Review Cleveland Orchestra — All Brahms concert with Julia Fischer and Franz Welser-Möst (January 9) by Daniel Hathaway Circled by video cameras — including a giraffe-like "jib" that hovered ominously over the front seats on stage right — Franz Welser-Möst and The Cleveland Orchestra played 3'$=123(- 2/+(32$3.%%.41 ++1 ',2".-"$1326(3'3'$ outstanding soloist Julia Fischer on Thursday evening at Severance Hall. '$=123/ (1.%/$1%.1, -"$26$1$!$(-&1$".1#$#%.1 eventual release on DVD and television and over the course of four days, the concerts would include two different over- tures and symphonies and four iterations of the violin con- certo. Thursday's concert featured works written in the seven-year period between 1878 and 1885: the Academic Festival Overture, the , and the Symphony No. 4 in e minor. Sometimes concert programs are designed to challenge the audience or to juxtapose works in interesting and revelatory ways. Sometimes — as in a retrospective art exhibi- tion — programs are curated for the sheer pleasure of enjoying a body of work brought 3.&$3'$1(-.-$/+ "$'$ ++1 ',2+(-$4/ ++.6$#+ 236$$*$-#2 4#($-"$23.$7/$1(- $-"$2$5$1 +2' #$2.%.' --$21 ',22,42(" +/$12.- +(38(-24/$1!/$1%.1, -"$2!8 a conductor and ensemble who know instinctively how to bring out the essence of 1 ',26(3'.43#(23.13(.-.1" 1(" 341$ (23.13(.-  1(" 341$ -3'$61.-&' -#21 ',2" -2.4-#341&(#'$ 58 -#$5$- grumpy. In Thursday's lean and expressive readings, the composer's novel variations on classical forms, textures and techniques came clearly to the fore, and revealed his infre- 04$-3!43#$+(&'3%4+2$-2$.%'4,.1< + 3$-331 (31 ',22' 1$#6(3'.' --$! 2- 3( - "' '$- "'6'.' #-$5$1 33$-#$#4-(5$12(386 2(-5(3$#3.).(- - " #$,("2."($38 in Leipzig in 1747, he presented its erudite members with a puzzle canon that needed to !$2.+5$# '$-1 ',2< +2.(--."$-3.% - " #$,("! "*&1.4-#<6 2.%%$1$# - honorary university degree, he responded with an overture seeded with student drinking songs. Welser-Möst and the orchestra gave an unhurried, understated reading of the Aca- demic Festival Overture that revealed its good-hearted humor and downplayed the rau- cousness of its borrowed themes. At one point, while Gaudeamus igitur was holding forth (-3'$!1 22 $+2$1:236 2,.23(-3$1$23$#(-'(&'+(&'3(-& >4118.%5(.+(-/ 22 &$2 -$.%3'$#1 6! "*2.%'$ 1(-&3'$=123".-"$13(- 2$1($2(2$7/$1($-"(-& /$1%.1- , -"$3' 3(2-304(3$2$33+$#8$3!433' 36(++/1.! !+8=-#(32&1..5$ 23'$14-/1.- gresses. The superb violinist Julia Fischer seemed to be trying out some new ideas in the concerto on Thursday aimed at making a familiar work new and fresh through an unusual suppleness of approach to dynamics, tempo and transitions. Even if the whole work didn't quite gel, her tone was continuously alluring, uniform from top to bottom of her range, -#3'$".4&'/1.-$ 4#($-"$2 3(-".,/+$3$2(+$-"$#41(-&'$1".,, -#(-&=123,.5$- ment cadenza. Alas, and in front of the cameras, a misplaced cue early on led a handful of upper strings to venture a premature entrance. Frank Rosenwein's splendid second-movement solo was beautifully supported by '(26(-#".++$ &4$26'. "'($5$# 6.-#$1%4+!+$-#'$, (-3'$,$.%3'$=- +$" - sound craggy and disjunct, but Julia Fischer turned it into a longer line which infused the whole movement with purpose and direction. In many ways, the fourth symphony was the star of the program and Welser-Möst and the 1"'$231 /+ 8$#(36(3' =-$2$-2$.%2314"341$ -#,42(" +2"4+/341$'$Harmonie or wind section was superb throughout, tuning chords masterfully and adding a whole pal- $33$.%".+.13.3'$$7"$++$-3231(-&2$ 5$(33.1 ',23.$-#'(2=- +28,/'.-86(3' such an antique form as the passacaglia — based on the bass line of a cantata attributed to  "'<1$% 2'(.-$#3.'(2.6-/41/.2$2 -#%$ 341(-&2.,$ 11$23(-&+8,.#$1-$%%$"32 1(-"(/ +>43(23.2'4 ,(3'"1.6-$#3' 3,.5$,$-36(3' !1$ 3'3 *(-&2.+.5 1( 3(.-

Published on January 14, 2014