21COE, University of Tokyo MMRC Discussion Paper No. 99 MMRC-F-99 Competitive Strategy of Global Firms and Industrial Clusters - Case Study on the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Industry - Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Hosei University Researcher, Manufacturing Management Research Center (MMRC), University of Tokyo AMANO Tomofumi September 2006 21COE, University of Tokyo MMRC Discussion Paper No. 99 Competitive Strategy of Global Firms and Industrial Clusters1 – Case Study on the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Industry – Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Hosei University Researcher, Manufacturing Management Research Center (MMRC), University of Tokyo 2 AMANO Tomofumi September 2006 1 This report has expanded and revised the content of Chapter 5 of the following book for the purpose of presentation at the GRIPS/MMRC Joint Symposium: Amano Tomofumi, Higashi Ajia No Kokusai Bungyō To Nihon Kigyō: Aratana Kigyō Seichō He No Tenbō (East Asian Linkage and Japanese Firmss: A New Perspective of Corporate Growth), Yuhikaku. 2 Contact:AMANO Tomofumi,Faculty of Business Administration, Hosei University, Address: 2-17-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8160, Japan, Tel: +81-3-3264-4486, E-mail:
[email protected] 1 Tomofumi Amano Introduction This report discusses the location strategies of multinational firms based and the industrial policies of the investment recipient countries. For firms engaged in international business, the timing of foreign investment, selection of the locations, and maintenance and expansion of their local operations are all important strategic matters. Then what can be the strategic nature of foreign investment by firms that have succeeded in strengthening their competitive advantage? What are the unique aspects of the policies taken by recipient countries? This report will focus upon the strategic nature of investment for global firms and the strategic nature of investment-attracting policy for the recipient countries.