R. L. REED II ~ [) Ii

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R. L. REED II ~ [) Ii DECLASSIFIED UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS • HEADQUARTERS III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE • MILITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND. VIETNAM FPO. SAN FRANCISCO eee02 IN REPLY REFER TO; !fi'rer,ufl h\~~~nrsfl~[ID l!ijL£~~~~J1b'1~esified upon removal of enolosure (1» From. Comma.nding General To. Cornma.ndant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Via. Commanding General, li'leet Marine Foroe, Paoifio Subj. Command Chronology (U) Ref. (a) MCO P5750.1A (b) FMF.PaoO 5750.8A Enol. (1) III MAF Coounand Ohronology, September 1969 1. In aoco1'danoe with referenoes (a) and (b), enolosure (1) is submi tted herewithe R. L. REED II ~ [) Ii. L CTJ 0N 9 ••1 r-' r.- ..<:"'--' I \;' 7 .' .' i' ; .. ) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • .-----~_....... HEADQUARTERS III Marine AJDphibiouB Foroe Military A.ssistanoe Oomma.nd, Vietl18Jl1 WO San Franoi BOO 96602 COMMAND CHRONOLOGY 1 September 1969 - 30 September 1969 INDEX PART I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA. PART II NARRATIVE SUMMARY PART III SEQUENTIAL LISTING OF - SIGNIPICA:NT EVEN'l'S PART IV SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ENCLOSURE (1) ,,! •, 1 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED '-------- • PART I • OlN.A,NIZATIONAL DATA 1. DESIGNATION 0<.!1HAlijlER III Marine AJDphibioU8 Foroe Lieutenant General Hexman l«OKEBSON Jr., U. S. Marine C011>8 1-30Sep69 D¥UTY 0OMM.ANl?ER Major General George S. BOWMAN Jr., U. S. Marine Corps l-30Sep69 SUBORDI NATE Ul«m XXIV C011>S Lieutenant General Melvin ZAIS, U. S. A.rm.Y l-30Sep69 3d Marine Division Major General William K. JONES, U. S. Marine Corps 1-30Sep69 lOlst Airborne Division Major General John M. WRIGHT, (Ai:J:lllobi1e) U. S. Army 1-30Sep69 1 st Marine Division Major General Ormond R. SIMPSON, U. S. Marine Corps 1-30Sep69 1st Marine Aircraft Wing Major General William G. THRASH, U. S. Marine C011>8 1-3OSep69 AJDerioal Division Major General Lloyd B. RAMSEY, U. S. Army l-30Sep69 Force Logistio CODIIIIaJId Brigadier General James A. FEELEY, U. S. Marine 0011>S 1-30Sep69 ENCLOSURE (1) ? DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • Headquarters and Semce Company Lieutenant Colonel Robert M. III Marine Amphibious Foroe WINTER, u. S. Marine~" Headquarters Commandant 1-3OSep69 t.U;l£(JglllJJ~~OWO[E@ ATTACHED UNITS 1st Radio Battalion Lieutenant Colonel Delos M. HOPKINS, U. S. Marine Corps l-30Sep69 29th Civil Affairs Oompany Lieutenant Colonel Robert R. RAFFERTY, U. S. A'J.'II1Y l-30Sep69 7th Psychologioal Operations Major Miohael JORTINI, Battalion U. S. A:f1I1Y l-,osep69 2. LOCATION 1-30 September 1969, East Danang, Quang Nam Provinoe, Republio of Vietnam. ,. STAFF OFFICERS Deputy Commanding General, Air Maj or General George S. BOWKAN Jr., U. S. Marine Corps l-,osep69 Chief of Staff Brigadier General George E. DOOLEY, U. S. Marine Corps l-30Sep69 Deputy Chief of Staff Colonel Levis G. POGGPJD1fER, U. S. Marine C01'P8 l-,osep69 Deputy Chief of Statf, Plans Br1gadier General William A. BUllICE, U. S. AJ!I1JY l-,oBep69 Assistant .Chief of Staff, G-l Colonel George W. CALLEN, U. S. Marine COrp8 l-21Sep69 Colonel Robert L. PA.Bm:LL Jr., U. S. Ma.r1ne Corp 8 22-,osep69 ENCLOSURE (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Assistant Chief of staff, G-2 Colonel John S. C~~/l,fjJ~~UIfO[E@ U. S. Marine COXP8 l-30Sep69 Assistant Chief of starf, G- 3 Brigadier General Leo J. DULACKI, U. S. Marine Corps l-30Sep69 Deputy G-3 Colonel RoY L. REED, U. S. Marine Corps l-30Sep69 Assistant Chief of starf, G-4 Colonel Oliver R. DAVIS, U. S. Marlne Corp 8 l-30Sep69 Assistant Chief of starf, G-5 Colonel Theodore E. METZGER, U. S. Marine Corps l-20Sep69 Colonel Oliftord J. PEABODY, U. S. Marine COI'Pl!I 2l-30Sep69 Assistant Chief of Staft, G-6 Oolonel Bill E. HORNER, U. S. Marine Corp s l-14sep69 Colonel SBlll .A.. DRESSIN, U. S. Marine COI'PS l5-30Sep69 Foroe Psychologioal Operations Colonel WHliBlll E. BARBER, Offioer U. S. Marine COI'PS l-30Sep69 Force Supply Officer Colonel John C. BOULWARE, U. S. M&rlne Corps l-30Sep69 Force staff Judge Advooate Colonel Maxion G. TRUESDALE, U. S. Marine Corp s l-30Sep69 Force Engineer Offioer Colonel Thomas C. SllANAllAN, U. S. Marine Corps l-30Sep69 ENCLOSURE (1) 4 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED @~©U:IIF- Foroe Adjutant Lieutenant Oolonel Henr,y O. O_BELL, U. S. Marl.ne Oorps l-30Sep69 Assistant Ohief of staff, Lieutenant Oolonel Joseph M. Oomp troller VOSMIlC, U. S. Marine Oorps l-30Sep69 Foroe Infonnational Servioes Oolonel Oharles B. REIIlAN, Offioer U. S. Marine Oorps l-30Sep69 Offioer in Charge, Oombat Lieutenant Oolonel John S. KYLE, Operations Oenter U. S. Marine Oorp B l-l7Sep69 Lieutenant Oolonel W1l1iam o. BRITT, U. S. Marine Oorps l8-30Sep69 Foroe Food Servioe Offioer Lieutenant Oolonel Leslie P. DAY, U. S. Marine Oorp 8 l-30Sep69 Foroe Ohaplain Captain Robert W. lW>OLIFFE, U. S. Navy l-l9Sep69 Oaptain Eugene S. SWANSON, U. S. Navy 2O-30Sep69 Foroe Surgeon Oaptain Oharlel E. DE, U. S. Navy l-30Sep69 Foroe Dental Offioer Oaptain John O. CHUDZINSKI, U. S. Navy l-30Sep69 Force Motor Transport Offioer Lieutenant Oolonel Morris S. 8BIKA1fOFF, U. B. Marine Oorp s l-30Sep69 staff Seoretary Lieutenant Oolonel Oharles O. OO<PER, U. S. Marine Oorps l-30Sep69 ENCLOSURE (1) 5 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Protoool Offioer Lieutenant Colonel Paul F. MAGINNIS, U. S. Marine Corps 1-3OSep69 Foroe Special Servioes Offioer Colonel George W. CALLEN, U. S. Marine Corp B 1-30Sep69 Foroe 01'dnanoe Officer Colonel Robert E. PARROTT, U. S. Marine Corps l-30Sep69 Direotor, Transportation Lieutenant Colonel William H. Control Center T.A.RRABT, u. S. A:my l-30Sep69 Foroe Inspeotor Colonel David H. SIMMONS, U. S. Marine Corps 1-3C>Sep69 USMC Liaison Offioer, ROKMC Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E. BULGER, U. S. Marine Corp s 1-30Sep69 USMC Liaison Officer, MACV Colonel Rioha1'd H. RAINFORTH, USMC Liaison Offioer, 7th AF U. S. Marine Corps 1-3C>Sep69 ENCLOSURE (1) G DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED a. ITI "MARINE AMPHIBTOUSRJRCE HEADQUARTERS " "OFFICERS ENLISTED USMC USN USA USAF USMC USN USA USAF H&SCO. III MAF 14 2 0 0 354 12 0 0 HQ STAFF, III MAF 225 4 27 ° 1 509 13 9 1 CAG'S 42 0 0 0 1897 122 0 0 1ST RAD BN 26 0 0 0 351 15 0 0 29TH CA CO (NrT) 0 0 56 0 0 0 112 0 7TH PSYOPS BN (SUP) 0 0 35 0 0 0 162 0 -;'"ro, , ~!.II ! " , ~J b. " III MARINE "AMPHIBIOUS FORCE "OFFICERS ENLISTED USMC USN USA USAF USMC USN USA USAF } if ) C( 4845 410 5533 21 b6809 2636 55220 25 lUlOO~ll~~~~~l~lUc 0,\ I ---··-... ~ ~ ENCLOSU~E ( I) 7 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED e I!I!ft PART II @~©~ffi~~~WD ~[D) NARRATIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION a. GENERAL. During September 1969, III Marine AJuphibious Foroe Headquarters was looated in East Danang, Quang N8JD Provinoe, Republio of Vietn8JD. '!'he average personnel strength wall 135,499, a deorease of 5,540 wner the previous month. b. AOTIVITIE3. III Marine AJnphibious Foroe oontinued to be guided by OOMUSM.A.OV Direotive 10-11 dated 1 November 1968 in pursmt of its objeotives for September 1969. 2. OVERALL EVALUATION a. GENERAL. Communist aotivity returned to near July levels. Exoep tione to the general trend ot inaotivity were in moderate to heavy oontaots in the 3d Marine Division AO and Southeastern QUallg N8JD Provinoe. Near the DMZ the 3d Mar.l.ne Regiment oontinued to have periods of heavy oontaot in Operation IDAHO OANYON until it tetminated on 24 Sap tember wi th a total ot 565 enemy IIA. In the early mornil18 hours of 6 September, the Danang area and 1st Marine Division were attaoked with 459 mortar rowns and 62 rooket rounds together with several grown probes. Resul. ts of the attaoks were 6 U. S. IIA and 201 WIA. To the South the 2d ROK Marine Brigade together with BLT 1/26, oonduoted their first amphibious operation ot the war in Operation DEFIANT STAND. '!'he operation lasted trom 7 September to 19 September and reeul.ted in 293 enemy KIA. Meanwhile, Operation FREDERICK HILL in Quang Tin Provinoe oontinued to be suooessful with the 196th Brigade, AJDerioal Division aooountil18 tor 349 enemy KIA. In the Southernmost part of the I Corps Taotioal ZOne, Operation IRON MOUNTAIN involving the 11th Brigade, AJnerloal Division, had 212 enemy KIA. On major operations the Marine Corps reoeived 35 KIA and 253 WIA while aooountil18 for 160 enemy KIA. Marine OO1]>S lIDall un1 t operations had 32 frierdly KIA and 649 WIA with 517 enemy KIA. On major operations the U.S. Amy reoeived 73 KIA and 530 WIA while inflioting 834 enemy kills. On small unit operations the U. S. Army reoeived 3 KIA and 10 WIA with 15 enemy KIA. ENCLOSURE (1) 8 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • PART III SEQUENTIAL LISTING OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING SEPTEMBER 1969 1. SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS a. GENERAL. During the month of September 1969 there were fourteen (14) major unit operations conducted in the I Corps Tactical Zone. Ten (10) of these operations were conducted by U. S. AI'fltY units and four (4) by u. S. Marine Corps units. Results of these operations for"the month are listed below: Fnd Cas En Cas MaJ or Operati ons KIA WIA KIA WC Period ARLINGTON CANYON 1 4 ~ 3 l-2lSep69 IDAHO CANYON 17 38 105 25 l-25Sep69 IROQUOIS GROVE 4 38 48 27 l-25Sep69 GEORGIA TAR 1 5 25 0 l-25Sep69 RI CHLAND SQUARE 2 0 6 ~O l-28Sep69 CLAIBORNE CHUT'E 3 43 25 26 l-28Sep69 LOUISIANA LEE 1 14 17 8 l-28Sep69 CUMBERLAND THUNDER 0 19 55 29 l-28Sep69 RF.PUBLI C SQUARE 1 3 1 ~ 29-3OSep69 PIPESTONE CANYON 0 26 27 3 l-3OSep69 FREDERICK lULL 28 225 449 52 l-3OSep69 GENl!.."'VA PARK 4 49 8 36 l-3OSep69 NAN'!'UCKET BEACH 2 16 11 0 1-3OSep69 IRON MOUNTAI N 31 130 209 52 l-3OSep69 Small Uni t OperationE!.
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