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DECLASSIFIED 28/rad 5750 002310 AUG 0,1 .sss SE CRET (Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (1)) FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CG, III MAF ltr 3K/jld 5750 Ser: 0086069 dtd 18 July 1969 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific . To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) \~ Subj: Command Chronology for the period 1-31 May 1969 ....,.') 1. The subject chronology has been reviewed for completeness and is forwarded herewith. ~ ~ \S ~~ UNCLASSifiED ~ ~ ~ .... 2 ~ ,f) r I -- --- - -- - - - - - - -- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS HEADQUARTERS ••III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE MII.ITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND. VIETNAM FPO. SAN FRANCI$CO eee02 IN REPLY IItI:f'ER TO: 3K!jld !,:~ ~~;~O 08 6 o69 18 JUL 1969. _ (Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (1) From. Commanding General Toa Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Vial Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacifio Subjl Canmand Chronology (U) Refl (a) MCO P5750.1A (b) F.MFPaoO 5750.8A Encla (1) III MAF Canmand Chronology, May 1969 1. In acccrdance with references (a) am (b), enolosure (1) is submi tted herewith. .. .. UMCl~SS\f\tD Copy_i_of ~Copi6e L/~ DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED HEADQUARTERS III Marine AJnph1bious Force Mi1itary Assistanoe Command, Vietnam 1:'------_ WO San Franoisoo 96602 COMMAND CHRONOLOGY 1 May 1969 - 31 May 1969 INDEX PART I ORGAN! UTI ONAL DATA PART II NARRATIVE SUMMARY PART III SEQUENTIAL LISTING OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS PART IV SUPPORTING DOCm-rENTS ... ~ . ENCLOSlmE~. l' ,.' GF~OUP-4 1 DO'i!'1,pr'i>~1"rj cit 3 Y(\iT inter'vals: . , .. • .' • ~"'~ .",w Dl,c:l.~" \":,~' '\;J ,..~ years. .. • ;0 ." DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • PART I • ORGANIZATIONAL DATA 1. DmIGNATION COMMANDER III Marine AJnphibious Foroe Lieutenant General Heman NICKERSON Jr., U. S. Marine Corp a 1-~lMay69 DFPUTY COMMANDER Major General Carl A. YOUNGDALE, U. S. Marine Corps 1-~lMay69 SUBORDINATE UNITS XXIV Corps Lieutenant General Riohard G. STILWELL, U. S. Army 1-~ay69 3d J.1arine Division Major General Wi1liaJll K. JONES, U. S. Marine Corps 1-~ay69 101st Airborne Division Major General Melvin ZAIS, (Aimobi1e) u, S. Army l-3lMay69 1st Marine Division Major General Omond R. SIMPSON, U. S. Marine Corps 1-~ay69 1st Marine Aircraft Wing Major General Charles J. QUILTER, U. S. Marine Corps 1-~ay69 .AJnerioal Division Major General Charles M. GETTYS, U. S. Army 1-~lMay69 Force Log! stio Command Brigadier General James A. FEELEY, U. S. Marine Corps 1-~lMay69 Headquarters and Servioe Company, Colonel Don D. EZELL, U. S. Marine III Marine Amphibious Foroe Corps Headquarters Commandant 1-~lMay69 ENCLOSURE (1) 2 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • ATTAOmrD UNITS 1st Radio Battalion Lieutenant Oolonel Patrick J. FENNELL, U. S. Marine Oorps l-31Ma.y69 29th Oivil Affairs Oompany Lieutenant Oolonel Robert R. RAFFERTY, U. S. Army 1-31Ma.y69 7th Psyohologioal OpemtiolD3 Major Miohael FORTINI, u. S. Army Battalion 1-3lMay69 2. LOOATION 1-31 May 1969, East Danang, Quang Nam Provinoe, Republio of Vietnam. 3. STAFF OFF!OERS Deputy Oommanding General, Air Major General Oharles J. QUILTER, U. S. Marine Cox:p s l-3lMay69 Ohief of Staff Brigadier General George E. DOOLEY, U. S. Marine Corp s 1-3lMay69 Deputy Ohief of Staff Oolonel Lewis G. POGGEMEYER, U. S. Marine Oorps 1-3lMa.y69 Deputy Ohief of Staff, Plans Brigadier General Warren K. BENNETT, n, S. Army l-29Ma.y69 Brigadier General William A. BURKE, U. S. Army 30-3lMa.y69 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-I Colonel William J. HOWATT, U. S. Marine Co:r:p s 1-31Ma.y69 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 Colonel John S. CANTON, U. S. Marine Oo:tp s 1-3lMay69 ENCLOSURE (1) 3 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED .11I. \---\ ~~ , UN IT7ca·mAND , DATE IN: Q CONTROl. DATE l.aC) - ~~ DA'l'E 'OU'!': PERIOD COVEltED \ - ~ \ ~-:':\-;og~\o-::CC\-'.. ' LOCATION OF CHRONOLOOIES FOR SUBORDINATE AND/OR ATTACHED UNITS: A-\\k""~~ ," .REVIDT .TnreLJNESS: " DISCREPANC IF.S : (ADHERENCE TO FaRHAT, COHPLE'l'ENF..sS, ETC) .. .}'OLLO·l UP ACT---IOU: ( " DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Assistant Ohief of Staff, G-3 Brigadier General Ross T. DWYER Jr., U. S. Marine Corps l-3lMay69 Deputy G-3 Oolonel Robert H. BARROW, U. S. Marine Corps l-3lMay69 Assistant Ohief of Staff, G-4 Oolonel Lawrenoe O. NORTON, U. S. Marine Oorps l-3lMay69 Assistant Ohief of Staff, G-5 Oolonel Gilbert R. HERSHEY, U. S. Marine Oorps l-3lMay69 Assi stant Ohief of Staff, G-6 Colonel Bill E. HORNER, U. S. Marine Oorp s l-31May69 Force Psychological Operations Colonel Harold OHASE, Officer U. S. Marine OOIP s l-3IMay69 Force Supply Officer Colonel Alfred O. TAVES, U. S. Marine Oorps l-31May69 Force Staff Judge Advocate Oolonel Paul W. SEABAUGH, U. S. Marine OOIP s l-3lMay69 Force Engineer Officer Oolonel Kenneth R. BLAND, U. S. Marine Oorps l-2<l1ay69 Oolonel Thomas O. SHANAHAN, U. S. Marine Oorpe 2l-31May69 Force Adjutant Major James H. LYLES, U. S. Marine Corp B l-3lMay69 Assistant Ohief of Staff, Major ~lhomas F. D};AOHER, Comptroller U. S. Marine COI']?S l-3lMay69 ENCLOSURE (1) 4 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Force Infonmational Services Colonel Paul M. MORIARTY, Officer U. S. Marine Corps l-3lMa;r69 Officer in Charge, Combat Lieutenant Colonel Larr,y P. Operations Center CHARON, U. S. Marine Corps l-llMa;r69 Lieutenant Colonel John S. KYLE, U. S. Marine Corp s l2-~ay69 Force Food Service Officer Lieutenant Colonel Leslie P. DAY, U. S. Marine Corp 8 1-~ay69 Force Chaplain Captain Robert W. RADCLIWE, U. S. Navy l-3lMay69 Force Surgeon Captain John R. STOVER s«, U. S. Navy l-31May69 Force Dental Officer Captain John G. CHUDZINSKI, U. S. Navy l-3!May69 Force Motor Transport Officer Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth D. BARNES, U. S. Marine Corps 1-3lMa;r69 staff Secretary Lieutenant Colonel James W. STDtPLE, U. S. Marine Corps l-3lMaY69 Protoool Officer Lieutenant Oolonel Paul F. MAGINNIS, U. S. Marine Corps l-3lMay69 Force Special Services Officer Colonel William BIEHL Jr., U. S. Marine Corps l-3lMay69 Director, Transportation Control Lieutenant Colonel Carl F. Center DAWSON, U. S. Marine Cotps l-3!May69 ENCLOSURE (1) 5 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Force Inspector Colonel James W. SHANK, U. S. Marine Corps l-16Ma.y69 Colonel William J. HOWATT, U. S. Marine Corps 17-3lMa.y69 (Additional Duty) USMC Liaison Officer, MACV Colonel Carl E. SCHMIDT, USMC Liaison Officer, 7th AF U. S. Marine Corp s l-3lMay69 'UmIC Liaison Officer, ROKMC Lieutenant Colonel John E. POINDEXTER, U. S. Marine Corp s l-3lMay69 ENCLOSURE (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED '..J~GE • t1ONTHLY•••STREt!G'fH 4. ,.vJ2:.. a. II I ~£arine "1:1phi ~ious Force HeDdour.rt~~: Officer~ USHC USN USA USAF UStlC USN USA USIJ.<' ms Co, III llAF 15 2 0 0 378 10 0 0 Ilq Staff, III 1,jAF 222 10 10 1 440 9 5 1 1ST RAD TIl! 29 0 0 0 361 11 0 0 C/,G'S 45 0 0 0 1952 127 0 0 29TII Ct. Co (att ) 0 0 54 0 0 0 84 0 7T1I r sy Op s Co ( sup) 0 0 32 0 0 0 182 0 '~Ii }).,- '> 1'>' U7 ( I b. III Na,}"in..£. A1I!P~ib~...1~: Officer.2, Enlisted USHC USN USA US/.F USIIC usn USA USI.F 5040 433 5400 21 71953 2752 55546 25 7 (f ) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED J' i 1 II r. U .-: PA,qT II NARRATIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION. A. GENERAL. During May 1969. III Marine Amphib!ous Force Headquarters was located in East Danang. Republic of Vietnam. The average personnel strength was 141. 170; an increase of 330!~-!,__~~e preyJous m()!~~h._!- _ ----- B. ACTIVITIES. III Marine Amphibious Force continues to be guided by COMUSMACV Directive 10-11 dated 1 November 1968 in pursuit of its objectives for May 1969. 2. OVERALL EVALUATION. The. level c£ enemy activity took a sharp climb at the start of the month and the tempo was maintained until the last few days of the month. The cul mination of the enemy's concentrated efforts were highlighted by-\the; sustained efforts of the 5th Marine Regiment and late in the month by the lOlst Airborne Division's assault on Hill 937. The enemy demonstrated throughout the ~onth the most aggressive tactics of his efforts of the past few months. There were a sharp increase in the number of rocket targets and enemy movement was noted in larger numbers. Despite the stepup, the contacts were largely unsuccessful for the enemy and heavy casualties were repeatedly inflicted. Statistically in I Corps most of the enemy's casualties were the result of numerous small contacts. During May, the most significant contacts were enemy initiated at defensive positions and the attacks were either prepped. or consisted solely of heavy rocket, mortar, and rocket propelled grenade fire. A majority ot May's friendly casualties usually occurred in these barrages before repelling fire power superiority could be returned. Enemy use of mines and explosive devices continued to be an effective tactio. Small unit operation's casualties for May were 106 USMC KIA, 7111 USMC vi«, .5 USA ~NIA. 869 Enemy KIA. 9 ?ltJ!VC. I) P1:1/!TVA, 1'(2 LJ~, 21 I; ~.;c, a nrl !J()(' r".Tfcl ..·."3. ;:nl(;j' '1',' ~ ().((~y,:,,: 1,:;I:'ricndl~r':lA, ;)-~,)l() ;)\ ac c our. t.e d for '''rir·!!·'lr i" J '(1 .: ( 1'i:IA, 23 1</. 6 rJS T..';, 137 .; ~_/C, a n-: f,lj'J r;·'~'l.. T: 8 ,~~ r:- r." C,-. '\ .. - , ~• . -r-,\~::..-- I L '1_ V \_..- , I) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED , ," " ,:," ..·.. ·,:..;Ii;,:m~···,t;i?s~:f{~i):i·~': ..i ". .':!'·"~':..."r:.,.?:li:':',~(.'?;1' . ....•.. .. ..' , :SE9,tmNTXAt!LI~,T:rNG .;. OF,S:rGN~FXC MT'£1lENTS • ,MAY 1.9!2 .',' , ,> •..'.,.:.