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DIRECTOR\ •J ~"ORCESTER.~lllRE.r GREAT Wl',I'L~Y~ . w COMMERCIAL. Hayn.e~ Ft:ederick, farm~:r Sandals J ames, farm bailiff to G.eorge. Matthews William, farm }Jailiff to William Stevens esq Gifford .Hnmphr.ey, fariil bailiff to W. H. Hughes esq Sherwood Joseph, blacksmith Lieut.-Col. A. B. Hudson .J.P Morris Martin, farmer WICKHAMFORD r is' a small village and parish, sons and seven daughters, the eldest son -and all thf.i bounded on the south by Gloucestershil"e, about 3 miles daughters having small shields of arm11 abov8' thei~ south-east from Evesham station on the Great Western heads; on the front of the other tomb are th~ and Midland railways, in the Southern division of the figure& of five sons and three daughters~ here als0o county, Evesham petty sessional division, union and was buried Penelope Washington, dau~hter of Col. Henry county court district, Upper Blackenhurst hundred, \' ashington, an ancestor of Gen. George Washington, d. Evesham rural deanery, Warwick archdeaconry and March 2nd, 1697, and over her grave is a long Latin Worcester diocese. The church of St. John the Baptist inscription: there are 8o 8ittings. The register datee i's a building of stone in 'the Early English style, con- from the year 1538. The living is a vicaragH, net yearly sisting of chancel and na\'e, south porch and an value £57• including 12 acres of glebe, in the gift of the embattle~ western tow17 of two stages containing one Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford, and hel!J ~ell: the whole was reseated, thoroughly repaired and since 1903 by the Rev. William Carmont Allsebrook M.A. ~refully restored in the year 1841, at the expense of of Jesus College, Oxford, who is also vicar of and resides Lord Sandys, and again restored in 1902 at a cost of at Badsey. The trustees of the late Captain John P. £350: in the church are two elaborate altar-tombs of Lord (d. 1877), of Hallow Park, who are lords of the the Sandys family, placed end to end, under a con. m3nor, and the vicar, are the principal landowners. The tinuous fiat canopy, supported by five Corinthian soil is rich mould, 'Very fertile; subsoil, some sand an<l columns; on tomb are the recumbent figures of clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and -lrui~. a knight in half-armour and his lady, and at the back The area is 1,266 acres;. rateable value, £2,570; tne are shields of arms ; the cornice is ornamented py population in 19II was 259. pinnacles and groups of figures, as well as two large Parish Clerk, William Hartwell. fJ_nartered shields, each with helm and mantling; Letters arrive from Evesham at 8.30 a. m. :Badsl.'y i• these commemorate' Sir Samuel Sandys kt. eldest Mn the nearest money order &; telegra1'h office of Edwyn Sandys D.D. Archbishop of York (1577-88). Wall Letter Box, Sandys Arms, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &.. ob. 1626, and Mercy (Culpeper), his wife, 1629; and 6. IS p.m. week days only Sir Edwyn Sandys kt. (son of Sir Samuel), also 1626, Wall Letter Box, cleared 8.30 a.m. &; 6.20 p.m. week: and Penelope (Bulkeley or Buckley), his wife, r68o; days only ou the f;ront of the first tomb are the figures of four rhe children of this place attend the school at Badsey Lees-Milne Geo. Wickhamford manor Colley .Tesse; market gardener Smith Win~field .Tohn, miller (water) Moss-Blundell Stanley Whitaker, Empey Miss, market gardener Smith William, farmer Carrig, Longdon Hill Herbert Frank, market gardener Sutton George, market g-ardener Horsefield Hy. Taylor, market gardnr Swift Benjamin Ryle M.A. market; COMMERCIAL. ~Iason John, market gardener gardener, The Homestead !gg George, market gardener Mason Charles Robt. market gardenr Taylor Robert, carpenter Jlanner Fra.nk, Sandys .Arms P.H Moisey James, market gardener Thorne Arthur Edwin, market grdnr Bean Thomas Edwd. master gardener Moore William Hy. market gardener Waiters Charles, market gardent>r Brotherton George, market gardener Pet'hard Edward John, carpenter Wheatley Jesse, market gardener Carter Benjamm, farmer, Field farm Richards Henry L. fruit grower WILDEN is a hamlet in the civil parish of Hartle- J.P.: the church will seat r6o persons. The register bury, 1! miles north-west from Hartlebury station on the dates from the year 188o. The living is a vicarage,. Great Western railway, 2 miles north-east from Stour- net yearly l'alue £20o, with residence, in the gift oi port and 3 south from Kidderminster, in the Western Stai.ley Baldwin esq. M.P., J.P. and held sinca 190-f. division of the county, hundred of Lower Oswaldslow, by the Rev. William Henry Cory M.A. of Trinitv Col Stourport petty sessional .division, Droitwich union and lege, Cambridge. Here are the iron works of Messr" ~ounty court district, rural deanery of Kidderminster Baldwins Limited, near the Worcestershire and Staf~ and archdeaconry and diocese of WoTcester. In 1904 fordshire canal and the :river Stour. The population of Wilden was formed into an ecclesiastical parish from the ecclesiastical parish in 1911 was- 670. Hartlebury. The church of All Saints, erected in Parish Clerk, William James. 1879-Bo as a chapel of ease to the church of St. Michael, Stourport, is an edifice in the Gothic style, Post_ Ofbce. M1ss Ehzabeth Ann James •• 1mb-pest- built by the late Alfred Bald win esq. D.L., M.P., J.P. mistress. Letters through ~tourport, arnve at 7· IOt at a cost of £2.590, including fittings and organ, and a.m. & 3-5 k 8.Io p.m.; dispatche? at .7·30 a._m. &;; teonsists of chancel nave organ chamber south porch 3-IS, 6.Io &; 8 p.m. Stourport, I mlle distant, Iil the- and a western tm.'ret co~taining 2 bells ; therp are a nearest money order &; telegraph office number of stained wind{}ws, executed from designs by Public Elementary School (mix~), built in 1882, at a the late Sir E. C. B. Burne-Jones hart.: a tower, con- cost of £-t-oo, by the late Alfred Baldwin esq. M.P. &: taining clock, was erected near the church in 1910, enlarged in 18go, at a cost of £250, for 140 children;: ~n n1emory of the late Alfred Baldwin esq. D.L., M.P., average attendance, 124; Mis'!l Elizabeth P-owell, mist" Baldwin Mrs. Wilden house Shepherd William Henry Jay Hiram, Kin!t of Prussia P.H Beard Mn COMMERCIAL. Jefferies Edmund, farmer Brown Georg-e, Woodlands Baldwins Limited, iron & steel & Lane Eliza (Mrs.), dress rnale:t Cory Rev.William ;Henry M.A.(vicar). galvanized &; tin sheet manufactrs. Parsons Wilfred.ponltry farm,Sto11r hi The Vicarage &; colliPry proprietors Proud man Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pelton Mrs James Elizabeth A. (Miss), shopkpr. Wainwright Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pretty Isaac Post office GREAT WITLEY is a village and parish, near the 1 moved here on the destruction of ~hat mansion; it also. junction of the l'nads from Droitwich. Wol'cester and contains a large and famous marble monument, by Stourport to Tenbury, 5! miles south-west from Stour- Rysbrach, to Thomas, first Baron Foley, d. 22 Jan. port station on the Severn V!!lley section of the Great- I 1732-3 and Mary (Strode), his wife, formerly of Witley Western railway, 11 north-west from Worcester, and 1 Court: the fittings are wholly of oak, and the pulpit: 7 west from Bewdley, in the Western division and font are richly carved: the font, of marble, is a ()f the county, Lower Doddingtree hundred, Hun- modern work in the Renaissance style, sculptured by dred House petty sessional division, Martley union, Forsyth : there are 300 sittings. The register dates; Worcester county court district, rural deanery of West from the year 1538. The living is a rectory .. Worcester and archdeaconry and diocese of Worcester. with Little Witley and Hillhampton annexed, net The church of St. Michael. built in 1735, is a building yearly value £488, with 35 acres of glebe and Tesi of Bath stone, in the Italian style, consisting of dence, in the gift of the Earl of Dudley, and held since chancel, nave, transepts, and a with gilt 1910 by the Rev. Rowland Alwyn Wilson M.A. of' dome surmounted by a cross, and containin~ a clock Trinity Colle~e, Cambridge. A mortuary chapel, l;nilt and 2 bells: the church was restoTed hy tht> 1ate Earl of in the village in 1885 by the Earl of Dudley, was Dudley in 1862, and displays a gorgeous interior, -with enlarged in 1895. and again in 1897, at a cost of about a 'painted ceiling bv Verrio, elaborate traceried decora- !;9oo, and has a graveyard adjoining: service is held tions in gold and white, and ten r:tained windows by in the chapel on Sundays. in addition to the services 'i»rice (I7TQ), suppo11ed to have belonged to the chapel at in the parish church. Witlev Court, the seat of the Canon11, T,ittle Shmmore. in Middlesex, the- magnific~nt Earl of Dudley P.C .• G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O ... aeat; of James (Bryl;lges), Duke of Chandos, and re- D.L., J.P, standing in a park of 500 acres, at th& .