Serbia Braces for Bumpy Election Ride
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are busy attacking opposition presiden opposition attacking busy are bumpy election ride election bumpy for Serbia braces spooked by nightclub attack nightclub by spooked community LGBT Croatia's basis. adaily on tial candidates W Maja election. presidential inApril’s standing candidates opposition vilifying campaigns, negative their up stepping are media government pro- The "I hoped. had assome rights gay on progress asmuch made not has Croatia that concerns raised and persecution of fears rekindled in Zagreb night club anLGBT on attack A recent Relja Relja Continued on on Continued ŽIVANOVIĆ DUŠEK of the dancefloor when when dancefloor the of centre inthe friends my with standing Iwas home. go to ready almost I was and 3.30am about was t indestructible pages 2 and 3 2and pages ment tabloids tabloids ment pro-govern bia’s Ser away, month thana more tle alit elections presidential ith How Trump Trump How and Vučić Vučić and politically politically became became Page 4 +381 11 4030 306 114030 +381 - - - - mainstream media’s coverage ofthe election. coverage media’s mainstream the willdominate nominee Vučić, Party andrulingSerbianProgressive PrimeMinister thatonecandidate, say Analysts told BIRN. told thismonth, earlier inZagreb Super club Super the at night LGBT the on attack the of victims the of one Hana Grgić, face," usinthe hit smoke usand from feet two only exploded something Issue No. No. Issue [email protected] the historic traces traces historic the 223 Friday, February 24 - Thursday, March 09, 2017 09, March -Thursday, 24 February Friday, of Serbia's Serbia's of Croatian society has evolved, minority minority hasevolved, society Croatian then, Since gas. tear and violence bic homopho of target the was which Zagreb, of centre inthe parade Pride said. she Iwilldie," thisishow end, the thisis Ithought abomb. actually was this that Ithought and burning was face My lungs. sinusesand nose, mouth, recalled. Grgić smoke," the from away get to way fastest the simply was this that realised Iprobably but toilet, the to go to Idecided why know I don't bathroom. the to running and choking started Iinstantly was. it what knew heroines Page 10 "In that moment of panic, none of us of none panic, of moment "In that It has been 15 years since the first Gay Gay first the since hasbeen15years It my filled Smoke breathe. "I couldn't Chasing Chasing - club in the early hours of February 12 February of hours early inthe club Super the at party LGBT the ing dur club set inthe off was gas tear until didn't they least Orat attack. outright for targeted aren't they then, and now every discrimination and insults face unions. same-sex of recognition islegal there and expanded, have rights Grgić recalled. Grgić hurt," to continued it although burned not was it realized and face my touched all.I after die wouldn't we I realised because easier was it that, after and gas', ballet legend to to legend ballet Although many LGBT people still still people LGBT many Although "In the toilet, some people said ‘tear ‘tear said people some toilet, "In the Dance festival festival Dance Belgrade Continued on on Continued Russian Russian Page 13 brings brings Photo: Beta Photo: page 8 BELGRADE INSIGHT IS PUBLISHED BY INSIGHTISPUBLISHED BELGRADE th . - ORDER DELIVERY TO TO DELIVERY ORDER ruptcy cannot beexcluded. cannot ruptcy bank its that believe many debtedness, in high Agrokor's to Due exchanges. stock international on units company's the of ofsome the sale and reshuffle isan ownership Agrokor for option BIRN. told Pavlović Zoran analyst economic Luka-based Banja concern," thisgreat of vulnerability the exposed has terms loan vourable unfa with incombination policy Bad critical. was situation the that warned analysts economic and businessmen but plans, survival their about media other and BIRN to speak to declined and lipped GDP. total Croatia's of percent 16 -almost billion €6.5 around to amounted 2015 income its Serbia,while Bosniaand in Slovenia, 20,000 anadditional and inCroatia ple peo 40,000 employs concern the since region, the across social and turbulence country. the outside and inside both collapse avoid to struggles retailer biggest Croatia's C Maja demise. from it save to required are measures urgent say analysts and debt, accumulated its to due future an uncertain isfacing Agrokor, Croatia's region, inthe company retail biggest The [email protected] Some experts believe that the only only the that believe experts Some blame. isto policy bad "Obviously tight- remained officials Agrokor economic cause would downfall Its YOUR DOOR YOUR GARAČA ĐURĐEVIĆ GARAČA +381 11 4030 303 303 114030 +381 of thousands of employees employees of thousands of tens its by closely watched isbeing survival for struggle Agrokor's giant retail roatian Continued on on Continued Friday • June 13 • 2008 NEWS NEWS 1 9 7 7 1 ISSN 1820-8339 8 2 0 8 3 3 0 0 page 7 0 0 1 - - - - Issue No. 1 / Friday, June 13, 2008 EDITOR’S WORD Lure of Tadic Alliance Splits Socialists Political Predictability While younger Socialists support joining a new, pro-EU government, old By Mark R. Pullen Milosevic loyalists threaten revolt over the prospect. party over which way to turn. “The situation in the party seems extremely complicated, as we try to convince the few remaining lag- gards that we need to move out of Milosevic’s shadow,” one Socialist Party official complained. “Dacic will eventually side with Many of us who have experi- Tadic in a bid to guide his party into enced numerous Serbian elections the European mainstream, but much rate ourselves as pundits when it of the membership and many offi- comes to predicting election re- cials may oppose that move.” sults and post-election moves. Nikolic agreed: “The question is We feel in-the-know because will the party split or will the ‘old- our experience of elections in Ser- timers’ back down,” he noted. bia has shown us that (a.) no single Fearing they might not cross the party or coalition will ever gain the 5-per-cent threshold to enter parlia- majority required to form a govern- ment, the Socialists teamed up with ment, and (b.) political negotiations the Association of Pensioners and the will never be quickly concluded. United Serbia Party, led by business- Even when the Democrats man Dragan Markovic “Palma”. achieved their surprising result at Pensioners leader, Jovan Krkoba- last month’s general election, it bic, Palma and Dacic are all pushing quickly became clear that the re- for a deal with the Democrats. sult was actually more-or-less the Socialist leader Ivica Dacic remains the Serbian kingmaker The reported price is the post of same as every other election result deputy PM, with a brief in charge of in Serbia, i.e. inconclusive. By Rade Maroevic in Belgrade to Serbia’s late president, Slobodan faces extinction unless it changes. security for the Socialist leader. This is likely to continue as long Milosevic, and reformists who want However, a strong current also In addition, the Socialists are bar- as Serbia’s politicians form new ense negotiations on a new gov- the party to become a modern Euro- flows in the opposite direction, led gaining for other ministries, includ- political parties every time they ernment have divided the ranks pean social democrat organisation. by party veterans enraged by the ing capital investments, Kosovo and disagree with their current party Tof the Socialist Party, which holds After eight years of stagnation, prospect of a deal with Tadic. education, Belgrade media reported. leader (there are currently 342 reg- the balance of power between the the Socialists returned to centre stage Mihajlo Markovic, a founder of Tadic has denied talk of horse- istered political parties in Serbia). main blocs and has yet to announce after winning 20 of the 250 seats in the party, recently warned of a crisis trading with the Socialists, maintain- Drawn-out negotiations are also which side they will support. parliament in the May 11 elections. if Dacic opts for the pro-European ing that ministries would go only to the norm. One Belgrade-based “It looks as if the Socialists will With the pro-European and nation- bloc, abandoning the Socialists’ “nat- those committed to working for the Ambassador recently told me he move towards a government led by alist blocs almost evenly matched, ural” ideological partners. government’s “strategic goal”. was also alarmed by the distinct the Democrats,” political analyst Mi- the Socialists now have the final say Markovic, a prominent supporter At the same time, Dacic seems re- lack of urgency among Serbian lan Nikolic, of the independent Cen- on the fate of the country. of Milosevic during the 1990s, is luctant to call off negotiations with politicians. “The country is at a tre of Policy Studies, said. “But such Nikolic believes the Socialists, led seen as representative of the “old- the nationalists. standstill and I don’t understand a move might provoke deeper divi- by Ivica Dacic, will come over to timers” in the party who want to stay “If we don’t reach an agreement their logic. If they are so eager to sions and even split the party.” Tadic, if only out of a pragmatic de- true to the former regime’s policies, with the DSS and Radicals, the par- progress towards the EU and en- Simultaneous negotiations held sire to ensure their political survival. even though these almost ruined the ty leadership will decide on future courage investors, how come they with the pro-European and national- “The group of younger Socialists Socialists for good. steps”, Dacic announced, following go home at 5pm sharp and don’t ist blocs have drawn attention to a gathered around Dacic seems to be Some younger Socialist officials the first session of country’s new par- work weekends?” deep rift inside the Socialists.