Comité et Israël Vivront Archives 1977-1996 (-2002)1977-1996

International Institute of Social History Cruquiusweg 31 1019 AT Amsterdam The


© IISH Amsterdam 2021 Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront Archives 1977-1996 (-2002)1977-1996

Table of contents

Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront Archives...... 3 Context...... 3 Content and Structure...... 4 Access and Use...... 6 LIST...... 6 First accrual 1996...... 8 Second accrual 1996...... 8 Third accrual 1996...... 9 Accrual 2019...... 10

International Institute of Social History 2 Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront Archives 1977-1996 (-2002)1977-1996

Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront Archives

Collection ID ARCH01981 Creator Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront Period 1977-1996 (-2002)1977-1996 Period (bulk) 1977-1996 Extent 1.67 m., 20 photos, 4 audio cassettes Language list English Language of Material French, English


Historical Note Short version: Originated in by a group of people who prepared the meeting of , advisor of the Palestinian leader , with Mattityahu (Matti) Peled, member of the Israeli , in 1982; the Israeli invasion of prompted them to found the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront in the same year; starting with an appeal by leading intellectuals the committee sought to strengthen Palestinian and Israeli peace forces in the hope of achieving an enduring peace in the Middle East; Joyce Blau and Jacqueline Grobéty were important organizing members; the committee collaborated closely with the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (ICIPP), which was founded in 1975; on 18 January 1983 talks between delegates of the ICIPP, including and Matti Peled, and delegates of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), including Yasser Arafat and Issam Sartawi took place in Tunis; contacts have been continued since but were given a low profile after the murder of Sartawi in in 1983; the committee also collaborated with the joint Jewish-Arab Progressive List for Peace (PLP), founded in in 1984, campaigning for an independant Palestinian state and a lasting peace in the Middle East. Extended version: Previous history: Already for many years there was a circle of people in Paris aspiring an enduring peace in the Middle East. This group animated at first notably by and Maurice Barth, contributed in particular to the organisation in 1973 of the Bologne conference and in 1976 of what was later known as the 'Paris talks' under chairmanship of Pierre Mendès France. In 1982, this group participated in the preparation of two press conferences held in Paris, the first on the 17th June by Matti Peled and Uri Avnery, the second on the 20th July by Peled and Issam Sartawi. Nevertheless, beyond this informal group, there existed no permanent structure giving the peace forces of both camps the possibility to express themselves. Therefore it appeared necessary to constitute a committee. Foundation of the Committee: The Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront (name in English: Palestine and Israel Shall Live Committee) was founded in Paris in 1982 on the occasion of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. It started with an Appeal by leading intellectuals against this invasion and the structure of a committee was set up to promote the contacts between Palestinian and Israeli peace forces. Their aim was to realise an enduring peace. The would get their own independent state. The restitution of their rights to the Palestinians would go hand in hand with the assurance of security to the Israeli. The official birth certificate of the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront was a letter dated 13 August 1982. In January 1983 a delegation of the committee visited Israel for talks with representatives of the peace forces. The project gained momentum when the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) invited leaders of the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

International Institute of Social History 3 Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront Archives 1977-1996 (-2002)1977-1996 to visit Tunis for talks with Yasser Arafat and his advisors Abu Mazen, Imad Chakour and Issam Sartawi. These talks took place in Tunis on 18 January 1983. The three-headed Israeli delegation included Uri Avnery and Matti Peled. Further initiatives were given a low profile after the murdering of Sartawi in Portugal on 10 April 1983. Joyce Blau and Jacqueline Grobéty were two of the leading persons in the committee. Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (ICIPP) and Progressive List for Peace (PLP): In Israel the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (ICIPP) was founded in December 1975. The reason for its founding was the founders' conviction that the political thinking of the PLO had significantly been changed since the Palestinian National Council of 1974 and that a sympathetic response from Israel might strengthen the moderate tendencies in the PLO. The principles of the ICIPP were published in a Manifesto with twelve points in March 1976. Since then, the ICIPP has held a lot of contacts and discussions with the moderate wing of the PLO. The ICIPP demanded a recognition of the PLO by the Israeli government as legitimate partner to the conflict and consequently a legitimate partner to the peace process. Leading persons in the ICIPP were Uri Avnery and Knesset member Matti Peled. After the foundation of the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront contacts with the ICIPP flourished. The ICIPP issued The Other Israel. Newsletter of the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. The ICIPP is also connected with the Progressive List for Peace (PLP). The PLP, founded in the spring of 1984, is an association of 'Jews and Arabs, Arabs and Jews, citizens and residents of the state of Israel', who have agreed to cooperate with the aim of conducting a political and social campaign for the attainment of specific objectives. The most important were guaranteeing an independant Palestinian state and achieving peace between all the states of the region. Uri Avnery, Rashid Salim, Mohammed Miari and Matti Peled belonged to the leading persons in the PLP. Adam Keller, editor of The Other Israel, was also active in the PLP. Keller collected a large documentation collection on the Israel , which he gave later to the International Institute of Social History. Mattityahu (Matti) Peled was born in 20 July 1923 and died in 10 March 1995. Peled became a founder/member of the group The Other Israel. To this group belonged, aside from Matti Peled, Yaakov Arnon, Uri Avnery, Haim Bar'am and Noami Kies.

Acquisition The archives were donated to the IISH by Joyce Blau-De Wangen (Paris) in 1996; with accruals later in 1996 and 2019.

Content and Structure

Content Correspondence by Joyce Blau, Jacqueline Grobéty and others with Yossi Amitay 1982, Elieser Feiler 1982-1983, Adam Keller 1984-1985 (-1996) and others; documents concerning the ICIPP, its newsletter The Other Israel, the PLP and other Israeli and Palestinian peace organizations 1980-1996; documents concerning the furtherance of peace initiatives by organizations and persons in Western 1982-1996; documents concerning the contacts between Mattityahu (Matti) Peled and Issam Sartawi, including correspondence, reports of press conferences, statements, clippings and other related documents 1982-1983; clippings on the meeting of Matti Peled, Uri Avnery and Yaakov Arnon with Yasser Arafat, Issam Sartawi and other PLO officials in Tunis in 1983; documents concerning the protests in Israel against the war in Lebanon 1982-1985, the UN conference on the question of Palestine in 1983, other conferences 1985-1992, the meeting of Muhammad Miari, Matti Peled and Yasser Arafat in Tunis 1985, the exclusion of the PLP from the Israeli elections 1985, the trial against Israeli Jewish peace activists for political contact with the PLO in 1986 and other subjects; some manuscripts and typescripts by and other documents concerning Matti Peled 1977, 1982-1984, 1988, 1993 and n.d.; copies of Kav La'

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Oved (Workers' Hotline for the Protection of Workers) and other periodicals and clippings (1959-) 1980-1996. Accrual 2019: files specially on Mattityahu (Matti) Peled 1975-1995 (-2002) but generally very similar to the material obtained previously.

Arrangement The collection of the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront was acquired by the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam in 1995. It is not only (a part of) the archives of the committee but it contains also documents from other organisations collected by the committee. The arrangement of the collection is purely chronological because of the entanglement of the documents regarding the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront, the Israeli Council for Israeli- Palestinian Peace and the Progressive List for Peace and those regarding the activities of the various persons active in these organisations. A further classification of the descriptions could possibly be misleading.

Processing Information List made by Bouwe Hijma in 1996, accruals 1996 and 2019 by the same.


Geographic Names Israel France

Persons Amitay, Yossi Arafat, Jassir Avnery, Uri Blau, Joyce Fawzy-Rossano, Didar Keller, Adam Peled, Matitiahu (Matti) Sartawi, Issam

Organizations Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace PLO United Nations

Themes Pacifism/Peace movements Nationalisms/Autonomist and separatist movements International relations Independencies

Material Type

International Institute of Social History 5 Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront Archives 1977-1996 (-2002)1977-1996

Archival material

Access and Use

Access Not restricted

Preferred Citation Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront Archives, inventory number ..., International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam


1 Press articles concerning the activities and initiatives of Matti Peled for peace. 1980, 1982, 1984-1985 and n.d. 1 folder 2 Documents concerning the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. 1981 and n.d. 1 folder 3 Documents concerning protest advertisements of Jews living in France and Great Britain against the Israeli invasion in Lebanon. 1982. 1 folder 4 Documents concerning a meeting of Matti Peled and Issam Sartawi in Paris on the 20th July 1982, including a joint statement. 1982. 1 folder 5 Letter from Yossi Amitay. With enclosure. 1982. 2 pieces 6 Letters from Elieser Feiler, Kibbutz Yad Hanna, Israel. 1982-1983. 1 cover 7 Documents concerning the actions, opinions and publications of Daniel Amit, founding member of the Committee against the war in Lebanon, and of Benjamin Cohen. 1982-1984. 1 folder 8-9 Documents concerning the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront. 1982-1988. 2 folders 10 Documents concerning protests of Belgian Jews against the politics of the Israeli government. 1982, 1988. 1 folder 11 Documents concerning the memory of Issam Sartawi, a Palestinian leader murdered in Portugal on the 10th April 1983 and the decision of the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace to erect a monument commemorating him. With documents concerning the process against his murderer. 1983-1985. 1 folder 12 Documents concerning Simha Flapan. 1983 and n.d. 1 folder 13 Manuscripts by Matti Peled on the foundation of the Israeli Council for Israeli- Palestinian Peace in 1975 and the peace initiatives in the Middle East, and a curriculum of Peled. 1984. 1 folder 14 Letters adressed to Matti Peled. 1984. 1 cover 15 Documents concerning an information meeting of the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront in Paris on the 3rd February 1984. 1 cover 16 Documents concerning the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. 1984. 1 folder 17 Correspondance with Adam Keller (The Progressive List for Peace). 1984-1985. 1 folder

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18 Documents concerning the war in Lebanon, including documents concerning Israeli soldiers refusing to serve in Lebanon, the 'Yesh Gvul' movement and the support by the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront. 1984-1985. 1 folder 19-20 Correspondence by Joyce Blau and Jacqueline Grobéty of the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront . With documents regarding The Other Israel. 1984-1987. 2 folders 21-22 Documents concerning The Other Israel. Newsletter of the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. 1984-1987. 2 folders 23-24 Documents concerning the Progressive List for Peace (PLP) and the Israeli elections. 1984-1987. 2 folders 25 Documents concerning the opinions of the French physicist Paul Kessler and some others and their visits to the Middle East. 1984, 1987-1988. 1 folder 26 Press articles concerning the meeting of a delegation of the Progressive List for Peace, led by Mohammed Miari and Matti Peled, with Yasser Arafat in Tunis, February 1985. 1985 1 folder 27 Letter from Matti Peled to the members of the Knesseth on the actions of the Israeli army in Lebanon in February 1985. 1985. 1 folder 28 Documents concerning the congress 'Quale pace per quale sviluppo? Movimenti di liberazione dei popoli e movimenti per la pace a confronto' in Turin, , from 29-31 March 1985. 1985. 1 folder 29 Documents concerning the exclusion of the Progressive List for Peace from the Israeli elections, the proposed law forbidding contacts between Israeli and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the protest telegramme of fifty French intellectuals against these proposals of the Israeli government. 1985. 1 cover 30 Documents concerning an emergency issue of The Other Israel on the proposed 'Anti-Peace Law'. 1985. 1 folder 31 Documents concerning a meeting of young Jews and Palestinian Arabs from Israel and the occupied territories, planned by the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront to be held in Jerusalem. 1985-1986. 1 folder 32 Documents concerning the conference 'Confronting the Middle East conflict. Which role for Europe, which role for the peace movement' in Amersfoort, The Netherlands from 14-15 February 1986. 1985-1986. 1 cover 33 Documents concerning the letter from Muhammad Miari and Matti Peled to the on the law proposed by the Israeli government forbidding meetings between Israelis and PLO members and a letter from Peled to the Socialist International on the deportation of Palestinians from the occupied territories. 1985, 1988. 1 cover 34-35 Documents concerning the accusation and trial against four Israeli Jewish pacifists for political contact with the PLO in Bucarest on the 7th November 1986 and solidarity actions to support them. 1986-1988. 2 folders 36 Statement by Abu Mazen on the 11th June 1987 at a meeting with members of the Israeli peace camp in Budapest. [1987]. 1 cover 37 Documents concerning Yehoshafat Harkabi . 1987. 1 cover 38-40 Documents concerning the preparation of the series of International Academic Conferences 'Methods of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict', planned to be held in Belgrade and in Stockholm in 1987-1988 on the initiative of Matti Peled and supported by the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront , but postponed because of the failure of formal consent by the PLO. 1987-1988. 3 folders

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38-39 Belgrade Conference. 40 Stockholm Conference. 41 Typescripts of 'Reactions of solidarity amongst Israeli Jews concerning December's events in the occupied territories' and 'Reaction of solidarity and peace-seeking statements amongst Israeli Jews concerning the events in the occupied territories'. 1988. 1 folder 42 Typescript of 'Israel and 1977-1981. Business as usual, and more' by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. N.d. 1 piece 43 Typescript of 'Mission à Beyrouth du 8 au 13 Juin 1985' by Cécile Goldet, Monique Midy and Robert Swann'. [1985]. 1 piece 44 Statement of the Progressive List for Peace on the accusations by Matti Peled against the Israeli government because of the bombing of the PLO headquarters in Tunis. N.d. 1 cover 45 Manuscript in . N.d. 1 piece 46-50 Various documents. 1982-1988. 5 folders 46 1982. 47 1983. 48 1984-1986. 49 1987. 50 1988. 51-54 Press clippings and articles. 1982-1988. 4 folders 51 1982. 52 1983-1984. 53 1985-1986. 54 1987-1988.

First accrual 1996

55 Letters from Uri Avnery and Adam Keller on behalf of to Joyce Blau. With annexes. 1994-1996. 1 folder 56 Letter by Matti Peled. 1993. With clippings concerning Peled. 1977, 1993. 1 folder 57 Biographical data concerning Henri Curiel. 1989, 1994 and n.d. With a letter by Steven David Masters . 1994. 1 folder 59-59 Documents concerning Israeli and Palestinian peace organizations. 1990, 1994-1996. 2 folders 60-61 Documents concerning the furtherance of the peace movement by organizations in Western Europe and the European Peace Initiative. 1993-1996 and n.d. 2 folders 62-63 Documents concerning international conferences. 1990, 1992. 2 folders 64 Copies of newsletters of 'Kav La'Oved' (Workers' Hotline for the Protection of Workers). 1992, 1994-1996 and n.d. 1 folder 65 Copies of some other periodicals. 1990-1996. 1 folder

Second accrual 1996

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66 Copies of letters by Mattityahu (=Matti) Peled to Joyce Blau and to Isam Sartawi. 1982. With a copy of a statement by Peled and with clippings and other printed material. 1981-1982. 1 folder 67 Other correspondence by Peled. 1982-1983. 1 folder 68 Copy of a joint statement by Matti Peled and Isam Sartawi in 1982. With a verbatim report of the replies at their press conference on 20 July 1982. 1 folder 69 Copy of a joint statement by Matti Peled,Uri Avnery and Yaakov Arnon after the death of Isam Sartawi in 1983. With other documents concerning Peled. 1983. 1 folder 70 Copy of an address by Matti Peled held in 1983. With a letter to Joyce Blau. 1983. 1 folder 71 Typescript of Peled's 'The Struggle for Peace in Israel'. 1982. With a letter from Amnon Zichroni to Matti Peled. 1983. 1 folder 72 Photocopy of a translation by Matti Peled of an article by Hisham Sharabi. [1982]. 1 folder N.B. Contains a handwritten and a printed version, both in Arabic and probably of the same article. 73 Documents concerning a cancelled trip to Europe by Matti Peled. 1982. 1 folder 74-79 Reports of press conferences by Matti Peled and Uri Avnery and by Matti Peled and Isam Sartawi. With annexes and clippings. 1982. 6 folders 80-82 Documents relating to the UN conference on the question of Palestine in 1983. 1983. 3 folders 83 Clippings concerning the meeting of Peled, Avnery, and Arnon with Arafat, Sartawi and other PLO officials in Tunis, January 1983. With clippings of an interview with Peled. 1982-1983. 1 folder 84-87 Copies of periodicals and clippings concerning other subjects. ( 1959- ) 1980-1984, 1996. 4 folders

Third accrual 1996

88-92 Documents on various conferences on the palestine question organized under the auspices of the United Nations. 1984-1985, 1987, 1990, 1994 and n.d. 5 folders 88 Documents on the 'Réunion Internationale des ONG sur la Question de Palestine. Thème: Le rôle des ONG et la Question de Palestine 20-22 août 1984. Office des Nations Unies à Genève, Palais des Nations'. File Didar Fawzy. 1984. 1 folder 89 Documents on the 'Second International NGO meeting on the question of Palestine. Theme: The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations and the Question of Palestine. Monday 9 September to Thursday 12 September 1985. United Nations Office at Geneva, Palais des Nations'. File Didar Fawzy. 1985. 1 folder 90 Documents on the 'Quatrième Réunion Internationale des ONG sur la Question de Palestine organisée sous les auspices des Nations Unies. Thème: "les droits inaliénables du peuple palestinien". Lundi 7 septembre au mercredi 9 septembre 1987. Palais des Nations, Genève'. File Comité Palestine - Israël Vivront. 1987. 1 folder 91 Documents on the 'Quatrième Colloque des Nations Unies à l'intention des ONG pour la région de l'Europe sur la Question de

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Palestine. Thème: "Les droits inaliénables du peuple palestinien". Lundi 27 et mardi 28 août 1990. Palais des Nations, Genève'. File Comité Palestine - Israël Vivront / Didar Fawzy. 1990. 1 folder 92 Documents on the 'Réunion Internationale des ONG et Colloque des ONG d'Europe sur la Question de Palestine tenus sous les auspices des Nations Unies. Thème: "Passer de la Déclaration de principes à un État palestinien indépendant. Du 29 août au 1er septembre 1994. Palais des Nations Genève (Suisse)'. File Didar Fawzy. 1994. 1 folder 93-101 Documents Files Didar Fawzy. 6 folders and 3 covers 93-101 Files of Didar Fawzy on the Comité Palestine - Israël Vivront and the Palestine Question in general. 1980-1991. 6 folders and 3 covers 93-94 1980-1982. 2 folders 93 Part 1. 1 folder 94 Part 2. 1 folder 95-96 1983-1985. 2 folders 95 Part 1. 1 folder 96 Part 2. 1 folder 97 1985-1991. 1 folder 98 File of Didar Fawzy on the solidarity with the Palestinians. 1983-1984, 1987-1990. 1 folder 99 File of Didar Fawzy on Mordechai Vanunu, the israeli nuclear technician who revealed classified information, and the pledge for an open trial. 1987 and n.d. 1 cover 100 Correspondence with persons in Israel (Elieser Feiler). 1982, 1987-1992. 1 cover 101 Photocopies of a correspondence between Joseph Hazan and Arafat. [1995]. 1 cover 102 Documents on the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, UNESCO headquarters, Paris, 16-27 August 1983, United Nations Office at Geneva, 29 August-7 September 1983, and the meetings preparing this conference. 1983. 1 folder 103 Documents on a signature campaign for an international conference on peace in the Middle East. 1984-1985. 1 folder 104 Documents on various symposiums on the Palestine Question in August- September 1988. 1988. 1 folder 105 Documents on the United Nations General Assemly ans speeches and statements on the Palestine Question in December 1988. 1988. 1 folder 106 Documents on the Ninth United Nations International NGO meeting on the Question of Palestine. Palais des Nations, 27 to 28 August 1992. File Didar Fawzy. 1992. 1 folder

Accrual 2019

107 Correspondence, press articles and some other documents on conferences and other peace talks. 1975-1976, 1979-1980, 1983. 1 folder

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N.B. The title of the original (yellow/orange) folder is: 'Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront'. 108-109 Correspondence from Joyce Blau with Yossi Amitay, Elieser Feiler, Simha Flapan, and others, correspondence between others, typescripts and press articles. 1976-1980, 1985. 2 folders N.B. The title of the original (green) folder is: 'Matti Peled 1978-1980'. 108 Part 1. 1 folder 109 Part 2. 1 folder 110 Correspondence from Joyce Blau with Yossi Amitay and Hisham Sharabi and from Matti Peled with Michael Harbottle and Henri Liebermann. Also between Joyce Blau and Matti Peled. 1983-1984, 1986-1987. 1 folder N.B. The title of the original (red) folder is: 'Matti Peled 1986-1987'. 111 Letter from Joyce Blau to Adam Keller, press articles, obituaries, memories and other documents on Matti Peled, and the murdering of his grand-daughter. 1993, 1995, 1997. 1 folder N.B. The title of the original (blue) folder is: 'Matti Décès 1995'. 112 Letters from Matti Peled to Joyce Blau, press articles and other documents. 1979-1981. 1 folder N.B. The title of the original (brown/yellow) folder is: 'Matti Presse'. 113-114 Various documents on peace intiatives, the role of Matti Peled and research on his political thinking, including a curriculum vitae of Matti Peled. 1978-1984, 1986-1990, 2002. 2 folders 113 Part 1. 1 folder 114 Part 2. 1 folder 115 20 photos, 28 photo negatives and some documentation. 1980, 1982, 1985, 2002 and n.d. 1 folder 116 Badges on an Israelian-Palestinian collaboration by Kretschmer & Son In Jerusalem. N.d. 1 folder 117 Book Aspects of Modern Arabic Literature by Mattityahu Peled. Louvain - Paris: Peeters, 1988. 1988. 1 volume 118 Book The General's Son. Journey of an Israeli in Palestine by . Foreword by Alice Walker. Charlottesville, Virginia: Just World Books, 2012. 2012. 1 volume 119 4 audio cassettes on talks of Matti Peled with among others Uri Avnery and Issam Sartawi. 1982-1983 and n.d. 1 box

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