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[email protected] 1 Facebook Page Facebook Group Telegram Group Telegram Channel ISRO Space Technology Cell (STC) at the 1st & 2nd June 2019 institute where Assam Governor Jagdish Mukhi inaugurated a new academic Q1. Narendra Modi took oath as the PM for complex and research and development a second consecutive term. How many building. other members of the Council of Ministers, (a) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre including Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah, Nitin (b) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Gadkari, and Sadananda Gowda, also took (c) ISRO the oath? (d) DRDO (a) 58 (e) NASA (b) 56 Ans.3.(c) (c) 54 Exp.Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), (d) 55 Guwahati has signed an MoU with The Indian (e) 57 Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to set up Ans.1.(e) an IITG-ISRO Space Technology Cell (STC) at Exp. Narendra Modi took oath as the PM for a the institute where Assam Governor Jagdish second consecutive term. 57 other members Mukhi inaugurated a new academic complex of the Council of Ministers, including Rajnath and research and development building. Singh, Amit Shah, Nitin Gadkari, and Q4. DV Sadananda Gowda is the new Sadananda Gowda, also took the oath. A total cabinet minister for chemicals and of 24 Cabinet Ministers took oath at the fertilizers in Prime Minister Narendra forecourt of the Rashtrapati Bhavan, followed Modi’s government. Where is the by nine Ministers of State (Independent constituency of DV Sadananda Gowda? Charge) and 24 Ministers of State. (a) Bengaluru South Q2. As the World Environment Day is (b) Bengaluru North approaching, Ministry of Environment, (c) Bangalore Rural Forest and Climate Change launched a (d) Bangalore Central theme song ‘_________________________’ on air (e) Bagalkot pollution.