,-~-~-.- .. -­ VAUXHALL VICT·O~ ( ~- Canada's Import •· Leader. THE DAILY NEWS Terra Nova Motors &~~. • Vol. 67. No. 113 DA)LY NEWS, H. JOHN'S, NFlD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons ------~~~::::::::::::::::::~::::=------~------~--?·~-·-••-·~nL'·~*R------

on erence ' Riots Breali Out ¥ .Against Menderes I Takes Hard Line In JZ~IIH. Tmke~· ICPI - Prem. · The s t rc e t fi~hting >lartcd icr Adnan "endcres' atTival here when some 4,000 youths showed Sunday at the ~tart of a n0tion- up outside headquarters o( the wide tour touched off blood\' opposition people's He p u blienn I riots hetwcen his supporters nnct party shouting "freedom, free· followet·s of ·opposition leader dom,'' and "~Iendet·cs resi~u." Talks With Leaders Gcn. lsmet Inonu, An equal number of ~lcnderes lh· 1011\' IIEI·'FEI\\ \\' Police said three per>ons were. supporters moved in and a liwly I'\ 1\ IS 1'<'11ll'h-Sol it·l p,:,.l;li,·r Kllrllsh..!"·'· "iall.<·d 1011!!1, .. S11ud.1'' ill >qMratc c1·e badly injured and man~· Bothers cl:tllllllnit talks \\'ith l'n·,id<·llt d,. C.ndk .111d Brithh l'rin1c \lini;h;r ~lacmillan. slightly injured. Cluh . swin~ing · Hi, anti · opposition campaign pollee arrested lA of tlw dt•mon· alrcadl' has resulted in a han on :\ q11ali!'it·d iul'on11,111t ,,1id Klml,hclot·\ ''"""'" 1,11 ,;:,:m ol h<'mliu:.: on thr Bl'rlin strators. ·all political actil'ity inside Tur- Ill' (;,•nn.on !'t'lllliliL'JW planc: The arm~· l'allcd in tanks tater key. The han will run two more illl'idt•llt. ; tn hc·cnk up demonstrations by month,;, during which limc a It""' nlidl'l''ltHl(l dr· (;,lllill' ""' '''"'1,,·<1 at Klonlslll'ill·' \ 1inln1f dt'lillllti.ttion ol 'leudpres' ,upporter,- out 'ide op-' special parliamentary committee \nwric.1n r<'t'OIIII.Li"·'"'''' lli~],t,. lk C.ndl•· rclflrf•·ll iut<'lli~<·n'·" llio,:hh lll'f'r othc1 ~lost of eompri-in~ ~lrn· po,-itiou lwadquartcrs. me m hers of L'Clllntril's ar" not tlllililll'd !11 <•Ill' 1ution. thc t':t>tl:lltlt's Sunday were oppo· dr•rc.; rutin~ democrat p;ort;· "ar· .OSSIHLE tn ." till' prl'sid•·nt \I·" l'"fl"rtnl '" < 1\·in•!. eralie part~· al'l'in•d from !stan- The premier shouted to the · ·.. n'.\n '.JOOD" ~!iss :\lonnil' :\lausfidd. iu reco~nition of her st•n icc as Ht'l;istr.tr at bul aboard the li.i!IO · ton liner. demons! rat in g crowds Sunda~· Ckllfl'<'llor J\:11lll'.t I 1·isit to lzmir. "not h)· rehellion." riots. h<· s:tihnr. pH•sidt•nt of thr l'ni\'t'rsit\· looks ou. • · : fm·nwl'l~· "ailed ~myma. 'ince were barrin~ the \\'a~· to ballot. ,.·,·k 1 ri1 SHntl,l\' momi110,:. \'or tlitl Ei"'""m' n 11; to lll.tkc contact "ith the c:hicl. -( Ho~·al Photo St"rdtl'i. · 11w outbreak of anti . go,·ermnent in~. "'l 1\.remlin riots in .-\nlmra, Istanbul and \lendet·es did not sprcif~· an -~-- -'--.. ·-----·· ,, _____ ,.. ___ .. _. Sunda,··, ><'l'it'' of talks he· Jo:i,enhowrr .'aid: "The hopes or 2H. lwrc .-\pril elel'lion date M K M k Ill ccn Krushl'l1<·1· <~nd \\'c,l01'll humanit ,. call on the four of u' ------·--, r. . a es 1 1 !t tHIC'rs iJrou~ht no il.~l\. l'ment on to plll';i~ our minds of prejudice \~·!:ether tht' ... ummit um!eren{:e and our hearts of t·ancOI'. Too \\ill he hrld in !-l!L'l'<.'! - a more much i, :11 stal;e to indulge .'n Russian 'Manned' Space Rivers In Ontario Some Hay the \\'e't fSia of 1he \l'l''t. int·luclin~ :\ew York The So\'iet tn·c·mier spl'nl tlw A stalenll'nt bsued bl' lll<' Su\·· dm· cnnlintltd the1r >low retreat township's tlrainnge ditcht•s. ter in the nwrn,u~. there t\'a' .. ·unanim011> a;;ree· orhoted a 4',·1on "space shitl" and Paris. nl!!ht at ncc1rh~· B1·unoy, WllPJ t: irl 11('\l's ,a~"ll<')'·-' 1'"," ·"·: ,,,.,,·"" lite (rom · ".,e 1ca~:uert• d .•'! otmtJov· 1'own· o, \'1 ,, TIIRE·" •'f''''Eil c••• Briti-h <>ffirial' ~~id the rnenl" on the Berlin • Gc~many "1th dummy ~ncl equipment for .\ So net scit•ntbt s:oid: "It\ l:n ... :-..ia\: a 111 h ;1 !' s .1 do r to l'''nir•ct"la;·s the twginnin;: !'o1· ship, :1 Timmins ;;uhurh, bi1t other • ,\t Latchford, tl1e ~lnnlrl':d 1\ilru·hcl:e\' . 'larmillan mccti11;: proh:em. ma1n:ainin~ life. flight lnw l':ll'is has I'C'c:olletl nut Vt'\IOt:<', St>l'rri \'tno~rndnr, Jw ... difficull enrira1·m·s to build t'e· ri1cr, in Onl;orig t·ontinued to llil'et· continued tu r'i;c aud to~, \\ ;1.... "l\.'4l ... llllllhll' but .'it'ri•JII~." This i<>Uc, aton;: with disarm:•· Launched on the c\'e of the nnly the innnen'e might of the a summer home. liahlt• ~pa<'P 'hith. ~uar:mtrein~ .spilllli'Cr tlwir hank,:, nnd hcal'y dehri; flowing alon~ in IJ1hrr intorm:~n:.:: :c;.;:wi I\hrtl:-h· summit conference in PsCrl. PI rr)' nI 111inutcs ahnul 200 milt•s of mankind in the cause of pro· ~loscow r:ulio predicted Ihut lli\'er .. lorcing an estimatcrl t;o, town fiO miles north of :\orth Ray, the nearby countryside. Gaui'l' ~facmillan \\'antetl upon his ar­ ur ~ntl p~S>in~ orer major cities grcss of scicncr and technology." !he first man in spat\! would be fmnilics from their homes in the Elsewhere in llw prorin.·e local The 'lour l<·atJ,,r, 1\CI'r to meet -----·- - .. ---- ···------~---·'··--- \_ ------~ 1 r o 1 I i n ~ ~ leafl· lanr. ri' a! from London Sunda'' tha• Russian. It called the new ~ate!. catlilal region. ~!an,· suhurhan flooding continued. ~!any roacb 1\hru. were 1nl1Ticmling strcels. Ht•,itients of some commtmitic' inside and asked for tl1c owner lhc fu·,t >llmmit confr•rence since cions and hostilities. ship without the last stage of the to k<·ep hack ad 1 ·anein~ ril·er \1 a· were forced out or their hOmes as the l!l.i.i l;encl a talk<. "Eri'Ors ol juri~ment based on 1 carrier rocket is !1.!120 pounds, tt'l' in snme di:;tricts. rain . swollen rh-ers and thr ' :\Ton~it'nr Blondin i'= ou1~.;id£' .\fler a pril'alc talk ~unriay i ~norant·c or an~er could lead S. African Police Tass said. This includes a t•abin The Otonahre Hirer was 1'i.sing mounting spring runoff adnmcrtl makin~ hay.·· ~aid a youn~ night last in~ n carl~· tll'o lwur,, with dreadful tinwlcd the rocket ----·- Urge Seat For l'hi!e and rontains a dummy ,paccman. and ! thrn a, he seated at tl1e sum- Jlinisler ~lacmillan said the L:\ . mit conference in l'~ris this offkial's prc~ence 11ould ~en c ~m'lrt 11',\Sill:IGTOX 1:\PI - The l'c,sel of thr• Cuban lint~· fired. porters later. . . Enough week. as "a fj1·ing reminder of the pur- \t (I! United States protested to Cuba without provocation. on the l'.S.S. ..,lr. Khnl'hehn ha• a fair L. B. Pcar.~ling.·• S liOn of then· cxammat1on for Washington demanded an expla· ship Jogs and navigation charts ------Emer~eney Force in the ~Iiddle. Ovle arnlng F..1st while he wa.< external af· Pe · Chicago. •

ol5-minute cabinet meeting and! baker talked lor 20 minutes with ' "\\'here do you get yonr po· 1 she was more than fil'e mile' dismissed a Russian broadcast·· reporters and photographers. tatocs from'!" prompted the ' The U.S. dew was com eyed !o from the nearest rock or point of, cr's warn ina that C<~nada should CABJ:-;ET SESSIOS magistrate. Cuba by Lester D. ~lallory, dep- land e1·er claimed hy Cuba. C:\SSI:\0, Italy I APl - l'npc pre1·ent American U·2 aircraft' Then he drove with ~:~ternal "!'rom lht• supermarket," Ull' a~sistant secretarv of state ~lAY 6 J.SCIDE:"'T .1o1m appealed fo1· a just peace Hard To Tell flying owr its territory. Affairs Minister Green directly to said ~Irs. Xoorlander. , foi· inter-American a'ffairs. He, The ineident occurml ~lay 6 hctwe~n n~tinns in :1 mc"agc "There has been nothing from Parliament Hill and the cabinet . ''Fine,'' said the magis-· , called in the highest ranking Cu-, and until cast r 0 made his Sundav to sun·i\'ors of the Second the go\·ernmcnt of th~ U.S.S.R. into sc.sion at 7 :30 p.m. It Irate. "If you're smart enough , ban .Ill. EDT. All but lour of Ottawa from weekends at their an explanation or why "an armed by the Cuban firing, , their names or their political the cabinet minister>, most of cottages-in order to report pri-l ------·------·-- Their return to the battlefield stands? \\'hen the former Liberal gol'· --· - -· ·-· vately on the Commonwealth came as the Big Four leaders : Politicians themsell'cs say they ernment's university grants pro­ L t PI gram was first introduced, Con· servative opposition me m be r s Temporary ::~~~~:c~·~\:~i~{;:~~~~~~~~:! T~~TO~ I~P~~~\'C pla~cs I ve rw0 er d Out ~~t~~~:!ti~u~!ii~ ~~~e~n~rucial: ~~;~~m~~~e;;:e~~rs::::tedun:::: supported the late Premier Du­ • ports to Parliament at 2:30-p.~. · s:ar~hed ~a_t.mda~ for ~ bea\er In his message to the gather· i mons Commons c p pro r a !last plessis' stand that il would be en· 1 dangering the constitution for on his two-week trip. • ~II'Claft mlssmg With lout _per~ons in~ here. Pope .John obl'iously 1 week of its new plan designed to 10 Of H • 1 Burial Mr. DIe I en baker apparently I the Hudson Bay l!J'e,t smce osptta ~was thinking of the Paris meet., make university grants available Quebec to accept fetOieral funds had not heard of the Rus.•ian Thursday. . . . . · · I ing. although he made no direct to Quebec. after dal's of opposi· direclly [or education. PAIUS I.~P)-Prince Aly Khan hroadcast before arriving. When : RC~~ oflicl~ls. Friday mght :mention of it. 'lion criticism. · will h!unci Smith 1 rik Verwoerd was restlng com·: h1s head m an operatiOn a week, ohe ~hmc:1 .said ~e P~~i~'~ d~ then. the Liberal government and 23 11110 11 lly an 11" il 11 c e ~ Saturday, The pressed the views of the com- : of Lockep~rt, :-I.S._. a teach~r 1fortably a l his subur~an home 1 ago and he bas one more opera·' God to P~ ~ _ e he, . the Conserl'alive opposition have prin"~ \\ ''' killed Thm·sda~· night oentator not the Russian gov. Wllh lhc . !'lmlh Affa1rs D~p~lt· 1Sunday al ter his surpnse release. lion to face-for plastic surgery; men a lhu st loJ 3 ~rue peace swiched plpces. In an nutomobile accment In sub- crnmcnt'. ment, ~ntl Guy Brown, aJrltne · Saturda~· Right !rom the hospital I on his right ear. An announce· ~vlnch he alone. car" g~~:e: Peace In the Senate, a veteran Liberal url>an Suresnes. During the cabinet meeting, mechnmc. [where he was recovering from ment said: !n sou~st pence mb ~m 1 les, Pt~ace 1 complained he couldn't make Weather ' T~c a~noun~ement from the the prime minister read press The plane \~as last· heard from I an. assassination 'attempt by a ' "Dr. Verwoer~l's general _health I ~·ttoc~e sric~~ce e ween na lOllS ' head nor tail of the new left-of· 1 £am1ly sa1d Prmce Aly Khan had reports of the broadcast. After when the pilot radioed the craft's white farmer Apnl 9. Is excellent so 1t was possible to JU • centre party hein~ formed by the Overcast with rain, driz. specifically requested buria~ _in the meeting he said "the broad· destination more than six hours· Behind a strict security ~leek- complet~ the hospital phase Sat· Pope John asked the veterans CCF and the canadian Labor zle and fog. High today 47. the ~lldrtle Ea~t but np deflmte cast had· "no basis In fact." after it had taken off on 8 normal out, Verwo_erd dre~sed hn~~clf, urday mght. and he v.:as able !o to associate themselves with his Congl'l!ss. , pla~e !las heen· picked as yet.. A The broadcast, bcam~d from 21fc·hour night. an~ was dl'IVen .to Ius ho~e m a I return to L1bertas (hts. Pr~t?rm prayer, and added: "We invoke site in S~'l'ia has been suggested .. Mosrqw to North America, said ' pollee :ar. Durmg the dnvc he h~mel .. The orthopae~Jc mJu.ry !Upon you. your companions and In the final vote on the uni· · TEMPERATURES Aga Khan Ill, Aly's fether, is bur- Canada "willingly ·and unques· The search was begun Thurs- sat upnght and later walked un- wtll still take some hme whtle your different countries the vcrsity grants legislation Friday, led in Egypl tlonablv" put its territory at the day by a Norseman plane owned aided up the steps to his house the stiffness of the jaw muscle promised peace of men of nood· Liberals and Conservatives stood Toronto ...... 46 54 Montreal ...... 46 72 It was at his Chateau de l'Hor- disposal of the U.S. Air Force. by Murray Mining Company: Fri· in nearby Liobertas. will gradually disappear. will." o toge~her .to pas& the bill 178 to 0. Moncton ...... 40 43 lzon tbat the brilliant reception and U.S. Intelligence wns using day two C·54s owned by Wheeler Verwoerd himself did not know "It has been decided in the sec· , Earher ~~ the debate .. however, was held ratowlng 'his marriage it. "What happt>ns next Is a mat- Airlines of Montreal, owners of of the discharge plans, according ond we,ek of June to perform a [ His ·message was read to the IQuebec Liberal :\IPs ~a.'d the gov· Halifax ...... ". 46 55 te Rita Hayworth in 1949. This ter !or the Canadian l!overn· the missing plane, and three to press reports. His wife re· plastic surgery operation to the Cassino gathering by Paolo Car- ernment's. plan perm1tlm_g Quebec Sydney ...... 42 63 St. John's ...... 35 54 bad beeft bil pr!Dcipal residence ment's coru;clence to decide," IL RCAF aircraft from Trenton j turned lrom a social function tol righ~ ear. for which he will iijlend Idina! Marella. a member ol the j to levy h1gher corporahon I~Kes t In ·rrance, • added. joined In the hunt, ·• find him waiting, a short time in hospital again." Vatican Curia. and devote the money to un!Ver· --...------...-· .\ ' ·' L)AILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NflD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 Youth Fitness Promoter Practiced It At Home Pickersgill Speaks Up For Atlantic Provinces

... ~-. I ~-:;J ~·.~.

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• ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The· Daily 1Vews MONDAY. MAY 16, 1960 ------~------~··· II rom emor1.a ------Three Pepperrell Officers Monnie Mansfield Re:c;eives Receive Baccalaureate Degrees , I ~ ! PEPP9RRltLL AFB .• J-Three. son. who r~presented Briga.! l'crsitr. and was then transf~r­ Pepperrell Officers received, dier General Frederick It Tcr·; red o1·e;scas whcr~ he. regis· Honourary Master Of Arts their Baccalaureate degr~e . rell, and Colont•l Richard E. J tered with the UniVerslt~· of Saturday afte~·noon 15i >tU· de;l'rihcd the unil'er-ity term Coll\·oca!itin was Dr. E. T. ~a1·c her a standilli( o1·ation. from tht> t:niwnity or ~~~r~·· Decker. Base Commander, who, :.tar)'land at Schulthorpe, ~;ng. dents from )lcmorial Cniver>i· ju;-t eompll'led as an exhili- 1\'illi~m>. \\'arden or Rhode,; This ,·car·s ,graduation e!a~ ... land at a reception, dinner garc U1C w~lcoming address. Jan~. On his retum . to the i ty pni'adrd to St. Patriek's'Hall rating one. l!outrar BaciF!Ior cf Arb. 5 Bachelvr O;~cn :\less on \\'cdncsda~·. ' !~la.ion ;<;athanicJ Brittain. whii.e at Fort Eu~l!s. va. Sm~c orin!. fouiHibncl for hal'ing the cnnr· nl l\lcmorial Cnirer-'ty rc­ of Scienec Honour<. 20 Bache· :liB)' lith. :llajor F.ric Roden·. :\lajor Ridenbeek, a resident , commg to Pepperrell AFB l.n Dr. Raymond Gushur, prr,i­ a~t·, spirit and foresight in the t·('i\·c·rl an honorary ~Ta.ily .\rts Degree (]Jnnori< Caus;~t. .\!'\< rr-:clucation\. 4 ~Jnotcr· of l!ney rrcrinct tlw dc~ree of !tar~· cai'l'Cl' in 1!142 is a mid·: r~qULrements. for. his dc.rre Vni\·er,ity, in his report saifl quarters. ~liso .\lan,field took up hrr Art, and 1 .\1a>tcr or S~i~nc~ Bachelor of !:kirnce in mili· •hi·Jman in the U.S. :"'avy.! With the. Un1vers1ty o~ :\lnry. that hv the fall of 1961 the Dr. (ju;hur atJnounrrrl the clulit•s a.< Ilegbtrar in t9~a 111d ~'-":,·cr. n l'tlucation d!plom.ls. tary ~IUdit'S while \\'arrant SuiJsrqurntly he SN'I'ed in the: land, :\Ia.) Or Rocienb~r.k ~name dPpartincnts of :\lcmorial !"C'.'-:i!{IWlion or Proff' ...;..;or (iood· SCT\'C'd for 30 .veal'5 Hl that JHI· i Physw:ll t·:dur·ation C~rti~i· Offict'r Edwin n. Oil'kcrsln :\I'm~· TrnllS)JOrtation Corps .. appc?red ,on ~he UnllelSlly ~f t:niwrsit~· should be located ridge who i• 1clil'ing Ihis ,1'1'31' SJtinn. \\'hc•u the hono:·an· dc­ r·atr'. 11 Engincrrin:! Dirlo· i had thr d~~~w of B:dlrlnr of lnfnnll'Y, Artillery. and the ~~ar~ lands. flfl.ecnth Dran_ ~ in their new buildings on dul' to ill health. grre wns brin~ t·onfrrrr;J nn tn:l~. 8 prr-mrf!icai d!plom2~ Arts in gc•1wra1 ;tudir; (•oafcr· t'nunt!'r lntrlligcnce Corps., L1st for his . fmc schnlasllc Elizal)['lh Avenue. Dr. Guwn. p1·<'-rnt .. ·t lht• ,.~rr· Kin~:\ Point. J.on.tt !.•land, Xc~1. t1on, 6oth _AI_r l?II'ISIOil, hm s \' .nrh. fi'il' l'hihilit.•. So icc. 1 11 As US Army Closes Headquarters nwnir> '' "' Cnlont'i Olin ·\\'it- York. went to Columbia Unl· .. lle i1f·na\·.~:t:l: r,~. .rrn ~ ~ ~siss~pp~ 1 ~wr~~tl Dcn-.c f unabic ...... _ ------. ·--·------1 41 II' C IC llll Jell ,IOIIle( lr A story begun on January hazardous .ioh. The t;s _\rmy .\rm~· HC'~UPPb' l':1rgo1. i­ ::t -r·f'rt~lill i{'(' l'Olld:Lon ·. ! Force as a private and rcccil'· 30, 19~1. comes to an end to· Transportation Trnnmal Com­ utilizcd to lllll\ r t·ar:o {rom l':1pr' Sprar: 1\'iwi ~E 10. ed his commission in 1951. day. when Culourt Philip E. . ' mand. An·til' and the l'S ~!iii­ the deep draft "''-rh o1·rr till' n-..ihil:t~· z~ro in fo::!. unahh.· Pons officially rloscd lhr tar)· Sra Transportation Sc•r. hPusps and dump-=. Asl{ed In (Continued on Page 91 ~() ::!lV(' ICP (•PIHlitiOll"'. Questions Headquarters of the l'nitl'd 1·il'rs ha1·r Jll'l'fl'elrd a lt't"h· l.;tsl 'lllll!IWr. thi< mobi:r Fkil t-Ic Snt:thwr,t: Den;·~ States Ann~· Tran~portnlion niq\H' in whit"h thr cargo rt'· trrmin;ll oprraJin:; under till• f 11 ~·. Terminal Command. Arctic at .,upply ships prot·r~d to t11r t.·ummand of J.H·att'nilnt Col· il<'llc Jslc \orthwr<'llt ·~· .John's, ;<;cwfounctland. the Landing Sl1ip !loek whkh I;· tilr llirt'l'IOr or \dmmislra­ ('apr Rnulrl: J)pn,r (11~. :\liss Doris :\1. was House Of Assembly ', DPerelamieedr' s lnleMttea:.l :\ln~s Cnlon,•l Pons is the last US hrin~s the lcS ,\rm;· tt•rminal tion ol tht' or~:wization. un· FlwxN' !-land: ::\o ire. \·,,, tr·oops and Iandin;.! l'l'nft to load!'d till' !'i11• millronth iLill) onr rntlc. Y awarded thr Governor-lien· Army ('omm.1nder in a lin•· Joh:1 R. O'Dea-I gi\'C nntiC"e ·lhr Gowrnment from Andrews· eral's :.Jtodnl fol' the student of Arm.1· rommandrrs ·h the 'itc•. The l.Sll is a n•ssPI nwa~un•lJWilt lllf1 of cargo lor l'ap,• St Franc:,. \l'inrl l:!h~ th;lt I wdl nn tomorrow a>k the Labrndor Fisheries Ltd.. In! graduating highest from the 'tretchcs bat'k to tlw arril'al whieh l'an transport thr '!nail· thr !1l.rtlwrn .... \tr ...:. t':l-tcrl:;. rlcn-c to~. unabir a.'· Hnnourahle. th~ ~linis:er of I'Diuntnr~· liquidation, in respect i The Secretary of the Xcw- Cnil'crsity. ~!iss :\lo" rc· of the first contingent or t•r <·argo di-.,<·hnl':.::!P \'P..:"-pl~ in On till' fli'(',1-.lon of t·lo ... :n:.: ('<.'l'tain !cr c·ortriltiow~. Educal!on. or other ~pprnpriate to print'ipal and interest. I foundland Go\'crnment Em· t·ei1·ed her Baehelor of s,·ienre its fonrlt•d Wl'li dt•t·b. Till' !Ill' la-1 Ui ,\nr,· commanri .\nwritan forePs at St. .Tnhn·~ T·.ri!lin~atl': \\'inti SL 1: .. i :\lmi,tt•r. to Ia) on the tahle of Albert E. Furey - I gii'P lp!oyees Association informrtl' tllonors) along with pre-mecli· l~nHling erafl nre fltJ:lt('d out hP:ldqu:-~rlt·r~. ("nloncl Poll" harbour on .January 30. 19~1. :nitty :.!o m;lr~. ~:o it·(• the llou;e thP follmrin~ infor- notice that I will on tomorrow 1the DAILY NEWS last night eat diploma at Saturday's Con· of lhe mollwr it~·. ~!iss :\loss is the daugh- at Pl'Jllli'ITeli has brc·n a the shallow watrr to tlw lwat"h· lor (hp fri<'IHblllp and ~"od b"l :..:. nnC' to ... c-.·ru nllk .. \\I' ~o1·enun~ the OJH'ralinn of Ia hie of the Housp the follow· 1wood in reply to the F.xe- · H•r of the !lei'. and :\Irs. ,John pionN•ring organization whi<·h ('S. In ~Oilll' l':l:'.~=' tlw ~!:lilt rs will whil'h h.11 <' al\1'.1)'' ht·c·Jl n: c.~p<'. li1:·rr l(':"'h;1 :':!"" Tracie or Terhnie;!l ;chools in ing information: 'cutive's request for a meeting :\loss of Gander.-(Ho)·all'hoto has de\·~loprrl and pcrft•vt~·:l .\rmy T:·an:-:pm·1atiun ('orp .... l'Xll'lltlrd to l'S .\rill,\ JH'[',b in~ :~m:>hihiall, thr Jl_\lll' filar~<'. nrl ~Prrin.~ in tiH' ill'ra...... ' ~. Is it nrl'r'""'l for a per- tagc Hospitals in the Province ! of salary increases for cil·it'-... -- · the militarv ha~e~ throughout ~ .... ' son or ~roup of pcr;ons to conductrd hr. a professional'scrvants. l p . Bl i the l'ast A'retic and suharrtk appl)' to thr Tlrp:orlmrnt of man within the past several' Unfortunately, the letter, al· 0 Ice otter :areas jointly defended by the Edursion tn yr? though correctly addressed, was I 1 : Canadian and American mill· . . ·.:. ; -:.j oper:lle a Tr:ode or Technical 2. If sn. what was the date delayed in the mail ancl did not· tarv forces . "-,~ . of sa ill ins pel'! ion and was a reach the Secretary _until after rwentv-two---;;:-;: e s were Team in;: with the t:S :11ili· !dwn~:· 1 I 1 ~ .-\.~1. llult;·---1 ~il'r no(ire report !herron made to the_De· 1the emergrnev mrchng of the. b. 't I' th tar,~· Sra Tra11 ,portation s~r-, '. - 1 01 ." - •·. ·; th~t I will on tomor;·ow ask lhr rartment of Health or any of· I Executive on Thursday ercning 'j malk~ Y Tci_Y po Jcc. ·cr_ tc \'ire thr PS -\rmv Tra 11 , ,01 .. H'''lOllr'th]n Ill" •t·,,·l,tl'l' or I' ., I th f" ' t wee enc.1 \\0 men "ere aJrCS.' . " . ' ' . 1 . \~ ~ . . • • . • •' I ' It' a ereo . i pas . ·I f l f r r I I.: tatinn Terminal Command . F mance. to ta!lll' thr follo\\'ln~' 3. If so. table a copy or the i' The contents or the Premier's! [ [ dnr tt le I, orne ro~l'[ I SOrt< er ~ i Arrtl'c h"s h""n rn•pon

wh1rh stor1>rrl fnr a rrrl lir.ht >ent to ms~Ihtte a prosecution 1 of the membership nn M.a)' Cai'I!n rlischargr history. The a: the tor nf Kin~\ 11naCtl. 1f an~· were refused, gil'e I clal~. about mo.~se brows1~g i A wildlife officer was sent: police and chargrd with the of· A ~L~·)C .. I·nld .• 11!. 1e"drnt of the reason or reasons why con-~ hca\Jly on a Jal~e perccntaoe Ol'er t Sh t••t t t fcnsc 'I IJ 11 o 1 •I .. . ·t. ·k · '· '· f f t d t' th . o , ea ., o1 vn o se UJI · . . c ouc;~ "rec . "·" 'I lit sent was refused? o ores repro uc ton on e I the Ira inll ro ra l. . ' by a car tlll )la~!'e S!I'et•l 'hort· land covered by the two com·, al t ~~~ P g • m, ~nc ! h alter 1ry nnon s·,tunlw The 4 ''If on'· •uch applications panics ·: >ou ~txteen foxes 'Were · · • · • • · · . · · · . · : raught lt is expected that this · $20 ch1l at for larerations to ·her fare ancl: concen1ed and state why no I ment wilt be made soon as to : The Department announces Iars ($20) or fourteen dan In the framctl front pa~e of the St. Jolm's Daily :\cws ol January JO, 19H was detaincrl at that institution 1 action was taken by the ~finis· I what areas will be open Jn : that all polson stations and ! jail for failure to renew un­ when the fir.1t li.S. Army commander landed. !0r X·rays. I ter on these applications. September. I traps have been picked up. I employment insurance books. ~------~~----

LET'S GO FISHING THE 24th - BUT FIRST TO BON MARC-HE FOR YOUR COMFORT ABLE WEARABLES . . . MEN'S PLAID SHIRTS MEN'S JEANS 'N' PANTS ... HEAVY WOOL SOCKS .. :· ·;· _ _.:·· ·' ' . .. . ~ . ..,. PLASTIC 'N' RUBBER COATS -~-- .:.. . . . ,, ,:, .::', .. ~


Memorial Unil'cr~ity studct.lls of the 1960 Graduation Class enter St. Palrkk's Hall Auditoriu111 uu Salurda)' alternoun for the Com ncalion of the University,

• • DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 .. .. 1'HE DAILY NEW~ By Washi~gton News tlewloundland's Only Morning f!a,.r IN THE NEWS Wa~arer To The Editor The DAll.Y NEWS Is a mOI'Idn! NotebQok THE MARRIED WOMAN WORKER established in 1894, and pub· THI PROVINCIAL BURDEN dlstributini cenLJ!e with l'ery little in TAKES MORE THAN A STAMP TO Editcr Daily News, at the News Building SM-3j\l the way of productil'c industry, it is REACH 'CONSTITUENT' l)uckworth Street, St. Jobn'l, New· When the cost of ·government In doubtful if tax~tion can go higher. In Dear Sir,-:\ow thai the Premier is iOundland, by Rubli!Jcm lit Company Newfoundland is compared with that the meanwhile, the Council has heavy By JERRY BENNETT trying to l'e-organlze the different Limit Pd. of the Maritime Provinces, consider· capital obligations which must be met WASHI,iWTO:-i. (:'\EA l-A letter rc­ got·ernment departments may I sug­ MEMBER OF ation is rarely given to the very im· as money becomes easier to borrow. tumed to Sen. Karl ~Iundt !R·S.D.I gest. in l'iew of the serious unemi>loy­ portant fact that this is the only Were it to assume burdens of a kind had this notation on the rm·elopc: m~nt situation, that he disperse with mE CANADIA~ PRESS province in which all public sen·ices cArried by county and town councils "Deceased -· Left ;'>;o Forwarding ·the 'services of all married women The Canadiail Prell " exclusive!) are wholly maintained at provincial on the mainland, cit) services would .\ddress." whose husbnnd~ are gainfully emplay­ ~ntltled to the ·use for republication cost. i\Iajor contributions ai'C made by be seriously impaired. In fa<·t. there ert Strolling Down the tOITiclor of a guv 01! all news despatches in this papei local governmPnt in the :>.larltimcs to is no way, so far as we can sec. by ernment building, Rep. .Jim. \\'ri~ht The same should apply at City llall crcdiied to it or to the Associated health, educational, welfare, police which the financial commitments of where s~1·er;ll ma;Ticd women. whase t?ress or Reuters and also the local the prol'lncial government to the muni­ W-Tcx.l did a fast double-take when and other services. :-let municipal hushando arc not taxpa, crs, arc em oP.ws published therein. revenue in :\ew Brunswick is of the cipalities can be reduced and certain­ he sa wa s1gn on a dcor which read: YEARLY SUBSClUPTION RATJ;l! "4156 General Sen·ices ployed. ' order of $30 mlllion and in :\ova ly no way in which the prol'incial re­ A11 Pres' • trvira and fcatur3 articles Administration Canada ...... per IUlDlUn Scotia it must be about $35 million. sponsibility for education, welfa1'c, 1 notice thai 'lrmol'ial >tudcnts are $12.00 in this paper are copvr:ghted and their Region 3. Public Buildings On a pro rate basis. :">;cwfoundlanll health and other sel'\·ices can be re­ p~tting on a dl'i\'c for summer work, United Kingdom L'eprod~ction Is prt~hibittd.. Service might be' expected to produce about duced through sharing of their rust~ and 1 hGpc that 'tudrnts lrum ou1 and all forei~n Butldma' \lanagement Di\ J'ion rountJies 814.00 per ann11m 520 mllhon but has actuallr a net with local go\·ernment areas. C'it,l' hi~h school~ will not bp for;:utt~n Membel Audit Buren L'lilit;· Room. Cu~tudial" revenue of barely 1 quarter o( that Sir. 1 am sorry to wrred. 1 This has been sometimes a sore that \ewfoundland must hal'c sprcial t•mplcyment will soon he: ":\o Townies \IO~DAY. \lA"it 16, 1960 "Broom cin"ct.'' • )'loint with other pro1·inccs 11 ho feel oon~ideration in any adjustment of \ ced Apply.'' that :\cwfoundland, before qualifying federal-pro1·incial riscal agreement~. Fun of the Wetk popped out at ~ Yours, for additional assistance, should meet In this respect, Term 29 cannot he dinner tossed by the Cooperali\'c Fond FAIR PLAY. The Nature Of Federal Grants more of her costs of public services omitted from the pictUL'e. Its clear im­ Distributors of America when the out of municipal rel'enue. But they plication was that l\ew foundland winner or a ne\1' automobile was an­ Dming thr rt•(·eut dl'hatt• ill the \\'c recei\'e, in addition, our want the impossible. In respect of would be entitled to ~pecial assistance nounced. Jle turned (JUt to be Gordon House of Commons on .-\tlautic af- share of the Atlantic grant­ taxable capacity, :">;ewfoundland is to continue her pubic scrrices at an Rissler. mayor of Greeley, C'olo. Sit­ THE BIG OPPORTUNITY fairs, much was said about thr - Si,500·000-and the Term 29 award already prol'iding as much as can he agreed level and standard into the ting next to him was Colorado Repuh· expected by any rcasonnbl~ standard. indefinite future. But the :llc:'oiair Jican Sen. Go)'don Allot!. By BRuCE B!OSSAT incrrasing gcnrrositv of bll·ral of $8,000,000 less what' ma\' re­ E1cn if local /(Ovet·nment had had Commission failed to spell out its a When Rissler was al'ked if he altri· TIH:ore can be no misunderstandin& !,!rauts to ihr :\tlat\tic . pnn·inei'S main of the original 'transitional longer his\ory and peopl~ were accus· recommendations and it is doubtful hulerl his ~nod fortune to anytlun~ that the achicl'emenl of real demoera tomed to paying tor local sen·i~es if the term itself is full~· understood and particular!~ to :\e\\·hmlllllaml. grants. What is not ~enerally 'pecial. he rracked: c;- will be automatic in South Korea such as education, the amount they in Ottawa. In any e1·ent. the whole These are not ahm,·s fulh· umler- realized is that th~ transitional ''Luc·k. 1 had Allott at my table.' 11 ith \he retiremPnt of Syngman Rhee question of Term 29 might be solYed stood. ).(rant. which was $6,500·000 each could produce would be small. In nnd the death of his vice president, fact, it is the case with every muui­ if there \\ere to be acceptam•e a~ a One of the most inte1·rs11ng things Lee Ki Poong. Then· arr l\m kinds of grants. ~·car for the first three \'ears of cipality thdt it i~ haYing all it can matter of national policy of the clear about l'isiting King \lahcndra of enmlitional and tllll'onditional. union, after which it was· paid 011 do and c1·cn more than it ran do to obligation Ia proridc for CH'r~· Can­ \'epa! is his clothes. He wears a long ~'or many years IIller operated a5 C:onditio11al grants are related as a reducing scale, .amounts this year ntccl the cost ol strictly mt;nici)>al_ .adian citizen, wherel'er he may lil'r. tunic. jodhpurs !riding breeches) and a l'irtual dictator in perpetuating his an unbuttoned double-hrrasled coat. a rule to eost-sharing arran)!;r- to onlv $350,000. In other \\'01'(\s• needs. a minimum standard of public sc1·· pt,wcr. In this period. h~ permilted 1·ices and opportunity. The Howell· The tunic il' longel' than the coat and eorrup\ion to p<:l'l'~dr many parts of mrnts nr mav hr a\'ailahll' to a the Term 29 pavment does little What must first be borne in mind i.\ Sirois Commission l'et·ommend.ed eau~ed some \\'a~hingtonians to think Korean lite. He coerced and intimi· prm·ince in drt'umstan<"rs in whirh more than replace the b·atlSitional that this Pl'CI'ince has had a long his­ something of the sort but nothing lw~ that the k;nil had forgotten to tuek dated tho>c who tried to oppoRe him. a pnl\'ince is ahlr or willing to cam grant at the level at whieh it was tm·y and an abr.minably low gross e1 en been done In translate lhis into in l,is ,hii'ltail. Slowly the products of Rhee's mclh· national product. :lloreowr. it has poliey commitment. But the best elotbcl' <'ommenta:·;· or!< mu•t he wiped away. it will not them in conformit\' with a pre- )>aid from fiscal 1950 to 1952. l'amr fi'Om a tourist. Cpon noticing the scrihcd n•gnlation. Except, therefore, for what we little in the way uf industrial del'elop· be ea~y to ~liminate so deeply im· ment. Take the few industrial towns In the meanwhilP. hal'ing lo as~unw king\ jodhpur>. the touril't exclaimed: brdrlcd a system of corruption. Fedrral contrihutinns to frrl' grt as required under the Terms of out of the pictul'c and municipalities the whole burd~n ol public S('l'l'iers "Dig tho~e l'l'azy leotards." l'nlll new elections can be held, the hospital ~t'l'\ irPS, old age assist- C nion as these Were interpreted a1·~ today places of small population and 1'\'en the additional hurdrn of In 1ddition to bein;: supreme ruler hard task falls on acting president allt'r. \'Ocational training. the ll\' the ~lc~air Commission, Xew­ with major dependence on earnings financial sub~idies to help mo't loc·al .... ~ .,. of :\cpnl, K1ng :\[aheodra is al'<> re­ llul1 Chung. Thus fRr he shows sign~ . from, ~easonal primary production. ):OI'crnmenh pro\·ide municipal ~cr­ .....; Trati~-Canada llit:h"'a'·· · puhlie foundland does not recei\'e any­ Anrl e1·cn in thr town in whit·h !herE' l'ices. the prol'incial gol'ernment must garded ~s a god f,n example of the r.f appreciating the immensity of the n'lirf· shnn ckarauee and hospital thing that is not also available to awe in ll'hi~h he is hclrt took place job. ; .. ' .~ i~ lh~ grcatc~t l'Oill'en\l'ation of manu­ fare a growing demand for mainten­ ftt ft :\atwnal Prr~s Club huwheon ' . rnnstruction. for examplr. are all e\'ery :\faritime prm·ince and that, fat·tul'ing and distributing opcl'ation,, anee eosts and for the prori!;ion of ·. "~ ."' cluring the que>tion and an,wcr H:s­ I Je wa;ted no time in~talling an en· ' t•onditioual grants. Thr\' arc a\·ail- with the exception 'Of the Atlantic Corner Brook, iinam:ial problem, for indispensable c·apit~.l need•. That tire net\' t•ahinel. and mo5t obserl'~rs :' ~:·-; sion. - lora I needs hal'e bcccmc extt·cmcl; position Is no\ full~· apprcciatrd out­ ..• : • J ahlr to a11\ pnwincc 'that meets ~rant· is not also aYailablc prupor- \Wit' hi' rhoiec,. as good. He i~ an . . burdensome. tlon •• •'· 1 ~ cxpc1·ienced l'cteran in ~o1·ernment • thf' rcquirrd tnnditions. tionately to e\·cry othrr pro\'in<'e. he completely unclcr,tood within tn the kin~ and r<'ccldn~ h1s \\ nif.prr­ rd a1bwrr the :\epale•c tran,!ator an and has grneral respect for honeHy .· -~ · · . l d Xobod\' can dcnv that the At- In th<' case of St. .John'<, th~ per \ewfoundland. But it l'emams a tact and tour::J.g£1. . '. l' IIIC u c !antic have represented n~unrcd: .. ' ncomhtlm~a~ ~rants ~rants capita 111:·omc nf tile l'ity exceeds fift; of our life as a prol'inee. one that will ~- ''li!'re is how l [Is :\la.i~'l,l' ha~ rom­ .. ,.. ~tatuton· su~mdJes, tax rental pay- special recognition of the disahili­ dollars. !laving rexard for the tax1ble continue through the year;, nn matler Sinec elct·llOn< are to be held within ' .. mandNl me to answer the que,tion:· . .: .. ments·. and m .the case of the fot~r ties of the eastern pro,·inces. But capacil~· of the towr. which i~ prin· 11 hnl part.t· may be in power. That is three months. Huh Chung does not hal'c time to complete \he work of : ~ .~ ..... ~.·'' c!pally the sent of j!o1·ernment and a a fal'l we can 1withcr ai'Oid nor i~nore. Like . . .: :\tlat~ltc pro~·mces, the Atlantic in less than two vears, these ~rants many Repuhiieans rongressmen. ·.· .\ .. ,, Hcp. Bill Ayf':s of Ohio has an elep­ rebuilding. • ' ·._ .j :; Pro\'Jnces AdjustmeJ~t Grant~. T~e and the Term 29 award will dis­ hant paper-weight on his de,k. This The he~t thai can be hoped for il . ~ ·-:· o~h· payment t.hat IS exclusive o appear. In our case, this means . What Others Are Saying particular elepha~. hov. e1·cr. doesn't that within his nllottcd time he may :\ewfound~'lnd Js that made under that we shall lose $15,500,000 a have tusks. manage to es\ahlish l'Cildltions under the Term _9 Award. year. It may he doubted, however• AN OLD COMPLAINT discussed informally and in small They were broken off recently \1 hen which the elections may be properly C. C. Colton groups. This Is in line with the tra. tl1e statuette was accidentally drojlped The formulas under which the if the Atlantic ~rants will ever be conducted. Of the professions it may be said dition of the;,e conferences. rrinforred by Rep. John Dent fD-Pa.). tax rental paYments have been cancelled or reduced. What is far that soldiers are becoming too popu· in· this case by the paten\ fact that \\'hat bothers Arrcs most ahout the \rhat is nerded. in other words. is made l,a,·e produced an annual 1• .; certain is what we shall ~et lar. parsons too lazy, ph~·sicians too South :\friea's handling of its nnlil'e acl•ident is that Dent kept one of the to ha\ e the real atmosphere of de­ increase in these grants since· the out of our claims under the Terms mercenary, anq lawyers too powerful. policy is a domestic problem. In spite tusks and displaY• it at parties as mocracy rcl'tored in South Korea, to of this blunt talk is called for. l'reate conditions under which men first \'ear of union. In 1949-.50, of Union. It may be added that 1by •·the trophy I brought back from my KNOWING MOST There arc 01•er-riding reasons for last hunting I'Xpedition into Re;JUb· may feel they can. without fear of re­ :\ewfoundland received from stat- the time these matters must be de­ Thomas Jefferson this. If the Commonwealth is to coH­ !iran territory." pn-al. express thrir own n·ee choices tJton· s11hsidies and tax rentals cidet( the ordinarv annual incre­ The wise know too well their weak­ tinuc to ha\·e signifi('ance as a J>O· at the polls. Now you can tell the po!l\lc•' of ~ ahm-Jt $6.800,000. BY 1956-57, ment in the cost of continuing our nes~ to a~sume inl'allibilit~·: and he litical a,sociation of ~tat!'s-anrl wc \\'a,hmgton iw.-tc;• h)' her polholdrr'. To ael·ompli~h thi• i~ ntal for th~ kno11 s mosl. knows be>t how li1tlc he l>l'ofoundl~· ho:>c that it 11 ill-it cannot thesr had risen to S15·300.000 and present services will have added of ~als uh Channel l'Onnc~ting Brit 1in sub,tanrc and vitalit;· somNhin!( morr muni,t-eontrolled land. The be>' in· ~nd F1·ance would run in\o traffi( is rcquired.-some adhcrcnec to an roads we can make a~ainst :\orth Princess Margaret's Title \.roubles. In Britain dri\'ers stay on !he acceptable system of law. some gen­ Korea. as agaimt East Germany. will left of the road. on the Continent it is eral ethical ideal, some common pur­ be to demonstrate the value lo a hu· "'hile it is le~ally and literally Lady John Manners· and not Lady the ri(ht and neither is inclined to poses in the realm of international :Jtrength ~or ~odaq man indi\'idual of living in a free the case that Princess Margaret has Manners. change. affairs. country, By EARL L. I)()UGLAS added ~Irs. Armstrong-Jones to her All the dau~hters of dukes, mar­ The trouble with South .4.frica. under Though denied it for many years, name, it is a cumbersome designa­ quesses and earls bear the courtesy POLITICAL HAZARD i!s present leadership, is that almost South Korea now has that opportunity. tion which is little likely to be used. prefix of "lad{ before their names. Brantford Expositor all semblance to a common ideal and L.IFE IS GROWTH • • • Unless she renounces her title, Egyptian authorities say the;· have a common approach has vanished They would be called Lady Jane nipped in the bud a plot to assassin· "Lei it be known that when you are A NEW IDEA- which seems improbable, she will Smith but not Lady Smitli. And under the brutal impact of a ba!n of the rights per cent of vital uncompleted gaps to of these downtrodden people. a maximum, of 10 per cent of the mile­ and dukes all have a courtes~ title HARD, IHARP TilTH God 1h1ll judge the righteoua and the which allows them to prefix 'lord" VIRY 'LAIN TALK NIIDID IN If the whole theory of the free en­ wicktd.-Ecclesialttt 3:17, age in any given province. Quebec Ottawa Journal LONDON terprise system, as well u the whole argues that the' f~deral government before their. first and surnames. Wolves raided a aurvey camp 'In the The Montreal Star Western world's Ideas of the rights of • • • has no business in the highway field. Thus a/oimger son of the Duke of north and punctured tin• of meat The linaerly approach to the South the Individual, do not .insist that a What an awe-inspiring truth. Loom If the slates of the U.S. had taken a J\utlan might be known as Lord and squeezed out the content~, Any llv· African problem is being taken in the man shall be free not to work if he's ing high on the horizon is the j udg· Similar stand against Washington that inl creature eapat;le of· dea.llna with John Manners but not as Lord Commonwealth Prime Ministers• Con­ wl!llns to take the consequences. then ment seat of God. But there is "no countr; would be without the l'ast and a can without a can opener baa our ferenee In Lon.don. The Item is not to we have misread much of the meaning condemnation to them which are in magnifiCent network of national high­ Manners and his wife would be reapkt, If Bot our afftctioli. lit placed •• the 11enda. It is to be of our civilization. Chri&t Jesl1.'' ways it has today . • • • • DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960

' th~ guests of honour. n ' SEW ORGAS FOR CHURCH ~ A new electric Hammonrt or- ' (r""J 1 gan has been installed in the ~ r ' " -'- STEAMSHIP United Church here. The instal- _/ <... Grand Bank Notes lation was done by ~lr. Collis ___...,___ - MQ VE MEN JS ' who is the Newfoundland , rcp-1 resentatlve for these well known J TH::; .~FLD. GitEt\T L:\Kt:S

. ~RA~D BA:o\K - 1\'~nth~r .con· i troy a million trees." . . . 1 past wec_k with the lobsters 1 the wooden structure with ~ rock Iorf~~s.decis(on to purchase and i _ STEAMSIIIPS LTD. dthons hn1•e shown a dectded l There seems to be qu1te a b1t Icaughl bemg large. 1 wall causeway and the hnk to. install the new or"an was made: : :\1. V. Ardglen loading at ~!on l~pro1·emcnt In r_ecent day:o_with ?• construction :-vork in progress The dragger fleet continues.to Allans Island and is nls~ impor- b; Church official; wllen it was I , , treal :\lay 16th. for St. John's. 1 1 ru~ warm condttwus, Th1s ts m tins area th1s yenr. Se1•ernll do well and have been returnmgl tant to harbour faclllhes and 1 apparent that th old or"an had. S.S. ~lanchester Explorer more than appreriated b_v all and, new homes are being built, as j the past week to port with full prosecution at Lamallne. ; ~utllved its usefulnas ~,rter a; 'loading at Hamilton :llay 21st. Is being used to run advant~~~- , welt as two (\ew shops being con·: loads. Ali fil•e of the _local f!~et, · MOTliERS DAY j period of long ·and g~~ ~en·ice. · Toronto :llay 20th, ~lontrcal .~!though weather cond1t1ons structcd. Grandy Brothers have Ireturned with good trtps durmg 1 Sunday last was Mothers Day,! The new organ arrived recently ~lay 24th, for St. John's and .v~re cold and mis~mble through I two new 1·es.~els under construe· the past week and plant em- I the one and only day in the year and was installed in time to he· Botwood. ~larch and April, they were also. lion at their ship)·ards which I plo~·ees have been kept busy. The 1 when mothers the world 01•er are' used for. the first time on '.!others; ' S.S. Gowrie loading at Hamil· unusually dry, particularly during will he launched in early .July., Booth Fisheries Ltd., plant at' pubHcly acknowledged and pro- Dal' It is in~talted farther out. ton :llay 25th, Toronto :II a~ April. ronsequentl)· 1·er)' tittle Thr hi~gr~t pro.lert in town is ·Fortune. resumed operations lasti claimed. Usually, every day is in 'the bod\· of the Church than . 26th :llontreal ~lay 28th for St rain rPll and at lh• pt·esent time th~ et·c1 tilln or tire large new' week after a temporary suspen·1 mothers day but in a tar different, the old organ lhe latter being re· .Jolin'.< and Botwood the ground. i~ •musuall.v dr~·. High School whi~h i~ expected· sion and l~ n_ow taking the in·, sP.nse of appllcati?n. . • 1 tained 10 be ;ls•d in case of em-' ' ~I.V. Perth loading at Hamil· ~onds and n~·ers al~o ha1·e IWY to ?~ t•ompletrd 111 tate {lutumn. shore producllon as well as a1 :\!others ha_1·e _smce cr~ahon ergency b\' mnnua) power should ton .June 1st, Tomnto June z~rt. little watc_r m them. As a re· 11. 1s also f.'Xn~clcd that. a tender th'n~:gcr a week. Se~·cral of the Ibeen the .d~mmatmg factor m hu·: electric power !Ail. An imnort- \lontreal June 4th, for !)l suit of thts early ill')' sp~ll the w1JI he let tins vrnr for a new trnps have been put m the ll'nter man achvtt)'. To mothers we. l~nt feature of tl!c new or~an . 'John'.- and Botwood. 1 5 wll?d.• ha.s h{>come Iinde~· lirv and frd~ht shed m~d it's also. hoped in the Lawn and Lord's Co1·e look for. the assurance of the.. that ~nlnlifiers arr attached t~ CLARKE STEAMSHIP co 1 I ~ertous hre hnzarrls ex1st. Last that lhp pl'otlll~rd t>xtt•ns1on to area but usually the trap fisl1- 1 cont!nunhon of manldnd. Th~)'l it ~I'd ioralerl in a1·c :\lay 18. i~ter or ~lines and Resou:·re' t"on,tmrtion Co., Ltd .. will he re-' The Federal Department of I demands. mould our characters' and .. distrihuted all o\·er the 1 High liner leave ~lontrca; wa~ obli~ed to _is'tl? a nuhllc onirin~ rlmnagc~ 1ione to ~he nPwi Public W{)rks .is to undertake Iand provide inspir?~ion and com-· bllildin~. Very complimentan: "Hnrry up, the Kinsmen Karnh-al opens on ~lay 17, and I May 18. arrive st. John's .:llaJ warntn~ on t11e. S1tuat10n. Of th~ hrr~l;walrr nnrl comolctm~ the. shortly an extensiOn and impro;·e·, fort 1~ our adl·erst.hes and rna''~. r•rn~rks .havP been heard from want to he sure to get there on time." 23, Jca1·e St. John's :\lay 25. many rires whtch were. reoort~d' ~l'OJPrl. ln. nearlll' Fortunr there 1 ment to the public wharf at. Pomt · sacrifices fo1· our mterests ..~lo

thr~e w~re on the Rurm Penm- ts "lso a fmr mnmmt of new con-' anx Gaul which will make 11 pos· men acknowledge thRt It 1s to 1 ~n~ rich tone or the orl(an which ~lay 25, arrive St. John's :llaJ ~ula, with two of them nea1· homr strurtion underwa~·. which should 1 sibie to use the wharf for. trucks their moth~r< trainin~ anrt influ. ·will \Je of great 1. 8 ju~ in Church· performance with each person fit- Elobe BuHett was an excellent 30. lca1·e .June 1 at Garnish and llat'I'Slown. Wr )wovidr cmnloym~nt for practic· ito takr fish from the fishermens' encc that they owe their sue- ser"i"~s ' 1 t!ng their character imperson~- maid and acted the part freely.. •Gulfport leav~ !\lontrcal feel again dut~· hound to m·~c all alii· ali who arc en~n~ed in the' boats fresh for trn~soort•llon to cess~s and moral •ides II h% Th; · r·w 01•2,n co

t!on with fires when out in the . Th\ in~horc ris)lrr)'. Is now ~:et !g1·ent Improvement and advant· hand that ;,ock~ the cradle rules 1 r' t~o rhurch ho< tmdert•ken lo; tinction. whtlst. GeoTJile Patt;n: a tmlor-t_nade secr~tary._ Behind Hil!hliner leave Montreal countn· to pt·e~~n·e om· C.od-giv· 1•~<:: tnto full swmg m. ou_r a~~~~- i age to th~ fishermen concerned. t~e world, althou2h th~re ~re nletl~e It~ •""l·icr• to r~i~e tb• g~ve her leadmg part opp~s1te' the footlights :I! anon T1hbo and ,June 8, arrive St. John's June en natural henta~e. \\'r know Thrre are rxrrll~nt mdl'nhons; Another Public Works wharf pro- limes when a mothP.r's ~d\'lce "1~"~" 1, tlofra,· the ~not whirh htm the proper touch, Buff Ttbho, Lloyd 'larshall ~a1·e 1·a!uable and. 13 leave Tune 15 that nobodv who en.io.1·s th~ h~au. 1 that n good liuccess h;· the SIIIPPING CO natural rrori~ions throu~h th,ir: i~ Fortuna 11nv has been \)('Iter I The Department of Hi~hwav~ '1 Churche<, ser•·ice< wor~ held Thursday el'enin!(. ~lay 5th. A, carefree and misunderstood son, lar~e audience who saw it. It •Ferg' 1 : Ch 1 t t ·~rrle<~ ~rlinl'< with "'''c~rs or· th.•n fo1· ~~~·r·a! 1·nar.< at thls 1 is undcrtnkin~ the repair of the esperi~llv for :l!olhPrs Dav ~nd lar~e and appreclatil·e audience. persued by an ardent admir~r. was held under I he .ioint •ld voted by ali to ha1·e been a Templeman, In the grandfatlwr .\ssociations of Grand Bank and · ~~ · stth~g ~ \. t· ~::an "~ trre can make a n1illion' rommrnred poorlv ·hut has lm·' nncl which has fallen into dlsre·: social ~v~nf< in honour of mnth~r Sl"~shing success. · role Russell Thornhill looked. and Fortune. , :tow ergus. eavmg C ar ottl!t; matches but ont match c-an de~· I prmll t•on>ic~r~h~~-durin~_. the I ~~ir:~~ !ntende~ to replace' a~. whic~ thr ll'othp~~ !~a_::_~:"~ T!le_c_~::r_ ~1_1 !.':'·:_ ~n cxellrnt acted. the_ pa~. . to _per~e_:~ion. th~h~r;~~~l ft::~~ee~~ r~;:.~ze~i"~~ I ~la:·2 ~~~~ s~~:r~~~ d~lea~~~3;~~n I 11 presentation amounted to s~r.:too.! •Fergus leavin~ Charlottetr­ Thi~ mone,· will he Urgu~ !rave Charioii~- On hhL•alf of all '·' ho t•nio1· l0\1'11, I'.E.l. une 3. iea1·e Pic­ theatrical per·formance, we offe.r lou. X.S., arrive !'t. John·~ Six an rnn~ratulations 6, New Dodge acts like Eight to ··('01·eralt," June leave same day. nnd it.< raslr. 1\"e tt·uill· from 'lontreal, due St. John's - : -;~··( . r 'lr. Foster Thornhill is ~~ pre- :lla)· I ith . ..

1 'lr. Boh Stoodtr,- was at St.: St ..John's ::.ray 30th. 'John's nn bu~incs.< Ia'! week. · ! :\T.V. Woodcock sailing from ~lr. ~lax Follett i, l'i•itin~ re-! :llontrcnl ,Junr 2nr. rlue St. latil·cs and rricn•l• here nftcr he- 1 John'~ ,June 6th. , in!! awn)' from home for twenty: ".S. Bedford 11 ~ailing from ' year~. llnlifax .June 3rd. :iun St. ' llr. and \Ir:>· llitrold Kin~ of; John's .June ~th . . rar!Jonear ''"lied ~!r. and ~!·s. ' · Refrineralwn 1William B. Hardin~ o1W the: FURNESS, WITHY & co., we•k end. Fort A•·alon due St ..John's I! is many friends arc ~lad. to ::.lay 30. Leaving for Halifax learn that ~lr. Geor_::!e llanlm.~ and Boston :\lay 31. Due Hali· h~< ;cco1·ered from I•~> recent OP·; fax .June 2 and Boston June 6. crat1on hut rc~rrl to l<'arn_ that· :\cwfoundlana due St. John's he .ha.s to a~am enter the S3n3· .\la,l' 2o. Leaving for Halifax tormm.. . . . and flo

1 June 3. Leaving for Halifax ! LO:O.'D0:-1 1Reuters' - 1M urns · and Boston June 4, due Halifax 'from local go1·ernment elections IJune 6 and Boston June 9. Thursday produced a hea1·y set· Lea~lng Boston June 10 an,d back for the Labor party as it Halifax June 14. due St. Johns lost 453 seats -and surrendered I .June 16. Sailing again !a me control of 16 municipalities in j day for Liveroool. i elections tor councils in 400 towns 1 :-;"ewfoundland due St. i and borough~ across England and· ,John's June 21. Leavinl for

· \\'ales. The ronscnatim< re· 1 Halifax and Boston June 22, · gnined 178 seats thev lost in 1 due Halifax June 24 and Bo~­ local _go1 crnment elections three' ton June 2i. Lea1·ing Bo5ton year.< a~o. ancl made man)' ad· June 28 and Halifax July 2, rancrs. due St. ,John's July 4. Sailln" again samedttay for Liverponl. Xo1·a ScoTia due St. John's · July 5. Leaving for Halifax BARBS ' and Boston ,Tuly 6, due Hall· I fax July 8 and Boston July 11. ~-- ·· : Leaving Boston July 12 and Phoenix 4-Door Hardt!lp •• , Ry H.-\1. COCIIR.\:-i I Halifax July 16. due St. John's It's all right to tra~·ei around ! FUR~ESS RED CROSS LINF: 1 in circles 1f they're made up of : s.s. Gucrmev arri l'in~ St. A Quality Product of Chrysler Corporation Engineerinl the right kind of friends. · Jchn's ~laY 15th, leaving :\lay • • • 18th for :\rgentia, Corner I Spring fever is what makes Brook, Halifax and New Ynrk. :breakfast the only thing you Lea1•ing :Sew York :\lay 31!t, 1 get up for in the morning. Saint .John, !II.B., June 3rd. 1 • • • Halifax, June 6th, arriving St. Acclaimed by people who know ••• by Canadians from Front room curtains are made IJohn's. une 9th, sailinl June coast-to-coast: the Dodge Economy Slant "Six", a bril· to pull hack so you can peek 11th, for Corner Brook, Hali­ liant achievement of Chrysler Corporation Engineering. -...,_,....,.,.,..._ __,.., · fax and Xew Lark. i BOl\IBAY. India .API-A It's a new kind of high-spirited economy engine, designed : vessel carrying 1:10 pas~enger5 to take full,advantage of the latest advances in gasoline : across the Khrishna River in 1\ !...C.....:=~::=::=..J ! Andria state capsized Thurs. development. Thoroughly tested on all major brands of ~ dayq. Reports Friday said only gas, it confirmed early predictions ... V-8 spirit and pep out and ·see if it's a collector 12 survivors have been found. who rang the doorbell. with up to 50 extra miles on every tankful. Join the swing • • • SAILORS MISSING to Dodge Dart .•• action-test it today! It's circus time again, when I PORTS:I!Ol!TH, Eng, (Reu- little boys drag Dads out to te~s);-Two sallo:s wer~ feared .. watch them have a swell time. mtssmg here ~~lda~. mght fol· lowing a colhston 111 • Ports· aEB YOUR LOCAL DODOE·DB SOTO DEALER PROTEST FINE . mouth har):mur b~t:oveen . a MELBOURNE, Au 5 t r a 1i a 1 navy launch and a Brt~!Sh Rat!· Di\RT· CDI3t0~ tReutersl - Australian seamen) ways ferryboat . servmg t~e ------~-SEE YOUR LOCAL DODGE-DESOTO DEALER ------~~- angrily reatted to a fine on their I nearby Isle of Wtght. T~e &all· union Friday by clashing with po- ors were amo~l! an e~bmated lice and walking oft Austrelian 20 persons pttched mto the See ships in all major ports in the water from the launch follow· Lawrence· Welk The ROYAL .GARAGE Ltd. country. Most of the seamen plan ing the collision. The navy ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. to return to work Monday. In a launch and the ferry wr.re ner~ Wltk'on T.V. HAMILTON STREET I clash outside the court here, leaving Portsmouth harbour check )'OIIr lte•l llsllnJI where the union was fined £500 for Ryde, Isle of Wight. Grand Falls Motors Ltd. Mount Bernard Motors for contempt ol court, 250 sea· werevylaan dewntt men grappled with police. Two ------Limited or the sailors were arrested. The STATION ROAD court found the seamen's union Sherpas of the Himalayan re­ GRAND FALLS, NFLD. Corner Broqk, Newfoundland was concerned In a ban on work gions prize a raw pudding made in 1·arious Australian ports April of fresh sheep blood mixed will! ...... ,------ASK YOUR DEALER AIOUT THE CERTIFIED CAR CARE PLAN ------26, contrary to a court order . flour. .. • , ------....;..------~-----.;....------_;;....~ ______~v~A~I.!:_LY·~N~E'!!_WS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY,. MAY 16, 1960 JointiVietti·~g3 W.A.andW.M.S j Social-Pers._•nal -Column- .. EA \'!~(; FOR QUbBI:C Doctor Gc:·cld B. Pcc'rham, a ~!r, Cyril

~ocJation had a n·r~ ~ut~· .::. : ~~~ f.:'l!l't:ll Jloc.;riul: :nrs: tvy iCard !'art\' in th" Ltl!tedrr1: 1 Edl':rmll LJn,do!'. Eo! wood, i Parish Jlali Thur>d<~:· \lay l~''t. ('ondi'i'·n inPlrov('d: \h·: R:tlph, ·and t!w following \\ere the .\'rx:·n'er B'Y· dr,;n~ well: 1 prize \\'llllH'r• .,: P.~nllle Eerlid:.:1. Burin fecli11g !.ad) ·s pri1e lo:r 1\uction. f:nP; Le~·i~ \'c:·r:;e. Olrl BOI~a­

1 'tr~ If. IJ;Jnnc. \\'ho ;1! ... 0 wo.1 ,·enlure. rr~:m~ comfortab!~·: 'llll• door prize; r;cn: '> p:·itc for :\ormr111 Hunt. Hr Breton. do­ ~\nction, :\ir Youn·~: Lnwr.;t in~ \\'Cll: \\'a) nc o.mnnd, Leth­ Iprizr for Auction. \lr<. B At· bJ id '<'. P..fl., re·c:·:ing treat- 11-:n~~on: Lady'~ pt'lD' lor Bnd~l.'. mont. lc•c'tn~ lirw. ,\udrey 1 \Ir:-: ..r. Dodd: (;rnl's pr:z£l fnr \l'h<'ian. Grcen:,por.d. ha\·!ng . B1 id!!P. \!i il. B ).lor'.!.:tn: cJst rr';'u\ cd torla·.: B~hy Fin- · ~lw<·•<~l pnze \\'o:n h;> \lr.,. l'lw> 1:!11 ('oJqrr. St. \'e 'OI1il"3's, eon­ Conk dittnn thp .It !I h::\ inz tc•'<. fr~ltn~ fine. !.EFT Jl\' TC'.\ t'an1torium; \lr'. Frank Har- :'lr. r"·rl \lr'. P,:ox'rr l'•···k1Fd11 d11nan. Point Ro,rr. condition 1, ll'f' hy T ('.~\. on ~; :urda\ fp:· lht• sanw: )1rs ..\lJrc Dro:i_::(',

1 Jl:di!ax wlw:·e til'''' \\ill attend l.ittlr Heart's E1'r. fedin;: the ~radu .. titnl of 1/w:r '~'ll .. fmr • British Raincoat In Loved Classic Styles

-~...... ·.· ~-· -~~-::..~ ' ..... o~P:t...... • -c·----- . Sweet And ! ' : . ~ ; ... ~ . : . . . :~ . . . ' t Saucy ·. . ... FRi;, (i·;D PATTERN

' ., ' .- " .

. . ... : ... . ~ ., ~ , ...... t;. : ... ~. ':~.: \ .. -~

Herr arc the hnmlsnme nnd classic Brili;h raincoats. Joyed al\(l worn on hoth sides nf the ncl'::n. pb'll'l'!r:tphl'd in Lon­ don In :\ nton,· .\nnstrou~ ·Jones. l~oi h coal> h:l\ c hern ~h l'll 'the spc~·ial .\quasL'lllUill trcnl•m·nt to n:,1kc them con:plrt<-ly walcr-rcpcllent throu\:h man' dcnnm~'·

I . I . ' ~ '"\ ou ~ll'l? lfll'lll:.": mr :\~ a . mtJtt:r of I ac-t j'· c llefn tr)·in;: for tile le't ilalf 1·:•·, · :o ft~ure Between nr'·' h111 1 ti'il'k '"'' ·u·c making oul ho\\ to ,:!rt tn~ "'' " "1 know 11' o;; J~onr' nf mr h~l:;i. a h1::! mi~t ~1kc-- ·· Us The honest retort ltkrly would he: "\'n it isn't a"'· of \·our husin­ Women r" m~d if 1 hnY? l.::~o~\· w~n· \'on tiwu!"!"lt you Present-For You and wou'~> nice lo find someone t'"ll.11lv dwwn t 11 e ':!''.-..::;~ who " ~· ·' ' II Lack of employer-employe har· )' 1, rbutinc. sit erect on !loor with muc!t of ~·nlll' time 11 lwn 1 know deception arc strong possibilities. the >hamnoo l_vpe for you. The l:gs !'traig!Jt on: and to~ethcr. b·i,''. ·· woman \\llh dt'\' hair needs :m ll)· >l'ding heel b:~ekwr•:·rJ a­ ~·n·,·t ~ . ''Th':'ll \•ll\' dn i~ ~·· \\'l1U1rl b~ oli1 t' oil ,Jwn.lpoo. SJ·e allidm~ heel dol1n· time, the number of words in mar'.:.-. hut C1r c_r:t('iouc; ~n ... wcr that will dispense mixed drinks hru,hPd into her hair after till' waHI, .::]dp ralt tl::ain"t floor. the English language has in­ .-llternatin~ lr;; •. t'el"-'~t ~o tin;c•< ern l'illiy 1>. "It's no trOl.hle ~~ creased from about !40 ooo 10 may soon be on the scene. The :-hampoo. \'.'ork ha:-~1. but don't hnti>e lite between· 700,000 and 800,000. ·matter of licensing hours wiU "You don't mind if I kibitz. do by fle.;h. ; Most new words came from be solved a time lock that \'PI 1 '.''' · ~daptation of clemcng already can be adjusted to operate only jfo>l hrid~e pla)WS tr)·ing to ' tn the language. during legal selling time. Ancl sprakin~ of exercise<, re­ member thnt stiffness shows ex· make a ronlr.'l'\, donhlrd and erici.ilrll while 'lone< •lh one word:. · ~RI,ES (Born !Ytorch 21 lo April 19) L!8RA (Sept. 21 to Oct. 22) ln p;l!Tin~" ;md nPd~l~lcr.., for 1 \!'-'~ Jl have to "~rk ,hard, but r~sulta 1 f s..,me,nt tries to arouse curif>!iitr •lllllllll'l'. They'rp becoming to "lf ··n1• 11 '"" liD4: t1e. lla~rrJ •·ee-k .abead. -~~ I VIRGO '.Aoq. 22 to Sept. 22) PISCES (Fob, 20 to Mmh 201 · • Pl'l•ltut in fina:~d.al rn

Boyer Deplores Violence In Films But Amour ... Ah! HOLLYWOOD - (NEAl - tried to confine myself to thee Charles Boyer dismissed Holly· frame. wood's new zippy approach to "So many others leave thee filming amour with a typical frame and to me it is like going Speedy French sflrug-the lert shoul· berserk over the footllghll and der following the right sht • :dcr into thee orchestra pit. your prize showpiece in your fR b)' two seconds, followed by "As a drama student In Paree, Casserole From trophy room happens to be a set I hands, palms·up, exactly three I remember my teacher watcb· of old dinosaur bones, you can I Someone has to be last to leave; Bl~;k a~d nav.y blue .may he aeconds later. ing a pupil In a scene In which leftover Roast preserve them by ·applying a: the party, :.lake sure you're not; the safe , fashton. choK't's hnt "•:eb the bum, bum, bum, he had to strangle anotner boy. thin coal or !hellac-Good for always that person. 1 unless they re bcauiJfully cut and bum all thee time that should The boy was choking because Next time you have a roost of tennis rackets, too. : styled, they can look drah. hee stopped," said screen's! the boy was actually choking beef, pork or veal, why not re· Though the bride writes the; l(reat French lovalr who has him. serve the last of it for this speedy That club soda you may think: thank-you notes, a few lines from [ The shoes _or handbag that ~~~ held 'em all, Harlow to Bardot I "Thee teacher then came on casserole? In it, mushrooms, to be good only for a highball) the groom, too, would be greatly • wtth ei'C!1'thmg rio not extsl. ~~~ from Hollywood to the Seine, thee stage and said, 'You cag celery and onions are mixed with has h i d den powers. w he n. appreciated by close friends. ! when you buy a dre~s or suit. the cubed; cooked meat and sponged In, it takes stains out of' . be sure you ha\'e the ri~hl 'll'ilh time out at the Casbah, appear to be choking a man yet tomato soup is used for added rugs, leaving no ring. :- 11rmcd than to sene 1l '' ~­ n au o 1ograp ) now a nu . . m some form lor dessert A ·. ;.-· -..' tantalizing 50 million American I s1gn-elrgant sethng 1or 11 OW·' · t · k r k · · lh women and all o[ Hollywood's Iers, fruits. Pattem 7047: crochet I umq:te . n~ 0~ ~ept~~ d , e 50 great glamour dolls with his dire~tions 17 x 34-inch doily, 17j crusi cr,Jsp IRshembp ob)'1!L ltnt' o apl: s · x 25 and t:; x 23 in No 30 rec pe or II ar a tce 1e. ~.omanti~ charm? Tiled. per.~a)l5 / Send T.IIIRTY-Fl\'E 'cENTS I Fine dry bread crumbs are The \\omen m ~ly Ltfe, or ~ 1. • l f tht's pattern I sprinkled o1·er the unbaked "B · M t G' I "• 1 tn coms or I t h 11 b f · · OJ·er • ee s tr s . 1 t t be accepted> to I pas ry s e e ore the ltllmg Is He has been offered, and S~am~~~~~;o DAILY NEWS arlded. Seedless raisins mixed turne~ down. a smal! fortune for l 110;tsehohl. Arts Dept. 50 FRONT 1· with the rhubarb lend a . fresh, am·thmg on the sub]ect. ! ST WEST TORONTO ONT , new note to the flavor, wh1le the Note how an ordinary mattress "hammocks" under your weight, because its springs are wired together, sag together, · "~ut," he &a)'s, "cet is a 1 Prl;tt plain!;· :O.A:\IE, ADDRESS: i eggs give the filling added rlch­ sub]ect not for me. I am talk-~ PATTERS NUMBER . 1 ness. For those who prefer ing ,to a publisher abo~tt a book .JUST 'our!· Our ' New 1960 ~ore sweetness thnn tang is their fer years d the best in healthful rest, insist on I wtll write, But cet ~·til not be • Alice Brooks !llccdlecraft Book! p1c, pass. the ~u~:ar around when thee usual t~·pe of aullo~raphy. contains THREE FREE Pat- dessert t~ bemg se1·ved. "It will bee more of a text· terns, Plus ideas galore for RIIUBARB LATTICE PIE Beauty rest. It's your best mattress buy. Here's why: book on acting-acting on thee home !urnishings, fashions, gifts, Yleld-6 aervlng! stage, for thee screen· and for toys bazaar sellers-exciting, Pie peste . TV. I rna~· hal'e an opinion unu~ual designs to crochet, knit, 2 tablespoons ftne dry bread ONLY BEAUTYREST worked weeth, but eel will it sew embroide huck weave, crumbs bee about their acting and qulli. Bp first· with the newest ~;> cups prepared .r~ubarb that'a all." j-send 25 cents now! ·~.cup seedless ratsms has separate, individually-pocketed coils that fit HIS METHOD of acting 1 ~ cups granulated sugar t '" tablespoons corn starch every body curve. No other mattress gives you b~ngs ~ s~rug from ~~yer, t~o. v4 teaspoon salt .. Eel 1s JUSt control, he sa1d. True smartness consists 2 eggs "An actor should ~ontrol his of adapting current fashion to 2 teaspoons water the buoyant firmness that supports the small of performances, keepmg them one's silhouette rather than in Prehead oven to 450 d weetilin a frame. I've always following trend.~ blindly. (vcrv hotl. e~:. F. your back. Comfort begins and backache ends Ltne a pie plate (8- 1h inches, lop Inside meesurel with rolled Then note how Beautyrest's 837 aeparate 1prings give perfect eupport to tvery out pie paste: trim edge of body curve. Firmness with comfort. with Beautyrest I paste % Inch beyond pie plate AC&OIII 2 Persia rim and tuck edge u n d e r. Utl,ln- S1rinkle bread crumbs In bottom . 1 Parmer Dame 4 Melodious of shell. Wash, trim and cut CHECK THESE QUA[ITY FEATURES and compare Beautyresf with any other maHress: ot Thailand 5 Stir sufficient rhubarb into 'h·lnch • I Nelehbor s Whipped I Product o! pieces to yceld the required 3·'h ~ 837 coil springs, each individually pocketed and ~ Long-lasting fine damask cover 'l'llalland 1 Prep01iUon cups: mix in raisins. Combine 8 Tries II Gaelic . 9 Railroad tuldc sugar, corn starch and salt; "power-packed" under compression for buoyant firmness ~ Precision tufting lllland hW 10 B i sprinkle over fruit and mix llght­ lf !'Gllower 11 Se~n~ passa(e ly, Add all but about 2 tea­ l Cr\Jsh-proof, inner-:roll pre-built border ~ Deep white felt upholstering JS Waler cnft II Sounds loudly 28 Flying objects 46 Intend spoons of the slightly-beaten 11 Encoun\l'red 20 Forbidden 30 Far East coin 47 Jason's ship eggs and toss lightly with a Cork. . 18 Slow animal 22 Outmoded 31 Goes astray 48 On water Turn Into prepared pie shell. ALL THIS FOR $99.50. MATCHING BOX SPRING ALSO $99.50 18 Walkl feebly 24 Money ·ot 33 Feet ~0 Within Dampen rim of shell. Top fruit lll Alln ar May Thailand 3~ Most painful (prenx) 23 PWdMd 25 Periods of 40 God of tire 51 High card1 with a lattice of pastry; seal 2' SleepJnt plaee Ume 43 Oak product 52 Stringed and trim lattice ends: , crimp You owe it to yourself- and your family- to buy Beautyrest ••• for value •.• for comfort, •• for health. border. Mix the 2 teaspoons 27- and llle 20 Determined 4~ Hide away Instrument Made only by SIMMONS LIMITED "the greatest name in sleep" : ~~~~~ (lei.) (coli.) 5~ Psyche partl brush pastry with the mixture. Bake pie in preheated oven to .. 2'1dlll I& J!llrometrlc minutes, then reduce oven heat maplllle to 375 deg. F.

... .~-;:~ ..,...... ;~>·1'. . . ~. ·;-.i :...... ~ -.~ ... • ~ ..J• - ;"" ~ -· ......

. . ,., . . ~ .• ,· ; ·. ·' \:. ._.,~ - :· ~~ ... ·..

. '

.. ;

"· .. : ~ .. '; . ':! .... ;~ ... ..

1!$~~~~- ·• mOat effective filter tip yet developed • choicest, e1tra mild Virginia tobaccos ' • rich flavour, uceptional smoothnees • firmly packed for longer-lasting smoking pleasure fiTidu .MAU.RIER .A Really Milder High Grade _V~rginia 'Cigarette with the EXCLUSIVE •'h{f!lpf.: SUPER FILTER NEW DODGE "6" SAVES ON ANY GAS tn·in" to make like Miss Honey 'B' in her sway pole" act at the Kinsmen Karnival.'' . (~EE PAGE 5)

I I •


DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 'fhree Pepperrelll ~'orm New (Continued from Page :ll Captain Dulaney arril'ed nt Kind Of Club Pepperrell Air Force Base in February 1956. His entire study ! VA:-!COUVER l.ist and his .ccluca· ! in1·cslors' clubs with lR melT lional al'hiel't'mt•nt indit•ates : lx>r.• each. Husbands 11'ho one thr hi~ht•>l pos•lhlc ratio~:. : l~u~hed al the idPa now •r For rrt·ril'in~ 25 I'Unscrulii'C bringing homr. annual businr.' ...... gractrs. the rdut·atiun ur-I : reports and other financial info1 firr pn·~Pnlrd Captain Dul·! mat ion. anc,· with a :ew· · 1 1 :ITonda\' morninl( in a rented Ill burgh, :\ .Y. i rice. F.ach puts $10 a month lnt Chief \\'arrant Officer Erl· . 1the kittv and pa)·s 25 cents fn win n. Dit·ket'SOil. Commnnicn·. . rental ol the room. This raise I i ,. ns Offit·rr nf Ill!' !SR'Ih A:\ · 'about $2.100 a year for im·esl cs S~tuadl'nn entrrcd the, , men\ . .\I'm)· .\it· Cm'l" in .lanttar~· • 1!138 a.< n "~>tl'r St·r~rant at : l1anclnlph Firlrt. Tc~a<. lie ,,.~< prnmntrcl to \l';ll'l'ant Of·. tonely Vigil . ... !1.-rr 1n \la.1· H15U. ~lr Dit-k!'l'·, S.\1.:110, ll.<'. l('f'L-Hi;h Oil , ~··n rntcrrd tlw off.cJut~· Nill·l ., windy mo1ml:1itt top in rhc heat r:1tion pt·o~r:nn .. t tlH• L llJH'I'· of Bt'ilJ'i> t'olnnJilio. t·,,o me •ill of omah;1 in tn:,'i while :«•c'p ~ :orll'I.Y d;il. ~;ul lhr tell •t;,t10nrd .1t Offutt .\1'11. \<'·' •. i·•ion reception i.; good and the. hra,k;J. II<· a<'l'il·c•c! 111 I'<'PI'l'l'· • an· there lu keep. it that ,,·a:. ... rr; thn•t• \'('ill' ... a:..:o an1t ro!ll· lill'ir 1a'k i.s lo main tam th r~dl'd -;;; ;,,n~~·~tt·r hour .. work 11<~11. John II. Cnlll'at.:•·. Spcakt•r of tin: !lousl' of A~~··nthly ~"" !'r~'"'llll'~ty. H. look~ on. \lis~ O'Ttu>ll' was ot stlldf'nh perched :1lop Sta~ Leap :\loun nt':.!l'rl' 111 :.!~'IH'I':ll ..:frfl:t• .... Dean \!organ plan·s the• !rock. ~ymholit· of 11;,. \1.:\. lkgn•p on \lr. Cour· t'ni\'rrsill' to n'l'<'i\·p t\11• \Jasln ol :\rh D<·!,!rt'l' at till' I 'Ifill <:oll\ 0 l'il,l' nl ~lar~·· nl \lemD;·ial 1Jnivn.1ily hl'id 011 Salllrday.-\Hnyal l'hoto Scn·icr). ! and :10 minutes hy helicopte 1:~nrl ltr h;t, twit·t• ht·c•n tn~·n· , ill!<' "hi I•· Dr. 1\. (;ushu•· looks on.-(1\oyal Photo Sen·icl'). i southeast of 'ielson. lt1111rd on thr llr!EDlDI : deep they remain for from tw thrrc •on<. Hll'hilrd. Chari\'' lrresistibel! ILea yes Bank .l!JDRt-:LL B A:-; K, t•:n::l:md weeks to two months at a \imf ~nd John, l'<'lUrn In Offutt 1 'Heuter.< '-Prof. Rernarrl l.o,·eJI. ln .nk radio . is fair!' coil\ enient. the statim trnd• imthrr 'tud~· in till' PRINTED PATTERN 'More Time oh,cr\'atory. Frirl:t)' ni~ht ur~cd is manned on a regular fil·e·day ;:radu;1tt•• "l'iwol townl'rI s I.lll'- ,I Bnt:"n .'o launch .its own co_m· \Oeck basis. 111\llli'.'"IJons salrilltrs followmg Se1·cn radio telel'ision an• milqt•r of art~ dt·~n·t•. For Attin(r : b the failure of the L'nitcd _States :electronic en~in'eers from Xels01 SIIH'l' I hr lw:inniu~ of l'ni· \\'1.\:\JPt·:G I('P• - \1 h r II attempt Friday. !.oYel! sa1d the take turns at the station one 1 vrr•i\1' of .\1~1·,·1·'"'1 ,., ...... , Gror;:e \\'night r c t i r" •I thrrc tulure possibilities of communi· 12 earrvi~~ T\' radio a~d i~l( ~t l'r.pprrrrll .\ir Force Base ·~·ears agn from his banking t'XCC· cations satellites for ackertise- phonp link; aer~ss southern· B.C Ill lfl5\, '0111P 4.50:1 l'i:"' · 1· utir11'5 po~ilinn. it l11('1'ely m(lant mcnts and propa~a~da are. enor·, Buildings house lil•ing quat l'1lllmttnts ht'rc ha\'c ht'L'fl . mous. mtd 1t. Js • mconcet\'able. ters generators and othc :·.3. . he wuulct hme mnrc time for ncl· m:ulr in 1111' nl'f·duty c•rlm·at hn ~ in~. that Great Bnta:n shonld lea\'c ·equipment.. Living quarters ar ·, prn~ram anrl I~ mrn han• rc· :\ow. fiH, he has jlayeil hun­ tlle.()()().gallon tan· ROYAL Al'DlE:\'CE : ' .'··.·1 ., thanks to nr. l!urhrrt \1 . .lac·k·J His most recent performance was ' that needs filling only onee . •nn. :'olr. \\' .•1. Blunrlon. :llr. ·-.;. I as the jud~e in the Winniprg L0:\'00:\' !Reuters' - The i year. ... .\bn n. \\'tlmt's conwdy, Volponc. o· Rricn, lieutenant . ~o,·ernor of · of lhp station to another and In i:~l l' ,;ivrr~ity faeulty fot' tlwir : .. ' .. ~ •·Jt's been the most wonderful '\ew Rrunswil'k, at Buckin~ham whole structure is buried bencati ._ ..... a••i,tant·c ill thr night ~l'honl : thing in nw life.'· he said in an Palace Friday. the snow in winter with onl:· th ~r\m·~tion program. interview. ;,1 don'l feel anv older tall tower and fuel tank vi:•ihlt than when I started." • The start came in lfl27 when' he played the port of Bill in The, ~!an Born to Be~Hangerl. a mr1o. • dt·ama. on the stage of \\'inni· · Jl{'g·s now-defunct Little Theatre. 11\SISTS 0:" REo\1.1~~~ ( I A stickler for realism. he rr· I calls th3t when he appeared in \J , S h a k e s p e a I' e's .:O.!aclx>lh he \I iss Sandra 1\utln n'l't'l' utg ht•r fruck from Deau \lorgmt of the :\rts · j J Iscoftcd at the rlircclor's ,,u~ge<- . and Sl'icnt'l' Ucpi!rtnwnt of \lemorial Unil'rrsil\'. Looking on is Dr. lion that wooden swords be used Haymond Cuslnl<'. pn·sidrnt of tlw Uniwrsity.-(1\;,, al Photo 'sl'rYicc). in duel scenes. (PORT OF ENTRY EAST COAST) "1 insisted on real swords. ra­ NEW DODGE "6" Frcdt•ri<:k B. Howt• l'l'l'l'il'illl! his ll.Sc. Dl't!l'l'l' at Satmdm,.s Com ocalion zor·sliarp. and I 1·emember tlwl of \lemorial Unin•rsily. \lr. ll01n• ltlso rc•cein·d his B.:\: (Ecln<'alion) on the rest of the cast would disap· · You can't beat VALUE like this! Salnrda\'. l'rPsPnting th1• frock to \lr. How(• is Demt \1. 0. \lor"aH of pear during rchear.-als of the bi;:, SAVES ON ANY GAS \h•ntori · Ihe direction of the female lead.· Byczyk thinks he should take an '"!. .,un cr e osom. w 11 Katr. An artificial Ie!: roast was annual holiday during the third .1no\\ ·. ~""'"" ~ (U1., 1'14.1 p t p It , . _ . : produced. week in December. I . rm e< 1 a ern 4886: ·'1 l.'ses , "That's no leg of lamb,'' he Twice during that week the 4~· i Stzes 10, 12, 14, 1~ .. 18. S1ze 16, roared. "Go get me a real leg lN THIS year·old logger has suffered ac· · takes 3'• yards 3o·meh fabnc. cidents which might well have ! Printed directions on each pal· of i~~~b~;;d. And whrn he threw IMPORTANT SUB.JECT? proved· fatal. He told the stories, tern part. Easier, accurate. • it, :Ill:. \\'aight recall<. "it made diso$he was presented with a: Send FORTY CENTS I in coins l a satisfying sound when it hit." . 1 Beaver Club award. i stamps cannot be accepted! for. "But if it had connel'tcd with The awnrds are made by the [ lh_is ~altern. Please print plain·' an acJor. it would hal'e knocked Forest Industries Council to bush 1· 1 ~' SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, him cold " he lau"hed workers who have been spared : STYLE NUl'riBER. , 1' PRESS (:Lt;n ROl.E · serious Injury by the fllcl they, ,Send order to A:-1:->~ ADA:\IS; One of :lfr. \\'aigh!',~ best-known . ~ 6W to te.aclt were .wcn~ing a s~fely hot. 'care of ST. JOliN S DAI~.\ portrayals is that of The General. DDDQOODDDCDOOCCtlCCCCOCCC2D'DDmmmXJ Joe s f1rst accJdcnt occurred, ~w~vis~te;?0 ~~~0 600F.~IDIT a Iegcndar)· clwracter in the Dec. 20, 1955, when he was cut· · ··• • • • !10 • 1\'innip!!!( Press Club's annu11l FULLY AUTOMATIC :: ling limber al~ne ncar this l'i'?rlh· The poplar, which snapped. Beer and Skits. a .satirical rcn1e ~~@~~~~ western _ont~rm com m u n tty,. when ·.Joe fell, impaled him from: based on the year's new< head· about lla mtles west of the Lake·' gi'Oin to shoulder. With a ~0-inch: lines. He's pla:·ed the role fm· 2R, TRANSMISSION to head. Isplinter in his torso he walked· years. A l_ife-size portrait of hi!l' He was standing on ·a large I two miles back to Sapawc. . as the fiery-eyed. ramrod·st1ff l.radin~ thr impol'ls again, Jr·s up to you. In this case, ,·ou ai·e the, tree he had just felled and was, He spent a year in hospital at ' ~enel'31 hangs on the wall of tlw Hillman is the first economy trimming branches. The tree i Alikokan and at the Lakehead.: Press Club ,·eslihule. teachtr. And it won't do anr good tD car in Canada to offer you complain to )'Our. I'.T.:\. Sa1·ing is one lurched and he was thrown onto Ianct doctors still m·e remo\'ing' In radio he has pla~·cd morl' a. broken poplar. splinters. than 2.000 roles. rangml! from the com·enience of fully subject that has tu he ta11ght in the home -· ------:Santa Claus to Dr. Quer~·. master ... and. like mmt Mthjr

Automatic transmiss~J~ and wh!te walls are optionat ~Jirl. All prie~s tiste!J Jre ~o:t of entry east coast. ~MY HANW ! Did you know that sour smilk is an excellent silver polish? Soak your sih-crware in the milk. then wash it in warm soapy HILLMAN water. It will gleam brightly. A BETTER BUY BECAUSE IT'S BETTER BUILT Rootes Products: Hillman. Humber. Sunbeam St. John's Branch: FREDERIC P. BAINES, ~fanager I Flower prints in organza. East End Branch: J. HARTLEY CUNNINGHAM,- ~Ianager foulard and chiffon win approval \ Elizabeth Ave. W. Branch: GLEN P. BECK, Manager of thr Italian dcsigne1·s when Confederation Building Branch: A. RICHARD BELL, Manager done in blacks and whites, rivid Offices also at Bishop·~ ~·ans, Botwood, Buchans, Corner Brook, Corner Adelaide· Motors Ltd. blues, gr~cns and reds. Brook. West, Curling Deer l.akc, Woody Point, Grand Falls, Badger, • St. George's, Stephenville, Stephenville Crossing and Windsor. NEW GOWER at ADELAIDE STREET, to he good only for a hi~hball W 0 U I N G W I T H C A N A.D I A N S t N E V E R Y W A l K 0 F , l I fE Sl' N C E I B I 1 ' has h i d rl c n nowers. W h c n ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, · "E~cr since you silw Mi-'f Boney 'B' ul the Kinsmen o:;:· snonged in. it lake< stains out of TELEPHONE: 3015 • 6 .-7 Knmi\'nl, you 'vc been like that.'' rugs, leaving no ring. DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 10 .NOW FOR GOSH SAK.S, COME OUT FIGHTING Don Cardwell Throws No-Hitter



fiE'/, SLOW [;C\'iN! M'/ L~.35o A!J-J'T AS LONG.-.\:; 'lOURS A!oJD I'T'5 IWU6~ GO;N' FE~ ME CUMBI"i' UP IHR.OUGH THE-">E R:OCKS!

• ! .... ·. :t:,·' ' ' - :· .~:·-~ . . • : • I .. ..: ·~ •. ..· ~ .• ·~

'or •' ~- . ': •,•,. ~I


\'S (i. Halleran 1811 139 tns 5H 170 209 183 •362 B. Everard 248 200 206 65·1 155 226 182 51i3 423 339 401 1163 325 435 365 112~ W. Halfyarcl 203 181 I i3 551 258 266 261i i70 B. ~loores 22n 24~ 197 66n 268 233 183 689. 432 424 3i0 12~:; 526 504 449 Hi9 ,., 28~ 201 \"S R. Ho!lf.'ll l 72 605 206 143 22i 526 T Doolty li4 1n2 211 5ii 164 270 2)0 634 4116 :lr.4 412 1132 370 413 427 I IG'J ~!. Hc~lc,· ~ '=:~-1 2ull ·-;n 206 211 179 596 .1. Wa!sh · ~~ 19;; 265 mv1 166 110 li9 45;; 4''-,, 429 5:n 1:1~' 372 321 JaB 1051 1'.~ ., .,. r,.· j YS Birmi1:~ha~• ... ···l 23G 1!1-t 122 127 176 465 ~1. Hall 131 223 2~:3 n;-;n 182 172 214 !ii\R ~:~~ m lHl 1 :1 ~ ;. 294 294 390 978 J. Curran 1q; 2a6 ~.1:1 t;-w 183 234 253 670 R.. Bursev 2J2 218 201 ti21 . an9 424 444 1237 226 203 204 631 404 437 455 1301 ,.~ vs '\\'. Andrews Defauil 171 138 138 417 · P. Craniford Default 636 210 247 99 556 i W. Dawe 213 181 24~ 706 381 385 234 1063 · L. Keel,; 2a7 190 259 470 371 501 13~2 165 125 152 242 : i·s 317 277 2.12 826 I R. Emberlry 290 143 163 sn6 482 402 384 1268 , A. Whelan 160 135 184 479 vs 'I 4~o 278 a47 t075 177 182 194 553 liS IH 167 51~ 106 215 206 527 E. Gullag~ 312 283 397 410 1080 · E. Churchill 186 252 750 490 360 419 1~6~ 201 225 187 6131 \'~ 223 272 216 222 185 1il 578 . 711 1 D. Walsh 424 49'7 403 1324! J. Spratt 194 187 171 552 vs 416 372 342 1130 109 178 143 430 165 250 120 535 MOSTLY MALTESE 184 157 333 674 H. ::O.Iurphy 293 335 476 1104 R. Redmond 266 205 256 727 Educated classes on the island 431 4a5 376 1262 of' Malta sp~k. English and vs 238 196 230 664 Italian, but most of the people 200 213 176 589 there use the Maltese language, 204 197 164 565! A. Sturge 442 393 394 1229 , E. Thomes 160 190 188 53e which is a mixture of Arabic 360 403 364 1127 and Italian. vs 1 189 229 180 598' 203 168 120 541 \ C. Morris 197 278 245 ~2r 392 397 350 1~391 J. O'Keefe 201 261 284 74e 398 439 529 146€ "226zo8 231 6651 vs 230 262 265 757 j J. Voisey 155 240 127 522 456 470 496 14221 D. Mahoney 172 253 227 642 vs . ~ 327 493 354l174

100 212 21~ 524 139 164 129 432 G. Curran 186 242 281 709 l.crMt All-Canadian COlliiiUII81' Loan Company 239 376 341 956 L. Gosse 2i7 189 280 726 443 431 561 1435 vs 121 174 163 458 CASH 298 228 212 738 J. Hogan 208 200 207 615' 222 232 345 799 W. Neville 214 217 158 589 G. Martin when you· 335 391 321 1047 \V. Ivey 226 228 235 689 520 460 557 1537 434 428 442 1304 vs vs need lt. NO GAMES MONDAY Default • J. Connors 198 183 212 593 G. Thomas P'rom t!O.OO to t21500.00 Chancey Default J, Mason 121 181 152 453 R. Murphy 192 120 194 506 G. M. Kennedy 111 112 157 480 (aomatlm .. more) As a function is taking place .E WDODGE "6" . In the Auditorium of St. Pat's 370 303 406 1099 209 207 220 . 636 232 293 309 934 NIAOAIIA PINANOI COMPANY LIMITID N Noseworthy 1 258 212 187·. 657 J. Lalte 228 187 270 685 vs PAIILAMD, IILDD.. Dlckwerlll Ill., Plloao *'• 114 A\IES ON ANY GAS all bow_ling Is cancelled for A. Joy 437 394 490 1321 W. Campbell (default) 'l'lator ••·• •b•.. Mtl or Mn. lr<keo 11 Orollll Kl Monday night, but pleas, read 218 259 212 689 Pallo a041 toner lrook. S the Jist for Tuesday night E. Kearsey ...- H. Locke (default) 476 471 399 1.3411 (S~E PAGE 5) which appears below. DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 1l • •• • 1r rOVID'Cia arts rown

Club Wins· 8 Of 9 Legs In Finals FRANK FURLONG i Thl' St. John's Club team captured the Dominion Ale O'Brien registered double [our

1 l'ro1 incial D;trts championship on Snhuday as they took and in the final leg he got MOST FINISHES lirt of the six legs against the Santa ~!aria Club of Stephen- double 13. Wally Tizzard came lrillt•. The five wins gave Club eight of the nine legs play· up with double 12 in the see· 1 · 1 All N f dl d f' 1 ond leg. O'Brien got high Iec Ill t 1e ·1 ·ew oun an ma s. th1ee darts for Club with 110 · . In the opening action of the finals on Friday night and 1oo whlle Dick Bruce had 1 ! Ch;h copped all three legs played. For Club it was their a tun for the Santa ~!aria en. ' thml strai.l!ht championship and the fifth in a row for St. try. CII.\~IPS AG:\ll\-The Club team from St. [olin's 11011 thC' Al( . .\<'lllouncll.mcl D.nh LTml·n lor t1J,. third >tr,ti~ht war .loh11·s. 111C City Commercial squad took the honours the I Looking at the a\'crag~s for on Satmday defeating the Santa \!aria Club oi Slt•phenviiJr. in il:t· Donlinion .\1(' Fin,d\ .tl ConH'I' Bronk. \[e1;11Je(s of · fir~.t two seasons. II the finals the Club mark~ t]IC winning squad nre: (left to rightl S('alecl: Jop E1·oy, John ;-.;!'ar~·. Frank Furlon~: ,ta~~tlin~: l'dn en lara. 111 ana~(·r: \\'hile the Club team wns taking the crown Frank Fur- W?re Furlong. with 13:39; F.vo~· \\';,]1v Tizzard. Frank Hmcs, l'l'ter Dcnts,·h ancl \Pel ()' Brirn.-(1\m·a\ Photo Sc·n ict·• . . ' . . I 1 · , 1 · 1 f Cl 1 · d 1 h' 1 I With 12.42; TlZZard wlth 12.16. nug. I.Jrownl): t nn or u > reg1sterc t 1e 1p; 1cst avera!!e. ; Xear , 11,1•th 10 52 I' , 111•'tl 1 I'Ill'. I nnl.!; t<1111l' np wtt· 11 a 13 .96 mark w 1u '1 !' sccom1 spot ·m t1 H' , ' ·10.11 ' ; and O'Brien· • ')with ncs 9.23. ·' awr:J!!l'S W!'lll to Joe Eroy, also of Club wi G:\\IE . O'Quinn with. 7.99 _?nrl Gr:n·ge ; ST 1011\'S CLUB; lst. 2nd. :>nl. Ttl. Ill~trhmgs ~~·lth t.92. ·~ Uoug , .. · · ~s- ~ldssac tin ew one lt ~ [or 111./.. \HD ...... · ~ J 10·1 2:ll ICS Santa :'llal'ia and failed to ~et l E\'i lY ...... 1-12 ;1.i6 IBI .'j.)fl awa)·. . I·TIII.O\(; 190 :1W l!J:J Iiiii \\'ally Tizzard and Xrd• \E.\1\\ ...... [:17 IS(i 1-l!l -17;; O'Brien nf Cluh both t·amr 1 ()'hHIE\ l·IS lJ.'i liS ~7-l up with three finbhin~ >hnts 'I \I I' 1\ ('! LTI to he the top finishers of tlic ' S.\\ ·.\ ..\ I . ~ • 1: . I WALLY TIZZARD \kl':s ..,c ::!3!! ~In 1r: c;~5 mas. 1 Jlollowin~ the gamr on !';at· . (;IU.IS ··· ...... 1:111 :Z(,j 17 ;)(l~ urdny night the prrsrntalinn: 0\llTt\:\ ...... :2:!S JH.'j 177 1100 o! tmphics w«s held. Tl1e · . . ~ MOST FINISHES 1 ·. B!>I'C:E :!hi lJl) lSI ,jjO c;uh team rcl'eirrrl their .\11·1 .. t:. IIC I'Cili\GS 4:2 165 Ill :liS \<'ll'founclland awards while 1 :-liGHT G.\~IE ti1C' Western Uil'ision trophies 1 . : -~~· ·.~ \\We presented to the Santa .~ ST. ]Ofi\'S CLUB: I ... 1'1'/.Z.'.l'D '1.1, ':'H6 !) 1 (i().\. ~~~ria Club of Stephenville. I ·. -·~ '~ ' ...... - " - On Saturday mornirlg the 11\.. \E.S' - ...... · 10 ·Jl·,- - 27:2 ·!H·I annual meeting of the C\rw- : Fl'JlLO\G ...... :360 278 15S 7!)(i foundland Darts A"ocialion · . . . \E \ll\' ...... 54 :211 2.)5 wn; held with Charlie lln~·le .. _-.~.. - ~ ; ()'HHIE:'\ ...... 331 1:31 :2:36 fifJS circled as president. Jlirst .• . .,, S:\ \T:\ \1:\lllA CLUB: l'it•r.prcsidcnt is Walter BPson \lt·I~S.\C 3:36 :251 r\2 7\!l o{ Grand Falls with :\lurdot•k :20! S\I'CPI of Corner Brook as src· , GILLIS 1S7 :1SS oncl \'ice·president and Sid , . 1 "'·' 2117 .t·'0 0 <,~I. L'·' ...... 6'~ 1(13 .,_ \to! loy of St. John's as third j

BHL'CE ...... 212 :2-tS 6S :5:2S \'icc.prcsident. Walter Will· 1 lll TCHI\GS ~02 'r 27!!' iams n£ St. John's was rC'lUl'll·: llnlt:hin~s of Santa ~Iarin failed to grt away in tilt' first rd to the post of secret.1ry. ' lr!( at ni~ht 'with both Neary of Clnh and Gillis ol S.mta tre?sure~·: . . . \hri't not "!'!lin" awa\' in the sr('ond leg at ni!(ht. :\ext ~cat the Domin ton Ale · ' ' "' " • Pro\'Jnrw\ Darts ftnals w1ll he ,1:\CI\ETS-\I,•ntht•rs of tlw St. Bon's St•nior lla>l'hall k"'" that \\'Ill I tht· Cit1· uo11 11 J.,,, sUllllliC'r 11 C'l<' (ll'l'>Cllll'ti II it h In altrt·noon action \\'ally I ~!aria with douhle 12. hrld at Gl·and Falls with the Tizzard wrapped up the t•ham·; AI :\lrlssac got a 117 for the Eastern Dil'ision winnNs jael.ets by the St. Hem's Athlelil' A"ol'iatiml 011 Satmda1· ni!!ht. \\'C'arin~ ·tlw new jackets an• rlrlt tn rio;:ht1 Hon pionshi"l for thr St. John's top three darts for Santa travelling to Comer Brook for ~~~~l•_•r, Tony .\lanuing, Stan Conkr, 1\arl Arn<. !'ani Br~·ai1t. Ed. C,lni!!IC';. a·nd D11u).!; Conf('rlord.-11\o>yal Photo-Scrricr ). tram flnishin~Z both their :'llaria with Frank Furlong the srmi.finals. · NED O'BRIEN wi 11 ,,, Ti?.Zard ••locked double' ~coring lOB for Club anrl .John The championship Citr Cluh nne in the first leg and got: C\eary getting 101. team left Corner Rrook h)· clnuhle foul' in the final le~. Xed O'Brien finished two train yr•terclay afternoon and rractice (orner tn helwren George Hutchings legs for Club in thr night will arri\'e in St. .John's al Basketball Resumes ICy Jackman Leaving J wnn the lone leg for Santa. game. In the opening leg 8.45 this morning. The Frilrlian hasrhall tram ------· Cy .laekn1·1n, young Hoi~ ~ will holrl their first worlwut to· -·-···------·----·----. \\'ith St. Bon\ and lloh· Cross ju>t ahonl ·'"'Ired of a Cro» ~thlrlt' 1e.,,,., St. John'> ~)JOl in lht• .IC'I11i·finals and 1l•r J'('lllaimlcr or tlu· tC.IIIlS hal· Iay I "t Jran. Q hrrc ni~ht at the Fcilrlian Grounds toe or ,, .. uc. w Starlin~ at 6.30 p.m. Anyone tlin~ for a hPrth in the playnffs, lhr Sc11ior Barhal!m will hulcl their se· :: ,~··. · :credit hut ~lemorial have two 1 p W/ s ':-!EWS employee and was a coml drill tonight. at the Ayre · ·. :losses while the Guards squad', ee ft ee tarS member of th~ C\E\\'S team that Athletic Grounds. "''~·one wi~h·:: .~ ; ha\'e dropped three. , .copped the C. K. Jlnu>e Trophy In~ t n t r)· out fnr a hrrth i> ' ' i A win for the Guards tram i ~~Ollll'Cal St:t\r 'from the F:n·ni,,~ Trle:ram a~kcd to he prrfrnt at 6.45 p.m. , tonight \1'111 lift them into four- i ~ lainn then: St . .John's Prp \\'rr llot·kry hnth fon\ard ~nrl on lhr l>olf anyone interested in playing I they will ad\'~ nrc intn a lir with' Trom. wr a'k .1'011 In ptthliport. 'Red Cliff. two points hchi111l this lrttr>'. t1rid and "t '"l'OIHI h"'r fnr the ISt. Bon's and Ilnl)' l'rn,s. who· All fnncls to drft·a>· I hr rx· llnh· l'rt"' iun10r ha.-rholl tram .~ccs of the senior Softhall /1 Iat·e tied in the front of the, pcnscs of the entertainment anrl. pl~~·rri forward fnr tiw. League will hold an open prac· I 1Loop. . : of the team we1·r eonlJ,httled c 1 ·u~adcr mtcrmechale hoop lice at the Bannerman Park "·"•...,... ! The second contest of the ; by ~hr followin~ in :\Iontrcal: . squad. diamond tonight. The workout I night should be the big game. :\e\\toundlond Forwarders - ---- .. · will start at 7,00 p.m .. and nny. of the regular series. as the: Ucl., l't·p~i·Cola ~o. of Canada ·{ 0' Trai,llS one interested in makin~ a Ifront runners. St. Bon's lllCL't: I:tcl.. SteC'l Ball Scores I l~nr:'llllOn ~IHtyoal nt'entar berth on the squad is asked to Holy Cross. Both teams ha\'c; ( 01 pm atwn Uri .. ~h. \I. H. attend. I three wins in as manv starts: Duff, Ogil\·ie-Fin> Host's Salt's Gl 'J''('L'I' ,. \' r.\P> 1:'\TEH:'\.\ TIOX.\L I.E:\GFE 1 • • r 1 r 1 t· 'l · · • ws~ " "· '· ·' · · • and the winner of tuniuhts.. •, .lt, ·· 'ounc tl 1on ·' antJme ln~enwr ,Johnn-.:-;on. 1,,.,. 11 .·1r1· 11 u~ ~lacCurtis l!oopstrrs will ; I game will be the only undrfL•al·; TT.td ·· ~laple I..~·af.l'uril.'' \!ills tor his h<'a'·,·wei,ht tilll' rle· Hidunund 6. l'olumbus 5. 1 drill tonight at the Curtis gym. 1 jed team to cl"tc. .tc ., Clarke Sll•amshrp Ltd. 'ft•nsl' a~ain>t. J-'l~.d \';tlt<'~'-<111 clirsl ~amel The important drill is set for I The Gtlal'lls arc the ha:dlnek i l'u\Jlkation of this inforn>a· 'on .lun;• 2!1. boxrcl ~ix mor<' l'olumhus 5. Rrrhmond 3, 8.00 p.m .. and nil plnrers are NEW FACES-:-Iew members of the Yankees seem to be happy with the view 1 t.eam of the Loop so far 1n. the lion has })('en rcqueslt'd by rounds Sund.1:; makin~ a. total , ,rt'ond game. se1·en innings). from the dugout Jn the Bronx Stadium. They. are, ·left to right, First Baseman Kent i asked to he present. 1 tn ;oung schedule. In four sl.trts. 1 ~lr. Bernard (). Lilly. l'resi· of 83 rounds in tllC nng h1s Bufl~lo 9. ~fontreal 2. Hadley, Shortstop Joe De Mae strl, Outfielders Roger Maris and Elmer Balo and Pitcher lhey have ma~aged t.o sco~e · dent of this Cluh. as he feels 'first week of training. i Rochester 4. Toronto 3. Fred Kipp. 1 3 1~5 pomt.s while hal'lllg. ~: 1 il has hrcn slated that all rn- · .Tohan»nn w~nl ~~~·o Tflllll~b .\!iami 5. lla1·;;na 3. Pee W~e Stars ------score~! ag.unsl them. llo~IC\ r. 1 lrrla·innwnl was ~I hJ' prr- '''"~h \nih -\rt 1e 1 1m no. IIIII ------thr f1rsl ~wo g:nnrs lhc (ruard:-! sml~l rxprll!'f'. .lnhn..,un ~lld Cortr1. Strn·:1rl. ··-- ·-·· · ·-·· · ··· --- played th1s season were squrak· rl' ·r ;.rrn you 0 \'PT fhP- rop£3,'' llav~ Ret~eption rrs 31·2fl. and each lime thry! Yours vrry trul~·. llllrin~ lhr •rrnul To\\ nr. ln~o ~n! r;~n:hl lncn. cnn11rrl. nrd for the coach. mann~er and which was played l'riday ni~ht: ~10\'THE.\1.. nn a ln11·c;"urrr. · "Tho!'.~ the first timr 1\e hr•rl ;~nrl stag~rt•rrl him. Thr affair will start at 8.30 p.m. At the present time four ti[7 .. 101.h ·\w'IHII\ __ .. _____ · -· - and will he held at the home of teams hal'e idrntie~f rrrorrls of· \'tlll' T.aS;tllc. • • team captain Wa~·ne Bradbury, one win and two los~cs anrl ar~: P.Q., 2 RodMy Strcrt. lied for the fourth and last ~la.v 11th. l9GO. The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA '· As sc1·eral imporl~nt items playoff spot. ------.. ----·--· .... -- arc scheduled for the reception, Holy Cross ha\'C lhe hall 1 all members of the learn are bouncing their way in the close 1 when he plays against St. Jlon's requested to mal;c a special ef­ games so far in the season ..The in the second game of the fort to be present. first outing against the Feild· double·header. TIME TO ians the Crusaders came up Carl Cooper of Red Cliff has with a 29·28 decision on a scored 40 points for his club TRADE? charity toss. Their last victory and holds down third place with was a· 30·27 victory over Me· four games under his belt. Dave moria! on Friday night. Barrett playing with Sl. Bon's Joe Rodgers of M.C. Unit.cd is fourth with 37 points and will is the top scorer in the Loop. be gunning for the one spot to· Rodgers who uses a deadly one night when his team will he handed set shot has polled 47 clashing against Holy Cross. points in three contests. One of Albert Haynes of Memorial his games was a 27 point en· will have a great chance to take counter in his first start against over the scoring leadership if 1 ~femorial. he can obtain his average clip· . 1 Robin Short with 42 poinls in ping. I;Jaynes who will be play·, borrow at low cost through NEW DODGE "6" three games is second in the in· ing in the first game of the i divirlual scoring race. Short. is t\\'in·hill tonight. needs eleven: SAVES ON ANY GAS SPRING TRAINING?-That's the quesllon the Cakima Bears have in mind as they work ln a star pcrformet· with the Holy! points to jump into the lear!. an 18·inch snowfall at While Pass, ncar the Washin!lton fruit cnpital. 'l'h~ athletes arc, left Cros~ team ancl will have a: Althou~h it will probably be (SEE PAGE 5) I to right, Brian Bell, Don Tarlton, Chico Hernandez and Whitey Brunkal. No snowsbocs\z chance to take over the lead I for only a shiirl lime. l • • 12 DAILY NE'NlS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY MAY 16, 1960 Radio Programs OUR BOARDING HOUS~ with MAJOR HOOPLE OUT OUR WAY By J. R. WILLIAMS 8.30-New• I.SO-Hit Df the Oa7 8.40-The Bob Lewis Show 8.35-Sportseaat CBN 8.55-Just a Minute 8.40-Breakfast with Bill MONDAY, May 16th, 9.00-News 8.55-Newa 9.05-Muslc fer Mllllona 9.~Mornlng Dill ~)1. 9.20-Jerry Wiggins Show 1.15-Llndu Flnt Lev. : 1.30-News 9.55-Cllff'a Kitchen 1.30-Mornlnc Date .. 'J,35-Top of the Morning 10.00-News In 1 Minute 10.110-New• 8.00-CBC News and Weather \0.01-Martln'a Corner 10.06-Stork Club 8.15-lluaical Clock 10.15-Tbe Rlt!ht to HapplneM 10.15--Jim Ameehe Show 9.00-llorning Devotions 10.35-Housewlvee Chol-.. 10.115-Newa 1.15-Prosnm Preview 10.511-,-Mualc for Reladng 11.00-Jim Ameehe Sbetr 9.20-0rgan Stylinl• 1UJO-Newi In a Minute 11.15-Western lambor11 9.30-CBC News and Direct 11.01-The Rev.r Matthew 11.1!5-Newa Reporta 11.30-News P.M. l.tli-Records at Random 1i.35-Nfid. Quiz 12.00-Western .Jamberee 10.00-Archers · 11.45-Money Man. 12.30-New• 10.15-lrll Power P.M. 12.35-Ramblln with Record• 10.25--For Consumers 12.00-News Highlight• 12.415-F.i.lherman's Forecast 10.30-Nfld. School Broadcast 12.02-Town and Country 12.&0--Ramblln with :Reeords 10.45-Cliffs Kitchen 12.30-News 1.15-Sportseut 10.50-Muaic in the Morning 12.33-Town and CountrJ 1.20-Ramblln with leeord• 11.110-To Caleb a Falling Star 1.00-News 1.30- ·News 11.15-Nfld. SChool Broadcast 1.05-Weather Forecut U5-Passing Parade (John 11.45-Regina McBride 1.15-Newa Nesbitt) r.~l. 1.35-Don Jamieson'l 2.00-Jim Ameehe Show Hli>JGE •.•. "I' .'li1.Wtll~ S·IZ. 12.00-'BBC News Editorial 2.55-News ------· __::,,_'"" "·*!..,,"!'n·••."!'•;:_ ... •- 12.10-Announcers Choice 1.40-Sports 3.00-Dollan On Parade 12.30-Farm Broadcast 1.45-Art Baker's Noleb"" 3.55-Newa 12.45-~Ud Day Serenade !!.00-News Hlihllghts 4.00-Bob's Bandwaaon ing over the list; It's from here 1.00-Doyle Bulletin 2.03-JerrJ Wiuins Show Uli-New• to Alaska-day uniforms, win· CJON-CJOX TV 1.15-A :\tan called Sheppard 1 2.'~0-News 5.00-Bob's Bandwaron ter and sprinr; evening uni· 1.30-CBC News and Weather! 2.31-Jerry Wiggins Show 5.30-Supper Serenade forms, capes, chapel-to aay MONDAY, MAY 16th, 19611 1 FURNESS, WITHY & CO., LTD. J..l5-BBC Variet~· 3.00-Newa 5.30--Fisherman'a Forecast nothing of athletic equipment. ! I 16.45-CartOQils. Liverpool .Joba'a Bos1011 RaJUas St ~.15-:>lusical Randezl'ous 3.01-Western Jamboree 8.00-Jiulletln Board You have to have 1pecial shoes St. JohD'e ll.IMI-Romper Room. 10 to His & tc• to to 2 :!.II-Dominion Obs. Time : 4.00--:-lews a Minute lUll-Sportscast ant! yet; and school berets er what· In 12.00-Local and National ~ewa Summary. Signal 4.01-Ranch Party Traveloaue ever." St. John's _Bosten Hallfas St. John's L'pool '2,30-Play of the Week. ! •. -t .... 2.30-~l\lsiral n~···'. 5.00-News in a Minute 11.30-Supper Serenade "Dearie," Rose said, "Aunt "Novp Scotia" .May 10 May lf !>lay 11 . . . . 2 45-Tommy Hunter Show 5.01-Bob Lewis Dance PariJ 6.45-News ! Gwen has considerable means I 3.00-My Little MArgie • "Newfoundland" May 13 May 21 May 27 !\lay 31 Jne. 2 ~~~?~< 1and no one to spend her money i 3.30-Great Gildersleevt, "Nova Scotia" .. )lay 27 Jne. 4 Jne. 10 Jne. 14 Jne. 16 ... ~ -.. l 315-1\lndr, .: ..... , .1ir 5.55- Doublemint Show 7.00-Hymns for Everyone. "Newfuundland" Jne. !5 Jne. 22 J 28 Ji 2 ~ '•. ~ ; 3.30-CBC :'\ews and Trans •on but herself and her cats. I "N . " ne. y, Jly. f . ~·-- . 6.00-:'lews Highlights 7.15-Shlllelaah Showtime 4.00-0pen House. ova SeotJa Jne. 29 Jly. 6 Jly, 12 Jly. 16 JJ)' 18 ,._ .. :j 1 She doesn't bc~in to spend her ,. '' n:Hia ~latmee 6.01-Weather 8.00-Cream Of The Crop 4.80-P ..\1. Party. Penon~ contemplatm~: passage to Eurooe ·-; .; t.30-Johnny Burt and Strinas 6.05-Bulletin Board U5-Newa 'income. Unless ah~ chanees her I 1hould make bookin~ well in advance. : • :'. 1 5.00-Let's Look. ~. • ,a~ 5.00-:"'ow and Then 6.10-National News 10.00-VOCM All Time Hit mind you and Tim will hal'e AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED Bl': B.O.A.C .. K.LM. PAN ..: \• 5.15-Mr. X in Canada • ~ . . '\ ~.30-Fi~heries Broadcast 6.15-Sports Parade most of the money, in trust. , AMERI~AN . ~IRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN. TW.A.' aDd '., . .... ! 5.30-Mickev Mome Club. eonnechn~ A1rhne.o;. . . . :; 45-~!usic from the Albums 6.25-EI'er Battery Newa 10.30-Eventlde Meditation• when ahe dies- it" always ; 6.00-CBC News 6.30-Club 93 10.55-New• I creates a sort of wtll, atmos· : fl.OO-Jet. ackson . Con1ult us regardln11 rour traYel problems 6 05-lntermrzzo 7.00-News in a Mlnutr 11.00-Bic Top Ten , phere .. .'' I 6.30-News Cavalcale. \ ..-:· . ; FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE 6.25-Program Prel'iew 7.02-Club 93 11.30-Club 510 . . . 7.00-The Rifleman. • fi 3D-Supper Guest 1.00-Ciosedow~ l Some time ago, Gwen had an· 7.30-News 7.30-Behin'd Closrd Dnors. NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL ' 'PHONE 5tu 6 45-Curtain Time 7.45-Don Jamieson's Newa nounced her intentions to Rose ; 8.00-This Is Your .\lusie. ; 00-C'BC News and Weather 8.00-News in a Minute and Mark. "Ruth doesn't need · 8.15-National News. it new and you, Mark, will look ! 7.l~Carol Lane Sings 8.01-Best from the Weal vous 9.00-Doa Messer's Juhil!f. 7 30-Tops Toda~· 8.30-National Newa MONDAY, May lltll, token legacies." Site had added,; 9.30-Dannv Thomas Shl'w. i.4~Doyle Bulletin 8.31-Best from the West • '•------i "I ditin't come to you to draw 1 ... · .. -.. tiP m)' will, Mark. 1 knew )'011' d 10.00-Rh·erboat. FAST DIRECT FREIGHT SAILINGS . . . "'\ 8.15-Rawhide 9.00-N ews In a Minut1 ~ ,_,...... 8.30-Rol'in~ Reporter 9.03-:-Jlld. SOiree. 8.00-Sundl•l think It unethical or aomething 11.00-~fusic '110. ;., ·: .. S.oW-Hour of St. Franci~ 9.30-ChapeJ by the Side of 1.30-New• foolish, se 1 went to Dave." 12.00-The Town Ahove, FROM MONTREAL, P.q. .. ~ ; 8.55-Weather for )larinen the Road. 7.00-Newa "The son of a 11Jn, he nel'er 12.30-News Headlines. TO ST. JOHN'S. NFLD. TO ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. 7.30-News . '; ~Oil-Hawaii Calls 9.40-Personally Speakinl told mr!" 12.31-Dateline Europe . 1.00-Breakfast Club "I should hope not! He's m)· FIIOM RALIFt\X, N.S. P 30-\'ancou\'er Theatre .. --- ...~----- 9.45-News 'l M.S. "BELLE ISLE II" .. -. 111 00-Summcr Fallow 1lO.OO-News Highlights 8.30-Network Time lawyer." Gwen went on to sa)· 10 30-Vancoul'er Chamber D.OO-It happened last nlJht t:1a: her ILfl!ener and his wi.e. bie, "or Itt on to Aunt Gwen:·· wrenched. She asked mistrably, ·.•.. i10.DI-Jury Trial ~lAY 12, 28 MAY 15, SO Orchestra 10.30-Natlonal Newa 10.00-Coffee Time would hnl'e annuities, wh 1ch 1 "Hea1·en forbid:·• ''Oh. Debbie. hal'e T failed you 11.00-Tum Baek the Clock woullf revert to the estate., "But ;hue'b something elsr. that much?" Tn her astonish· M.5. "BEDFORD D" M.V. "WOODCOCK" 11 30-C'BC National News, 110.45-Sports Roundup and Talk 1UO-Prepam Twelve There'll be ~~~ outright gift to, You'll ile alone, e1·en this sum-. men!, she began to cry. MAY 19 MAY U 110.55-!llusic In the Ntcht 1~ 00-Sign Off-0 Canada - 11.00-News Highlights P.M. her rharch and amall sums to; mer. \i'itil •nc at camp and Tim. I Debb' h't h d f d ~lAY 17, 25 MAY 19 27 old "The rest," away.'' She was very proud th1l , te 1 c e orwar 1!11 The Queen 11.03-Music In the Nltht 12.30-Mareb ef Events friend~. ~he! 1.00-Arthur Gedfrey nit!, "lora lo Tim and Debbi~."; she'd been accepted for the' the bed and put her ar~s 12.00-News Mark had lhid to Rose afttr· 1&ix wee:;s on the Cape u a jun- ~round her ~other.. She ntd, 12.01-:\luslc In the Nlrkt 1.25-News CJON 12.30-News 1.30-Belt and Ra, warda, ··B~tter not tell the kio:ls; i ior cooiJoclor. · Pfel~::~. don t er:. · lfother. .'. ' ._., ~OSDA 1', l\ta~· 16th. 112.35-Muslc In the NJcht 1.45-For the Ladiet it pula a b1111'en on you, think· 1 "We'l'e been all fl\'er this be- ... '!"':"!'"______I 1.00-News Highlights 2.00-Tbe Search inl )'OU rou.d be heir to aom!· 'fore, too. I'm sorry Tim couldn't She'd nevPr nen Rose ti'Y· . ·- . i AX 2.15-Couple Next Doer thing.'' get anyth.ing t,o do at h~!"e. nol even last winter. ~. 'iTtrAM$HI,r$ ~llllltl~ . ·-: 6.30-The Bob Lewis ~now 2.30-Newa Rose'~ 11und returned to Deb- Howe\'er, tt can t be h~lped. . , . . , . . ·<~::· Ht~k·~-itJimii ·.•• ~~h.: 6 30-Nfld. New• 2.35-Panorama bie, who &at hugsing her knee.; .. He had a summ~r Job, wall·· Debbte satd, I knaary '- something Meteor hu lou of. And it rubs otr mighty fast You're going to feel like a new penon. And you will be! You'll have CLARKE TRAFFIC SIRVKES on?" found a specill brand of pleasure. It'll lift you 10 far out of the Fiftiea "I kept thinking of my fath· 111 the OWRer. Here's dashing good !GOp. Ze$ty performance. Lift. oHII'i111 you'll think they were. the Fortiea. It'll put YDII back in your Twenties! er." What a curious thlnt to If tau arc iutt a little diseachanted with that car of the t.lt clec:ade, you say, "my father," u If Rose · Of COUrte, Wt don't have to urge a fun-loving, forward-thinking penon CONSOLIDATION OF LCL SHIPMEIIIS it to younelfto get out anclliv' alillll in 1960 Meteor. There never had had no share In him. "If he owe a like you. Vivacity is c:alling, Call back: Your Meteor dealer an offer you a •• told me once, he told me a ~w• a newer ·car. A livelier car. A better car. Vivacity ia what Yllll need. hundred Umea that he couldn't wry tlllty tradl itultld. See him 10011. PICI·UP FACILniU i11 alford it." Injtc:t 10111e fim into that i•dcd clrivi'l& Ifill, Get a little zat under METIOPOUTAN TOIONTO •IHI MONTIEAL "Debbie, I've explained that your iaattp. Put a Meteor between. yau and the lOid and f•l ru dif/trmu. to 70u. There's all the Insurance • he carried for u-for your edu· For ~·relght IT'S "TEST·N-TIPtADI!" TIMEATV()UR METEOIPt·MERCURV·FRONTENAC DEALER CLARKE cation and Tim'-•• well aa the Reservation. "Firlf ill ,. fir:n Insurance, There'll be • Tel. 5483·2151 We've cut expenaes by alvlnl -a11 STARTIUE Tueatlays, DEPUTY Thuf'.'claya on CBC-TV. Sat TV lletlntl for local times and channell---fi{WIII,AY IS SAFETY MO.TH--.. ,· Gulf oiSi: Lawrueel'' •. or 80350 I -and college 11 taken care of. or We've cutexpeuea by glvln1 up HARVEY STEAM· Imogene and one ear; and i~ SHIPS LTD., other waya as well. Also there's Aunt Gwen." Agrata "Well, O.K. But I •ort of hate Mun~n Motors Limited Ito lake-holy cow, what the IENNETT AVE. and BLACKMARSH ROAD, ST. JOHN'S .DIAL 94061 I uniforma t04t! I've been iooi:· ' . DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY MAY 16, 1960 . 13

l1 ~ F.SliE TURNl'll ·A MARCONI CAR RADIO Installed .1n . your car Only $1 Q.oo .Down Complete with aerial Both in dash and under dash models 1s~ This page presented by THE STORY Of MARTHA WAYNE ly W. !HRUGGS

up "~~~~ co.:: ~~~ oo;:o; 11 P'~~ -o l~~.·. ~ The Great Eastern Oil Kt.YOED A'euY Wli~ A 'JJOOct•J •~I.(\ Company, Limited .. · ----- Itime in a movie, is making nis 1------~~ rxccilent giimpse at the imagin· fourth film appearance in 1 . cd marvels that are said to lie J"Journey to the Center of the 1 • Jacoby I Paramount I. undl·r the earth's crust. 1Enrth," which is directed by . 1 1i The guides on this perilous !Henry !Al';in and produced by ' i journey into the innttrds of the Charles Bracklett. Although the · I TOday 1, earth are none other than Pat Ipil'ture is basically non·musical.; On Bridge • al Boone, James ~lason. Diane 1Pat sings four songs while on 1 __ I B:1ker, Arlene Dahl and Peter Ihis subterranean junket. They I OSE RESPONSE Jules Verne, the first and ·Ronson, a new face on the are: Robby Burns' "~ly Love Is · ONLY IS SAFE perhaps the greatest of all : srreer. from Iceland, an~ his .. J.ikP A Red, Red Rose,'' another science fiction writers, was 1 pet duck, Gertrude. Iold Sc!ottish melody "My Heart's By ·OSWALD JACOBY ALtE't' 001' more .than a century ahead of · · On their way to the .lost c~t)' In ~?e Hig~lands," "T~·ic~. As Written for Rv V. T. HAMLIN his time when in his nineteenth ~of Atlanl!s. tins attractl\'e q~m·l Tall. and Come Sprmg. Newspaper Enterprise Assn, ctntury "ATitings he described · tet actually enrountrrs a !(tant James 1\lason plays the part ; Look at the North hand. It , ... lET 'EM C~lL YOii />.. L':..". the atomic submarines and the . fore~t of mushroom h:ces, a :of the University of Edinburgh :you reme~ber yesterd.ay's arti·i 5~K::: ... Ji..l:.T 50 lO:~::; t-.5 WEV C\tH froVE 1T! ainhtps that have become ~he . rep11le stampede, a en\ ern of, geolo~y. professor ,who leads the i cle, you w11l see that 1t has al· fa~e of modern warfare. \\ ho ghstenm~ qunrt7. an under- . expedthon., Masons an old ha.nd ; most the same cards and again 1 knows how far ahl'nd he was ground natural shower. a mag- , at Jules \erne, havmg pin) ed ·South has opened with one . looking when in 186-l he \l'l'Ote netic sturm. a waterspout, and a i the dour Captain Nemo, mastr<: heart. "Journey to the Center of the huge ~~IJtcn:uu:an o~ear~. The j of the ~au titus. in :·,20,000! If rou bid two hearts rester· ~rth." now a Twentieth Cen· expcrlrtlon begms 111 tcrl.ancl 'Leagues Under the Sea. 1 d:ty, you will surely do so again \ (; tun·.Fox production opening anrl end!' when the party rt.\ ·n~"C. \A~''S \\JS ~~ ~? pace •brought to the acreen by War· I fense has run off its five tlub ;; ~o. ".~ \~..\ \~'\:. I ~WE\-\~\0 S\\.\.>~\\0~ \:AJIIN•JIIBI'ios. TECHNICOLOR• , dudion starrlng Rrchard Egan, of hearts and you Will make one "*'' 0\.1.\ o;:. 1 A OON'\\\ i <;~ ~\'N.GS. ~~ <;C.\.l.OO\..'? , \';,'1-l:.\ ~,.;. ~ ...... Dorothy McGuire, Sandra Dec, no·trump, . . G,t!.~m-1.\ ~~"'~ .•• '\. 1. w~~"" Arthur Kennedy and Tony / Or maybe East Will shck In a · McGUiRE KENWEov. DoNAHuE \~\~ '\.'\..\... "i:.'e."'\ \.1'0 0<. ~ \~ Q.,"'\ \\-\'\':. ~::. EaArr· ~P.'EE': Donahue and featuring_ Con· . two club orercall. In that case., \-\\t<:.\.l. '-"<=.~'<':.'- c..o~~~~1el ' i stdnce Ford and Beulah Bondi. I East and West probably buy the 1 ?..\~ r;>.t..)l>l.<\ ,.-----t The direction of the motion 1 hand at clubs and make nine ,h:; Also - UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS picture, opening tomorrow at/ tricks, or Iiley will push you to the Capitol Theatre. was ~n· three hearts and probably beat 1 ·---- ··:-~---- EVENING SHOWS: 6.30 - 9.00 I trusted to one of Hollywood's ·you with a dub opening. 1 great talents, Delmer Daves, I or course, it is possible that MATINEE: 1.30 whu also wrote the screen adap· j East will overcall your two tation. heart response with three elubs ADMITTANCE R~TRICTED TO PERSONS "A Summer Place" Is a pre· Anything and everything does 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. aent-day story with a Maine happen in bridge games, but I background. Millionaire Ken can assure you that. It takes a Jorgenson, with his wife, Helen great deal more courage to &et and daughter Molly, returns to into action at the three level the Pine Island Mansion where than it does one trick lower. PRISCILLA'S POP Bv AL VERMEER NEXT AnRACTI.ON he once worked aa a lifegUard. ROCK HUDSON - DORIS DAY in "PILLOW The owner, Bart Hunter, has dissipated the family fortune CARD Sense TALK" - THE SURPRISE COMEDY HIT OF THE and Is now operating the sum· YEAR. mer place with his wife Sylvia Q-The bidding hu been: and son Johnny, as an Inn for South West North Eaat paying guests. 1 "" Pass 1 • Pan Ken and Sylvia face their old 1 N.T. Pasa 3 • Pus love, determine on divorce. The 3 N.T. Pall '· ¥ Pass scandal causes difficult prob· ? lems ror lllolly and Johnny, who You, South, hold: forget their loneliness in each •32 ¥Q10 5 +A9' •AKlO 93 ,.., other. Like their parents 20 What do you do? years ago they have an illicit A-In spite of your two lign. Som• ~en taQe · Qt" 'MilliP 01" plead Jov._. affair. How the problems offs your partner is strongly in· To ~aln thGir" arc solved and greater under· viting a slam and you should ac· 'Summer clotheg, stauding between the parents cept his invitation. Either the and children established, Is 11imple jump to six clubs or the frankly and sensitively told. complicated bid of five dia- Rlehard Egan portrays tile. monds Is a proper rebid. Do not selfmadt millionaire, Ken Jor· bid four no-trump. You will not BUGS BUNNY By lEON SCHLESINGER NOW PLAYING, genson. Dorothy MaGuire, who learn anything to belp you. has captivated audiences on TODAY'S QUESTION A FABULOUS WORLD both stage and screen, Is cast ·You hold the ume hand. BELOW THE WORLD! as Sylvia Hunter, trapped Into Your partner responds two no. marriage to a man she never trump to your own club opening. really loved. • · What do you do? PAT Beautiful 16-year old Sandra Answer Tomorrow De~ plays Molly Jorgenson, the BOONE voluptuous teen·ager with a love of living and a great N£1d' Ski JAMES capacity to love. Five·time • es Academy Award nominee MASON Arthur Kennedy returned to By BAILEY R. FRANK Warner Bros. where he ·made MONDAY, May 16 ARLENE his film bow as James Cagney's Sunset today 7:33 p.m.; sun­ IWIL brother In "City for Conquest." rise tomorrow 4:21 a.m.; Moon· In "A Summer Place" ne is riae tomorrow 12:36 a.m. Last DIANE playing Bart Hunter, a cultured Quarter, May 17. ger.tleman with a wicked sense Prominent Star BAKER of humor and a love of the Spica, in the southeast at bottle. sunset, will be due south 9:45 MORTY MEEKLE 8y DICK CAVEll Director Delmer Daves direct· p.m. and in the southwest at Also UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS ed . his first motion picture at 12:3e a.m. (All times New­ THAT~ THE LA<;r Warner Bros. when he was as· foundlasd Standard). 01~1 11MES OF SHOWS: signed to "Destination Tokyo" ''".l.!i.Lj . TIMe I EVER TIDES HIOCACOIIIIC for whlcn he had written the Hisb 11:34 a.m. 11:47 p.m. BOOK INI;IOO EVENING SHOWS: 6.30 - 9.00. screenplaY.. Since then, when· Low 5:47 a.m. 6:24 p.m. ~ GEOGRAPH't MATINEE: 1.30. eve1 possible, he has written. as well as directed his motion pic­ tures Slime o[ the more recent Eight president• of the Unit­ pictures Daves hat directed are ed States were born in tile state NEXT AnRACTION "The Hanging Tree." "Kings of Vlralnla. CARROLL BAKER - ROGER MOORE in "THE Go Forth," "3:10 to Yuma" and "Cowboy." Seven . U.s. presidents were ·MIRACLE" - THE MIGHTIEST STORY OF FATE born in Ohio. KNOWN TO OUR TIME I • . I 1 A cow may drink as much as I The United States had a ·tax j 18 gallons or water a day. · on windowa in 1798. 14 DAllY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960

Newfoundland Fo-;--F;;~-·, AUCTION :rFDR'ReNr 1 OLD MILL Services Modern Ofl1ce Space :-light Cluh Open ~ p.m. ! E1·ery Night Orchestra I of Household Effects, Ap- : , 3 or .. room's, tilei Except: · piiances, Office Furniture I : tloors, venetian' blinds, .. :,Jon.: Record Show on Air HOTEL TAXI l ;etc., will be held in the i light and heat indud- ~· Sun.: CinemaSrope Show 9 p.m. Stor Hall, Henry Street. ' ' ed. l The Best in Delicious ~i~l141·~--2410 11 ; (Entrance Easlrrn door) Food I (,/- ~ I I 127 QUEEN'S ROAD Prodamation 1 A Ia Carte or Full Course OtJE~N'S ROAD On Sl.35 up. Jryin the ha!JpY crowd at ~ j-~~~:-,~~~-~~-~o-~~~=~J: Sat~~~~o~,.n~ext '-•.•Deima]J;III:I!"u~'lll8•5•3-~' AUC Tl QN !'Hid's ~!osl Popular \ilr Cluh: ~-~.;_---~-----.. TfiE OLD mLL A t•omplPtr list will appear Trl: ll·'i(\~6 in Thursday's :'\cws and Friday's USED PARTS I 1'l' 1Pgram. Persons l"ishin~ to 'Villa Nova' I scad articles for this sale please '55 BUICK :Dial 2006 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.n1. '56 BUiCK SLIVERS and KNOT HOLES and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Today Manuels and Tuesday. '57 BED·FORD '54 HILI.MAN TODAY Phone 6365

AUCTIOSEER. BROWN BROS. May 16th. BODY SHOP 1.30 p.m. " ... but Henry promised to :48 HEAD build a GUEST ROO~! before liSED--1~ ft. Aluminurr. I came to visit again." .:. : :~ ~ Do,1t with 3 h.p. \'ikin~ • • • ..... motor S2110. \\'ill sell sep CHOIC·E But don't YOU SHELVE your :· t. .. I • .._ ' 1 ·. ' ".! !aratcly. guests, when for just a few \. -,....._ lo dollars a month you can have I .. -. ,0 DUTCHERS' 1 .... that guest room you have . 1-- .. :,- ~ ., . been wanting. If you will . . ~ 1 CATTLE; vi~it us, we can help you. - ..... l'SED-17 ft. AluminnPl 1 9 5 4 ·.,::-.;; Canoe. c;ruman, with huilt·in ·... :. "'!·· :~ flotrr. ': ··'':_...... ,...... ·-- 'as required. appointment. . ~ . _,: • T s• --.,-.. . .' 73 h.p. Grnymar Gas rn~ine. ·.. ·, . , toilet, wash basi 11. freshwater Be Telephone 4917 A\' AILABLE to gentleman . : tank. Built Hl54, hut only myl6.17 room with or without meals . • ··.1 used 4 rears. Excellent ron. Elizabeth A,·enue East. Ap­ dition · 52,500.00 Modern ply to Box 6000, Daily Xrws. OTHER ITD!S. Live FOR SALE f:L\IlASTEED LIGHTISG El~ctr~ta By ' Immediate opening a\·ailable for HAMMOND CHORD reliable man to call on factories• -YJ~­ ORGAN schools. hospitals. offices, door;. Going At A Bargain. etc. Hi~hcst commisions paid LIGIII r,. POWII on orders recei,·cd with R5 pPr l I M • ' l I cent repeat busine's rear ro~nd Cheap Reliable tlectricity ,. Charles Hutton at lull com:nission. SuccPssful man will be appointed l'ro\'in­ In and Around St. John's & Sons eial ~lana~rr within 90 days. Ex­ pPrirncrd- guaran1rcd lighting PHONE 2650 'alrsman \\'Ill receirc immedi· ate mana~t·rial appointment. ; m)·D.I6 \\'nte Certified Electric Com· 1- pany. Duncta,;. Ontario. my13. J.l.lG ------O'KJ:EFE'S CORSER - ruts­ AUCTION the Cost -Lowest E•·er• Klik 35c can, also Kam 35c Port household furniture Tulip 25c lb.: B~keapples G9c; York Stews 3.5c can; and effects, )1. L. Bolo~na 33c ;lCe. Puritan Turkey Spread ot the residence of 12 cans~ 32c; Turnip Tops TO-DAY'S I :lnc can; 2 pks. nothmans j MRS. W. U. KNOWLING, 65c.; Spinach :. cans 2nc. SPECIAL Yes, Dial 3320, we deli1·er i 56 Circ:Jir.1r Road FRH-33~0. apr:ltrodilf 1956 FORD :(Cor. Rennie's Mill Rood) ~T.\R'r ~·our own husinr,~. ~l:ulllfacturc, sell. distn· Wagon :Thursday! May 19 hutc vnur own prorlucts on full ~r part time hasis. 00 at 11 a.m. Particulars: Box 4059. Post· $i250' i' ------! al Station E. Ottowa. Ont I m)·11.1W i All articles to be paid for McKINLAY I LAND SURVEYS 1•.\1:-iTI~G E·t~:_::_l'or all your LAND APPRAISALS ond taken immediately intNior and exterior paint· in~ allrl sparkling. Phone MOTORS LTD. DRAUGHTING after sole. 47G7-F. Frank )lrlcndy. WHITE PRINTING my5.211 k MIMEOGRAPHING , p .\ll'iTI:.iG-For all your JOHN A. exterior and intcnor paint· PHOTO COPYING ing, cleaning or paper TYPING 1 hanging. PhonP 7397-H. L BYRNE l!ow~ll. ~p28.2wk Gerry H~lley AUCTIONEER Woll Washing S!Jrveys Ltd. 165 WATER STREET, IVt\LL W.\SRI~>G - Wall• TELEPHONE 90876 cleaned by oew maehiD> DRUG STORES DIAL 7631 • 90!31 Results perfect: saves pain1 _ .. . ------: mr1416 18 -New /fethod Rug and W3i

1 Cleaners. Freshwater Ro3~ M. CONNORS lTD. r 1: ·-~-· _._ ------334 WATER ST. 'Phone 910.13. ---- .. ----·· Dial 2206 . . ~1 ~~i!c ~m~ I, FLOORS of'· THE CE:'o~TML BARBEll AYLWARD'S LIFE INSURED LOANS I; SHOP-We are now oper· atin~ eight chairs. You PHARMACY lo PHY the balance due after D I ST I N.C T I 0 N · I can be ~s;urrd of the best ST. JOHN'S· MUNICIPAl COUNCil Cor. Moucby & Empire Ave. Down l'a)'lllent and/or Trade· ·. Dial 90070 in on that 1956 or late;· I, • possible scr\'ice plus, the llater model I Wall to Wall least possible watting, 24 Tenders For Paving and PARKDALE _ New Gower Str~et, opp. CAR or PICK-UP I Adelaide Motors. PHARMACY yoti plan to buy soon Carpets Auxiliary W~rk EllzaMth Ave. I INTEREST RATE FURNITURr: REPAIRS- Re· Dial 91120 less than 5~ ~~ • Tiles '..j Tenders are invited for paving and auxiliary work pail• to spring-filled mat· MURPHY'S per annum precomputed I • tresses. Ch~ terfield suites , :·: in various City streets. (no hithlen extra charges) Linoleums DRUG STORE also rebuilt. Fifty yean' I--~·-·-« m-- experie11ee. Ke;.ts ~faltres~ 119 ~lllltary Road Use sense . . . . For Home • • • Stare . . The work must be done in accordance with sped· I Factory, 16 Mount Ro)'al Ave . Dial 6446 . . . and save Dollars h · ficati::ms which are available at the office of the Before you buy •• ,• Office • • • Churc es, Dial 92753 or 2656. ::: City Engineer. Bids in sealed envelopes marked FREIGHT SERVICE 1 · Try Schools, etc. uetB,!tfl ~· ''Tender for Paving" must be delivered at the TRINITY SOUTH ------·----- The Automobile & EXPERT INSTALLATION NEW ME'fOOD RUG CLEAN· ~; office of the City Clerk not later than 9.00 a.m. From St. John's via WhltbotK'ne to Old PcrllC!In, Personal Loan I ERS-Rugs and Carpet ·:WEDNESDAY, May 25, 1960. made to look like new North Shor8 ConrPptlon f.inancing Consultants . -:::The lowest ar any not necessarily accept· I The HUB ; I Von sc: · er process adds te~der to Carbonear. Telephones: , years to life of rugs Clean· Trucks also avallable for Hayward Ave. , :~ad. I.lion. thru Fri. . .. 406n ed in home or at our plant. long haul s~ri'ICC. l' ~· B. FORAN, ..... 306] .. . 3069 ' 'Phone 91033, New Method ~:; E. Rates Reasonable. 't;.Jr . . 5Rifi ' ,. . i Nights and ho1idars . 5876 , Rug Cleaners, Fr~shwatei City Clerk. For further lnfnrmatiou NOT INSmED 1Y !HI I.~C. . may1316, 18 ;,.~''i1Yiii5.tllmllltlilh .. ______. 11116,11 DIAL 93603H Road. l ··: :


KINSMEN AUCTION. SALE WAREHOUSE SPAC·E Boys Club The Great Eastern Oil & lmpor. Company Limited Showrooms, Water Street. ·TO RENT Newspaper BIN.GO 2 Televisions. up to 18000 square feet. 1 Tope Recorder. e CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN AREA KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 1 Gas Washer. e WAREHOUSE IS HEATED There will be a m:sting of the Knights of SERIES ·No. 30 1 Car Radio. e EQUIPPED WITH SPRINKLER SY~·TEM Columbus, Terra Novo Co'Jncil, No. 1452 at the 1 Chain Saw. e FIVE S·EPARATE LOADING DOORS Club Rooms on St. Clare's Avenue on TO·DA Y'S NUMBERS 1 Steam Iron. e OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE IF NEEDED. .. 1 Car Radio for 1954 Pontiac. TUESDAY, MAY 17th at 8.15 p.m. Apply to: 1 Table Model Electric Sewing Machine. for the purpose of exemplifying the First Degree B I N G 0 1 Electric Washer. of the Order. Candidates are to present them­ 3 29 42 52 73 1 Floor lamp. GRAHAM W. MERCER selve~ at 7.30 p.m. 15 16 40 49 69 139 GOWER STREET ST. JOHN'S 4 22 32 51 72 on MAY 18th, 1:30 p.m. From 10 a.m. to noon or 2.30 to 5 p.m. By Order G.K. 63 5 A. CURTIS, Recorder. 1 26 31 60 my!6,!7,18 11 28 38 56 67 ------·---·-·-· 12 21 35 46 71 14 . 19 75 St. Patrick's Hall School 17 61 2 24 NOTICE 23 68 REGISTRATION Registration of Grade One Pupils for + C'l"~ Olf' bl'l'. JOHN'• September, 1960, May 16, 17, 18. C~nadian Red Cross Society Time: 10-12, 2-4. Newfoundland Division Parents are kindly asked to bring baptismal certificates for each child Water Safety Service being registered. A Water Safety Instructor's Course for Leaders of Summer Camps, Beginning Monday, May 16th, Military Roacf STEWARDESS CAREER Life Guards, Parents, etc. from Rawlins' Cross to Garri;on Hill, will be .··-.;. - ... ~ . ~ FREE Consolation prizes to first 25 players closed until further notice. ' ,. TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES will be held ~~> ·*:_," who complete the outside frame of the , Requirements are: Must be single. Education: over the weekends of May 21 and 28. OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 11 11 myl4.1£,l7 ccard. FRAME THE CARD • Grade 11 or business equivalent. Age: 20-26 Candidates must - . ' -~· be inclusive. Height: 62-67 inches inclusive. Weight: . ; ---·------16 years of age I" over ' .••• -!' 105-130 pounds in proportion. No glasses or and strong swimmers - : ~=- ·~ Help Kin - Help Kiddies contact lenses or complete dentures. Starting Required By June .15-30 ..... ·:·, Persons may apply ...... 1: salary $275.00 per month., 1 combined Lab and X-Ray Technician Our representative will be available at the New­ by phoning 7031 giving. name, . . J foundland Hotel between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m . age and phone number. OR Thursday, May 19. No telephone calls please. . Instruction is free of charge. . _ .,. ',·. Resistered X-Ray Technician with knowl­ : f Apply in person • m~·13. 16 :. :) myl6,31 edge of simple laboratory procE"dures - ., Have II Expertly ··- -, ...: for 21 bed hospital. Salary corn:1::!::·r:::: ~ ' . . ~- Repaired Here . ·-:· A representative of the with training. .. CHROSO::\IETERS " I .. ... \ .... AUTOMATICS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Apply to: CALENDAR SUPERINTENDENT, All Gh·en BANK IEPAIIS Eastern Shore Memorial Hcsp:t~l, . Immediate Attention OLCAIIDII Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia. C.O.D. ORDERS r· "LCOMED will be at the Newfoundland Hotel on May 19th ··-- my!3.3i and 20th to answer enquiries concerning mortgage firestone loans ~or Industries engaged in manufacturing, IIIII SIMON LEVITZ & SONS LTD. pracesstng, construction, packaging, repairing, Nfld. 31R WATER STREET ST. JOHN'~ transportation, warehousing, industrial and Armature Works Ltd. scientific research, and other industrial activities. BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 7191 · 7192 myl6,3i Landscape Gardening Teacher Wanted No. 1 Top £-oil, Bog and MC!nure, also Clean· up .for the Jobs. NOTICE --·-~ --· -·· ··---.. '"'"- - The offices of the Phone 6956-A U. C. ACADEMY, BRIGUS Department of Education to teach Grades 3 and 4. Public Notice will be closed on the afternoon c: Edward Dunne FRIDAY, May 13, 1960 · Apply to the THE PLANNING. HOUSING AND LOCAL GOV­ and will re·open ST. THOMAS'S WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION TUESDAY; May 17, 1960, SECRfTARY OF THE BOARD. ERNMENT ENGINEER'S DIVISIONS OF THE myl4,16 DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND in its new offices in ANNUAL SPRING SALE SUPPLY, FORMERLY LOCATED AT 280 DUCK­ WORTH STREET, WILL RE-OPEN THE CONFEDERATION BUILDING CANON WOOD HALL FOR RENT MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 TElfPHONE ...... 95011 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 17th. Suite of two modern offices with private at 3 p.m. in washrooms. Located 203 Water Street THE CONFEDERATION BUILDING Connec.tions for all Departments. Plain, Fancy and Wool Work, Home Cookery, next to Canadian Bank of Commerce. also Novelty Stall. Afternoon Tea. TELEPHONE ...... $100.00 per month. 950 11 The following Divisions of the DP.pr~s t· Admission fee included, 50 Cents. Immediate occupancy. ment WILL NOT be moving at this time and will remain at Fort William: Apply It is important to note that the ·offices of !he Bally Haly Golf & . Minister, the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affarrs, Division of Public Examinations: Baine, Johnston &Co., Ltd. the Department.of Supply and th: Local ~ov:rn· TELEPHONE ...... 5804 PHONE 2'101 -MR. L. G. COOK. ment Division WILL NOT be movmg at th1s hme Country Club myl1,13,16 and will remain at Fort William until further . notice. · Division of School Supplies (Book Bureau) LADIES' DIVISION TELEPHONE ...... 7971 TELEPHON~ ...... 3091 ANNUAL MEETING, THURSDAY. MAY 19th, ·FOR -RENT 3 p.m. P. J. HANLEY, C. W. POWELL, Afternoon tea ·will be served. 1-3 bedroom and 1 Single b~~oam Deputy Minister' of Municipal Affairs. Deputy Minister of Education. myl3,16 Apartment myl4,16 .Public. NotiCe Phone 80161 GUA.RDS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC myl3,1S (tel) . UTILITIES Prompt Delivery On • STOVE OIL . NOTICE is hereby given that on and after • FURNACE OIL BIG 'ROCK 'NT ROLL DANCE • HARD COAL MONDAY, May 16th., the oHices of the · • SOFT COAL AT Board will be located on the ground floor • IRON FJREMAN l&EATING . EQUIPMENT. of Confederation Building" • PRINCE OF WALES ARENA Telephone Numbers: .... 94111 - FRIDAY, MAY 20th 94112 and·,9S011 ADMISSION: $1.00


r • "SIMONA" PINEAPPLE OF Cubes and Slices 24-20 oz. THB AMERICAN "LION" BRAND ... HAYSEED Published by OOK TRIMMED NAVEL BEEF Bags 50's Authority · THE GRAND LADY 1 Marian Keith ...... $4.50 BARRELS • • HALF BARRELS BY IllS HONOUR thr llonuur-~ JULIE . • • able Campbell ':l!acphcr~on. B d Fr 'zell 4 50 1 FERTILIZERS officer of the ~lost Excellent . ernar .. .. • Orricr or the British Empir~. :.A DISTANT TRUMPET l.icntrnant Gorernor of the Paul Horgan 5.7 5 1 Pro\·incc or Newfoundland. :A EUROPEAN PEA BEANS Lr~lic ~- Curtis. ~D!. All orne)' I EDUCATION · l•encial. 1 Romain Gary 3.75 Bags and Packages 2-4-1 's P R 0 f I. A M A T I o !'; THE CROWDED SKY SMITH'S ALSO • PEA BEANS- SPLIT PEAS "No. 1" American Trimmed Navel Beef Barrels and Halves GREEN PEAS ONE POUND PACKAGES - 2 DOZEN TO CASE. T. & M. WINTER LIMITED PHONE NUMBERS 5101 • 2- 3 GEORGE NEAL LIMITED DUCKWORTH STREET ST. JOHN'S 'PHONES: 2264 - 4440 - 3420

Production Of Filleted

1\T\\lPE<; •<'PI - l·:tlut·Citle the legal ques­ This Year . - tion of wlwthi'J' ]tie l'rodllt'l11111 of liil!'lt·rl anrl · IJUII.iilili lhs. 111 tile quan, ~roundli•i1 fvc:·r:.: ·'· '~ l;11hr.-s. dn•s-cd ricclarprl tity of frot.rn ,... d in block 1 ·· "'" v:l•. -- . h~· \Pwloundl:1nd friiZ<'Il fish form sho11·., a t'un,ir!erahlc in­ ,..::-;.. ..;'~"'"1 ...... Thtn• ,lwulr! he '"lllr il'~al t . ,-_ .., :· .. ~ ... : llH'tlH>d nl dt~ciPlinin;.! o..tudenb Ill'"''''"'"'' to lilt• t'nd nl _\pril c·reasc J'rom ii27.1iOil lhs. lo '~-'·. 1, .' ~ •.rlw do not p;l_\' a!tPntinn in is -Ji;:hth alit•:Hl or la,t yrar·, morr l!Iall ~'·• million pounds. ... 'I ·'"honl. \lr ~ltl.<':1n ,;lid in ;m 1\UI put !11r t lie cori'C']llJIHJillg :r:~ ~·t-rirw. ;>l'riocl. ~urahlr inl'rea-<'rl prodw·- l.ii'l .f:onuar.r: ~~ hi~h sehnol .\(·c·ordin~ to 1:H' Et·r,nomi(·~ lion is J't'l'orrtcd. Ch well, i11 :-.tndt•nl ...; in .... uburhan :'\onHuHl Jlr;meh "1· till' I·'Pdt•r;l! Depart- 1·rdfish lilll'ts. l'roduetion of •• • n·:·~, ~.' .. i··.·!\'d ••IIL•t' lwinc 'rarnf'd 111<'11\ of J-'isll;'l'ies 111 S: . .John'>. tili' spcl'ir• la>t .rear tu the I I was 2~6.441 - : '? MacCORMAC'S tn n:l\· 111o:·p attPntiOJi ·In their prorludion for '1•· irs! four t'lHI of ,\pril lb,.; ' .- .. ·.,.. \. . ; · 'llldit•s. Tn~ethe1' parents heard a months of 1nuo total 10.331.- this .rear it rcaehcd nearly ~.. --~:-;? .':~~ !:l'.\,\'t'r \\110 s:till prores;in;: sole fillctrrl was ~rcatlv in hciJa, ior. not in:1ttrntion. pl~nts tor th.- s;~nw period cxt•css of the 600.000 lb•. -pro­ GREAT EASTERN RECEI\'I:'tiG OFF!Cf;, .\1\('r threr \\'eeks. lhe sl'iwo' Ins\ ye11r of to.~:lti.185 lbs.; rc>sed last year. To the end OIL & IMPORT 1 i\JlEL\IIlE i>TREET ho;"·•l l'c'illlmilterl the sludenl'. Though the prorltl<'tion of of .\t>ril the 1960 produetion of : . . . PERMITS TO BURN Trthlre.'. howel'er. a'ked .\lr. ('Od fill••ts is dil\1'11 hv more plairc and ;rreysolc fillets to­ CO., LTD. Dial 4R4R . 'ld.ran to h;n·p the act chan~ed than LOOO.tlllO lh'. [,:om 2.-. tailed 1.665,760 lh,_ to inelurle stx•dlic prol'ision 'rur -----.------. ! iP;l!tenlion . .It the s:um time, the St. J>oniface school hoard a'kerl that ...... llw acl not he l'i1an~ed 'fhp St.. BonifiiC(' trustl~es ~·;aid· ~uch a ' -:-i.~ l)~·o•:i.~ion mi~ht hr unfair to. -.-;., ..J. .. "I ·l~lcn'-'- ~lr. \kLr;:n 'aid the question i -·. . -· ,o:.·•• .--· ;, of a le~al nature and ;, out n' the educ:1tion drparlmenl's Gives you all these features: ·~·_.:·: .. : ' . jurisdiction. If ani' mo1·e students • Leak proof • :'tio \'ibration : ;n·r r:;:Jrl!ed r 1: 0 m \laniloha ' -1.;;<>) • Powerful moiAJr. lifelimr sl'iloois. he said. thr courls will • ,$1 lubrication • Self cleaning h:l\'c to clarify the situation. .' - ·:-: -~~ 3CoE~SYus STEPS . • • -~,! -.-· \ ~~ ¥
