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The Breeze Page 3 James Madison University's Student Newspaper Vol The ins and outs of going Greek, The Breeze page 3 James Madison University's Student Newspaper vol. S4, issue > Monday, September 11, 200b Opinion, page 6 Sports, page 9 A&E, page 12 Ugandan newspaper blacklists Appalachian State drops JMU Def Poetry Jam invades minorities. .5 down in Carolina. Taylor Down Under. ii Accutane may pose risks Acne drug could harm pregnancies ■v KAT» Kftiocc senior writer FOf patients who take Accu- tane, a drug that treats a serious form ol acne known as nodular acne, rilling their prescription is i complicated proem I his is because in March, the IIHKI and Drug Administration approved a stringent new pro- gram known as IPledge to monitor the Health distribution «>♦ Beat Accutane. The program WM implemented alter MfioUf concerns anise about the cor- + relation between the use of Ac- eutanc and senous birth detects occurring in the unborn children ot women using the drug. "Accutane is definitely not safe in anyone who is pregnant or wants to In-iome pregnant," s.nd i nil * /arstv, a family physician w (. onneotJcut I he i Pledge program re- quires that .ill users, pruutb ers and distributors ot the drug must register with iPledge be- tore thev can receive or admin- ister treatment leinale patients til childbcaring age must pledge to use two (orms of birth control I.AHRF.NPArk.irMiriir.-f tor the month before treatment, while thev are on the drug, and Pakistani student reacts to racial the month after treatment ends Grafton-Stovall Theatre to host Additionally, female patients are required to test negative to profiling after terrorist attacks 9/11 commemorative event tonight tWO pregnant \ tests before thev can PCgivtil the drug, and must m RACHANA DIXIT who call themselves Arab. Muslim or ■> VICTORIA SIIELOR in Pennsylvania. There will also also MKC to take a pregnancy nne~ ,-Jiior both, that fear -till thrives contributing writer be a candlelight vigil and several test before each refill According to data fn»m the FBI's speakers. According to the FDA Web I ive years later, we haven't Uniform Crime Reports then:' were 4M A memorial for the fifth an- Senior Michael Dreyruas has site. aside from causing birth forgotten where we were, or how we incidents ot anti-lslanm hate enmes niversary of Sept. II will be held been organizing the event since he detects. Accutane has also been s felt when we found out. Borneo! " in 2001 versus 2S in 2000. I hi ugh the tonight at 7 p.m. in Crafton-Stovall received the FDD fellowship last linked tO suicide and depres- haven't forgotten the fear. number has slightly leveled off, the I heatre Slav sion in some patients. Howe v rr. Sophomon- BlairSwanson was a data siiii shows that lift mil lalsnaY Organized by the undergradu- "The speeches are partl\ so tar there is no concrete evi- high school freshman in drama class hate enmes occurred in 2IIH. ate Icllows of the Foundation for geared to the fact that terrorism Ifl dence to determine ^ hethei \, when she heard, lmmedialelv ihe WOI A college senior ol Pakistani heri- the I >elense of Democracies, the still a threat and we need contin- CUtanC caused these tendencies ned abtnit her stepfather, who w oiked tage fntm the D.C-metmarca who was event Will honor those killed m ued \ Igllance," Dreyfuas said. "It's to OOCIir in patients or it there near the Pentagon in Washington, I >.( not a victim of hate crime but ohoKkO the terrorist attacks on the World not so much a political objective. Wtn pre -existing problems that "I didn't realize how bad it was," remain anonymous tor various satct\ Trade Center and the Pentagon but more so a time for remem- would have developed avail she said reasons. said the combination ol events five years ago It will feature I brance " without the drug. For many, the fear and anger that on and after Sept. 11 has undoubtedly moment Of silence for the four Captain Roberta I avm of the Additionally the PDA warns gnppedfhenabononSept. 11,2001 planes that struck the World Trade that there are other serious side persists today. Specifically (or those S'TV///. page 4 Center, the Pentagon and crashed IM \l effects oi Ai.utane, including causing the amount ot lipids and cholesterol In the blood to rise, and problems with the abdomen, brain, blood sugar, hearing and vision, as wall M eta reaaing ihe patient's red and white blood cell count. Library to be built Apple's big surprise Angelina Ramos, a senior al Florida State Universitv. who was on Accutane tor two behind Festival months in 2(MI2 before iPledge iPod makers to hold was implemented, said she stopped taking the drug alter conference, may unveil her mother began researching it KEM> CONNIH the librarv collections and Accutane on the Internet and I'ntributmg wntei student population has in- brand new technology became concerned about tome curred. of the potential side ettects Ra- Can you put «» price on "About 25 percent ol the ■) Kim MASON mos s.ud she (ell misled In her knowledge? collections at i arner I ibran ontributmy wntei doctors about some of the dan- I Ml did. and it's about will be transferred to the gers ot the drug $26 million — the COSl of the new library,'' said Ralph Al- The technology world is swimming "It I had to go through it new library to be built on benco. the Dean ot I ibranes in rumors about the unveiling of a new again, i would not go through the east side of campus be- and Educational lechnolo* mines movla store and iPod, possible all this trouble lo get Accutane hind Kestival and the I aeo gies llus will help accom- Scheduled for release this lucsd.n bv because the side effe< ta are not lou Alumni Center. modate our grow trig collet - Apple Computer In. worth the benefits," Ramos "The project was part tions and make more room According to an Aasodated Preee ar- said of the General Obligation lor slat! and students." ticle, the worldwide corporation sent out Bond capital funding ■CCOffl The library will house invitations with "Us Showtime" written see DKUG, page 5 pllshed m 2(M)2," said Win the majority of JMU'S si lent C on them last week DO various members of Hunt, the Director of Facili- and teJinologv Collections, the media Ihe meaning of the message. ties rianning and Construc- but still Incorporate multiple however, is still under treat speculation tion. features that M ill appeal to Earlier this year, Apple began to sell Ihe new, and still un- all students downloads Of television show episodes named, library is expected One sut h feature is the In the ilunes store Shows such as "Prison to be completed in Spring Information Commons, a break; The Office" and "Profed Run- 2008 to coincide with |MU's desk that combines the ser- way/ smong other*, wen made available. centennial year It will be viOBBOf both the circulation Ihe Al' reported that Apple < BO rough k the size of Carrier MW\ reference deaks In ( ar Steve |obs has become a hoard member KM Ml ViVAl |\ \taffphnloffin Library at 106,000 square ner I ibrar\. and will add and the largest stockholder at the Walt feet new helplul technology and Diane) * ompany. In fact Apple has test- According fo the FDA, trie I he need for the lihrarv media. ed online mo\ ie downloading in the past acne medication Accutane has become apparent in re- Kathryn O'Keefe's IPod couW get an upgrade could cause birth defects. cent wars, as ,1 growth in sn- UBRAKY page 4 IfPLE.fmgei after Tuesday's afl-MHmcernent from Apple. Editor lenessa KiU.iii Ediioi Alicia Stetzci (340)568-6749 Monday. Sc|»cmher 11.2006 I 2 Pagetf ^% The Breeze is published Mon- POLICE LOG day and Thursday mornings and TheJ freeze BY JENESSA KIIDALL/SCI/IOI writer Property damage distributed throughout James MWkM UNI Madison University and the local A I Ml' employee reported S^n damage to window glass Hamsonburg community. Com- 1 OJtctVbttt Threat, harassment K., hjn. in Gibbons Hall between Sept 5 al 4 p.m. and Sept 6 al ments and complaints should be addressed to Matthew Stoss ■ ll.inunii llrMiiond A|ML student reported receiving threatening/harass- 535 am. MM] t /ji-u editor ■ Hum (.oodmjn Ing voice message) from .in acquaintance Sept. 1 .it Main Telephone: 1 .■■ / . Ml] li-h.. 1:19 p.m. A |ML' student reported S^IHI damage to fronl and rear \tfl IIUYawoold (540)568-6127 Biun Ham doors of a vehicle parked in the parking deck Sept. S bo- ■ l.ihnc.ll, Advertising Department: Alcohol violation twen 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. ■ AJkta Stet/*r (540)568-6127 1 kllJ.II \ I Ml student was charged with .in alcohol violation .it PlwtV. 1 li.n Dv«on i hesapeake Hall Sept i at 2:37 a.m. Number of drunk In publics since Aug. 28 4 Editor: Matthew Stoss ■ ■ ■■ 1 jam Pact I.l.hjm (540) 568-6749 ■ lukl'il/ti breezeeditor@hotmail. com Ujn VF.I.C....I/ stossmr ROK« lualim DUKE DAYS ren 245. I his will be I time to m,vl students, faculty and stall from around campus students can learn about the News Desk: (540) 568-8041 ADVERTISING STAFF Events Calendar sen ices, resources and programs CMSS provides there will be food, fellowship and a chance to win prizes I ol Ads Manager: Meghan O Donnell Humanitas Lecture Series more information, call %K-MVV> or e-mail multicultural.
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