Packet Assigned: Wednesday 3/1 Name:______Ms. Raia Packet Due: Tuesday 3/14 AP European History / Sec:____ Date:______World War I and the Russian Revolution Chapter 26 The purpose of these packets are to help with memorization, reading comprehension and retention as well as with analysis. Remember, the effort and time you put into your work is what you will get out of it on exams, class activities and especially on the AP exam in May. You are to come to class having done the work.

By the end of the unit you will be able to define the following: Gavirlo Princip Total War February Revolution Russian-German The Black Hand Rasptuin Anglo-Japanese Alliance Western Front Zimmerman Telegram Provisional government Entente Cordial Schlieffen Plan Balfour Note Alexander Kerensky Anglo-German Arms Race Battle of the Marne Woodrow Wilson Petrograd Soviet Trench Warfare Fourteen Points Moscow Bertha von Suttner Battle of Verdun Self Determination Petrograd Battle of the Somme Meuse – Argonne offensive Army Order No. 1 Kruger Telegram Erich Remarque Paris Peace Conference April Thesis Conference Eastern Front Big Four Kornilov Affair S econd Moroccan Crisis General Hindenburg Versailles Treaty October Revolution “Sick man of Europe” General Ludendorf Article 231 Politburo Pan-Slavism Treaty of Brest-Litovsk League of Nations Red Army Young Turks Gallipoli Campaign John Maynard Keynes Cheka First Balkan Crisis Lawrence of Arabia Easter Rebellion Communist Party British Naval Blockade Vladimir Lenin Russian Civil War Lusitania Mensheviks Reds Third Balkan War unrestricted submarine warfare Bolsheviks Whites Archduke Franz Ferdinand Archangel expedition Leon Trotsky War communism

Take time to reflect and comprehensively answer the following questions. These are to be answered as short answers not in essay format. Answers must reflect content from reading the chapter. Answers based solely on the provided notes are incomplete. 1. Discuss the diplomatic developments that led to the creation of two rival blocks of power in Europe by 1914. 2. What role did nationalism play in the outbreak of the First World War? What were the origins and causes of the Third Balkan War? 3. Why did a stalemate develop so early in the war? Describe the nature of the fighting and the stalemate, including its impact on the soldiers. 4. Describe the two major sides in the First World War, including what nations joined each side and why? Where and why did the war spread outside of Europe? 5. What impact did the war hove on the economy and people at home? In what ways did the war strengthen socialism? 6. How were the Allies able to defeat Germany in 1918? 7. What were the major goals of each of the major powers going into the peace talk at Paris? TO what extent were these goals thwarted, and to what extent were the fulfilled? 8. Describe the basic terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Was it overly harsh? Why or why not? 9. How did the peace settlement in the Middle East create instability and resentment in the region? 10. What factors led to the fall of imperial Russia? Who was Rasputin and how did his actions contribute to the fall of the Romanovs? 11. What changes did the provisional government in Russia introduce? Identify the Petrograd Soviet, and describe its role in the government. Why was the provisional government not able to retain power? 12. In what way s did Lenin’s philosophies and actions differ from Marx’s predictions of a communist Revolution? 13. Who were the Bolsheviks? Why were Lenin’s ideas popular with peasants and urban workers? 14. How were the Bolsheviks able to gain and keep power? Who was Trotsky and what role did he play? 15. How did the Bolsheviks establish a dictatorial socialist society? What were the reasons or the Bolshevik victory in the civil war? 16. Compare and contrast the French and Russian Revolutions.

Unit Breakdown

Assignment 1 – Causes & Preparing for War 1. Textbook pages 816-821 March 2017 2. Packet Questions: 1,2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3. Reader 3/1 3/2 3/3  Pages 295-298 #1,3 Assign#1 Assign #2 Assign#3  Pages 298-304 #1

Assignment 2 – War on all Fronts 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/10 1. Textbook pages 821-833 Assign #4 Paris Peace WWI Quiz Assign #6 Assign #7 2. Packet Questions: 3-5 Conference Assign #5 3. Reader 3/13 3/14 3/15  Pages 304-307 #1-3 page 308  Pages 309-312 #2,3 Debate Packet Due RR & WWI Assign#8 Exam Assignment 3 – Ending the War & Peace Settlements 1. Textbook pages 838-848 2. Packet Questions:6-9 3. Study for Quiz 4. Reader  Pages 313-316 #1-3

Assignment 4 1. Prepare for Paris Peace Conference Simulation

Assignment 5 – Russian Revolution Complete Reading and questions from class

Assignment 6– Causes and Early Changes in Revolutionary Russia 1. Textbook pages 833-835 2. Packet Questions: 10,11 3. Prepare debate

Assignment 7 – Lenin, Marx and the Effects of the Revolution on Russia 1. Textbook pages 835-838 2. Packet Questions:12-16 3. Prepare debate 4. Reader  Pages 317-319 #1-3

Assignment 8 1. Study for Exam