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CERTAINTIES of the GOSPEL--See Page 3 CERTAINTIES OF THE GOSPEL--See page 3 The entrance to King Tut's tomb is below the large central opening. Tourists are looking over the parapet at the work proceeding below. Current History Happenings of the day from all parts of the world THE Birmingham Archxologi- Great Britain, forgetting the promises doubled in the last 90 years. To- cal Society is at present carrying they made during the war, try to pre- day it is estimated at 1,747,000,- on excavation work in connection vent us from getting them."— "Daily 00o." Quoting from the U.S. with the Roman city of Uriconium Chronicle," Tune 5, 1924. Census Report, the article con- at Wroxeter (Salop). The follow- tinues : "The net addition to the ing interesting description of the RESULTS of the Ruhr coal strike nation [America] over deaths and results of the excavations was, show a loss of 58,800,000 gold departures for the last ten-year published in the "Daily Chroni- marks (£2,94o,000) in wages. period (1910--192o) averaged cle" of June 5th : "The big strike of 1905 caused a nearly 4,000 persons per day. loss of 21,000,000 gold marks The population of the United "Ur:conium, covering 17o acres, was (£1,o5o,000), and that of 1922 of States has been doubling itself ap- an important town, and its civil basilica, 7,800,000 gold marks (£390,000). baths and other public buildings were on a proximately each thirty years dur- The loss in production for the last ing the last century. It was large scale. Ruins of hypocausts (cham- strike is estimated at 7,194,000 bers in which fires were kindled for heat- 25,000,000 in 1850, 50,000,000 in ing baths and other rooms) have been tons of coal, worth 149,850,000 1880, and too,o0o,000 in 191o. If found during former excavations. On gold marks (£7,492,500). The loss this rate of increase continues, it the floor of one of these were many due to flooding and other damage will have grown to 700,000,000 in skeletons, mostly of women. It is sup- in the mines, and the losses to the less than too years!" posed that they had crawled there for railways and to steel and other in- shelter when the city was destroyed and dustries, cannot be calculated, but DURING the first three months the inhabitants probably massacred. must be very heavy." One of the skeletons was that of an of this year there were in London old man, who lay with his money bags, TESTS have been carried out near 16,691 street accidents, 157 of full of coins, scattered about him. It is Hull of a "winged incendiary roc- which were fatal. thought that the foundations of a forum ket which it is claimed will, when may be brought to light by the present "Among the mechanically propelled excavations, which are being carried out fired into the air, burst and spread vehicles, omnibuses were concerned in under the supervision of Mr. D. Atkin- a rain of molten metal over an 1,819 accidents, of which 32 were fatal ; son, of Manchester University. So far area of five to eight miles, destroy- tramcars in 1,104, 9 of them fatal ; cabs, the buildings show no signs of the influ- ing anything within its range." 912, 6 fatal; private motor-cars, 4,384, ence of Christianity in the Roman city, 44 fatal ; motor-cycles, 759, 7 fatal ; and but it is hoped that a Christian basilica UNDER the heading, "Can Sci- trade and commercial motors, 4,085, of may yet be revealed. From time to which 65 were fatal. There were thir- ence Save a Crowded World?" a teen accidents with traction engines, time there have been found pottery, tes- recent issue of "The Popular Sci- sellated pavements, coins, moulds, cin- none of which was fatal, while pedal- erary urns and sepulchral stones." ence Monthly" states that "the cycles figured in 1,590 accidents, one of population of the earth has which was fatal." A SIGNIFICANT speech by Trot- • .....1........................1............,...••••••••••••••00...•••••••••••••••• •••••.• sky was published recently. "The question of Constantinople and the Straits," he said, "was one of EVENTS OF 1924. those rare questions on which the Tsarist regime was not deceived. MAY 28th.-2o,00o workers in Mon- June 1st. —M. Poincare resigns French "We must proclaim to the world that mouths'.ire coalfield go on Premiership. we need the Straits and that we need strike. China recognizes Russian Constantinople. United States House of Repre- Soviet Government. "A country like ours must not be suf- sentatives votes ,30,000,000 for June 2nd.—New French Chamber sits focated on account of the caprices or in- naval reconstruction. for first time. terests of someone else. Therefore Bessarabia is vital to us, because Bess- June 4th.—Workers in railway shops and May 29th.—King and Queen of Italy re- power stations of Great Wes- arabia is the first step towards Constan- turn to Rome. tinople ; and if the Rumanians and their tern and London Electric Rail- unfortunate instruments, the Poles, try May 3oth.—Ruhr miners' dispute settled. ways go on strike. to bar the way we shall fight them. We Workers to receive 15% in- June 7th.—Japanese Cabinet resigns. are convinced that the Straits will belong crease and work extra hour un- Mosul negotiations break down. to us sooner or later—even if France and til September. Iraq refuses Anglo-Iraq Treaty. PAGE TWO kI.19(71 IC1k. v, • • •%."••• -V/ - Present Truth and Signs of the Times II THE NEWS INTERPRETER Vol. 40. No. 14. Price 2d. July 3, 1924. Certainties of the Gospel AN we be certain of The first of a new series of short, their old conceptions are wrong, anything? Well-mean- complete articles on the funda- that their fathers were mistaken in their faith, that their Bibles are ing people, confused mentals of the Christian faith by t h e pronounce- not to be trusted. At the same ments of the Modern- time, however, they are being ists and by the conflicting claims ing away the very foundations of given nothing to take the place of of widely differing religious sects, the Christian faith. Ministerial these things but theories, argu- are beginning to ask themselves training colleges are full of it and ments, and the findings of science. this question. Is it possible, they the graduates are going out into And when a man faces death or are saying, that the great preach- a perishing world to preach a Gos- sorrow or heartbreaking disap- ers and teachers of the past may pel they neither believe nor under- pointment he wants something have been mistaken ? Did they lay stand. It is a situation full of peril. more than theories to comfort and emphasis on matters of religious Here is one sample quotation solace his soul. Which brings us importance not adequately estab- illustrating the methods of the back to our opening question, Can lished by facts? Have we been Higher Critical party in the we be certain of anything ? Are misled ? And again, desperately, churches. The Rev. Arthur there any fundamental truths in the words of Pilate, What is Pringle, chairman of the Congre- which we can believe and rely up- truth ? gational Union of England and on and trust ? Inquiry is the spirit of the age. Wales, is reported as having made It is our purpose during the next As Harry Emerson Fosdick said at the following assertion at the re- few weeks to consider some of the the City Temple a few weeks ago, cent annual gathering of that points of faith so frequently no ground is too holy fcr the feet body: - brought in question to-day, with a of the modern investigator. He "The silence of the earliest gospel view to establishing our readers probes into every field of thought. [Mark], of the epistles, of Christ Him- more firmly upon the rock of the Accepting nothing by faith, he self, concerning the virgin birth is not truth of God. Let us deal first seeks for fullest material evidence necessarily an argument for denial, but with that pivotal matter, of every tenet of belief. If his dis- it is an indication that the question is not coveries do not substantiate his of essential importance. THE INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE. "it is good news for busy, harassed preconceived ideas, then unhesi- people that the Bible need not be taken, We use the word "pivotal" ad- tatingly he discards them. all or none, as it stands." visedly, for upon the way one No one would deprecate inquiry. settles this question all else de- When conducted with a view to es- It is distressing to those who pends. If the Bible is not the tablishing faith it is all to the good. have not become thus modernized Word of God, if it is not to be Unfortunately it has been largely that the leader of the Congrega- taken as the rule of faith for Chris- carried on with other purposes in tional Union should have taken up tians, then there is an end to all view. A kind of Bolshevism such a position as this. However, faith, and confusion, uncertainty seems to have entered the ranks of as we have already said, Mr. and darkness are inevitable. Christ the Christian ministry: old stan- Pringle is by no means alone. is the basis of Christianity, the dards and beliefs are being cast There are tens of thousands of reason for every church, every aside, the authority and authen- ministers who believe as he does.
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