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N08go\ Gxfkf+U' Xln+ G]Jfm Tmd'“Hof World Newah Organization a'v“]kf}a'v“]kf} Newsletter b“ ! NofM ! g]=;+= !!#@ s5nf • Year 1 Issue 1 2011 October n08go\ Gxfkf+u' xln+ g]jfM tMd'“Hof k"j{3f]lift Hofe\mjM sy+ Yjx] cj;/, Jojxf/o\ 5|\oo]s]t d+sfM ;Mto]u' g]=;+= !!#@ s5nfYjM #—% -cS6f]a/ kfv] dfMu' Hof ofo]u' nflu y'u' d'“Hof+ @( lg;]+ #!_ :jGx'o+s a]nfotof knfM NJxg]u' tof/L h'ofRj+u' b' . n08go\ Gxfkf+u' xln+ g]jfM tMd'“Hof g]kfM nufot g]kfn+lkg]of h'OTo+u' b' . Hofe\mjMof k"j{;GWof xln+Go+s yLyL yf;o\ RjgfM g]jfM hflt, z'qmjfMts y'lsof bSj+ tof/L k"jg] efiff, wd{k|lt ;r]t h'ofM Hof ofgf w'+s"u' j g]kfMnufot n08glkg]+ Rj+lk+ j yLyL Vono\ yMu' of]ubfg emfofbLlk+ cKjM w}y]+ kfxf+lk+ n08g Yog] laofRj+lk+ JolQm j xln+Go+sof g]jfM w'+s"u' v“ Hofe\mjMof slh s[i0f rv'+h'+ vn, k'rM, u'ly++ y'u' tMd“'Hofo\ Ajlt hfgsf/L laoflbn . xln+Go+s RjgfRj+lk+ sfOu' h"u' b' . g]jfM efh' do\h'lk+ j g]jfM vnM, k'rM, y'u' tMd'“Hofo\ Gxfkf+u' lb+ u''ly, ;+3 ;+:yft d'gfM jN8{ g]jfM pn]Hofe\mjM, ljwfg ;DjGwL ;xnx j cu{gfOh]zg j a]nfotof kf;f k'rM Gx"u' sfo{;ldlt u7g af/] ;xnx h'O . u'ly o"s]of d+sfM Uj;fno\ y'u' Hofe\mjM lgGx'v'Gx' g]kfMof g]jfM Gx\on'jfMtln;] n08go\ h'OTo+u' vM . k|ToIf cGt/lqmof, g]jfM ;flxlTos j xln+Go+s RjgfRj+lk+ g]jfMto\u' efiff, wd{, ;+:s[lt cflb Vono\ bo]dfMu' k|fl1s ;ef ln;]+ h'OTo+u' b' . pu' k|fl1s ;d:ofo\ Ujxfln ofo]t gfk+ g]jfMhflt, ;dfg clwsf/, cj;/, Jojxf/o\ bo]dfMu' ;efo\ g]jfM ;DaGwL ;d:of j ;dfwfgoft g]kfnefiff, g]jfM tlhnlhof ;+/If0f j ;Moft cem ltaM la;]+ g]jfM hflt, g]kfnefiff, sofM RjoftMu' cg';Gwfgd'ns Rj;'t k|:t't ;+j4gof Hof of;]+ g]kfMb'g]of yLyL, hflt, g]jfM tlhnlhoft bo]dfMu' ;dfg clwsf/, h'O . ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 8f= ;Todf]xg hf]zL d"kfxf+, d"Gjr' k|f]= dfl0fsnfn >]i7kfv]+ n08go\ h'Ou' Gxfkf+u' xln+ g]jfM tMd'“Hof dg]jfMVoMof xg]axMDx j g]kfnefiff Ps]b]dLof rfG;n/ efh' 8f= ;Todf]xg hf]zLh'kfv]+ y'u' tMd'“Hofof pn]Hof ofgfbLu' h"u' b' . Hofe\mjMof nflu jo\sM d+unjfM n08g emfofbLu' b' . d'“Hofo\ xg]axMDx k|f]= efh' dfl0fsnfn >]i7+ d" Gjr' laofbL;f Hofe\mjno\ g]kfMkfv]+ emfofbLlk+ g]jfM Gx\on'jfMlk+ kb\d/Tg t'nfw/, 8f= dx]zdfg >]i7 nufotof jQmflkG;+ g+ GjjfgfbL . -lskf — d"kfxf+ ;Todf]xg hf]zLh'oft n08g Pc/kf]6{o\ n;s'; ofgflb;]+ kf;f k'rM u'ly o"s]of 5\of~h] ;+o'Qm >]i7 -vjo\_, jN8{ g]jfM cu{gfOh]zg tby{ ;ldltof Gjs' 8f= afnuf]kfn >]i7 ln;]+ g]kfMkfv]+ emfofbLDx kfxf+ wd{/Tg zfSo_ WNO Adhoc Committee slhof yMu' vF xln+ g]jfM tMd'“Hof ;sn g]jfMto\u' Ujxfln+ n08go\ h'OTo+u' b' . Chair Yj d'“Hof+ ;sn g]jfMto\t 5wL ofO w}u' ljZjf; b' . yf}+of gL5u"u' Mr. Daya R. Shakya, USA ztfJbLO g]jfMto\t g]kfMufn+ lkxf+ jgfRj+lk+ g]kfno\ t'+ lnxf+ jg]u'kfv] knfM NJxg]dfMu' b' . dfl5 kxn ofo]dfMu'kfv] knfM NJxgL w}u' pln hs Co-chairs dv' g]kfM b];+ lkxf+ jofRj+lk+ g]jfMto\t g+ dfMu' kxn ofgf b]zo\ t'+ Dr. Bal Gopal Shrestha, UK lnxf+ jo]dfMu' sfo{qmd Uj;fM Ujo] dfMu' kfv] Yj tMd'“Hof; Ajlt Mr. Suwarn Vajracharya, Japan sofbLlk+ ;snl;t le+t'gf b]5fgf Rjgf . Mr. Tribhuvan R. Tuladhar, USA s[i0f rv'+ Members slh Mr. Aditya man Shrestha, USA xln+ g]jfM tMd'FHof Mr. Binod Manandhar 'Ala', USA Dr. Dhruba Shrestha, Netherland Mr. Govinda Shrestha, Canada Mrs. Kalpana Pradhan, India ;DkfbsLo Mr. Krishna Chakhun, UK lGxoflGxy+ cKjofRj+u' e"d08nLs/0fo\ g]jfMt hs Aofun+ Rjg] Dr. Narayan Rajbhandari, USA kmOdv' . yf}+ g]jfMt yLyL nhufM j zLk HjgfM xln+Go+sof s'+s'nfdo\ Ms. Neelam Pradhananga, Australia GogfRj+u' b' . g]jfMto\ Gx\oMg] yMu' hflto eljioof xfYof 5v] b';f Mr. Prajwal R Bajracharya, USA d]v] xlndo\ cfly{s j /fhg}lts x\o"kfMln;] Gx\oHofo]t dfMu' ;+3if{of Mr. Pramod Shrestha, UAE nFk' b' . Yj ;stf+ can] hs ;'yf+ nfO, uan] xln+Go+sof g]jfMt 5u" x] Dr. Prasanna Amatya, Canada yf;o\ NxfMto\ NxfM dfM xgfM Gx\ofM jgL . y'lsof BMNxfgf vM Gxfkf+u' Mrs. Rahena Wester, Germany Mrs. Rajani Pradhan, Belgium xln+ g]jfM tMdFH' of . Mr. Rajendra Pradhan, Belgium xln+ g]jfM tMd'FHof g;+rf vM . yg+ Gx"u' lb+ Gx\ofO . xln+ Go+sof Mr. Rajiv Shanker Shrestha, India g]jfMto\;+ Gx"u' ;'B{Mln;] Gx"u' knfM l5O . tfM O{ Gx\oj+lg;]+of g]jfMto\ Mr. Rajeesh Shrestha, USA tMDxu; Gx"u' ;'yln;] n08g+ Gx\ofo]To+u' b' . xln+ Go+sof g]jfMto\;+ Mr. Ripendra Awal, Japan yMu' Pstf lkAjo]u' le+lb+ Gxfkf+u' xln+ g]jfM tMd'FHof . Dr. Roshan Shrestha, USA jN8{ g]jfM cu{gfOh]zgof :jk's'+oft kf;f k'rM u'ly o"s]+ kflrgfM Mr. Sashi Mahaju, UK d"t{ ?k Ao"u' b' . y'u' x] n;tfo\ y'u' a'vFkf} l5u' NxfMltO ts Yo+u' b' Mr. Suchitra Bahadhur Shrestha, USA . Yj emL emL h"u'of lr+ vM . Mr. Season Shrestha, USA y'u' s'tno\ xMkfM laofbLlk+ l5slk+ ;sn]+ Ajldlk+, lj1fkgbftflk+, Mr. Subhash Ram Prajapati, USA Rjldlk+ bSjln;] cg'u|lxt h'of . Gxfkf+u' xln+ g]jfM tMd'FHof j g]=;+= !!#@ Gx"bF emLu' n'vfv?O YogfRj+u' b', y'lsof g+ le+t'gf . WNO Newslslsleeetttttter published byyy Media and Purblication Committee, World Newah Organization U: http://www.worldnewah.org Gx"b“ g]=;+= !!#@ of le+t'gf E: [email protected] EEEddditititors jN8{ g]jfM cu{gfOh]zg Daya Shakya Subhash Ram Prajapati kf;f k'rM u'ly o"s] ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 2 WNO Newsletter Gxfkf+u' xln+ g]jfM tMd'FHof nflu le+t'gf ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ WNO Newsletter 3 WWorldorld NewahNewah OrganizationOrganization isis bornborn What lies ahead Tribhuvan R. Tuladhar Eleven years ago the socio- honest and industrious traders, skilled cultural conditions of the Newah builders, talented craftsmen, productive people was less precarious then it is farmers, and tolerant, hospitable people today. The thinking and vision at that who built the most admired and desired time was that if anything was to city in the Himalayas. happen to the Newah people and Is Newars the victim of their own their culture in our homeland Nepal success and accomplishment or they do the Newah people around the world not understand the polity of the new would come together and join in the reality and how to deal with it? struggle with our compatriot for the It will not be out of place to note survival of the Newah Cultural and that all this has happened mainly because history. However intuitive or fore- of anti-Newar sentiment of the ruling class sightful was this at the time the of Khas-Bahun coaltion who relentlessly events and happenings of the present blocked and hindered the advancement of days have shown that many of the the Newar people and their culture in fears and apprehensions has now every way possible. Also, it is due to the come to pass. The socio-economical, inherent individualistic and self-centered cultural and political condition of the outlook of the Newah people themselves Newah people has deteriorated at an devoid of understanding of the need of alarming rate. Socio-political collective societal unity or nationalistic leadership is woefully lacking. feeling of any kind. Cultural richness of Property, business and land-holding as the Newah people is offset by their T HE BEGINNING: decreased to a level not known before. poverty of their political and civic sense. T The pressure due to uncontrolled Personal accomplishment, moral integrity Eleven years ago in the year 2000, at migration in the homeland has torn apart and talent being totally overshadowed by one of the gathering of the Newah people the social and cultural fabric of the zealot and jealous ruling elite who wanted in Maryland, USA, a call was made to bring community. Khas language now spoken in to break the spirit, culture and language all the Newah people around the world to a every Newah homes as Newah got brain- of the Newah people by every means single venue to meet and connect so that a washed to thinking that khas language available to them. way can be devised to solve cultural and will lead to more opportunities and Eleven Years after the time has social issues of the Newah People. Thus a prosperities which has actually degraded changed and reality of situation on the call for an International Newah Conference the Newah family and community. ground calls to forge that needed unity was made. Furthermore, Inter-race marrying of the once and for all and the true Not forgetting who we are, and Newah girls has handed over properties understanding for the betterment and where we come from, the Newah People, and resources of the community and the honest struggle for the Newah people and residing outside Nepal, felt the need to newah family and bond have become the people of Nepal as a whole.
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