The Globe 2007 ~ the journal of The International College of Dentists • Recognizing the worldwide progress and projects of the College and its Fellows • Publishing information on topics that support the MISSION objectives of the College • Promoting international collaboration and under - The International College of Dentists is a standing throughout the worldwide community of leading honorary dental organization dentists dedicated to the recognition of outstanding professional achievement, meritorious THE GLOBE is published annually by the International College of service, and the continued progress of the Dentists, Inc. for members only. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Globe, Journal of the International College of Dentists, Dr. profession of dentistry for the benefit of mankind. Robert E. Brady, Secretary General, 51 Monroe Street, Suite 1400, Rockville, Maryland 20850-2412, U.S.A. Correspondence relating to The Globe should be addressed to Editor, John V. Hinterman, D.D.S., G-3535 Beecher Road, Flint, Michigan 48532-2700, U.S.A. MOTTO (Electronic mail:
[email protected]) MEMBERS SEND ALLADDRESS CHANGES to: Dr. Robert E. “Recognizing service and the opportunity to serve” Brady, Secretary General, 51 Monroe Street, Suite 1400, Rockville, Maryland 20850-2412, U.S.A. (Electronic mail:
[email protected]) OBJECTIVES All statements of opinion and supposed facts are published with the of the authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not necessarily to be regarded as the views of the International College International College of of Dentists. Therefore, the College, its officers, employees, and ed- Dentists itors accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever for the conse- quences of any inaccurate or misleading statements made by the con- • To advance the art and science of dentistry for the health tributors to the publication.