749403 NM 178562.2 7 TSPAN33 -1.78 ILMN 1706413 NM 015997.2 1 Clorf66 -1.78 ILMN 1829989 -1.78 ILMN 171 1888 NM 015198.2 7 COBL -1.78 ILMN 2383435 NM 002814.2 X PSMDlO -1.78 ILMN 2363591 NM 001007067.1 8 SDCBP -1.78 ILMN 1815010 NM 016422.3 11 RNF141 -1.79 ILMN 1694070 NM 138389.1 4 FAMl 14Al -1.79 ILMN 1720838 NM 001359.1 8 DECRl -1.79 ILMN 1680501 NM 001003795.2 7 GTF2IRD2B -1.79 ILMN 1806037 NM 003258.2 TKl -1.79 ILMN 1791826 NM 020387.2 1 RAB25 -1.79 ILMN 1696360 NM 147780.2 8 CTSB -1.79 ILMN 17331 10 NM 003475.2 11 RASSF7 -1.79 ILMN 1651705 NM 001752.2 11 CAT -1.80 ILMN 2259818 NM 033316.2 3 MFI2 -1.80 ILMN 2412380 NM 183422.1 13 TSC22D1 -1.80 ILMN 2095273 NM 020817.1 3 KIAA1407 -1.80 ILMN 1709750 NM 022486.3 9 SUSDl -1.80 ILMN 1741768 NM 032405.1 . 2 1 TMPRSS3 -1.80 ILMN 1792726 NM 006862.3 1 TDRKH -1.80 ILMN 2164081 NM 021633.2 1 KLHL 12 -1.80 ILMN 1673752 NM 0191 18.2 1 Clorf91 -1.81 ILMN 2205882 NM 024677.3 4 NSUN7 -1.81 ILMN 1667551 NR 003504.1 6 GUSBLl -1.81 ILMN 2408851 NM 181720.2 1 ARHGAP30 -1.81 ILMN 175831 1 NM 001047160.1 10 NETl -1.81 ILMN 1737992 NM 000755.2 9 CRAT -1.81 ILMN 2317923 NM 178031.2 11 TMEM 132A -1.82 ILMN 1669631 NM 000824.2 4 GLRB -1.82 ILMN 1788942 NM 153338.1 17 GGT6 -1.82 ILMN 1693340 NM 005052.2 17 RAC3 -1.82 ILMN 1685170 NM 001 157.2 10 ANXAI l -1.82 ILMN 2406043 NM 001005753.1 2 VPS24 -1.82 ILMN 1665372 NM 021910.1 19 FXYD3 -1.83 ILMN 1784467 NM 024923.2 3 NUP210 -1.83 ILMN 1718309 NM 078470.2 10 COX 15 -1.83 ILMN 1788250 NM 012317.2 X LDOCl -1.83 ILMN 1802096 NM 032548.2 3 ABTBl -1.84 ILMN 1660544 NM 183376.1 15 ARRDC4 -1.84 ILMN 1802458 NM 001040196.1 1 AGTRAP -1.84 ILMN 1652409 NM 001040428.2 14 SPATA7 -1.84 ILMN 2201533 NM 152766.2 17 C17orf61 -1.85 ILMN 2381257 NM 024422.2 18 DSC2 -1.85 ILMN 2152429 NM 207435.1 12 FLJ40142 -1.85 ILMN 1758323 NM 001099.2 3 ACPP -1.85 ILMN 1792455 NM 015444.2 3 TMEMl 58 -1.86 ILMN 1805449 NM 018009.3 12 TAPBPL -1.86 ILMN 1740426 NM 016084.3 17 RASDl -1.86 ILMN 2089073 NM 006045.1 20 ATP9A -1.87 ILMN 2209614 NM 001014440.2 22 LOC440836 -1.87 ILMN 1673892 NM 001039547.1 3 GK5 -1.87 ILMN 1700733 NM 019600.2 15 KIAAl 370 -1.87 ILMN 1805636 NM 033419.3 17 PERLDl -1.87 ILMN 1791306 NM 001001551.1 9 C9orfl03 -1.87 ILMN 1769264 NM 022132.3 5 MCCC2 -1.88 ILMN 1762091 NM 024764.2 14 CATSPERB -1.88 ILMN 2173294 NM 018271.2 2 FLJ10916 -1.88 ILMN 1912333 -1.88 ILMN 1714397 NM 015974.2 13 CRYLl -1.89 ILMN 1654629 NM 032326.2 4 TMEM 175 -1.89 ILMN 1803277 NM 0051 15.3 16 MVP -1.89 ILMN 1800447 NM 001031835.1 16 PHKB -1.90 ILMN 1751400 NM 003726.3 17 SKAPl -1.90 ILMN 1729374 NM 001985.2 19 ETFB -1.90 ILMN 1652128 NM 018368.2 6 LMBRDl -1.91 ILMN 1658639 NM 181785.2 13 SLC46A3 -1.91 ILMN 2389528 NM 001039656.1 11 MTL5 -1.91 ILMN 1862521 -1.91 ILMN 1776723 NM 001040443.1 13 PHFI l -1.91 ILMN 1815303 XM 936354.2 LOC642197 -1.92 ILMN 1687556 NM 001017920.1 2 DAPLl -1.92 ILMN 1771987 NM 020428.2 19 SLC44A2 -1.92 ILMN 179151 1 NM 018487.2 7 TMEM 176A -1.93 ILMN 2373763 NM 033339.3 10 CASP7 -1.93 ILMN 1723020 NM 005921.1 5 MAP3K1 -1.93 ILMN 1707088 NM 024901.3 1 DENND2D -1.93 ILMN 1719649 NM 014698.1 1 TMEM63A -1.93 ILMN 1798659 NM 015439.2 6 CCDC28A -1.93 ILMN 2344182 NM 032813.2 13 TMTC4 -1.93 ILMN 1669878 NM 000181.2 7 GUSB -1.93 . ILMN 1700159 NM 015469.1 9 NIPSNAP3A -1.94 ILMN 1736242 NM 015432.2 16 PLEKHG4 -1.94 ILMN 1741054 NM 021095.1 2 SLC5A6 -1.94 ILMN 2142353 NM 024719.2 13 GRTPl -1.94 ILMN 1690939 NM 001953.2 22 ECGFl -1.94 ILMN 2344373 NM 017458.2 16 MVP -1.94 ILMN 2392356 NM 175859.1 X CTPS2 -1.94 ILMN 1804461 NM 001077186.1 19 MYH 14 -1.95 ILMN 1660793 NM 152341.2 16 PAQR4 -1.95 ILMN 1795275 NM 019050.2 4 USP53 -1.95 ILMN 181 1836 NM 016008.2 2 DYNC2LI1 -1.95 ILMN 1789436 NM 019049.1 1 Clorf218 -1.95 ILMN 1755234 NM 017857.2 11 SSH3 -1.96 ILMN 1799589 NM 006647.1 9 NOXAl -1.96 ILMN 1795906 NM 000281.2 10 PCBDl -1.97 ILMN 1688154 NM 002447.2 3 MSTlR -1.97 ILMN 1669177 NM 024705.1 13 DHRS 12 -1.97 ILMN 1697710 NM 014439.3 2 IL1F7 -1.97 ILMN 2381296 NM 145871.1 14 GSTZl -1.97 ILMN 1682996 NM 198315.2 11 LOH1 1CR2A -1.97 ILMN 1764082 NM 001080480.1 6 MBOATl -1.97 ILMN 1699852 NM 173815.4 16 FLJ37464 -1.97 ILMN 1705991 NR 003504.1 6 GUSBLl -1.97 ILMN 1666986 NM 145649.2 6 GCNT2 -1.97 ILMN 1787378 NM 016824.3 10 ADD3 -1.97 ILMN 1701 173 NM 004823.1 19 KCNK6 -1.97 ILMN 2362974 NM 033338.4 10 CASP7 -1.97 ILMN 1701643 NM 030792.5 11 GDPD5 -1.98 ILMN 1673543 NM 018290.2 4 PGM2 -1.98 ILMN 1768958 NM 005739.2 15 RASGRPl -1.98 ILMN 1715324 NM 014234.3 6 HSD17B8 -1.98 ILMN 1756877 NM 052873.1 14 C14orfl79 -1.98 ILMN 1757532 NM 014723.2 20 SNPH -1.98 ILMN 2363165 NM 206861.1 10 TACC2 -1.99 ILMN 1659913 NM 002201.4 15 ISG20 -1.99 ILMN 2307656 NM 001040194.1 1 AGTRAP -1.99 ILMN 1726288 NM 018374.2 7 TMEM 106B -1.99 ILMN 2371053 NM 004428.2 1 EFNAl -2.00 ILMN 1795181 NM 017631.4 4 DDX60 -2.00 ILMN 1805693 NM 016573.1 19 GMIP -2.00 ILMN 1809895 NM 001024948.1 1 FNBPlL -2.00 ILMN 181 1551 NM 015954.2 12 DERA -2.01 ILMN 2065022 NM 014859.3 17 KIAA0672 -2.01 ILMN 1728106 NM 000594.2 6 TNF -2.01 ILMN 1779234 NM 002993.2 4 CXCL6 -2.01 ILMN 1671971 XR 016703.1 1 LOC644743 -2.01 ILMN 1826165 -2.02 ILMN 1758523 NM 001089.1 16 ABCA3 -2.02 ILMN 2300970 NM 001014763.1 19 ETFB -2.02 ILMN 1682919 NM 000437.3 1 PAFAH2 -2.02 ILMN 1723768 NM 170722.1 11 NLRXl -2.02

ILMN 1664233 XM 927705.1 1 LOC644590 -2.02 ILMN 2206126 NM 130900.2 6 RAETlL -2.03 ILMN 1776515 NM 023075.4 18 MPPEl -2.03 ILMN 1700310 NM 080489.3 20 SDCBP2 -2.03 ILMN 21421 17 NM 138794.1 1 LYPLALl -2.03 ILMN 1785095 NM 145230.2 7 ATP6V0E2 -2.03 ILMN 1698484 NM 133639.2 15 RHOV -2.04 ILMN 1697880 NM 002663.2 17 PLD2 -2.04 ILMN 1787657 NM 012129.2 7 CLDNl 2 -2.04 ILMN 2204545 NM 006278.1 11 ST3GAL4 -2.04 ILMN 1665049 NM 025137.3 15 SPGI l -2.04 ILMN 1654560 NM 006068.2 4 TLR6 -2.05 ILMN 1758250 NM 006700.1 12 TRAFDl -2.05 ILMN 1769433 NM 006633.2 5 IQGAP2 -2.06 ILMN 1751851 NM 177405.1 22 CECRl -2.06 ILMN 1790637 NM 024650.2 11 Cl lorfSO -2.06 ILMN 2307740 NM 172358.1 1 CD46 -2.06 ILMN 1857897 -2.06 ILMN 2235137 NM 0010181 15.1 3 FANCD2 -2.06 ILMN 1806387 XM 926996.1 X LOC340598 -2.07 ILMN 1652379 NM 003848.1 3 SUCLG2 -2.07 ILMN 1805665 NM 198391.1 20 FLRT3 -2.07 ILMN 1709795 NM 002872.3 22 RAC2 -2.07 ILMN 1719986 NM 052880.3 22 PIK3IP1 -2.07 ILMN 1780825 NM 006270.3 19 RRAS -2.07 ILMN 1763704 NM 183337.1 16 RGSI l -2.08 ILMN 1724148 NM 032790.2 12 ORAIl -2.08 ILMN 1703370 NM 032799.4 9 ZDHHC 12 -2.08 ILMN 1730291 NM 001677.3 1 ATPlBl -2.09 ILMN 1764927 NM 152243.1 22 . CDC42EP1 -2.09 ILMN 1701386 NM 018571.5 2 ALS2CR2 -2.09 ILMN 1814213 NM 152391.3 2 PQLC3 -2.09 ILMN 1741597 XM 939284.2 LOC650200 -2.09 ILMN 1770653 NM 052886.2 8 MAL2 -2.10 ILMN 1652797 NM 207446.2 15 LOC400451 -2.10 ILMN 2398926 NM 181656.1 17 C17orf58 -2.10 ILMN 1723625 NM 004579.2 11 MAP4K2 -2.10 ILMN 1670844 NM 014322.2 1 OPN3 -2.10. ILMN 1760506 NR 003086.1 10 HSD17B7P2 -2.1 1 ILMN 2367165 NM 172028.1 3 ABTBl -2.1 1 ILMN 1677607 NM 006918.4 11 SC5DL -2.1 1 ILMN 1681890 NM 006520.1 X DYNLT3 -2.1 1 ILMN 1782922 NM 002600.3 - 1 PDE4B -2.1 1 ILMN 2382505 NM 002555.3 11 SLC22A18 -2.12 ILMN 1692742 NM 014957.2 8 DENND3 -2.13 ILMN 2315780 NM 006997.2 10 TACC2 -2.13 ILMN 1654013 NM 030630.1 17 C17orf28 -2.13 ILMN 1712985 NM 181656.3 17 C17orf58 -2.13 ILMN 1698766 NM 013258.3 16 PYCARD -2.14 ILMN 1671486 NM 199331.2 15 HOMER2 -2.14 ILMN 1677693 NM 006018.1 12 GPRl 09B -2.15 ILMN 1705107 NM 015685.4 20 SDCBP2 -2.15 ILMN 2407824 NM 001001787.1 1 ATPlBl -2.16 ILMN 1656691 NM 012176.2 5 FBXO4 -2.17 ILMN 2374352 NM 001042610.1 16 DBNDDl -2.17 ILMN 1787567 NM 006022.2 13 TSC22D1 -2.17 ILMN 1737993 NM 001005915.1 12 ERBB3 -2.18 ILMN 1802642 NM 005486.1 17 TOMlLl -2.18 ILMN 2173975 NM 022147.2 3 RTP4 -2.18 ILMN 1769934 NM 198182.1 2 GRHLl -2.18 ILMN 2346479 NM 199332.2 15 . HOMER2 -2.18 ILMN 1700515 NM 181656.3 17 C17orf58 -2.18 ILMN 2291455 NM 001035254.1 9 FAM 102A -2.19 ILMN 2210729 NM 016086.2 7 STYXLl -2.19 ILMN 1748827 XM 498725.3 19 LOC388564 -2.20 ILMN 1805916 NM 003634.1 22 NIPSNAPl -2.21 ILMN 1803194 NM 000154.1 17 GALKl -2.22 ILMN 1685709 NM 144626.1 1 TMEM 125 -2.22 ILMN 1769810 NM 006407.3 3 ARL6IP5 -2.23 ILMN 1769779 NM 007079.2 8 PTP4A3 -2.23 ILMN 2190598 NM 018351.2 12 FGD6 -2.23 ILMN 1699206 NM 033393.2 4 FHDCl -2.23 ILMN 1785284 NM 005589.2 14 ALDH6A1 -2.23 ILMN 1691237 NM 006366.2 6 CAP2 -2.24 ILMN 2387680 NM 001024460.1 6 VNN3 -2.24 ILMN 2 111932 NM 178865.3 1 SERINC2 -2.24 ILMN 1802631 NM 000027.2 4 AGA -2.24 ILMN 1862217 -2.25 ILMN 1796349 NM 006714.2 6 SMPDL3A -2.25 ILMN 1757631 NM 001042610.1 16 DBNDDl -2.26 ILMN 1762224 NM 032383.3 3 HPS3 -2.26 ILMN 1808404 NM 022450.2 16 RHBDFl -2.26 ILMN 1664303 NM 006410.3 11 HTATIP2 -2.27 ILMN 1753500 NM 018287.5 10 ARHGAP 12 -2.27 ILMN 2330552 NM 033531.1 1 CDC2L2 -2.27 ILMN 181 1729 NM 0121 16.2 19 CBLC -2.28 ILMN 1734596 NM 152332.3 14 TC2N -2.29 ILMN 1809477 NM 001042476.1 16 CARHSPl -2.29 ILMN 1808824 NM 006393.1 10 NEBL -2.30 ILMN 1728048 NM 001031744.1 10 LOC158160 -2.30 ILMN 1727605 NM 002031.2 6 FRK -2.30 ILMN 2413650 NM 003035.2 1 STIL -2.31 ILMN 1801307 NM 003810.2 3 TNFSFlO -2.31 ILMN 1658071 NM 001677.3 1 ATPlBl -2.31 ILMN 1725510 NM 014762.3 1 DHCR24 -2.32 ILMN 1795300 NM 001001669.2 5 FLJ41603 -2.32 ILMN 181 1470 NM 016445.1 14 PLEK2 -2.32 ILMN 1740923 NM 033409.2 20 C20orf54 -2.32 ILMN 2352131 NM 004448.2 17 ERBB2 -2.33 ILMN 1810942 NM 000777.2 7 CYP3A5 -2.33 ILMN 1680965 XM 001 128061.1 8 LOC728454 -2.33 ILMN 1662390 NM 181718.3 16 ASPHDl -2.33 ILMN 1774077 NM 004120.3 1 GBP2 -2.33 ILMN 2159453 NM 006949.1 19 STXBP2 -2.34 ILMN 1675927 NM 213569.1 10 NEBL -2.34 ILMN 1684873 NM 001669.2 X ARSD -2.34 ILMN 1776582 NM 005391.2 X PDK3 -2.35 ILMN 2383349 NM 018234.2 2 STEAP3 -2.35 ILMN 1781386 NM 017983.4 WIPIl -2.35 ILMN 1678841 NM 006398.2 6 UBD -2.35 ILMN 2387471 NM 001080403.1 FLJ22184 -2.36 ILMN 2214678 NM 002357.2 2 MXDl -2.36 ILMN 1806456 NM 025057.1 14 C14orf45 -2.36 ILMN 1713829 NM 004878.3 9 PTGES -2.37 ILMN 1752199 NM 022126.2 10 LHPP -2.37 ILMN 2392352 NM 175859.1 X CTPS2 -2.38 ILMN 1673795 NM 000414.1 5 HSD17B4 -2.39 ILMN 1800530 NM 014914.2 2 CENTG2 -2.39 ILMN 1668629 XM 937968.2 LOC401 115 -2.39 ILMN 2352921 NM 001724.3 7 BPGM -2.40 ILMN 1827736 -2.41 ILMN 2059689 NM 033504.2 1 TMEM54 -2.41 ILMN 1875123 -2.41 ILMN 1742705 NM 139177.2 17 SLC39A1 1 -2.42 ILMN 2341254 NM 178006.1 13 STARD 13 -2.42 ILMN 1805992 NM 018330.4 10 KIAA 1598 -2.43 ILMN 1726928 NM 003196.1 1 TCEA3 -2.44 ILMN 1664398 XM 940809.1 LOC651621 -2.44 ILMN 1759766 NM 206833.2 19 CTXNl -2.45 ILMN 2380938 NM 004200.2 11 SYT7 -2.45 ILMN 2212909 NM 014791.2 9 MELK -2.46 ILMN 1671565 NM 003730.3 6 RNASET2 -2.46 ILMN 1690621 NM 0321 19.3 . 5 GPR98 -2.46 ILMN 1660451 NM 178008.1 13 STARD 13 -2.48 ILMN 1699887 NM 021978.2 11 ST14 -2.48 ILMN 1653466 NM 021 170.2 1 HES4 -2.48 ILMN 2413780 NM 201575.1 16 SEZ6L2 -2.48 ILMN 1755649 NM 004695.2 17 SLCl 6A5 -2.49 ILMN 2224907 NM 174921.1 4 C4orβ 4 -2.49 ILMN 1659631 XR 015755.1 2 LOC730024 -2.51 ILMN 2175236 NM 000949.2 5 PRLR -2.52 ILMN 181 1515 NM 021 120.2 X DLG3 -2.52 ILMN 1713846 NM 020700.1 12 PPMlH -2.52 ILMN 1684205 NM 006384.2 15 CIBl -2.53 ILMN 1677314 NM 002456.4 1 MUCl -2.54 ILMN 1670099 NM 052946.2 2 NOSTRIN -2.54 ILMN 1749044 NM 030916.1 1 PVRL4 -2.58 ILMN 1735495 NM 007063.3 TBC1D8 -2.58 ILMN 1767816 NM 031301.2 15 APHlB -2.58 ILMN 1722981 NM 003268.4 1 TLR5 -2.60 ILMN 1750497 NM 177551.3 12 GPRl 09A -2.60 ILMN 1746359 NM 032918.1 12 RERG -2.60 ILMN 1730917 NM 003679.2 1 KMO -2.61 ILMN 1791545 NM 015515.3 17 KRT23 -2.62 ILMN 1701 170 NM 003658.4 11 BARX2 -2.62 ILMN 1795839 NM 016002.2 1 SCCPDH -2.63 ILMN 1779448 NM 025202.2 2 EFHDl -2.63 ILMN 1753143 NM 033103.3 19 RHPN2 -2.64 ILMN 2071809 NM 000900.2 12 MGP -2.65 ILMN 1672717 NM 025125.2 10 C10orf57 -2.66 ILMN 2413158 NM 0010181 11.1 7 PODXL -2.67 ILMN 2048043 NM 004942.2 8 DEFB4 -2.67 ILMN 1774874 NM 173843.1 2 ILlRN -2.68 ILMN 2170949 NM 013322.2 7 SNXlO -2.69 ILMN 1678143 NM 001 175.4 12 ARHGDIB -2.69 ILMN 1655068 NM 001082968.1 17 TOM1L2 -2.69 ILMN 1651958 NM 000900.2 12 MGP -2.70 ILMN 1776464 NM 006437.3 13 PARP4 -2.70 ILMN 1727080 NM 004999.3 6 MYO6 -2.72 ILMN 1770400 NM 001013624.1 17 ZNF385C -2.72 ILMN 1677108 NM 144575.2 2 CAPN 13 -2.73 ILMN 1813846 NM 002560.2 12 P2RX4 -2.73 ILMN 1727288 NM 001988.1 17 EVPL -2.74 ILMN 2334531 NM 001005752.1 1 GJB3 -2.74 ILMN 1680652 NM 003944.2 1 SELENBPl -2.75 ILMN 1741014 NM 022127.1 9 SLC28A3 -2.76 ILMN 1805228 NM 052972.2 19 LRGl -2.77 ILMN 1669781 NM 000949.2 5 PRLR -2.77 ILMN 1692177 NM 006022.2 13 TSC22D1 -2.81 ILMN 2359710 NM 007079.2 8 PTP4A3 -2.81 ILMN 1694778 XR 017241.1 5 LOC646723 -2.82 ILMN 2341548 NM 001080467.1 18 MYO5B -2.82 ILMN 1751789 NM 001024074.1 2 HNMT -2.82 ILMN 1772387 NM 003264.3 4 TLR2 -2.82 ILMN 1910908 -2.83 ILMN 1657679 NM 0061 13.4 1 VAV3 -2.84 ILMN 1794707 NM 025092.3 11 ATHLl -2.84 ILMN 17451 12 NM 001035254.1 9 FAM 102A -2.84 ILMN 2041236 NM 015085.3 17 GARNL4 -2.84 ILMN 1679401 NM 017636.2 19 TRPM4 -2.86 ILMN 2143685 NM 001307.3 17 CLDN7 -2.86 ILMN 1785900 XR 016129.1 2 1 LOC653108 -2.87 ILMN 1790881 NM 001024074.1 2 HNMT -2.88 ILMN 1667199 NM 021 199.2 15 SQRDL -2.90 ILMN 1776519 NM 002885.1 1 RAPlGAP -2.91 ILMN 1662427 NM 007079.2 8 PTP4A3 -2.93 ILMN 2060413 NM 013230.2 Y CD24 -2.93 . ILMN 1699989 NM 138278.2 1 BNIPL -2.93 ILMN 2219466 NM 004900.3 22 APOBEC3B -2.93 ILMN 1739605 NM 014400.2 19 LYPD3 -2.93 ILMN 1808713 NM 002153.1 16 HSD17B2 -2.93 ILMN 2160476 NM 002990.3 16 CCL22 -2.94 ILMN 2355486 NM 206964.1 2 1 FAM3B -2.95 ILMN 1678535 NM 000125.2 6 ESRl -2.96 -ILMN 1803889 XM 085463.7 16 LOC 146439 -2.96 ILMN 1796925 NM 001338.3 2 1 CXADR -2.98 ILMN 1657409 NM 170694.1 22 SERHL -2.99 ILMN 2401779 NM 001035254.1 9 FAM 102A -2.99 ILMN 1721732 NM 031415.2 8 MLZE -3.00 ILMN 1766405 NM 177937.1 9 GOLMl -3.01 ILMN 1736527 . NM 014553.1 2 TFCP2L1 -3.02 ILMN 1697460 NM 138393.1 19 REEP6 -3.03 ILMN 1745623 NM 173584.3 11 EFCAB4A -3.03 ILMN 2299795 NM 001005502.1 12 CPM -3.05 ILMN 1701613 NM 004585.3 11 RARRES3 -3.06 ILMN 1696031 NM 001005267.1 15 C15orf21 -3.07 ILMN 2365569 NM 004968.2 7 ICAl -3.07 ILMN 1769201 NM 004433.3 1 ELF3 -3.08 ILMN 1691410 NM 012342.2 10 BAMBI -3.09 ILMN 1659610 NM 014428.1 19 TJP3 -3.09 ILMN 1794677 NM 007267.5 17 TMC6 -3.1 1 ILMN 1769388 NM 004004.4 13 GJB2 -3.12 ILMN 1802780 NM 174941.3 12 M160 -3.13 ILMN 1723443 NM 004525.2 2 LRP2 -3.14 ILMN 1713397 NM 001001414.1 19 LOC342897 -3.15 ILMN 2050790 NM 080659.1 11 Cl lorf52 -3.15 ILMN 1671 154 NM 032046.1 11 TMPRSS 13 -3.16 ILMN 1746517 NM 003937.2 2 KYNU -3.17 ILMN 1692219 NM 001002814.1 8 RABI lFIPl -3.17 ILMN 2337263 NM 032471.4 6 PKIB -3.19 ILMN 1814787 NM 004968.2 7 ICAl -3.21 ILMN 1692223 NM 005564.3 9 LCN2 -3.22 ILMN 2235851 NM 001080535.1 2 LINCR -3.23 ILMN 1719599 NM 080737.1 X SYTL4 -3.24 ILMN 1749327 NM 002754.3 6 MAPKl 3 -3.24 ILMN 1727689 NM 006291.2 14 TNFAIP2 -3.24 ILMN 1743950 NM 198541.1 19 IGFLl -3.25 ILMN 2304495 NM 181505.1 17 PPPlRlB -3.26 ILMN 1803408 NM 000224.2 12 KRTl 8 -3.30 ILMN 2289844 NM 170694.1 22 SERHL -3.31 ILMN 1774287 NM 001710.4 6 CFB -3.32 ILMN 1699521 XM 944061.1 KIAA1641 -3.32 ILMN 1713892 NM 174921.1 4 C4orf34 -3.33 ILMN 1750674 NM 138432.2 12 SDSL -3.35 ILMN 1680390 NM 001491.2 6 GCNT2 -3.36 ILMN 1699665 NM 053277.1 2 1 CLIC6 -3.37 ILMN 2310814 NM 016841.2 17 MAPT -3.38 ILMN 2041222 NM 173624.1 17 FLJ40504 -3.38 ILMN 1737514 NM 001032998.1 2 KYNU -3.41 ILMN 1804935 NM 001024460.1 6 VNN3 -3.42 ILMN 1773963 NM 002068.1 19 GNA 15 -3.42 ILMN 2413779 NM 201575.1 16 SEZ6L2 -3.44 ILMN 1751753 NM 002168.2 15 IDH2 -3.44 ILMN 1682599 NM 003979.3 12 GPRC5A -3.45 ILMN 1658926 NM 000435.1 19 NOTCH3 -3.49 ILMN 1770505 NM 001 197.3 22 BIK -3.51 ILMN 1793859 NM 000690.2 12 ALDH2 -3.53 ILMN 1651428 NM 032379.3 11 SYTL2 -3.57 ILMN 1689046 NM 019027.1 4 FLJ20273 -3.57 ILMN 1794659 NM 001097638.1 19 FUT2 -3.63 ILMN 1708130 NM 012153.3 11 EHF -3.64 ILMN 1803219 NM 144686.1 19 TMC4 -3.65 ILMN 1723042 NM 001306.2 7 CLDN3 -3.66 ILMN 1705750 NM 004613.2 20 TGM2 -3.70 ILMN 2072568 NM 199328.1 2 1 CLDN8 -3.70 ILMN 1753139 NM 145252.1 16 LOC 124220 -3.71 ILMN 1712082 NM 004751.1 15 GCNT3 -3.73 ILMN 2063168 NM 005434.3 2 MALL -3.74 ILMN 1705814 NM 182507.2 12 KRT80 -3.82 ILMN 2336609 NM 206929.1 11 SYTL2 -3.86 ILMN 1768469 NM 001062.3 11 TCNl -3.90 ILMN 1701361 NM 203403.1 9 C9orfl50 -3.91 ILMN 1728799 NM 000507.2 9 FBPl -3.92 ILMN 2 114720 NM 003064.2 20 SLPI -3.92 ILMN 1808789 NM 018728.2 15 MYO5C -3.93 ILMN 1756992 NM 001044391.1 1 MUCl -3.94 ILMN 1656369 NM 020130.3 8 C8orf4 -3.94 ILMN 1712522 NM 002483.3 19 CEACAM6 -3.95 ILMN 1746801 NM 020770.1 1 CGN -3.96 ILMN 1837428 -3.97 ILMN 1682929 NM 206928.1 11 SYTL2 -3.99 ILMN 1708580 NM 005764.3 1 PDZKlIPl -3.99 ILMN 1732398 NM 002407.1 11 SCGB2A1 -4.00 ILMN 2108735 NM 001958.2 20 EEF 1A2 -4.05 ILMN 1672589 NM 198925.1 15 SEMA4B -4.09 ILMN 1801216 NM 005980.2 4 SlOOP -4.16 ILMN 2249018 NM 001013653.1 9 LOC389816 -4.17 ILMN 1680757 NM 001013653.2 9 LRRC26 -4.18 ILMN 1679666 NM 052863.2 5 SCGB3A1 -4.20 ILMN 1753101 NM 024626.2 1 VTCNl -4.23 ILMN 1723333 NM ' 00241 1.2 11 SCGB2A2 -4.26 ILMN 1679267 NM 198951.1 20 TGM2 -4.27 ILMN 237191 1 NM 001044390.1 1 MUCl -4.32 ILMN 1805519 NM 013230.2 Y CD24 -4.33 ILMN 1680996 XM 001 127464.1 ALOX5 -4.37 ILMN 1712759 NM 198538.1 19 SBSN -4.44 ILMN 1686573 NM 005218.3 8 DEFBl -4.48 ILMN 1791 123 NM 005656.2 2 1 TMPRSS2 -4.49 ILMN 1805410 NM 032413.2 15 C15orf48 -4.49 ILMN 1668822 NM 006399.2 14 BATF -4.59 ILMN 1654696 NM 032413.2 15 C15orf48 -4.67 ILMN 1751346 NM 001982.2 12 ERBB3 -4.68 ILMN 1795342 NM 001042467.1 2 MLPH -4.84 ILMN 1797154 NM 001 185.2 7 AZGPl -4.95 ILMN 2092077 NM 002652.2 7 PIP -5.04 ILMN 1771482 NM 020775.2 1 KIAA 1324 -5.32 ILMN 1730777 NM 002276.3 17 KRTl 9 -5.34 Table 14. Gene signaturesfor Lum Mature (CD49f-EpCAM+) subsets.

Average log GeneRef Chr Symbol ID fold-change ILMN 1722489 NM 003225.2 2 1 TFFl 5.83 ILMN 1795342 NM 001042467 1 2 MLPH 5.30 ILMN 1782939 NM 000477.3 4 ALB 5.28 ILMN 2108735 NM 001958.2 20 EEF 1A2 5.13 ILMN 1682763 NM 000477.3 4 ALB 5.1 1 ILMN 1728799 NM 000507.2 9 FBPl 5.06 ILMN 1695397 XM 927359.1 1 LOC644151 4.85 ILMN 1766650 NM 004496.2 14 FOXAl 4.85 ILMN 1668822 NM 006399.2 14 BATF 4.84 ILMN 1680814 NM 001956.2 1 EDN2 4.82 ILMN 1682929 NM 206928.1 11 SYTL2 4.82 ILMN 231 1020 NM 201262.1 10 DNAJC 12 4.81 ILMN 1728787 NM 176813.3 7 AGR3 4.71 ILMN 1787266 NM 003122.2 5 SPINKl 4.69 ILMN 2336609 NM 206929.1 11 SYTL2 4.67 ILMN 1651428 NM 032379.3 11 SYTL2 4.67 ILMN 1730977 NM 025257.2 6 SLC44A4 4.66 ILMN 1719250 NM 032794.1 6 SLC44A4 4.65 ILMN 1779517 NM 152573.2 9 RASEF 4.55 ILMN 1803073 NM 021800.2 10 DNAJC 12 4.46 ILMN 2269256 NM 021800.2 10 DNAJC 12 4.44 ILMN 1651329 XM 944750.2 LOC646360 4.44 ILMN 2289844 NM 170694.1 22 SERHL 4.40 ILMN 1752075 NM 206819.1 12 MYBPCl 4.28 ILMN 1753766 XM 943925.1 LOC388743 4.26 ILMN 1679267 NM 198951.1 20 TGM2 4.23 ILMN 1796059 XM 001 131823. 1 ANKRD30A 4.20 ILMN 1657409 NM 170694.1 22 SERHL 4.19 ILMN 2240221 NM 032943.2 11 SYTL2 4.17 " ILMN 1725773 NM 201262.1 10 DNAJC 12 4.14 ILMN 1729691 NM 004694.3 17 SLC16A6 4.1 1 ILMN 2413833 NM 001080430. 1 16 TOX3 4.09 ILMN 1685625 NM 003355.2 11 UCP2 4.04 ILMN 1763666 NM 001031615. 1 11 ALDH3B2 4.01 ILMN 2330170 NM 206821.1 12 MYBPCl 4.00 ILMN 1791678 NM 000353.1 16 TAT 3.94 ILMN 1712082 NM 004751.1 15 GCNT3 3.92 ILMN 1779416 NM 020974.1 11 SCUBE2 3.90 ILMN 2325506 NM 017843.3 20 BCAS4 3.89 ILMN 1719599 NM 080737.1 X SYTL4 3.88 ILMN 1759910 NM 000624.3 14 SERPINA5 3.88 ILMN 1772686 NM 033086.2 9 FGD3 3.86 ILMN 2359698 NM 178134.2 1 CYP4Z1 3.82 ILMN 2382942 NM 001218.3 15 CA12 3.79 ILMN 1760087 NM 0001 11.1 7 SLC26A3 3.79 ILMN 1844029 3.78 ILMN 1708303 NM 173483.2 CYP4F22 3.77 ILMN 1656369 NM 020130.3 8 C8orf4 3.77 ILMN 1753101 NM 024626.2 1 VTCNl 3.71 ILMN 1808059 NM 017843.3 20 BCAS4 3.66 ILMN 1781400 NM 001008539. 2 8 SLC7A2 3.65 ILMN 16931 19 NM 177964.3 2 LOC 130576 3.61 ILMN 1767129 NM 000352.3 11 ' ABCC8 3.59 ILMN 2053103 NM 014585.3 2 SLC40A1 3.58 ILMN 1775235 NM 001025108. 1 2 AFF3 3.57 ILMN 1813607 XM 001 131823. 1 ANKRD30A 3.55 ILMN 181 1387 NM 003226.2 2 1 TFF3 3.54 ILMN 1771 120 NM 138788.3 11 TMEM45B 3.53 ILMN 1709634 NM 138809.3 5 CMBL 3.53 ILMN 2231298 NM 014509.3 22 SERHL2 3.52 ILMN 2231299 NM 014509.3 22 SERHL2 3.49 ILMN 1677108 NM 144575.2 2 CAPN 13 3.49 ILMN 1791095 NM 001080451. 1 14 SERPINAI l 3.49 ILMN 1754969 NM 014583.2 3 LMCDl 3.44 ILMN 1720998 NM 001218.3 15 CA12 3.43 ILMN 1679299 NM 001555.2 X IGSFl 3.42 ILMN 2198878 NM 003866.1 4 INPP4B 3.42 ILMN 237191 1 NM 001044390. 1 1 MUCl 3.40 ILMN 1680996 XM 001 127464. 1 ALOX5 3.37 ILMN 1668593 NM 000613.1 11 HPX 3.36 ILMN 1672589 NM 198925.1 15 SEMA4B 3.31 ILMN 1785570 NM 145006.2 9 SUSD3 3.30 ILMN 2056032 NM 002414.3 X CD99 3.28 ILMN 1803850 NM 012339.3 10 TSPAN 15 3.27 ILMN 1696243 XM 939163.2 FLJ23152 3.27 ILMN 1730039 NM 032880.2 1 IGSF21 3.26 ILMN 2137208 NM 198447.1 1 GOLTlA 3.25 ILMN 1772036 NM 024636.2 7 STEAP4 3.25 ILMN 1736412 NM 020547.1 12 AMHR2 3.25 ILMN 1685699 NM 002771.2 9 PRSS3 3.24 ILMN 1802105 NM 018423.1 12 STYKl 3.23 ILMN 1669781 NM 000949.2 5 PRLR 3.22 ILMN 1837428 3.21 ILMN 1733904 NM 033197.2 20 C20or Ω 14 3.20 ILMN 2331082 NM 206938.1 11 MS4A7 3.19 ILMN 1713892 NM 174921.1 4 C4orD4 3.17 ILMN 2310814 NM 016841.2 17 MAPT 3.16 ILMN 2371280 NM 172313.1 1 CSF3R 3.1 1 ILMN 2186137 NM 004165.1 16 RRAD 3.10 ILMN 1701204 NM 005429.2 4 VEGFC 3.09 ILMN 17301 17 NM 024780.3 16 TMC5 3.08 ILMN 1656920 NM 00131 1.3 14 CRIPl 3.08 ILMN 1779448 NM 025202.2 2 EFHDl 3.07 ILMN 2175236 NM 000949.2 5 PRLR 3.07 ILMN 1683179 NM 004165.1 16 RRAD 3.06 ILMN 1732962 NM 020721.1 X KIAA1210 3.06 ILMN 1738578 NM 014890.2 3 FILIPlL 3.05 ILMN 1666536 NM 014312.3 11 VSIG2 3.05 ILMN 1710064 NM 138969.2 8 RDHE2 3.03 ILMN 1729188 NM 021 175.2 19 HAMP 3.02 ILMN 1772446 NM 032829.1 12 ' C12orβ 4 3.01 ILMN 1655068 NM 001082968.1 17 TOM1L2 3.00 ILMN 2401779 NM 001035254.1 9 FAM 102A 3.00 ILMN 1662846 NM 014373.1 3 GPRl 60 2.99 ILMN J656560 NM__015393.2 4 DKFZP564O0 2.98 823 ILMN 1697460 NM 138393.1 19 REEP6 2.98 ILMN 17451 12 NM 001035254.1 9 FAM 102A 2.98 ILMN 1685174 NM 001871.2 3 CPBl 2.98 ILMN 1725471 NM 000167.3 X GK 2.96 ILMN 1766405 NM 177937.1 9 GOLMl 2.96 ILMN 1699665 NM 053277.1 2 1 CLIC6 2.96 ILMN 2323801 NM 001075098.1 6 MOCSl 2.95 ILMN 1661078 XM 927939.2 15 LOC644844 2.95 ILMN 2393296 NM 203391.1 X GK 2.95 ILMN 2366192 NM 201553.1 8 FGLl 2.94 ILMN 1682599 NM 003979.3 12 GPRC5A 2.94 ILMN 1880983 2.93 ILMN 2188862 NM 004864.1 19 GDF 15 2.92 ILMN 1748303 XM 001 134429.1 11 MUC5AC 2.92 ILMN 1727589 NM 004605.2 19 SULT2B1 2.90 ILMN 1691641 NM 004143.2 X CITEDl 2.90 ILMN 1800225 NM 015869.4 3 PPARG 2.89 ILMN 1879326 2.88 ILMN 1783690 XM 938885.2 LOC388743 2.88 ILMN 1740920 NM 001609.3 10 ACADSB 2.87 ILMN 1814151 NM 006408.2 7 AGR2 2.87 ILMN 1798926 NM 003877.3 12 SOCS2 2.86 ILMN 1807894 NM 182728.1 14 SLC7A8 2.85 ILMN 2204876 NM 017791.1 14 FLVCR2 2.85 ILMN 1683905 NM 173481.2 19 C19orf21 2.85 ILMN 1815346 NM 174926.1 11 TMEM136 2.84 ILMN 1797236 NM 198951.1 20 TGM2 2.83 ILMN 1819494 2.83 ILMN 1863962 2.83 ILMN 2139761 NM 014988.1 4 LIMCHl 2.83 ILMN 1797744 NM 015964.2 16 TPPP3 2.82 ILMN 1781745 NM 001012993.1 9 C9orfl52 2.80 TT /TXT nmoi 1 -> 7 Q ILMN 1708341 NM 002614.3 1 PDZKl 2.77 ILMN 1763127 NM 001296.3 3 CCBP2 2.77 ILMN 1795839 NM 016002.2 1 SCCPDH 2.76 ILMN 1692219 NM 001002814.1 8 RABI lFIPl 2.76 ILMN 1777644 NM 014422.2 22 PIB5PA 2.75 ILMN 1792076 NM 033502.1 6 TRERFl 2.74 ILMN 1785413 NM 014861.2 16 ATP2C2 2.74 ILMN 1769925 NM 207322.2 15 FAM 148A 2.71 ILMN 1678086 NM 138770.1 2 CCDC74A 2.70 ILMN 1728496 NM 175733.2 11 SYT9 2.69 ILMN 1767816 NM 031301.2 15 APHlB 2.69 ILMN 1670099 NM 052946.2 2 NOSTRIN 2.68 ILMN 1657248 NM 001432.2 4 EREG 2.68 ILMN 1687652 NM 003239.1 14 TGFB3 2.68 ILMN 2224907 NM 174921.1 4 C4orD4 2.67 ILMN 2214678 NM 002357.2 2 MXDl 2.67 ILMN 2216637 NM 018401.1 4 STK32B 2.67 ILMN 1777342 NM 020820.3 20 PREXl 2.66 ILMN 1746359 NM 032918.1 12 RERG 2.65 ILMN 2131861 NM 003877.3 12 SOCS2 2.65 ILMN 1679632 XM 374010.4 2 LOC389033 2.64 ILMN 1676213 NM 014467.2 X SRPX2 2.64 ILMN 1679194 XM 001 128725.1 UGT2B7 2.63 ILMN 2241627 NM 005462.3 X MAGECl 2.62 ILMN 2052135 NM 013343.1 3 LOH3CR2A 2.60 ILMN 1804593 NM 198151.1 7 LOC253012 2.59 ILMN 2338452 NM 001002236.1 14 SERPINAl 2.59 ILMN 2 113490 NM 021229.3 12 NTN4 2.58 ILMN 1701032 NM 001032281.2 2 TFPI 2.58 ILMN 1764980 NM 000295.3 14 SERPINAl 2.58 ILMN 1755649 NM 004695.2 17 SLCl 6A5 2.57 ILMN 1659610 NM 014428.1 19 TJP3 2.57 ILMN 2387712 NM 012093.2 1 AK5 2.55 ILMN 1767351 NM 00101 1645.1 X AR 2.55 ILMN 1686623 NM 005211.2 5 CSFlR 2.55 ILMN 1805104 NM 000663.3 16 ABAT 2.54 ILMN 1691410 NM 012342.2 10 BAMBI 2.53 ILMN 2081682 NM 022733.1 1 SMAP2 2.53 ILMN 1677314 NM 002456.4 1 MUCl 2.52 ILMN 1755897 XM 001128725.1 UGT2B7 2.50 ILMN 2406299 NM 001005914.1 3 SEMA3B 2.50 ILMN 2387471 NM 001080403.1 FLJ22184 2.50 ILMN 1781761 NM 014936.3 6 ENPP4 2.50 ILMN 1738742 NM 000930.2 8 PLAT 2.50 ILMN 2052373 NM 022449.1 2 RAB17 2.48 ILMN 1715505 NM 001007795.1 14 TTC6 2.46 ILMN 2291455 NM 001035254.1 9 FAM 102A 2.46 ILMN 1806710 NM 031475.1 1 ESPN 2.45 ILMN 2 119123 NM 005314.2 X GRPR 2.45 ILMN 1712419 NM 016356.3 6 DCDC2 2.45 ILMN 171 1894 NM 005375.2 6 MYB 2.44 ILMN 1701 173 NM 004823.1 19 KCNK6 2.44 ILMN 1758250 NM 006700.1 12 TRAFDl 2.43 ILMN 2401878 NM 144729.1 1 DUSPlO 2.43 ILMN 1780671 NM 015549.1 14 PLEKHG3 2.43 ILMN 1669819 XR 015714.1 LOC402569 2.42 ILMN 2408572 NM 194430.1 14 RNASE4 2.42 ILMN 2162819 NM 001073.1 4 UGT2B1 1 2.42 ILMN 2414325 NM 001077654.1 5 TNFAIP8 2.41 ILMN 2059549 NM 003177.3 9 SYK 2.41 ILMN 1651574 NM 004925.3 9 AQP3 2.41 ILMN 1659312 NM 000304.2 17 PMP22 2.40 ILMN 16801 10 NM 006829.2 10 C10orfl l 6 2.40 ILMN 1749327 NM 002754.3 6 MAPKl 3 2.40 ILMN 1759232 NM 005544.1 2 IRSl 2.39 ILMN 1799848 NM 144590.2 10 ANKRD22 2.38 ILMN 1691237 NM 006366.2 6 CAP2 2.38 ILMN 2054019 NM 005101.1 1 ISGl 5 2.37 ILMN 1693090 NM 021 151.2 7 CROT 2.37 ILMN 1815086 NM 004148.3 9 NINJl 2.37 ILMN 2349633 NM 148902.1 1 TNFRSF 18 2.36 ILMN 1745501 NM 003462.3 1 DNALIl 2.35 ILMN 1687442 NM 015028.1 3 TNIK 2.35 ILMN 2363880 NM 001031615.1 11 ALDH3B2 2.35 ILMN 1772786 NM 024704.3 20 KIF 16B 2.33 ILMN 2316955 NM 001080451.1 14 SERPINAI l 2.33 ILMN 1724306 NM 000727.2 17 CACNGl 2.32 ILMN 1800317 NM 003392.3 3 WNT5A 2.32 ILMN 1739690 NM 004885.1 4 NPFFR2 2.32 ILMN 2391 150 NM 001042459.1 3 FILIPlL 2.31 ILMN 1675927 NM 213569.1 10 NEBL 2.31 ILMN 1806456 NM 025057.1 14 C14orf45 2.30 ILMN 1822004 2.30 ILMN 1813386 NM 032854.2 17 CORO6 2.30 ILMN 1812031 NM 002579.2 19 PALM 2.30 ILMN 1730816 NM 019858.1 12 GPRl 62 2.30 ILMN 1732612 NM 003028.2 9 SHB 2.30 ILMN 17951 18 NM 017699.2 3 SIDTl 2.29 ILMN 1759175 NM 007207.3 1 DUSPlO 2.29 ILMN 1795484 NM 002630.2 6 PGC 2.29 ILMN 1730906 NM 182909.2 3 FILIPlL 2.29 ILMN 1700695 NM 080546.3 9 SLC44A1 2.28 ILMN 2198239 NM 000187.2 3 HGD 2.27 ILMN 2330552 NM 033531.1 1 CDC2L2 2.27 ILMN 181 1632 NM 001461.1 1 FMO5 2.27 ILMN 2094266 NM 019089.3 1 HES2 2.25 ILMN 1776602 NM 194431.1 14 RNASE4 2.25 ILMN 1731237 NM 022131.1 3 CLSTN2 2.25 ILMN 1813695 NM 000592.4 6 C4B 2.24 ILMN 1699206 NM 033393.2 4 FHDCl 2.24 ILMN 1684982 NM 002612.3 7 PDK4 .2.23 ILMN 1744949 NM 014899.3 5 RHOBTB3 2.23 ILMN 181 1014 NM 000926.3 11 PGR 2.22 ILMN 1657087 NM 152520.3 2 ZNF533 2.21 ILMN 1673941 NM 153020.1 6 RBM24 2.20 ILMN 1661335 NM 003128.2 2 SPTBNl 2.20 ILMN 1682828 NM 004467.3 8 FGLl 2.20 ILMN 1656057 NM 002658.2 10 PLAU 2.20 ILMN 2313672 NM 003856.2 2 ILlRLl 2.20 ILMN 1712999 XM 936233.1 LOC642103 2.19 ILMN 1699421 NM 007193.3 4 ANXAlO 2.19 ILMN 2066088 NM 178840.2 1 Clorf64 2.18 ILMN 1676336 NM 020792.3 3 AADACLl 2.18 ILMN 2256050 NM 001002236.1 14 SERPINAl 2.18 ILMN 1651547 NM 012431.1 7 SEMA3E 2.18 ILMN 2105960 NM 138424.1 9 KIF12 2.17 ILMN 2190598 NM 018351.2 12 FGD6 2.17 ILMN 166771 1 NM 007069.2 11 HRASLS3 2.14 ILMN 1655261 NM 152321.1 12 ERP27 2.14 ILMN 1781468 NM 022733.1 1 SMAP2 2.14 ILMN 1725220 NM 001077400.1 2 FER1L5 2.13 ILMN 1716925 NM 152597.4 15 FSIPl 2.13 ILMN 1652797 NM 207446.2 15 LOC400451 2.13 ILMN 1720771 NM 003764.2 6 STXI l 2.13 ILMN 1726597 NM 015864.2 6 C6orD2 2.13 ILMN 1742705 NM 139177.2 17 SLC39A1 1 2.13 ILMN 1720604 NM 014960.2 17 ARSG 2.13 ILMN 1758323 NM 001099.2 3 ACPP 2.12 ILMN 2132599 NM 144590.1 10 ANKRD22 2.12 ILMN 1661799 NM 001099668.1 3 HIGDlA 2.12 ILMN 1723141 XM 001 134465.1 OTUDl 2.1 1 ILMN 1654013 NM 030630.1 17 C17orG8 2.1 1 ILMN 1717793 NM 033520.1 19 C19OΓO 3 2.1 1 ILMN 1704675 NM 205833.1 X IGSFl 2.1 1 ILMN 1790778 NM 007257.4 8 PNMA2 2.10 ILMN 1684205 NM 006384.2 15 CIBl 2.10 ILMN 2370685 NM 001008704.1 6 C6orfl 2.09 ILMN 1776724 NM 194317.2 2 LYPD6 2.09 ILMN 2095660 NM 024943.1 4 TMEMl 56 2.09 ILMN 1702835 NM 003022.1 X SH3BGRL 2.09 ILMN 1672717 NM 025125.2 10 C10orf57 2.09 ILMN 1759766 NM 206833.2 19 CTXNl 2.09 ILMN 2301722 NM 001029851.1 5 PDE8B 2.08 ILMN 1690708 NM 003128.2 2 SPTBNl 2.08 ILMN 1806293 NM 004664.2 12 LIN7A 2.08 ILMN 1669881 NM 014399.3 7 TSPANl 3 2.08 ILMN 1726352 NM 024817.1 15 THSD4 2.07 ILMN 1700268 NM 014298.3 16 QPRT 2.07 ILMN 1683576 NM 201222.1 X MAGED2 2.06 ILMN 1716382 NM 207376.1 12 LOC387882 . 2.06 ILMN 1723020 NM 005921.1 5 MAP3K1 2.06 ILMN 1826165 2.05 ILMN 2401873 NM 144729.1 1 DUSPlO 2.05 ILMN 2214355 NM 014488.3 11 RAB30 2.05 ILMN 1707286 NM 024829.4 12 FLJ22662 2.05 ILMN 1671365 NM 016335.2 22 PRODH 2.05 ILMN 1798624 NM 005943.3 6 MOCSl 2.04 ILMN 1684349 NM 000878.2 22 IL2RB 2.04 ILMN 16691 14 NM 032387.3 17 WNK4 2.03 ILMN 2246956 NM 000633.2 18 BCL2 2.03 ILMN 2352090 NM 018653.3 17 GPRC5C 2.03 ILMN 2388263 NM 198151.1 ' 7 LOC253012 2.03 ILMN 1764082 NM 001080480.1 6 MBOATl 2.03 ILMN 2364384 NM 138712.3 3 PPARG 2.03 ILMN 1653501 NM 001005914.1 3 SEMA3B 2.02 ILMN 2152828 NM 024704.3 20 KIF 16B 2.02 ILMN 173701 1 NM 177937.1 9 GOLMl 2.02 ILMN 1713449 NM 005996.3 12 TBX3 2.02 ILMN 1837688 2.01 ILMN 1732808 XM 931515.1 16 TNRC9 2.01 ILMN 1776582 NM 005391.2 X PDK3 2.01 ILMN. 1722554 NM 053283.2 12 DCD 2.00 ILMN 1704084 NR 002174.2 6 CMAH 1.99 ILMN 1713008 NM 145186.1 16 ABCCI l 1.99 ILMN 1767523 NM 018725.3 3 IL 17RB 1.99 ILMN 1762224 NM 032383.3 3 HPS3 1.98 ILMN 1800354 NM 000099.2 20 CST3 1.98 ILMN 1658830 NM 001083913.1 10 C10orO6 1.98 ILMN 1757631 NM 001042610.1 16 DBNDDl 1.97 ILMN 2054121 NM 207409.1 6 C6orfl26 1.97 ILMN 1779015 NM 207336.1 7 ZNF467 1.96 ILMN 2382505 NM 002555.3 11 SLC22A18 1.96 ILMN 2156936 NM 016002.2 1 SCCPDH 1.96 ILMN 19001 10 1.95 ILMN 1813746 NM 003389.2 9 CORO2A 1.95 ILMN 1700831 NM 003645.2 15 SLC27A2 1.95 ILMN 1727466 NM 014505.4 12 KCNMB4 1.95 ILMN 1656940 NM 014945.2 5 ABLIM3 1.95 ILMN 1667906 NM 014249.2 15 NR2E3 1.94 ILMN 1743100 NM 148901.1 1 TNFRSF 18 1.94 ILMN 1713454 NM 024833.1 19 ZNF671 1.94 ILMN 1791346 NM 001040619.1 1 ATF3 1.94 ILMN 1670844 NM 014322.2 1 OPN3 1.94 ILMN 1684873 NM 001669.2 X ARSD 1.93 ILMN 1677098 NM 001005404.3 17 YPEL2 1.92 ILMN 2312194 NM 001914.2 18 CYB5A 1.92 ILMN 1723092 NM 139161.2 19 CRB3 1.92 ILMN 1823296 1.92 ILMN 2364574 NM 002750.2 10 MAPK8 1.92 ILMN 1657760 NM 016524.2 16 SYTl 7 1.91 ILMN 2166457 NM 000860.3 4 HPGD 1.90 ILMN 1812503 NM 002637.2 X PHKAl 1.89 ILMN 1713679 NM 018000.2 2 MREG 1.89 ILMN 1690170 NM 001878.2 1 CRABP2 1.89 ILMN 2409596 NM 025151.3 8 RABI lFIPl 1.88 ILMN 1710495 NM 173462.3 14 PAPLN 1.88 ILMN 1793932 NM 139161.2 19 CRB3 1.88 ILMN 2342437 NM 001007075.1 4 KLHL5 1.88 ILMN 1670870 NM 001627.2 3 ALCAM 1.87 ILMN 1708006 NM 005931.2 6 MICB 1.87 ILMN 1729563 NM 003359.2 4 UGDH 1.87 ILMN 2374352 NM 001042610.1 16 DBNDDl 1.87 ILMN 2145396 NM 012067.2 1 AKR7A3 1.86 ILMN 1712545 NM 002960.1 1 S100A3 1.86 ILMN 1819872 1.86 ILMN 1694070 NM 138389.1 4 FAMl 14Al 1.86 ILMN 16961 19 NM 198901.1 7 SRI 1.85 ILMN 1684984 NM 177433.1 X MAGED2 1.85 ILMN 1789648 NM 006998.3 6 SCGN 1.85 ILMN 1688071 XM 001 127234.1 NATl 1.85 ILMN 1799139 NM 182943.2 3 PLOD2 1.84 ILMN 2387214 NM 002579.2 19 PALM 1.84 ILMN 1791306 NM 001001551.1 9 C9or Ω03 1.84 ILMN 1794965 NM 000350.2 1 ABCA4 1.84 ILMN 1747197 NM 032148.2 12 SLC41A2 1.84 ILMN 171 1109 NM 001082968.1 17 TOM1L2 1.84 ILMN 1723706 NM 015124.2 22 GRAMD4 1.83 ILMN 2276290 NM 152663.2 1 RALGPS2 1.82 ILMN 1690304 NM 001029999.2 18 MGC26718 1.82 ILMN 1651296 XM 001 127524.1 11 LOC143666 1.82 ILMN 1687867 XR 018676.1 LOC647954 1.82 ILMN 21541 15 NM 012455.2 2 PSD4 1.82 ILMN 2211728 NM 002098.3 6 GUCAlB 1.82 ILMN 1714167 NM 001914.2 18 CYB5A 1.82 ILMN 1688228 XM 934770.1 15 LOC145837 1.82 ILMN 1755051 NM 018100.2 EFHCl 1.81 ILMN 1813131 XM 928128.1 5 LOC643431 1.81 ILMN 1705458 NM 015431.3 1 TRIM58 1.81 ILMN 1671971 XR 016703.1 1 LOC644743 1.80 ILMN 1717173 NM 018098.4 3 ECT2 1.80 ILMN 2191803 NM 032578.1 10 MYPN 1.80 ILMN 2371053 NM 004428.2 1 EFNAl 1.80 ILMN 1741954 NM 022743.1 1 SMYD3 1.80 ILMN 1758229 NM 002826.4 1 QSOXl 1.79 ILMN 1703593 NM 018842.3 7 BAIAP2L1 1.79 ILMN 2267914 NM 001251.2 17 CD68 1.78 ILMN 1755643 NM 012214.2 2 MGAT4A 1.78 ILMN 1771599 NM 000935.2 3 PLOD2 1.78 ILMN 2405680 NM 174881.2 19 CRB3 1.77 ILMN 2375484 NM 182646.1 4 CPEB2 1.77 ILMN 1659189 NM 032310.3 9 C9orf89 1.77 ILMN 18011 19 NM 000633.2 18 BCL2 1.76 ILMN 1686261 NM 001082968.1 17 TOM1L2 1.76 ILMN 1740426 NM 016084.3 17 RASDl 1.76 ILMN 1810855 NM 001013657.2 15 LOC390637 1.75 ILMN 2415583 NM 001077188.1 X HS6ST2 1.75 ILMN 1714861 NM 001251.1 17 CD68 1.75 ILMN 1663171 NM 002381.4 2 MATN3 1.75 ILMN 1696956 NM 006465.2 15 ARID3B 1.75 ILMN 1852267 1.74 ILMN 1656501 NM 004419.3 10 DUSP5 1.74 ILMN 2388547 NM 033255.2 13 EPSTIl 1.73 ILMN 1690695 NM 003847.1 15 PEXI l A 1.73 ILMN 1668778 NM 006252.2 1 PRKAA2 1.73 ILMN 1655913 NM 005013.2 11 NUCB2 1.73 ILMN 1669876 NM 015267.2 12 CUX2 1.72 ILMN 1789186 NM 024928.3 10 OBFCl 1.72 ILMN 1778561 NM 003390.2 11 WEEl 1.72 ILMN 1682799 NM 020799.2 10 STAMBPLl 1.72 ILMN 1788955 NM 020992.2 10 PDLIMl 1.72 ILMN 2381064 NM 005079.2 8 TPD52 1.72 ILMN 1651498 NM 006705.2 9 GADD45G 1.72 ILMN 1791726 NM 006086.2 16 TUBB3 1.71 ILMN 2061446 NM 020792.3 3 AADACLl 1.71 ILMN 1723709 NM 144654.2 9 C9orfl l 6 1.71 ILMN 1907649 1.71 ILMN 2230016 NM 014056.1 3 HIGDlA 1.70 ILMN 1784467 NM 024923.2 3 NUP210 1.70 ILMN 1805636 NM 033419.3 17 PERLDl 1.70 ILMN 1669928 NM 014448.2 1 ARHGEF 16 1.70 ILMN 1768772 NM 206918.1 14 DEGS2 1.70 ILMN 1709870 NM 019089.3 1 HES2 1.70 ILMN 1674522 NM 001099668.1 3 HIGDlA 1.69 ILMN 1741371 NM 021259.1 16 TMEM8 1.69 ILMN 1678922 NM 022079.2 10 HERC4 1.68 ILMN 1681081 NM 006412.3 9 AGPAT2 1.68 ILMN 2331087 NM 206938.1 11 MS4A7 1.68 ILMN 2408851 NM 181720.2 1 ARHGAP30 1.68 ILMN 1769299 NM 181873.2 1 MTMRH 1.68 ILMN 1707077 NM 002959.4 1 SORTl 1.67 ILMN 1696657 NM 201630.1 1 LRRN2 1.67 ILMN 1656593 NM 174858.1 1 AK5 1.67 ILMN 1678423 NM 017425.2 11 SPAl 7 1.67 ILMN 1782204 NM 001 134.1 4 AFP 1.67 ILMN 1808677 NM 001077.2 4 UGT2B17 1.67 ILMN 2191 192 NR 001278.1 19 CYP2B7P1 1.66 ILMN 2294978 NM 194430.1 14 RNASE4 1.66 ILMN 1750394 NM 012319.3 18 SLC39A6 1.66 ILMN 1706687 NM 001007075.1 4 KLHL5 1.66 ILMN 1813100 NM 020340.3 6 KIAA1244 1.66 ILMN 1682738 NM 005902.3 15 SMAD3 1.65 ILMN 1689306 NM 024847.2 16 TMC7 1.65 ILMN 1892608 1.65 ILMN 2217601 NM 003568.1 1 ANXA9 1.65 ILMN 1803673 XM 053966.1 1 19 LOCI 13230 1.65 ILMN 1825249 1.65 ILMN 1696187 NM 002863.3 14 PYGL 1.65 ILMN 1720041 NM 005462.3 X MAGECl 1.65 ILMN 1714228 NM 178313.2 2 SPTBNl 1.65 ILMN 1765636 XM 940456.2 FLJ22184 1.64 ILMN 1696974 NM 001097577.1 14 ANG 1.64 ILMN 1810374 NM 024943.1 4 TMEMl 56 1.64 ILMN 1741389 NM 198540.2 19 B3GNT8 1.64 ILMN 1674498 NM 199136.2 7 C7orf46 1.64 ILMN 1726893 NM 017957.1 17 EPN3 1.64 ILMN 2329569 NM 144654.2 9 C9orfl l 6 1.63 ILMN 2174369 NM 021814.3 6 ELOVL5 1.63 ILMN 2334296 NM 173042.2 11 IL 18BP 1.63 ILMN 2195482 NM 000725.2 12 CACNB3 1.62 ILMN 1727805 NM 00471 1.3 22 SYNGRl 1.62 ILMN 1655821 NM 001747.2 2 CAPG . 1.62 ILMN 1710903 NM 016834.2 17 MAPT 1.62 ILMN 1753584 NM 002273.2 12 KRT8 1.61 ILMN 1738989 NM 001099743.1 8 GOLSYN 1.61 ILMN 1688625 NM 001624.2 6 AIMl .1.61 ILMN 1689264 NM 002098.4 6 GUCAlB 1.61 ILMN 1764361 NM 030640.1 12 DUSP 16 1.61 ILMN 2050246 NM 176813.3 7 AGR3 1.61 ILMN 1729288 NM 031910.3 22 C1QTNF6 1.60 ILMN 1749478 NM 032926.2 X TCEAL3 1.60 ILMN 2231051 NM 152772.1 12 TCPl 1L2 1.60 . ILMN 1734190 NM 001006933.1 X TCEAL3 1.60 ILMN 2408764 NM 030589.2 19 CYP2A7 1.60 ILMN 1754658 NM 006382.2 CDRTl 1.59 ILMN 2069224 NM 002854.2 22 PVALB 1.59 ILMN 2327974 NM 052820.2 9 CORO2A 1.59 ILMN 1712918 NM 000904.2 NQO2 1.59 ILMN 2367753 NM 001684.3 1 ATP2B4 1.59 ILMN 1745397 NM 006187.2 12 OAS3 1.58 ILMN 17481 16 NM 001042479. 1 X GEMIN8 1.58 ILMN 171 1928 NM 025149.3 17 FLJ20920 1.58 ILMN 1724211 NM 022036.2 17 . GPRC5C 1.58 ILMN 2372543 NR 002788.1 1 CYP4Z2P 1.58 ILMN 2398408 NM 001006639. 1 X TCEALl 1.58 ILMN 1696767 NM 001010897. 1 13 SERP2 1.58 ILMN 1702124 NM 153371.3 13 LNX2 1.58 ILMN 1652918 NM 019034.2 12 RHOF 1.57 ILMN 1660727 NM 021572.4 6 ENPP5 1.57 ILMN 2374865 NM 001040619. 1 1 ATF3 1.57 ILMN 1784871 NM 004104.4 17 FASN 1.56 ILMN 1790315 NM 001039706. 1 7 FLJ21062 1.56 ILMN 1807972 NM 022765.2 6 MICALl 1.56 ILMN 2147345 NM 025057.1 14 C14orf45 1.55 ILMN 1779997 NM 001009813. 1 19 MEIS3 1.54 ILMN 2158336 NM 020145.2 9 SH3GLB2 1.54 ILMN 1747546 NM 005727.2 1 TSPANl 1.54 ILMN 1673521 NM 032551.3 19 KISSlR 1.54 ILMN 1803720 XM 941071.1 SLCl 6A5 1.53 ILMN 1714643 NM 004668.1 7 - MGAM 1.53 ILMN 2044453 NM 020400.4 12 LPAR5 1.53 ILMN 1810233 NM 001073.1 4 UGT2B1 1 1.53 ILMN 1702676 XM 938283.2 C17orf68 1.52 ILMN 2294976 NM 194430.1 14 RNASE4 1.52 ILMN 1690063 XM 942536.1 LOC651 143 1.52 ILMN 1674032 NM 002858.2 1 ABCD3 1.52 ILMN 2372136 NM 177938.2 3 PH-4 1.52 ILMN 1838655 1.51 ILMN 1675669 NM 015525.2 6 IBTK 1.51 ILMN 1781859 NM 053039.1 4 UGT2B28 1.51 ILMN 2130525 NM 014399.3 7 TSPAN 13 1.51 ILMN 1656910 NM 058166.3 11 TRIM6 1.51 ILMN 174171 1 NM 005128.2 2 1 DOPEY2 1.51 ILMN 1733875 NM 173079.1 17 . RUNDCl 1.50 ILMN 1715526 NM 178566.2 9 ZDHHC21 1.50 ILMN 1721774 NM 173496.3 10 MPP7 1.50 ILMN 1678255 NM 021628.1 17 ALOXE3 1.50 ILMN 175571 1 XM 938283.2 C17orf68 1.50 ILMN 1758673 NM 080546.3 9 SLC44A1 " 1.49 ILMN 1793040 NM 213604.1 19 ADAMTSL5 1.49 ILMN 1757019 NM 021229.2 12 "NTN4 1.48 ILMN 1662306 NM 173825.3 3 RABL3 1.48 ILMN 1752159 NM 024060.2 11 AHNAK 1.48 ILMN 1791507 XM 001 133074. 1 17 LOC728772 1.48 ILMN 2326197 NM 201552.1 8 FGLl 1.48

ILMN 1651776 NM 013241.2 16 FHODl 1.38 ILMN 1787308 NM 024779.3 12 PIP4K2C 1.38 ILMN 1718961 NM 004331.2 . 8 BNIP3L 1.38 ILMN 1783598 NM 001079670.1 13 CAB39L 1.38 ILMN 1761833 NM 014585.4 2 SLC40A1 1.38 ILMN 1740523 NM 182926.2 14 KTNl 1.38 ILMN 1747655 NM 207310.1 2 CCDC74B 1.38 ILMN 1795944 NM 001005354.2 12 PRRl 3 1.37 ILMN 1660629 NM 015175.1 3 . NBEAL2 1.37 ILMN 2336335 NM 145021.4 10 MARCH8 1.37 ILMN 1740466 NM 017633.2 6 FAM46A 1.37 ILMN 2081070 NM 001729.1 4 BTC 1.36 ILMN 1755721 NM 018379.3 1 FAM63A 1.36 ILMN 2183692 NM 174933.2 9 PHYHDl 1.36 ILMN 1748983 NM 007008.2 2 RTN4 1.36 ILMN 1658301 NM 017708.3 19 FAM83E 1.36 ILMN 1747598 NM 021959.2 6 PPPlRI l 1.36 ILMN 2084073 NM 003353.2 2 UCN 1.36 ILMN 1680579 NM 001001396.1 1 ATP2B4 1.36 ILMN 1699188 XM 931697.1 12 LOC 144481 1.35 ILMN 2319424 NM 003918.2 X GYG2 1.35 ILMN 1657316 NM 001555.2 X IGSFl 1.35 ILMN 1893040 1.35 ILMN 1693762 NM 031294.2 17 LRRC48 1.34 ILMN 1712786 NM 015328.1 7 AHCYL2 1.34 ILMN 2082130 NM 017887.1 Clorfl23 1.34 ILMN 1907042 1.34 ILMN 1800130 NM 018208.1 1 ETNK2 1.34 ILMN 1712389 NM 001040138.1 16 CKLF 1.33 ILMN 1700652 NM 001267.2 17 CHAD 1.33 ILMN 1717207 NM 022468.4 16 MMP25 1.32 ILMN 1687821 NM 033201.1 16 C16orf45 1.32 ILMN 1760160 NM 004603.1 7 STXlA 1.32 ILMN 1738759 NM 015937.3 20 PIGT 1.31 ILMN 2048414 NM 001076.2 4 UGT2B15 1.31 ILMN 2248970 NM 001032731.1 12 OAS2 . 1.31 ILMN 2143566 NM 012319.2 18 SLC39A6 1.31 ILMN 2364072 NM 001042704.1 1 CLCNKA 1.31 ILMN 2214713 NM 144645.1 4 C4orβ 6 1.31 ILMN 1813851 NM 005314.2 X GRPR 1.30 ILMN 2094166 NM 016410.2 9 CHMP5 1.30 ILMN 1700888 NM 006208.1 6 ENPPl 1.30 ILMN 2317730 NM 133171.2 20 ELMO2 1.30 ILMN 1754207 NM 021796.3 X PLACl 1.30 ILMN 1672807 NM 007220.3 X CA5B 1.29 ILMN 1787576 NM 004070.3 1 CLCNKA 1.29 ILMN 1914933 1.28 ILMN 1673950 NM 003943.2 4 STBDl 1.27 ILMN 1663281 NR 003578.1 19 ZNF702 1.27 ILMN 2288070 NM 001080432.1 16 FTO 1.27 ILMN 2152465 NM 005028.3 10 PIP5K2A 1.27 ILMN 1794823 NM 145297.3 19 ZNF626 1.27 ILMN 1703886 NM 006517.2 X SLCl 6A2 1.26 ILMN 2301677 NM 001009813.1 19 MEIS3 1.26 ILMN 1720235 NM 152328.3 14 ADSSLl 1.26 ILMN 2414027 NM 001040139.1 16 CKLF 1.26 ILMN 1776826 XM 001127597.1 FLJ32810 1.26 ILMN 1807981 XM 001 129013.1 SIGIRR 1.26 ILMN 1684653 NM 153838.3 6 GPRl 15 1.26 ILMN 2047599 NM 006134.5 2 1 TMEM50B 1.26 ILMN 1693771 NM 004318.2 8 ASPH 1.25 ILMN 1673175 NM 003701.2 13 TNFSFI l 1.25 ILMN 2372199 NM 001008703.1 6 C6orfl 1.25 ILMN 2059357 NM 002260.3 12 KLRC2 1.25 ILMN 1721833 NM 016545.4 1 IER5 1.23 ILMN 1759488 ' NM 144728.1 1 DUSPlO 1.23 ILMN 1810785 NM 014372.3 1 RNFIl 1.23 ILMN 1758672 NM 031453.2 10 FAM107B 1.23 ILMN 1672034 XM 938171.2 PIM3 1.22 ILMN 2144574 NM 004388.1 1 CTBS 1.22 ILMN 1772074 NM 178837.3 19 C19orf51 1.22 ILMN 1736939 NM 003358.1 9 UGCG 1.22 ILMN 1739429 NM 147175.3 X HS6ST2 1.22 ILMR 1756550 NM 017681.1 X NUP62CL 1.22 ILMN 1659255 NM 006915.1 X RP2 1.21 ILMN 1710284 NM 005524.2 3 HESl 1.21 ILMN 1699057 NM 000525.3 11 KCNJl 1 1.21 ILMN 2242900 NM 003856.2 2 ILlRLl 1.21 ILMN 1714878 XM 001126385.1 BZWl 1.21 ILMN 1784985 NM 207351.3 3 PRRT3 1.21 ILMN 1806149 NM 206967.1 16 C16orf74 1.20 ILMN 1768505 NM 001560.2 X IL13RA1 1.20 ILMN 1659215 NM 000779.3 1 CYP4B1 1.20 ILMN 1661 109 NM 001030287.2 1 ATF3 1.20 ILMN 1652602 NM 173573.1 11 Cl lorD5 1.20 ILMN 2087941 NM 001248.1 3 ENTPD3 1.19 ILMN 1779882 NM 175873.4 5 ANKRD43 1.19 ILMN 1693620 NM 015599.1 6 PGM3 1.19 ILMN 1804445 NM 024997.2 16 ATF7IP2 1.18 ILMN 1784292 NM 020319.1 7 ANKMY2 1.18 ILMN 1695972 NM 152723.1 11 CCDC89 1.18 ILMN 1659544 NM 004177.3 11 STX3 1.18 ILMN 1653263 NM 052899.2 5 GPRINl 1.17 ILMN 1669479 NM 177524.1 7 MEST 1.16 ILMN 1674580 NM 001017397.1 5 TRIM36 1.16 ILMN 1899431 1.16 ILMN 2353862 NM 031294.2 17 LRRC48 1.16 ILMN 2386790 NM 002261.2 12 KLRC3 1.15 ILMN 1712628 NM 016328.1 7 GTF2IRD1 1.15 ILMN 1659572 NM 000044.2 X AR 1.15 ILMN 171 1451 NM 001008539.2 8 SLC7A2 1.14 ILMN 1669404 NM 002256.3 1 KISSl 1.14 ILMN 1655521 NM 022160.1 9 DMRTAl 1.14 ILMN 2140990 NM 003656.3 3 CAMKl 1.14 ILMN 1867897 1.13 ILMN 1730223 NM 170769.1 6 RNF39 1.13 ILMN 1694535 XM 001 126710.1 PDZKl 1.12 ILMN 1699243 NM 002443.2 10 MSMB 1.12 ILMN 1827037 1.1 1 ILMN 16701 17 NM 020686.4 16 ABAT 1.1 1 ILMN 181 1195 NM 006385.2 19 ZNF21 1 1.1 1 ILMN 1756358 NM 174899.4 2 FBXO36 1.10 ILMN 1809639 NM 178505.5 10 TMEM26 1.10 ILMN_ 2216838 NR 002186.1 7 DKFZp586I14 1.10 20 ILMN 1666004 NM 003941.2 7 WASL 1.10 ILMN 1882519 XM 001 133464.1 LOC731658 1.10 ILMN 1670158 NM 207006.1 8 FAM83A 1.09 ILMN 1797793 NM 000713.1 19 BLVRB 1.08 ILMN 17751 14 NM 001248.1 3 ENTPD3 1.08 ILMN 1702821 NM 024686.4 1 TTLL7 1.08 ILMN 1854383 1.08 ILMN 1691494 NM 001097595.1 XAGElB 1.07 ILMN 1691578 NM 138408.2 6 GTF3C6 1.06 ILMN 1664772 NM 001001396.1 1 ATP2B4 1.06 ILMN 16671 14 NR 003662.1 LOC388524 1.06 ILMN 1705985 NM 020473.2 X PIGA 1.06 ILMN 1772296 XM 938283.1 C17orf68 1.06 ILMN 1654946 NM 023926.3 19 ZSCAN 18 1.06 . ILMN 2136147 NM 003657.1 20 BCASl 1.05 ILMN 1718477 NM 006953.2 22 UPK3A 1.04 ILMN 1841970 1.03 ILMN 1683854 NM 001007101.1 9 ZNF484 1.02 ILMN 1704916 NM 00101 1540.1 6 KU-MEL-3 1.02 ILMN 1712577 NM 198507.1 5 TMEMl 57 1.02 ILMN 1797293 NM 213602.1 18 SIGLEC 15 1.02 ILMN 1730660 NM 194327.1 14 GALIG 1.02

ILMN_. 1803856 NR_ 002186.1 7 DKFZp586I14 1.01 20 ILMN 1709728 NM 022902.2 5 SLC30A5 -1.02 ILMN 1651490 NM 000783.2 10 CYP26A1 -1.02 ILMN 165701 1 XM 379668.3 9 LOC286208 -1.06 ILMN 1790008 NM 183075.2 4 CYP2U1 -1.07 ILMN 1685312 NM 021016.3 19 PSG3 -1.08 ILMN 2220283 NR 002944.2 19 HNRPA 1L-2 -1.14 ILMN 1730572 NM 031372.1 4 HNRPDL -1.14 ILMN 1709039 NM 033251.1 16 RPL13 -1.14 ILMN 1776073 NM 006430.2 2 CCT4 -1.16 ILMN 2043918 NR 002605.1 13 DLEUl -1.16 ILMN 2319544 NM 172128.1 4 CAMK2D -1.16 ILMN 2041046 NM 001826.1 1 CKSlB -1.16 ILMN 2124951 NM 002139.2 X RBMX -1.16 ILMN 2184184 NM 000700.1 9 ANXAl -1.17 ILMN 1671969 NM 006759.3 2 UGP2 -1.17 ILMN 1666078 NR 001434.1 6 HLA-H -1.18 ILMN 1696521 NM 201282.1 7 EGFR -1.18 ILMN 1901769 -1.18 ILMN 1674282 NM 006238.2 6 PPARD -1.20 ILMN 1776552 NM 003902.3 1 FUBPl -1.21 ILMN 1775170 NM 005952.2 16 MTlX -1.21 ILMN 1669323 NM 138992.1 2 1 BACE2 -1.21 ILMN 1778360 NM 002862.3 20 PYGB -1.21 ILMN 1677962 NM 001024218.1 14 GPHN -1.21 ILMN 1713732 NM 005157.3 9 ABLl -1.22 ILMN 1673509 NM 000991.3 19 RPL28 -1.22 ILMN 1783805 NM 013364.4 X PNMA3 -1.22 ILMN 1662417 NM 133259.2 2 LRPPRC -1.24 ILMN 1697268 NM 032048.2 18 EMILIN2 -1.24 ILMN 1659800 NM 022893.3 2 BCLI l A -1.25 ILMN 1730491 NM 052905.3 2 FMNL2 -1.25 ILMN 2350970 NM 01401 1.4 2 SOCS5 -1.26 ILMN 1727184 NM 139281.2 5 WDR36 -1.27 ILMN 2102580 NM 014503.2 12 UTP20 -1.27 ILMN 1672504 NM 003681.4 2 1 PDXK -1.27 ILMN 1809417 NM 024036.3 11 LRFN4 -1.28 ILMN 1,687335 NM 001456.2 X FLNA -1.31 ILMN 1888609 -1.31 ILMN 2406586 NM 001080522.1 4 CC2D2A -1.31 ILMN 2375002 NM 145687.2 2 MAP4K4 -1.31 ILMN 1667374 NM 144581.1 14 C14orfl49 -1.33 ILMN 1751572 NM 005077.3 9 TLEl -1.35 ILMN 171 1490 NM 015071.3 5 ARHGAP26 -1.36 ILMN 1757552 NM 012232.3 17 PTRF -1.36 ILMN 1759250 NM 018833.2 6 TAP2 -1.37 ILMN 1768391 NM 005737.3 2 ARL4C -1.37 ILMN 1651237 NM 030928.2 16 CDTl -1.38 ILMN 2106902 NM 005197.2 14 CHESl -1.38 ILMN 1664602 NR 002197.1 11 LOC 143543 -1.39 ILMN 241 1745 NM 004434.2 14 EMLl -1.39 ILMN 1787648 XM 944791.1 GPRl 25 -1.39 ILMN 2059535 NM 014634.2 22 PPMlF -1.40 ILMN 1699208 NM 139207.1 12 NAPlLl -1.40 ILMN 1861270 -1.40 ILMN 1815882 NM 031 157.2 12 HNRNPAl -1.40 ILMN 2342271 NM 138553.1 2 BCLI lA -1.41 ILMN 172801 1 NM 020742.2 X NLGN4X -1.42 ILMN 1761812 NM 004019.1 X DMD -1.42 ILMN 2242937 NM 000046.2 5 ARSB -1.43 ILMN 1680624 NM 003851.2 1 CREGl -1.43 ILMN 2085862 NM 016582.1 11 SLC 15A3 -1.43 ILMN 1703487 NM 006769.2 1 LMO4 -1.43 ILMN 1772521 NM 015440.3 6 MTHFDlL -1.45 ILMN 2203891 NM 005904.2 18 SMAD7 -1.45 ILMN 1740512 XM 936687.1 MGC39900 -1.45 ILMN 1764729 NM 002226.3 14 JAG2 -1.46 ILMN 1752269 NM 032501.2 20 ACSSl -1.46 ILMN 1702738 NM 177417.1 19 KLC3 -1.46 ILMN 1787345 NM 016594.1 12 FKBPI l -1.47 ILMN 2315208 NM 172078.1 7 CAMK2B -1.47 ILMN 2284941 NM 005692.3 7 ABCF2 -1.48 ILMN 2384241 NM 001024847.1 3 TGFBR2 -1.48 ILMN 1668247 NM 145867.1 5 LTC4S -1.50 ILMN 2392274 NM 001024844.1 11 CD82 -1.50 ILMN 1791847 NM 014326.3 15 DAPK2 -1.50 ILMN 1818617 -1.52 ILMN 1735038 NM 178450.2 5 MARCH3 -1.52 ILMN 2163873 NM 032532.1 6 FNDCl -1.53 ILMN 1853167 -1.54 ILMN 1715068 NM 020980.2 15 AQP9 -1.55 ILMN 1726245 NM 001024847.2 3 TGFBR2 -1.55 ILMN 1749868 NM 001010924.1 10 ClOorD -1.55 ILMN 1724480 NM 004655.2 17 AXIN2 -1.56 ILMN 1688098 NM 014832.2 13 TBC 1D4 -1.56 ILMN 2262444 NM 002604.1 8 PDE7A -1.56 ILMN 1729455 NM 004434.2 14 EMLl -1.57 ILMN 1744046 NM 006729.3 . X DIAPH2 -1.58 ILMN 1792748 NM 001875.2 2 CPSl -1.58 ILMN 1708098 NM 153713.1 1 LIXlL -1.59 ILMN 2 110167 NM 022490.1 9 POLRlE -1.60 ILMN 1-704294 NM 001793.3 16 CDH3 -1.61 ILMN 1887357 -1.61 ILMN 1782538 NM 003380.2 10 VIM -1.61 ILMN 1755974 NM 005165.2 17 ALDOC -1.63 ILMN 1789007 NM 001645.3 19 APOCl -1.63 ILMN 1702822 NM 006180.3 9 NTRK2 -1.63 ILMN 1770725 NM 031426.2 9 C9orf58 -1.63 ILMN 1655645 NM 01341 1.3 1 AK2 -1.64 ILMN 2373106 NM 004019.1 X DMD -1.65 ILMN 1684158 NM 133443.1 16 GPT2 -1.65 ILMN 1799106 NM 022746.2 1 MOSCl -1.65 ILMN 2053281 NM 144581.1 14 C14orfl49 -1.65 ILMN 2371433 NM 000381.1 X MIDI -1.65 ILMN 2058251 NM 003380.2 10 VIM -1.66 ILMN 1677018 NM 002141.4 7 HOXA4 -1.66 ILMN 1678934 NM 022490.1 9 POLRlE -1.67 ILMN 1785732 NM 007115.2 2 TNFAIP6 -1.67 ILMN 1815719 NM 002661.2 16 PLCG2 -1.67 ILMN 1803348 NM 015252.2 2 EHBPl -1.68 ILMN 1652280 NM 058229.2 8 FBXO32 -1.69 ILMN 1758128 NM 134268.3 17 CYGB -1.69 ILMN 1723481 NM 004273.2 10 CHST3 -1.69 ILMN 1683415 NM 001221.2 4 CAMK2D . -1.70 ILMN 1864959 -1.71 ILMN 1814296 NM 017662.3 9 TRPM6 -1.72 ILMN 1784294 NM 016352.2 7 CPA4 -1.73 ILMN 1658384 NM 018058.4 10 CRTACl -1.73 ILMN 1771800 NM 002737.2 17 PRKCA -1.74 ILMN 1798975 NM 005228.3 7 EGFR -1.75 ILMN 1786628 XM 001128059.1 9 LOC653355 -1.76 ILMN 1658989 NM 032246.3 15 MEX3B -1.77 ILMN 1756071 NM 005928.1 15 MFGE8 -1.77 ILMN 1740487 NM 138410.2 3 CMTM7 -1.78 ILMN 2075757 NM 153377.3 12 LRIG3 -1.78 ILMN 1668312 NM 001001290.1 4 SLC2A9 -1.81 ILMN 1797372 NM 173552.2 3 C3orf58 -1.82 ILMN 1663446 NM 001034954.1 10 SORBSl -1.82 ILMN 2179717 NM 004816.2 9 C9orf61 -1.83 ILMN 1772964 NM 005623.2 17 CCL8 -1.84 ILMN 1723969 NM 015192.2 20 PLCBl -1.85 ILMN 1700248 NM 198285.1 7 WDR86 -1.85 ILMN 1751028 NM 001235.2 11 SERPINHl -1.85 ILMN 1735353 NM 024337.3 5 IRXl -1.86 ILMN 2323508 NM 001002260.1 9 C9orf58 -1.86 ILMN 1804737 NM 01821 1.2 1 RAVER2 . -1.86 ILMN 1764629 NM 015359.2 8 SLC39A14 -1.86 ILMN 1678961 NM 018027.3 10 FRMD4A -1.86 ILMN 2255133 NM 022893.2 2 BCLI l A -1.86 ILMN 1808132 NM 152872.1 10 FAS -1.88 ILMN 1697363 NM 001039140.1 20 C20orf27 -1.89 ILMN 2376194 NM 172080.1 7 CAMK2B -1.89 ILMN 1853876 -1.89 ILMN 1678928 NM 013272.2 15 SLCO3A1 -1.90 ILMN 2401258 NM 014883.2 4 FAMl 3Al -1.91 ILMN 1775345 NM 080743.4 6 SRrp35 -1.92 ILMN 1698934 NM 181472.1 3 CMTM7 -1.93 ILMN 1667966 NM 052966.1 1 Clorf24 -1.93 ILMN 1655595 NM 006216.2 2 SERPINE2 -1.93 ILMN 2194009 NM 005845.2 13 ABCC4 -1.93 ILMN 1700024 NM 005715.1 6 UST -1.93 ILMN 1695959 NM 058187.3 2 1 C21orf63 -1.94 ILMN 1761858 NM 033290.2 X MIDI -1.94 ILMN 1704537 NM 006623.2 1 PHGDH -1.95 ILMN 2151 1.14 NM 003385.4 2 VSNLl -1.95 ILMN 1769704 XR 015133.1 14 FLJ39632 -1.98 ILMN 181 1330 NM 001034850 . 1 5 FAMl 34B -1.98 ILMN 1743034 NM 183416.2 1 KIFlB -1.98 ILMN 1752510 NM 001015045 . 1 4 FAM13A1 -1.98 ILMN 2136089 NM 175621.2 MTE -1.98 ILMN 2129234 NM 031442.2 X TMEM47 -1.99 ILMN 1873624 -1.99 ILMN 2403247 NM 181472.1 3 CMTM7 -2.00 ILMN 1810725 NM 052966.2 1 FAM 129A -2.00 ILMN 2319077 NM 152877.1 10 FAS -2.00 ILMN 1680738 NM 004772.1 5 C5orfl3 -2.02 ILMN 1748591 NM 002539.1 2 ODCl -2.02 ILMN 1654735 NM 013272.2 15 SLCO3A1 -2.02 ILMN 1661443 NM 001012642 1 15 GRAMD2 -2.03 ILMN 1676247 NM 175913.3 20 JPH2 -2.03 ILMN 2134974 NM 022337.1 11 RAB38 -2.04 ILMN 1729314 NM 002728.4 11 PRG2 -2.04 ILMN 1807969 NM 005460.2 5 SNCAIP -2.04 ILMN 1708059 NM 003940.1 3 USP 13 -2.05 ILMN 1740555 NM 13081 1.1 20 SNAP25 -2.05 ILMN 2341067 NM 020742.2 X NLGN4X -2.06 ILMN 1777565 NM 000544.3 6 TAP2 -2.08 ILMN 2387952 NM 001034850 1 5 FAMl 34B -2.08 ILMN 1738401 NM 001453.1 6 FOXCl -2.1 1 ILMN 1742044 NM 002069.4 7 GNAIl -2.1 1 ILMN 1733841 NM 031283.1 2 TCF7L1 -2.12 ILMN 1769245 NM 006851.2 12 GLIPRl -2.12 ILMN 1651950 NM 003596.2 7 TPSTl -2.12 ILMN 1677946 XM 929539.1 3 LOC653764 ' -2.12 ILMN 1667225 NM 005020.1 7 PDElC -2.14 ILMN 2358560 NM 001010927 2 6 TIAM2 -2.15 ILMN 1725387 NM 052913.2 6 TMEM200A -2.16 ILMN 1738854 NM 020925.2 1 CACHDl -2.17 ILMN 1696704 NM 007005.3 9 TLE4 -2.18 ILMN 2180371 NM 013300.1 12 C12orf24 -2.18 ILMN 1779800 NM 018650.3 1 MARKl -2.19 ILMN 1890773 -2.20 ILMN 2138589 NM 006343.2 2 MERTK -2.21 ILMN 1658835 NM 001233.3 7 CAV2 -2.21 ILMN 1687501 NM 015529.2 6 MOXDl -2.21 ILMN 1803559 XR 015133.1 14 FLJ39632 -2.22 ILMN 2052891 NM 000297.2 4 PKD2 -2.22 ILMN 2326262 NM 015385.2 10 SORBSl -2.22 ILMN 1773389 NM 182676.1 20 PLTP -2.22 ILMN 1699644 XM 001 127871.1 MARCH3 -2.23 ILMN 1799725 NM 004946.1 5 DOCK2 -2.24 ILMN 2380801 NM 153048.1 6 FYN -2.25 ILMN 1710268 NM 024697.1 3 ZNF385D -2.25 ILMN 1717046 NM 024761.3 9 MOBKL2B -2.26 ILMN 1778991 NM 005596.2 9 NFIB -2.28 ILMN 2410523 NM 006182.2 1 DDR2 -2.28 ILMN 1658407 NM 014096.2 11 SLC43A3 -2.29 ILMN 2122103 NM 005238.2 11 ETSl -2.30 ILMN 1767446 NM 020724.1 4 RNFl 50 -2.31 ILMN 1674620 NM 001099400.1 7 SGCE -2.31 ILMN 1748881 NM 012219.3 3 MRAS -2.32 ILMN 1654398 NM 015149.3 1 RGLl -2.33 ILMN 1655796 XM 001 127871.1 MARCH3 -2.34 ILMN 1758816 NM 003360.2 4 UGT8 -2.34 ILMN 1848552 -2.35 ILMN 1735700 NM 007196.2 19 KLK8 -2.35 ILMN 1713686 NM 152456.1 16 C16orf77 -2.37 ILMN 1830462 NM 022166.3 16 XYLTl -2.38 ILMN 2185845 NM 032430.1 19 BRSKl -2.38 ILMN 1673769 NM 002237.3 20 KCNGl -2.38 ILMN 1741356 NM 153026.1 12 PRICKLEl -2.39 ILMN 1737184 NM 031942.4 2 CDCA7 -2.39 ILMN 1808732 NM 000331.3 11 SAAl -2.40 ILMN 1710937 . NM 005531.1 1 IFI 16 -2.42 ILMN 1674629 NM 032823.3' 9 C9orf3 -2.42 ILMN 1686555 NM 153047.1 6 FYN -2.42 ILMN 1812552 NM 018367.4 11 PHCA -2.42 ILMN 1704398 NM 003508.2 7 FZD9 -2.43 ILMN 2357855 NM 001018065.1 9 NTRK2 -2.43 ILMN 1764109 NM 001733.4 12 ClR -2.43 ILMN 1783909 NM 001849.3 2 1 COL6A2 -2.45 ILMN 1726030 NM 015696.3 1 GPX7 -2.48 ILMN 1812902 NM 052954.2 2 1 CYYRl -2.48 ILMN 1674050 NM 005202.1 1 COL8A2 -2.48 ILMN 1802615 NM 001259.5 7 CDK6 -2.49 ILMN 2330307 NM 01761 1.2 11 SLC43A3 -2.49 ILMN 1652512 NM 015500.1 2 1 C2CD2 -2.51 ILMN 1917341 -2.54 ILMN 1706261 XM 941061.1 SLCO3A1 -2.54 ILMN 1781626 NM 001734.2 12 CIS -2.55 ILMN 1809928 NM 001849.3 2 1 COL6A2 -2.55 ILMN 1714067 NM 001007097.1 9 NTRK2 -2.55 ILMN 1697548 NM 012302.2 1 LPHN2 -2.58 ILMN 2082585 NM 003068.3 8 SNAI2 -2.58 ILMN 1815032 NM 031439.2 8 SOX7 -2.61 ILMN 1702487 NM 005627.2 6 SGK -2.63 ILMN 2103761 NM 007005.3 9 TLE4 -2.63 ILMN 1732151 NM 001848.2 2 1 COL6A1 -2.64 ILMN 1728734 NM 002781.2 19 PSG5 -2.65 ILMN 1752899 NM 022893.2 2 BCLI l A -2.65 ILMN 2185984 NM 015278.3 6 SASHl -2.68 ILMN 1704665 NM 001001995.1 X GPM6B -2.70 ILMN 1775814 NM 000163.2 5 GHR -2.71 ILMN 1692938 NM 021 154.3 9 PSATl -2.72 ILMN 2146761 NM 001444.1 8 FABP5 -2.75 ILMN 1712673 NM 015278.3 6 SASHl -2.76 ILMN 1738552 NM 004172.3 5 SLCl A3 -2.76 ILMN 1764228 NM 001343.2 5 DAB2 -2.77 ILMN 1801205 NM 001005340.1 7 GPNMB -2.80 ILMN 1714523 NM 138737.1 X HEPH -2.83 ILMN 2196550 NM 0251 13.1 13 C13orfl8 -2.83 ILMN 1788457 NM 005845.2 13 ABCC4 -2.85 ILMN 1706015 NM 153690.4 3 FAM43A -2.86 ILMN 1804351 NM 003507.1 2 FZD7 -2.87 ILMN 1729216 NM 001885.1 11 CRYAB -2.87 ILMN 1773388 NM 0251 13.1 13 C13orfl8 -2.88 ILMN 165561 1 NM 173485.4 20 TSHZ2 -2.89 ILMN 1753312 NM 032812.7 10 PLXDC2 -2.89 ILMN 2128428 NM 001343.1 5 DAB2 -2.90 ILMN 1787461 NM 004350.2 1 RUNX3 -2.91 ILMN 1753613 NM 019102.2 7 HOXA5 -2.91 ILMN 1705153 NM 021076.2 22 NEFH -2.93 ILMN 1655077 NM 001198.2 6 PRDMl -2.95 ILMN 1677198 NM 001733.4 12 ClR -2.95 ILMN 2102330 NM 005202.1 1 COL8A2 -2.95 ILMN 1702973 NM 032181.1 2 TMEM 166 -2.96 ILMN 2104141 NM 152536.2 3 FGD5 -2.97 ILMN 1738147 NM 006617.1 1 NES -2.98 ILMN 1760303 NM 181523.1 5 PIK3R1 -2.98 ILMN 1676413 NM 003385.4 2 VSNLl -2.99 ILMN 1654319 NM 178232.2 - 15 HAPLN3 -3.00 ILMN 1784287 NM 003243.2 1 TGFBR3 -3.00 ILMN 1717519 NM 020433.4 20 JPH2 " -3.01 ILMN 1701731 NM 001628.2 7 AKRlBl -3.01 ILMN 1754103 NM 005602.4 3 CLDNI l -3.01 ILMN 1653028 NM 001845.4 13 COL4A1 -3.02 ILMN 2326509 NM 033294.2 11 CASPl -3.03 ILMN 2322996 NM 1721 12.1 20 EYA2 -3.04 ILMN 1730487 NM 033140.2 7 CALDl -3.04 ILMN 1749792 NM 001034954.1 10 SORBSl -3.05 ILMN 1787526 NM 032321.1 2 MGC13057 -3.06 ILMN 1712075 NM 015286.5 15 DMN -3.12 ILMN 1683598 NM 004458.1 X ACSL4 -3.15 ILMN 1844593 -3.15 ILMN 1824391 -3.19 ILMN 1740938 NM 000041.2 19 APOE -3.19 ILMN 1758146 NM 001040023.1 20 SIRPA -3.19 ILMN 1772824 NM 032642.2 12 WNT5B -3.19 ILMN 1739222 NM 004454.1 3 ETV5 -3.20 ILMN 2218208 NM 004684.2 4 SPARCLl -3.22 ILMN 2326512 NM 033294.2 11 CASPl -3.24 ILMN 1735438 NM 001001995.1 X GPM6B -3.24 ILMN 2304512 NM 199161.1 11 SAAl -3.26 ILMN 1724994 NM 001846.2 13 COL4A2 -3.27 ILMN 1815673 NM 015881.5 11 DKK3 -3.28 ILMN 2372974 NM 080792.2 20 SIRPA -3.30 ILMN 2398159 NM 013253.4 11 DKK3 -3.31 ILMN 2201678 NM 007085.3 L3 FSTLl -3.33 ILMN 1772910 NM 002048.1 9 GASl -3.35 ILMN 1736178 NM 001129.3 7 AEBPl -3.36 ILMN 2149164 NM 003012.3 8 SFRPl -3.38 ILMN 1805543 NM 182920.1 3 ADAMTS9 -3.44 ILMN 2324002 NM 033157.2 7 CALDl -3.46 ILMN 1795251 NM 004684.3 4 SPARCLl -3.52 ILMN 1694840 - NM 002380.3 8 MATN2 -3.55 ILMN 2197128 NM 145260.2 2 OSRl -3.56 ILMN 1668039 NM 016815.2 2 GYPC -3.61 ILMN 1696434 NM 005559.2 18 LAMAl -3.67 ILMN 1755215 NM 001030060.1 6 SAMD5 -3.70 ILMN 1682332 NM 016815.2 2 GYPC -3.78 ILMN 1773546 NM 054031.2 11 MRGPRX3 -3.99 ILMN 1657373 NM 018192.2 3 LEPRELl -4.16 ILMN 1701017 NM 000331.3 11 SAAl -4.25 Table 15. Gene signaturesfor Stroma (CD49-EpCΛM-) subsets.

Average log ID GeneRef Chr Symbol fold-change ILMN 2384409 NM 013996.1 7 TACl 6.95 ILMN 2342541 NM 003182.1 7 TACl 6.61 ILMN 1797519 NM 003836.4 14 DLKl 6.60 ILMN 172671 1 NM 00621 1.2 8 PENK 6.45 ILMN 1790529 NM 002345.3 12 LUM 6.38 ILMN 1785272 NM 000089.3 7 COL 1A2 6.27 ILMN 2307861 NM 004369.2 2 COL6A3 6.27 ILMN 1688642 NM 006059.3 9 LAMC3 6.23 ILMN 1790270 NM 013997.1 7 TACl 6.22 ILMN 1696048 NM 032849.2 13 C13orfi3 6.15 ILMN 2104356 NM 000089.3 7 COL1A2 6.12 ILMN 1729117 NM 000393.3 2 COL5A2 6.05 ILMN 1652975 NM 003836.4 14 DLKl 6.03 ILMN 1815057 NM 002609.3 . 5 PDGFRB 6.02 ILMN 1709486 NM 006307.3 X SRPX 6.00 ILMN 1706643 NM 057165.2 2 COL6A3 5.95 ILMN 1678842 NM 003247.2 6 THBS2 5.89 ILMN 1773079 NM 000090.3 2 COL3A1 5.88 ILMN 1768227 NM 133503.2 12 DCN 5.85 ILMN 1677429 NM 057179.1 2 TWIST2 5.82 ILMN 2 112256 NM 003327.2 1 TNFRSF4 5.76 ILMN 1664464 NM 000954.5 9 PTGDS 5.73 ILMN 1683194 NM 001920.3 12 DCN 5.64 ILMN 1739496 NM 006902.3 1 PRRXl 5.64 ILMN 1815679 XM 940071.2 LOCI 31873 5.60 ILMN 1681949 NM 006206.3 4 PDGFRA 5.59 ILMN 169401 1 NM 003391.1 7 WNT2 . 5.58 ILMN 1776842 NM 0010033.99.1 13 DKFZp451A21 1 5.57 ILMN 1749071 NM 152495.1 1 CNIH3 5.52 ILMN 1706505 NM 000093.3 9 COL5A1 5.51 ILMN 1741404 NM 005098.3 8 MSC .5.51 ILMN 2139125 NM 152447.2 14 LRFN5 5.47 . ILMN 1701308 NM 000088.3 17 COLlAl 5.45 ILMN 1699585 NM 152414.3 8 BHLHB5 5.45 ILMN 1896012 5.41 ILMN 1758895 NM 000396.2 1 CTSK 5.41 ILMN 1707070 NM 002593.2 7 PCOLCE ,5.37 ILMN 173461 1 NM 000710.2 14 BDKRBl 5.36 ILMN 1709674 NM 0051 10.1 5 GFPT2 5.30 ILMN 1766914 NM 002404.1 17 MFAP4 5.28 ILMN 1710297 NM 003991.1 .13 EDNRB 5.26 ILMN 1688698 NM 014795.2 2 ZEB2 5.25 ILMN 1792978 NM 005328.1 8 HAS2 5.19 ILMN 1722898 NM 003013.2 4 SFRP2 5.18 ILMN 1800642 NM 173054.1 7 RELN 5.14 ILMN 1727532 NM 020190.2 1 OLFML3 5.14 ILMN 1721770 NM 002581.3 9 PAPPA 5.13 ILMN 1726589 . NM 020404.2 11 CD248 5.12 ILMN 1670490 NM 001006625.1 1 PDPN 5.10 ILMN 1673639 NM 015429.2 3 ABI3BP 5.07 ILMN 1708107 NM 001937.3 1 DPT 5.04 ILMN 2206746 NM 00171 1.3 X BGN 5.03 ILMN 1751904 NM 0001 15.1 13 EDNRB 5.02 ILMN 1689088 NM 130386.1 18 COLEC 12 5.02 ILMN 1681983 NM 032784.3. 6 RSPO3 5.01 ILMN 1766264 NM 153370.2 6 PI16 5.01 ILMN 1774602 NM 001998.2 3 FBLN2 5.00 ILMN 1700541 NM 001996.2 22 FBLNl 4.96 ILMN 2232854 NM 004460.2 2 FAP 4.94 ILMN 1894038 4.93 ILMN 2390919 NM 001998.2 3 FBLN2 4.92 ILMN 1736692 NM 001098814.1 16 SRL 4.89 ILMN 1733415 NM 003480.2 12 MFAP5 4.86 ILMN 1694757 NM 001912.3 9 SLl 4.86 ILMN 1687301 NM 004385.2 5 VCAN 4.86 ILMN 1741021 NM 003956.3 10 CH25H 4.84 ILMN 2307903 NM 001078.2 1 VCAMl 4.82 ILMN 1736078 NM 003248.3 5 THBS4 4.82 ILMN 1777190 NM 001928.2 19 CFD 4.82 ILMN 1768035 NM 002426.2 11 MMP12 4.82 ILMN 1795442 NM 002290.2 6 LAMA4 4.82 ILMN 1672536 NM 006486.2 22 FBLNl 4.81 ILMN 1748538 NM 170697.1 15 ALDH 1A2 4.79 ILMN 1712896 NM 006350.2 5 FST 4.78 ILMN 2057479 NM 015507.2 X EGFL6 4.75 ILMN 1773059 NM 032777.6 8 GPRl 24 4.74 ILMN 1791447 NM 199168.2 10 CXCL 12 4.74 ILMN 1701461 NM 000362.4 22 TIMP3 4.73 ILMN 1674719 NM 002508.2 1 NIDI 4.73 ILMN 1677092 NM 181702.1 8 GEM 4.72 ILMN 1671509 NM 002983.1 17 CCL3 4.70 ILMN 2387105 NM 014057.3 9 OGN 4.69 ILMN 1790859 NM 001012973.1 10 PLAC9 4.69 ILMN 1746013 NM 004598.3 5 SPOCKl 4.66 ILMN 1672908 NM 000474.3 7 TWISTl 4.66 ILMN 1688780 NM 019554.2 1 S100A4 4.66 ILMN 1723847 NM 003613.2 15 CILP 4.66 ILMN 1721580 NM 152380.2 1 TBX 15 4.65 ILMN 1722713 NM 006487.2 22 FBLNl 4.63 ILMN 1677038 NM 024913.3 7 FLJ21986 4.61 ILMN 1669362 NM 002178.2 12 IGFBP6 4.61 ILMN 1761425 NM 182487.2 9 OLFML2A 4.58 ILMN 2367883 NM 181702.1 8 GEM 4.58 ILMN 1810910 NM 001014975.1 1 CFH 4.56 ILMN 167261 1 NM 001797.2 16 CDHI l 4.56 ILMN 2076600 NM 004867.3 X ITM2A 4.55 ILMN 1791890 NM 006108.2 11 SPONl 4.54 ILMN 17381 16 NM 181724.1 12 TMEMl 19 4.54 ILMN 1654109 NM 182801.1 5 EGFLAM 4.52 ILMN 1814327 NM 000685.4 3 AGTRl 4.52 ILMN 1671 149 NR 002766.1 14 MEG3 4.49 ILMN 2077952 NM 020692.1 14 GALNTLl 4.48 ILMN 1728923 NM 004101.2 5 F2RL2 4.48 ILMN 1754716 NM 001523.1 19 HASl 4.48 ILMN 1810172 NM 003014.2 7 SFRP4 4.47 ILMN 1651554 NM 003617.2 1 RGS5 4.47 ILMN 2061435 NR 002766.1 14 MEG3 4.46 ILMN 2228938 NM 001393.2 9 ECM2 4.44 ILMN 1854469 4.40 ILMN 1742730 XM 941980.1 TWIST2 4.40 ILMN 2313672 NM 003856.2 2 ILlRLl 4.39 ILMN 2 112638 NM 153366.2 SVEPl 4.39 ILMN 2231928 NM 002463.1 2 1 MX2 4.39 ILMN 2229877 NM 019035.2 4 PCDH 18 4.39 ILMN 2073758 NM 002426.2 11 MMP 12 4.39 ILMN 1747355 NM 021006.4 17 CCL3L1 4.39 ILMN 1764754 NM 005855.2 2 RAMPl 4.38 ILMN 2218856 NM 021006.4 17 CCL3L1 4.38 ILMN 2148527 NR 002196.1 11 H19 4.36 ILMN 1675325 NM 001977.3 4 ENPEP 4.35 ILMN 1654324 NM 014571.3 1 HEYL 4.34 ILMN 1658709 NM 002291.1 7 LAMBl 4.32 ILMN 2325763 NM 080682.1 1 VCAMl 4.31 ILMN 1741847 NM 002425.1 11 MMPlO 4.30 ILMN 2105573 NM 001001437.3 17 CCL3L3 4.29 ILMN 1751062 NM 173833.4 8 SCARA5 4.29 ILMN 1772964 NM 005623.2 17 CCL8 4.27 ILMN 1809850 NM 020650.2 19 RCN3 4.26 ILMN 1700081 NM 013409.1 5 FST 4.24 ILMN 1803213 NM 015419.2 X MXRA5 4.23 ILMN 1672350 NM 021219.2 2 1 JAM2 4.23 ILMN 16891 11 NM 000609.4 10 CXCL 12 4.22 ILMN 1666893 NM 173553.1 4 TRIML2 4.20 ILMN 2141482 NM 002615.4 17 SERPINFl 4.20 ILMN 1790689 NM 031476.2 16 CRISPLD2 4.19 ILMN 1678968 NM 005261.2 8 GEM 4.19 ILMN 2242900 NM 003856.2 2 ILlRLl 4.19 ILMN 1802160 NM 194293.2 3 XIRPl 4.17 ILMN 1779875 NM 006288.2 11 THYl 4.15 ILMN 1802654 NM 031302.3 12 GLT8D2 4.15 ILMN 2167758 NM 003613.2 15 CILP 4.14 ILMN 2347145 NM 133505.2 12 DCN 4.13 ILMN 1657803 NM 001014975 . 1 1 CFH 4.13 ILMN 1789733 NM 015526.1 19 CLIP3 4.13 ILMN 188231 1 4.12 ILMN 1752965 NM 013372.5 15 GREMl 4.1 1 ILMN 1663866 NM 000358.1 5 TGFBI 4.10 ILMN 1753789 NM 022093.1 1 TNN 4.10 ILMN 1684306 NM 019554.2 1 S100A4 4.09 ILMN 1705258 NM 001014447 1 4 CPZ 4.09 ILMN 1668345 NM 178507.2 11 OAF 4.08 ILMN 1799026 NM 019035.2 4 PCDH 18 4.08 ILMN 1671 106 NM 002060.2 1 GJA4 4.08 ILMN 1810844 NM 002889.2 7 RARRES2 4.07 ILMN 1745994 NM 201433.1 17 GAS7 4.07 ILMN 1780799 NM 001040092 1 8 ENPP2 4.05 ILMN 2341343 NM 004835.3 3 AGTRl 4.05 ILMN 1752520 NM 152270.2 17 SLFNl 1 4.04 ILMN 1726448 NM 002421.2 11 MMPl 4.04 ILMN 1745356 NM 002416.1 4 CXCL9 4.03 ILMN 2339266 NM 000426.3 6 LAMA2 4.03 ILMN 1801586 NM 000601.4 7 HGF 4.03 ILMN 1721876 NM 003255.4 17 TIMP2 4.02 ILMN 1766955 NM 001078.2 1 VCAMl 4.01 ILMN 1699574 NM 003873.4 10 NRPl 4.01 ILMN 1770800 NM 153703.3 1 PODN 4.00 ILMN 1715452 NM 144966.4 9 FREMl 4.00 ILMN 1811313 NM 003062.1 5 SLIT3 4.00 ILMN 1676563 NM 002775.3 10 HTRAl 3.99 ILMN 1792256 NM 005994.3 17 TBX2 3.98 ILMN 1796288 NM 015719.3 19 COL5A3 3.97 ILMN 1812297 NM 019885.2 2 CYP26B1 3.97 ILMN 1676449 NM 004787.1 4 SLIT2 3.97 ILMN 1703531 NM 005226.2 9 EDG3 3.97 ILMN 1775708 NM 006931.1 12 SLC2A3 3.96 ILMN 1807493 NM 000020.1 12 ACVRLl 3.96 ILMN 1788019 NM 001079823. 1 6 LAMA2 3.95 ILMN 2339955 NM 006186.2 2 NR4A2 3.94 ILMN 1796316 NM 004994.2 20 MMP9 3.93 ILMN 2329735 NM 022664.1 1 ECMl 3.92 ILMN 2412192 NM 001014975. 1 1 CFH 3.92 ILMN 2082273 NM 003617.2 1 RGS5 3.91 ILMN 1781626 NM 001734.2 12 CIS 3.89 ILMN 1753005 NM 005045.2 7 RELN 3.89 ILMN 1666503 NM 015689.2 7 DENND2A 3.88 ILMN 1725090 NM 138455.2 8 CTHRCl 3.88 ILMN 1783840 XM 001 127714.1 FLJ42986 3.88 ILMN 2051972 NM 004484.2 X GPC3 3.88 ILMN 2373791 NM 001040092.1 8 ENPP2 3.85 ILMN 1763891 NM 182571.2 19 FLJ35258 3.85 ILMN 1790098 NM 014057.3 9 OGN 3.85 ILMN 2086470 NM 006206.3 4 PDGFRA 3.84 ILMN 1701441 NM 057159.2 9 LPARl 3.83 ILMN 1723522 NM 030817.1 12 APOLDl 3.82 ILMN 1777397 NM 002448.3 4 MSXl 3.82 ILMN 1796801 NM 007168.2 17 ABCA8 3.82 ILMN . 1716733 NM 003970.1 8 MYOM2 3.80 ILMN 1719641 NM 022138.1 6 SMOC2 3.80 ILMN 1742866 NM 001992.2 5 F2R 3.79 ILMN 1758067 NM 005613.3 1 RGS4 3.79 ILMN 1803825 NM 000609.4 10 CXCL 12 3.79 ILMN 1682176 NM 003278.1 3 CLEC3B 3.78 ILMN 1737025 NM 015184.3 3 PLCL2 3.75 ILMN 1766054 NM 005502.2 9 ABCAl 3.75 ILMN 2182148 NM 015463.1 2 C2or β 2 3.74 ILMN 1759487 NM 182801.1 5 EGFLAM 3.74 ILMN 1685608 NM 002523.1 7 NPTX2 3.74 ILMN 1914927 3.70 ILMN 1703016 NM 198396.1 17 CACNAlG 3.68 ILMN 1722329 NM 001232.2 1 CASQ2 3.68 ILMN 2384770 NM 182799.1 5 EGFLAM 3.67 ILMN 1667295 NM 138440.2 16 VASN 3.67 ILMN 1864685 3.67 ILMN 167751 1 NM 000963.1 1 PTGS2 3.66 ILMN 1683148 NM 198859.2 3 PRICKLE2 3.64 ILMN 171 1439 NM 007046.1 2 EMILINl 3.63 ILMN 2367258 NM 175840.1 20 SMOX 3.62 ILMN 1802082 NM 020226.3 4 PRDM8 3.62 ILMN 1676383 NM 153343.2 4 ENPP6 3.61 ILMN 1680339 NM 006207.1 8 PDGFRL 3.61 ILMN 1753525 NM 152278.2 X TCEAL7 3.60 ILMN 2376859 NM 025208.4 11 PDGFD 3.60 ILMN 1775380 NM 175842.1 20 SMOX 3.59 ILMN 1664543 NM 001031683.1 10 IFIT3 3.59 ILMN 1670708 NM 000504.3 13 FlO 3.58 ILMN 1666894 NM 001897.4- 15 CSPG4 3.57 ILMN 1789541 NM 001014809.1 4 CRMPl 3.57 ILMN 1791759 NM 001565.2 4 CXCLlO 3.57 ILMN 2410929 NM 004670.3 10 PAPSS2 3.57 ILMN 1712046 NM 019609.3 20 CPXMl 3.54 ILMN 1746763 NM 001393.2 9 ECM2 3.54 ILMN 1784608 NM 005127.2 12 CLEC2B 3.54 ILMN 1786598 NM 021 110.1 8 COL14A1 3.54 ILMN 1880457 3.52 ILMN 1669772 NM 002332.2 12 LRPl 3.52 ILMN 1736453 NM 002903.2 17 RCVRN 3.52 ILMN 2170209 NM 014310.3 22 RASD2 3.52 ILMN 1782305 NM 006186.2 2 NR4A2 3.51 ILMN 1687757 NM 001818.2 10 AKRl C4 3.50 ILMN 1677603 NM 201442.1 12 CIS 3.50 ILMN 1658576 NM 002846.2 2 PTPRN 3.49 ILMN 1707232 NM 001005463.1 10 EBF3 3.49 ILMN 2328094 NM 016651.5 14 DACTl 3.49 ILMN 1765557 NM 015441.1 1 OLFML2B 3.48 ILMN 1693009 NM 006682.1 7 FGL2 3.48 ILMN 1789502 NM 001448.2 X GPC4 3.48 ILMN 1702231 NM 024579.2 1 Clorf54 3.48 ILMN 1759097 NM 006818.3 1 MLLTI l 3.47 ILMN 2203491 NM 004826.1 2 ECELl 3.47 ILMN 1701551 NM 080284.2 17 ABCA6 3.47 ILMN 1702973 NM 032181.1 2 TMEM 166 3.47 ILMN 2374036 NM 145918.2 9 CTSLl 3.46 ILMN 1733851 NM 145056.1 19 DACT3 3.45 ILMN 1809099 NM 033439.2 9 IL33 3.45 ILMN 1715603 NM 016584.2 12 IL23A 3.44 ILMN 1810584 NM 000877.2 2 ILlRl 3.44 ILMN 1803094 NM 033135.3 11 PDGFD 3.44 ILMN 1699071 NM 020152.2 2 1 C21orf7 3.44 ILMN 2412336 NM 001354.4 10 AKRl C2 3.43 ILMN 1725485 NM 012419.4 6 RGS 17 3.43 ILMN 1751785 NM 006557.4 9 DMRT2 3.42 ILMN 1786197 NM 005654.4 5 NR2F1 3.40 ILMN 1801077 NM 001 122.2 9 ADFP 3.40 ILMN 1658333 NM 004425.2 1 ECMl 3.39 ILMN 1655740 NM 003068.3 8 SNAI2 3.39 ILMN 2 111237 NM 002430.2 22 MNl 3.39 ILMN 1677402 XM 941665.2 LOC387763 3.39 ILMN 1790149 NM 001010932.1 7 HGF 3.39 ILMN 1678493 NM 001025201.1 2 CHNl 3.39 ILMN 1709613 NM 000618.2 12 IGFl 3.38 ILMN 2082585 NM 003068.3 8 SNAI2 3.37 ILMN 1684755 NM 030929.3 10 KAZALDl 3.37 ILMN 1690945 NM 001014447.1 4 CPZ 3.37 ILMN 1730945 NM 012109.1 19 C19orf4 3.35 ILMN 1801302 NM 001037.3 19 SCNlB 3.34 ILMN 2109197 NM 012307.2 18 EPB41L3 3.34 ILMN 1784459 NM 002422.3 11 MMP3 3.34 ILMN 1690839 NM 032728.2 9 PPAPDC3 3.34 ILMN 1669023 NM 020482.3 6 FHL5 3.33 ILMN 1737089 NM 004055.4 11 CAPN5 3.33 ILMN 1678961 NM 018027.3 10 FRMD4A 3.32 ILMN 1773245 NM 021006.4 17 CCL3L1 3.32 ILMN 1812995 NM 001912.3 9 CTSLl 3.31 ILMN 1695945 NM 172315.1 15 MEIS2 3.30 ILMN 1735045 NM 017436.4 22 A4GALT 3.28 ILMN 1710204 NM 003327.2 1 TNFRSF4 3.27 ILMN 1676099 NM 012445.1 4 SPON2 3.27 ILMN 2056087 NM 000618.2 12 IGFl 3.26 ILMN 1747593 NM 005545.3 15 ISLR 3.26 ILMN 1684368 NM 032947.3 5 MSTl 50 3.26 ILMN 1686555 NM 153047.1 6 FYN 3.26 ILMN 1704418 NM 004472.2 5 FOXDl 3.25 ILMN 1778681 NM 024007.2 5 EBFl 3.25 ILMN 1776363 NM 020977.2 4 ANK2 3.24 ILMN 1743933 NM 020856.2 19 TSHZ3 3.24 ILMN 2193325 NM 006983.1 1 MMP23B 3.24 ILMN 1801068 NM 016651.4 14 DACTl 3.24 ILMN 1773125 NM 001098175.1 10 ENTPDl 3.23 ILMN 1708098 NM 153713.1 1 LIXlL 3.23 ILMN 2169152 NM 002727.2 10 SRGN 3.22 ILMN 1673553 NM 178449.2 19 PTH2 3.21 ILMN 1762106 NM 004530.2 16 MMP2 3.21 ILMN 1738657 NM 015265.1 2 SATB2 3.21 ILMN 2345292 NM 005031.3 19 FXYDl 3.21 ILMN 1812926 NM 058172.3 4 ANTXR2 3.21 ILMN 1651498 NM 006705.2 9 GADD45G 3.21 ILMN 1780170 NM 001647.2 3 APOD 3.20 ILMN 1730504 NM 020133.2 6 AGPAT4 3.19 ILMN 1788107 NM 000641.2 19 ILI l 3.19 ILMN 2048478 NM 021977.2 6 SLC22A3 3.17 ILMN 1728202 NM 001097599.1 3 TMEM22 3.17 ILMN 2152257 NM 001050.2 17 SSTR2 3.17 ILMN 1657606 NM 024721.3 8 ZFHX4 3.16 ILMN 1687652 NM 003239.1 14 TGFB3 3.16 ILMN 1812795 NM 004349.2 8 RUNXlTl 3.15 ILMN 1768812 NM 022003.1 11 FXYD6 3.14 ILMN 1674934 NM 001452.1 6 FOXF2 3.14 ILMN 1806733 NM 130445.2 2 1 COL18A1 3.14 ILMN 1668417 NM 003387.3 2 WASPIP 3.13 ILMN 1787518 NM 000177.3 9 GSN 3.13 ILMN 1716246 NM 001463.2 2 ' FRZB 3.13 ILMN 1701558 NM 002373.4 15 MAPlA 3.13 ILMN 1707286 NM 024829.4 12 FLJ22662 3.13 ILMN 1655077 NM 001 198.2 6 PRDMl 3.13 ILMN 1671263 NM 021098.2 16 CACNAlH 3.12 ILMN 1651826 NM 006317.3 5 BASPl 3.12 ILMN 2096372 NM 000689.3 9 ALDHlAl 3.1 1 ILMN 1818101 3.1 1 - ILMN 1688722 - NM 000640.2 X IL13RA2 3.1 1

ILMN 1735743 NM 153214.1 2 FBLN7 2.92 ILMN 1778924 NM 001003683.1 2 PDElA 2.91 ILMN 1707612 NM 004469.2 X FIGF 2.91 ILMN 1749846 NM 005014.1 9 OMD 2.91 ILMN 1747650 NM 001718.4 6 BMP6 2.91 ILMN 1710859 NM 000439.3 5 PCSKl 2.91 ILMN 2120210 NM 005822.2 6 RCAN2 2.91 ILMN 2123743 NM 004106.1 1 FCERlG 2.91 ILMN 1805415 NM 000921.3 12 PDE3A 2.90 ILMN 1715662 NM 199511.1 3 CCDC80 2.90 ILMN 1659257 NM 152942.2 1 TNFRSF8 2.90 ILMN 171 1062 NM 002429.4 12 MMP 19 2.90 ILMN 2196328 NM 006475.1 13 POSTN 2.90 ILMN 1684401 NM 002021.1 1 FMOl 2.90 ILMN 1783909 NM 001849.3 2 1 COL6A2 2.89 ILMN 1806752 NM 172069.2 2 PLEKHH2 2.88 ILMN 1713499 NM 003882.2 8 WISPl 2.88 ILMN 1812824 NM 001048.3 3 SST 2.88 ILMN 1666323 XM 934577.1 14 LOC647251 2.88 ILMN 1787981 NM 017459.1 1 MFAP2 2.87 ILMN 1764709 NM 005461.3 20 MAFB 2.87 ILMN 1719543 NM 005360.3 16 MAF 2.86 ILMN 1655904 NM 005012.2 1 RORl 2.86 ILMN 1767934 NM 006200.2 9 PCSK5 2.86 ILMN 1764309 NM 000667.2 4 ADHlA 2.86 ILMN 2342066 NM 001004431.1 17 METRNL 2.86 ILMN 1808226 NM 002928.2 1 RGS16 ' 2.85 ILMN 1740407 NM 175856.4 5 CHSY3 2.85 ILMN 1807652 NM 022369.2 15 STRA6 2.85 ILMN 1805098 NM 000924.2 12 PDElB 2.84 ILMN 1862909 2.84 ILMN 2165354 NM 004734.2 13 DCLKl 2.84 ILMN 1740466 NM 017633.2 6 FAM46A 2.84 ILMN 1764109 NM 001733.4 12 ClR 2.83 ILMN 1684554 NM 001856.3 1 COL16A1 2.83 ILMN 1749078 NM 003255.4 17 TIMP2 2.83 ILMN 1677198 NM 001733.4 12 ClR 2.83 ILMN 2409642 NM 001039705.1 X TRO 2.83 ILMN 1744937 NM 002845.2 18 PTPRM 2.82 ILMN 1680774 XM 001 132373.1 LOC730994 2.82 ILMN 1679694 NM 022122.2 11 MMP27 2.82 ILMN 1808501 NM 031892.1 X SH3KBP1 2.82 ILMN 1666819 NM 015157.1 11 PHLDBl 2.81 ILMN 2092933 NM 005099.3 1 ADAMTS4 2.81 ILMN 17031 10 NM 080671.2 2 KCNE4- 2.81 ILMN 1657871 NM 080657.4 2 RSAD2 2.81 ILMN 1801 122 XM 379479.3 7 LOC401317 2.81 ILMN 1753823 NM 138284.1 13 IL17D 2.80 ILMN 2140059 NM 002290.2 6 LAMA4 2.80 ILMN 1663815 NM 205855.1 7 UNQ 1940 2.80 ILMN 2167805 NM 002345.3 12 LUM 2.80 ILMN 2162860 NM 152270.2 17 SLFNIl 2.80 ILMN 1750062 NM 013261.3 4 PPARGClA 2.80 ILMN 2138765 NM 001 122.2 9 ADFP 2.79 ILMN 2068257 NM 032348.2 1 MXRA8 2.79 ILMN 1653203 NM 016938.2 11 EFEMP2 2.78 ILMN 1789639 NM 002023.3 1 FMOD 2.77 ILMN 1783946 NM 006039.3 17 MRC2 2.77 ILMN 1724533 NM 015364.2 8 LY96 2.77 ILMN 1684086 NM 000623.2 14 BDKRB2 2.77 ILMN 1657039 NM 015687.2 6 FILIPl 2.76 ILMN 1775163 NM 001003683.1 2 PDElA 2.76 ILMN 1793730 NM 030788.2 8 TM7SF4 2.75 ILMN 2326075 NM 001012331.1 1 NTRKl 2.75 ILMN 2388547 NM 033255.2 13 EPSTIl 2.75 ILMN 1790052 NM 004659.1 1 MMP23A 2.75 ILMN 1677098 NM 001005404.3 17 YPEL2 2.74 ILMN 2315789 NM 130391.2 9 PTPRD 2.73 ILMN 1732197 NM 002430.2 ' 22 MNl 2.73 ILMN 2188521 NM 015480.1 3 PVRL3 2.73 ILMN 1700935 NM 005328.1 8 HAS2 2.72 ILMN 1690034 NM 003102.2 4 SOD3 2.72 ILMN 2400407 NM 001843.2 12 CNTNl 2.72 ILMN 2214790 NM 002291.1 7 LAMBl 2.72 ILMN 1783671 NM 018932.3 5 PCDHB 12 2.72 ILMN 1734653 NM 032532.2 6 FNDCl 2.71 ILMN 1844919 2.71 ILMN 1657870 NM 005158.3 1 ABL2 2.70 ILMN 1658318 XM 943506.2 LOC120376 2.70 ILMN 1709399 NM 207348.1 1 SLC25A34 2.69 ILMN 1732799 NM 001773.1 1 CD34 2.69 ILMN 1899404 2.69 ILMN 2400759 NM 03131 1.3 7 CPVL 2.68 ILMN 2383707 NM 170696.1 15 ALDH 1A2 2.68 ILMN 1712998 NM 006587.2 4 CORIN 2.68 ILMN 1805842 NM 001449.3 X FHLl 2.68 ILMN- 1785732 NM 007115.2 2 TNFAIP6 2.68 ILMN 2163873 NM 032532.1 6 FNDCl 2.67 ILMN 1782043 NM 000828.3 X GRIA3 2.67 ILMN 1800787 NM 015150.1 3 RFTNl 2.67 ILMN 1725417 NM 006159.1 12 NELL2 2.67 ILMN 1764723 NM 001017995.1 5 SH3PXD2B 2.67 ILMN 1909468 2.66 ILMN 1674782 XM 374020.4 2 LOC375295 2.66 ILMN 2348268 NM 080730.2 12 IFFO 2.66 ILMN 1663873 NM 002427.2 11 MMP 13 2.66 ILMN 1656647 XM 945735.1 LOC649944 2.65 ILMN 1734950 NM 005576.2 15 LOXLl 2.65 ILMN 1676062 NM 014974.1 10 DIP2C 2.65 ILMN 1759787 NM 000361.2 20 THBD 2.64 ILMN 1790508 NM 002234.2 12 KCNA5 2.64 ILMN 2213759 NM 001004329.2 12 DBX2 2.64 ILMN 1769839 NM 019079.2 1 LlTDl 2.64 ILMN 2395214 NM 198900.2 12 FMNL3 2.63 ILMN 1812091 NM 017565.2 17 FAM20A 2.62 ILMN 1795166 NM 000316.2 3 PTHRl 2.62 ILMN 1752046 NM 005475.1 12 SH2B3 2.61 ILMN 1780861 XM 927769.1 17 LOC653506 2.61 ILMN 1667692 NM 000961.3 20 PTGIS 2.61 ILMN 1663399 NM 003256.2 3 TIMP4 2.61 ILMN 1769288 XM 944321.1 LOC402560 2.60 ILMN 1782953 NM 001032360.1 12 MMP19 2.60 ILMN 1733756 NM 080645.2 6 COL12A1 2.60 ILMN 1723978 NM 002305.3 22 LGALSl 2.60 ILMN 1706635 NM 001972.2 19 ELA2 2.60 ILMN 171 1748 NM 006227.2 20 PLTP 2.59 ILMN 1808114 NM 006691.3 11 LYVEl 2.59 ILMN 1807919 NM 022648.3 2 TNSl 2.59 ILMN 2067269 NM 021 111.1 9 RECK 2.59 ILMN 2161577 NM 002993.2 4 CXCL6 2.59 ILMN 2406815 NM 001031692.1 7 LRRC 17 2.59 ILMN 1754921 NM 207334.1 1 FAM43B 2.58 ILMN 179151 1 NM 018487.2 7 TMEM 176A 2.58 ILMN 1684959 NM 004319.1 1 ASTNl 2.58 ILMN 1688775 XM 941466.2 METRNL 2.57 ILMN 1709717 NM 130830.2 3 LRRC 15 2.57 ILMN 1793990 NM 002166.4 2 ID2 2.57 ILMN 1723678 NM 006262.3 12 PRPH 2.57 ILMN 1794442 XM 001 125745.1 16 ZNF469 2.57 ILMN 1748812 NM 152913.1 7 TMEM130 2.57 ILMN 1726809 NM 030762.1 12 BHLHB3 2.57 ILMN 1738684 NM 138734.1 11 NRXN2 2.57 ILMN 18821 12 2.56 ILMN 1716309 NM 015507.2 X EGFL6 2.56 ILMN 1746888 NM 013363.2 3 PCOLCE2 2.56 ILMN 1779234 NM 002993.2 4 CXCL6 2.56 ILMN 2140990 NM 003656.3 3 CAMKl 2.55 ILMN 1656300 NM 001495.4 8 GFRA2 2.55 ILMN 1727633 NM 015480.1 3 PVRL3 2.55 ILMN 1697817 NM 015368.3 11 PANXl 2.55 ILMN 1804357 NM 001098721.1 1 GNG4 2.55 ILMN 1674620 NM 001099400.1 7 SGCE 2.55 ILMN 2376847 NM 001003683.1 2 PDElA 2.54 ILMN 1809456 NM 001842.3 9 CNTFR 2.54 ILMN 1764158 NM 020795.2 17 NLGN2 2.54 ILMN 2058795 NM 016134.2 8 PGCP 2.54 ILMN 2141 118 NM 001039614.1 15 LOC388135 2.54 ILMN 2075603 NM 145015.2 11 MRGPRF 2.53 ILMN 1683598 NM 004458.1 X ACSL4 2.53 ILMN 1742473 NM 001031746.2 10 C10orf72 2.52 ILMN 1735367 NM 016245.2 4 HSD17B1 1 2.52 ILMN 1726986 NM 182662.1 4 AADAT 2.52 ILMN 2385672 NM 001081754.1 7 ELN 2.51 ILMN 1717934 NM 152280.2 1 SYTI l 2.51 ILMN 1668865 NM 153449.2 12 SLC2A14 2.51 ILMN 1773417 XM 943415.1 AKRl C2 2.50 ILMN 1789244 NM 014587.2 16 SOX8 2.50 ILMN 1727577 NM 005270.3 2 GLI2 2.50 ILMN 1660730 NM 032803.4 X SLC7A3 2.49 ILMN 1725519 NM 002986.2 17 CCLI l 2.49 ILMN 1661695 NM 007199.1 12 IRAK3 2.49 ILMN 1760431 NM 002042.2 6 GABRRl 2.48 ILMN 1713031 NM 016134.2 8 PGCP 2.48 ILMN 23051 12 NM 153742.3 1 CTH 2.48 ILMN 1905326 2.47 ILMN 17212S3 NM 144617.1 19 HSPB6 2.47 ILMN 1913678 2.47 ILMN 2 117508 NM 138455.2 8 CTHRCl 2.46 ILMN 1688630 NM 021 111.1 9 RECK 2.46 ILMN 1700515 NM 181656.3 17 C17orf58 2.46 ILMN 2201678 NM 007085.3 3 FSTLl 2.46 ILMN 2081813 NM 000439.3 5 PCSKl 2.46 ILMN 2085862 NM 016582.1 11 SLC 15A3 2.46 ILMN 1785345 NM 020370.1 12 GPR84 2.45 ILMN 2341229 NM 001773.2 1 . CD34 2.45 ILMN 1851754 2.44 ILMN 1886422 2.44 ILMN 2157099 NM 003914.2 13 CCNAl 2.43 ILMN 2258004 NM 001004431.1 17 METRNL 2.43 ILMN 2053345 NM 198503.2 1 KCNT2 2.42 ILMN 2078599 NM 00161 1.2 19 ACP5 2.42 ILMN 1887267 2.42 ILMN 1749892 NM 022051.1 1 EGLNl 2.41 ILMN 1655783 XM 001 133533.1 ATP 1B3 2.41 ILMN 1674017 NM 198498.1 11 Cllorf53 2.41 ILMN 1695485 XM 379665.2 9 C9orfl09 2.41 ILMN 1807359 NM 002975.2 19 CLECI lA 2.40 ILMN 1656373 NM 017637.5 9 BNC2 2.40 ILMN 1681515 NM 004750.2 19 CRLFl 2.40 ILMN 1861270 2.40 ILMN 1712985 NM 181656.3 17 C17orf58 2.39 ILMN 1801043 NM 198252.2 9 GSN 2.39

ILMN 2 115862 NM 194312.1 2 ESPNL 2.24 ILMN 1738773 NM 002152.2 19 HRC 2.24 ILMN 1731240 NM 002009.2 15 FGF7 2.24 ILMN 1750563 NM 016174.3 9 CERCAM 2.23 ILMN 2335813 NM 001024070.1 14 GCHl 2.23 ILMN 1801441 NM 144629.1 2 RFTN2 2.22 ILMN 1705346 NM 015678.3 13 NBEA 2.22 ILMN 1760414 NM 001086.2 3 AADAC 2.22 ILMN 1795754 NM 001289.4 X CLIC2 2.22 ILMN 1726666 NM 002084.3 5 GPX3 2.22 ILMN 1682928 NM 019029.2 7 CPVL 2.22 ILMN 1676897 NM 052970.3 20 HSPA 12B 2.22 ILMN 1707690 XM 944732.1 LOC648517 2.21 ILMN 1764177 NM 004973.2 6 JARID2 2.21 ILMN 1728009 NM 173490.5 5 TMEM171 2.21 ILMN 1712673 NM 015278.3 6 SASHl 2.21 ILMN 2410145 NM 173158.1 12 NR4A1 2.21 ILMN 1850485 2.21 ILMN 1812759 NM 001024071.1 14 GCHl 2.20 ILMN 1729455 NM 004434.2 14 EMLl 2.20 ILMN 2085012 NM 014020.2 7 TMEMl 76B 2.20 ILMN 1815568 NM 020405.3 17 PLXDCl 2.19 ILMN 1791253 NM 145032.2 7 FBXL 13 2.19 ILMN 1717366 NM 199072.3 7 MDFIC 2.18 ILMN 1668446 NM 080283.3 17 ABCA9 2.18 ILMN 1685856 NM 145269.3 8 FAM92A1 - 2.18 ILMN 1665235 NM 006371.3 3 CRTAP 2.17 ILMN 2154950 NM 015069.2 16 ZNF423 2.17 ILMN 1795582 NM 003741.2 3 CHRD 2.17 ILMN 1715715 NM 004364.2 19 CEBPA 2.16 ILMN 1814305 NM 017654.2 7 SAMD9 2.16 ILMN 2341254 NM 178006.1 13 STARD 13 2.16 . ILMN 2089977 NM 182827.1 7 FKBP9L 2.16 ILMN 2365307 NM 001024736.1 15 CD276 2.16 ILMN 1745686 NM 004225.2 8 MFHASl 2.16 ILMN 1744387 NM 001034838.1 5 KCNIPl 2.15 ILMN 2398926 NM 181656.1 17 C17orf58 2.15 ILMN 1716651 NM 001024630.2 6 RUNX2 2.15 ILMN 1757461 NM 002217.3 3 ITIH3 2.15 ILMN 2413956 NM 001007139.3 11 IGF2 2.14 ILMN 1773814 NM 205853.2 3 MUSTNl 2.14 ILMN 1867517 2.14 ILMN 1721762 NM 003853.2 2 ILl 8RAP 2.14 ILMN 1784553 NM 002998.3 8 SDC2 2.14 ILMN 2309245 NM 139343.1 2 BINl 2.13 ILMN 1740010 NM 014982.2 14 PCNX 2.13 ILMN 1799569 XM 934629.1 2 LOC440895 2.13 ILMN 1655414 NM 003807.2 19 TNFSF 14 2.13 ILMN 1759598 NM 005221.5 7 DLX5 2.13 ILMN 1747052 NM 000885.4 2 ITGA4 2.13 ILMN 1731412 NM 152277.2 5 UBTD2 2.12 ILMN 1799903 NM 020692.1 14 GALNTLl 2.12 ILMN 1716019 NM 138328.2 17 RHBDL3 2.12 ILMN 1766219 NM 014354.1 6 C6orf54 2.1 1 ILMN 1732678 NM 007035.3 12 KERA 2.1 1 ILMN 1774739 NM 004995.2 14 MMP 14 2.11 ILMN 2243553 NM 001080485.1 X ZNF275 2.1 1 ILMN 2298577 NM 001080508.1 6 TBX 18 2.10 ILMN 1689176 NM 024574.3 4 C4orDl 2.10 ILMN 1717710 NM 198999.1 7 SLC26A5 2.08 ILMN 241 1745 NM 004434.2 14 EMLl 2.08 ILMN 23051 16 NM 153742.3 1 CTH 2.08 ILMN 1734445 NM 138370.1 2 LOC91461 2.07 ILMN 1754660 NM 153367.2 10 C10orf56 2.07 ILMN 1690846 XM 925931.1 1 LOC642412 2.07 ILMN 2098616 NM 001014279.1 5 C5orO9 2.07 ILMN 1739521 NM 014932.2 3 NLGNl 2.06 ILMN 2352917 NM 003573.2 19 LTBP4 2.05 ILMN 2185984 NM 015278.3 6 SASHl 2.05 ILMN 1657888 NM 002968.2 16 SALLl 2.05 ILMN 1674380 NM 003304.4 3 TRPCl 2.05 ILMN 1720496 NM 000855.1 11 GUCY1A2 2.05 ILMN 1785202 NM 003151.2 2 STAT4 2.05 ILMN 1663648 NM 020749.3 8 MTUSl 2.05 ILMN 1664912 NM 004512.3 9 ILI lRA 2.05 ILMN 1781 149 NM 006774.4 7 INMT 2.03 ILMN 1670925 NM 144607.3 17 CYB5D1 2.03 ILMN 2067890 NM 005409.3 4 CXCLI l 2.03 ILMN 2317701 NR 002946.1 1 MMP23A 2.03 ILMN 1678816 NM 022469.3 1 GREM2 2.03 ILMN 1779674 NM 002841.2 3 PTPRG , 2.03 ILMN 1720501 NM 080283.3 17 ABCA9 2.02 ILMN 1762231 NM 030751.3 10 ZEBl 2.00 ILMN 1752668 NM 015345.2 6 DAAM2 2.00 ILMN 1717599 NM 020872.1 3 CNTN3 2.00 ILMN 1796377 NM 001001872.2 14 C14orβ 7 2.00 ILMN 1682100 NM 178822.3 3 IGSFlO 1.99 ILMN 1724708 NM 004794.2 X RAB33A 1.99 ILMN 1878029 1.99 ILMN 2219767 NM 005378.4 2 MYCN 1.99 ILMN 1713807 NM 020379.2 1 MANlCl 1.98 ILMN 1660808 NM 021 197.2 16 WFDCl 1.98 ILMN 1736742 NM 015101.2 1 GLT25D2 1.98 ILMN 2 1101 10 NM 004465.1 5 FGFlO 1.98 ILMN 1764314 NM 004463.2 X FGDl 1.98 ILMN 1718182 NM 003250.4 17 THRA 1.97 ILMN 1772646 XM 371299.4 LOC388681 1.97 ILMN 2322498 NM 002943.2 15 RORA 1.96 ILMN 2106902 NM 005197.2 14 CHESl 1.95 ILMN 1750790 NM 000851.2 1 GSTM5 1.95 ILMN 1765446 NM 001425.1 19 EMP3 1.95 ILMN 1770629 NM 020309.2 19 SLCl 7A7 1.95 ILMN 1700967 NM 178496.2 3 C3orf59 1.95 ILMN 1687023 NM 001080383.1 17 GJCl 1.94 ILMN 1788377 NM 032888.2 9 COL27A1 1.94 ILMN 1659371 NM 000681.2 10 ADRA2A 1.94 ILMN 1675936 NM 016438.2 17 HIGDlB 1.94 ILMN 2406106 NM 201572.1 10 CACNB2 1.93 ILMN 1803561 NM 024420.1 1 PLA2G4A 1.93 ILMN 2347798 NM 022872.2 1 IFI6 1.93 ILMN 1789007 NM 001645.3 19 APOCl 1.93 ILMN 1668592 NM 006873.2 2 STONl 1.93 ILMN 1736806 NM 018440.3 8 PAGl 1.93 ILMN 1801246 NM 003641.3 11 IFITMl 1.93 ILMN 1712305 NM 024843.2 2 CYBRDl 1.93 ILMN 1812669 NM 053044.2 4 HTRA3 1.93 ILMN 1689002 NM 004416.2 12 DTXl 1.93 ILMN 1815634 NM 032609.2 20 COX4I2 1.92 ILMN 1652072 NM 153361.2 5 MGC42105 1.92 ILMN 2 112915 NM 000797.2 11 DRD4 1.92 ILMN 1689456 NM 015642.3 3 ZBTB20 1.92 ILMN 1715532 NM 005100.2 6 AKAP12 1.92 ILMN 1708516 NM 020200.5 10 PRTFDCl 1.92 ILMN 2407669 NM 001080471.1 1 PEARl 1.91 ILMN 1741632 NM 013401.2 11 RAB3IL1 1.90 ILMN 1731745 NM 016533.4 12 NINJ2 1.90 ILMN 2292646 NM 000817.2 2 GADl 1.90 ILMN 1800412 NM 006129.2 8 BMPl 1.90 ILMN 1803686 NM 000022.2 20 ADA 1.90 ILMN 1765860 NM 144658.3 X DOCKI l 1.89 ILMN 1803818 NM 015039.2 1 NMNAT2 1.89 ILMN 1803855 NM 012306.2 12 FAIM2 1.89 ILMN 1720231 NM 001042780.1 11 TNNT3 1.89 ILMN 17051 16 NM 021945.4 6 C6orf85 1.89 ILMN 1872462 NM 000217.2 12 KCNAl 1.89 ILMN 1651346 NM 021649.3 5 TICAM2 1.89 ILMN 1690282 NM 003805.3 12 CRADD 1.89 ILMN 1797975 NM 001504.1 X CXCR3 1.88 ILMN 1726624 NM 145008.1 11 YPEL4 1.88 ILMN 1751097 NM 194071.2 7 CREB3L2 1.88 ILMN 1744046 NM 006729.3 X DIAPH2 1.88 ILMN 2087692 NM 024843.2 2 CYBRDl 1.88 ILMN 1763390 NM 002202.1 5 ISLl 1.87 ILMN 1775931 NM 005233.3 3 ' EPHA3 1.87 ILMN 1761945 NM 031950.2 4 FGFBP2 1.87 ILMN 1713496 NM 001042437.1 2 ST3GAL5 1.87 ILMN 2399264 NM 145800.2 X SEPT6 1.87 ILMN 2187746 NM 004098.2 10 EMX2 1.87 ILMN 1687848 NM 000587.2 5 C7 1.86 ILMN 1692123 NM 152310.1 10 ELOVL3 1.86 ILMN 1742618 NM 199139.1 17 XAFl 1.86 ILMN 1740717 NM 000669.3 4 ADHlC 1.86 ILMN 1732035 NM 021828.3 10 HPSE2 1.86 ILMN 1746137 NM 021908.2 7 ST7 1.85 ILMN 1692077 NM 001008529.1 17 MXRA7 1.85 ILMN 1672874 XM 001 134374.1 1 LOC730132 1.85 ILMN 1766169 NM 005504.4 12 BCATl 1.85 ILMN 1683747 NM 025240.2 15 CD276 1.85 ILMN 1757338 NM 020353.1 3 PLSCR4 1.84 ILMN 1773855 NM 152359.1 19 CPTlC 1.84 ILMN 2391458 NM 022977.1 - X ACSL4 1.84 ILMN 1815063 NM 017771.3 3 PXK 1.84 ILMN 1705253 NM 130393.2 9 PTPRD 1.83 ILMN 1744968 NM 003471.2 3 KCNABl 1.83 ILMN 1747744 NM 005779.1 5 LHFPL2 1.83 ILMN 1757237 NM 003887.1 2 DDEF2 1.83 ILMN 1672608 NM 003713.3 1 PPAP2B 1.82 ILMN 1663684 XM 942079.2 ATP 13A3 1.82 ILMN 1666493 NM 016602.1 17 CCRlO 1.81 ILMN 1660599 XM 926399.2 2 LOC653186 1.81 ILMN 1663347 NM 194323.1 2 OTOF 1.81 ILMN 1673363 NM 078481.2 19 CD97 1.81 ILMN 1654586 NM 007368.2 13 RASA3 1.81 ILMN 1776516 NM 002220.1 15 ITPKA 1.81 ILMN 1757732 NM 004337.1 8 OSGIN2 1.81 ILMN 231 1278 NM 001 121.2 10 ADD3 1.81 ILMN 1798690 NM 207517.2 15 ADAMTSL3 1.80 ILMN 2048477 NM 021977.2 6 SLC22A3 1.80 ILMN 2184231 NM 145234.2 X CHRDLl 1.80 ILMN 1681591 NM 002827.2 20 PTPNl 1.79 ILMN 1806242 NM 002779.3 10 PSD 1.79 ILMN 1653878 NM 201597.2 10 CACNB2 1.79 ILMN 2261876 NM 001012334.1 11 MDK 1.79 ILMN 1702189 NM 207108.1 1 ASTNl 1.78 ILMN 1857017 1.78 ILMN 1678233 NM 145234.2 X CHRDLl 1.77 ILMN 1762701 XM 940612.1 DCAMKL3 1.76 ILMN 1744403 NM 013434.4 2 KCNIP3 1.76 ILMN 2240003 NM 007314.1 1 ABL2 1.76 ILMN 1741628 NM 007314.2 1 ABL2 1.76 ILMN 2185866 NR 001280.1 5 PCDHB 17 . 1.75 ILMN 1726967 NM 020648.3 18 TWSGl 1.75 ILMN 1705689 NM 003474.3 10 ADAM 12 1.75 ILMN 2185665 NM 024989.3 2 PGAPl 1.75 ILMN 1806634 NM 012343.3 5 NNT 1.75 ILMN 1720941 NM 014556.2 4 EVC 1.75 . ILMN 1762294 NM 025008.3 1 ADAMTSL4 1.74 ILMN 1797950 NM 001439.2 1 EXTL2 1.74 ILMN 1677200 NM 014376.2 5 CYFIP2 1.74 ILMN 2192245 NM 002667.2 6 PLN 1.74 ILMN 165371 1 NM 001466.2 17 FZD2 1.74 ILMN 1651902 NM 206827.1 13 RASLIlA 1.74 ILMN 1752810 NM 018357.2 15 LARP6 - 1.73 ILMN 1661366 NM 002629.2 10 PGAMl 1.73 ILMN 1807925 NM 053064.3 14 GNG2 1.72 ILMN 1654778 NM 001013253.1 11 LSPl 1.72 ILMN 1763941 NM 017691.2 15 LRRC49 1.72 ILMN 2388669 NM 007325.2 X GRIA3 1.71 ILMN 1878019 1.71 ILMN 1831380 1.71 ILMN 1788802 NM 000161.2 14 GCHl 1.71 ILMN 1796772 NM 001010000.1 18 ARHGAP28 1.71 ILMN 1675117 NM 016245.3 4 HSD17B1 1 1.70 ILMN 1713732 NM 005157.3 9 ABLl 1.70 ILMN 1798706 NM 004951.3 13 EBI2 1.70 ILMN 2406169 NM 007066.3 20 PKIG 1.70 ILMN 1775486 NM 005086.3 12 SSPN 1.69 ILMN 1699867 NM 000612.2 11 IGF2 1.69 ILMN 1805200 NM 001005336.1 9 DNMl 1.69 ILMN 1657955 NM 198900.2 12 . FMNL3 1.68 ILMN 1796180 NM 021 117.2 11 CRY2 1.68 ILMN 1660839 XM 927425.1 1 LOC644242 1.67 ILMN 1908918 1.67 ILMN 1783954 NM 001085471.1 14 FOXN3 1.67 ILMN 1789400 NM 004474.3 1 FOXD2 1.67 ILMN 1808587 NM 006885.3 16 ZFHX3 1.67 ILMN 2413508 NM 001784.3 19 CD97 1.66 ILMN 1770245 NM 020909.2 2 EPB41L5 1.66 ILMN 1674044 XM 001 127714.1 FLJ42986 . 1.65 ILMN 1729251 NM 017533.2 17 MYH4 1.65 ILMN 1721769 NM 001004019.1 3 FBLN2 1.65 ILMN 2210753 NM 006691.2 11 XLKDl 1.65 ILMN 1820389 NM 198461.3 2 LONRF2 1.64 ILMN 1679217 NM 147189.2 8 FAMI lOB 1.64 ILMN 1780132 NM 021255.2 14 PELI2 1.63 ILMN 1720024 NM 004512.3 9 ILI lRA 1.63 ILMN 177741 1 NM 000702.2 1 ATP 1A2 1.63 ILMN 2366041 NM 001012516.1 2 ITM2C 1.63 ILMN 1783500 NM 021 193.2 2 HOXD 12 1.63 ILMN 1702255 NM 020822.1 9 KCNTl 1.63 ILMN 1738825 NM 001098202.1 17 HICl 1.62 ILMN 1802404 NM 019900.2 16 ABCCl 1.62 ILMN 1806015 XM 372780.3 1 LOC391045 1.62 ILMN 2374249 NM 003583.2 12 DYRK2 1.62 ILMN 1763609 NM 033125.2 6 SLC22A16 . 1.62 ILMN 1710536 NM 001080209.1 18 . TTMA 1.62 ILMN 2343310 NM 001080463.1 11 DYNC2H1 1.61 ILMN 1666690 NM 052957.3 X ACRC 1.61 ILMN 1669376 NM 018370.2 12 DRAM 1.61 ILMN 1709650 XM 942488.1 LOC652815 1.61 ILMN 1758324 NM 030958.1 8 SLCO5A1 1.61 ILMN 2138745 NM 001001872.2 14 C14or β 7 1.60 ILMN 1808457 NM 001080508.1 6 TBXl 8 . 1.59 ILMN 1793578 NM 003408.1 9 ZFP37 1.59 ILMN 1798108 NM 024573.1 6 C6orf21 1 1.59 ILMN 1784678 NM 002585.1 1 PBXl 1.59 ILMN 2214144 NM 020648.3 . 18 TWSGl . 1.59 ILMN 1720484 NM 006371.3 3 CRTAP 1.58 ILMN 1682953 NM 001029891.2 X PGAM4 1.58 ILMN 1730491 NM 052905.3 2 FMNL2 1.58 ILMN 2405009 NM 005380.4 1 NBLl 1.57 ILMN 1695745 NM 032890.2 1 DISPl 1.57 ILMN 2 110271 NM 058164.1 19 OLFM2 1.57 ILMN 1726266 NM 021641.2 10 ADAM12 1.57 ILMN 1702226 NM 001005732.1 2 1 C21or β 4 1.57 ILMN 2414165 NM 001198.2 6 PRDMl 1.56 ILMN 1777060 NM 001902.4 1 CTH 1.56 ILMN 2304186 NM 198158.1 3 MITF 1.56 ILMN 2351298 NM 001077269.1 2 WIPFl 1.56 ILMN 1906437 1.56 ILMN 1680453 NM 001012516.1 2 ITM2C 1.56 ILMN 2280707 NM 175842.1 20 SMOX 1.55 ILMN 1690397 NM 00441 1.3 7 DYNClIl 1.55 ILMN 1697220 NM 002526.1 6 NT5E 1.54 ILMN 1810836 NM 001083.3 4 PDE5A 1.54 ILMN 2344283 NM 001002294.1 1 FMO3 1.54 ILMN 1789599 NM 182744.1 1 NBLl 1.53 ILMN 1802292 NM 052950.2 13 WDFY2 1.53 ILMN 1705682 NM 014262.2 12 LEPREL2 1.52 ILMN 1682226 NM 014343.1 7 CLDN 15 1.52 ILMN 1801842 NM 002852.2 3 PTX3 1.52 ILMN 2320349 NM 138972.2 11 BACEl 1.52 ILMN 2 117171 NM 006769.2 1 LMO4 1.52 ILMN 1710740 NM 000063.3 6 C2 1.52 ILMN 1872318 XM 001 132484.1 LOC731050 1.52 ILMN 1659905 NM 021939.2 17 FKBPlO 1.51 ILMN 2064902 NM 021973.2 4 HAND2 1.51 ILMN 1687035 NM 025008.3 1 ADAMTSL4 1.51 ILMN 1768969 NM 002296.2 1 . LBR 1.51 ILMN 2043306 NM 020909.2 2 EPB41L5 1.51 ILMN 1702861 NM 172244.2 5 SGCD 1.51 ILMN 1749848 NM 001029858.2 6 SLC35F1 1.51 ILMN 2252408 NM 152755.1 ' 7 CNPY4 1.50 ILMN 1685327 NM 138926.1 2 1 SON 1.50 ILMN 1747442 NM 001017962.1 10 P4HA1 1.50 ILMN 1775257 NM 021935.2 3 PROK2 1.50 ILMN 1742461 NM 0031 15.3 1 UAPl 1.49 ILMN 2374362 NM 016014.2 9 FAM 108Bl 1.49 ILMN 1750549 NM 018425.2 10 PI4K2A 1.49 ILMN 1677723 NM 001 146.3 8 ANGPTl 1.49 ILMN 1735157 NM 024642.3 9 GALNT12 1.49 ILMN 2131293 NM 001015050.1 3 LOC200810 1.49 ILMN 1762308 XM 940642.1 LOC654191 1.49 ILMN 1750321 NM 014831.1 3 LBAl 1.49 ILMN 1720595 NM 153487.3 6 MDGAl 1.49 ILMN 2168217 NM 004951.3 13 EBI2 1.48 ILMN 1805330 NM 018316.1 19 KLHL26 1.48 ILMN 2386444 NM 001039667.1 19 ANGPTL4 1.48 ILMN 2414135 NM 199478.1 X PLPl 1.48 ILMN 1683682 NM 006133.1 11 DAGLA 1.48 ILMN 2100258 NM 020957.1 5 PCDHB 16 1.48 ILMN 1662243 NM 198219.1 13 INGl 1.47 ILMN 2336647 NM 012343.3 5 NNT 1.47 ILMN 1660519 NM 001025266.1 3 LOC285382 1.47 ILMN 1669773 NM 004673.3 1 ANGPTLl 1.47 ILMN 1669410 NM 001275.3 14 CHGA 1.46 ILMN 2388800 NM 003713.3 1 PPAP2B 1.46 ILMN. 1751464 NM 00381 1.2 19 TNFSF9 1.46 ILMN 2131336 NM 015257.1 12 TMEM 194 1.45 ILMN 1748803 NM 016032.2 X ZDHHC9 1.45 ILMN 1717714 NM 000077.3 9 CDKN2A 1.45 ILMN 1743357 NM 003399.5 X XPNPEP2 1.45 ILMN 1766200 NM 015916.3 10 FAM26B 1.45 ILMN 2176592 NM 000055.1 3 BCHE 1.45 ILMN 1679324 NM 005875.2 3 EIFlB 1.45 ILMN 1910120 NR 003370.1 LOC730092 1.44 ILMN 1659627 XM 934719.1 2 LOC647322 1.44 ILMN 1769129 NM 006274.2 9 CCL 19 1.44 ILMN 1790228 NM 002569.2 15 FURIN 1.44 ILMN 1795503 NM 001085377.1 5 MCC 1.44 ILMN 1687484 NM 003410.2 X ZFX 1.43 ILMN 1758542 NM 006131.1 8 BMPl 1.43 ILMN 171 1650 NM 012282.2 X KCNElL 1.43 ILMN 2290204 NM 001010000.1 18 ARHGAP28 1.43 ILMN 1850529 1.43 ILMN 1798458 NM 001018000.2 1 KIAAl 026 1.43 ILMN 1884246 1.43 ILMN 2398077 NM 170677.2 15 MEIS2 1.42 ILMN 1675695 NM 015032.1 13 PDS5B 1.42 ILMN 1758487 NM 152755.1 7 CNPY4 1.42 ILMN 2388701 NM 001042437.1 2 ST3GAL5 1.41 ILMN 1696622 NM 15381 1.1 14 SLC38A6 1.41 ILMN 2194688 NM 014421.2 4 DKK2 1.41 ILMN 1778237 NM 002026.2 2 FNl 1.41 ILMN 1700025 XR 015684.1 LOC732007 1.41 ILMN 1719811 NM 014012.4 20 REMl 1.41 ILMN 2219683 NM 080741.1 2 NEU4 1.40 ILMN 1692824 NM 000049.2 17 ASPA 1.40 ILMN 1765779 NM 003183.4 2 ADAM 17 1.39 ILMN 1733675 NM 002436.2 X MPPl 1.39 ILMN 2355225 NM 001013255.1 11 LSPl 1.39 ILMN 1749324 NM 001385.1 8 DPYS 1.39 ILMN 1714349 NM 015554.1 15 GLCE 1.38 ILMN 1756755 NM 032808.5 15 LINGOl 1.38 ILMN 1741224 NM 001099652.1 14 GPRl 37C 1.37 ILMN 1727490 NM 001083615.1 2 MYO3B 1.37 ILMN 1768020 NM 033417.1 19 NY-SAR-48 1.37 ILMN 171 1272 NM 000062.2 11 SERPINGl 1.37 ILMN 1851547 1.37 ILMN 1652825 NM 001558.2 11 ILlORA 1.37 ILMN 1659761 NM 001080530.2 16 SNX29 1.36 ILMN 2112417 NM 002629.2 10 PGAMl 1.36 ILMN 1791647 NM 001672.2 20 ASIP 1.36 ILMN 2 115350 NR 001284.1 6 TNXA 1.36 ILMN 1772312 NM 021570.3 9 BARXl 1.36 ILMN 2173004 NM 016530.2 15 RAB8B 1.35 ILMN 1785393 NM 003474.3 10 ADAM 12 1.35 ILMN 181 1779 XR 001080.1 9 MGC24103 1.35 ILMN 171 1009 NM 201526.1 15 ISLR 1.34 ILMN 1719298 NM 030774.2 11 OR51E2 1.33 ILMN 1746941 NM 005734.3 11 HIPK3 1.33 ILMN 1717809 NM 007219.2 20 RNF24 1.33 ILMN 1869179 1.33 ILMN 1699440 NM 145166.2 3 ZBTB47 1.33 ILMN 1746856 NM 014999.2 12 RAB21 1.32 ILMN 1671051 NM 025240.2 15 CD276 1.32 ILMN 1735124 NM 000915.2 20 OXT 1.32 ILMN 1815619 NM 001804.2 5 CDXl 1.31 ILMN 1737157 NM 020895.2 19 GRAMDlA 1.31 ILMN 2415617 NM 001031746.1 10 C10orf72 1.31 ILMN 1695506 NM 014421.2 4 DKK2 1.31 ILMN 1814526 NM 001 121.2 10 ADD3 1.30 ILMN 1803988 NM 021960.3 1 MCLl 1.30 ILMN 2234710 NM 175874.2 12 C12orf60 1.30 ILMN 1734544 NM 004906.3 6 WTAP 1.30 ILMN 1742052 NM 004155.3 6 SERPINB9 1.30 ILMN 2391400 NM 153427.1 4 PITX2 1.29 ILMN 1717737 NM 181342.1 2 FKBP7 1.29 ILMN 2092441 NM 013437.2 8 LRP12 1.29 ILMN 1655849 NM 173849.2 14 GSC 1.29 ILMN 1667224 NM 020125.2 1 SLAMF8 1.28 ILMN 1731397 NM 030795.2 8 STMN4 1.28 ILMN 1814710 NM 015669.2 . 5 PCDHB5 1.28 ILMN 1693910 NM 002189.2 10 IL 15RA 1.28 ILMN 1797107 NM 144643.2 4 SCLTl 1.27 ILMN 1770616 NM 001099676.1 12 C12orf56 1.27 ILMN 1912573 1.27 ILMN 1860051 1.27 ILMN 2383300 NM 005704.3 1 PTPRU 1.27 ILMN 1722622 NM 203416.2 12 CD 163 1.26 ILMN 2124585 NM 013372.5 15 GREMl 1.26 ILMN 1661852 NM 001843.2 12 CNTNl 1.26 ILMN 1762080 NM 152405.2 5 JMY 1.25 ILMN 1810540 NM 001079653.1 7 SDKl 1.25 ILMN 1754048 NM 152393.2 3 KBTBD5 1.24 ILMN 2235975 NM 144779.1 19 FXYD5 1.24 ILMN 1672049 XM 373553.4 12 LOC387895 1.24 ILMN 1771 148 NM 175612.1 3 CNTN4 1.24 ILMN 1860638 1.24 ILMN 1860722 1.24 ILMN 2277077 NM 212471.1 17 PRKARlA 1.23 ILMN 1808657 NM 006894.4 1 FMO3 1.23 ILMN 1683939 NM 003382.3 7 VIPR2 1.22 ILMN 1905356 1.21 ILMN 2150586 NM 014717.1 19 ZNF536 1.21 ILMN 2307032 NM 145638.1 11 OSBPL5 1.21 ILMN 2366463 NM 212474.1 2 FNl 1.21 ILMN 1713764 XM 942885.1 LOC440928 ' 1.20 ILMN 1772260 XM 940149.1 STEAPl 1 .20 ILMN 1807298 NM 173198.1 9 NR4A3 1.19 ILMN 1802151 NM 020896.2 11 OSBPL5 1.19 ILMN 1692739 NM 020851.1 15 ISLR2 1.19 ILMN 1751439 NM 004098.2 10 EMX2 1.19 ILMN 1913060 1.19 ILMN 1746696 NM 015032.1 13 PDS5B 1.19 ILMN 1752009 NM 199461.2 10 NANOSl 1.18 ILMN 1724753 NM 020921.3 14 NIN 1.18 ILMN 1689699 XM 941298.1 LOC652002 1.18 ILMN 2396338 NM 017869.3 16 BANP 1.17 ILMN 1880699 1.17 ILMN 1854270 1.17 ILMN 1872327 1.16 ILMN 2375319 NM 005825.2 11 RASGRP2 1.16 ILMN 1687002 NM 053001.1 8 OSR2 1.16 ILMN 1785427 NM 182961.2 6 SYNEl 1.14 ILMN 1813528 NM 133459.1 18 CCBEl 1.13 ILMN 1666777 NM 006884.2 3 SHOX2 1.13 ILMN 1820569 1.12 ILMN 2379599 NM 203416.1 12 CD 163 1.12 ILMN ,1772155 NM 014717.1 19 ZNF536 1.1 1 ILMN 1836531 1.10 ILMN 1777314 NM 152755.1 7 CNPY4 1.09 ILMN 2334080 NM 001042780.1 11 TNNT3 1.09 ILMN 1694736 NM 022659.2 8 EBF2 1.09 ILMN 1836469 1.08 ILMN 1659601 NM 006072.4 7 CCL26 1.08 ILMN 1661 194 NM 012130.2 2 1 CLDN 14 1.08 ILMN 1708363 NM 005576.2 15 LOXLl 1.07 ILMN 1741007 NM 000023.1 17 SGCA 1.07 ILMN 1715567 NM 152589.1 12 C12orf50 1.07 ILMN 1702740 NM 178275.4 1 IGFNl 1.06 ILMN 1683313 NM 003033.2 8 ST3GAL1 1.05 ILMN 1710522 NM 175635.1 8 RUNXlTl 1.03 ILMN 2348503 NM 0061 12.2 1 PPIE -1.10 ILMN 1654915 XM 929738.1 6 LOC646786 -1.1 1 ILMN 1708041 NM 024310.4 19 PLEKHFl -1.12 ILMN 1662578 NM 020156.1 7 ClGALTl -1.13 ILMN 2338038 NM 013410.2 1 AK3L1 -1.13 ILMN 1694539 NM 004672.3 1 MAP3K6 -1.14 ILMN 1687508 NM 001 182.2 5 ALDH7A1 -1.15 ILMN 1677484 NM 003086.2 9 SNAPC4 -1.16 ILMN 1673275 NM 014563.3 X TRAPPC2 -1.16 ILMN 1665123 NM 178177.2 3 NMNAT3 -1.16 ILMN 1738010 NM 004937.2 17 CTNS -1.17 ILMN 1691418 NM 173622.3 17 CDRT4 -1.18 ILMN 1812445 NM 002767.2 17 PRPSAP2 -1.18 ILMN 2288784 NM 030771.1 11 CCDC34 -1.18 ILMN 1697629 NM 005090.2 15 PLA2G4B -1.20 ILMN 1763461 NM 001 182.2 5 ALDH7A1 -1.20 ILMN 2072178 NM 024693.2 10 ECHDC3 -1.23 ILMN 2408400 NM 018044.2 7 NSUN5 -1.23 ILMN 1781628 NM 017503.2 9 SURF2 -1.23 ILMN 1748894 NM 032620.1 19 GTPBP3 -1.23 ILMN 1718449 NM 032158.3 7 NSUN5C -1.24 ILMN 1781360 NM 005792.1 16 MPHOSPH6 -1.25 ILMN 1696469 XR 018376.1 LOC648509 -1.25 ILMN 1677396 NM 019080.1 13 NDFIP2 -1.26 ILMN 2087702 NM 002473.3 22 MYH9 -1.26 ILMN 2153485 NM 178177.2 3 NMNAT3 -1.27 ILMN 1747318 NM 176877.2 1 INADL -1.27 ILMN 1681325 XR 015127.1 1 LOC727825 -1.28 ILMN 1736548 NM 001048183.1 1 PHACTR4 -1.28 ILMN 1737205 NM 005914.2 8 MCM4 -1.28 ILMN 1702585 XM 929774.2 1 LOC646817 -1.28 ILMN 1743911 NM 016016.1 17 SLC25A39 -1.28 ILMN 2234310 NM 001029885.1 1 GLTPDl -1.29 ILMN 1840316 -1.29 ILMN 1757910 XM 001 132864.1 HIPlR -1.30 ILMN 1799024 NM 018052.3 16 VAC 14 -1.31 ILMN 1756920 NM 207195.1 1 ADAMl 5 -1.31 ILMN 2384544 NM 003815.3 1 ADAM 15 -1.32 ILMN 1812489 NM 022778.2 1 CCDC21 -1.32 ILMN 2342851 NM 181335.2 22 ARHGAP8 -1.33 ILMN 1742382 NM 014747.2 1 RIMS3 -1.34 ILMN 1738529 NM 001079866.1 2 BCSlL -1.34 ILMN 1661589 NM 139029.1 11 CD151 -1.35 ILMN 2380243 NM 001031628.1 12 LOC57228 -1.35 ILMN 1732452 NM 004635.3 3 MAPKAPK3 -1.36 ILMN 1751958 NM 148956.1 7 NSUN5 -1.36 ILMN 1718336 NM 032350.4 7 -1.36 ILMN 1683231 NM 138435.1 22 FAM83F -1.36 ILMN 1674983 XM 932678.1 12 LOC387841 -1.37 ILMN 1688256 NM 001015055.1 2 RTKN -1.38 ILMN 1785161 NM 032343.1 3 CHCHD6 -1.39 ILMN 1712231 NM 015677.1 2 SH3YL1 -1.39 ILMN 1659888 NM 138689.2 11 PPPl Rl 4B -1.39 ILMN 1768754 NM 013440.3 7 PILRB -1.39 ILMN 1714710 NM 033626.2 X CCDC 120 -1.39 ILMN 2135798 NM 176880.4 19 NR2C2AP -1.40 ILMN 1751474 NM 004815.3. 1 ARHGAP29 -1.40 ILMN 2358626 NM 001 123.2 10 ADK -1.40 ILMN 1813925 NM 003946.3 16 NOL3 -1.40 ILMN 2352448 NM 145645.2 7 NSUN5B -1.41 ILMN 1677032 NM 004415.2 6 DSP -1.41 ILMN 1718033 NM 182573.1 19 LYPD5 -1.41 ILMN 1779847 NM 144989.2 1 Clorf67 -1.41 ILMN 1775085 NM 014519.2 17 ZNF232 -1.42 ILMN 1730433 NM 012120.2 6 CD2AP -1.42 ILMN 1680683 NM 004327.3 22 BCR -1.42 ILMN 1804415 NM 001033873.1 12 LOC57228 -1.42 ILMN 2153466 NM 012135.1 6 FAM50B -1.43 ILMN 1657515 NM 004755.2 14 RPS6KA5 -1.43 ILMN 2076940 NM 022756.3 1 Clorfl49 -1.43 ILMN 1677955 NM 001247.1 20 ENTPD6 -1.43 ILMN 1775542 NM 005449.3 1 FAIM3 -1.44 ILMN 1702322 NM 147129.2 3 ALS2CL -1.45 ILMN 1679483 NM 018142.2 8 INTSlO -1.45 ILMN 1843198 -1.46

ILMN 1706149 NM 032346.1 19 PDCD2L -1.64 ILMN 2179726 NM 001014979.1 16 LOC90835 -1.64 ILMN 2139351 NM 014519.2 17 ZNF232 -1.64 ILMN 1769721 NM 199262.2 17 SP6 -1.64 ILMN 2056002 NR 003144.1 15 LOC723972 -1.64 ILMN 2246154 NM 052923.1 6 ZNF452 -1.65 ILMN 2361478 NM 00101 1516.1 4 PDLIM5 -1.65 ILMN 1698732 NM 016081.3 4 PALLD -1.65 ILMN 2404512 NM 000447.1 1 PSEN2 -1.65 ILMN 1704961 NM 001614.2 17 ACTGl -1.65 ILMN 1673773 NM 198516.1 11 GALNTL4 -1.66 ILMN 1780315 NM 153339.1 1 PUSLl -1.66 ILMN 1718972 NM 138431.1 8 MFSD3 -1.66 ILMN 2231608 NM 001008747.1 7 LOC441294 -1.66 ILMN 1749612 XR 015731.1 11 LOC729101 -1.67 ILMN 1801703 NM 006651.3 4 CPLXl -1.67 ILMN 1790518 NM 001077445.1 X PHF 16 -1.67 ILMN 1683664 XR 018848.1 LOC650369 -1.67 ILMN 1767894 NM 002690.1 8 POLB -1.67 ILMN 1792710 NM 001348.1 19 DAPK3 -1.68 ILMN 1761260 NM 014900.3 2 COBLLl -1.68 ILMN 2353143 NM 001024215.1 1 FBLIMl -1.68 ILMN 1681679 NM 000714.4 22 TSPO -1.69 ILMN 169251 1 NM 024056.2 12 TMEM 106C -1.70 ILMN 1671766 NM 000505.3 5 F12 -1.70 ILMN 1814998 NM 001017421.1 2 FKSG30 -1.70 ILMN 1702124 NM 153371.3 13 LNX2 -1.71 ILMN 2232177 NM 001 102.2 14 ACTNl -1.72 ILMN 2144401 NM 138342.2 11 . GLB 1L2 -1.72 ILMN 1708159 NM 012407.2 22 PRKCABP -1.73 ILMN 1725534 NM 004924.3 19 ACTN4 -1.73 ILMN 1735553 NM 033141.2 14 MAP3K9 -1.74 ILMN 1746243 NM 015641.2 7 TES -1.74 ILMN 1799837 XM 001 125941.1 14 LOC727848 -1.74 ILMN 1704164 NM 022089.1 1 ATPl 3A2 -1.74 ILMN 1687785 NM 176866.2 4 PPA2 -1.74 ILMN 1660554 NM 199121.1 1 VWAl -1.75 ILMN 2281 186 NM 001080479.1 5 RGNEF -1.75 ILMN 1718766 NM 005949.2 16 MTlF -1.75 ILMN 1651788 NM 002419.3 11 MAP3K1 1 -1.76 ILMN 1812580 NM 001017964.1 22 YDJC -1.76 ILMN 1781010 NM 019555.1 3 ARHGEF3 -1.76 ILMN 1738075 NM 030629.1 16 CMIP -1.76 ILMN 2060145 NM 024915.1 8 GRHL2 -1.76 ILMN 1655429 NM 021 137.3 17 TNFAIPl -1.77 ILMN 1703408 NM 017412.2 8 FZD3 -1.77 ILMN 2260991 NM 000714.4 22 TSPO -1.77 ILMN 1745034 NM 000617.1 12 SLCl 1A2 -1.78 ILMN 1661708 NM 002307.1 19 LGALS7 -1.78 ILMN 1663281 NR 003578.1 19 ZNF702 -1.78 ILMN 2319952 NM 000376.2 12 VDR -1.79 ILMN 1775829 NM 022121.2 6 PERP -1.80 ILMN 1726222 NM 004475.2 17 FLOT2 -1.81 ILMN 1691249 NM 001024216.1 1 FBLIMl -1.81 ILMN 2321416 NM 005219.3 5 DIAPHl -1.81 ILMN 1745954 NM 014325.2 12 COROlC -1.81 ILMN 1678255 NM 021628.1 17 ALOXE3 -1.81 ILMN 1776858 NM 181581.1 7 DUS4L -1.82 ILMN 1798817 NM 145168.2 16 HSPC 105 -1.82 ILMN 1680805 NM 173064.1 1 IL28RA -1.82 ILMN 1786470 NM 152485.2 1 Clorf74 -1.83 ILMN 1679158 NM 174912.2 X FAAH2 -1.83 ILMN 1823803 -1.83 ILMN 2404746 NM 170770.1 6 RNF39 -1.84 ILMN 1690066 NM 145715.2 4 TIGD2 -1.84 ILMN 1669323 NM 138992.1 2 1 BACE2 -1.84 ILMN 1663042 NM 002999.2 20 SDC4 -1.84 ILMN 1724052 XR 015766.1 19 LOC730051 -1.85 ILMN 1803217 NM 014696.2 10 KIAA0514 -1.85 ILMN 1686871 NM 001618.2 1 PARPl -1.86 ILMN 2150802 NM 025084.1 15 FLJ22795 -1.86 ILMN 2061446 NM 020792.3 c 3 AADACLl -1.86 ILMN 171 1542 NM 152284.3 8 CHMP4C -1.86 ILMN 2293744 NM 001038603.1 5 MARVELD2 -1.88 ILMN 1669703 NM 005781.4 3 . - TNK2 -1.88 ILMN 1720083 NM 139265.2 15 EHD4 -1.88 ILMN 1913701 -1.88 ILMN 1716616 NM 052858.3 16 MARVELD3 -1.89 ILMN 1736752 NM 144589.2 10 COMTDl -1.89 ILMN 1756550 NM 017681.1 X NUP62CL -1.89 ILMN 1874575 -1.89 ILMN 1662741 NM 004720.4 19 EDG4 -1.90 ILMN 1659462 NM 017823.3 1 DUSP23 -1.90 ILMN 1697733 XM 001 129442.1 CST6 -1.91 ILMN 1750338 NM 153256.2 10 C10orf47 -1.91 ILMN 1798679 NM 001012302.2 11 TMEM 16J -1.91 ILMN 1660723 NM 138412.2 19 RDH13 -1.91 ILMN 1678095 NM 014474.2 1 SMPDL3B -1.92 ILMN 1768558 XM 001 125941.1 14 LOC727848 -1.92 ILMN 2326712 NM 138991.1 2 1 BACE2 -1.92 ILMN 1687960 NM 016733.2 22 LIMK2 -1.93 ILMN 2333766 NM 001024463.2 15 HISPPD2A -1.93 ILMN 2396148 NM 003959.1 12 HIPlR -1.93 ILMN 1732921 NM 002214.2 7 ITGB8 -1.93 ILMN 1661554 NM 005219.2 5 DIAPHl -1.94 ILMN 2346316 NM 001042389.1 10 PTPN20A -1.94 ILMN 2349658 NM 00731 1.3 22 TSPO -1.96 ILMN 1726327 NM 001008218.1 1 AMYlB -1.97 ILMN 1769259 NM 001012302.2 11 TMEMl 6J -1.97 ILMN 1793950 XM 926231.1 14 P704P -1.98 ILMN 2360054 NM 013994.2 6 DDRl -1.98 ILMN 2181892 NM 032621.2 X BEX2 -1.99 ILMN 1706386 NM 017767.1 8 SLC39A4 -1.99 ILMN 1751351 XM 371820.5 6 FLJ90086 -2.00 ILMN 1742330 NM 002673.3 3 PLXNBl -2.00 ILMN 1731561 NM 022370.2 11 ROBO3 -2.01 ILMN 1730794 NM 019605.2 1 SERTAD4 -2.01 ILMN 1659297 NM 003506.2 8 FZD6 -2.01- ILMN 1698666 NM 001323.2 11 CST6 -2.02 ILMN 2128639 NM 153256.2 10 C10orf47 -2.03 ILMN 1787308 NM 024779.3 12 PIP4K2C -2.03 ILMN 1669788 NM 177533.2 14 NUDT14 -2.04 ILMN 1735156 NM 032034.2 20 SLC4A1 1 -2.04 ILMN 1680591 NM 033046.2 2 RTKN -2.04 ILMN 2399304 NM 1451 17.3 11 NAV2 -2.04 ILMN 1658569 XM 001 128786.1 19 LOC728910 -2.05 ILMN 1893633 XM 001 129241.1 LOC439949 -2.05 ILMN 2373982 NM 012407.3 22 PICKl -2.05 ILMN 1741755 NM 012101.3 11 TRIM29 -2.05 ILMN 2405156 NM 177526.1 19 PPAP2C -2.07 ILMN 2049766 NM 004289.5 7 NFE2L3 -2.07 ILMN 2384237 NM 017720.2 19 STAP2 -2.08 ILMN 1685312 NM 021016.3 19 PSG3 -2.08 ILMN 2255256 NM 052858.3 16 MARVELD3 -2.08 ILMN 2294762 NM 004038.3 1 AMYlA -2.08 ILMN 176991 1 NM 030674.3 12 SLC38A1 -2.10 ILMN 2089167 NM 014578.2 11 RHOD -2.1 1 ILMN 1661940 NM 015215.1 1 CAMTAl -2.12 ILMN 1732717 NM 13841 1.1 19 FAM71E1 -2.12 ILMN 1755383 NM 018214.4 6 LRRCl -2.12 ILMN 1745904 NM 005436.2 10 CCDC6 -2.12 ILMN 1795937 NM 003379.3 6 VIL2 -2.13 ILMN 1764850 NM 134421.1 2 HPCALl -2.13 ILMN 2064860 NM 001042507.1 19 LOC653499 -2.14 ILMN 1792168 NM 000403.3 1 GALE -2.14 ILMN 1715175 NM 000245.2 7 MET -2.14 ILMN 1689842 NM 006745.3 4 SC4MOL -2.14 ILMN 1810431 XM 930677.1 1 LOC642299 -2.16 ILMN 171 1699 XM 001 127981.1 12 LOC728014 -2.16 ILMN 2366864 NM 021991.1 17 JUP -2.17 ILMN 2363498 NM 205835.2 19 LSR -2.17 ILMN 1735792 NM 001005498.2 17 RHBDF2 -2.18 ILMN 1730809 NM 001532.2 11 SLC29A2 -2.18 ILMN 1836309 -2.18 ILMN 1724946 NM 003710.3 15 SPINTl -2.19 ILMN 1812721 XM 001 127981.1 12 LOC728014 -2.19 ILMN 1898723 -2.19 ILMN 1758623 NM 138720.1 6 HISTl H2BD -2.20 ILMN 1654072 NM 002996.3 16 CX3CL1 -2.21 ILMN 1787691 NM 133467.2 1 CITED4 -2.21 ILMN 1720889 NM 001017369.1 4 SC4MOL -2.23 ILMN 1805466 NM 000346.2 17 SOX9 -2.24 ILMN 1773312 NM 176877.2 1 INADL -2.24 ILMN 1697267 NM 002744.4 1 PRKCZ -2.25 ILMN 1710209 NM 017694.3 2 FLJ20160 -2.25 ILMN 1676336 NM 020792.3 3 AADACLl -2.25 ILMN 1813746 NM 003389.2 9 CORO2A -2.26 ILMN 1738989 NM 001099743.1 8 GOLSYN -2.27 ILMN 1664922 NM 001457.1 3 FLNB -2.27 ILMN 1813131 XM 928128.1 5 LOC643431 -2.28 ILMN 2176251 NM 052865.2 20 C20orf72 -2.28 ILMN 231 1796 NM 152829.1 7 TES -2.28 ILMN 2412475 NM 001017526.1 22 ARHGAP8 -2.29 ILMN 1700384 NM 020888.2 1 KIAA 1522 -2.30 ILMN 1802888 NM 007150.2 X ZNFl 85 -2.30 ILMN 1666845 NM 000422.1 17 KRT17 -2.31 ILMN 1693836 XM 933085.1 15 LOC653344 -2.31 ILMN 1669390 NM 006663.2 19 PPP1R13L -2.33 ILMN 2371724 NM 001024912.1 19 CEACAMl -2.34 ILMN 1753457 NM 007183.2 11 PKP3 -2.35 ILMN 2384122 NM 201525.1 16 GPR56 -2.35 ILMN 2386982 NM 002744.4 1 PRKCZ -2.36 ILMN 2371055 NM 004428.2 1 EFNAl -2.36 ILMN 2346339 NM 016724.1 11 FOLRl -2.38 ILMN 1737252 NM 013962.2 8 NRGl -2.38 ILMN 1802628 NM 203453.2 9 PPAPDC2 -2.38 ILMN 1715173 NM 002953.3 1 RPS6KA1 -2.38 ILMN 1815626 NM 001360.1 11 DHCR7 -2.38 ILMN 2352097 NM 201524.1 16 GPR56 -2.39 ILMN 1682147 NM 013312.2 19 HOOK2 -2.40 ILMN 1732066 NM 001015001.1 15 CKMTlA -2.40 ILMN 1661809- NM 024081.4 11 PRRG4 -2.42 ILMN 2399523 NM 145159.1 14 JAG2 -2.43 ILMN 1685397 NM 002204.1 17 ITGA3 -2.45 ILMN 2359287 NM 000210.2 2 ITGA6 -2.45 ILMN 1671600 NM 133180.1 19 EPS8L1 -2.45 ILMN 1815719 NM 002661.2 16 PLCG2 -2.46 ILMN 1838863 -2.47 ILMN 2216815 NM 003980.3 6 MAP7 -2.47 ILMN 2165867 NM 001360.2 11 DHCR7 -2.48 ILMN 1701681 NM 033280.2 18 SECIlC -2.48 ILMN 1695959 NM 058187.3 2 1 C21orf63 -2.48 ILMN 1784300 NM 006000.1 2 TUBA4A -2.48 ILMN 2381064 NM 005079.2 8 TPD52 -2.52 ILMN 1710170 NM 177526.1 19 PPAP2C -2.52 ILMN 2261076 NM 006403.2 6 NEDD9 -2.52 ILMN 1803197 NM 175624.2 12 RAB3IP -2.53 ILMN 1740234 NM 183239.1 10 GSTO2 -2.55 ILMN 2218935 NM 005302.2 7 GPR37 -2.55 ILMN 1778301 XM 941544.2 LOC652183 . -2.55 ILMN 1683891 NM 003222.3 20 TFAP2C -2.55 ILMN 1657631 NM 017720.2 19 STAP2 -2.58 ILMN 1704500 NM 017720.2 19 STAP2 -2.59 ILMN 1655191 NM 017766.3 1 CASZl -2.59 ILMN 1668194 XM 936372.2 LMTK3 -2.61 ILMN 1741406 NM 015888.4 1 HOOKl -2.61 ILMN 1659749 NM 001008844. 1 6 DSP -2.61 ILMN 1741970 NM 002230.1 17 JUP -2.62 ILMN 21541 15 NM 012455.2 2 PSD4 -2.62 ILMN 1728298 NM 001024401. 2 16 SBKl -2.62 ILMN 1695423 NM 001769.2 12 CD9 -2.63 ILMN 1670807 NM 174911.3 8 FAM84B -2.63 ILMN 2375992 NM 003710.3 15 SPINTl -2.64 ILMN 1758731 NM 000775.2 1 CYP2J2 -2.65 ILMN 2406656 NM 002051.2 10 GATA3 -2.65 ILMN 1713141 XM 944097.2 LOC3 89641 -2.65 ILMN 1728478 NM 022059.1 17 CXCL 16 -2.65 ILMN 2199439 NM 000067.1 8 CA2 -2.66 ILMN 1712719 NM 003980.3 6 MAP7 -2.66 ILMN 2190084 NM 003761.2 2 VAMP8 -2.67 ILMN 1717294 NM 002829.2 9 PTPN3 -2.67 ILMN 1713058 NM 024430.2 18 PSTPIP2 -2.67 ILMN 181 1729 NM 0121 16.2 19 CBLC -2.67 ILMN 1776925 NM 0221 19.3 16 PRSS22 -2.69 ILMN 2285404 NM 033317.2 19 DMKN -2.69 ILMN 234161 1 NM 178181.1 3 CDCPl -2.69 ILMN 2214473 NM 001003702. 1 7 FLJ43692 -2.70 ILMN 1780898 NM 006255.3 14 PRKCH -2.70 ILMN 1713679 NM 018000.2 2 MREG -2.70 ILMN 180801 1 NM 052943.2 1 FAM46B -2.70 ILMN 1661 137 NM 152550.2 5 SH3RF2 -2.71 ILMN 2380163 NM 002840.3 1 PTPRF -2.72 ILMN 1714383 NM 001003396. 1 6 TPD52L1 -2.72 ILMN 1658619 NM 015238.1 5 WWCl -2.73 ILMN 2073446 NM 023938.4 1 Clorfl l -2.73 ILMN 1797704 XR 015937.1 17 LOC729252 -2.73 ILMN 1761946 NM 144707.1 2 PROM2 -2.74 ILMN 1672660 NM 001025100. 1 18 MBP -2.74 ILMN 1664265 NM 005232.3 7 EPHAl -2.74 ILMN 2405324 NM 170743.2 1 IL28RA -2.74 ILMN 2342033 NM 144504.1 1 FI l R -2.75 ILMN 1699354 NM 004431.2 1 EPHA2 -2.75 ILMN 2256953 NM 001079843 . 1 1 CASZl -2.76 ILMN 1664878 NM 017852.1 19 NLRP2 -2.77 ILMN 1738546 XR 017543.1 17 LOC400578 -2.77 ILMN 1716815 NM 001024912 . 1 19 CEACAMl -2.77 ILMN 173381 1 NM 002230.1 17 JUP -2.78 ILMN 1690484 NM 015314.2 7 KIAA0895 -2.79 ILMN 1806473 NM 001012978 1 X BEX5 -2.79 ILMN 1772286 NM 152398.2 4 OCIAD2 -2.80 ILMN 1699206 NM 033393.2 4 FHDCl -2.80 ILMN 1716687 NM 001018020 1 15 TPMl -2.80 ILMN 2346479 NM 199332.2 15 HOMER2 -2.80 ILMN 1731044 NM 023930.3 11 KCTD 14 -2.81 ILMN 1772821 XM 371461.4 22 KIAAl 671 -2.82 ILMN 1740418 NM 000785.3 12 CYP27B1 -2.82 ILMN 1784294 NM 016352.2 7 CPA4 -2.83 ILMN 17331 10 NM 003475.2 11 RASSF7 -2.84 ILMN 2179717 NM 004816.2 9 C9orf61 -2.84 ILMN 1764729 NM 002226.3 14 JAG2 -2.85 ILMN 2160210 NM 002354.1 2 TACSTDl -2.85 ILMN 1671486 NM 199331.2 15 HOMER2 -2.85 ILMN 2405680 NM 174881.2 19 CRB3 -2.86 ILMN 1740762 NM 005310.2 17 GRB7 -2.87 ILMN 1694548 NM 005139.2 4 ANXA3 -2.87 ILMN 1708093 NM 005435.3 7 ARHGEF5 -2.89 ILMN 1783287 NM 020672.1 1 S100A14 -2.89 ILMN 1715476 XM 939056.2 LOC649970 -2.89 ILMN 1676322 NM 152365.1 1 Clorfl72 -2.89 ILMN 1662795 NM 000067.1 8 CA2 -2.91 ILMN 1801476 NM 001263.2 4 CDSl -2.91 ILMN 1781 155 NM 002350.1 8 LYN -2.92 ILMN 2159453 NM 006949.1 19 STXBP2 -2.92 ILMN 1685339 NM 001018008. 1 15 TPMl -2.92 ILMN 1688670 NM 178181.1 3 CDCPl -2.93 ILMN 1717793 NM 033520.1 19 C19or03 -2.94 ILMN 2041 190 NM 005242.3 5 F2RL1 -2.94 ILMN 1662470 NM 145306.2 10 C10orf35 -2.95 ILMN 1748827 XM 498725.3 19 LOC388564 -2.96 ILMN 1728106 NM 000594.2 6 TNF -2.96 ILMN 1677376 NM 017780.2 8 CHD7 -2.97 ILMN 2317543 NM 001005731. 1 17 ITGB4 -2.97 ILMN 2337923 NM 001003397. 1 6 TPD52L1 -2.97 ILMN 1700306 NM 001014446. 1 4 OCIAD2 -2.98 ILMN 2360710 NM 001018004. 1 15 TPMl -2.98 ILMN 1770940 NM 004360.2 16 CDHl -2.99 ILMN 2278152 NM 001018008. 1 15 TPMl -3.00 ILMN 1758719 NM 006403.2 6 ,NEDD9 -3.00 ILMN 2143685 NM 001307.3 17 CLDN7 -3.01 ILMN 2064150 NM 000951.1 19 PRRG2 -3.01 ILMN 1685540 NM 020859.1 4 SHRM -3.01 ILMN 1740571 XM 001 130815.1 5 LOC647859 -3.02 ILMN 2096784 NM 003222.3 20 TFAP2C -3.02 ILMN 1721316 NM 003844.2 8 TNFRSFlOA -3.05 ILMN 1702738 NM 177417.1 19 KLC3 -3.05 ILMN 2391264 NM 033317.2 19 DMKN -3.05 ILMN 1706519 NM 018891.1 1 LAMC2 -3.06 ILMN 2371053 NM 004428.2 1 EFNAl -3.06 ILMN 1687867 XR 018676.1 LOC647954 -3.06 ILMN 1724666 NM 176878.1 1 INADL -3.06 ILMN 1782863 NM 001010872.1 6 FAM83B -3.07 ILMN 16631 19 NM 004949.2 18 DSC2 -3.07 ILMN 1775016 NM 144765.1 11 MPZL2 -3.08 ILMN 1680018 NM 020639.2 2 1 RIPK4 -3.08 ILMN 181 1364 XM 938742.1 SGPP2 -3.09 ILMN 1707088 NM 024901.3 1 DENND2D -3.10 ILMN 2178226 NM 002284.3 12 KRT86 -3.1 1 ILMN 1812262 NM 013993.2 6 DDRl -3.12 ILMN 1730223 NM 170769.1 6 RNF39 -3.13 ILMN 1796461 NM 002773.3 16 PRSS8 -3.13 ILMN 2 111932 NM 178865.3 1 SERINC2 -3.13 ILMN 171 1124 NM 144724.1 5 MARVELD2 -3.13 ILMN 1798081 NM 130440.1 1 RTPRF -3.14 ILMN 1770653 NM 052886.2 8 MAL2 -3.16 ILMN 16731 13 NM 005242.3 5 F2RL1 . -3.18 ILMN 1805175 NM 001099691.1 2 TGFA -3.20 ILMN 1791826 NM 020387.2 1 RAB25 -3.22 ILMN 1801697 .NM 001039876.1 19 C19orf46 -3.22 ILMN 2387078 NM 144765.1 11 MPZL2 -3.22 ILMN 1752526 NM 182757.2 6 RNF144B -3.23 ILMN 23741 15 NM 001032280.2 . 6 TFAP2A -3.24 ILMN 1753584 NM 002273.2 12 KRT8 -3.24 ILMN 1691717 NM 001005498.2 17 RHBDF2 -3.26 ILMN 1653824 NM 005562.1 1 LAMC2 -3.26 ILMN 2083946 NM 003236.1 2 TGFA -3.27 ILMN 1710644 NM 001017967.2 16 MARVELD3 -3.27 ILMN 1704196 NM 001943.2 18 . DSG2 -3.29 ILMN 1806502 NM 003447.2 6 ZNF 165 -3.29 ILMN 1662932 NM 002298.2 13 LCPl -3.30 ILMN 1665792 NM 002203.3 5 ITGA2 -3.30 ILMN 2386973 NM 001005242.1 12 PKP2 -3.31 . ILMN 1682775 NM 001955.2 6 EDNl -3.31 ILMN 1751328 NM 198488.2 8 FAM83H -3.31 ILMN 1778319 NM 001035516.1 19 DMKN -3.32 ILMN 2163723 NM 005556.3 12 KRT7 -3.33 ILMN 1765574 NM 001042425.1 6 TFAP2A -3.34 ILMN 1701424 NM 005562.1 1 LAMC2 -3.37 ILMN 1772466 NM 005490.1 19 SH2D3A -3.40 ILMN 1724941 NM 022842.3 3 CDCPl -3.40 ILMN 2373062 NM 024599.3 17 RHBDF2 -3.42 ILMN 1671971 XR 016703.1 1 LOC644743 -3.45 ILMN 2072357 NM 006147.2 1 IRF6 -3.46 ILMN 1750748 XR 015970.1 17 MGC 102966 -3.46 ILMN 1730007 NM 144765.1 11 MPZL2 -3.48 ILMN 1723092 NM 139161.2 19 CRB3 -3.49 ILMN 2334210 NM 001005619.1 17 ITGB4 -3.50 ILMN 2405254 NM 001030002.1 17 GRB7 -3.51 ILMN 1733627 NM 015277.3 18 NEDD4L -3.52 ' ILMN 1699887 NM 021978.2 11 ST14 -3.53 ILMN 2228162 NM 005557.2 17 KRTl 6 -3.53 ILMN 1706483 NM 023938.5 1 Clor Ω l -3.53 ILMN 1703593 NM 018842.3 7 BAIAP2L1 -3.55 ILMN 171 1087 XM 937579.1 LOC648526 -3.56 ILMN 1657766 NM 012101.3 11 TRIM29 -3.60 ILMN 1724832 NM 021220.2 20 OVOL2 -3.60 ILMN 1743714 NM 014550.3 22 CARDlO -3.62 ILMN 1752932 NM 005797.2 11 MPZL2 . -3.63 ILMN 1713813 XR 017543.1 17 LOC400578 -3.64 ILMN 1782389 NM 005558.3 1 LADl -3.66 ILMN 1800739 NM 021 102.2 19 SPINT2 -3.70 ILMN 1736760 NM 005557.2 17 KRTl 6 -3.74 ILMN 1655614 NM 001008844.1 6 DSP -3.76 ILMN 1806607 NM 006142.3 1 SFN -3.78 ILMN 1691884 . NM 003714.2 5 STC2 -3.79 ILMN 1752935 NM 001017970.2 14 TMEM30B -3.82 ILMN 1653934 XR 019109.1 LOC650517 -4.05 ILMN 1704294 NM 001793.3 16 CDH3 -4.09 ILMN 1725946 NM 006147.2 1 IRF6 -4.14 ILMN 1715684 NM 000228.2 1 LAMB3 -4.20 Table 16. Conserved genes up-regulated in luminal progenitor (LP) cells

log average Fold log Fold ID human symbol ID mouse symbol log Fold Chang Change Change e ILMN 1728255 LALBA 3.76 ILMN 2676107 Lalba 3.46 3.61- ILMN 2184109 SLC34A2 4.74 ILMN 269961 1 Slc34a2 2.21 3.47 ILMN 1792400 CSN3 4.77 ILMN 12271 18 Csn3 2.08 3.43 ILMN 1685663 CYP24A1 3.68 ILMN 2639900 Cyp24al 3.17 3.42 ILMN 1685387 PIGR 5.00 ILMN 1225605 Pigr 1.61 3.31 ILMN 2229379 KIT 4.13 ILMN 1246876 Kit 2.13 :3.13 ILMN 1813270 ELF5 3.90 ILMN 2736380 Elf5 2.27 :3.09 ILMN 1788538 NCALD 3.44 ILMN 2652414 Ncald 2.66 :3.05 ILMN 1729801 S100A8 3.12 ILMN 2710905 S100a8 2.88 3.00 ILMN 1661733 FOLRl . :2.98 ILMN 2707541 Folrl 2.96 :2.97 ILMN 1741014 SLC28A3 3.20 ILMN 2634129 Slc28a3 2.63 :2.92 ILMN 1732538 LBP 3.43 ILMN 2771237 Lbp 2.02 :2.73 ILMN 1812073 ATP6V1B1 :2.66 ILMN 2668432 Atp vlbl 2.78 2.72 ILMN 1708580 PDZKlIPl 3.72 ILMN 2618935 Pdzklipl 1.63 :2.67 ILMN 1716407 SORBS2 3.63 ILMN 1235808 Sorbs2 1.44 :2.53 ILMN 1724686 CLDNl :2.98 ILMN 2870295 Cldnl 2.06 :2.52 ILMN 1769388 GJB2 :2.89 ILMN 2999627 Gjb2 2.14 :2.51 ILMN 1681544 RASGEFlC 1.83 ILMN 1231901 Rasge Ωc 3.18 :2.51 ILMN 2308903 WFDC3 1.92 ILMN 1229131 Wfdc3 2.91 ;2.42 ILMN 1659960 IL4I1 3.08 ILMN 2733778 I14il 1.60 :2.34 ILMN 1763837 ANPEP :2.89 ILMN 2589651 Anpep i.6i :2.25 ILMN 1762260 C3 :3.15 ILMN 2759484 C3 i.i9 :2.17 ILMN 1736936 FOXIl 1.64 ILMN 2722232 Foxil 2.68 ;2.16 ILMN 1749403 TSPAN33 :2.04 ILMN 1219904 Tspan33 2.24 :2.14 ILMN 1712632 XDH :2.31 ILMN 1239055 Xdh 1.84 :2.07 ILMN 1727689 TNFAIP2 :2.22 ILMN 2841289 Tnfaip2 1.93 :2.07 ILMN 1734929 BBOXl :2.56 ILMN 2686029 Bboxl 1.23 1.90 ILMN 2259818 MFI2 1.44 ILMN 1254745 Mfi2 2.33 1.88 ILMN 1792744 SLCl 3A2 (3.76 ILMN 2646369 Slcl3a2 2.96 1.86 ILMN 1793517 RASALl _2.16 ILMN 1247762 Rasall 1.52 1.84 ILMN 1801584 CXCR4 1.90 ILMN 2630459 Cxcr4 1.71 1.81 ILMN 2380237 ClQTNFl ;2.34 ILMN 2722108 Clqtnfl 1.25 1.80 ILMN 2396444 CD14 1.49 ILMN 2742075 Cdl4 2.05 1.77 ILMN 1654319 HAPLN3 :2.10 ILMN 1231791 Hapln3 1.25 1.68 ILMN 1769694 ACCN2 1.71 ILMN 2643241 Accn2 1.62 .66 ILMN 1736929 PLBl ().81 ILMN 2674163 PIb 1 2.50 1.65 ILMN 1813104 GALNTL2 1.90 ILMN 1244612 Galntl2 1.37 1.63 ILMN 1660729 ATP6V1C2 1.56 ILMN 2898578 Atp6vlc2 1.59 .58 ILMN 2139970 ALDHl A3 1.29 ILMN 1237578 Aldhla3 1.72 ] .50 ILMN 1652277 SECTMl ().91 ILMN 2656108 Sectmla 1.95 1.43 ILMN 1741727 QPCT 1.83 ILMN 2814865 Qpct 0.98 1.40 ILMN 1684585 ACSLl 1.32 ILMN 2622671 Acsll 1.39 .35 ILMN 1680367 C10orf90 1.97 ILMN 1255809 D7Ertd443e 0.68 1.32 ILMN 1667125 RPS6KL1 1.18 ILMN 2649333 Rps όkll 1.45 1.32 ILMN 2242463 CTSC [.63 ILMN 3008858 Ctsc 0.95 1.29 ILMN_ 1751596 HIVEP3 .24 ILMN 2466021 Hivep3 1.23 .24 ILMN 1801441 RFTN2 1.17 ILMN 1212653 Rftn2 1.30 1.24 ILMN 1763491 CKMTlB 1.12 ILMN 2773537 Ckmtl 1.33 1.22 ILMN 1749372 GGT5 1.17 ILMN 2698271 Ggt5 1.24 1.20 ILMN 1724181 IL15 1.53 ILMN 2938704 1115 0.78 1.15 ILMN 171 1579 CSN2 0.63 ILMN 2621 101 Csn2 1.67 1.15 ILMN 1772208 CCDC88B 1.10 ILMN 2737463 Ccdc88b 1.18 1.14 ILMN 2363450 NOXOl 1.04 ILMN 2683856 Noxol 1.23 1.13 ILMN 2097410 DAPPl 0.78 ILMN 2595822 Dappl 1.29 1.03 ILMN 1729417 GNE 1.16 ILMN 1216440 Gne 0.90 .03 ILMN 1736103 ITPR2 1.37 ILMN 3076170 Itpr2 0.67 11.02 ILMN" 2094106 HSD17B12 0.82 ILMN 1234796 Hsdl7bl2 1.05 ().93 ILMN 1702171 LPCATl 0.72 ILMN 2995575 Lpcatl 0.89 ().81

Table 17. Conserved gene down-regulated in luminal progenitor (LP) cells

log average . Fold log Fold ID human symbol ID mouse symbol log Fold Chang Change Change ILMN 1791280 HSPB8 -2.84 ILMN 2944366 Hspb8 -1.61 -2.23 ILMN 1655405 SCARF2 -2.88 ILMN 2676127 ScarG 1.49 -2.19 ILMN 1675797 EPDRl -2.45 ILMN 1225494 Epdrl 1.78 -2.1 1 ILMN 1703913 DST -2.68 ILMN 2758234 Dst 0.97 -1.82 ILMN 1657766 TRIM29 -1.78 ILMN 1218207 Trim29 1.83 -1.81 ILMN 1792679 ITGA5 -2.30 ILMN 2849449 Itga5 1.26 -1.78 ILMN 2061565 PLCH2 -1.66 ILMN 2925433 Plch2 1.47 -1.56 ILMN 1767662 LASS6 -2.25 ILMN 2678580 Lass6 0.82 -1.54 ILMN 1744403 KCNIP3 -0.93 ILMN 291 1729 Kcnip3 -1.76 -1.34 ILMN 1761540 SEMA3F -1.55 ILMN 1248740 Sema3f -1.06 -1.30 ILMN 2352934 ASPH -1.18 ILMN 1233759 Asph -1.30 -1.24 ILMN 1797277 KIF3C -1.19 ILMN 2593410 KiOc -0.98 -1.09 ILMN 1703891 TBC 1D9 -1.38 ILMN 1228165 Tbcld9 ' -0.69 -1.03 ILMN 2278636 CUXl -0.88 ILMN 1223862 Cuxl -0.73 -0.80 BIBLIOGRAPHY

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1. A method of stratifying cancer in a subject, said method comprising: (i) determining gene-set expression in a biological sample from a subject wherein the gene set is preselected from genes which are: (a) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f EpCAM+ luminal epithelial progenitor cells compared to basal epithelial (MaSC enriched) or mature luminal epithelial cells; and/or (b) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49fhlEpCAM basal epithelial progenitor cells compared to luminal progenitor and mature luminal epithelial cells; and/or (c) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f EpCAM+ mature luminal epithelial cells compared to basal epithelial and luminal progenitor epithelial cells; and/or (d) selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f EpCAM stromal fibroblasts cells compared to basal epithelial and luminal epithelial cells.

2. The method of claim 1 further comprising: (ii) determining a measure of selective or differential gene expression of the subject's gene set relative to controls, wherein the measure indicates whether or not the individual has an increased risk of cancer associated with a particular cancer subtype.

3. A method of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of basal-like breast cancer and/or a BRCAl -deficiency associated form of cancer, said method comprising (i) determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from an individual wherein the gene set is preselected to comprise genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in CD49f fEpCAM+ epithelial luminal progenitor cells compared to their expression by control cells such as at least basal epithelial cells or mature luminal epithelial cells.

4. The method of claim 3 further comprising (ii) determining a measure of selective or differential gene expression of the gene set relative to controls, wherein the measure indicates whether or not the individual has an increased risk of basal-like breast cancer or a BRCAl -deficiency associated form of cancer. 5. The method of claim 3 or 4 wherein the gene set comprises at least two or more LPT genes selected from the group consisting of the genes set out in Table 10 or 11.

6. The method of claim 3 or 4 wherein the gene set comprises two or more genes selected from the genes set out in Table 16 and/or 17.

7. The method of claim 3 or 4 wherein the gene set comprises 8 to 20 genes selected from the genes set out in Table 16 and/or 17.

8. The method of claim 3 or 4 wherein the gene set comprises KIT, CYP24A1 and ELF5.

9. The method of claim 3 or 4 wherein the LPT gene set comprises or consists of at least two upregulated LPT genes comprising KIT and CYP24A1, a set of at least three genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1 and HSDI lBl, a set of at least four genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl and GSTAl, a set of at least five genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl and PIK3R1, a set of at least six genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1 and LPL, a set of at least seven genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL and UBE2C, a set of at least eight genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C and MATK, a set of at least nine genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK and LOXL4, a set of at least ten genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4 and LOX, a set of at least eleven genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX and TPKl, a set of at least twelve genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl and IKBKE, a set of at least 13 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE and AURKB, a set of at least 14 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB and LYN, a set of at least 15 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN and PTCHDl, a set of at least 16 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl and GPRI lO, a set of at least 17 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI l O and PROMl, a set of at least 18 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl and CXCR4, a set of at least 19 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4 and ELF5, a set of at least 20 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5 and CXCL17, a set of at least 2 1 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17 and CCL5, a set of at least 22 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C,

MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHD 1, ,GPR110, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5 and DNER, a set of at least 23 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER and GABRP, a set of at least 24 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRl 10, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL 17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP and PIGR, a set of at least 25 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRl 10, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL 17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR and SLC34A2, a set of at least 26 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2 and VNN3, a set of at least 27 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3 and ADORAl, a set of at least 28 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRIlO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl and MARCO, a set of at least 29 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRI lO, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl, MARCO and VNNl, or a set of at least 30 genes comprising KIT, CYP24A1, HSDI lBl, GSTAl, PIK3R1, LPL, UBE2C, MATK, LOXL4, LOX, TPKl, IKBKE, AURKB, LYN, PTCHDl, GPRl 10, PROMl, CXCR4, ELF5, CXCL17, CCL5, DNER, GABRP, PIGR, SLC34A2, VNN3, ADORAl, MARCO, VNNl and CLDN8.

10. The method of claim 3 or 4 wherein the gene set comprises KIT.

11. A method of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of "claudin low" or "normal-like" breast cancer, said method comprising: determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from a individual wherein the gene set is selected from genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in basal epithelial cells compared to at least epithelial luminal progenitor cells or mature luminal epithelial cells.

12. The method of claim 11 wherein the gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in basal epithelial cells comprises at least two or more genes set out in the first and/or last 50 genes set out in Table 13.

13. A method of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of "luminal A", "luminal B", or BRCA2-associated breast cancer, said method comprising: determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from a individual wherein the gene set is selected from genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in mature luminal epithelial cells compared to their expression by at least epithelial luminal progenitor cells or basal epithelial cells.

14. The method of claim 13 wherein the gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in mature luminal epithelial cells comprises at least two or more genes set out in the first and/or last 50 genes set out in Table 14.

15. A method of diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of fibroblast-associated cancer, said method comprising: determining expression of a set of genes in a biological sample from a individual wherein the gene set is selected from genes which are selectively or differentially expressed in stromal cells compared to their expression by at least epithelial luminal progenitor cells or basal epithelial cells.

16. A method of claim 15 wherein the gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in stromal cells comprises at least two or more genes set out in the first and/or last 50 genes set out in Table 15.

17. A method for the treatment or prevention of "basal-like" breast cancer and/or a BRCAl -deficiency associated cancer in a subject, said method comprising administering to the subject one or more agents that down modulate the activity of KIT.

18. The method of claim 17 wherein the agent down modulates the activity of KIT on luminal progenitor cells.

19. The method of claim 17 further including, either before, during or after administration, the method of any one of claims 3 to 10.

20. A diagnostic or prognostic probe set or kit comprising same comprising two or more polynucleotides each capable of selectively hybridising to mRNA of one of the sets of genes defined in any one of claims 5 to 10.

21. The probe set of claim 20 comprising one or two or more polynucleotides each capable of hybridising to mRNA of KIT gene.

22. A diagnostic probe set or kit according to claim 20 or 2 1 for use in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of basal-like breast cancer and/or BRCAl -associated cancer.

23. A method of reducing the proliferative activity of normal luminal progenitor cells in human mammary epithelium comprising administering an effective amount of an agent that down modulates the activity of KIT to a subject for a time and under conditions sufficient to reduce normal luminal progenitor cell proliferation.

24. A method of reducing the proliferative activity of pre-neoplastic or neoplastic . luminal progenitor cells in human mammary epithelium comprising administering an effective amount of an agent that down modulates the activity of KIT to a subject for a time and under conditions sufficient to reduce proliferation.

International application No. INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT PCT/AU20 10/000524

A . CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER Int. Cl. C12Q 1/68 (2006.01) GOlN 33/48 (2006.01) GOlN 35/00 (2006.01)

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC

B . FIELDS SEARCHED Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) WPI, EPODC, MEDLINE, CAPLUS, BIOSIS & EMBASE for cancer, array, epithelial, luminal, progenitor, CD49f, EpCAM and like terms C. DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT

Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No. LIM, E. et al. Aberrant luminal progenitors.as the candidate target population for basal tumor development in BRCAl mutation carriers. Nat. Med. August 2009, Vol. 15, No.8, pages 907-913, ISSN 1546-1 7OX. P X Abstract; Figure Ic; Figure 4; p.912, left col., para.4 1-24

HERSCHKOW ΓTZ, J. et al. Identification of conserved gene expression features between murine mammary carcinoma models and human breast tumors. Genome Biol. May 2007, Vol.8, No.5, pages R76.l-R76.17, ISSN 1465-6914. X Abstract; Figure 3 20-22

SORLIE, T . et al. Repeated observation of breast tumor subtypes in independent gene expression data sets. PNAS. July 2003, Vol.lOO, No.14, pages 8418-8423, ISSN 1091- 6490. X , Abstract; Figures 4-5 20 &22 Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C See patent family annex

* Special categories of cited documents: "A" document defining the general state of the art which is "T" later document published after the international filing date or priority date and not in not considered to be of particular relevance conflict with the application but cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the invention "E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered novel international filing date or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone "L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) "Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered to or which is cited to establish the publication date of involve an inventive step when the document is combined with one or more other another citation or other special reason (as specified) such documents, such combination being obvious to a person skilled in the art "O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means "&" document member of the same patent family "P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than the priority date claimed Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report 18 August 2010 13 AUG 2010 Name and mailing address of the ISA/AU Authorized officer VISHAL DESAI AUSTRALIAN PATENT OFFICE PO BOX 200, WODEN ACT 2606, AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN PATENT OFFICE E-mail address: [email protected] (ISO 9001 Quality Certified Service) +61 Facsimile No. 2 6283 7999 Telephone No : +61 2 6283 3180

FormPCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 2009) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No. PCT/AU20 10/000524

Box No. H Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet)

This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)(a) for the following reasons: 1. Claims Nos.: because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely:

2. Claims Nos.: because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such an extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically:

3. J Claims Nos.: because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4(a)

Box No. Ill Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of first sheet)

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows:

See Supplemental Box I.

1. As all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable claims.

2. As all searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying additional fees, this Authority did not invite payment of additional fees.

3. As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos.:

4. X No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this international search report is restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos. : 1-2 (in part) & 3-10 and 20-22 (in full) in so far as the claims relate to determining gene-set expression based on preselected, selectively or differentially expressed genes from CD49f+ EpCAM+ luminal epithelial progenitor cells compared to basal or mature luminal epithelial cells. (Invention 1.1) Remark on Protest J J The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest and, where applicable, the payment of a protest fee.

The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest but the applicable protest fee was not paid within the time limit specified in the invitation.

No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees.

FormPCT/ISA/210 (continuation of first sheet (2)) (July 2009) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No. PCT/AU20 10/000524 C (Continuation). DOCUMENTS CONSE)ERED TO BE RELEVANT

Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No. SORLIE, T. et al. Gene expression patterns of breast carcinomas distinguish tumor subclasses with clinical implications. PNAS. September 2001, Vol.98, No. 19, pages 10869-10874, ISSN 1091-6490. X Abstract; Figure 1 20 & 22

PARK, J.-S. et al. Gene expression analysis in SV40-immortalized human breast luminal epithelial cells with stem cell characteristics using a cDNA microarray. Int. J. Oncol. June 2004, Vol.24, No.6, pages 1545-1558, ISSN 1791-2423. See whole document

GE, X. et al. Interpreting expression profiles of cancers by genome-wide survey of breadth of expression in normal tissues. Genomics. August 2005, Vol.86, No.2, pages 127-141, ISSN 1089-8646. A See whole document

Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 2009) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No. PCT/AU20 10/000524 Supplemental Box I (To be used when the space in any of Boxes I to IV is not sufficient) Continuation of Box III (Item 3)

This International Searching Authority has found that there are different inventions as follows:

• Invention 1: Claims 1-16 & 20-22. It is considered that gene expression profiling between various cells in relation to cancer comprises a first distinguishing feature.

• Invention 2: Claims 17-19 & 23-24. It is considered that agents down regulating the activity of KIT comprise a second distinguishing feature.

PCT Rule 13.2, first sentence, states that unity of invention is only fulfilled when there is a technical relationship among the claimed inventions involving one or more of the same or corresponding special technical features. PCT Rule 13.2, second sentence, defines a special technical feature as a feature which makes a contribution over the prior art.

Each of the abovementioned groups of claims has a different distinguishing feature and they do not share any feature which could satisfy the requirement for being a special technical feature. Because there is no common special technical feature it follows that there is no technical relationship between the identified inventions. Therefore the claims do not satisfy the requirement of unity of invention apriori.

Furthermore, there is a lack of unity within Invention 1 as defined in claims .1-16 & 20-22. The only feature common to all of the claims is gene expression profiling using a gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in one subset of cells compared to another subset of cells with particular relevance to cancer. However this concept is not novel in the light of: '

SORLIE, T. et al. Repeated observation of breast tumor subtypes in independent gene expression data sets. PNAS. July 2003, Vol.lOO,No.14, pages 8418-8423, ISSN 0027-8424.

HERSCHKOWrrZ, J. et al. Identification of conserved gene expression features between murine mammary carcinoma models and human breast tumors. Genome Biol. May 2007, Vol.8, No.5, pages R76, ISSN 1465-6914.

Sorlie et al. teaches gene expression profiling of breast cancer tumours and their categorisation based on the differential expression of genes belonging to various subsets of cells. In particular, Figure 4 C and D illustrate the differential expression in luminal epithelial genes against basal genes in samples of breast cancer cells and Figure 5 shows the correlation between various strata of cancer and survival rates. As such, the citation discloses gene expression profiling using a gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in one subset of cells compared to another subset of cells with particular relevance to cancer.

Herschkowitz et al. discloses gene expression profiling in relation to human and murine mammary carcinomas. Figure 3 in particular effectively illustrates the differential modulation genes in cancers of luminal subtypes (blue) and basal- like subtypes (red) when selective gene subsets such as basal epithelial genes (Fig. 3 b) and luminal epithelial genes (Fig. 3 c) are compared. As such, the citation discloses gene expression profiling using a gene set that is selectively or differentially expressed in one subset of cells compared to another subset of cells with particular relevance to cancer.

.Continued in Supplemental Box II

Form PCT/ISA/210 (extra sheet)(July 2009) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No. PCT/AU20 10/000524 Supplemental Box (To be used when the space in any of Boxes I to VIII is not sufficient) Continuation of Supplemental Box I

This means that the common feature can not constitute a special technical feature within the meaning of PCT Rule 13.2, second sentence, since it makes no contribution over the prior art. Therefore Invention 1 further represents four distinct inventions as follows:

• Invention 1.1: Claims 1-2 (in part) & 3-10 and 20-22 (in full) in so far as the claims relate to determining gene-set expression based on preselected, selectively or differentially expressed genes from CD49f+ EpCAM + luminal epithelial progenitor cells compared to basal or mature luminal epithelial cells. • Invention 1.2: Claims 1-2 (in part) & 11-12 (in full) in so far as the claims relate to determining gene- set expression based on. preselected, selectively or differentially expressed genes from CD49fhl EpCAM basal epithelial progenitor cells compared to luminal progenitor or mature luminal epithelial cells. • Invention 1.3: Claims 1-2 (in part) & 13-14 (in full) in so far as the claims relate to determining gene- set expression based on preselected, selectively or differentially expressed genes from CD49f EpCAM+ mature luminal epithelial cells compared to basal epithelial or luminal progenitor epithelial cells. • Invention 1.4: Claim 1-2 (in part) & 15-16 (in full)"in so far as the claims relate to determining gene- set expression based on preselected, selectively or differentially expressed genes from CD49f EpCAM stromal fibroblast cells compared to basal epithelial or luminal progenitor epithelial cells.

Because the common feature does not satisfy the requirement for being a special technical feature it follows that it cannot provide the necessary technical relationship between the identified inventions. Therefore, there is an a posteriori lack of unity within Invention 1. For the one fee already paid, this ISA has searched and reported on the first invention, namely Invention 1.1 (claims 1- 2 (in part) and 3-10 & 20-22 (in full)) only.

Form PCT/ISA/210 (extra sheet (2))(July 2009)