
Ammonia detection by use of near- diode--based overtone

Ricardo Claps, Florian V. Englich, Darrin P. Leleux, Dirk Richter, Frank K. Tittel, and Robert F. Curl

We describe a portable diode-laser-based sensor for NH3 detection using vibrational overtone at 1.53 ␮m. Use of fiber-coupled optical elements makes such a trace gas sensor rugged and easy to align. On-line data acquisition and processing requiring Ͻ30 s can be performed with a

laptop PC running LabVIEW software. The gas sensor was used primarily for NH3 measurements with a sensitivity of 0.7 parts per million ͑signal-to-noise ratio of 3͒ over a two-week period in a being developed at the NASA Johnson Space Center for treatment technologies to

support long-duration space missions. The feasibility of simultaneous, real-time measurements of NH3 and CO2 is also reported. © 2001 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 300.6360, 140.3490, 280.3420.

1. Introduction the 1 ϫ 10Ϫ6 level with a precision of 0.2 parts per ͑ ͒ Laser-based spectroscopic techniques to detect trace million ppm and CO2 measurements between 1000 gases sensitively and selectively in real time in the and 20,000 ppm. The sensor was then used to mon- infrared ͑IR͒ spectral region have been the focus of itor dynamic concentrations in bioreactor considerable research and development activities in vent gases at the NASA Johnson Space Center ͑JSC͒. recent years. The principal optical gas sensor tech- In addition, the performance characteristics of the nologies are based on absorption spectroscopy of fun- bioreactor in terms of the water could be damental bands in the 3–25-␮m spectral region and evaluated. Other applications for compact, real- near-IR vibrational overtone and combination bands time ammonia sensors include the monitoring of se- from 1–3 ␮m. Common sources include lective noncatalytic NOx reduction processes, process continuous-wave ͑cw͒ diode ͑GaAs-based, control in manufacturing, and envi- antimonide-based, lead salt͒, parametric ronmental monitoring. conversion devices ͑difference frequency generation Ammonia has a rich in the near-IR ͒ ͑ region.1–5 In the spectral range from 1450 to 1560 and optical parametric oscillators , gas lasers CO Ϫ ͒ nm ͑ϳ6400–6900 cm 1͒, Lundsberg-Nielsen et al.6 and CO2 , and quantum-cascade lasers. Telecom- munication distributed-feedback ͑DFB͒ diode lasers have identified 1710 ammonia absorption lines and are ideally suited for overtone spectroscopy of mole- assigned 381 of them to rotational–vibrational tran- ␯ ϩ␯ cules with chemical bonds such as C-H, O-H, and N-H sitions in the combination band 1 3 and the over- ␯ 7 in the near-IR region ͑0.78–2.5 ␮m͒. In this paper tone 2 3. Webber et al. examined these lines for we employ them to develop a gas sensor suitable for interferences and pointed out the best lines for mon- itoring purposes. From their report, one of the lines simultaneous NH3 concentration measurements at at 1531.7 nm ͑6528.8 cmϪ1͒ was chosen as the oper- ating for the NH3 sensor described here. When this research was performed, all the authors were with the At this wavelength, low-noise InGaAs detectors are Rice Quantum Institute, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77251- available that operate with quantum efficiencies ͑ ͒ 1892. R. Claps [email protected] is now close to unity and require no cooling or with Radiant , Incorporated, 1908 Kramer Lane, Build- control. Overtone spectroscopy exhibits absorption ing B, Austin, Texas 78758. The e-mail address for F. K. Tittel is [email protected]. line strengths that are typically approximately 1–2 Received 4 December 2000; revised manuscript received 17 April orders of magnitude weaker than those of the funda- 2001. mental vibrations in the mid-IR. To obtain the re- 0003-6935͞01͞244387-08$15.00͞0 quired sensitivity in the near IR, longer absorption © 2001 Optical Society of America path lengths and optimal balancing of laser noise are

20 August 2001 ͞ Vol. 40, No. 24 ͞ APPLIED 4387 Table 1. NH3 and CO2 Absorption Lines

Line Strength

͓cmϪ1͑͞atm cm͔͒ Frequency Wavelength Line ͑cmϪ1͞molecule cmϪ2͒ ͑at 296 K͒ ͑cmϪ1͒ ͑nm͒ Reference

A 2.33 ϫ 10Ϫ21 0.057784 6528.76 1531.68 7 B 1.24 ϫ 10Ϫ21 0.0307 6528.89 1531.65 7 C 5.19 ϫ 10Ϫ25 1.29 ϫ 10Ϫ5 6528.895 1532.65 12 required. For this purpose, a compact multipass present study ͑between 300 and 313 K͒, an increase configured for a 36-m total optical path-length and an in line strength of less than 4% is to be expected.6 autobalance detection technique was used.8 Other The line strength of C is approximately a factor of groups have used cavity-enhanced absorption spec- 5000 less than A. However, in the bioreactor ex- troscopy to monitor rovibrational overtone and haust, CO2 concentrations can be as high as 50% or combination band transitions.9,10 Also, use of cryo- more, with the result that line A ends up buried genically cooled tunable diode lasers, covering the within line C. On the other hand, if CO2 levels are ͑␯ fundamental of NH3 2, at 10.07 below 3%, overlapping between lines A and C is neg- ␮m͒, has been reported.11 The sensitivity obtained ligible and the ammonia concentration can easily be in all cases is comparable to that described in this extracted with line A. Furthermore, under these paper, but those techniques have not yet been applied conditions, the three lines A, B, and C can be used to to a portable system that has proven its applicability perform simultaneous NH3 and CO2 concentration and performance in the field. measurements. The selection of a suitable isolated absorption line for the design of the gas sensor to be used for ammo- 2. Experimental nia monitoring in the bioreactor depends on potential absorption interference by other gas species present A. Ammonia Sensor in the system. In the bioreactor environment, in The diode-laser-based gas sensor developed for on- addition to NH , the presence of H O and CO needs 3 2 2 line NH3 monitoring in a bioreactor system is shown to be considered. The line selected for this study has in Fig. 1. Its main components are a fiber-coupled Ϫ1 the merit of being more than 1 cm away from the DFB diode laser ͑NLK1554STB from NTT - next H2O absorption line and approximately 0.13 ics Corporation, Japan͒, a compact 36-m multipass, Ϫ1 cm away from an adjacent NH3 and CO2 overtone astigmatically compensated Herriott cell and a dual- transition,12 which permits simultaneous concentra- beam, autobalanced InGaAs detector ͑Nirvana 2017 Ϫ1 tion measurements of NH3 and CO2 at 6528.9 cm . from New Focus͒, which can also operate as a single An ammonia ͑or any other gas͒ concentration mea- photodetector. A two-stage diaphragm pump was surement for narrow-linewidth radiation sources is used to flow the sample gas through the multipass obtained with the Beer–Lambert absorption law, cell at a pressure of 100 Torr. The multipass cell which relates the intensity of entering into an absorption medium I0 to the transmitted intensity I as follows:

I ϭ exp͑ϪS␯␾␯P␹jl ͒, (1) I0 where S␯ is the temperature-dependent absorption line strength for a specific transition denoted by ␯ ͓ Ϫ1 ͑ ͞ ͔͒ ␾ ͑ ͒ ␹ cm atm cm , ␯ is the line-shape function cm , j is the fractional concentration of the species j, P is pressure ͑atm͒, and l is the optical path length through the medium ͑cm͒. Table 1 depicts the three absorption lines that are used in this study. Lines A and B are the two am- monia lines used: A is an isolated line useful for the measurement of ammonia concentrations whereas the other ammonia line B overlaps with line C, which is the ͑00001͒ 4 ͑30011͒, R͑36͒ overtone transition of CO2. The line-strength values reported in Table 1 corre- spond to a temperature of 296 K. For measure- ments at the slightly higher used in the Fig. 1. Schematic of the DFB diode-laser-based ammonia sensor.

4388 APPLIED OPTICS ͞ Vol. 40, No. 24 ͞ 20 August 2001 was heated to a temperature of 40 °C to minimize ammonia adsorption on its glass walls and to prevent potential water condensation on the cell mirrors. The was driven by a compact current supply ͑MPL-250, Wavelength Electronics͒ with rip- ple noise Ͻ1 ␮A so that the frequency fluctuations of the laser line that are due to current noise are neg- ligible ͑Ͻ1 MHz͒. The current supply is scanned at 20 Hz about an average current of 67 mA with a sawtooth ramp function. The laser temperature was controlled to within 0.003 °C, near 32 °C, by a thermoelectric current driver ͑HTC-1500, Wave- length Electronics͒. The scan range of the laser un- der these conditions was 0.3 cmϪ1, which allowed all three spectral lines, A, B, and C, to be accessed on every scan. The fiber-pigtailed DFB laser diode delivers 15 mW at 1531.7 nm with a specified linewidth of Ͻ10 MHz. The fiber was fusion spliced to a 70͞30͑%͒ directional coupler with an insertion loss of less than 2%. The 70% power arm of the directional Fig. 2. Diagram depicting the main subsystems of the NASA JSC BWP system and attached NH3 diode-laser-based gas sensor. coupler was sent to the multipass cell by use of a The actual size of the BWP is 2 m ϫ 2mϫ 3m. lens ͑ f ϭ 7 mm, 0.5 N.A.͒ mounted in a precision holder with 5 deg of freedom ͑Optics for Research͒ to set the beam waist at the midpoint of the multi- pass cell. The 30% power arm was used as the measurements to external daily events and specific reference beam for the balancing detector. This chemical actions performed on the bioreactor. We integrated laser and optical fiber configuration de- found it convenient to monitor the sensor perfor- livers 10 mW of laser light at the input of the mul- mance and concentration data remotely using PC tipass cell. The output power of the beam obtained Anywhere software. from the cell after 182 passes was 17 ␮W, for a throughput efficiency of 0.17%. This corresponds B. Bioreactor and Measurement Setup to a 96.5% reflectivity for the cell mirrors, indicat- The bioreactor referred to above is part of a water ing degradation from the original reflectivity of 98% recovery system being developed at the JSC in Hous- after three years of use. The output beam from the ton, Texas. The water recovery system is composed of cell is focused on the signal and reference photo- several subsystems, among them the biological water diodes of the dual-beam detector by a gold-coated processor ͑BWP͒, which is illustrated in Fig. 2. This parabolic mirror of 1-in. ͑2.54-cm͒ diameter ͑ f ϭ 2͒ system produces potable water from a wastewater and a lens ͑ f ϭ 7 mm, 0.5 N.A.͒ mounted on a stream using anaerobic microbial processes. Aque- precision holder, respectively. Because the refer- ous ammonia is produced in the BWP and must be ͑ ͒ ence beam power Pref was much greater than removed to preserve the bacterial population. This is the power of the signal beam coming from the cell done at the nitrifier stage of the system, where ammo- ͑ ͒ Ϫ Psignal , it was attenuated with a variable fiber at- nia is oxidized into NO3 . The gases resulting from tenuator. For optimum performance of the auto- the process are separated from the fluid at the gas– balanced detector, the reference power was set as liquid separator stage and vented into the atmosphere, ϭ ϫ Pref 2.2 Psignal at the center frequency of the whereas the liquid is returned to the BWP for a new laser scan. The level was set below 25 cycle. The concern is that effluent from the gas– dB, because above this level interference fringes liquid separator might transfer potentially harmful from fiber-to-fiber etalons produced in the attenua- amounts of NH3 to an enclosed environment. This is tor module started to affect the observed signal. the principal factor motivating the monitoring of NH3 A laptop PC running LabVIEW 5.0 software was concentration levels in the water recovery system gas used for data acquisition and processing. In the exhaust. autobalance mode, 500 scans were averaged for The packed-bed reactor contains anaerobic bacte- each single concentration measurement. For the ria that decompose organic from wastewa- concentration measurements made with the detec- ter collected from the donation center moving from tor in the linear mode, 1000 scans were used for a the waste tank at a rate of 16 ml͞min. As a residual single measurement because of the lower signal-to- of this initial process, known as total organic carbon noise ratio of this mode. The total data collection ͑TOC͒ reduction, an equilibrium amount of time, averaging, and processing to obtain a single ammonia– dissolved in water is pro- concentration measurement is less than 30 s. For duced, along with other compounds, in particular ͑ ͒ convenience, the sensor was configured to take mea- CO2. The nitrifier consists of a 4000-ft- 1219-m- surements every minute to correlate the ammonia long coil of 0.25-in. ͑0.64 cm͒ polypropylene tubing,

20 August 2001 ͞ Vol. 40, No. 24 ͞ APPLIED OPTICS 4389 treated on the inner surface with a biofilm of aerobic, using a gas mixer capable of controlled temperature, nitrifying bacteria, which in the presence of air pro- pressure, and flow-rate operating conditions. NH3 duce the reaction concentration measurements were performed simul- taneously with the overtone-based sensor operating ␮ O2 O2 at 1.53 m and with a quantum-cascade laser-based Ϫ Ϫ NH3 O¡ NO2 O¡ NO3 . sensor that uses the fundamental NH3 absorption ␯ ␮ 15 band 2 at 10.07 m. The results for the two pro- cedures are shown in Fig. 3 and demonstrate an ͞ ϩ agreement of better than 5% between the two inde- The NH3 NH4 concentration level indicates the ef- ficiency of the nitrifying process in the BWP, once the pendent measurements. These are within the stan- nitrifier loop is set in operation. If the pH is known, dard deviation of the overtone measurements of Ϯ0.2 ͞ ϩ ppm, or 7%. We obtained the fundamental absorp- the total NH3 NH4 concentration can be calculated tion measurement using a line strength available from measurements of the NH3 concentration in the from the HITRAN96 database, whereas the overtone gas stream. The CO2 concentration measurement also gives a quantitative indication of the conversion measurement uses a value reported in Ref. 7. Both of TOC in the system, which is an important param- measurements yield values below the expected NH3 eter to determine the quality of the water that has concentration, most likely because ammonia sticks to been recycled. At the end of the loop, a fraction the stainless-steel surface of the gas mixer, and in- ͑1͞20th͒ of the recycled water is extracted from the sufficient time elapsed to reach a steady state in ad- BWP for postprocessing, whereas the rest is sent sorption and desorption. back into the packed-bed reactor. To keep ammonia The real-time fitting routine implemented in Lab- levels in the effluent gas low, nitric acid is added as VIEW has been reported elsewhere,16 and only minor necessary to the BWP waste tank to maintain a pH of software modifications were required for this study to 7.5. The gaseous residual is vented through the ex- process the logarithmic signal from the detector oper- haust line into the atmosphere. is re- ating in the autobalance mode. Figure 4 illustrates moved from the gas exhaust by a water condenser. how a direct transmission spectrum from the logarith- The diode-laser-based sensor was connected to the mic output of the Nirvana detector, operating in auto- exhaust line after the water condenser, as shown in balance mode, is obtained. A third-order polynomial Fig. 2, and placed ϳ3 m away from the BWP unit. is fitted to the baseline of the absorption scan, as We used approximately 6 m of Teflon tubing ͓0.25 in. shown in Fig. 4͑a͒. If a voltage V*͑␯͒ is assigned to ͑0.64 cm͔͒ to satisfy NASA JSC safety protocols. A the baseline values, and the logarithmic signal values glass flask ͑ϳ150 ml͒ was inserted along the Teflon are assigned a voltage V͑␯͒, then the corresponding line to collect any remaining water droplets in the optical transmission for a specified frequency value gas. The flow rate to the multipass cell was adjusted T͑␯͒, in percent, is given by17 to be less than the exhaust line rate to ensure sam- pling of the BWP and not outside air. For this pur- A expͫϪ V*͑␯͒ͬ ϩ 1 pose, a flow meter and controller were installed T immediately upstream from the sensor to measure a T͑␯͒ ϭ 100 , (2) ͑ A constant flow rate of 10 SCCM SCCM denotes cubic expͫϪ V͑␯͒ͬ ϩ 1 centimeters per minute at STP͒, well below the bio- T reactor exhaust rates of several hundreds of SCCM. where A is a constant determined by the of the 3. Results and Discussion detector amplifier (A ϭ 273 K͞V) and T is the temper- ature of the photodetector ͑operating at 300 K͒. The A. Calibration and Fitting Routines result of this operation is depicted in Fig. 4͑b͒. This A convenient method for determining the accuracy of procedure provides a balanced transmission spectrum concentration measurements of the sensor system and simultaneously corrects for the baseline of the was to measure the absorption of a 100-Torr sample absorption signal. To this spectrum ͑after we divide ͒ of CO2, which resulted in a concentration of 97.6% by 100 and take the natural , an absorption when we used HITRAN96 line-strength and line-shape function is fitted to obtain the gas concen- pressure-broadening coefficients and assumed an op- tration as described below. The convenience of this tical path length of 36 m. When we measured the procedure is that only one detection channel is needed same sample using a second multipass cell and a in this configuration to account for both the signal and ␮ 2.0- m diode laser, accessing a CO2 line whose line- the reference signals from the photodetector. strength and pressure-broadening coefficient were The fit employs a nonlinear, least-squares 13,14 characterized independently, the CO2 concentra- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and uses a given ab- tion was found to be 100 Ϯ 5%. Thus the accuracy of sorption profile to fit the data. Because the pressure the laser-based ammonia sensor reported in this regime of operation ͑100 Torr͒ lies between the pre- study is better than 5%. dominantly Doppler and pressure-broadened regimes, A second calibration procedure was performed with a Voigt profile with fixed pressure broadening and ͑ Ϯ ͒ a calibrated ammonia sample 100 2 ppm in N2 Doppler width was used. A Lorentz function overes- ϳ that we diluted with N2 to a nominal 5-ppm mixture timates the area under the curve by 6%. Figure 5

4390 APPLIED OPTICS ͞ Vol. 40, No. 24 ͞ 20 August 2001 Ϫ1 Fig. 5. Typical NH3 absorption line at 6528.76 cm observed from the NASA JSC bioreactor, with the detector operating in autobal- Fig. 3. Intercomparison of concentration measurements of a ance mode. The residual obtained from the Voigt line-shape fit is ␮ 4-ppm NH3 inaN2 mixture with a 1.53- m DFB diode laser and shown below the NH3 spectrum and indicates a limiting detection Ϫ a single-frequency quantum-cascade laser-based sensor operating sensitivity of 10 4 optical density ͓optical density is given by Ϫln͑I͞ ͔͒ at 10.07 ␮m. I0 . The NH3 concentration from the Voigt fit is 1.4 ppm.

͓ ϫ ͑ ͞ ͒ shows a typical absorption spectrum obtained, where tion note that 100 ln I I0 is equivalent to percent we removed the baseline using a third-order polyno- absorption for small absorptions͔. The rms uncer- mial and to which we fitted a Voigt profile,18,19 with a Ϫ tainty level is then 0.014% absorption. From Fig. 5, linewidth of 0.027 cm 1 and a pressure-broadening where a peak absorption of 0.085% corresponds to 1.4 Ϫ1 contribution of 0.020 cm . Because of pressure fluc- ppm of NH3, it can be seen that detection with a signal- tuations in the bioreactor exhaust of Ϯ2 Torr, not ac- to-noise ratio of 3 corresponds to a concentration of 0.7 counted for by the fitting routine, and the ppm ͑i.e., 0.7 Ϯ 0.12 ppm͒. This is the minimum con- fluctuations observed in the CO2 concentration from centration that can be measured reliably with the re- the exhaust gases of Ϯ2%, the linewidth of the ammo- ported gas sensor design. Optical fringes from nia absorption peaks is expected to fluctuate by ap- Ϫ interference effects introduced by the multipass cell proximately Ϯ0.002 cm 1.5,6,20 This introduces an limit the sensitivity and are the primary source of error for the ammonia concentration measurement in uncertainty in the ammonia concentration values re- the LabVIEW calculation routine of 4%. The residual ported. Other groups implementing a dual-beam au- of the Voigt fit yields an uncertainty level for a single tobalancing technique like the one reported in this measurement ͑with 500 averages͒ of Ϯ0.01% absorp- study have obtained similar sensitivity values.21,22 To our knowledge, the sensitivity reported here is the best obtained so far in a field application for NH3 mea- surements by use of overtone absorption spectroscopy, taking advantage of recent advances in single- frequency DFB diode-laser and optical fiber technol- ogy. We obtained simultaneous measurements of NH3 and CO2 concentrations by fitting the three lines A, B, and C in real time as mentioned in Section 1. This technique uses the fact that the three peaks can be obtained in a single diode-laser scan of ϳ0.3 cmϪ1. The algorithm begins with a Voigt fit on peak A. With the NH3 concentration thus obtained, peak B is modeled and subtracted from the absorption feature. The remaining absorption signal at the location of peaks B and C is fitted again to a Voigt profile, which yields the CO2 concentration. This algorithm re- moves the problem of having to fit the two peaks that overlap B and C simultaneously. It also allows for the subtraction of the baseline in two separate sec- Fig. 4. Algorithm developed to obtain the transmission spectrum tions, one for line A in the first step and the other for ͑%͒ from the logarithmic output of the Nirvana detector in the lines B and C in the second step. This technique autobalanced mode. See text for details. eliminates unwanted effects of spurious baseline fea-

20 August 2001 ͞ Vol. 40, No. 24 ͞ APPLIED OPTICS 4391 Ϫ1 ͑ ͒ Fig. 6. Measured NH3 and CO2 absorption lines listed in Table 1, centered at 6528.8 cm , observed from the BWP vent gases. a Raw data obtained from a typical laser scan over ϳ0.3 cmϪ1. The two absorption features at 6528.76 and 6528.89 cmϪ1 are clearly visible. ͑b͒ ͑ ͒ Result of the two-step fitting routine applied to line A, in which a NH3 concentration of 2.1 ppm is obtained. c Fit performed on the absorption feature that includes both lines B and C, showing a CO2 concentration of 0.9%. tures that may occur between the two absorption it increases to 0.2 ppm. Such a difference is ex- lines. Figure 6 shows an absorption spectrum of the pected because the autobalanced scheme minimizes two NH3 and the CO2 lines listed in Table 1, obtained most common sources of noise in both the signal and in a single diode-laser scan. The baseline subtrac- the reference arms of the laser beam. In particular, tion obtained with this algorithm for the peaks A, B, laser amplitude fluctuations produced by electronic and C yields a fit residual of less than Ϯ0.02% ab- noise from the power supplies and temperature drifts sorption within the peaks. Such a residual would are removed. As mentioned above, the linear output not have been realized if a single baseline had been measurements were averaged for 1000 scans, as com- fitted across the entire scan range.

B. Bioreactor Measurements

NH3 concentration measurements were performed at NASA JSC for a period of 13 days, from 25 August to 7 September 2000. Figure 7 shows the ammonia concentration as a function of time, measured during the first three days of data collection ͑25–28 August ͒ 2000 . The NH3 concentration fluctuates in periods of ϳ10 h, ranging from levels below the sensitivity of the instrument and up to 5.6 ppm. Figure 8 shows the overall time history of the ammonia measure- ments performed on the bioreactor system, except for a three-day period from 30 August to 1 September 2000, when the bioreactor was monitored by a 2.0-␮m diode laser from Stanford University.14 Critical bio- chemical procedures taken on the different parts of the BWP by NASA personnel are indicated. The standard deviation of the autobalanced output data is Fig. 7. Time history of NH3 concentration from NASA JSC bio- calculated to be 0.1 ppm, whereas for the linear case reactor vent gases for a three-day period.

4392 APPLIED OPTICS ͞ Vol. 40, No. 24 ͞ 20 August 2001 Table 2. Aqueous- and Gas-Phase NH3 Concentrations Calculated ؉͔ ͓ from Measurements of NH4 , pH, and with Henry’s Law

NH3 Aqueous NH3 Gas Date ͑mg͞l͒ ͑ppm͒

25 Aug. 32.5 13.0 26 Aug. 12.5 5.0 27 Aug. 8.7 3.5 28 Aug. 8.6 3.4 29 Aug. 20.7 8.3 30 Aug. 19.9 8.0 31 Aug. 10.0 4.0 1 Sept. 14.5 5.8 2 Sept. 6.1 2.4 3 Sept. 11.0 4.4 4 Sept. 5.2 2.1 5 Sept. 3.7 1.5 Fig. 8. Ammonia concentration measurements for an 11-day pe- 6 Sept. 4.4 1.8 riod. Filled circles correspond to data points obtained in the au- tobalance mode, and triangles correspond to data obtained in the linear mode of the detector. Measured ammonia levels never ex- An accurate measurement would require a precise ceeded 5.6 ppm during this period. A three-day gap occurred account of all the ions in the solution, the pH of the ␮ 14 when a 2- m DFB diode laser was used in the sensor instead of solution, and the variation of these quantities in the the 1.53-␮m diode laser. various subsystems of the bioreactor. Figure 9 shows the simultaneous NH3 and CO2 concentration measurements for a portion of the pared with only 500 scans for the autobalanced mea- overall measurement time, obtained when we applied surements. The main sources of uncertainty in this the triple Voigt fit algorithm described in Section 3.A. are the optical fringes produced in the The two measurements are clearly anticorrelated, multipass cell. The autobalance technique does not which is to be expected from the fact that ammonia remove the fringes because they do not affect the and gas-phase concentrations should signal and reference beams simultaneously. We have opposite dependence on the pH in the BWP performed a background ammonia concentration water solution. The CO2 concentration shown in measurement by disconnecting the system from the Fig. 9 provides information that we can use to im- bioreactor and sampling room air. The NH3 back- prove the BWP operation by monitoring the efficiency ground was measured to be ϳ0.5 ppm ͑see Fig. 8͒ and of the BWP in performing TOC reduction. Through- is due to the residual ammonia that has accumulated out the time periods when CO2 concentrations were on the walls of the gas line from the BWP to the measured, largely fluctuating values were obtained. ammonia sensor. During the entire measurement CO2 levels from less than 1000 to 20,000 ppm were period the ammonia levels never exceeded 5.6 ppm observed, with values decreasing after the BWP was after the packed-bed reactor and the nitrifier coils set into its recycling mode on 30 August 2000. were integrated. The NH3 concentration fluctuated during the period ͑25–30 August͒ before the BWP 4. Conclusions was operated in the recycling mode. In this mode, We described the performance of a trace gas sensor no more wastewater samples were added and the based on overtone absorption spectroscopy at 1.53 ammonia levels decreased ͑shown in Fig. 8 and also verified in Fig. 13, Ref. 14͒. ϩ NH4 aqueous-phase concentration measurements were performed once a day by NASA personnel using standard wet-chemical techniques. From this and the pH value of the aqueous solution, the concentra- tion of NH3 in solution can be calculated. An esti- mate of the NH3 concentration in the gas phase was calculated with Henry’s law.23 The resulting values are shown in Table 2, which is in agreement with the results obtained with the laser-based ammonia sen- sor. It is observed that, in general, the calculated values from the wet-chemical measurements are somewhat larger than the measured concentrations Fig. 9. Simultaneous CO and NH concentration measurements. with the laser-based sensor. However, it should be 2 3 The CO2 levels do not exceed 20,000 ppm. The time period can be noted that the wet-chemical measurements provide related to the ammonia measurements reported in Fig. 7. The only an order-of-magnitude estimate of the overall continuous curves represent moving averages of ten data points for ammonia concentration expected in the gas phase. the two gases being measured.

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