Transportation May 2011 Rail Baltica Final Report Volume II Appendix A-F Prepared by: ............................................................. Checked by: ........................................................................ P Constable A Kakulis Deputy Project Manager Local Project Coordinator Approved by: ............................................................. M Elton Project Manager Rail Baltica Final Report Rev No Comments Checked by Approved Date by 1 Final Report v2 AK PC 31.05.2011 Saxon House, 27 Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1HT Telephone: 01245 771200 Website: Job No Reference Date Created May 2011 This document has been prepared by AECOM Limited for the sole use of our client (the “Client”) and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and the terms of reference agreed between AECOM Limited and the Client. Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by AECOM Limited, unless otherwise expressly stated in the document. No third party may rely upon this document without the prior and express written agreement of AECOM Limited. document3 Table of Contents Appendix A – Economic Development Study .............................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Macro – Economic Data ........................................................................................................................................ 6 1.1.1 Population Trends in the Baltic Region .................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.2 Historic data ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1.3 Forecast ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.4 Major Cities in the Baltic States ............................................................................................................................. 9 1.1.5 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 1.1.6 Macroeconomic analysis and forecasts ............................................................................................................... 20 1.1.7 Disposable income .............................................................................................................................................. 44 1.1.8 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................. 45 1.1.9 International trade ................................................................................................................................................ 49 1.1.10 Motorisation rate .................................................................................................................................................. 51 Appendix B – Analysis of Supply of Transport Services .......................................................................................................... 54 1.2 Overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 54 1.3 Passenger Services ............................................................................................................................................. 54 1.3.1 Definition of Passenger Metrics ........................................................................................................................... 54 1.3.2 Estonia ................................................................................................................................................................. 57 1.3.3 Latvia ................................................................................................................................................................... 76 1.3.4 Lithuania .............................................................................................................................................................. 96 1.3.5 Cross-Border Passenger Travel ........................................................................................................................ 111 1.4 Freight Transit Traffic ......................................................................................................................................... 113 1.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................... 128 Appendix C – Regulatory Constraints ...................................................................................................................................... 134 1.6 Regulatory Constraints ...................................................................................................................................... 134 1.6.1 Time frame of different planning procedures ..................................................................................................... 135 1.6.2 Existence of the Government’s special rights to override municipalities in planning matters for projects of national interest ................................................................................................................................................. 139 1.6.3 Land Expropriation............................................................................................................................................. 141 1.6.4 Setting of tariffs .................................................................................................................................................. 144 Appendix D – Spatial Plans ....................................................................................................................................................... 153 Appendix E – Environmental Considerations .......................................................................................................................... 159 Appendix F – Initial Capex Calculations ................................................................................................................................... 164 Table 1 - A.1 Population changes over years 2000 to 2009 (thousands) .........................................................................................6 Table 2 - A.2 Population Forecast (thousands) ................................................................................................................................8 Table 3 - A.3 Average Population Density (persons per .......................................................................................................8 Table 4 - A.4 Population forecast at NUTS3 level for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania .......................................................................8 Table 5 - A.5 Main products manufactured in Vilnius, 2001 -2007 ................................................................................................. 16 Table 6 - A.6 Main products manufactured in Kaunas, 2001 -2007 ................................................................................................ 16 Table 7 - A.7 Main products manufactured in Klaipeda County, 2001 -2007 .................................................................................. 17 Table 8 - A.8 Main products manufactured in Šiauliai, 2001 -2007 ................................................................................................ 17 Table 9 - A.9 Main products manufactured in Panevežys, 2001 -2007........................................................................................... 18 Table 10 - A.10 Main products manufactured in Telšiai County, 2001 -2007 ................................................................................. 19 Table 11 - A.11 Main products manufactured in Utena County, 2001 -2007 .................................................................................. 19 Table 12 - A.12 Main products manufactured in Taurag ÷ County, 2001 -2007 .............................................................................. 19 Table 13 - A.13 Main products manufactured in Alytus County, 2001 -2007 ................................................................................. 20 Table 14 - A.14 Main products manufactured in Marijampol ÷ County, 2001 -2007 ........................................................................ 20 Table 15 - A.15 Foreigners visiting Finland in 2006-2009, (thousands) .......................................................................................... 24 Table 16 - A.16 Share of GDP created by county, % by administrative territory and year .............................................................. 28 Table 17 - A.17 GVA analysis by region and year .......................................................................................................................... 28 Table 18 - A.18 GVA per capita by region, year ............................................................................................................................. 29 Table 19 - A.19 Number of foreign visitors in Estonia
High Speed Rail in Spain - a Statement from a Foreign Expert
25 número 6 - junio - 2018. Pág 477 - 509 High Speed Rail in Spain - a statement from a foreign expert Andersen, Sven Senior Consultant for High Speed Rail1 Abstract In Spain all high speed trains run over tracks in a special built high speed network. No disturbing influences have to be taken into account for daily operation process. This is a great advantage. Spain shares this advantage with the high speed rail networks in Japan, Taiwan and China. Running trains on parallel train paths and at least from case to case in 3 minutes headway to each other is a basic condition to reach a high use to capacity. But Spain is running trains with different speeds on its high speed lines. Another condition for a high cost-benefitratio is a strict regular service with at least one service per hour. RENFE however is running the AVE trains in a rather irregular timetable. Some examples will be presented to demonstrate this fact. The author gives some comparisons of travel times in Spain, Japan and China. The routing data of the AVE line Madrid - Sevilla is compared with those of the Shinkansen Shin Osaka - Hakata. Based on this comparison the author proposes an upgrading of the AVE-Line Madrid - Sevilla for 300 km/h. A strict regular service for all AVE lines can be developed on the basis of a new travel time Madrid - Sevilla with 118 min together with a 142 min nonstop travel time Barcelona - Madrid. The cost-benefit analysis shows several results, above all nearly 100% more train kilometres as well as saving of running days from EMU’s and track change constructions.
Šiauliai State College GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 1 Dear International Students! Congratulations on choosing Šiauliai State College for your studies or internship abroad! Šiauliai State College implements qualitative higher college studies, oriented towards practice. Striving for high-quality college education has organized an industrious, creative and viable aca- demic community. During studies and internship students cooperate with competent teachers, who steadily improve their qualification, participate in conferences, seminars, and work place- ments in Lithuanian and foreign companies and higher schools. Nation-wide and international external relations of Šiauliai State College offer wide oppor- tunities for cooperation in academic, public and cultural space. Therefore, we are happy to in- vite foreign youth to study at our higher school. We look forward to welcoming you and sincerely hope your stay in Lithuania will be a pleasant and rewarding one. International Relations and Project Management Department 2 Content I. What a beautiful land!........................................................................................... 4 II. Short information about Šiauliai State College ................................................. 5 III. General Information on Academic Year .......................................................... 8 IV. Application Procedure ....................................................................................... 8 V. Attendance and Marks ......................................................................................
High Speed Rail and Sustainability High Speed Rail & Sustainability
High Speed Rail and Sustainability High Speed Rail & Sustainability Report Paris, November 2011 2 High Speed Rail and Sustainability Author Aurélie Jehanno Co-authors Derek Palmer Ceri James This report has been produced by Systra with TRL and with the support of the Deutsche Bahn Environment Centre, for UIC, High Speed and Sustainable Development Departments. Project team: Aurélie Jehanno Derek Palmer Cen James Michel Leboeuf Iñaki Barrón Jean-Pierre Pradayrol Henning Schwarz Margrethe Sagevik Naoto Yanase Begoña Cabo 3 Table of contnts FOREWORD 1 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY 6 2 INTRODUCTION 7 3 HIGH SPEED RAIL – AT A GLANCE 9 4 HIGH SPEED RAIL IS A SUSTAINABLE MODE OF TRANSPORT 13 4.1 HSR has a lower impact on climate and environment than all other compatible transport modes 13 4.1.1 Energy consumption and GHG emissions 13 4.1.2 Air pollution 21 4.1.3 Noise and Vibration 22 4.1.4 Resource efficiency (material use) 27 4.1.5 Biodiversity 28 4.1.6 Visual insertion 29 4.1.7 Land use 30 4.2 HSR is the safest transport mode 31 4.3 HSR relieves roads and reduces congestion 32 5 HIGH SPEED RAIL IS AN ATTRACTIVE TRANSPORT MODE 38 5.1 HSR increases quality and productive time 38 5.2 HSR provides reliable and comfort mobility 39 5.3 HSR improves access to mobility 43 6 HIGH SPEED RAIL CONTRIBUTES TO SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 47 6.1 HSR provides macro economic advantages despite its high investment costs 47 6.2 Rail and HSR has lower external costs than competitive modes 49 6.3 HSR contributes to local development 52 6.4 HSR provides green jobs 57
The Baltic region has a population of 7.6 million and is at the verge Estonia: Liivalaia 8, 15040 Tallinn of accession to the European Union. Here the market grows quicker Phone: +372 6 131355 than almost no other market in the world. Located at the crossroads Fax: +372 6 131545 E-mail: of historical trade routes, the region is showing constant progress in every aspect of development economic, social, educational and financial. Latvia: Kalku street 26, LV-1050 Riga Phone: +371 7 024154 Hansabank Markets leads the equity market in Fax: +371 7 024400 E-mail: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with market share exceeding 40%. We offer our clients the finest know- Lithuania: how of the area, best research house of the Baltic Gedimino ave 26, LT-2600 Vilnius region by Euromoney, integrated and plugged-in Phone: +370 2 390638 Fax: +370 2 390641 distribution channels and flexibility derived from our E-mail: expertise and commitment. Hansabank Markets grows the business through developing Baltic financial markets. Hansabank Markets. Professional choices for professional people. LITHUANIAN COMPANIES NACIONALINË VERTYBINIØ P0PIERIØ BIRÞA Guide to Listed Companies 2001 published by the National Stock Exchange of Lithuania Tel. (+370 2) 72 14 07, 72 15 42, fax (+370 2) 72 48 94 Guide to Listed Companies Editors 2000 Simona Baèkienë Juozas Brigmanas Tomas Kliuèius Jûratë Lauciûtë Agnë Maslauskaitë Arminta Saladþienë Lina Semënaitë Diana Sokolova Design director Gediminas Minderis Assisting in the editorial work Gediminas Balnis Daiva Grigusevièiûtë ISSN 1648-2980 2 LITHUANIAN COMPANIES NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF LITHUANIA Dear Reader, We are delighted to introduce the fifth edition of the annual publication GUIDE TO LISTED COMPANIES issued by the National Stock Exchange of Lithuania.
Official Journal L 132 of the European Union ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Volume 58 English edition Legislation 29 May 2015 Contents II Non-legislative acts REGULATIONS ★ Council Regulation (EU) 2015/827 of 28 May 2015 amending Regulation (EU) No 36/2012 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria .......................................... 1 ★ Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/828 of 28 May 2015 implementing Regulation (EU) No 36/2012 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria ................. 3 ★ Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/829 of 27 May 2015 amending Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 as regards fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin ............................................................................................................... 6 ★ Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/830 of 28 May 2015 amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) (1) ....................................................... 8 ★ Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/831 of 28 May 2015 updating the list of parties exempted from the extended anti-dumping duty on certain bicycle parts originating in the People's Republic of China pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 88/97 following the screening initiated by Commission Notice 2014/C 299/08 ................................................................... 32 ★ Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/832 of 28 May 2015 initiating an investi- gation concerning the possible circumvention of countervailing measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1239/2013 on imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells) originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China by imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e.
Photo by Kęstutis Petronis Photo by Lithuanian Economic Outlook 2009 Lithuanian Economic Outlook 2009 Foreword Throughout the year the shifting winds of the economy put the Baltic countries, and Lithuania among them, into sharper focus than ever before. Economic recession has clearly be- come a key topic in business and in everyday life. Therefore, I am pleased to present the latest publication by DnB NORD Bankas’ Economic research team, Lithuanian Economic Out- look, that embraces a thorough economic sectoral analysis and in-depth examination of the Lithuanian economy. The publication is an important part of DnB NORD Bankas’ strategic initiative to become a financial guide to our custom- ers. We firmly believe that namely during periods of economic downturn both individuals and corporate clients need finan- cial advice and are looking for open and professional dialogue more than ever. Considering the fact that Lithuanian businesses have proved robust and resilient to all kinds of rigour, I expect the analy- sis will be a helpful instrument to leaders and managers to manoeuvre through the economic turmoil and emerge with stronger and more efficient business. Werner Schilli President DnB NORD Bankas Lithuanian Economic Outlook was prepared by: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Vadimas Titarenko Chief Economist of the DnB NORD Group In memoriam Prof. Rimantas Rudzkis Chief Analyst Tel. +370 5 2393402, +370 686 59638 e-mail: Jekaterina Rojaka Senior Analyst Tel. +370 5 2393590, +370 685 47578 e-mail: Indrė Genytė Senior Analyst Tel. +370 5 2393678, faks. +370 5 2139056 e-mail: Content 1.
THE INDEPENDENT VOICE OF EUROPEAN PRIVATE EQUITY INSIDE BVCA Summit 2020 A round up of key discussions from the BVCA Summit 2020. //realdealseucom GP Workshop How to market a fund successfully. Sink or float GPs must undertake IPOs with caution. PEA Shortlist Deal, House and Advisory awards shortlists for the Private Equity Awards. THE KEY TO LUXEMBOURG Region focus: Why Luxembourg is a fund jurisdiction of choice. RD471-01.indd 1 23/10/2020 12:19 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT DPE IV closed at its hard cap of €1bn. We look forward to partnering with more leading Mittelstand businesses and delivering value for our investors. 8566 DPE Real Deals Tombstone Ad REVISED ARTWORK.indd 1 15/10/2020 19:30 / realdealseucom & Contents 18 Q&A: Alterdomus Editorial Fund admin and PE relations; and KYC processes. Leader Talya Misiri 4 Alphabites BWAM calls on industry, Pictet’s first thematic fund 20 and more. Lightbulb Credit Comment Trade credit ratings All grown up 6 and PE-backed growth. As the industry matures, it must become BVCA Summit 2020 A roundup of key discussions more aware of the responsibility it has from the BVCA Summit 2020. 21 Webinar: Staying to make a positive impact on its ahead of the curve Tech innovation and portfolio companies, but also the world. 8 managing risks. Luxembourg rebounds and ready to lead Luxembourg accelerates 22 digitalisation and ESG Q&A: Apex in alternatives. Challenges and opportunities facing PE. onus is on private equiteers to think beyond high returns, profit and their personal gains.
EN EN EN EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 5.4.2011 C(2011) 2529 final COMMISSION DECISION of 5.4.2011 on the financial assistance for proposals for actions submitted in the 2010 selection procedure in the Union programme « improving the environmental performance of the freight transport system» (second Marco Polo Programme) ONLY THE ENGLISH TEXT IS AUTHENTIC EN EN COMMISSION DECISION of 5.4.2011 on the financial assistance for proposals for actions submitted in the 2010 selection procedure in the Union programme « improving the environmental performance of the freight transport system» (second Marco Polo Programme) ONLY THE ENGLISH TEXT IS AUTHENTIC THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to the Council Regulation (EC) No 1692/2006 of 24 October 2006 concerning the granting of Union financial assistance to improve the environmental performance of the freight transport system and in particular Art. 9 thereof, Whereas: (1) In accordance with its annual work programme, the Commission has published a call for proposals inviting interested parties to submit proposals for actions to improve the environmental performance of the freight transport system, within the framework of the Union programme Marco Polo II1. (2) The Commission has received 101 proposals for actions to the call opened from 17.03.10 to 18.05.10. (3) 100 proposals were considered compliant with the submission requirements and were evaluated. (4) It is now incumbent on the Commission to adopt a Decision granting the financial assistance with respect to the proposals listed in Annex I to this Decision.
January 2012, № 1/12 (special edition) ISSN 2029-4212 EWTC NEWSPAPER FOR THE TRANSPORT PROFESSIONALS The EWTC Association as an instrument for the implementation of the EU Eastern Neighbourhood policy. 2 EWTC EWTC ASSOCIATION A NEW INSTRUMENT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN 2012 OF THE NEW EU EASTERN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY A. TO ESTABLISH THEMATIC EWTCA WORKING GROUPS The groups should: - identify main problems and bottlenecks in functioning of the EWTC; - propose measures to avoid and prevent obstacles in functioning of the EWTC; - propose actual measures into agenda of the EWTCA activities. • Working group on stakeholders cooperation along the EWTC; • Working groups on freight operations along the EWTC; • Working groups on customs, regulatory and administrative procedures along the EWTC; • Working group on research and development along the EWTC; • Working group on passengers transportation; II quarter 2012 B. TO DEEPEN COOPERATION BETWEEN EWTCA MEMBERS, STAKEHOLDERS ALONG THE EWTC • To prepare the budget calculation of Association for 2012 (I quarter of 2012); • EWTCA Forum in China (I half of 2012); • EWTCA Forum in Germany (III quarter of 2012); • Quarterly EWTCA newsletter; • To facilitate coordination and information exchange between partners, broadening usage of EWTCA web BFL portal by EWTCA members (Regularly); • To organize Council meetings (II quarter of 2012, IV quarter of 2012). C. TO PROMOTE EWTC AND EWTC ASSOCIATION he transport and logistics sector is one of tion, Sweden and Ukraine. Tthe key sectors enhancing national
Research Report Comparative Research on (E-)Bicycle Training in the Partner Countries and the European Legislation
Research report Comparative research on (e-)bicycle training in the partner countries and the European legislation Syntra West vzw, ETRA – BE Innovam, Pro Work – NL Ekolo.CZ – CZ CELF – DK Vilnius Jeruzales labour market training center - LT This project is partially funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein. Table of Content 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2 The Project ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Aims and objectives ................................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Project partners ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.1 Syntra West – Belgium .................................................................................................... 3 2.2.2 ETRA – Belgium ................................................................................................................ 4 2.2.3 Innovam – the Netherlands ............................................................................................. 4 2.2.4 Pro Work – the Netherlands ...........................................................................................
S107 PI GKftl1S NEMS rH€ l IBK'AaY Or C0N6R6SS REFEREMCt DEPARTHENT SfRiALS DIVISION MASHINGION OC ?00?S NEVVSPAPER - PO NOT DELAY - Pate Mailed 5/1/98 UŽSIENIO LIETUVIŲ DIENRAŠTIS 4545 WEST 63rd STREET • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60629 TEL: 773-585-9500 • FAX: 773-585-8284 • DRAUGAS@EABTHLINK.NET PERIODICALS May 2, 1998 THE LITHUANIAN VVORLD-VVIDE DAILY Vol.LXXXVII Kaina 75 c. ŠEŠTADIENIS - SATURDAY. GEGUŽĖ - MAY 2,1998 Nr. 86 Paskirtas Švietimo ir mokslo JAV Senatas pritarė NATO ministerijos vadovas plėtrai Vilnius, gegužės 1 d. (BNS) ministro postą. Pagal koalici Vašingtonas, gegužės 1 d. priėmimo į NATO bei „atvirų — Lietuvos prezidentas Val jos sutartįšios ministerijos va (Reuters-BNS) — Ketvirta durų" politika priartins Lietu das Adamkus penktadienį dovą turėtų deleguoti krikš dienį JAV Senatas didele per vos narystę sąjungoje. švietimo ir mokslo ministru čionys demokratai. svara balsavo už Lenkijos, Tai Lietuvos vadovas pažy Čekijos ir Vengrijos priėmimą paskyrė „Vagos" leidyklos di Seimui balsavus už ERM pa mi laiške Jungtinių Valstijų į NATO. Tam pritarė 80, pasi rektorių, konservatorių Kor naikinimą, premjeras nus prezidentui Bill Clinton, ku sakė prieš 19 JAV Kongreso nelijų Platelį. prendė prezidentui pateikti riame sveikina Senato spren aukštųjų rūmų narių. dimą. Po šio paskyrimo visiškai konservatorių kandidatą į suformuota atnaujintoji prem laisvą ministerijos vadovo Senatoriai atmetė pataisas V. Adamkus pabrėžia esąs jero Gedimino Vagnoriaus vy postą. kurios, pasak Bill Clinton ad įsitikinęs, kad trijų valstybių ministracijos, būtų „surišu įsijungimas sustiprins NATO riausybė, kurioje yra 14 mi Dabar iš 14 ministerijų vy sios" jos rankas ir pakirtusios ir organizacijos vaidmenį besi nistrų. riausybėje, LKD partija vado pastovumą Europoje. B.