[email protected] LANCS, OL14 5SQ. PayPal:
[email protected] UNITED KINGDOM LIST 685 – MONDAY 5th DECEMBER DECEMBER 2016 RARE SOUL AUCTION AUCTION ENDS THURSDAY 15TH DECEMBER AT 6.00PM NEW FINISHING TIME!!! NEW FINISHING TIME!!! AUCTION FINISHES 6.00PM THURSDAY DECEMBER 15TH. JUST IN TIME FOR A VERY NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT AND ALSO THE NEW LATER FINISHING TIME WE NOW OFFER PERMITS YOUR COGITATIONS AT A MORE CONVENIENT TIME. BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON – ITS BEEN QUITE A YEAR WITH THE CHANGE OF PREMISES, THE FLOODS, BREXIT ETC ETC BUT THROUGH IT ALL WE’VE BEEN BUSIER THAN EVER. MANY THANKS TO ALL CUSTOMERS. THE NEXT LIST WILL BE TUESDAY 3RD JANUARY 2017..... SO HAPPY NEW YEAR AS WELL! TIM, TOM, MARTIN & LAURA. Reservations 9.30 am – 4.45 pm weekdays only Postage and packing £2.00 for 1st disc then 50p per record. Please add £1.00 for recorded delivery. Special Delivery is £8.00. Europe £5.00 for 1st record ( 50p each additional record ) USA £6.00 (approx $9 US ) for 1st record ( then 50p per record) Rest Of The World £6.00 for 1st record (then 50p per record). We accept most major credit cards. MIN BID AUCTION A OSCAR PERRY BIG SAM LOCK-KEY 115 M- 200 From Texas we have the recognisable tones of Oscar Perry, in fact Perry-tones! First played (like so many) at Stafford and always been a toughie to find. B ERNEST MOSLEY STUBBORN HEART LA CINDY 225 VG++ 1500 Demo! Demo! Yes, now a tough one on original (always has been I suppose) but on a white promo surely one of the rarest around.