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,-~-~-.- .. -­ VAUXHALL VICT·O~ ( ~- Canada's Import •· Leader. THE DAILY NEWS Terra Nova Motors &~~. • Vol. 67. No. 113 DA)LY NEWS, H. JOHN'S, NFlD., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons --------~~~::::::::::::::::::~::::=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------~--?·~-·-••-·~nL'·~*R-------- on erence ' Riots Breali Out ¥ .Against Menderes I Takes Hard Line In JZ~IIH. Tmke~· ICPI - Prem. · The s t rc e t fi~hting >lartcd icr Adnan "endcres' atTival here when some 4,000 youths showed Sunday at the ~tart of a n0tion- up outside headquarters o( the wide tour touched off blood\' opposition people's He p u blienn I riots hetwcen his supporters nnct party shouting "freedom, free· followet·s of ·opposition leader dom,'' and "~Iendet·cs resi~u." Talks With Leaders Gcn. lsmet Inonu, An equal number of ~lcnderes lh· 1011\' IIEI·'FEI\\ \\' Police said three per>ons were. supporters moved in and a liwly I'\ 1\ IS 1'<'11ll'h-Sol it·l p,:,.l;li,·r Kllrllsh..!"·'· "iall.<·d 1011!!1, .. S11ud.1'' ill >qMratc c1·e badly injured and man~· Bothers cl:t<h resulted. 0 [ >llllllnit talks \\'ith l'n·,id<·llt d,. C.ndk .111d Brithh l'rin1c \lini;h;r ~lacmillan. slightly injured. Cluh . swin~ing · Hi, anti · opposition campaign pollee arrested lA of tlw dt•mon· alrcadl' has resulted in a han on :\ q11ali!'it·d iul'on11,111t ,,1id Klml,hclot·\ ''"""'" 1,11 ,;:,:m ol h<'mliu:.: on thr Bl'rlin strators. ·all political actil'ity inside Tur- Ill' (;,•nn.on !'t'lllliliL'<Ilioll pr"h\I'IIIS .11111 lll<llk tloe """' 011t ol tlw .\ul{'rican '>JW planc: The arm~· l'allcd in tanks tater key. The han will run two more illl'idt•llt. ; tn hc·cnk up demonstrations by month,;, during which limc a It""' nlidl'l''ltHl(l dr· (;,lllill' ""' '''"'1,,·<1 at Klonlslll'ill·' \ 1inln1f dt'lillllti.ttion ol 'leudpres' ,upporter,- out 'ide op-' special parliamentary committee \nwric.1n r<'t'OIIII.Li"·'"'''' lli~],t,. lk C.ndl•· rclflrf•·ll iut<'lli~<·n'·" llio,:hh lll'f'r othc1 ~lost of eompri-in~ ~lrn· po,-itiou lwadquartcrs. me m hers of L'Clllntril's ar" not tlllililll'd !11 <•Ill' 1ution. thc t':t>tl:lltlt's Sunday were oppo· dr•rc.; rutin~ democrat p;ort;· "ar· .<ition men. ries out a probe of the opposition. ''.\! Ill is \ 1'1'\" 1111111\l'lil a Sm il'f '!HIIIIik j, "' n - tl~ ill'! sp.tu· ""'''~''ill~ Ill\ t'llllli· \lcnden•s. h<•arl of the Demo· l'ti.\:-.GE J>OSSIHLE tn ." till' prl'sid•·nt \I·" l'"fl"rtnl '" < 1\·in•!. eralie part~· al'l'in•d from !stan- The premier shouted to the · ·.. n'.\n '.JOOD" ~!iss :\lonnil' :\lausfidd. iu reco~nition of her st•n icc as Ht'l;istr.tr at bul aboard the li.i!IO · ton liner. demons! rat in g crowds Sunda~· Ckllfl'<'llor J\:11lll'.t<l .\dt·ll.lll<'l' 11! \\'t•st C<TIII.IIII ,,tid "P"" \Ji, r..tnr11 to Flonn ~ll'lnori.ll Vni\'l'r,;ity !rom HJ2fl-59 was prPsPnt<'d with a ~l.tsl<:r of :\rt~ IOrdu on the loth :.ni\'er<ar~· of 1 that a chan~e of go\ernment i< 'i1111d.IY niorht ln1lll \\'•·sto·m t'flll,lliLIIious i•1 11Mis: "1\lu·,,lldll'l appt·ar' to lw in a dcgrPt' (llonoris c.msa) at the HlGll Con,·nt·ation of ~ltomo1 ial l"niwrsil\·. i the first free t'lectinn, in 'Lu·kc~·- po,:sihle only b~· free el<•clion'. had H;oml.~. Dean \1. 0. \lor!-(an. plat'Ps tlw fnwk on \lis< ~lansfield \\'hile Dr. 1\a,·tnm;d :It wa, his fir> I 1·isit to lzmir. "not h)· rehellion." riots. h<· s:ti<l. 1\:hn~shtl]('\ .litl nnt a pri1.11i' '"'''lilt CO: 1', it\1 l'n·,irklit I::i,l'nhowcr. 11·ho ar· Cll>hnr. pH•sidt•nt of thr l'ni\'t'rsit\· looks ou. • · : fm·nwl'l~· "ailed ~myma. 'ince were barrin~ the \\'a~· to ballot. ,.·,·k 1 ri1 SHntl,l\' momi110,:. \'or tlitl Ei"'""m' n 11; to lll.tkc contact "ith the c:hicl. -( Ho~·al Photo St"rdtl'i. · 11w outbreak of anti . go,·ermnent in~. "'l 1\.remlin riots in .-\nlmra, Istanbul and \lendet·es did not sprcif~· an -~-- -'--.. ·-----·· ,, _____ ,.. ___ .. _. Sunda,··, ><'l'it'' of talks he· Jo:i,enhowrr .'aid: "The hopes or 2H. lwrc .-\pril elel'lion date M K M k Ill ccn Krushl'l1<·1· <~nd \\'c,l01'll humanit ,. call on the four of u' -- ----- --- ·--, r. a es 1 1 !t tHIC'rs iJrou~ht no il.~l\. l'ment on to plll';i~ our minds of prejudice \~·!:ether tht' ... ummit um!eren{:e and our hearts of t·ancOI'. Too \\ill he hrld in !-l!L'l'<.'! - a more much i, :11 stal;e to indulge .'n Russian 'Manned' Space Rivers In Ontario Some Hay the \\'e't f<ilors '"order to a1oid prnfitlc~s bickel'ing. ·· pn,paganda. Chancellor Konrad .\denauer of P.-\fliS I .-\P •-\il;il;t Khru-h· Th1' deci,;on 11·a, to hr made 1\'e,t German,· joined the three l'ltel' n1mle some h<il' Sunda; at today·, m:to;tl meeting 11·ith \\'estern heads of ;;ol'ernment i111hou~h thr. ~un wa~n·t ~hin· only the lour bc•acb oi ;.!on~rn­ Sunda,· afternoon to discuss sum­ Continue To Rise nwnt illld iutt\rprcler.... prc.,ent. mit issues. in~. Ship Goes Into The torci~n mini,tpr, of thp fom· 1\'hitc Hou.<c Pre"s Secretary Orbit It h:lllpell<•t1 this w;o~·: \laltagami Hiler watt•l's Satur· <Hlll hc~:m flo~ring ilal'k inln lhr l'""·rr, 11 ere to join I he I alks Ia· .l:tmcs lla~crtr announced latct· \!USCO\\'. 1Sunday' - Ru>Sia of 1he \l'l''t. int·luclin~ :\ew York The So\'iet tn·c·mier spl'nl tlw A stalenll'nt bsued bl' lll<' Su\·· dm· cnnlintltd the1r >low retreat township's tlrainnge ditcht•s. ter in the nwrn,u~. there t\'a' .. ·unanim011> a;;ree· orhoted a 4',·1on "space shitl" and Paris. nl!!ht at ncc1rh~· B1·unoy, WllPJ t: irl 11('\l's ,a~"ll<')'·-' 1'"," ·"·: ,,,.,,·"" lite (rom · ".,e 1ca~:uert• d .•'! otmtJov· 1'own· o, \'1 ,, TIIRE·" •'f''''Eil c••• Briti-h <>ffirial' ~~id the rnenl" on the Berlin • Gc~many "1th dummy ~ncl equipment for .\ So net scit•ntbt s:oid: "It\ l:n ... :-..ia\: a 111 h ;1 !' s .1 do r to l'''nir•ct"la;·s the twginnin;: !'o1· ship, :1 Timmins ;;uhurh, bi1t other • ,\t Latchford, tl1e ~lnnlrl':d 1\ilru·hcl:e\' . 'larmillan mccti11;: proh:em. ma1n:ainin~ life. flight lnw l':ll'is has I'C'c:olletl nut Vt'\IOt:<', St>l'rri \'tno~rndnr, Jw ... difficull enrira1·m·s to build t'e· ri1cr, in Onl;orig t·ontinued to llil'et· continued tu r'i;c aud to~, \\ ;1.... "l\.'4l ... llllllhll' but .'it'ri•JII~." This i<>Uc, aton;: with disarm:•· Launched on the c\'e of the nnly the innnen'e might of the a summer home. liahlt• ~pa<'P 'hith. ~uar:mtrein~ .spilllli'Cr tlwir hank,:, nnd hcal'y dehri; flowing alon~ in IJ1hrr intorm:~n:.:: :c;.;:wi I\hrtl:-h· summit conference in P<ll'is, the S1J\·ic•t l'nion hut also our p;o,. mcnt and East·ll'est relation;. ,:1fc ma1mct1 fli~lll,, into o;Jter ln ll~t• Ottmm :u'('a llt'a\1· rain' tht' ru,hin;: riwr tllrcaten~d the Short lv l~t•forr uoon llw pr<'· dl<'' took a "lw.·r1 line" in hi...; arc the three maior topic:, to IJc smclhte "'"' circlin~ the earth sionlllc wbh to unite the efforts spac•·." atlrlt•d In the :·,·dti•t!! 'ut :o·.a. dam and highw~y brid~r ne:il· lllt' n;if.1 r c1c.ridcct to it•l-r :1 '.\tllh: in t.1lk.... \\ Jth .\l<.!L'r~Jjll,fn ami ck di.'l'U>sCrl. PI rr)' nI 111inutcs ahnul 200 milt•s of mankind in the cause of pro· ~loscow r:ulio predicted Ihut lli\'er .. lorcing an estimatcrl t;o, town fiO miles north of :\orth Ray, the nearby countryside. Gaui'l' ~facmillan \\'antetl upon his ar­ ur ~ntl p~S>in~ orer major cities grcss of scicncr and technology." !he first man in spat\! would be fmnilics from their homes in the Elsewhere in llw prorin.·e local The 'lour l<·atJ,,r, 1\CI'r to meet -----·- - .. ---- ···------~---·'··--- \_ --------- -~ 1 r o 1 I i n ~ ~ leafl· lanr. ri' a! from London Sunda'' tha• Russian. It called the new ~ate!. catlilal region. ~!an,· suhurhan flooding continued. ~!any roacb 1\hru.<hchc,· came to a· h11U'r nt 10 am. 1ii a.m ..\DT• toda\· mankind no lon;cr c a'n af. lite a 1\ornhl-Sputnik. basements were flooded and city and highways were under watPr. in d<' (;<Hille's 1-:ly;ee Palace fo·1· ~ ·rin~ tl1e tloor opeu, l1r looked ford mislmder.-tandings, sus pi­ The total weight of lht• space worker> were 1nl1Ticmling strcels. Ht•,itients of some commtmitic' inside and asked for tl1c owner lhc fu·,t >llmmit confr•rence since cions and hostilities. ship without the last stage of the to k<·ep hack ad 1 ·anein~ ril·er \1 a· were forced out or their hOmes as the l!l.i.i l;encl a talk<.
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