Jerusalem Diary

June - September 2006

Jerusalem, like the rest of the West Bank, After Israeli sweeps detained nearly is feeling the sobering economic realities 70 Palestinian parliamentarians and of the Israeli and international embargo ministers in the Hamas-led government, enforced after the Islamic movement an Israeli military court in August Hamas won January 25 Palestinian extended the remand of minister parliamentary elections. for Jerusalem affairs Khalid Abu Arafeh for the seventh time since late “People are seriously depressed,” June. One day after his arrest, Abu said Mervat Naber, head of Caritas Arafeh and Hamas parliamentarians Jerusalem’s Social department in Muhammad Abu Tir, Muhammad an early September press release. Totah, and Ahmed al-Toun were “They are going into their sixth stripped of their Jerusalem identity month without government wages. cards and the right to live in the city. What would any of us do under these circumstances? The mood in Palestine is Some of the government representatives simply awful and morose.” report being tortured, says the Christian Science Monitor. Released Labour The school year, scheduled to start on Minister Muhammed Barghouthi and September 2, was the impetus behind the Deputy Prime Minister Nasser al- most recent crisis. Government workers Din al-Shaer and Abu Arafeh report declared a strike until they are paid back being put for days at a time in shabah, wages. The protest, entering its third a name for an uncomfortable position week at this writing, is being used by that was banned by the Israeli supreme both Hamas and Fateh supporters to court in 1999, except in cases where the promote their agendas. detainee is considered a ‘ticking bomb’.

But the start of the school year mostly Weeks of war between Israel and meant new expenses: for books, travel Lebanon’s Hizbullah this summer put and tuition. While Jerusalem is less on hold Israeli plans for a unilateral impacted by the broader economic disengagement from the West Bank. crisis, many of its residents rely on But Jerusalem settlement expansion Palestinian Authority health insurance continued apace, as part of the and other services. Private Jerusalem government’s strategy to shore up its schools report having to make up the control in areas it has no intention of difference for dozens of pupils unable evacuating. to pay.

Jerusalem Quarterly 27 [ 65 ] On September 3, Israel authorized Elad has been working steadily, using bids for 690 homes to be built in the Israeli radio and television, to rally Jerusalem-area settlements of Maale public support for what it calls “ancient Adumim and Betar Illit. Jerusalem.” What this means, writer Meron Rappaport decodes, is that the Another large settlement encroaching group is trying to normalize the national upon Jabal Mukaber lay down park of the “City of David” and the foundations this summer. Nof ’s 395 Shiloah Tunnel. These assets are operated units are slated to open to buyers in by Elad, their tour guides are from 2007. According to The New Standard, Elad, and the price of admission goes blueprints include a daycare, a shopping to Elad coffers–all with the agreement center, a school, parks, a country club of the Israel Nature and National Parks and a hotel. Protection Authority.

“Many of our buyers appreciate the The Israeli Committee against House added security that is offered by the Demolitions issued its bi-annual report closed-gated community,” a realtor on Israeli demolitions of Palestinian tells the journalist. But Jabal Mukaber homes in Jerusalem and its environs. residents worry that the access road that they now share with the settlement will “During the first half of the year 2006, be closed to them, leaving them stranded 47 structures were demolished in between Nof Zion and an eight-meter- by the Municipality high concrete section of the barrier Israel of Jerusalem and/or the Ministry of has constructed nearby. Interior,” ICAHD reported. “There were 16 pirate gas stations included in “The idea is not to live; the idea is for us that statistic therefore a net total of 31 to leave,” Palestinian landowner Osama residential structures was demolished.” Zahaikah says. This tally represents a decline from The Foundation for Middle East Peace previous years, the group says. They reported, in a special summer edition believe that the decline results from mapping Jerusalem settlements, on the bureaucratic competition within the activities of the right-wing settlement municipality, and from heightened efforts group Elad. to block the building of illegal structures.

This summer Elad took over some Plans by the Israeli gay community to 15 apartments in three different hold the second international World Pride buildings, and another four houses, parade in Jerusalem, in an attempt to in Silwan and al-Tur. In al-Tur, the challenge the city’s growing conservative settlers clashed with the Palestinian atmosphere, quickly were attacked from residents, and a Palestinian suspected of many quarters. The event, planned for collaborating with the group was killed. August 6, was subject early on to boycott calls from those opposed to Israel’s occupation.

[ 66 ] JERUSALEM DIARY [June - September 2006] In the end, many demonstrators used Former US ambassador to Israel Martin the venue to protest Israel’s attacks Indyk told a group of Israel’s supporters on Lebanon. Organizers also held visiting Jerusalem for an economic a demonstration next to the barrier in conference that he had given up on trying Jerusalem to reach out to lesbian, gay, to adopt a just solution for the city’s holy bisexual and transgender , sites. reported “In the Middle East and in the Israeli- Israel’s air raids on Lebanon were Palestinian conflict in particular some a major impetus in the removal of problems do not have solutions,” Indyk the last two foreign embassies from said. “You should leave well enough Jerusalem. Costa Rica led the way, to alone.” His attitude seems to reflect the be followed by El Salvador’s decision position of the current US administration, on August 25. In a foreign ministry which is ostensibly on the other side of statement, El Salvador said it “recognizes the American political spectrum. and guarantees the right of the state of Israel to live in peace within secure and internationally recognized borders.”

The statement added, however, “equally, the government of El Salvador repeats its recognition of the right of a Palestinian state to exist.”

In other news, after years of serving as Jerusalem’s mufti at the behest of former Palestinian president Yasser Arafat, controversial religious leader Ekrima Sabri was removed from his position in early July after angering President Mahmoud Abbas. Aides to the president told the Jerusalem Post that the mufti, who serves at the behest of the president, had spoken out publicly on several occasions against Abbas’ political initiatives towards Israel and Hamas. Sabri was replaced by al-Aqsa mosque director Muhammad Hussein.

On July 28, Israeli police used stun grenades to break up demonstrations outside the al-Aqsa Mosque after the authorities banned men and women under the age of 45 from entering the grounds for Friday prayers.

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